
By Tin-chee Lo; 盧天賜

舊約下的以色列人得救不是因著順服神,而是因信仰望救主的來臨嗎? 哪些經文表明這種信心對他們的救贖是必要的?

全本聖經清楚地表明,沒有人能因自己的善行而得救,只能因信上帝的應許而得生。只有在伊甸園,救恩建立在順服的基礎上。並且,伴隨著這個順服的要求,是一個死亡的警告:「只是分別善惡樹上的果子、你不可喫、因為你喫的日子必定死 (創 2:17)。」到了第三章,我們看到亞當夏娃, 因回應撒但的引誘和騙局,導致被判罸刑。「你必汗流滿面纔得糊口、直到你歸了土、因為你是從土而出的.你本是塵土、仍要歸於塵土。(創 3:19) 」

從那時起,沒有人能藉著自己的順服行為而得救。蒙救贖的人是因基督的順服行為而得救。基督的順服行為包括 (1) 祂生在律法之下而祂全守所有的律法;更重要的是(2) 祂在十字架上捨命,為罪人付出救贖的代價。因此,凡相信基督的,都必得救獲永生。

誠然,新約與舊約均高度重視人的順服行為。「如今你們若實在聽從我的話、遵守我的約、就要在萬民中作屬我的子民、因為全地都是我的 (出19:5)。」這是上帝給聽從祂的話的人的應許。「成為屬神的子民」就是得救的意思。但這絕不意味著,除了「信心之路」之外,還有另一條通往天堂的「行為之路」。相反的,這個應許是給一群信徒,他們已經從罪中悔改,在信心中將心交給耶和華的人。


亞當夏娃從一開始便教導他們的兒子從小知道要為他們可能犯的罪獻上必須的祭給耶和華。亞伯在祭壇上獻上蒙神悅納的祭,作為信心的行為。亞伯的「信心行為」是代表性地提前呈現稍後將在各各他山上提供的赎罪。亞伯的信心被希伯來書作者肯定:「亞伯因著信獻祭與 神、比該隱所獻的更美、因此便得了稱義的見證、就是 神指他禮物作的見證.他雖然死了、卻因這信仍舊說話。(來11:4)」


  • 「亞伯蘭信耶和華、耶和華就以此為他的義。(創15:6)」
  • 「因為 神應許亞伯拉罕和他後裔、必得承受世界、不是因律法、乃是因信而得的義。(羅4:13)」

因此, 我们可以説, 摩西那一代人,對上述的 「出19:5」應許,不可能會誤解這「單單因信得救」的原則。

出埈及記第廿章中最顯著的經文就是十誡 (20:1-17)。那𥚃有誡命,那𥚃就有順服的要求。否則誡命就毫無意義,它就只不過是一大堆條文而矣。然而,就在同一章提到祭祀崇拜。首次是記在 (20:24) :「你要為我築土壇、在上面以牛羊獻為燔祭、和平安祭.凡記下我名的地方、我必到那裡賜福給你。」

「献祭」是舊約中的重要主題 (參 利未記)。它的意義何在?献祭的基本原則是:無辜動物的生命替換那些有罪和那死在罪惡過犯者的生命。使他們可以通過「相信」這個替換原則而悔改,從而獲得所應許的赦免,而不是通過他們虔誠的「順服」。

論到舊約時代,希伯來書如此記錄:「但這些祭物是叫人每年想起罪來。因為公牛和山羊的血、斷不能除罪。(來10:3-4)。」原來舊約的献祭,乃是指向新約的基督:「但現在基督已經來到、作了將來美事的大祭司、經過那更大更全備的帳幕、不是人手所造也不是屬乎這世界的.並且不用山羊和牛犢的血、乃用自己的血、只一次進入聖所、成了永遠贖罪的事 (來9:11-12)。」

然而,如何把這個「流血贖罪」的益處帶給罪人?答案是:無論是十字架之前的人,或是十字架之後的人,都是通過他們的「信心」,而不是通過他們作為功德的「順服行為」。新約的人通過相信基督而得救。舊約的人通過律法和神的話語而得救。然而,律法的總結就是基督(羅19:4); 神的話語就是道,道成了肉身 (約1:1) 就是基督。所以無論是舊約或新約的人,都是因基督的寶血蒙救贖而得永生。

保羅明確地宣告,「你們得救是本乎恩、也因著信、這並不是出於自己、乃是 神所賜的.也不是出於行為、免得有人自誇。(弗2:8-9)」

既然救恩只有通過信心才能實現,那麼,甚麼是信心?聖經所指的是「真正活生生的信仰」,就是認真地「對待」基督的絕對主權, 從而結出敬虔生活的果子。這種「對待」是建立在真正全面降服的基礎上,即心意,感情、思想和身體的真正降服。保羅簡潔地說,「所以弟兄們、我以 神的慈悲勸你們、將身體獻上、當作活祭、是聖潔的、是 神所喜悅的.你們如此事奉、乃是理所當然的。(羅12:1)。」這𥚃所用的「理所當然」可譯作「符合邏輯的屬靈敬拜」。可見事奉與敬拜同義。


新約的使徒保羅也懇切呼籲, 「這樣、你們向罪也當看自己是死的.向 神在基督耶穌裡、卻當看自己是活的。所以不要容罪在你們必死的身上作王、使你們順從身子的私慾。(羅6:11-12)」

真正活生生的信仰必定導致身份的改變:「感謝 神、因為你們從前雖然作罪的奴僕、現今卻從心裡順服了所傳給你們道理的模範。你們既從罪裡得了釋放、就作了義的奴僕。(羅6:17-18)」

在本文的開始有這樣一句話:「在伊甸園,救恩建立在順服的基礎上。」我們如何去理解?亞當在未犯罪之前他本來就是一個得救的人。他不用通過順服才能得救。但他可以因「不順服」而墮落。一旦墮落,他就和我們一樣要通過信心才能得救。他因不順服導致屬靈的死亡,即與神隔絕,這刑罸代表上帝的公義。後來上帝主動「為亞當和他妻子用皮子作衣服、給他們穿 (創3:21)」這是上帝給他們的恩典。皮衣從殺死動物而來,這就是舊約獻祭的開始。

神又對蛇說,「我又要叫你和女人彼此為仇、你的後裔和女人的後裔 (單數)、也彼此為仇.女人的後裔要傷你的頭、你要傷他的腳跟 (創3:15)」。蛇是魔鬼撒但,女人的後裔是指童女馬利亞之子耶穌。有神學家這樣說,這句話就是福音,而整本聖經都是對這一句話的詮釋。

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By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜)

(創2:10-14) 是唯一的聖經資料提供一些關於伊甸園大致位置的線索。但它所預設的地質情況巳不再存在。底格里斯 (Tigris) 和 幼發拉底 (Euphrates) 發源於亞美尼亞高地 (highlands of Armenia) ,即今土耳其東部。這是伊甸園位置的最佳可能性。


  • 第一道名叫比遜 (Pishon)、就是環繞哈腓拉全地 (land of Havilah) 的.在那裡有金子、並且那地的金子是好的.在那裡又有珍珠和紅瑪瑙(2:11-12) 。
  • 第二道河名叫基訓 (Gihon)、就是環繞古實全地 (land of Ethiopia) 的 (2:13)。
  • 第三道河名叫希底結 (Hiddekel)、流在亞述 (Assyria) 的東邊(2:14a)。[又稱底格里斯河 (Tigris)]。
  • 第四道河就是伯拉河 (Euphrates) (2:14b)。


有一條大河從伊甸流出,分支成四條河,底格里斯河 (Tigris) 和幼發拉底河 (Euphrates) 以及另外兩條長河:比遜 (Pishon) 和 基訓 (Gihon)。

比遜河 (Pishon) 沿著阿拉伯南部或西南部海岸往下流到哈腓拉 (Havilah) 全地,那地盛產金子和香料。, 那裡有大量寶石的沉積物。

基訓河(Gihon) 通向古實 (Cush), 這古實位於東部, 可能是一些亞洲地區, 而不是非洲的古實即今天的埃塞俄比亞 (Ethiopia)。至於古實 (Cush),我們找不到有用的線索。但此地名常與蘇美爾的基什人 (Kish in Sumeria) 或 卡斯特人 (Kassites) 連在一起。他們據說是源自伊朗北部和土耳其的東南部的扎格羅斯山脈 (Zagros Mountain) 。

底格里斯河 (希伯來文是 Hiddekel;波斯語是 (Trgia) 和幼發拉底河今天仍然存在。但比遜與基訓已不復存在。它們完全消失的最最合理的解釋是:在洪水時期隨著大陸漂移所引發的山脈形成終止了這兩個河流系統。关于陸地漂移,地贸學家認為阿拉伯半岛 (Arabia) 原本與東非的索馬里蘭 (Somalian) 和埃塞俄比亞 (Ethiopian) 海岸在史前時期是相連接的。這就好像以東的西珥山脈 (Mt. Seir Range in Edom) 在洪水時期被隆起,阻止了約旦河流入亞喀巴灣 (Gulf of Aqaba) ,並解釋了死海的形成。比遜與基訓的消失可用数似的大陸漂移作其解釋。

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創世記 2 不是與創世記 1 呈現不同的創造順序嗎?

By Tin-chee Lo; 盧天赐


創世記第二章第四節是把第一章的頭五個日以這一句話作一總結的引言:「創造天地的來歷、在耶和華 神造天地的日子、乃是這樣」而沒有加上任何新的創造細節資料。可見第二章的目標不是論及創造的過程而是把注意力集中在第六日中关乎「人」的身上,甚至第六日頭一部份的創造—-動物走獸,人猿等—-都沒有提,以免分散對人的注意力, 因为人是上帝創造的高峯。


第二章的主要關注是人。提到上帝創造亞當與夏娃的細節和他們所處的環境, 而完全沒有近東文化中那種的虛構神話傳說的色彩。

(創2:5-6) 提到野地 (地球, 土地,或 整個一搬區域) 的原始狀況。在第三日創造的田間菜蔬, 還沒有長起來因為耶和華 神還沒有降雨在地上、也沒有人耕地。但上帝使用特殊灌溉系統,使霧氣從地上騰、滋潤遍地,為亞當居住環境作出準備。

(創2:7-8) 上帝用独特的方法創造亞當和夏娃,這與創造其它所有活物的方式截然不同,並特別為他預備完美的居所—伊甸園—使他可以觀察和享受周圍環境的美麗和豐富。這是第二章所提到的唯一創造。

(創2:9-14) 述及伊甸園有各式各樣的花草樹木,及大量的菓樹可供食用,又有四道大川维持茂密的植物。伊甸園處於高地,四道大川從伊甸流出,流向邊界以外的較低地區。

(創2:15) 上帝安置亞當在伊甸園, 並分派他一份引人入勝的工作,就是:饲养,修理,和看守這個偉大的自然保護區。

從這十五節聖經,很明顯地,讓我們看到創世記第二章的目的,它並不是敘述創造的故事,至少內中沒有提及太陽, 月亮, 星宿, 海洋的形成,因它已經假定創世記第一章的創造作為背景。甚至動物也沒有提及,直至亞當被分派去履行一項任務, 就是給帶到他面前的每個物種或鳥類或野獸等各樣活物指定的名字 (創 2:18-20)。這就相當於今天的「命名學」和「分類學」。所以亞當應是人類的第一位科學家。

在此階段之前,上帝與亞當立約:「耶和華 神吩咐他說、園中各樣樹上的果子、你可以隨意喫.只是分別善惡樹上的果子、你不可喫、因為你喫的日子必定死。(2:16-17) 」神最終的目的是期望亞當成為一個順從的孩子。

在命名和分類的過程中,亞當發覺與這些動物交朋友並不能滿足他心靈深處的需要。神就在此時用奇妙的方式為他預備夏娃作他助手與他相伴。「耶和華 神使亞當沉睡、他就睡了.於是取下他的一條肋骨、又把肉合起來。耶和華 神就用那人身上所取的肋骨、造成一個女人、領他到那人跟前。(創2:21-22) 」最後幾節是生動地描繪人類第一次的婚姻,我們可以想像出亞當欣然接受神為他預備的新助手,並毫無保留地作出愛情的承諾。

從比較文學 (comparative literature) 的觀點來說,創世記第二章與所有創世記錄 (包括猶太人的創世記第一章以及異教徒的神話傳說) 形成鮮明的對比。起碼,創世記第二章沒有提到最基本的天地的創造和動植物的創造,所以它不能被稱為「創世記錄」。


了解人在神面前的價值,我們就了解到人生的: 源頭,目標,意義,道德责任,和歸宿。這就是創世記第二章的主旨。

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By Tin-chee Lo; 盧天赐; December 14, 2022


在創世記第一章的32節中,只用伊羅興 (Elohim) 作為上帝的名字的稱號。而在第二章,卻突出地單單選用耶和華作為上帝的個人名字。這個問題首次由一位聲名顯赫的法國醫生名叫Jean Astruc (讓·阿斯特魯克) 於1753年提出。他認為創世記第一章旳源頭必定是取自早期的文學作品, 而當時的人只知道上帝的名字是伊羅興。而第二章是來自另一個源頭,當時的人巳經知道耶和華 (Jehovah) 這個名字。這種認為摩西五經作者不是摩西的想法到了十九世纪發展了一套称为「 底本學説 (Documentary Hypothesis, DH) 亅的新派思想。

萊比錫 (J. G. Eichhorn of Leipzig) 把這個「耶和華-伊羅興」的源頭劃分,從創世記的頭兩章延展到出埈及記6:2-3。從而展开了進一步的討論。

  • V. 2 神曉諭摩西說、我是耶和華 (Jehovah).
  • V. 3 我從前向亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各、顯現為全能的 神 (伊勒沙代;El Shaddai, God Almighty) 、至於我名耶和華、他們未曾知道 (I did not make myself known to them) 。

這表示第一章所根據的資料源頭是對「耶和華」的名字,未曾被人所知。而第二章是根據另一個資料的源頭, 是當時耶和華的名字巳經為人所知。


「知道耶和華的名」或 「知道我是耶和華」之詞具有非常特殊的意義。這樣的表達在舊約聖經出現至少26次之多,而每一次都意味著子民能通過他們的實際的經驗「認識」到耶和華神是守約的上帝;祂是管教,照顧,和拯救立約之民脫離他們敵人之手的上帝,如(出6:7) 所說的那樣:「我要以你們為我的百姓.我也要作你們的 神、你們要 “知道” 我是耶和華你們的 神、是救你們脫離埃及人之重擔的 (出6:7) 。」顯然、這𥚃的「知道」是指希伯求人在關係上对上帝的「認識」、而不是单单的「聽过」而矣。

其實在十災之前,摩西曾要求法老容百姓離開埈及往曠野去敬拜耶和華神,法老回答說「耶和華是誰、使我聽他的話、容以色列人去呢、我不認識耶和華、也不容以色列人去 (出5:2) 」。那時法老尚未「認識」耶和華,但他巳「聽過」耶和華,否則他為何會問「耶和華是誰?」但「聽過」不等於「認識」。他雖聽過耶和華的名字不知多少次,但他在經歷上不「認識」耶和華。 但在十災的痛苦經歷中,法老終於「認識」了耶和華:「我要使法老的心剛 硬、他要追趕他們、我便在法老和他全軍身上得榮耀、埃及人就 “知道” 我是耶和華.於是以色列人這樣行了 (出 14:4) 」。顯然、這𥚃的「知道」是指在關係上、法老对耶和華的「認識」、而不像從前的「聽过」而矣。

現在讓再看看 (出6:3): 「我從前向亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各、顯現為全能的 神 (El Shaddai, God Almighty)、至於我名耶和華、他們未曾知道 (I did not make myself known to them)。」

上帝是全能統治者,祂的主杈凌駕在創造界和一切自然力量之上。雖然人還不「認識」祂,但都「聽過」祂的名。因為上帝早在亞伯拉罕、以撒、雅各時代,以「全能者和創造主」的身分向子民顯現、這是一搬性的启示。正如詩篇所説、「諸天述說 神的榮耀.穹蒼傳揚他的 手段」。人類透過大自然,歷史,和祂的全能,都聽過祂,使人無可推諉。但在上帝尙未與我们建立個人關係之前, 特別是救贖方面, 我们只能聽过祂,而不能認識祂,摩西也不例外。所以在這密切關係上摩西当时是「未曾知道」。所以上帝必須曉諭摩西,讓他「認識」祂。上帝藉著「拯救整個以色列民族脫離埃及的奴役」的方式向摩西顯示祂自己是一位守約施慈愛的耶和華,不單單只是威嚴的伊羅興 (Elohim) 或全能的伊勒沙代 (El Shaddai) 。今天,上帝在基督𥚃向我們顯現,使我們在建立個人關係方面認識 祂,這是神对選民的特殊的啓示 (Special Revelation) 。

因此,我們應這樣理解出埃及記 6:3 的意思:「我向亞伯拉罕、以撒和雅各顯現作為受造界的全能統治者 (El Shaddai),在一切自然的力量之上。但我沒有向他們展示自己作為守約的耶和華(Yahweh),就是用奇蹟般的救贖方式, 拯救整個以色列民族脫離埃及的奴役的那一位上帝。」「耶和華」的稱號意味著上帝的信實和衪對立約子民的關懷——儘管這也與祂與個別信徒的交往有關。

因此,從創世記的記載中,每當論到上帝與亞伯拉罕及其家族的關係時,上帝總是被稱為雅威 (Yahweh)。 所以創世記時代,耶和華之名是為人所知的。但這個稱號是為摩西一代保留的。 因為當他們看到上帝代表他們施行的劃時代規模的神蹟,他們便領會到雅威 (耶和華) 的意義。


在這個愛與公義交織的過程中,他們平安地出了埈及。在那裡建立一個新的信仰共同體,在摩西律法的指導下運作。這就是我們對出埃及記 6:3 的真實意圖的理解方式。這與艾希霍恩 (Eichhorn) 的底本學説 (Documentary) 對摩西五經的解釋截然不同。


在整個創世記第三章中,耶和華(Yahweh)從不單獨使用、總是與(Elohim) 連在一起用,直至到了4:1 我們才第一次看到Yahweh單獨使用而沒有與Elohim連在一起。


鑑於在第二章和第三章中兩個稱號一致地聯合使用,我們很難想像到Astruc, Eichhorn (阿斯特魯克、艾希霍恩) 或其他學者會提出如此的一個底本論 (Documentary Hypothesis)。由於兩個名字不斷地結合使用,學者不得不作出假設:一些编校人员選擇把先驗的原始资料用 ”剪刀的力量” 把一些以J為結尾 (Yahweh) 的小片與以E (Elohim) 或P作開始的小片粘在一起,以此解釋為何兩個名字會結合在一起。這種人為的和怪異的組合過程貫穿整整兩章。這是從未被發現過的的文學作品。這需要非凡的天真和輕信才能接受這種說法。


埃及神明奧西里斯 (Osiris) 意即地獄之王 (the lord of the netherworld) 和死者審判者 (judge of the dead)。牠有其它三個名字:

  • 善良的人 (Wennefer)
  • 西方人中的佼佼者 (Foremost of the Westerners)
  • 阿比多斯之王 (Neb-abdu).

這四個名字都在柏林博物館的石碑 (Ikhernofer Stela) 可以找到。

巴比倫的神祇,彼勒巴力 (Bel Baal),蘇美爾 (Sumerian) 頭銜是恩利爾 (Enlil) 和努南尼爾 (Nunamnir) 都是為人所知的。月神 (Moon god) 又稱 Sin (辛) 和 南娜 (?)。

敘利亞北部烏加里特 (Ugarit in North Syria) 在摩西時代之前人們膜拜迦南文化中的巴力(Baal), 它的別名是阿里揚 (Aliyan),出現在他們的平行詩歌 (stichoi of parallelistic poetry) 中, 與希伯來文的平行詩歌相似。


  • 宙斯(Zeus)也是克羅尼翁(Kronion)和奧林匹斯(Olympius); 
  • 雅典娜(Athena)是帕拉斯(Pallas); 
  • 阿波羅 (Apollo) 也是太陽神 (Phoebus) 和 皮修斯 (Pythius)



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By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); 12/10/2022


地層中的化石和可裂變礦物 (fissionable minerals)指向地球歷史是數十億年之久。而創世記則認為史前的歷史是「六個 24 小時的日子」,而人類的歷史最多是一萬年左右。聖經與地質學呈現巨大的差異,使人們(特別是科學家) 懷疑聖經的可信度。但科學家們中也有異議;本文將分析各家說法,顯示這個 “衝突” 只是外观上的,而不是真實的。


但對「聖經無誤」的真實和正確的信念,是既不涉及「文字的解釋規則」也不涉及「喻意的解釋規則」, 解經者所需要知道的是聖經作者所用詞句的實際含意。

例1: (馬太19:24) 耶穌說, “我又告訴你們、駱駝穿過鍼的眼、比財主進 神的國還容易呢。” 「穿鍼眼」與「進神國」是平行的短句。「穿鍼眼」是人人熟悉的形象。「駱駝穿鍼眼」是修辭形象,說明某事情的難度或不可能性。如果富人對自己的物質財富感到自豪以致不願悔改,依靠上帝,那麼天國就與他無份。這樣的屬靈解釋,大家都公認它是比「絕對字面主義 (absolute literalism)」者的解釋更合理。

例2: (約2:19-21) 當群眾挑戰耶穌行一些神蹟,祂便指着聖殿說, ”你們拆毀這殿、我三日內要再建立起來。” 猶太人便說、”這殿是四十六年纔造成的、你三日內就再建立起來麼。” 但耶穌這話、不是一個字面的預言。祂自己解釋道,「是以他的身體為殿」。當時門徒還是一頭霧水,直至主耶穌復活後,才明白「我三日內要再建立起來」是指主的身體復活 (bodily resurrection)。在圣经诠释上,我們當然支持「字面解經」,但不能與「絕對字面主義 (absolute literalism)」認同 。

當我們打開創世記第一章時, 我們是有責任去盡可能清楚地確定作者 (摩西) 要向我們表達那被聖靈引導所寫下來的語言的意思。如果我們只看頭五個創造日 (創1:3-23) 的記錄,而不顧別處的經文,那麼,把創造日解釋為24小時 (或更短) 的一天,完全沒有問題。有些創造,如光的創造 (創1:3), 只須一瞬間, 不須24 小時。

現在讓我們的注意力集中在第六個創造日:如果這個創造日也是如前那五日一樣,指24小時的一天,那麼,我們會發現很多難以理解的事情。首先,讓我們仔細看看第27節,論及人 (亞當,夏娃) 的創造,這也是上帝最後和最高峯的創造。在第六日的創造中,上帝首先做各樣的動物,然後到那日快結束前不久,上帝就照著自己的形像一起造亞當和夏娃。到目前為止,聽起來沒有甚麼問題,難道24小時還不夠上帝作這些事情嗎? 根據(1:27) 的純粹字面解經,亞當夏娃是在同一天受造。但到了創世記第二章,我們發現創造亞當和創造夏娃之間有段相當長的時間介入在其中。在亞當還是單身漢時,上帝派他做以下的事情:

(2:15) 「耶和華 神將亞當安置在伊甸園、使他修理看守」。伊甸園是個巨大的地域,內中有優秀的樹林,豐富的水果和作物,又有四條大河流向近東其他地區。亞當一直勤奮地負責從事耕種,修剪,維護,收割,還要常常保持地面沒有野草等。環境雖理想,卻是一項巨大的勞作。 開始時,他對管理這個美麗的大自然感到興奮, 但很快意識到工作的巨大,實在獨力難當。他漸漸內心開始不滿,久而久之,亞當產生孤獨感。心理學家告訴我們,心理狀況的改變,不是兩三小時的事,乃是經過長年累月發展出來的。

這些上帝都知道。為了彌補那使人厭煩的勞工,上帝給他另外一個要用頭腦的創新性工作。就是對園中每一種哺乳動物,爬行動物,飛蟲和鳥類,進行分類和命名。這是重大科學巨業。瑞典科學家林奈 (Carl Linnaeus; 1707-1778) 花了幾十年的時間對18 世紀歐洲科學家已知的所有物種進行了分類。雖然, 毫無疑問, 亞當時代的動物群範圍 (range of fauna) ,還未發展到像18世紀時那麼複雜,若不是幾十年,至少也需十年的功夫才能完成這工作, 絕非數小時就可告成。與此同時,我們必須考慮到亞當沒有前人所建立的科學基礎支持他 (沒有巨人的肩膀可站),也沒有個人電腦幫助他點數。他自己必須單獨檢查每個樣本,確定合適的名稱。今天我們都知道命名學 (nomenclature) 和分類學 (taxonomy) 是所有科學的重要初階。所以,亞當的工作不比林奈所作的容易。他能在一天內完成這項工作嗎?  這項引人入勝的任務終於成功,但亞當感到一種新的空虛感, 因為每隻被帶到他面前的動物都與他不相配。

(2:20) 「那人便給一切牲畜、和空中飛鳥、野地走獸都起了名.只是那人沒有遇見配偶幫助他。」經過這漫長而令人不快的經歷,亞當,這孤獨的單身漢,在情感上已經準備好了。上帝就把-個合適的幫手賜給他。上帝讓亞當沉睡, 從他的身體中最接近心臟的地方取出一條肋骨塑造了女人, 起名夏娃。 [筆者的基督徒朋友, 黃力夫教授, 是著名的藥物和生物學家,他認為肋骨是身體中含幹細胞 (Stem cell) 最多的地方; 幹細胞是發展噐器官的原動力。] 寂寞的亞當看到這位純潔的美女便欣喜若狂,愁容消散。這是人類第一次的婚姻記錄。

當我們把 創世記1:27 與 2:15-22 進行比較,我們就發現創世記第一章從未被作者打算把「第六日」等同於二十四小時的一天。如果我們硬要把亞當的所有經歷擠在一日的最後幾個小時,那就近乎「純粹的非理性」了。唯一合理的結論就是:創世記第一章的重點不是要我們知道宇宙被創的速度,乃是上帝透過摩西啟示給希伯來人,宇宙有一位創造主,祂是耶和華,祂願意與人建立關係,是一位守約施慈愛的至高無上的獨一真神,與周圍的異教神形成顯明的對比。

摩西在異教文化中長大,他熟悉古代世界中很多虛構的「創世史」,大致所提到的都是一些異教文化英雄與萬神殿中的神明 (pantheon of gods), 就是牛鬼蛇龍之類的鬼神混戰,與聖經中的「空虛混亂淵面黒暗」有相似的語言。但聖經沒有神話類似的胡語,卻強調神一開口說話 (and God said),就克服了混亂,形體不明的狀態經過有條不紊和系統的方式,由一周中連續的幾天來表示祂創造過程的進展,終於成為「神看為甚好」的宇宙。創世記第一章也強調神的創造是從無到有 (Ex nihilo) ,不像異教徒所相信的,從「先前存在的物質」,被某些神秘的力量激励和驅動,形成現存的世界。換句話說,創世紀第一章是摩西要希伯來人知道,他們的神是與其它眾神明不同的耶和華上帝。在舊約中,這一點常被強調。所以當摩西提到希伯來人的神時,總是以「亞伯拉罕的神,以撒的神,雅各的神」作稱號,以明確區別於一切當時的偶像眾神明。

在希伯來語文本中, 六個創造日全部都沒有明確的冠詞 (如英語中的the)。這意味著這個「日」字不是嚴格限定的時間單位, 乃是指序列 (sequence)。希伯來語學者認為 「有晚上、有早晨、這是頭一日」等,是錯誤的翻譯;應譯作「有晚上、有早晨、這是一」。就好像中文語中的:首先 (1); 其次 (2); 再次 (3); 然後 (4); 還有 (5); 最後 (6) 等一連串的次序表達「階段」的字眼。另一方面,如果一個「可量度的時間」而沒有冠詞, 在希伯來文散文中, 是不合文法的,除非用在詩歌的文體上。筆者不懂希伯來文,讀者如想再深入研究,可請教希伯來文專家。所以我們有理由說,第一章可能是以詩歌體裁作出創造的概論。而第二章是專注於人的记叙文。無論如何,到此地步,我們巳有足夠的證據使被說服: 創世記第一章中的「日」乃是指「階段」, 而非24小時。現在讓我們詳細觀察六個創造階段的內容。

第一階段的創造 (1:2-5)


第二階段的創造 (1:6-8)


第三階段的創造 (1:9-13)


第四階段的創造 (1:14-19)

上帝將雲層盖子分開,足以讓陽光直射照到大地。首次從地球可準確地觀察到日月星晨的運行。我們不應將第 16 節理解為第一次天體的創造,而是說明在這階段中, 上帝放置巳經被造的各天體,在它們指定的位置,以期它們最終充當時間的指示器,以作記號、定節令。第16 節中,「神造了兩個大光」,原文專家認為應把它翻譯為「神 “巳經” 造了兩個大光」。

關於太陽被造的時間,有異議認為「光與人類的生活和生命息息相關,所以在先民的傳統中,拜太陽神一直是人類文明的重要部份。但太陽不是光的本身、它只是光的載體。上帝藉此教導人不去拜偶像,所以祂先在第一階段創造了非物質的光 (1:3),然後延至第四階段 (1:16) 才創造實體的太陽。」這說法聽來頗有道理,但這不是原文所要表達的,特在此一提。

第五階段的創造 (1: 20-23)

創造主充分發展了海洋生物,淡水生物, 並引入飛行生物,甚至蜥蜴和有翼的鳥類。這階段的時間有多長,我們無法知道。但聖經寥寥數字的描述,看不出有任何「進化」的蛛絲馬跡。

現在我們看看聖經以外的紀錄:沉積岩是是考古學的時間指標。離地面越深就越古老。最深的岩層代表古生代 (Paleozoic era)。古生代又再細分成很多時期。如果沈積岩含有化石,又如果達爾文的進化論是正確,我們一定會發現這樣的化石分布:單細胞生物在最深層,然後由下至上相繼是:海洋生物,淡水生物,昆蟲,飛鳥,陸上生物,猿類,遠古人類, 等次序。令進化論者大失所望的是,人們從未發現有如此的分布。在古生代中,其中有一時期稱為寒武紀時期 (Cambrian period),在此時期之前,沒有找到化石。令人驚訝的是,在對應寒武記時期的地層中,卻找到五千多種海洋和陸生動物化石樣本混在一起,完全沒有從簡到繁的順序模式。學者稱此發現為「寒武記生物大爆炸」。這仍然是達爾文主義者的頭痛!

第六階段的創造 (1: 24-26)

這是創造的最後階段。上帝帶進陸生動物的出現, 並強調「各從其類」。最終是造男造女,達到整個創造過程的高潮, 正如上面更廣泛地討論過的那樣。

創世記第一章,有個重複出現的公式,來結束每個創造階段。就是用「有晚上有早晨,這是第n 日; n=1 to 6.」。這是把每階段 ”象徵” 為24小時, 從先前的日落到今天的白晝直至日落之前。這是猶太人對「日」的算法。[例:安息日是從禮拜五日落之後到禮拜六日落之前。]所以,這公式「有晚上有早晨,這是第n 日」可翻譯作「從開始到結束,這是第n階段」。這是為了表明上帝的創造過程是有明確而不同的階段的。

有人爭議說,十誡中的第四條,「當記念安息日、守為聖日 (出20:8)」, 因為上帝是在第七天安息。這豈不是強烈暗示字面性質的「日」嗎?用這說法來支持24小時的字面解經沒有多大的說服力。試想想,如果上帝命令我們要從每週中抽出一「天」,把它分別為聖,專注於對祂的敬拜和事奉,那麼,它必須是24小時的一「天」。還有別的方法嗎?

讓我們再看看聖經:「到第七日、 神造物的工已經完畢、就在第七日歇了他一切的工、安息了。神賜福給第七日、定為聖日、因為在這日 神歇了他一切創造的工、就安息了(創2:2-3)。」在此,奇妙的是, 我們找不到「有晚上有早晨,這是第七日」的結束公式。這就意味著上帝不是教導我們只安息24小時,乃是用這舊約中的24小時提醒我們此安息乃持續到教會時代,到那時,信徒要永遠地在基督𥚃安息。 這就是希伯來書所說的,「這樣看來、必另有一安息日的安息、為 神的子民存留(來4:9)」。這個「另有一安息日」是指持續的安息,不是舊約所指的二十四小時安息日。

最後一項關於 ”yom” 的觀察:「創造天地的來歷、在耶和華 神造天地的日子、乃是這樣。 (創2:4) 」詹姆斯國王版 (KJV) 的聖經正確地把「來歷」譯作 「世代 (generations)」。而「神造天地的日子」中的「日子」與第一章中的六個創造「日」是用同一個希伯來字 “yom”.  比對之下,可見第一章中的「日」不宜解釋為24小時的一天,而是一個沒有指定長短的時段。

人類的遠古性 (The Antiquity of the Human Race)

我們巳經在上文肯定了創世記中的六個創造日是指六個不同的「階段」。現在我們有足夠的基礎去進行討論亞當有多古老或人類在何時開始。根據聖經中家譜的推算 (創5),雖然譜系鏈偶爾出現空白,但我們計算到亞當不能過份地早過距今一萬年。但古人類學家(paleoanthropologist) 根據不同的人猿物種骨骼的化石,估計人猿是上百萬年的遠古時代的物種。造些人猿究竟只是「似人的猿」還是如達爾文式的進化論所相信的,是指「似猿的人」? 因此,亞當與人猿的關係產生了相當大的爭議問。現在讓我們俯瞰古人類學家的發現的两個例子:

路易斯·利基 (L.S.B. Leakey) 透過鉀-氬分析 (potassium-argon analysis) 確定坦噶尼基亞的東非原始人 (Zinjanthropus of Tanganykia) 的起源為175萬年。他在另一個名叫奧杜威峽谷的地區 (Olduvai Gorge) 所發現的樣本年齡比這個更老。

尼安德特的穴居人 (Neanderthal cave man) 被認為是五萬至十萬年前的遠古人,他們有製作石箭頭和斧頭的技能,知道用火煮食,並涉及藝術,在阿爾塔米拉洞穴 (caves of Altamira) 中發現他們的非凡的壁畫。儘管有考古專家認為這些壁畫是比較近代的克羅馬農人種族 (race of Cro-Magnons) 的產品。這些差異對本文將要表達的觀念無影響。

這些遠古人種在大學中的人類學上有不同的名稱,如「原始人 (hominids)」,「智人 (homo sepians)」,「早期人類物種」,「類人猿 (anthropoids)」等。但為了方便討論起見,本文把在亞當之前的所有「人」通通總稱為「人猿」。


根據聖經的記錄,「耶和華 神用地上的塵土造人、將生氣吹在他鼻孔裡、他就成了有靈的活人、名叫亞當 (創2:7)」,上帝 「吹入生氣」的動作是前所未有過的;祂從未向「先前的創造秩序」做過這種事。聖經還強調亞當是照著神的形象受造,這是否指在解剖結構層面上與上帝相似?當然不是。因為神是個靈(約4:24), 祂不是血肉之體。在身體結構上和本性上,亞當與人猿無大差異,甚至與其它動物一樣有各樣的激情動力,但因著神所吹進的氣,他就成了第一個有靈魂的活人,他可以站在上帝面前與祂建立「約的關係」。因此,我們可以斷言,亞當是真真正正第一個人。從此,凡從亞當而出的後裔便稱為「人類 (human race)」。

我們不能否定猿人中也有相當智慧的物種,他們足智多謀,能製造工具,用火煑食,又有藝術技巧,甚至會組織社會,並互相交戰,自相殘殺; 同类相食,如克羅馬農人(Cro-Magnon),東非人 (Zinjanthropus) 等,但他們不是聖經所定義的「人」。那麼,到底他們是甚麼物種呢?讓我們再看看第六日的創造 (創1:24-26)

24 神說、地要生出活物來、各從其類.牲畜、昆蟲、野獸、各從其類.事就這樣成了。

25於是 神造出野獸、各從其類.牲畜、各從其類.地上一切昆蟲、各從其類. 神看著是好的。


這些猿人就是24 和25節(節第六個創造日的頭一段落)中有較高智能的的「牲畜」和「野獸」,我相信恐龍也包括在這些野獸中,而不是26節中有神的形像的人。所以「猿人」是一種在亞當以前的「似人的猿」。當「人」的定義弄清楚後,科學與聖經是可以調和的。

此時, 我们發現另一個難题: 我们如何去理解創世記第六章中的偉人?「那時候有偉人在地上、後來 神的兒子們、和人的女子們交合生子、那就是上古英武有名的人。(創6:4) 」

筆者認為這些「偉人」是 pre-Adamic beings 的後人,他們的物質身體 (physiology 包括DNA) 與亞當後裔無異,只是亞當有神的靈氣,他們沒有,所以他們在生理上可以互相交合生子,顯然神不喜悅。所以神用洪水滅絕所有的人,除了挪亞一家。所以現在的人類都是純粹的亞當的後裔。

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By Tin-chee Lo 盧天賜



(1) 如果創世記第一章中的「日」是指時間上的「階段」,而不是指24小時的一「天」, 那麼, 我們只要把各「階段」指定為一段長的時間,考古地質學與聖經就容易調和了。我們將會用另一篇文章去詳細探討此問題。在此文,我們不再討論。

(2) 地球複創論。這是指在創世記第一章第一與第二節之間賦予一個巨大的時溝 (Gap),就是指上帝在第一節創造了宇宙之後,因有某些事件的發生,使地球落在持久的長期「空虛混沌」狀態中,上帝隨後照着第二節到第31節的敘述,重新創造一個新宇宙。一搬認為「日」就是二十四小時的學者,都傾向支持這種說法。如此, 聖經與考古地質學,因著時溝的介入,就獲得了調和。這個假說也並沒有排除「以 “階段” 作為 “日” 」的學者們的參與。這個「地球複造論」或 「時間空隙創造論」或 「間隔理論」 或「間隙理論 (Gap Theory) 」, 簡稱GT。 探討 GT 是本文的主要關注。

支持GT 的學者企圖用希伯來文來鞏固他们的說法。先看看兩節經文:

  • “起初 神創造天「地。” (創 1:1)
  • “神稱旱地為地」、稱水的聚處為海. 神看著是好的。” (創1:10)

他們想:如果第一節中的「地」與第十 節中的「地」是兩個不同的「地」,那麼GT就獲得一張「贊成票」了。可惜,事實並非如此。

其實兩節聖經中的「地」是用同一個希伯來字  ’eres。GT 學者,雖然失望,但這不是GT 的喪鐘。因為希伯來文中同一字有時有多重意義:’eres可以一般性地指地球,或是更受限制地指區域, 其真正意義乃根據上下文來確定。因此GT支持者可以這樣說:「聖經在文字上,雖然沒有明確正面地支持GT,因著原文的多義, 卻沒有否認GT 的合法性。其实第一節舆第十節中的「地亅從对比的角度是有分别的。

  • (創 1:1) “起初神創造天地” 中的「地」是地球與「諸天」形成對比。而
  • (創1:10) “神稱旱地為地稱水的聚處為海, 神看著是好的” 中的「地」是「旱地」與「海洋」形成對比。

所以,雖然用同一個希伯來字、卻有不一樣的色采。再者,地 ’eres 還有比上述的更多不同的意義,它可能是指:

  • 伊甸園 的 ”地域” (創2:5-9)
  • 特定的國家, 如 ”埃及地.” (出20:2)
  • 地理上的政治劃分,”以色列國” 的土地 (2 Kings 5:2)

幾乎在每種情況下,上下文都會引導我們到被作者所理解含義。因着這個多重意義的「地」,就給予GT支持者一些自由度去認為第一節與第十節中的「地」是可以表達不一樣的「地」, 也就可以延伸其意到「原創的地」和「複創的地」之別。

另一個支持GT的理由是:雖然我們可以假設上帝所做的天「地」(1:1) 是圓滿的,但這個圓滿的事實,並沒有在第一節中明確地表達出來。直到第10 節,「神稱旱地為地、稱水的聚處為海, 神看著是好的」,那就是在水和乾地分離之後,才清楚地提到這個「好」字。其後,創1:12, 18, 21, 25, 都先後出現了 「神看著是好 (good) 的」的句子。到了創 1:31, 就是創造之工完全結束後,也就是第六日的終點,上帝不但看到祂手所作的工是「好」的,祂更強調祂手所作的工是「甚好 (very good) 」的。

在第一節中,上帝的創造是「不言而喻」的「好」。然後到了第二節提到「地是空虛混沌」,這當然是指「不好」的。到了第三節直至本章末了,都𣎴斷出現「好」的消息。 這就暗示一件「非常可怕的事情」曾在第一節之後發生,使早期的創造變成「一塌糊塗」。然後從第三節起,上帝從破壞中重創天地,並述說了六日中的創造新宇宙過程。這就是GT的劇本 (或摘要)。現在讓我們再仔細看看第二節,「地是空虛混沌.淵面黑暗.神的靈運行在水面上。」有學者認為經文的「是 (haytah) 空虛混沌」應理解為 「成為 (became) 空虛混沌」。如果這翻譯是正確,劇本的真實性又獲得了進一步的肯定。

這個可怕的事件是甚麼呢?有人認為這事件是指大洪水之災。但大洪水是後來挪亞時代的事件,而這次大災應是發生在創世的最早期。所以,如果他不是指大洪水,它必另有所指。因「空虛混沌發亅生在第二節,所以它一定是一種经过原始災難 (primeval catastrophe) 發生後的後續狀況。有聖經可考的原始災難可能與撒旦反叛上帝有關,正如以賽亞書14和以西結書28章建議的那樣。

基督徒相信魔鬼曾經是一位名叫路西法 (Lucifer) 的美麗天使,他違抗上帝並從恩典中墮落。 這種認為他是墮落天使的假設通常是基於聖經中的以賽亞書,其中說:「晨光之子啊,路西法 (早晨之子) 啊,你何竟從天墜落!(賽14:11)” 」天使的墮落,被耶穌肯定:「耶穌對他們說、我曾看見撒但從天上墜落、像閃電一樣。(路10:18)」那麽、墮落到什麼地方呢?這就是指耶穌所說的,「為魔鬼預備的永火 (太25:41)。」所以我們有理由推測地獄是神在空虛混沌時為魔鬼創造的。在此,我想起一個人們常問的問題:「慈愛的神,為什麼給人們設計一個可怕的地獄呢?」答案是:「上帝並沒有為人造一個可怕的地獄。地獄是為魔鬼而造的。但如果人願意跟隨魔鬼,那他就自然會跟進去了。神給魔鬼的審判,也落在他們身上了。」以下是這答案的聖經根据:

  • 王又要向那左邊的說、你們這被咒詛的人、離開我、進入那為魔鬼和他的使者所預備的永火裡去。(太25:41)」
  • 「就是天使犯了罪、 神也沒有寬容、曾把他們丟在地獄、交在黑暗坑中、等候審判。” (彼後2:4) 」

魔鬼從天墮落的叙述,在以賽亞書 14:10-14 的一段話中, 似乎在背後暗示巴比倫王對上 帝的傲慢蔑视為他的靈感和支持地獄之王,就是撒但,牠曾說, 「我要升到高雲之上、我要與至上者同等” (賽14:14)」。這種語言幾乎不會出自凡人國王的口中。所以它一定是指撒但的墮落。這就是 GT所指的「原始災難。然而, 我们必須承認, 聖經沒有任何地方支持撒旦的原始墮落,導至空虛混沌,以致被破坯的地球需要恢復, 甚至需要重新創造。但這並不是沒有說服力的推論或猜想。但我们也找不到有聖經章節的否定GT的可能性。但自宇宙大爆炸 (Big Bang) 理論發現之後,GT的說法已失去很多學者的支持。

不同意 GT的學者中, 有不少學者認為 創1:1是一個引言,引進隨後所闡述的六個有序的創造工作階段。從這個觀點,把任何干預性的災難,插進第一節和第二節的中間, 是完全不必要了。即今天的地球不是「重複創造」的地球。上帝只有一次的創造。

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By Tin-chee Lo (盧天赐); December 1, 2022


  • 進化論作為一種哲學。
  • 進化論作為敘述物種在地質歷史過程中發展的一種機制:從原始階段到更高或更複雜的階段。

然後,我們再建立什麼是「有神進化論 (theistic evolution)」。當我們把這些定義弄清楚後,我們便處於一個更好的地位去了解創造論與進化論的關係。

(1) 進化論作為一種哲學

試圖把物理宇宙,特別是生物宇宙,的起源解釋為: 從原始物質、透過自我導向的機制,進化成現代的生物,而且這過程不斷繼續下去。然而,這種原始物質的源頭不得而知,只能把它視為沒有開始的永恆存在。因為此宣告無法證明,所以它不是科學 (很多人以為它是), 乃是哲學。哲學進化論排除上帝的存在, 甚至懷疑超自然力量的干預。他們認為這種「自我導向」是受不變的物理定律支配, 然而這些定律從何以來,不得而知。他們更進一步認為,如果有足夠的時間,甚麼事情都可以會發生。最終,所有實體的存在,都是「 物質+偶然 (chance) +時間」的產品。最终,生命是沒有存在的原因,沒有真正的意義,沒有指定的目的,沒有道德的責任。人是為自己的目的而運作,他自己就是終極的立法者,沒有在自己以外的道德問責。法律和倫理的基礎,基本上是功利主義,也就是說,道德是「為最多的人帶來最大的利益」。

達爾文 (Charles Darwin) 的經典著作《物種起源》並沒有提出所有上述的立場。他本人也沒有支持一貫的無神論進化哲學。他認為最早的生命是從最初的原始軟泥滲出來的,而這些原始物質的來源,最合邏輯的說法,是上帝所創造的,祂是第一因。达尔文不是基督徒,他不信仰基督教, 但是他并不否认上帝的存在。所以達爾文不是無神論者,更準確的說法應說他是「自然神論者 (deist或是theist)」。但達爾文的後人接管了他的思想體系,否認了上帝的存在, 以致一般人認為達爾文是無神論者。

我們必須指出,一貫的無神論者,自稱是最合理性和邏輯的處理現實的方法,實際上是弄巧反拙,因為他們無法進行邏輯辯護。如果所有物質的存在和事情的發生都是偶然的巧合,沒有超自然的或更高的力量去指揮,那麼, 人的思維也必須是一種腦組織中的分子和原子的機遇巧合活動,沒有超自然的引導和控制。因此, 人類的哲學和邏輯系統, 和他們對現實的所有處理方法,都是偶然 (chance) 的結果。「隨機」不會產生「絕對」,因此,「無神論者」反對「有神論立場」的論據,也沒有絕對的有效性。

  • 無神論的絕對前題:宇宙沒有神。
  • 這宣告是思維的結果。
  • 思維是腦組織中的分子和原子的機遇結合。
  • 機遇結合沒有絕對的有效性。
  • 絕對的預設宣告 (即神的不存在) 就不再是絕對了。

結果:推論與前題矛盾。無神論者在他自己的前提下, 完全否定了自己。因此, 他不能誠實地說: 他的觀點比他對手的相反觀點更有效。他的基本假設是自相矛盾的和弄巧反拙的。

  • 有無神論的絕對前題:宇宙有神。
  • 這宣告是思維的結果。
  • 思維是上帝所創造的。
  • 既是上帝所創造,推論就賴於上帝的存在。
  • 結果:推論與前題一致。


(2) 進化論作為一種描述性的機制


達爾文及其同時代的人相信生物的早期階段的「機遇特徵 (chance characteristics)」:從微小的變異,透過保留和積累,從低等生命演化到更高的層次。然後藉着遺傳的機制把新獲得的特徵傳給後代。「保留和積累」是一種智慧的手段,但低等生命的智慧從何而來?整個過程是由「適者生存」的原則支配。「適者生存」是一個定律。誰是此定律的賦予者?到了20世紀,由於各種原因,達爾文式的想法已經失去了支持。但他的名字仍保持著偶像崇拜的地位。

在孟德爾 (G.J. Mendel) 的植物遺傳實驗中, 他作出非常有决定性地表明:一個物種內可能的變異範圍,受到嚴格限制,並且沒有提供發展成新的不同物種的可能性。對「後天性狀 (acquired characteristics)」, 經过大量實驗後,證實後天性狀不能傳給下一代。(母親整容,不能使女兒更漂亮。) 到了廿世紀末,此說法已確立無疑。原因是因為無法將後天性狀的編碼放回到父母的基因中, 使其在後代中發展出這些特質。

達爾文理論所假定的連續性的生物發展階梯,期待着一系列的過渡物種 (從 “低級” 到 “高級” 的秩序) 。但從來沒有人觀察到半𤠣半人的怪物。科學家們盡其廣泛的研究,終於得出了這樣的結論: 正因為本來就沒有這樣的 ”缺環 (missing link)”,所以我們找不到缺環。 因此, 克拉克(Austin H. Clark) 的 《The New Evolution》承認從來沒有這樣的中間體。這些主要群體從一開始便擁有與今天相同的彼此關係。辛普森 (G.G. Simpson; 《Tempo and Mode in Evolution, p. 106》的觀察是: 哺乳動物的 “目” 突然出現在古生物學 (paleontological) 記錄中。最早和最原始的巳知 “目” 沒有近似連續序列 (ordinal characters) 。這就説明了「宏觀進化」的不存在。

在無神論的大前提下,這兩位科學家必須提出一個「非達爾文式」的創新理論去解釋。对「各 “目” 的突然出現」的現象。他們把它稱之為「量子理論 (quantum theory)」或「 湧現進化論 (emergent evolution)」。他們認為在某種新環境的刺激下,某些新生物是可以跳過「漸進的過程」而突然出現的。 卡爾·亨利 (Carl F.H. Henry) 在《Evolution and Christian Thought Today, 1959;p.211 》中寫道:對這種「突然出現的假設」的訴求,還不如彻底訴求於 「上帝的創造能力」。這「湧現進化論」巳不屬於進化論的範疇了。

至於在教科書和博物館通常以靜止的「動畫」展示的發展系列,最常見的是:𤠣子變為猿人,再由猿人變成現代人。他們把中間的人稱為「猿人」以表示介乎「猿」和「人」之間的中間連接物。但我更喜歡把「猿人」解讀為「似人的猿類」。另一個常見例子是把「始祖馬 (eohippus)」視為現代馬的祖宗。還有另一個常見例子是「始祖鳥」演化成「現代鳥」。所以,這些靜止的動畫完全沒有證明甚麼。他們這樣的解釋犯了一個共同的錯誤:就是把「相似的形態」視為「來自同一個源頭」。我們看到滿街都是汽車,它們都基本上相似,難道都是出於同一個工廠嗎。「同形」不能於「同源」混淆。

在「進化論作為一種描述性的機制亅的標提下,我们现在有足夠的基楚去討論「有神進化論」或「神導進化論亅。此理論企圖使「創造論亅與 「進化論亅和谐共处。創世記與有神進化論能調和嗎?以下是对這個問题的回答。

神導進化論 (Theistic Evolution)



如果它是指「自然神論 (deism)」中的神,衪是人理性 (nature) 的產品,沒有超自然 (super-nature) 的成份可言。這種對「神」的認知,是與聖經不符合的。

如果它是指「半自然神論 (semi-deism)」中的神,衪是超自然 (super-nature) 的神,祂建立了整個系統,並預先對其進行編程,然後撒手不顧,在旁觀看宇宙自行按碼運作。人的禱告無法企及。祂對人類也莫不關心,更無救恩可談。人的命運鎖定在宿命論的框架中。這種對「神」的認知,是與聖經不符合的。

或許我們可以接受一位我們可向祂祈禱和建立關係的神,這一点是符合聖經的。但如果同時把祂构想為一位設計師, 祂是通過某些進化機制帶來了上升的生物秩序。這種進化機制是在自身內部中找到動力和方向。換句話説, 上帝是照著達尔文的進化藍圖去展開祂的創造。真的是如此嗎? 鑑於達爾文提出的進化科學數據中的脆弱的基礎, 和它被 「“新興”進化論者」所拒絕,即使是有科學頭腦的有神論者似乎沒有什麼理由堅持進化論。所以,達尔文式的進化过程是與聖經不一致的。它只不过是把尔文的進化論冠上「神」字而矣。

但是,如果神導進化論者願意接受孟德爾 (Gregor Mendel)  所限制的物種完整性的含義,這種完整性是指動植物中的「目」和「屬」和「物種」進行彼此不混乱的連續性發展階段, 那麼也許可以說,他们對創世記中的「各從其類 (1:11-12,21)」保持信心。 我们不需要 (也不可能) 明白现代生物學家的所用論文, 孟德爾只是遗傳學的鼻祖, 现代的分子生物是學及基因原理巳發展到牛角尖的地步, 只要它们能作出「各從其類」的結論, 基督徒都是可以接受神導進化論的可能性。但這只不过是「可能性」, 实際上是否如此, 不得而知, 我们只能説,聖經没有否定。

快速瀏覽創世記第一章,從第一個「創造日」到第六個「創造日」,直至創造人類之前,我們看到上帝的創造有這樣的模式,就是:從非物質 (光,時,空) 到物質世界;在物質世界中,從簡單到複雜,從無機物到有機物,從植物到動物。這些漸進式的叙述, 不能不使人聯想到這是一個「進化」的有序發展。到了第六個創造日中的生物創造,聖經強調「各從其類」。到此為止,如果我们称此为「神導進化論亅,那麼我們應該承認,這樣的「神導進化論」,據定義,一定是與聖經一致。

現在我們進入另一個關鍵性問題:亞當和夏娃是誰? 如果神導進化論承認亞當和夏娃是真實的, 是歷史性的, 且是直接從神受造的個體,這樣的神導進化論是與聖經一致的。

但有很多人, 据他们的化石研究, 却認為先有「智人(Homo sapiens)」的出現, 如何出现我们不談, 總之他们逐漸發展成「亞人類 (hominids)」, 讓我们總稱个也们為「猿人」或「原始人」, 在動物學分類上,它們被稱為「灵长目动物」。這些灵长目动物最終發展出對上帝有意識的人。在那一刻,猿人都變成了 “亞當” 了。 Lecomte de Nouy 在《Human Destiny》一書中指出三萬年前的克羅馬儂人 (Cro-Magnon) 就是原始人的一例。當他們經歷到「某種精神上的突變 (spiritual mutation) 」,便使他們有負責任的道德選擇的能力,此時他就成了「亞當」。至于「精神上的突變」是指甚麽東西, 不得而知。

我們可如此斷言:「凡將亞當 (和夏娃) 如此地作出超歷史的 (suprahistorical) 描述,絕對與聖經不能調和。」 我们没有必要否定原始人的存在。考古學家也證明它们存在的可能性。聖經也從來沒有否定原始人的存在。如果它存在,乃是在第六個創造日的开始時受造的。但他們不是人,他們只是「似人的猿類」。聖經對「人」定義是明確的, 只有「上帝的氣吹進其鼻孔」的人, 才算是人。在此定義下,亞當是真正人類的始祖。在聖經創造史中,亞當是最後的受造個體,凡在亞當以前的任何生物,都不是人類的始祖。

結論:與聖經一致的「神導進化論」必須堅持「各從其類」和承認亞當是「第一個有靈的活人」。在此說法下, 創世記所描述的的創造史,才是正確合乎聖經的「神導進化論」。為了使它與眾說法有區別,或許讓我稱聖經所描述的為「神創演‘化論亅:

  • 神創: 指神是創造者;是第一因。
  • 演化: 指六個創造日的逐步發展。
  • 演化的特色: 「各從其類亅 和对「人」的定义。

Primary Reference: “Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties” by Gleason L. Archer

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By 盧天赐 (Tin-chee Lo)

「聖經無誤論 (biblical inerrancy)」是神學的前設。正統神學若不基于此前設,就变得毫無意義。聖經中沒有任何地方與「聖經無誤」的宣告不一致。自19世紀人們對「聖經無誤」的教義越來越作出尖銳地的批判。基督徒反對聖經無誤教義通常是出於未經嚴肅思考所導致的對它的誤解。 這個教義的後面有歷史性的傑出名字: 奧古斯丁 (Augustine), 阿奎那 (Aquinas), 大馬士革的約翰 (John of Damascus), 馬丁路德 (Luther), 加爾文 (Calvin), 衛斯理 (Wesley), 等。簡易言之。「聖經無誤論」認為:聖經所講的都是真理,並從不說不正確的話。

在 1970 年代,林賽爾 (Harold Lindsell) 出版了一本名為《為聖經而戰 (The Battle for the Bible)》的書。 在那本小書中,林賽爾正視那已經成為一個巨大的爭議問題—-聖經的真實性 truthfulness) 和可靠性 (reliability。面對無數反對「聖經默示性 (inspiration)」「不可能犯錯性 (infallibility)」 和「無誤性 (inerrancy) 」 的爭論,林賽爾採取了立場並宣布聖經仍然值得信賴。1978 年 10 月, 250 多位福音派領袖聚集在伊利諾州的芝加哥, 針對人们對聖經完整性的持續質疑, 設立「國際聖經無誤委員會 (International Counsel on Bible Inerrancy, ICBI)亅, 旨在肯定新教徒對聖經的歷史立場發表了《芝加哥聖經無誤聲明 (Chicago Statement on Bible inerrancy)》。「聖經無誤」不單是神學前設,更有護道性的論據。



  • 我實在告訴你們、就是到天地都廢去了、律法 (舊約) 的一點一畫也不能廢去、都要成全 (太 5:18) 。
  • 受魔鬼試探时 (路 4:1-13)
  • 第一篇講章 ((路 4:17-20)
  • 耶穌回答說、經上 ( 申 8:3) 記著說、『人活著不是單靠食物、乃是靠 神口裡所出的一切話。』(路 4:4)


  • 福音書是耶稣的話語「耶穌說、我就是道路、真理、生命.若不藉著我、沒有人能到父那裡去 (約 14:6) 」。
  • 書信是耶稣所按立的使徒的話語
  • 耶稣是無罪 ➔祂的話可靠

聖經的源头要求它必需無誤 (提後 3:16)

使徒保羅:「聖經都是 神所默示的、於教訓、督責、使人歸正、教導人學義、都是有益的。叫屬 神的人得以完全、預備行各樣的善事 (提後3:16-17 )」。舊約聖經的源头是聖潔的上帝,祂是默示者 (約17:14a)

我 (耶稣) 已將你 (父神) 的道賜給他們 (使徒) [約17:13]

  • 耶稣把父神的道交给使徒
  • 使徒書信就是父神的道
  • 新約聖經的源头是聖潔的父神


  • 《聖經》叫屬神的人得以完全、預備行各樣的善事 (提後 3:17) 。当时新约尙未成書, 所以,《聖經》是指舊約。可見舊約聖經的目的是使人成聖/完全。
  • 我 (耶稣) 不但為這些人 (信徒) 祈求、也為那些因他們 (使徒) 的話信我 (耶稣) 的人祈求 (約17:20) 。使徒的話 (新约) 使人相信耶稣,可見。新約聖經的目的是使人得救。


基督徒相信聖經無誤,但在聖經形成過程中,有人的因素,不需要消除。基督徒相信上帝是聖經的作者 (最常被人否認) ,因此,聖經是獨特的,並具有最高的權威。「神人同工」不等于「神人合作」。上帝不需我们與祂合作, 但祂喜爱與我们一起同工。

基督徒相信聖經無誤,但他們堅持,在聖經形成過程中,有人的因素, 不需要消除。基督徒相信上帝是聖經的作者 (最常被人否認), 因此,聖經是獨特的,並具有最高的權威。見多識廣的宗教人仕一直堅持聖經的真正作者是人 (無人否定)有些神學家把這聖經的「神人二性」比作一種「聽寫 (word dictation) 」的過程。但加爾文 (Calvin) 和天主教的特里登廷會議 (Tridentine Council) 清楚地表明這種聽寫與「老闆對速記員的發號施令」有別。「聽寫」或「口授」的說法乃是強調「上帝對聖經話語負責」。表示聖經是上帝的權威話語。

聖經的無誤乃指原文。今天原文已不復存在,只有手抄本 (manuscripts)。馮秉誠發现 <聖經> 書卷本身有 “免疫系統” 能自動將一些筆誤清除,以維謢手抄本完整性。

聖經内有免疫系統 (例 1):

• (王下24:8) 約雅斤登基的時候,年十八歲,在耶路撒冷作王三個月.

• (代下36:9) 約雅斤登基的時候年八歲,在耶路撒冷作王三個月零十天。

• 七十士譯本 (Septuagint) 和古敘利亞譯本 (Old Syriac versions) 又叫別西大譯本 (Peshitta) 中的 (代下36:9) 都記載約雅斤十八歲登基。

• (王下24:15) 巴比倫王並將約雅斤和王母、后妃、太監與國中的大官,都從耶路撒冷擄到巴比倫去了。可見當時約雅斤己經結婚, 不然怎會有后妃 (wives)? 因此不可能是八歲.

王下 24:8 中的 “十八” 其 “十”字可能是指 (代下36:9) 中的 “十天”,因為希伯來文的 “十八” 是 “八和十” 之意。

聖經内有免疫系統 (例 2):

• (代下 22:1-2) 亞哈謝 (Ahaziah, son of Jehoram) 登基的時候年四十二歲, 在耶路撒冷作王一年。他母親名叫亞她利雅 (Athaliah),是暗利 (Omri) 的孫女。

• (王下 8:25-26) 以色列王亞哈的兒子約蘭 (Joram) 十二年、猶大王約蘭 (Jehoram) 的兒子亞哈謝 (Ahaziah) 登基。他登基的時候、年二十二歲、在耶路撒冷作王一年.他母親名叫亞他利雅 (Athaliah)、是以色列王暗利 (Omri) 的孫女。 [註: Joram 和 Jehoram 是不同人物。中文同作: 約蘭。]

• (代下21:20) 約蘭 (Jehoram) 登基的時候年三十二歲,在耶路撒冷作王八年。 [約蘭是40歲退位, 兒子亞哈謝登基。] 希伯來文聖經 (Masoretic Text) 有同樣的不一致, 必有抄寫錯誤. 但很顯明二十二歲是正確, 否則他就比父親還老了。還有, 七十士譯本和古敘利


聖經内有免疫系統 (例 3):

• (代下 9:25) 所羅門有套車的馬四千棚 (stalls), 有馬兵一萬二千,安置在屯車的城邑和耶路撒冷,就是王那裡。

• (王上 4:26) 所羅門有套車的馬四萬 (註),還有馬兵一萬二千。一萬二千馬兵用不着四萬匹馬 (stalls), 所以 “代下” 是對的. 註: (申17:16) 只是王不可為自己加添馬匹 ➔ 四萬太多了!

當文士抄到 <王上 4:26> 時, 心想這一定不是 “四萬” 而是 “四千”,但所有文士認為忠心地抄寫比自我解經更為重要。他們那忠於原文的態度便供給了我們更大的信心, 知道我們今天所讀的聖經是與原文無出入的。

聖經難題的困惑仍然存在,我们的熊度應是:存在心裡; 勿失信心。抄寫的正確並不代表難題的化解。 聖經中是有不少難題的 。但聖靈奇妙地使這些難題成為學者研究的機會。這些難題都不影響救恩的本質, 好讓一般人都能因讀聖經而得到永生。 例: 學者對舊約巨大數字的困惑是存在的: 據民數記 (1:46) 和 (26:51) 記載的資料, 得知當時凡廿十歲以上能出去打仗的男丁超過六十萬, 從而可推算到以色列人的總人口數目可達二百萬。然而並非所有廿十歲以上的男丁都可以打仗, 那麼總人口的推算就應更多了, 可達三百萬至五百萬之譜。以當時的地理環境, 出埈及後的年日, 漂流曠野時的死亡率, 不能不使人認為這推算出來的人口總量是個似乎不近情理的巨大數字, 至今學者還是困惑。對此 “舊約中巨大數字” 的解釋, 學者們提出各式各樣的可能性, 有興趣者可參考:


有人 (用不合邏輯的方法) 爭辯, 說, 神若要防止聖經作者犯錯誤,祂一定要限制人的自由和人的人性。福音派並沒有這樣爭辯。聖經是「完全神聖」和「完全人性」的產物。「完全神聖」— 擁有絕對的權威「完全人性」— 進入信徒的思想和心靈。上帝選擇通過不完全的媒介 (人類的語言) 傳達他的旨意。既不完全,就有帶來誤解的可能性。然而,語言是上帝賜給人類的禮物,讓我們可以互相交流願望和想法。耶稣是上帝的生命話語 (living Word) ; 聖經是上帝的文字話語 (written Word) 。两者同源。

• 耶稣是「道成肉身」==》耶稣的無罪性

• 聖經是「道成文字」==》聖經的無誤性

聖經作者在撰寫「神聖」旨意時,採用一般人的「人性」寫作方法:修辭手法, 寓言, 象徵性語言,及各種文學體裁。他們所用的語言是兩千或更早時期當時的普通語言, 所以經常找不到我们今天所熟識的具體技術數據, 更找不到現代科學的詞彙。在數字的陳述中,他們覺得沒有更多的義務要超過日常談話的精確性 (precision)。在事情的陳述中,他們覺得沒有更多的義務要超過日常談話的準確性 (exactness)。因為這不是上帝傳達祂的旨意的目。在寫作時, 上帝保護傳話者免於無知和受欺騙的錯誤,但並沒有阻止他們以人的身份說話。 當人採取荒謬和自相矛盾的立場時,錯誤是必不可少的。上帝在萬人中精選一些忠誠的人作祂的喉舌,以防止這種錯誤。人的無知也可導致他作出錯誤的陳述。但這種錯誤會被聖靈阻止,儘管他們各有自己的寫作特徵。

試圖表明「聖經中沒有錯誤亅的陳述, 經常遭到相反觀點的反對。為何要為「聖經無誤」而辯論? 這就好像保護一頭咆哮的獅子,免它受老鼠的傷害。我們不應將自己置於捍衛聖經的錯誤地位上。我們只需要把獅子釋放,它就憑自己的力量去征服老鼠, 不用我們微弱的努力去支持它。

但有些人 (信徒或非信徒) 誤解聖經,對一些難解的經文,以為它們是虛假或自相矛盾,以致他們的信心陷入困境。我們必須幫助他們清除這些信心的障礙。這些障礙,對非基督徒而言,是十字架的絆腳石。對基督徒而言,是門徒訓練不必要的代價。聖經從來沒有要求我們為了相信而釘死我們的理性。

為何要為「聖經無誤」而辯論? 第二個反對原因來自相反的立場。「認真地處理聖經中所謂的差異和錯誤」是不值得的。因為很明顯聖經充滿了錯誤。這種說法來自不同的判斷形式,但基本上都源於對聖經的信心太少。舉世聞名的神學家卡爾·巴特 (Karl Barth) 宣称,「聖經自己在屋頂上大聲疾呼, 承認它是一本人寫的書,而人性的重要部份就是犯錯 (to err is human). 」所以巴特認為聖經中有錯誤不足為奇。其他人則認為聖經的目的是主要給我們宗教的真理及屬靈和道德方面的教導,而不是傳達正確的事實和訊息。為聖經辯護就是把注意力從真正目的上轉移到地理,歷史,天文,生物等學科, 最終使人偏離個人對基督的信仰,反倒造成一種傷害。

有人認為聖經錯誤百出,不以為奇,因為聖經的作者們是處於一個文明未開發的幼兒時期。前耶魯大學新約教授米勒伯羅斯 (Miller Burrows) 準確地總結相當典型的現代觀點:「一個聰明且受過教育的人對聖經內容的看法,要么是非常不可思議,要么是充其量非常值得懷疑。捍衛聖經的無誤的神學,在天文、地質和生物的挑戰下,是一系列的撤退,並以失敗來告終。明智的神學家,都轉向了更好的立場。」[ (Outline of Biblical Theology《聖經神學綱要》;Philadelphia: Westminster, 1946], pp. 9, 44.  所有這些反對意見都有這些共通點:任何對聖經無誤的辯護充其量是浪費時間,而最壞的情況是有害的, 因它偏離了「把人帶到上帝面前亅的目的.

支持「無誤論」的基督徒對反對者作出簡單的反應:基本問題是「耶穌是誰?」如果聖經的記載與真理相去甚遠,以致關於「耶穌是誰」的問題都沒有正確的答案,那就毫無疑問地承認聖經是充滿錯誤的一本書。但如果對基本問題的答案完全錯誤,那麼討論聖經的屬靈和道德方面的教導只是無稽之談。簡而言之, 福音派無誤論者與否認耶穌基督作為他們宗教嚮導的人沒有爭執。但對於那些接受基督作他們神聖之主並耶穌基督的教導的人必須以嚴肅的態度正視「聖經無誤」的教義。「否認耶穌基督是主亅與「拒絕聖經的全部權威」是一致的。但「承認耶穌基督是主」與「拒絕聖經的全部權威亅是不一致的。在這個問題上, 福音派只尋求前後一致:接受「耶穌基督是主亅就必須接受他對「舊約的完全真實亅。藉着聖靈,耶穌將類似聖經的權威性,賜給們徒,好讓他們帶領教會。這就是祂完成地上事工後吩咐門徒要履行的大使命。

耶穌的無罪性 指向 聖經的無誤性

• 基督独特的品格: 无与伦比的纯洁。 衪的家人, 门徒, 敌人都承认衪是无罪的。

• 独特的起源: 童女所生 (連與圣经敌对的可兰经也承认) 。

• 衪能行神蹟作可信的凭据 (都有历史证据) 。

• 衪从死里復活 (真正研究的人,都得到正面结论,并信了耶稣) 。

• 祂自己知道 (self-knowledge) 并自己宣告祂是神 (穆罕默德自称获启示,但不自知, 須要同伴告知) 。

• 衪对罪和罪性的描述是何等真实透澈 (现代人淡化罪; 甚至有人認為罪是幻觉或只是失足) 。

• 祂对你我的弊病 (罪) 提供了独一无二的救法: 教育, 道德, 宗教, 無法拯救人。

• 衪插入人类历史的时空当中 (道成肉身) 。History = His Story

聖經的獨特性 指向 它的無誤性

• 圣经内容的连贯性: 四十多位作者活在 1600 年的期间分别写了66卷书。这些作者有君王, 乡下人, 哲学家, 渔夫, 医生, 政治家, 学者, 诗人, 和农夫。 他们活在不同的文化, 有不同的人生经历, 具有不同的性格。 但圣经 66卷书不是「文集」, 乃是一本连贯和有中心思想的「書」。

• 预言及其应验: 圣经中至少有四分之一的篇幅是预言, 即所写的事件在书写时尚未发生。 今天, 这些预言极大部分巳应验, 説明它的無誤,只剩下耶稣再来那部分的预言尚待应验。

• 世上没有一本如聖經一般的书, 曾用那么多种语言出版,且为着那么多种族和文化的人寫成。

• 全书指向一位高尚完美的人物, 就是那無罪的耶穌基督。

• 圣经是有历史根据和支持的书, 这就是它的外证 (external evidence) 。


「所有真理都是上帝的真理 (All Truth is God’s Truth) 」 — 奥古斯丁。聖經以外的真理(如果是被證实為真) 是與聖經真理 (如果被解釋正確) 是應該達到一致的。因它们同出一源。如果聖經以外的真理 (自以為被證实) 與聖經真理 (解釋正確) 有抵觸,此時,聖經一定是对, 而聖經以外的宣告一定是錯。這就是聖經杈威的定義。聖經以外也有杈威 (如執政者的), 但当這些杈威與聖經杈威抵触, 聖經是最终的判决者。這就是聖經杈威的实践。如果你堅持「聖經無誤」的信念,並願意將你所讀到的經文,或把你在經驗世界中所看到的事實,與此信念調和達成一致,這課程可幫助你完成這項任務。

某些人聲稱散佈在整本聖經中有很多的差異和錯誤,但當我們了解到聖經是二千或更多年前的人用他們當時的普通語言寫成的一本書,我们就看到,大多數難題都迎刃而解了。福音派人士也不再感到有壓倒性的力量。但如果我們把聖經看為像今天的實驗室報告,要求所有細節和數據都要精準,我們才會遇到那些不必要的問題。然而, 聖經雖是寫給與作者同時代的人, 却是超時代的信息。

同理,如果任何人要求他必須能夠證明所有聖經段落的完全和諧,然後他才能接受它為真理。福音派人士認為這種要求是不合理的。聖經是由許多獨立的作者來自不同的文化背景分散在很多個世紀內寫成的。鑒於聖經的這種特色,並基於我們有限的知識,我們不應該期待聖經數據的完美和諧, 我們應該期待有更多的不合特宜的困鞋才对。但恰恰相反,福音派感到驚訝的是,那些「看似無法解決亅的問題居然那麼稀少。這就間接説明了聖經的超时代性。「聖經無誤論」並不是不能相信的, 但它却沒有要求把我们的理性釘死。相反,因為聖經是一本真理無誤的書,這個事實就要求它必需跨越許多世紀和不同的文化。所以, 聖經問題的出现恰恰是我們應該期待的。

如果你堅持「聖經無誤」的信念,並願意將你所讀到的經文,或把你在經驗世界中所看到的事實,與此信念調和達到一致,這本書 (Ref. 1) 是一座豐富的金礦,可幫助你完成這項任務。


難題探討必須奠基於「聖經無誤」的教義上。聖經既然可靠,我們便首先用「以經解經」的方法去處理難題。意即 「以清晰的經文,去解釋晦澀的經文」。這就是陸蘇河在他的《解經有路》的釋經口訣中的:「要清」。但並不是每一個聖經難題的解釋,都有其他經文去給予支持。在這種情況下,我們必須透過聖經以外的資料 (考古, 天文, 生物, 文體等專業學科) 去揣摩。其途徑始於大胆的假設。但假設不是「不容分辨,隨隨便便」的命題,它必須符合兩個條件:(1) 它必須合邏輯;(2) 它不能被聖經任何一処的章節所否定。在這種限制下所得出的解釋,一定是一個合理的可能性,但不一定是唯一的可能性。隨了「大膽的假設」,我们还要「小心的求證」,這是胡適 (1891-1962) 在五四運動時説的 話。

人对人的熊度:「小心的求證」不一定每次都成功,所以我們需要誠實面對人類知識的極限,每個人可以有自己的立場,但也需要寬廣地看待不同的見解,尊重與自己意見不同的人。施教者和受教者,必須謙卑,不能把自己的見解絕對化。探討的過程比答案更重要,最低限度我們將會對聖經的全面有進一步的了解。 而這些並不影響我們對上帝的信心與對真理的追尋。這種態度並不影響我們對上帝的信心與對真理的追尋。

人对上帝的態度:若你謙卑求問神, 聖靈必指引。「只等真理的聖靈來了、他要引導你們進入一切的真理。」(約 6:13)

人对自己的態度:「只要心裡尊主基督為聖.有人問你們心中盼望的緣由、就要常作準備、以溫柔敬畏的心回答各人。」 (彼前 3:15)

Reference 1:

Encyclopedia of Bible difficulties by Gleason L. Archer; pp.7-10.

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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜)

近年來世局風雲變幻,前途莫測,再加上疫情沒完沒了,導致人心徬徨。基督徒常以時事評論, 來預測世界末日, 旨在廣傳福音給未信主的朋友。這種搶救靈魂的態度, 實在可嘉。但我們必須特別小心。茲舉一例:

在歐盟成員國 (EU membership) 數量不足十個的時候 (1973 年由六升至九),許多世界末日 “先知” 作出預言, 説, 當達到十個成員國的那一天就是世界末日了,因為他們把十個國家比作尼布甲尼撒王夢中巨像的腳趾; 但事情並沒有發生。 從此, 就沒有人再用歐盟國的數目作為世界末日的指標了。

目前歐盟有廿七 (as of 2021) 個國家,現今有人把英國脫歐 (Brexit; 2020 一月卅日) 作為減少成員国的程序的開始,預測當數目下降到十時,將是耶穌第二次降臨的時候。此想法忽视「前車之鑑」的歷史教訓。這是一個非常危險的預測,冒著被指為「假先知」的大風險。

藉著這一類的預測,一些基督徒 (特別在查經班中) 以為可以用個人對時事的獨特觀察去鞏固聖經的可靠性,結果適得其反, 對傳福音有損無益。基督徒對世局應該静觀其變,以禱告方式等候,對將來的事,謹慎發表自己的見解, 絕忌斷言。

Don’t be a self-proclaimed prophet
In recent years, the situation of the world has changed, the future is unpredictable, and the epidemic seems endless, causing people to feel consternated. Some Christians often use news commentaries to predict the end of the world with the intention to spread the gospel to unbelievers. Their eagerness for saving souls is commendable. But we have to be especially careful about predicting future. Here is one example I head recently.
Back in the seventies, when the number of EU membership was less than ten (from six to nine in 1973), many apocalyptic “prophets” made predictions that the world would come to an end when the membership states reached ten because they compared the ten nations to the ten toes of the colossus in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream; but we all know it didn’t happen. Since then, no one has used the number of EU nations as an indicator of the end-time arrival.
There are currently (as of 2021) twenty-seven countries in the EU, and some people take Brexit (30 January 2020) as the beginning of the process of membership reduction, predicting that when the number drops to 10, it will be Jesus Christ’s second coming.

This kind of prediction ignores the lesson of “learning from history” which is a very dangerous prediction that running a big risk of being identified as a “false prophet”. With this type of prediction, some Christians (especially those in Bible study classes) think that they can employ their unique current -events insights to underpin the reliability of the Bible, it turns out in the end to be counterproductive and detrimental to evangelism. Christians should patiently wait and watch the world situation in prayer, express their opinions carefully and never make assertions about the future. The Bible clearly teaches that no one would know when will Jesus come again.

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By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜)

如果我說,「凡能夠 ”想像” 出來的東西,它必定存在。」這說法顯然是荒謬的。我可以想像出一條美人魚,美人魚真的存在嗎?我也可以想像出一隻巨大的飛龍,飛龍真的存在嗎?但如果我把 “想像” 改變為 “無法想像” ,這就是安瑟倫 (Anselm; 1033-1109) 的本體論 (ontology) 了。論到上帝的存在,安瑟倫的說法是:「上帝是 無法想像” 的存在,并且这样的存在必須 存在於現實和思想中。」我們如何理解這說法呢? 如果它有真理的成份, 我們必定可以訴諸於聖經。論到天堂, 如經上所記、「上帝為愛他的人所預備的、是眼睛未曾看見、耳朵未曾聽見、人心也未曾想到的。(林前2:9)」所以,只要眼睛可以看到,耳朵可以聴到,頭腦可以想到的,無論多美多好,都不是天堂。既然天堂是超越我們那 “無法想像” 的境界,據安瑟倫的說法,它必定存在。而聖經斷言天堂的確存在,所以安瑟倫的本體論並非沒有道理。簡言之,本體論就是指向 “無法想像” 的现实的本體 (being)。

我們是住在一個三維度 (3-dimensional) 的世界,有: 上下,左右,前後。但是如果我們只用一個維度,那麼我們就只有 “線” 和 “點”」。但當我們提升到二維度的世界,我們就有 “面” 了;我們雖多了一些東西,但一維度世界中的 “線” 和 “點” 仍然完全被保存。如果我們再提升到三維度世界,我們就有了 “體”,我們又多了一些東西,但一維度世界中的 “線” 和 “點”,以及二維度世界的 “面” 也完全被保存,只是多了一些一維度和二維度沒有的東西。

住在二維度世界的人,他們對 “體” 一無所知。但 “體” 是由 “面” 組成的,二維度世界的人雖不知道 “體” 是如何組成,但他們可以基于他們所知道的,作出一些 “想像” ,直至三維度世界的人啓示給他們,他們就對 “體” 有更深的認識了。

上帝是三位一體的實存,人是照著上帝的形象受造,所以人雖不完全了解三位一體,但卻具有想像到「多元而一」的可能性。換言之,這個 “想像” 的背後,必有一位 “無法想像” 的實體。

自古至今,人類都有一個這樣的 ”想像”: 他們知道自己是住在一個多元的環境當中,但總是感覺到這個 “多元” 必有一個使它們 “統一” 在一起的東西。

  • 古代希臘哲學家認為 “空氣”,“火”, “水”, “土” 是宇宙的四大基本要素 (essence)。但他們一直想像第五 (quint) 個要素 (quintessence) 將這四個要素聚合在一起。
  • 大學的英文字是 university。從語源學,我們得知 “Uni” 是指一 (one); “versity” 是指多元 (diversity)。所以大學最原本的目標是追求那多元中的合一。
  • 美國的硬幣有一拉丁詞  “E pluribus unum” 其意是 “合众为一”。我们再次看到人類對此 “想像的统一” 的渴望。
  • 愛因斯坦發現相對論之後,他一直想像著一個統一塲理論 (unified field theory)。希望能找到一個方程式可以把所有的科學理論拉在一起。可惜他臨終前尙未達到目标。

在此我們看到無論在宇宙學,教育學,經濟學,和科學上,人們都在追求一個 “想像的統一”。 既有 “想像的統一”,就必有 ”無法想像的統一”。從本體論的觀點,這個 “無法想像的統一” 必定存在,而且它不但存在于思想中, 也必存在于实体中。這就指向那 「既三位, 又是一體」 的上帝了。

安瑟倫是基督徒。他的本體論,嚴格來說,不能算是一種證明上帝存在的論據。筆者認為他只是用哲學的語言表達聖經的啓示。如果他的 “無法想像” 一詞可以用 ”超越 (transcendence)” 來代替,那麼本體論的宣告是,凡是超越的,他不但存在于思想中,也存在于實體中。」而聖經則肯定「上帝是永恆地自存,祂是超越的,也是可知的。所以本體論的聲言與聖經的啓示有異曲同工的作用。換言之,本體論的辯道學就與前設辯道學 (presupposition apologetics) 無異。”前設辯道學” 是以聖經杈威為大前提, 與 “證據辯道學 (evidential apologetics)” 是有區分的, 後者可以不用訴諸于聖經才生效。

三位一體的上帝不是與生活無關的崇高觀念,他與基督徒的存在息息相關。當基督徒禱告的時候, 上帝是他們禱告的對象;上帝是推向那個對象的道路或橋樑;上帝是催促他們禱告的源動力。基督教與宗教不同的地方就是:基督徒的禱告不是源于意志的自發性,乃是有聖父上帝,聖子上帝,聖靈上帝三位格的獨一真神的幫助。 

在上一期的「祈禱」中,伍渭文教授寫道:「心靈誠實的敬拜就是: “必須靠著聖靈按著真理敬拜神” (新譯 本約四24),亦是藉基督,在聖靈裡,到父面前的三一敬拜。」

上帝所賜的福是三位一體的福份。所以保羅為教會祝福時,總是用三一的語言:「願主耶穌基督的恩惠,父神的慈愛,聖靈的感動,常與您們众人同在」 (林後13;13) 。


從上帝的屬性我們可以看到三位一體的必要性。愛是上帝的屬性:「神就是愛。在亞當被創造之前, 上帝向誰表達祂的愛?如果上帝是 “説話的上帝” ,誰是上帝說話的對象?只有三位一體的上帝,才能給這兩個問題提供真正有意義的答案。每次當耶和華見證人向我説他們的教時,我總是問他們這兩個問題。他們都無言以對。這就看到上帝是三位一體的合理性和必要性了。

三一真神关注我们灵命的長進,  祂藉使徒造就我们:「親愛的弟兄阿、你們卻要在至聖的真道 (基督是真理和道路) 上造就自己、在聖靈裡禱告、保守自己常在 (父) 神的愛中、仰望我們主耶穌基督的憐憫、直到永生 (猶大書vv. 20-21) 」。願榮耀歸予三一真神、直到永遠。阿們。

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by Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); July 14, 2022

在七月十日的禮拜天晚上, 我在教会的的廣東團契中提到「福音五環」。有成員希望我重述, 並多些解釋。這篇文章或許對初信者有幫助。這五個福音重點的次序很重要,它們是環環相扣的,所以被稱為「福音五環」

1. 童女生子(Virgin birth)— 說明基督道成肉身的開始。是超自然的,指向基督的源頭是在天上。

2. 受苦與受死(Suffering and death)—生前的受苦指基督與我們的苦難認同。基督死在十字架上成就了和平,並叫萬有與上帝和好。這是救贖之死,是唯一解決罪惡之道。

3. 死後埋葬 (Burial) —屍體埋葬證明祂「真」的死了, 這排除了道成肉身的「幻影」説,及其它反對復活的胡言亂語並奠定了「身體復活」的基礎。

4. 復活 (Resurrection)—不是「精神復活」乃是身體復活 (bodily resurrection)。基督的死是解決罪的問題。復活是帶給我們永生的盼望, 也是上帝要證明(vindication) 耶穌是無罪羔羊,從而指出祂有資格把「神的義」歸算于 (imputed to) 信靠上帝的人。

5. 升天與作王(Ascension and Session)—升天是回到祂本來的榮耀。是道成肉身職事的結束。Session (坐席,像CEO在開公司會議時那樣有杈勢) 。 此詞是説明基督是在天上被加冕為「萬王之王,萬主自主」,並在天上作大祭司,不斷為祂的子民代求,維持我們永遠的生命。

很多人把福音簡化為「BDR」,即Burial, Death, and Resurrection. 這只是部分的福音,不是全部的福音的真諦。

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Forcing Our Way into the Kingdom (Luke 16:16)

By Tin-chee (TC) Lo; June 14, 2022

The English writer and theologian G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936) once bashfully insisted that he learned more from observing a nursery than he did in studying philosophy. Fighting over a toy, we might see two different scenarios: the cynical kid, who would rather try to destroy the toy than let another kid get it, would exercise a forceful effort to achieve his goal; another more docile kid might say, I’m not going to argue with you, I’ll try to earn some money to buy myself one, which is also another kind of forceful effort. Similar situations are not uncommon in society or in workplaces. This story inspired me to understand the following two Bible verses.

「The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John (the Baptist). Since that time, the good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it.」 (Luke 16:16)

「From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it. 」(Matthew 11:12)

The Bible consistently teaches that a person’s entry into the kingdom of God depends entirely on God’s electing grace, not on human effort. Do we still need our own “forceful effort” to advance into the kingdom of God? This “forceful effort” is not just a hard work of perseverance, but also a “sure footed” effort, because Matthew says, “forceful men lay hold of it.” Its tone does seem to be full of arrogant certainty, reminding me of Nietzsche’s “Will to Power,” doesn’t it? In view of this, these two verses become the “hard sayings” of the Bible.

“Forceful effort” mentioned in the above verses is a strong word in Greek (biazetai), which refers to “violent force.” If you believe that running the full marathon is your lofty goal, you’ll muster enthusiasm, go through brutal workouts, and even endure the excruciating pains of ruthless perseverance.

The blessings of heaven far outweigh the satisfaction a marathon can provide. The Bible compares the kingdom of heaven to a treasure hidden beneath the earth. When people find it, they rejoice and sell what they have and buy that field (cf. Matthew 13:44). This is a “forceful effort” regardless of the cost. Satan knows he can’t get this kingdom treasure, and is like a thief who does everything in his power to steal, kill, and destroy, working forcefully to make sure that others can’t have it (John 10:10).

Here we see two distinct and forceful efforts. One is an effort to desire God’s blessing, and the other is a forceful effort exerted by the devil (through family objection, suffering, sickness, vanity of the world, etc.) to prevent people from entering the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is not a neutral territory, but a spiritual battlefield. However, there is a class of ignorant and absurd people in the world who are invited to participate in the Prince’s heavenly banquet, but they all refuse in unison, because they despise the preciousness of the heavenly invitation, and as a result provokes the King’s wrath (Luke 14:16-18). For these people, even the demons despise them.

Why are these two verses relate to John the Baptist? The theme of kingdom is prevalent in the Old Testament, and David foreshadowed the future eternal sovereign king, Jesus Christ. The last Old Testament prophet (note), John the Baptist, “gospelized” this incomparable kingdom in a new way, even proclaiming that the kingdom has already come.

The discovery of this “treasure of supreme good” produces various reactions as described above. Those chosen by God have their spiritual eyes opened to see the treasure and its value. They use all their “forceful effort” to enter into this blessed hope. However, their strong desire is not because of the will of the flesh, but because the Holy Spirit puts the vigor of infinite life in the hearts of the regenerated people, prompting them to have a deep desire for the kingdom of heaven, This zeal is a forceful force that generates a fighting spirit, forcing their way into the Kingdom of God (Lk. 16:16) . When the regenerated people face the resistance of the devil, this fighting spirit renders Satan’s forceful resistance paralyzed. Because all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus, the soldiers of Christ will surely triumph. They are guaranteed to “lay hold of the treasure” (Mt. 11:12).

Of his own experience of conversion, C.S. Lewis (1898-1963) wrote: “In the Trinity Term of 1929, I gave up, and admitted that God was God, and knelt and prayed: that night, the most dejected and reluctant convert in all England…..drug into the kingdom kicking, struggling, resentful, and darting his eyes in every direction for a chance of escape….I did not then see what I now see the most shining and obvious thing; the Divine humility which will accept a convert even on such terms.

When I read this from Lewis’s autobiography, the phrase “the most dejected and reluctant convert” has been baffling me for a long time. From all the baptismal testimonies I’ve heard (including my own), they were all very joyful and upbeat testimonies proclaiming willingly Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Where does this “dejected” and “reluctant” spirit come from?

Ah! It turned out that this Christian writer and apologist triumphantly entered the kingdom of God in a fierce spiritual battle. After his conversion, Lewis, with his sharp mind, was powerfully used by God and laid the foundation for the “philosophical apologetics” of the twentieth century.

Note: John was the Spirit-anointed bridge from the Old Testament to the New. John was the last of the Old Testament prophets (Luke 16:16) and stood on the cusp of a new covenant. His preaching was the end of the Law and the beginning of the Promise. He was the last in the long line of prophets who predicted Christ, yet he was the only one who could actually see Christ in the flesh. There is no specific verse that says “he was the last prophet of the OT”, however, it is implicit in the Bible.

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By: 盧天賜 (Tin-chee Lo); June 9, 2022

英國文學家和神學家切斯特頓 (G. K. Chesterton; 1874-1936) 曾這樣説,「我從小孩子身上所學習的功課,比從哲學家們所學的更多。」如果兩個小孩子相爭一個玩具,我們可能看到兩種不同的反應,那個憤世嫉俗的孩子,寧可努力毁壞這玩具,也不讓另一個小孩子得到,這是一種努力。另一個比較馴良的孩子説,我不跟你爭,我自己努力去賺點外快,給自己買一個回來,這也是一種努力。類似這兩種情況,在社會上,在職塲中,屢見不鮮。這個故事啟發了我對下面兩處經文的理解。

「律法和先知、到約翰為止.從此 神國的福音傳開了、人人努力要進去。(路加16:16)。」


一個人能夠進入神的國,全是在乎神揀選的恩典,不在乎人的行為。難道我們還需要用自己的「努力」, 才能進入神的國嗎?這「努力」不僅僅是一種任勞任怨,志在必得的功夫或毅力。同時也是一種「滿有把握」的努力, 因為馬太這樣説:「努力的人就得著了」。其語氣似乎充滿了「人定勝天」的傲慢,是嗎?鑒此,這兩節經文成了聖經的難題。

上述經文中的「努力」在希臘文 (biazetai) 中是一個強烈的字眼,指巨大的力量。它不僅僅是一種任勞任怨的毅力,而是一種「志在必得的」的暴力。 如果你確信跑完馬拉松全程是一項高尚的目標,你就會鼓起熱情,接受鍛鍊, 甚至甘心忍受無情暴力的痛苦。天國的福氣是遠超過馬拉松長跑所能提供的滿足。聖經把天國比喻為藏在地裡的極貴重無比的寶貝; 當人發現了、便歡歡喜喜的去變賣一切所有的、買這地 (c.f., 馬太13:44)。這是一種不顧代價的「努力」。魔鬼撒但知道自己得不到這個天國的寶貝,就如盜賊一搬、盡其偷竊、殺害、毀壞之能事,「努力」使別人也得不著這寶貝 (約翰10:10)。

在此,我們看到兩種不同的努力。一種是渴慕得著上帝的福氣的努力,另一種是由魔鬼或世界而來的「努力」,旨在阻止人們進入天國。所以天國不是一個中性的地域,乃是一個屬靈的戰場。然而,世上卻有一類愚昧荒謬的人,他們被邀請去參與王子的天國宴會, 卻一口同音地推辭,因為他們看不起天國寶貝的貴重性,結果觸發王恕 (路加14:16-18); 這等人連魔鬼也看不起他們。

為什麼這兩節經文與施洗約翰拉上關係呢?國度是舊約聖經的主題之一,以大衛王国作為天國的預表。上帝藉着舊約最後的一位先知 (note),施洗約翰,把神透過大衛所表達的國度「福音化」了,以一種全新的方式,具體地表達出來,並宣告這個無與倫比的國度巳經來臨了。人們發現了這個「絕對美善的寶藏」就產生了上述的不同的反應。

那些蒙神揀選的人,屬靈眼睛被打開了,看到寶貝和它的價值。使他用所有的「努力」,進入蒙福的盼望中。然而,這種強烈的渴慕不是出於肉體的意志, 乃是因為聖靈把那無窮生命的活力放置在重生者的心靈中, 它促使他們對天國有深深的渴望,所以這個努力是一個「被動的主動」, 是一個能產生鬥志的動力。除了那渴慕的努力外,重生者還面對魔鬼阻力, 使魔鬼的努力必成為徒然。因為天上地下所有的權柄巳經交付給基督了,所以我們這群基督的精兵必能得勝, 如經上所説的「努力的人就必得著」,。

論到他自己得救的經歷,劉易斯 (C.S. Lewis;1898-1963) 寫道:『在 1929 年的三一學期 (Trinity Term 是英國學制的名詞,指四月中到六月底的最後一學期) 期間,我屈服了,我承認讓神是神 (Let God be God),我跪下禱告; 也許,那天晚上,我是全英格蘭最沮喪和最不情願的皈依者。 那時我沒有看到我現在看到的最閃亮和最明顯的事實,就是那位神聖的謙卑 (Divine humility),即使在這樣的條件下,竟接受像我這樣的皈依者。』

當我讀到劉易斯的自傳時,這一句話「最沮喪和最不情願的皈依者」一直在困惑著我,令我非常费解。據我所聽到所有的受洗見證 (包括我自己的在內) 都是非常喜樂和非常願意地宣告接受耶穌基督作個人的救主,那裡會有「沮喪」和「不情願」的想法呢?哦!原來這位神所重用的基督教作家和護教者,是在猛烈的屬靈爭戰的情況下, 得勝地進入神的國。神用劉易斯富有洞察力的思考, 奠定了廿十世紀「哲學護道學」的基礎。

論到得救的經歷,魯益師 (C.S. Lewis;1898-1963) 在自傳中寫道:『在 1929 年的三一學期 (Trinity Term 是英國學制的名詞,指四月中到六月底的最後一學期) 期間,我屈服了,我承認讓神是神 (let God be God),我跪下禱告; 也許,那天晚上,我是全英格蘭最沮喪和最不情願的皈依者。那時我沒有看到我現在看到的最閃亮和最明顯的事實,就是那位神聖的謙卑 (Divine humility),即使在這樣的條件下,竟接受像我這樣的皈依者。』

每當我讀到「最沮喪和最不情願的皈依者」這一句話時, 心中一直在困惑著,令我非常费解。據我所聽過所有的受洗見證 (包括我自己的在內), 都是非常喜樂和非常願意地宣告接受耶穌基督作個人的救主,那裡會有「沮喪」和「不情願」的想法呢?哦!原來這位神所重用的作家和護教者,是在猛烈的屬靈爭戰的情況下, 得勝地進入神的國。隨後,神用魯益師富有洞察力的思考,  奠定了廿十世紀「哲學護道學」的基礎。

Note: 約翰是從舊約到新約的受聖靈膏抹的橋樑。 約翰是舊約中最後一位先知,站在新約的風口浪尖。 他的講道是律法的終結 (Luke 16:16) 和應許的開始。 他是一長串預言基督的先知中的最後一個,但他是唯一能夠真正看到基督​​的肉身的人。沒有具體的經文說 “他是舊約的最後一位先知”,但是,聖經中隱含著。

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by Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); May 25, 2022

達爾文的進化論與聖經不能調和。主因:它不容許神的存在。 其它就不用說了。雖然達爾文的進化論,作為一個系統,是絕對不能與聖經和諧,但我們不能説它的支持者所説的每一句關乎生物學的話都是不對的。

神導進化論 (Theistic Evolution) 能與聖經調和嗎?答案取決于他們對「神」和對「亞當夏娃」以及對「過程」的看法。

如果他們的「神」是指 「自然神論(deism)中的神」:祂建立系統後便退休,讓宇宙機制自行運作,祂不積極關心受造界,禱告無意義。這方面的「神導進化論」是不能與聖經調和的。

如果他們的「神」是指 「聖經中的神」:祂願以愛與人建立個人關係,人可向祂禱告,祂用杈能託住萬有。這方面的「神導進化論」是可以與聖經調和的。

如果他們相信亞當夏娃是由智人(homo Sapians) 進化成亞人類 (subhuman hominids) ,最後進化成「對上帝有意識」的人,這方面的「神導進化論」是與聖經水火不容的。


如果在人出現之前的六個「創造日」中,萬物是以達爾文的方式進化 (進化=物質+機遇+時間),這種模式是與聖經教導背道而馳,所以不能被基督徒接受。

如果在人出現之前的六個「創造日」中,萬物是以基因和遺傳律 (神所發明的資訊係統) 的引導進行,這與聖經沒有抵觸。其沒有抵觸的原因,是因為聖經對「過程」的細節講得實在太少,因此給「沒有抵觸」留下很多餘地。「基因」是資訊,是神的話語。遺傳律 (孟德爾 G.J. Mendel) 的實驗巳證明後天所獲得的「進步」不能傳到下一代;再者,在同一物種內的變異範圍是受到嚴格限制的,這就意味著「各從其類」的聖經教導。這方面的「神導進化論」是基督徒可以接受的。

在神导进化论里,什么被进化,或进化了什么?由於神导进化论的説法充棟汗牛 (Google),我不能百分之百去肯定, 因為「神导进化论」沒有統一的科學定義。但在「大眾科學 (popular science)」的層面上,凡是由「簡」到「繁」的發展,社會人仕都統稱之為「進化」機制。有些人甚至把嬰兒在母胎成長過程也歸在「進化」的範疇內。然而,創世紀的創造次序大至是「從無機到有機」,從「簡單生物」到「複雜生物」,給人獲得一個「進化」的感覺。

但如果我把這個問題簡單地改寫為「有雞先?還是有蛋先?」那麼我的回答大概是:創世記 “似乎” 説「雞在先」。我用 ”似乎” 的字眼是因為創世記的語言是「在某創造日,神創造了某些生物」,但這句話只說明了結果,而並沒有説明「如何」創造。然而「神导进化论」卻肯定「蛋在先。」

但是在傳福音的技巧上,如果我們硬説「神導進化論」不對,那就很快失去對話的機會,對進行大使命有損無益。我個人認為我們可以藉「神導進化論」為語言,把真正的聖經內容表達出來,就是:「神存在,祂是創造者,生物各從其類,不是所有被造東西都是一下完成,神的創造是有次序的,一步一步的。」這其实是神在創世記要我們知道的事。如此,不信主的人不會認為我們是無知,從而打開他們的耳朵, 開始聽我們真正要講的福音。但應注意的是,我們不能为了迎合非基督徒,而修改聖經的意思。故此,上文用了的六個「如果」,就把我們「同意」或「不同意」的範圍,劃清界線。

創世記第一章在基督徒 (特別是認真的,愛主的基督徒) 的圈子中,永遠是爭議 (儘管是正面的) 最多的一章經文, 特別是在創造論與神導進化論,宇宙形成的年日 (年輕地球 vs. 年老地球) 等等問題。他們在很多點上持不同的看法,但可喜的是,有正统信仰的基督徒都有一個基本的共識, 就是:「上帝是獨一真神。聖經是祂的話語並且絕對可靠無誤。萬有都是祂所創造的。」基督徒也承認,雖然聖經是絕對無誤,但人對聖經的解釋是可能會 (而且巳經發生過) 有誤的。在這大前提下討論創世記,一切不同意的觀點,都成了次要的問題了。筆者對次要問題的看法是: 保持開放態度, 並專重異議。我們如今彷彿對著鏡子觀看、模糊不清.如同猜謎。但到與主面對面的那日,一切都恍然大悟了。

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Regeneration Precedes Faith

By: T.C. Lo; May 10, 2022

This is the subject about salvation, not sanctification. Many Christians (including some evangelicals) think they must have faith first before they can be born again (or regenerated). This is wrong theology. The Bible teaches that “REGENERATION PRECEDES FAITH.” It means one must FIRST be born again by the Holy Spirit before one can even acquire the saving-faith. However, this FIRST is not a chronological- or temporal-FIRST, but a logical-FIRST. Chronologically (i.e. in real time), regeneration and faith occur simultaneously. To emphasize the correctness of the time-order, may I further say in another way, “faith cannot precede regeneration.” This assertion is based on the fact that faith is God’s gift given to the already-regenerated by which they can be justified. Hence, the phrase “justification by faith alone” is the shorthand statement for our redemption. I frankly can find no evidence in the Scripture anywhere which shows the contrary, that a person can believe the gospel apart from grace. Faith is never presented as product of our unregenerated human nature. In fact, this truth is self-evident, because almost every person who is to be baptized, testifies publicly by saying something like this: “Because of such and such event, I was moved by the Holy Spirit, and I decided to be baptized.” When one said, “I was moved by the Holy Spirit”, one has already admitted that salvation is initiated by God.

The Scriptural passages and verses that support this concept are listed (not exhaustively) below. Some of these scriptural quotations speak of the Holy Spirit’s direct, effective, and active regeneration of sinners. Some verses speak indirectly of man’s spiritual “inability” to respond to God, thereby pointing to the need for God to first intervene in our redemptive process. Yet, some verses are less obvious that they demand us to put them in the light of all other passages for deeper contemplation before we can begin to understand them.

Genesis 3:21 “God initiated to make garments of skin (blood sacrifice) for Adam and Eve.”

Psalm 14:2-3 “man has no merit worthy to be saved apart from God’s grace.”

Ezekiel 36:26-27 “new heart and new spirit are not earned but gifts of God.”

John 1:13; 3:3-8; 6:37, 44, 63, 65 “regeneration is from God and based on God’s wisdom of election.”

Acts 11:18; 16:14 “salvation is 100% God’s outworking, and 0% human involvement.”

Romans 6:6, 17, 20; 8:9-15 “we were slaves of sin, hence, we would not have the will and power to choose God unless we are first made alive (regenerated) by God.”

1 Corinthians 2:12, 14; 12:3 “the Spirit of God is the agent of regeneration.”

Ephesians 2:1-5, 8-9 “the very first step of salvation is that God makes us alive and then gives us faith as gift by which we are justified. God is the first cause for our redemption.”

Philippians 1:28-29 “Salvation is granted by God on behalf of Christ. No human effort is involved.”

1 Thessalonians 1:4, 5, 9 “chosen by God” is the key phrase.”

2 Timothy 2:25 “Repentant heart is given by God.”

Titus 3:5 “salvation is not based on our good work but God’s mercy through the Holy spirit.”

James 1:18 “We are regenerated according to God’s will through His Word.”

1 Peter 1:3, 23 “We are regenerated according to God’s mercy through God’s Word and Christ’s resurrected power.”

1 John 2:29; 3:9; 4:7; 5:1 “born of God” is the key phrase.”

All these verses point to a very important statement: “Salvation is from God and God alone.

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重生在信心之先 (Regeneration precedes Faith)

Edited by Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); May 8, 2022

許多基督徒(包括一些福音派人仕)認為他們必須有信心才能獲得重生(或得救)。 這是錯誤的神學。 聖經教導說 “重生先於信心”。 這意味著一個人必須先被聖靈重生才能獲得信心。 然而,這個 「先」 不是時間順序或時間上的 「先」,而是邏輯上的 「先」。 按時間順序而言, 重生和信心是同時發生的。 為了強調時間順序的正確性,我可以進一步說,“信心不能先於重生”。這個斷言是基於這樣一個事實: 「信心是上帝賜給被重生者的禮物,我們憑藉此禮物而稱義。」因此, ”惟獨因信稱義” 一詞是我們救贖的簡寫短句。

坦率地說,我在聖經中找不到任何相反的證據表明一個人可以在沒有恩典的情況下相信福音。 信心從來沒有被呈現在未重生的人性中。其實這個道理是不證自明的, 因為幾乎每一個受洗的人,當他作見證時,都會大概這樣說:「因為某某事情,我被聖靈感動,我便決志信主了。」當他說,「我被聖靈感動」時,他巳經承認了「救恩乃是出于神」。下面列出了支持這一概念的聖經章節。 其中一些經文談到了聖靈對罪人的直接的、有效的和積極的重生。 有些經文間接地談到人在屬靈的事上完全 “無能” 回應上帝,從而指出神首先介入我們的救贖過程的必要性。 然而,有些經文卻非立即明顯,它要求我們將其放在所有其它段落的亮光中進行深入沉思,才能獲得理解。

Psalm 14:2 耶和華從天上垂看世人、要看有明白的沒有、有尋求 神的沒有。
14:3 他們都偏離正路、一同變為污穢.並沒有行善的、連一個也沒有。

Ezekiel 36:26 我也要賜給你們一個新心、將新靈放在你們裡面.又從你們的肉體中除掉石心、賜給你們肉心。
36:27 我必將我的靈、放在你們裡面、使你們順從我的律例、謹守遵行我的典章。

37:1 耶和華的靈、〔原文作手〕降在我身上、耶和華藉他的靈帶我出去、將我放在平原中.這平原遍滿骸骨。
37:2 他使我從骸骨的四圍經過.誰知在平原的骸骨甚多、而且極其枯乾。
37:3 他對我說、人子阿、這些骸骨能復活麼.我說、主耶和華阿、你是知道的。
37:4 他又對我說、你向這些骸骨發預言、說、枯乾的骸骨阿、要聽耶和華的話。
37:5 主耶和華對這些骸骨如此說、我必使氣息進入你們裡面、你們就要活了。
37:6 我必給你們加上筋、使你們長肉、又將皮遮蔽你們、使氣息進入你們裡面、你們就要活了.你們便知道我是耶和華。

John 1:13 這等人不是從血氣生的、不是從情慾生的、也不是從人意生的、乃是從 神生的。
3:3 耶穌回答說、我實實在在的告訴你、人若不重生、就不能見 神的國。
3:4 尼哥底母說、人已經老了、如何能重生呢.豈能再進母腹生出來麼。
3:5 耶穌說、我實實在在的告訴你、人若不是從水和聖靈生的、就不能進 神的國。
3:6 從肉身生的、就是肉身.從靈生的、就是靈。
3:7 我說、你們必須重生、你不要以為希奇。
3:8 風隨著意思吹、你聽見風的響聲、卻不曉得從那裡來、往那裡去.凡從聖靈生的、也是如此。
6:37 凡父所賜給我的人、必到我這裡來.到我這裡來的、我總不丟棄他。

6:44 若不是差我來的父吸引人、就沒有能到我這裡來的.到我這裡來的、在末日我要叫他復活。

6:63 叫人活著的乃是靈、肉體是無益的.我對你們所說的話、就是靈、就是生命。
6:65 耶穌又說、所以我對你們說過、若不是蒙我父的恩賜、沒有人能到我這裡來。

Acts 11:18 眾人聽見這話、就不言語了.只歸榮耀與 神、說、這樣看來、 神也賜恩給外邦人、叫他們悔改得生命了。
16:14 有一個賣紫色布疋的婦人、名叫呂底亞、是推雅推喇城的人、素來敬拜 神.他聽見了、主就開導他的心、叫他留心聽保羅所講的話。

Romans 6:6 因為知道我們的舊人、和他同釘十字架、使罪身滅絕、叫我們不再作罪的奴僕.

6:17 感謝 神、因為你們從前雖然作罪的奴僕、現今卻從心裡順服了所傳給你們道理的模範。

6:20 因為你們作罪之奴僕的時候、就不被義約束了。

8:9 如果 神的靈住在你們心裡、你們就不屬肉體、乃屬聖靈了.人若沒有基督的靈、就不是屬基督的。
8:10 基督若在你們心裡、身體就因罪而死、心靈卻因義而活.
8:11 然而叫耶穌從死裡復活者的靈、若住在你們心裡、那叫基督耶穌從死裡復活的、也必藉著住在你們心裡的聖靈、使你們必死的身體又活過來。
8:15 你們所受的不是奴僕的心、仍舊害怕.所受的乃是兒子的心、因此我們呼叫阿爸、父。

1 Corinthians 2:12 我們所領受的、並不是世上的靈、乃是從 神來的靈、叫我們能知道 神開恩賜給我們的事。
2:14 然而屬血氣的人不領會 神聖靈的事、反倒以為愚拙.並且不能知道、因為這些事惟有屬靈的人纔能看透。

12:3 所以我告訴你們、被 神的靈感動的、沒有說耶穌是可咒詛的.若不是被聖靈感動的、也沒有能說耶穌是主的。

Ephesians 2:1 你們死在過犯罪惡之中、他叫你們活過來.
2:2 那時、你們在其中行事為人隨從今世的風俗、順服空中掌權者的首領、就是現今在悖逆之子心中運行的邪靈.
2:3 我們從前也都在他們中間、放縱肉體的私慾、隨著肉體和心中所喜好的去行、本為可怒之子、和別人一樣.
2:4 然而 神既有豐富的憐憫.因他愛我們的大愛、
2:5 當我們死在過犯中的時候、便叫我們與基督一同活過來.(你們得救是本乎恩)

2:8 你們得救是本乎恩、也因著信、這並不是出於自己、乃是 神所賜的.
2:9 也不是出於行為、免得有人自誇。

Philippians 1:29 因為你們蒙恩、不但得以信服基督、並要為他受苦。

1 Thessalonians 1:4 被 神所愛的弟兄阿、我知道你們是蒙揀選的.
1:5 因為我們的福音傳到你們那裡、不獨在乎言語、也在乎權能、和聖靈、並充足的信心.正如你們知道我們在你們那裡、為你們的緣故是怎樣為人。

1:9 因為他們自己已經報明我們是怎樣進到你們那裡、你們是怎樣離棄偶像歸向 神、要服事那又真又活的 神、

2 Timothy 2:25 用溫柔勸戒那抵擋的人.或者 神給他們悔改的心、可以明白真道.

Titus 3:5 他便救了我們、並不是因我們自己所行的義、乃是照他的憐憫、藉著重生的洗、和聖靈的更新。

James 1:18 他按自己的旨意、用真道生了我們、叫我們在他所造的萬物中、好像初熟的果子。

1 Peter 1:3 願頌讚歸與我們主耶穌基督的父 神、他曾照自己的大憐憫、藉耶穌基督從死裡復活、重生了我們、叫我們有活潑的盼望、

1:23 你們蒙了重生、不是由於能壞的種子、乃是由於不能壞的種子、是藉著 神活潑常存的道。

1 John 2:29 你們若知道他是公義的、就知道凡行公義之人都是他所生的。

3:9 凡從 神生的、就不犯罪、因 神的道〔原文作種〕存在他心裡.他也不能犯罪、因為他是由 神生的。

4:7 親愛的弟兄阿、我們應當彼此相愛.因為愛是從 神來的.凡有愛心的、都是由 神而生、並且認識 神。

5:1 凡信耶穌是基督的、都是從 神而生.凡愛生他之 神的、也必愛從 神生的。

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Bible Verses About Predestination (预定論的聖經根据)

Edited by Tin-chee Lo (T. C. Lo 盧天賜); second edition October 14, 2023

在查考使徒行傳十三章時,有一節經文,「外邦人聽見這話、就歡喜了、讚美 神的道.凡預定得永生的人都信了(v. 48)」,引起熱烈的討論,乃是關注到「預定論」,又稱「揀選論」的教義。「預定」是上帝的思想,「揀選」是上帝的行動。所以,預訂與揀選是一體的兩面。因為預定論是一個有爭議性的問題之一,為了 “以和為貴”,很多教會的牧長,都不願意涉及宣講這一類的難題,以致會友失去了對一些重要真理的理解的機會,因此,我們必須要正視,而非逃避這些問題。

論到預定論,通常人們有兩種極端的反應:第一種是不信者的抗議。他們認為上帝不公平:為什麼祂揀選某人而不揀選我呢?所以他們就否定上帝的可信性而離開教會或查經班。然而另一種人是一些虔誠的基督徒,他們尊重聖經的權威和無誤性。當他們面對難題時,便提供了一組「萬能答案」。當你問他上帝為什麼如此如此?他們的答案歸納在三句聰明的短句中:呀!這是「上帝的主權」,或「這是上帝的心意」,或「這是上帝的旨意」。誰能抗議這些終極的答案呢?問題是這些 ”萬能” 答案若果沒有一些導致此結論的中介知識在推理的過程中,他們的答案,儘管無懈可擊,也沒有太大意義,因為他雖然回答了,其實是「答」等於「未答」。那麼支持預定論的中介知識是甚麼呢?最好的知識就是新舊約經文的本身。聖經中有數以百計的經文支持「預定/揀選」的理念。


  • 約翰三章16節: 神愛世人、甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們、叫一切信他的、不至滅亡、反得永生。
  • 彼得後書三章九節:主所應許的尚未成就、有人以為他是耽延.其實不是耽延、乃是寬容你們、不願有一人沉淪、乃願人人都悔改。
  • 約翰一書二章二節:他為我們的罪作了挽回祭.不是單為我們的罪、也是為普天下人的罪。

它們在「表面上」看來與預定論「似乎」背道而馳,但在全本聖經神所默示的亮光下, 它們是與一搬平常的領會有差異的,所以我們更需对此深思熟慮。本文暫且不談這些, 只把支持預定論的巨量經文,例舉一些出來 (not exhaustive),以供讀者參考。

創世 (Genesis)

21:12 神對亞伯拉罕說、你不必為這童子和你的使女憂愁、凡撒拉對你說的話、你都該聽從.因為從以撒生的、纔要稱為你的後裔。【上帝揀選以撒】

出埃及記 (Exodus)

9:16 其實我叫你 (摩西) 存立、是特要向你顯我的大能、並要使我的名傳遍天下。【上帝揀選摩西】

33:19 耶和華說、我要顯我一切的恩慈、在你面前經過、宣告我的名.我要恩待誰、就恩待誰.要憐憫誰、就憐憫誰。

約書亞記 (Joshua)

11:20 因為耶和華的意思、是要使他們心裡剛硬、來與以色列人爭戰、好叫他們盡被殺滅、不蒙憐憫、正如耶和華所吩咐摩西的。

約伯記 (Job)

23:14 他 (神) 向我 (約伯) 所定的、就必作成.這類的事他還有許多。

詩篇 (Psalms)

33:12 以耶和華為 神的、那國是有福的.他所揀選為自己產業的、那民是有福的。

65:4 你所揀選、使他親近你、住在你院中的、這人便為有福.我們必因你居所、你聖殿的美福知足了。

106:5 使我見你選民的福、樂你國民的樂、與你的產業一同誇耀。

箴言 (Proverbs)

16:4 耶和華所造的、各適其用.就是惡人、也為禍患的日子所造。

16:9 人心籌算自己的道路.惟耶和華指引他的腳步。

以赛亞書 (Isaiah)

44:1 我的僕人雅各、我所揀選的以色列阿、現在你當聽。

46:10 我從起初指明末後的事、從古時言明未成的事、說、我的籌算必立定、凡我所喜悅的、我必成就。

耶利米 (Jeremiah)

1:5 我未將你造在腹中、我已曉得你、你未出母胎、我已分別你為聖.我已派你作列國的先知。

以西結書 (Ezekiel)

17:24  田野的樹木都必知道我耶和華使高樹矮小、矮樹高大、青樹枯乾、枯樹發旺.我耶和華如此說、也如此行了。

37:1-28 (全章)

37:14 我必將我的靈放在你們裡面、你們就要活了.我將你們安置在本地、你們就知道我耶和華如此說、也如此成就了.這是耶和華說的。

哈該 (Haggai)

2:23 萬軍之耶和華說、我僕人撒拉鐵的兒子所羅巴伯阿、到那日、我必以你為印、因我揀選了你.這是萬軍之耶和華說的。

瑪拉基書 (Malachi)

1:2-3 耶和華說、我曾愛你們.你們卻說、你在何事上愛我們呢.耶和華說、以掃不是雅各的哥哥麼.我卻愛雅各、惡以掃、使他的山嶺荒涼、把他的地業交給曠野的野狗。【上帝揀選雅各. 惡以掃】

馬太福音 (Matthews)

20:23 耶穌說、我所喝的杯、你們必要喝.只是坐在我的左右、不是我可以賜的.乃是我父為誰預備的、就賜給誰。

22:14 因為被召的人多、選上的人少。

25:34 於是王要向那右邊的說、你們這蒙我父賜福的、可來承受那創世以來為你們所預備的國。

馬可福音 (Mark)

4:11 耶穌對他們說、 神國的奧秘、只叫你們知道、若是對外人講、凡事就用比喻.

13:20 若不是主減少那日子、凡有血氣的、總沒有一個得救的.只是為主的選民、他將那日子減少了。

13:22 因為假基督、假先知、將要起來、顯神蹟奇事.倘若能行、就把選民迷惑了。

路加福音 (Luke)

4:26 以利亞並沒有奉差往他們一個人那裡去、只奉差往西頓的撒勒法、一個寡婦那裡去。

4:27 先知以利沙的時候、以色列中有許多長大痲瘋的.但內中除了敘利亞國的乃縵、沒有一個得潔淨的。【上帝揀選乃縵】

8:10 他說、 神國的奧秘、只叫你們知道.至於別人、就用比喻、叫他們看也看不見、聽也聽不明。

10:20 然而不要因鬼服了你們就歡喜.要因你們的名記錄在天上歡喜。

18:7 神的選民、晝夜呼籲他、他縱然為他們忍了多時、豈不終久給他們伸冤麼。

22:22 人子固然要照所預定的去世.但賣人子的人有禍了。

約翰福 (John)

6:37 凡父所賜給我的人、必到我這裡來.到我這裡來的、我總不丟棄他。
6:39 差我來者的意思、就是他所賜給我的、叫我一個也不失落、在末日卻叫他復活。
6:44 若不是差我來的父吸引人、就沒有能到我這裡來的.到我這裡來的、在末日我要叫他復活。

13:18 我這話不是指著你們眾人說的.我知道我所揀選的是誰.現在要應驗經上的話、說、『同我喫飯的人、用腳踢我。』

15:16 不是你們揀選了我、是我揀選了你們、並且分派你們去結果子、叫你們的果子常存.使你們奉我的名、無論向父求甚麼、他就賜給你們。

15:19 你們若屬世界、世界必愛屬自己的.只因你們不屬世界.乃是我從世界中揀選了你們、所以世界就恨你們。

17:2 正如你曾賜給他權柄、管理凡有血氣的、叫他將永生賜給你所賜給他的人

17:6 你從世上賜給我的人、我已將你的名顯明與他們.他們本是你的、你將他們賜給我、他們也遵守了你的道。

17:9 我為他們祈求.不為世人祈求、卻為你所賜給我的人祈求、因他們本是你的。

使徒行 (Acts)

2:23 他既按著 神的定旨先見、被交與人、你們就藉著無法之人的手、把他釘在十字架上殺了。

2:39 因為這應許是給你們、和你們的兒女、並一切在遠方的人、就是主我們 神所召來的

4:27 希律和本丟彼拉多、外邦人和以色列民、果然在這城裡聚集、要攻打你所膏的聖僕耶穌、〔僕或作子〕果然不是偶然【果然不是偶然】

4:28 成就你手和你意旨所預定必有的事

13:48 外邦人聽見這話、就歡喜了、讚美 神的道.凡預定得永生的人都信了。

22:14 他又說、我們祖宗的 神、揀選了你、叫你明白他的旨意、又得見那義者、聽他口中所出的聲音。

羅馬書 (Romans)

1:6 其中也有你們這蒙召屬耶穌基督的人。

8:1-39 (全章)

8:28 我們曉得萬事都互相效力、叫愛 神的人得益處、就是按他旨意被召的人。
8:29 因為他預先所知道的人、就預先定下效法他兒子的模樣使他兒子在許多弟兄中作長子.
8:30 預先所定下的人又召他們來.所召來的人、又稱他們為義.所稱為義的人、又叫他們得榮耀。

9:1-33 (全章)

9:11 (雙子還沒有生下來、善惡還沒有作出來、只因要顯明 神揀選人的旨意、不在乎人的行為、乃在乎召人的主)
9:12 神就對利百加說、『將來大的要服事小的。』9:13 正如經上所記、『雅各是我所愛的、以掃是我所惡的。』
9:15 因他對摩西說、『我要憐憫誰、就憐憫誰、要恩待誰、就恩待誰。』
9:16 據此看來、這不在乎那定意的、也不在乎那奔跑的、只在乎發憐憫的 神。

11:1-36 (全章)

11:4 神的回話是怎麼說的呢.他說、『我為自己留下七千人、是未曾向巴力屈膝的。』

11:5 如今也是這樣、照著揀選的恩典還有所留的餘數。

11:6 既是出於恩典、就不在乎行為.不然、恩典就不是恩典了。

11:29 因為 神的恩賜和選召、是沒有後悔的。

哥林多(1 Corinthians)

1:26 弟兄們哪、可見你們蒙召的、按著肉體有智慧的不多、有能力的不多、有尊貴的也不多.
1:27 神卻揀選了世上愚拙的、叫有智慧的羞愧.又揀選了世上軟弱的、叫那強壯的羞愧.

2:7 我們講的、乃是從前所隱藏、 神奧秘的智慧、就是 神在萬世以前、預定使我們得榮耀的.

加拉太 (Galatians)

1:15 然而那把我從母腹裡分別出來、又施恩召我的 神、

以弗所 (Ephesians)

1:4 就如 神從創立世界以前、在基督裡揀選了我們、使我們在他面前成為聖潔、無有瑕疵.

1:5 又因愛我們、就按著自己意旨所喜悅的、預定我們、藉著耶穌基督得兒子的名分、

1:9 都是照他自己所預定的美意、叫我們知道他旨意的奧秘、
1:11 我們也在他裡面得了基業、〔得或作成〕這原是那位隨己意行作萬事的、照著他旨意所預定的.
2:8 你們得救是本乎恩、也因著信、這並不是出於自己、乃是 神所賜的.

3:11這是照 神從萬世以前、在我們主基督耶穌裡所定的旨意

歌羅西 (Colossians)

3:12 所以你們既是 神的選民、聖潔蒙愛的人、就要存〔原文作穿下同〕憐憫、恩慈、謙虛、溫柔、忍耐的心。

帖撒羅尼迦前書 (1 Thessalonians)

1:4被 神所愛的弟兄阿、我知道你們是蒙揀選的.

帖撒羅尼迦後書 (1 Thessalonians)

2:13 主所愛的弟兄們哪、我們本該常為你們感謝 神.因為他從起初揀選了你們、叫你們因信真道、又被聖靈感動成為聖潔、能以得救。

提摩太 (1 Timothy)

5:21 我在 神和基督耶穌並蒙揀選的天使面前囑咐你、要遵守這些話、不可存成見、行事也不可有偏心。

提摩太 (2 Timothy)

1:9 神救了我們、以聖召召我們、不是按我們的行為、乃是按他的旨意、和恩典.這恩典是萬古之先、在基督耶穌裡賜給我們的.

2:10 所以我為選民凡事忍耐、叫他們也可以得著那在基督耶穌裡的救恩、和永遠的榮耀。

提多 (Titus)

1:1 神的僕人、耶穌基督的使徒保羅、憑著 神選民的信心、與敬虔真理的知識、
1:2 盼望那無謊言的 神、在萬古之先所應許的永生、

雅各 (James)

1:18 他按自己的旨意、用真道生了我們、叫我們在他所造的萬物中、好像初熟的果子。

彼得前 (1 Peter)

1:2 就是照父 神的先見被揀選、藉著聖靈得成聖潔、以致順服耶穌基督、又蒙他血所灑的人.願恩惠平安、多多的加給你們。

1:20 基督在創世以前、是預先被 神知道的、卻在這末世、纔為你們顯現.

2:9 惟有你們是被揀選的族類、是有君尊的祭司、是聖潔的國度、是屬 神的子民、要叫你們宣揚那召你們出黑暗入奇妙光明者的美德。
2:10 你們從前算不得子民、現在卻作了 神的子民.從前未曾蒙憐恤、現在卻蒙了憐恤。

彼得後(2 Peters)

1:10 所以弟兄們、應當更加殷勤、使你們所蒙的恩召和揀選堅定不移.你們若行這幾樣、就永不失腳。

猶大 (Jude)

1:4 因為有些人偷著進來、就是自古被定受刑罰的、是不虔誠的、將我們 神的恩變作放縱情慾的機會、並且不認獨一的主宰我們〔我們或作和我們〕主耶穌基督。

啟示 (Revelation)

13:8 凡住在地上、名字從創世以來、沒有記在被殺之羔羊生命冊上的人、都要拜他 (i.e., 獸) 。【不是凡住在地上的人, 乃是從創世以來上帝揀選的人】


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By Tin-chee Lo (盧天赐); December 22, 2021

這個問題的答案乃建立在一個重要的教義上:人的得救全是出於上帝揀選的恩典,簡稱「預定論」。聖經有大量經文支持這個大前提。反對這説法的人,總是用兩處經文去辯駁: 「上帝愛世人 (John 3:16)」和 「上帝不願一人沉淪 (2 Peter 3:9)」。難道僅僅兩節經文就推翻了數以百計的其它經文嗎?神的話是不會自相矛盾的。所以這兩節經文必定存在著一些比一搬所領會的更深层的理解。但在此文中我們暫且不談。


人類可以分成兩大群:S 與L。
S (saved) 代表得救的人群。
L (lost) 代表不得救的人群。

S 又可再分為五類:

S1: 這類人聽了耶穌基督的福音而接受之。他們之所以接受福音是因為聖靈主動地先重生了他們,即聖靈先使巳死的靈魂活過來 (Eph. 2:1, 5),然後上帝賜給他們「得救的信心 (saving faith)」作禮物,透過三位一體的上帝在創世之前所設計的「雙重歸算 (double imputation)」救贖之法 (note 1),他們就因信稱義了。天父賜予他們天堂,作為他們得救的獎賞。

S2: 這類人從未聽過福音的人。他們雖未識福音,但因為他們是䝉召被揀選者,所以耶穌用超自然的方式向他們顯現,使他們認識祂。印度教徒孫大信 (Sadhu Sundar Singh) 是一例也 (Note 2)。今天我們也聽到不少回教徒信耶穌的神奇經歷。就在今年,在我所服事的教會的宣教年會中,我就聽到一位回來述職的宣教姊妹,分享了一個回教徒夫婦預見從不認識的耶穌的異常經歷。這些都是引人入勝的故事,其真實性及可信性就要從見證者的生命的改變來鑒定。我是深信上述的見證是真實的。聖經也有不少類似例子:例如在第一個聖誕節中,異教徒並星相家, 就是一些東方博士們 (Magi from the east), 他們從未聴過耶穌, 上帝用景星領他們到小孩耶穌跟前,他們便向小孩耶穌下拜,並獻上禮物,這就代表他們在那時刻重生了。(然而,今天我們要注意的是:見證不是福音,見證是說明福音有改變生命的大能。見證的可信度在乎見證人生命的改變。 )

S3: 這類人聽了福音但心硬不接受。然而,他們在上帝旨意中,卻是屬被揀選的族類 (chosen race)。在我們無法理解的情況下,基督的大恩臨到他們,使他們的石心變成肉心,成為上帝的子民。使徒保羅是明顯的例子。他的超自然改變 (Supernatural conversion) 經歷在使徒行傳中記載了三次之多。

S4: 夭折的嬰兒及孩童, 包括被墮的胎兒 (aborted babies) ,死後是被接到天堂的。這是上帝給他們非常特殊的恩典。當大衛和拔示巴的孩子去世時,大衛「告白他相信他會再次看到這個孩子,並且安慰了他的妻子拔示巴。」這表明大衛認為他的兒子與神同在。耶穌在路加福音18章15-17中說,神的國屬於小孩子。除了描述得救的信心就像孩子般的信心之外,耶穌似乎也在確認「孩子充滿了天堂」的事實。

S5: 舊約中的猶太人。他們未聽過耶穌但只知道守律法,他們可以得救嗎?讓我們看看保羅怎樣回答這個問題。保羅說,「律法的總結就是基督 (羅10:4) 」。所以,舊約的人,只要他們憑信心遵從律法,他們就同等於相信基督,儘管他們從未聽過基督之名。

L 也分兩類:

L1: 他們聽了福音而不接受。這個「不接受」是墮落人類的默認條件 (default condition),是自然而然的現象,所以上帝並沒有不公義。這些人就是羅馬書中所說的「阻擋真理(suppress the truth)」的人。他們是在神計劃中的滅亡之子 (約17:12), 猶大是一例也。

L2: 他們一生沒有機會聽到福音。上帝都知道,就算他們聽到福音也不會相信,所以他們的歸宿與有沒有聽過福音毫無關係。

結論:儘管我們不能完全明白上帝對人個別救贖的計劃,至于什麼人能進天堂,什麼人應入地獄,人是無法斷言的,因為這是超過人類分析啓示的能力的理性極限。但一件不可否認的聖經真理,就是凡進入天堂的人, 都是憑藉耶穌基督十字架寶血之功。

Note 1: 雙重歸算的教義 (doctrine of double imputation)
雙重歸算(double imputation)是與稱義相關的教義。它認為「歸算」的概念是雙向的。 一方面,我們的罪「歸咎」於基督;父神就把本來無罪,並道成肉身的基督「算作」是罪人。由於罪的功價乃是死,所以基督必須死,且死在十字架上,從而代替了我們死。另一方面,復活基督的義「歸於」信徒,由此我們被父神「算為」義人,因我們披著了「基督的義」。 在這種觀點中,稱義是基於基督的贖罪犧牲以及祂歸於信徒的個人義,而不是任何人固有的或註入的義。

Note 2: 孫大信 (Sadhu Sundar Singh) 的故事
Sadhu 是稱號, 印度的聖人之稱, 他被稱為印度的聖保羅, 生於9/3/1889, 死日不詳。他信主的經歷是個偉大的信心故事之一。 孫大信出生便是錫克教徒 (Sikh), 從小專心學習錫克教的神聖書卷 “古魯·格蘭特·薩希卜” (Granth Sahib ) 並印度教的聖典名吉塔 (Gita)。他幼年時的虔誠是被整個地區的人所知的。他的母親當他十幾歲時逝世, 使這少年人痛苦不堪。 他責罵上帝, 甚至公開燃燒當地基督教宣教士的聖經. 最後, 他的絕望導致他產生自殺的念頭。 他獨自閉在房間三日三夜. 他呼喊道, “如果神要我活下去, 讓衪向我說話吧,” 他要求, “神呀, 如果祢真的存在, 今晚就向我顯現。” 他的計劃很簡單而且是精打細算過的: 如果在清晨前, 神還未向他說話, 他就會走到火車路上, 把頭擱在鉄軌上, 在黑暗中等候那早上五點鐘那班從 Ludhiana (Indian state of Punjab) 來到的列車, 讓它來了結他的痛苦. 他沉思等候達七小時之久, 毫無動靜。 及致早上4點45分, 他看見一朵雲彩充滿了他的房間, 在明亮的光輝中, 呈現出耶穌的容貌。 但這不是他所期待的, 他所期待的是一些印度神明如Krishner而不是耶穌. 但他卻肯定他所看到的是耶穌。 耶穌用印度斯坦語 (Hindustan) 對他說 “你為甚麼要迫害我? 我為你死。 為了你, 我捨去我的生命. 你不斷地祈禱尋求, 為甚麼你不接納呢? 我就是道路。” 因着這個異象, 孫大信的生命發生戲劇性的和不能回頭的改變。 因着信耶穌的緣故, 他被家庭棄絕他說, “我不配跟從主. 主沒有家庭, 主沒有財物, 所以我願意放棄一切” 他服事麻瘋病人, 走遍印度和西藏, 向人傳福音, 領進了二十世紀最卓越的佈道事工之一 。

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By Tin-chee Lo (盧天赐); November 9, 2021

1970 年我搬到加州灣區並開始了我在半導體領域的職業生涯。後來,我結識了新朋友,他們恰好都是不同領域的博士。 在他們中間有少數人以一種奇妙的方式對我產生特殊的影響。 不是因為他們對我說了些什麼,而是因為他們「是基督徒」這一個事實。 我對自己說:「基督徒? 這些都是受過高等教育的人,其中一些甚至在公司擔任高級管理職位,他們不可能那麼愚蠢去信耶穌吧。」在他們溫和的勸說下,我去了他們的教堂; 我聽了講道。 但是很多東西我不明白,有趣的是我可以理解的部分對我來說確實合理且有意義。我有很多問題,我和一些教會內的會友憤怒地爭論。 雖然他們的説服力不強,但他們卻耐心地向我解釋。 我佩服他們的態度,使我以為我是個麻煩製造者,但他們似乎並不介意。

我開始自己研究,但不是聖經,因為無論我怎麼努力我都看不明白。我所看的其它書藉,要么是為基督教信仰辯護,要么是指責基督教。非常另我費解的是,如果基督教真的那麼正確、那麼有說服力,怎麼會有這麼多知識分子否認上帝的存在? 這個問題一直存留在我腦海中很長時間。 另一個讓我很困擾的問題是:如果真有一位上帝,而這位慈愛的上帝願意人們認識祂,為什麼祂讓人們如此困難地意識到祂的存在?


首先是理性上的層面。 那就是從邏輯和哲學的角度來看問題。 這個層面沒有捷徑,追求者必需付出巨大的努力。 有些人可以繞過它,但我似乎不能,因為我在學校是接受過工程師和科學家的訓練的人。在我成為基督徒之前和之後,我一直關注這個層面。 我退休後更加強了這項工作,因為我對這些研究有極大的興趣。有很多困難的問題困擾著我。 僅舉一例:既然邪惡和苦難存在,慈愛的上帝就不可能會存在。 我如何證明這一主張? 這樣的問題,不同世界觀的哲學家都解決過,我怎麼知道基督教世界觀給出的答案是對的? 如果您正在尋找無窮無盡的信息,那麼您將永遠無法相信任何事情。 我的真理追求讓我想出了一個例子:

當我玩拼圖遊戲 (jigsaw puzzles) 時,我會從角落開始,然後逐步進入中央區域。很快我就能夠構建一個相當成功的領域。 當我繼續放置碎片來完成圖片時,我可能會突然在中間看到一個機會,我開始在那裡又建立領域。很快,我在一張不完整的圖片上散佈著許多未連接的局部完整的區域。現在,重點就在這裏。 如果我已經放置了的所有拼圖碎板都確實在其應有的位置上,那麼最終所有成功的區域, 都可以天衣無縫地合併在一起。然而,如果有些拼圖碎板不在它們應有的位置上,我就永遠無法完成整個畫面,因為不能連接的現象必將出現。 儘管我可以擁有許多局部成功的區域,但我無法擁有完全成功的圖片。

這正是在進化論的情況發生。 每個科學家都有自己的區域性的成功,即邏輯上可解釋的領域,這些領域建立在他的專業範圍內,但並非所有領域都可以相互融合。這就是為什麼每次出現新的證據時,進化論者都會互相爭論,無法相互融合。有趣的是,他們從不敢向達爾文本人的前提挑戦、把他當作神明去崇拜。但另一方面,聖經世界觀提供的解釋總是連貫的。誠然,基督徒終其一生也無法完成整個拼圖,即無法得到人類心智完全滿意的答案。但是這個說法也同樣地應用在無神論者身上。但每次添加新的拼圖板 (這意味著發現新的證據—科學的、考古學的或歷史的) 時,基督教的世界觀只能使畫面更加完整,而不會揭示已經成功的領域之間的不連貫性。

這真是太了不起了。 合理的解釋是,當這些拼圖版被放置在聖經的指導下,它們一定會在預先設計的圖片中處於正確的位置。 沒有人能完成這幅宇宙性的拼圖版,我們只能比較那一個世界觀對某些事情 (如進化論 vs. 創造論) 的「解釋能力 (explanation power)」比較強。我個人不斷的發現基督教的世界觀總是比別的世界觀俱更強的解釋能力。這是我相信基督教真理的主要原因。所以第一層面是以邏輯為根據的。

第二個層面是藝術和文化的層面。 我有很多相信進化論的知識分子朋友。 但是當我用批判性的問題探究他們時,我發現我比他們更了解進化論。 但他們為什麼会相信呢? 我想這是文化問題。一搬人的心態是,如果整個社會都是這樣想,那怎麼會錯呢? 我遇到幾位生物學博士朋友,我向每個人問了一些關鍵問題,他們的回答通常是 “這不是我的專長; 我很確定其他領域的人會為你解答。” 似乎每個人都假設一些大人物有正確答案,他們對這些有名望人物的資格充滿信心。今天,學術界是如此專業; 博士並不是如中文所暗示的 “博學之士”,而是專家。

另一件事是,如果進化論是如此基本,我想知道為什麼在大學裡沒有一系名 “進化系” 的學院呢? 我們有 “物理系”、“音樂系”、“公共政策系”,等等,但沒有 “進化系”。 然而進化論的推論無處不在,且涉及到政治中。所以第二層面是基於一種無根据的感受。

第三個層面是 “廚房餐桌” 的層面。 廚房和晚餐桌子是家庭生活的中心。我的兩個大孫女 (女兒的孩子) 很早就信了耶穌。他們都在十歲前受洗。這是因為我的女兒和女婿,都是基督徒, 晚飯前都祈禱,談論聖經,她們就信了。 你或許可能會問,這是洗腦嗎? 我想不是。洗腦是你明明知道某事物是錯的,但你反復轟炸人們的腦袋,使他們變得困惑,便跟你一起走。 但我相信父母都同意讓你的小孩記住乘法表,反復背頌,並且知道教育是對的,所以記住乘數表不是洗腦。所以第三個層面是關乎現實的影嚮和應用。


我出生于中國大陸,六歲時遷移到香港在那裡念小學直至高中畢業然後往台灣大學供讀電機系。我困在窄如手掌的香港九龍已十二年了,如今有 機會到美麗的寶島開開眼界,心中感到非常興奮。 當年,我只能乘搭最便宜的貨船往台灣。那時的港台航缐有「四川輪」,它 每星期一晚從香港西環碼頭出發,星期三早上便可 抵達台灣東北角的基隆港。 次日,突然烏雲密佈,九月的狂風大作,在那氣象預測尚未發達的年 代,真感嘆到「天有不測之風雲」,隨之而來也想到「人有旦夕之禍 福」:船在驚濤駭浪中拋來拋去,一時看到船的兩側被浪壁欄著,如同 摩西過紅海一般穿過隘口,一時船被巨浪舉起,如同方舟擱置在亞拉臘 山頂一般,只聼到馬達高速空轉的聲音;忽高忽低的浮沉,使船上大部 分乘客都暈浪,所幸我沒有什麼頭暈嘔吐的感覺;船上傳來一大堆謠 言:有人説,船已失控,快飄到汕頭了;有的說,有人已失蹤了……於 是船長決定回航返港。 5 離家的那個晚上,我站在輪船的甲板上與母親揮手道別,這是我人生 第一次離開父母,我看到母親依依不捨地飲泣,她似乎盡可能掩蓋她的 眼淚,但慈母對我的愛已在那情景中表達無遺了,這是一個永遠難忘的 時刻;船啓動了,母親的身影也漸漸變小而消失,這樣我離開了風平浪 靜的東方之珠

次日,突然烏雲密佈,九月的狂風大作,在那氣象預測尚未發達的年 代,真感嘆到「天有不測之風雲」,隨之而來也想到「人有旦夕之禍 福」:船在驚濤駭浪中拋來拋去,一時看到船的兩側被浪壁欄著,如同 摩西過紅海一般穿過隘口,一時船被巨浪舉起,如同方舟擱置在亞拉臘 山頂一般,只聼到馬達高速空轉的聲音;忽高忽低的浮沉,使船上大部 分乘客都暈浪,所幸我沒有什麼頭暈嘔吐的感覺;船上傳來一大堆謠 言:有人説,船已失控,快飄到汕頭了;有的說,有人已失蹤了……於 是船長決定回航返港

當船做180度轉彎時,遇到了最危險的關頭:強風正面吹向船的一側, 側風使船甚不平衡,導致船內貨物由這邊滑到那邊,又由那邊滑到這邊, 那時我已感到死亡在即;船在回程中行了數小時後,船長又再次改變主 意:又作了一次大轉彎,繼續前往台灣……這次全船的人都意識到死期 已臨頭;那時我很傷心,我不是怕死,乃是因想像到父母親因失去兒子 悽悽慘慘的情境而傷痛。   我開始醒覺到人的無奈和上帝的存在,我知道不是人尋找上帝,乃是 上帝尋找人。如今我稍明白聖經,回顧此事,才深信那就是「上帝叫我 們與基督一同活過來」的甦醒經歷。最後,船終於抵達基隆,那天是星 期五早上,比原計劃延遲了兩日。別人可能說我幸運,但我深知這是上 帝的保守,這是我生命中與主的重大相遇之一。你問我你為什麼說你遇見上帝呢?我不能解釋, 但我知道。所以憑感覺在信仰上並非無它的地位。


這兩件事大概是屬於第二或第三的層面吧! 不管我如何分釋,我可用一節聖經去描述:
「然而我今日成了何等人、是蒙 神的恩纔成的.並且他所賜我的恩、不是徒然的。」(林前15:10a).

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By TC Lo (盧天賜); October 26, 2921

我分享這篇文章的目的, 不是要發表我對這幾節經文有甚麼獨特的心得,乃是去回答一些基督徒向我的提問。

傳道書 (10:1-5) 經文:
1 死蒼蠅、使作香的膏油發出臭氣.這樣、一點愚昧、也能敗壞智慧和尊榮。
2 智慧人的心居右.愚昧人的心居左。
3 並且愚昧人行路、顯出無知.對眾人說、他是愚昧人。
4 掌權者的心、若向你發怒、不要離開你的本位、因為柔和能免大過。
5 我見日光之下、有一件禍患、似乎出於掌權的錯誤、

(1) 有人認為「掌權者」是指上帝。
(2) 大多數人(筆者在內)認為「掌權者」是指世上腐敗的領導人。

支持 (1) 的理由是:上帝的是智慧的源頭。上帝是尊榮的源頭。聖經甚至把智慧和尊榮 「人格化」、把智慧和尊榮與上帝等同。也就是説,「上帝就是智慧」, 「上帝就是尊榮」。然而,  這種宣告亦没有錯。

但是照著上帝形像而受造的人類, 他們也有尊榮,也有智慧,當然這些尊榮和智慧都是由上頭來的。我們豈能説大衛王沒有尊榮嗎? 我們豈能説所羅門王沒有智慧嗎?所不同的是,人的智慧和尊榮是可以被他的罪敗壞的, 正如蒼蠅能使香膏發臭一般。然而聖潔無罪的上帝的智慧和尊榮是絶不能敗壞的。所以能敗壞的智慧和尊榮一定不是上帝的智慧和尊榮。

在英語世界中、不少諺語是出于聖經的。例如「a fly in the ointment」就是出于傳道書10:1,「死蒼蠅、使作香的膏油發出臭氣。」其意是「美中不足」,或更嚴厲些就是指「敗群之馬」或「one bad apple spoils the whole barrel」都有同樣意思。第一節把這两件事連在一起, 這就不難理解到此處的「智慧和尊榮」是指地上的事, 而非指上帝的了。這就明顯地説明了第四節中的「掌權者」乃指着地上的君王,老闆 等有杈勢的人,如果把他硬指是上帝是很困難的。到了第五節,「掌權者」的解釋更是不言而喻了。因為有「在日光之下」這句話作為條件的限制。所以支持 (2) 的解釋應該是更有説服力。

到現在為止,讀者可能認為筆者過于咬文嚼字。這是一種 「標籤式 (labeling)」控告,因為我們對上帝的了解主要是透過聖靈感動而成的聖經的語言。所以語言字句对解經是非常重要的,正如耶穌所説:聖經中一點一劃都不能廢去或更改。在我們日常生活中,在簽合同或立约和處理法律的事務上,豈非字句語言是極其重要嗎?不要忙記, 聖聖是一本「立約的書」,也是一本「律法的書」。這就是為甚麼神學院必須提供希伯來文和希臘文為選修科的原因了。


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A difficult-to-understand reprimand of Paul (Galatians 2: 11-14)

by Tin-chee Lo; October 11, 2021

Peter and Barnabas knew that the Jewish Christians from Jerusalem were unwilling to eat at the same table with Gentiles, so they left the table in order not to offend them, pretending that they were still loyal to Jewish traditions. In fact, Paul had long consensus with the apostles that both Gentiles and Jews became citizens of the kingdom of God because of the redemptive work done on the cross of Jesus. This has nothing to do with observing the Law of Moses or the Jewish tradition.

But Peter and Barnabas, as church leaders, did things that were not in conformity with the truth. They dared not publicly show that the gospel of Christ had already united Jews and Gentiles into One. Not sitting at the table with the Gentiles would be tantamount to denying the truth of oneness that Peter had already been convinced. Before the people from James (i.e., from Jerusalem) arrived, Peter didn’t think there was anything wrong with eating with Gentiles.

Peter, as a leader of the church, publicly gave in to the Jerusalem Jews who were still adhering to the law. This is tantamount to denying the work of Jesus which unites the Jews and Gentiles into one body.

Paul saw that such an approach would endanger the truth of the Gospel. He must correct Peter’s mistakes in front of everyone, otherwise Peter’s action would send a very wrong message to all Christian churches. So Paul openly rebuked Peter.

One would expect Paul would say in this way: “Peter, you are a hypocrite, you have been acting not according to what you believe in order to please men. You are a coward because you did not boldly show your believe to your Jerusalem brothers.” But Paul did not say that, instead he said,

“Cephas, you are a Jew, yet you live like a Gentile and not like a Jew. How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs? (Galatians 2:14).”

What is going on? When I thought carefully about the short phrases that Paul had used to reproach Cephas, I found that I had great difficulty to understand them.

I have asked many Bible-teachers, though their explanations were correct and irrefutable, their explanations don’t seem to be correspondingly consistent with every phrase that Paul said. Deducing from “every word and every phrase” spoken by Paul to the “clear and correct” conclusion given to me by spiritual elders and commentaries, there is a process, but not a direct one. How does this process work?  After much thought, I finally came up with the following understanding.

I think Paul is using a special kind of idioms, a literary tool that works something like this:

  • One first makes a clear statement “A” which is not the real message one wishes to convey, but a very clear and understandable one.
  • Once “A” is given, a conclusion “B” will immediately and naturally follow even one has not yet express it, or even there is no need to express it because people already get it.


  • Idiom: “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.”
  • Part A: “A bird in the hand” is a statement of fact.
  • Part B: “is worth two in the bush” is the real message to convey — reminding us to value what is secure rather than gamble for something that may never materialize.

Let’s analyze Paul’s reprimanding language:

You are a Jew
Of course Peter is an authentic Jew. Paul even used the title “Cephas” to emphasize this fact.

yet you live like a Gentile
Suppose you are not circumcised like the rest of the Jews, and you eat food sacrificed to idols, and so on.

and not like a Jew
You don’t even obey the Jewish traditions and the laws of Moses.

How is it, then, that you force Gentiles to follow Jewish customs?
If so, how can you persuade the Gentiles to become a member of Judaism?

Paul gave a “reasoning process” that everyone can understand. This is the “A” part. Of course, Paul definitely did not want Peter to lead Gentiles to believe in Judaism. This is affirmed by the theological thoughts of the entire book of Galatians in general, and from the context of the “leaving from the eating table” in particular.

Then, what was Paul’s real message?

Paul’s explicit statement “A” in short is: If you are not a loyal Jew, you cannot lead Gentiles to Judaism.

Paul’s implied (or unspoken) message “B” is: In the same way, if you are not a faithful believer to the doctrine that “Christ has demolished the dividing wall between the Jews and the Gentiles”, how can you then evangelize the Gentiles to believe in Christ?

Before Peter knew Jesus, he was a Jewish man, so Paul’s “explicit statement” should be heartily acceptable by him. Therefore, Paul used this statement as a bridge for communication, so that Peter could grasp the “unspoken statement” that Paul really wants to reprimand him. In addition to Galatians 2:14, another biblical example is the dialogue between Nathan and David, recorded in 2 Samuel 12:1:7.

Paul saw that Peter’s action would jeopardize the orthodoxy of the Gospel poisoning the entire church, and it was a matter of great importance, the stake was extremely high, so he must publicly correct Peter’s mistake in front of everybody, making an exception to the steps he had outlined in Matthew 18:15-20.

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一個難以明白的指責 (加拉太書 2:11-14)

By TC Lo (盧天赐); October 9, 2021


「但我一看見他們行的不正、與福音的真理不合、就在眾人面前對磯法說、你既是猶太人、若隨外邦人行事、不隨猶太人行事、怎麼還勉強外邦人隨猶太人呢。」(Galatians 2:14)

令我驚奇的是,保羅並沒有提到彼得的做法是假冒為善,也沒有指責彼得缺乏勇氣在外邦人和從耶路撒冷來的猶太人面前為福音的真理作見證,而彼得的確如是,但保羅卻沒有直言。當我仔細思想保羅對磯法所指責的每一句話,我發現我有很大的困難去理解它。我請教了很多屬靈的長者, 他們給我的解釋都是正確的,而且是正確到無可駁斥的程度。然而, 他們的解釋似乎不能完全與保羅以上所講的每一個短句 (phrases) 相對應。 原來從保羅所說的「每一字每一句」推演到屬靈長者給我的「清晰且正確」的結論 是有一個過程的,而非直接的。這過程究竟是如何的呢? 我思考了很久,得到了以下的理解。

我想保羅是用「歇後語」的文學手法來表達他對彼得的嚴斥。甚麼是「歇後語」?歇後語就是:先説出一件事實,然後歇一下,才説 (其至不必説) 接下來真正要表達的想法。例如:





「你既是猶太人」。彼得當然是道地的猶太人。保羅甚至用 ”磯法” 的稱呼去強調這個事實。








彼得在未認識耶穌之前,他是猶太教人,所以保羅的「明言」是他身同感受地能接受的。因此,保羅以這種說法作為交通的橋樑,使他能體會到保羅真正要表達的「暗語」。除了加拉太書2:14 外,聖經的另一個例子是拿單和大衞的對話,記載在撒母耳記下12:1-7。

彼得是教會領袖,他竟不敢公開的表明基督福音已經使猶太人和外邦人合而為一 了。儘管彼得真的明白福音的真理,然而他的行動卻送出一個他「不是忠誠地相信人得救乃是上帝的恩典」的錯誤信息。


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By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); September 7, 2021

「神愛世人、甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們、叫一切信他的、不至滅亡、反得永生。」(約3:16) 這金句中的 “世人”, 大部份人認為是指地球上每一個人, 但也有學者和神學家認為是特指蒙上帝揀選的子民,哪個説法是對的呢?我想答案取決於我們如何理解 “神愛世人” 中的 ”愛” 字。

第一種透視:“世人” 是指世界上所有的人。 這説法使「“愛” 是指 “愛仇敵的” 的愛」成為必然。 因為世人,無一例外,都犯了罪,虧缺了上帝的榮耀,所以我們世人都是與上帝為敵的,但上帝是一位「愛仇敵的上帝」,耶穌甚至命令我們要愛我們的敵人。慈愛的天父以 “一搬性的普遍恩典” 無條件地降下雨水和空氣來維持世上所有罪人的生命,祂賜予罪人所居住的美麗大地, 和供給所有罪人可欣賞的壯麗宇宙, 但儘管這種恩情大愛再美妙,我們都注定走向滅亡,無一人例外。這種絕望的結局,使我們每個人都感嘆到 “若不出生在這個世界上还好”。

然而,約翰福音 3:16 節繼續說,“甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們”,叫世人中的一部份人不至滅亡、反得永生”,這是上帝表示父愛的作為; 但不要把「神聖的父愛」與「愛仇敵的愛」混淆,前者是專向選民顯示的。

對於這個特定蒙揀選的群體,上帝賜給他們“信心”作禮物。 因著這個禮物,這群人就能夠,也將必會 “信靠上帝”,從而實現了 “信他的人不至滅亡,反得永生” 的應許。 有了這種理解,我們可以從另一個角度來理解約翰福音 3:16的「神愛世人」。

第二種透視:鑒於約翰福音 3:16 是對救恩持特別的關注,並且在整本約翰福音論到上帝與選民的關係的大背景下,我們可以斷言約翰福音 3:16 中的 “世人” , 在這個意識上,應該是專指 “蒙召作兒女的選民”。 因此,“愛” 這個詞也必須是專指天父對兒女的愛,而不是第一種視角中所提到的「愛仇敵」的愛。 伴隨著這種神聖的父愛,父神將他的獨生子單單賜給了選民,因為只有選民才能接受這種父愛,就好像只有自己的孩子才能享有父母親甜蜜的愛一樣;上帝又賜給選民信心作禮物,作為一種恩典的手段,以確保他們擁有永生。世上所有最佳的工程設計,都是不會浪費材料的,所以我們可以説,耶穌基督的寶血, 在救贖方面,是單單為衪預定得救的兒女而流,而不是為「所有人」而流的。

這一句話是根據「揀選論 (predestination)」而作出的宣告。我們不能不承認揀選論是一個非常難明白的教義,但我們也不能否定揀選論是㳽漫整本聖經的神學觀念:



首先,我們知道世人都犯了罪,虧缺了神的榮耀,沒有一個義人,連一個也沒有。罪人的工價乃是死。亞當夏娃犯罪之後,他們的靈命就立刻死了,但他們肉身的生命仍然繼續一段時候,這個緩刑全是上帝的恩典。今天,如果一個人一出身就馬上夭折,上帝絕沒有不公義的地方。但是如果上帝讓他繼續活下去一段時間,這個就更表明是上帝的恩典了。在這段存活的時間中,他們可以享受陽光,空氣,美食,欣賞大自然,研究學問,寫詩作曲,幫助窮人,甚至可以獲得諾貝爾獎金。這一切豈不是上帝給他們白白的普遍恩典嗎? 儘管人是白白地接受,但恩典不是廉價的東西,它要求施恩者付出代價。這個代價就連接上基督的寶血了。


還有一個具更少爭議性的透視是:「上帝愛世人」中的世人是指世上的每一「類」人:不論是貧,富,聰明,愚笨,高貴,卑賤,膚色等,都包括在內。 它不是指沒有例外地每一「個」人。這個解釋也可應用在提多書(2:11),「因為 神救眾人的恩典、已經顯明出來。」此句中的「眾人 (all men)」是指每一「類」人, 而不是指 “沒有例外地” 的每一「個」人。[註]

基督徒不應該質疑上帝揀選的智慧,而應該以敬虔的心作為對祂那 “無價之寶的救恩禮物” 作出感謝的回應。我們可以這樣說:對「普遍恩典論」者來說,“世人” 一詞是指地球上的每一個人,而對應的 “愛” 是指上帝對「以神為敵的罪人」的關愛,作為祂對有罪的人類的普遍恩典。對「特殊恩典論」者來說,“世人” 是特指蒙揀選的子民,從而所對應的 “愛” 是指上帝對祂的兒女的親密父愛,也就是神聖救贖的父愛,就像耶穌對選民 (門徒) 所說的那種愛,祂說,“我以天父愛我的那種愛, 來愛你們。” 這是出於神對選民的特殊恩典。

[註] 在此「世人」的原文意思是相當廣泛的。「」是用 agapao; 一搬人認為這是「專指」上帝對人的愛,其實它的意思也是相當廣泛的。「底馬貪愛現今的世界 (提後4:10) 」中的「愛」也是用 agapao。這 兩詞 的廣泛性,讓約翰三章十六節的多樣性解釋成為可能。聖經的原文可在以下網頁查到。



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Taking a Second Glance at John 3:16

By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); September 7, 2021

“For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Most people say, the word “world” here means all the people on this earth. But some scholars say, the word “world” here refers only to the elect.

Q: which camp is right?
A: I believe both are right, depending on how you understand the word “loved”.

The phrase “For God so love the world” in John 3:16 can be perceived in two different angles. Let us explore.

The First perspective
The word “world” refers to ALL PEOPLE on the planet earth. This must follow that the world “love” refers to the enemy-loving love. For we ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. And there is no righteous, not even one. So we ALL are in enmity with God. But God loves even enemies. Jesus even command us to love our enemies. Clearly, this kind of enemy-loving love must be different from that which parent love their children much less Heavenly Father loves His chosen ones.

God unconditionally loves all of us out of His common grace. He gives rain and air to sustain sinners’ lives, and the beautiful earth in which they live and the magnificent universe for all sinners to enjoy. Notwithstanding how wonderful this enmity-love is, all of us are doomed to perish without exception. We cannot help but exclaim that it would be better off for each one of us not to have been born into this world.

Then, John 3:16 continues, “that He gave his one and only Son” to mankind to make possible that some of this ALL will be saved. This is God’s act of love. But this is not the kind of enemy-loving love, this is the Fatherly-love shown not to all but to the elect only. To this particular group. God gives them faith as gift. With this gift, this group of people can and will believe in God, and as a result, the phrase, “that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” can be actualized. With this understanding, it comes the second way of understanding for John 3:16.

The Second perspective
Given that John 3:16 focusses on redemption in particular, and that in the grand context of Gospel John in general, we can say that the word “world” in John 3:16 should properly be referred to the elect exclusively. It must then follows that the word “love” must refer to the Fatherly love and not the enemy-loving love mentioned in the First Perspective. Out of this divine love, Father-God gave His one and only Son to the elect exclusively and the accompanying God-given gift of faith as a means of grace to make sure that they have eternal life.

Understanding the distinction among different kinds of love and the basis of the doctrine of predestination, one can gain a deeper insight of this familiar verse, John 3:16. Christians should therefore not question God’s wisdom of election but offer their thanksgiving to Him as a proper response to His priceless gift of salvation.

• For those who advocate the generality, the word “world” means all people on earth, and the word “love” refers to the enemy-loving love given by God as His common grace to the sinful mankind.
• For those who advocate the particularity, the word “world” refers to the elect, and the word “love” refers to the Fatherly-redemptive love, the kind of love as Jesus said to His beloved disciples, “I have loved you with the love which my Father loves me.”

Therefore, these two perspectives of John 3:16 are two sides of the same coin without contradicting one another–if explained properly.

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By T.C. Lo (盧天赐); August 24, 2021


華人在美國已有悠久的歷史, 但是以大學生身份來美國的, 大概是始于在20世紀60年代吧。隨着甘迺迪總統对移民的開放政策,那年代有很多來自台灣和香港 (特別是台灣,因為香港有很多英屬的出路, 那時中國還未開放) 的大學生,赴美深造,進入各大學的研究院。其中基督徒也不少。進入校園後,他們被邀請參加校內的學生福音機構 (如「校園團契」,「基督教導航會」等,不少在此信主。當他們畢業後,便進入職場,有些很快地成家立室。他們在所住的城市設立查經班,每禮拜五晚輪流在家中聚餐和查經,並邀請未信主的朋友和同事參加。中國人能在海外聚在一起, 感到特別溫暖。到了星期天, 各人去自己附近的美國教會崇拜。這樣他們對西方教會的認識也就漸漸增加了。慢慢地團契又設立奉獻箱,準備為將來建立教會作預備。筆者就是在這種屬靈環境之下信耶穌的。

這批熱心的散居基督徒,慢慢察覺到星期天在一起聚會的重要性。於是有弟兄與當地教會聯絡。而美國教會一搬都非常開放,西國的弟兄也高高興興地接納我們。於是團契就在星期天的下午, 開始了華語主日崇拜,由有恩賜的弟兄站講枱,有些還被邀請到別的團契講道,所以團契之間都有交流。

下一步就是向外開放,邀請外來講員在主日證道。由於每個主日講員不同, 而其中有很多是資深的老牧師或神學教授,所以講枱內容特別豐富,神的兒女得到餵養,會眾對神的話語覺得有新鮮感,聚會人數也慢慢上升。筆者在聘請講員的事工上有事奉,並因此認識了不少紐約的傳道人, 從這些屬灵長者學習聖經。


隨着團契慢慢的增長,有不少赴會的夫妻,配偶一方不懂中文, 團契就察覺到有翻譯的必要。起初用耳機同步翻譯, 但這種做法很快就發現行不通的。首先,同步傳譯要求速度快,但更困難的是翻譯員自己的聲音蓋過講員的聲音,使他無法聴清楚講員在説甚麼。所以很快地就決定放棄這個方式, 而轉向在枱上一句一句地翻譯。筆者經常當此職務,使他到英文聖經的了解慢慢加深, 也意識到事奉是靈命塑造的有效途徑。

由此可見翻譯事工並不是因為有了青少年才開始的。此時,會眾對翻譯也非常之能接受,因為有些不完全聽懂普通話的會眾,英語部分就幫助他們明白了。只懂英語而不懂華語的朋友更覺得這是一個學習聼華語的機會,所以他們都心存感謝。由於英語事工的介入,團契經歷增長。起初是一個月一次有翻譯,很快就增至每個主日都有翻譯。漸漸地有國內來的朋友參加團契的崇拜,那個時代來自國內的華人,英語水準不高,所以翻譯成為他們學習英語的機會。鑒於國內朋友的需要, 團契亦開辦了英語指導班,甚至還有一些同工開發了ESL班 (English as Second Language) 以滿足移民申請居留的需求。這樣,又吸引了更多的人來到教會。此時,團契雖然巳注冊為「非盈利機構」,其實巳有「教會」的形式,只是尚未在政府註冊為教會的名義而已。


這時,團契的第一代人有了他們的孩子。兒童事工便自然地興起, 慢慢地由媽媽們建立起來,他們都是用家中常用的「不中不西」的語言教導, 幼童們有「在外如在家」之感,何來有日後年輕人所講的「文化代溝」的問題呢?唯一的缺點就是有部份的媽媽喜歡帶自己的孩子,不願由兒童主日學老師看顧, 所以她們沒有辦法在主日從講枱中獲得餵養。隨後領導團決定在幼兒教室中設置擴音器, 使他們可以聽道。可是媽媽們的專心能力很弱,聊天多過聽講。儘管如此, 水流鴨背至少也可洗淨羽毛, 同時也吸收了一些濕氣。有些團契幸能借到一些較大的美國教會,使中西同步敬拜成為可能。中國小孩子就可以參加美國教會的兒童班,媽媽們就與他們合作,儿童主日學便因此質量齊升。據筆者觀察,不論那一個團契,似乎總有一兩位非常有恩賜的媽媽照顧和教導孩童。所以兒童事工大致都沒有問題。



我兒子小的時候他在學校是與美國小朋友玩在一起的。有一次他回家對我説,「我不是中國人,我是美國人。」媽媽停了一下,不太高興。我就解釋說,「不錯,你是美國人,爸媽也是美國人,但是我們是有上帝所賦予的中國民族血統的,這是上帝的美意,我們應該珍惜,也是我們不能改變的事實。」我意識到在美出生的孩子有「認同危機 (identity crises)」。但也好似是短暫的,因為當他們到了高中階段,他的朋友大部份都是ABC. 那些美國孩子又回到他們自己的一堆去。所以「認同危機」可能不是危機,乃是一個自然的現象。


不錯, 我們要好好地聆聽年青人的意見, 但這不代表他們的想法不能被質疑。其實, 家長和教會, 應藉此機會, 就地取材,教導青少年應放開眼光,使他們看出自己的盲點,不要老是以「文化代溝」作藉口,對教會諸多批評。試想想,他們是在中國家庭長大, 是已經在家中聼慣了中式英語 (Chinglish) 的人,現在來到中國教會,聽到中國牧師講解「超越文化」的聖經,和與他們的爸爸相似的叔叔伯伯作翻譯,他們怎可能斷言「講道的內容不能夠完全與他們的文化背景相連接?」牧師講道的方式或例子誠然與他們在學校老師授課的用詞和形式不一樣,但他們為什麼不能把這些差異轉變為學習不同文化的一種鍛煉呢?

我是很容易和子女們打成一遍的爸爸。他們看到媽媽都畢恭畢敬, 但是他們常常開我玩笑,特別是取笑我的英文講得不勁。我也可以「不恥下問」地向他們學習。我也以他們的取笑為樂 (有時懷疑自己是不是有一種被虐待狂), 今天孫輩們也同樣對待我。總之我和他們是可以談話的。有一次他們笑我的英文發音不準,我怎樣努力,總係差一點點。後來我就嚴肅地問他們説,「你爸爸識得英文,又識得幾種中文,而你們單單懂得英文,難道爸爸不比你們高明嗎?」他們無言以對。然後我告訴他們學習中文對你一生都有幫助,不要輕易批評教會的翻譯員。今天他們終於知道我是對的,並後悔當時沒有在中文學校用心讀書。兒子甚至叫我和孫女在家講中文,可惜我又做不到。


但年青人必須被提醒:儘管他們的父母面對了巨大文化和語言差異的挑戰,他們仍能克服困難並在美國能夠生存。這豈不是給年輕人學習應變的好榜樣嗎? 我們必須把這些正面的榜樣呈現在青少年面前讓他們好好地思想和學習。在另一方面,家長和教會,都要謙卑下來,與他們所面對的問題,同感身受,作出適當的變革。


首先,教會不能推卸責任。有人認為塑造孩子們信仰的責任在於父母,不能把這個責任推給教會。教會只能強調對父母牧養孩童的重要性,例如鼓勵父母建立「家庭祭壇」。筆者承認家庭家庭對孩子的信仰塑造非常重要, 但不同意教會沒有責任。英文有諺語説, “It takes a village to raise a child (需要整村的人來培養一個小孩子)” 所以教會不能推卸責任。新舊約聖經都支持這一點。

至於家庭祭壇,我有這樣的經歷:有一次,女兒和兒子從紐約夏令會回來。兒子對我說,「爸爸,我們要建立家庭祭壇。」我停了一下,告訴他,「你在説甚麼?爸爸是不會做這種事情的。你要我召集一家四口,晚飯後坐下來,一起唱詩,禱告,分享,行得通嗎?」他覺得我這樣回答他,感到奇怪,然後我告訴他,「任何事,如果需要恆久不懈的做下去, 其做法一定要非常的簡單,否則必定半途而廢,而且以後也不感再嘗試。」但我告訴兒子,「我可和你做一件事,就是每天睡覺前,我們一齊讀兩張紙的聖經,你不要問問題,我也不作解釋。單單讀四頁。然後我們以禱告結束。」我們就這樣做了三四年之久,已把聖經全部讀了三四次,直至兒子進大學為止。當這些經文存在他的腦中,每當我們一家開車出外旅行時,在車上他就無緣無故爆出一些聖經問題,我就一面開車,一面解釋,全家都聽到了,並且參與討論。我不能回答的問題,回家後慢慢思考,這就是我們的「家庭祭壇」了。

As for the “Family Altar,” I had this experience: Once, my daughter and son came back from a Summer Retreat and my son said to me, “Dad, how about starts a family altar?” I paused and told him, “What are you talking about? Dad wouldn’t do such a thing. You asked me to gather a family of four and sit them down after dinner, sing, pray, share? Just to round up all four and sit them down quietly is an insurmountable undertaking. Do you think it will work?” He thought it was strange for me to reply him this way. I then told him, “If anything needs to be done consistently, it has to be very simple, otherwise, it won’t last. After the first failure, no one would like to trying it again.” But I told my son, “Tim. I can do one thing with you, that is, before going to bed every day, we can read two sheets of the Bible together, you are not to ask questions, and I won’t explain what we just read even you have question. Just read four pages, and we end it with a short prayer.” We did that for three or four years, and had read the entire Bible three or four times until my son went to college. With these consisting reading in his mind, whenever our family was traveling in a car, he would pop up from nowhere some Bible questions. I would explain it while driving, and the whole family would hear it and participate in the discussions. Questions I can’t answer, I would think slowly after returning home and give answers at the dinner table. This is our do-able “Family Altar”.


如果我們不想第二代流失,教會的崇拜風格就必須改變。例如樂風的調整,樂器的多樣化,場地的裝潢 (用體育塲作敬拜的場地), 講道的風格,及多請些説英語的講員等。這些都是可行的,而且很多教會也已經做到了。

若要留住第二代, 我們也應在組織上有變革。例如授予更多的權力給年輕人。其實他們在某方面上的能力, 都不亞於第一代的創始人。可以考慮在執事會中給他們一席之地, 作為英語堂的喉舌。但在筆者的經歷中,有一次不愉快的經歷,就是一位英語堂的執事,在開會時,因他的的意見不被其他領導人接受,他便面紅耳熱地跑出去,以後也不再參加執事會了,他也沒有辭去執事的職位。所以屬靈的成熟比「代表性 (representation)」更重要。另一件可行的事我們可以考慮,就是每月中找一個主日,完全由年輕人安排,舉凡聖樂, 領會,讀經, 和禱告,報告等,除講道外,全由他們負責。這都是很好的,也是不會錯的,而且是可行的。有事奉就會有歸屬感。


一搬來説,年輕人很喜歡短宣 (短期宣教之旅)。這是很容易理解的。因為年輕人渴望能夠去到未去過的地方,體驗一些新的環境,欣賞一些異地的風土人情,藉此也可作為旅遊渡假,獲得一些新鮮的經驗。我相信參加短宣的年輕人,並非完全沒有愛靈魂的心,只想出外遊埠而矣,他們都是在某程度上,願意傳福音給別人的。所以我們不要太快批評他們的出發點是否百分之百純正為了褔音,只要他們願意參加, 總是一件好事。這做法有好處:首先,我們可以藉這個機會, 鼓勵他們學習別的文化, 這樣他們對教會的翻譯質素,就不會有那麼多負面的批評。其次,在預備短宣的過程中, 他們有很多參與事奉的機會,舉凡預備音樂, 預備帶領當地的暑期聖經學校 (VBS 是一般進行短宣的重要項目), 辦理出國的手續,甚至為團隊籌款等。這都是年輕人一些學習的機會, 對日後的處世都有幫助。在他們出發前,他們可以在教會某主日作些「空弹演习」(dry run),把短宣崇拜程序走過一篇。在旅途中帶領他們去的家長們可以有很多機會給他們屬靈的教訓和交流。當他們短宣回來後,可用一個主日向會眾佈告。你看,這豈非是一種活潑且多彩多姿的事奉嗎?筆者這個提議, 只不過是拋磚引玉, 大家可以用你的想像力, 多多思考創意。

最後, 我們不能單單紙上談兵, 總要坐言起行。家長們需要討論,但討論太多也是不好的,就像學騎自行車一樣, 我們不需要太多理論,只要騎上去, 啓動就會學識了。

教會讓家長們首先選出一位領袖,其餘的家長就向他順 (成年人也需要學習順服的), 使事情能夠向前邁進。成功的人生不在乎太周詳的計劃, 乃是隨時隨地倚靠智慧啟示的靈,和謀略的靈去帶領我們前面的那一步, 並練習如何對事情作出應變。我是相信孫中山的「行易知難」的説法的。

筆者可以保證這位被選出來的領導人所決定的事,一定不會有錯的,如果你不同意他,也只不過是你以為你的方法比他的更有效而矣。其實犧牲一點點效率去順服他,使事情可以向前行一步,總是勝于原地跑, 消耗能量。


儘管教會的領導人對青少年事工感到不知所措,上帝有時會有特別的安排。一次, 有一位香港的弟兄參加我們的教會,他的太太是ABC,他們有兩個年幼的女兒。這位姊姊對青少年的教導非常有恩賜。因為她的來臨,整個青少年事工就有一個煥然一新的突破。好同工是會吸引好同工的。後來又有一位有恩賜的姊妹來參予,青少年事工就因此被建立起來。但這是可遇不可求的事件。所以我們還是要誠心順服聖靈的帶領和供應,並常常懇切祈求。



有些北美華語教會採取接受現實的態度。他們認為不肯和我們文化認同的第二代,就讓他們到別的教會去吧, 只要他們在別的教會得到餵養,我們便為他們感謝神。那些與我們認同的第二代,便留下來與我們一起合作,一起專心于與我們文化相同的人群傳福音。這不表示我們取消所有的英語事工,因為總有一些混種族的雙語家庭來到我們中間,我們還是要服侍他們。反正傳福音的工作非常巨大,不一定每個教會都要多元化。他們認為如果有十件事要做,與其每件事只做到百份之五十,不如專注在五件事,每件都能做到一百份之一百。這樣的教會路線,也沒有什麼不對,只是一個教會異象的問題。

同時,我們也要知道,美國教會也有年輕人在中學時期離開教會,也有進入大學後,失去他的信仰。所以當我們看到自己的子女離開教會時,我們不要把它看成是教會的英文事工失敗的緣故。其實他們在成長期間遇到很多挑戰。在這個「後基督教時代 (post Christian Era)」, 我們不斷地被這些反對上帝的意識形態衝擊:無神論,科學主義,多元主意,人文主義,相對主義,和享樂主義,等。花樣雖多,追溯其源,都不外是古龍引誘亞當夏娃的那一套騙局:「神豈是真說?」和「你們不一定死!」這都是使人懷疑上帝的語言。所以我們應把子女交在全杈的神的手中,自己盡父母的責任,按着聖經教導他們。

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Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); June 9, 2021

熱心傳福音愛靈魂的基督徒經常都會想起尋道者 (seekers) 的需要。每當有新朋友來到查經班時, 帶領者建議説,「我們今天本來計劃要查的利未記是否適合新朋友呢?不如我們今天不查經而改為一些輕鬆的福音性話題,如談談 ”屬靈四律” 等, 不是更好嗎? 」無疑, 帶領人的出發點都是好的, 因為他們恐怕新朋友對難懂的聖經沒有興趣, 下次就不來了。但如果每次當有新人來訪, 我們的查經計劃便因遷就不同的对象而反覆更改,那麼, 有心學習聖經的參予者便因「清談福音」的緣故而受規損了; 查經班也慢慢失去其方向。

但我懷疑這種「移動靶子(moving target)」的做法是否妥當。這種想法的背後似乎假設查經對不信者是困難的事,而淺談福音卻是容易的事。但事實上, 「談福音-論得救」並非易事, 因為福音包括很廣泛的神學大問題,如三位一體的觀念,人類的罪性, 道成肉身,耶穌的復活,重生,信心,因信稱羲,雙重歸算論等, 都不是三言兩語就可以發揮其説服力的。相反地, 我却認為對未信主的朋友解釋救恩論是很困難的事。因為救恩論取決於我們對罪的觀點:我們是相信亞當的後裔只是被罪破壞了完美呢? 還是他們巳經絕望地死在罪惡過犯中呢!我們是相信一個人的得救是上帝無條件的揀選呢?還是上帝預先知道誰將會接受福音而去作出選擇呢?更有些人認為上帝單單救那些「盡己力而為」的人。這些都是龐大的神學問題,絕非「輕鬆地」可以用清談的方式解釋得清楚。然而,救恩論卻取決于這些問題的答案。筆者認為不信者對基督教的入門最好從認識上帝的屬性談起, 我們若不認識上帝是怎樣一位上帝,我們又怎能愛祂和順服祂呢?

上帝給人類的啓示是漸進的,啓示以舊約為始而潛移默化地進入到新約,因此, 或許我們可以籠統說地説「舊約比新約更容易了解」。而這説法與我們一搬的「先讀新約,後讀舊約」的想法不同。奧古斯丁説得對,「新約隱藏在舊約;舊約顕露于新約。」所以不要有「新約更適合新朋友」的錯誤觀念。我認為無論新約或舊約都同樣有效地作學習聖經的起步點。聖經也沒有暗示,在學習上,有任何層次先後的觀念。

其實整本舊約都是關注到神的屬性, 包括我們不願意接受的「上帝的震怒」的屬性,但我們因怕「嚇跑新人」而迴避不談。帶領人的責任就是忠心分解聖言。在聚會中,有時基督徒是有可能會冒犯新人的。例如有一次查經聚會中,一位姊妹帶了一個新朋友來訪。當天晚上帶領的弟兄講到福音書中耶穌所教訓的「要背負自己的十字架。」那位新朋友事後非常生氣,向帶她來的那位姊妹發牢騷,「我生活中已經有太多麻煩了, 還要來到你們的團契聽到這些另人失望的訊息, 我以後不來了。」帶新朋友來的姊妹也非常不高興, 認為帶領的弟兄對新朋友缺乏敏感性; 聖經的確是會冒犯人的。但葛培禮牧師講得好,「如果冐犯不能避免,那就讓上帝的話去冐犯人吧,但切勿不要因我們的態度冐犯了別人。」

嚴格來說, 未得救的人是不會, 也不可能會明白聖經的,所以他們聽不懂聖經是正常的。但聖靈上帝有時會隨己意給人恩典, 藉著某一段,甚至某一節經文開啟他們的心竅,給他們一個當頭棒喝,使他豁然開朗, 明白真道。但這不是可以預先計劃的,乃全是聖靈的工作。

我們常常以為尋道者 (seeker) 就是一些熱心尋找上帝的人。其實只有上帝才會尋找人, 一個未重生的墮落人, 是絶不會尋找上帝的。耶穌明顯地指出, 「人子來,是為了尋找並拯救迷失的人 (路加19:10)。」。當我們自己以為正在尋找上帝的時候,其實上帝已經在我們不知不覺中首先尋找了我們。所以我們不必對尋道者過份敏感,因為他們是上帝帶來的。只要我們小心,不要做一些拒絕別人或使人气馁的事就好了。聖靈會在他們身上作奇妙的工作。

另外一件事是, 帶領人必需相信聖經是無誤的,相信它不但無誤,也不能會誤。聖經是上帝的話語,是聖言,聖言是帶著能力的。所以我們不要以為在聖言以外可以找到使人信服真道的方法。我自己是辯道者。辯道不在乎說服別人, 也不在乎贏得辯論, 最終目的是要贏得靈魂。說服力在於聖靈。辯道乃是將阻擋十字架視線上的障礙物移走, 使人看見具有說服力的十字架。其實辯道的操練最大的受益人乃是辯道者的本身。首先他要尊主基督為聖, 然後為了向人解釋心中盼望的緣由、便常作準備、並且以溫柔敬畏的心回答各人的問題 (彼前3:15)。這個過程必能增加辯道者自己對主的信心, 包括深信「沒有一句上帝的話是不帶著能力的。」以下是一些例子。

我的神學思想,深受巳故的史鮑爾 (R.C. Sproul) 牧師的影響。他的得救經歷也是因聖經話語的刺銳力而促使的。他進大學後的第一個禮拜內, 有一天他與一位比他高班的高才生談話,這位學長與他談起 「與耶穌建立個人關係」 的話題。他們的對話是一般的閒談而非正式的福音演說, 但那人談到聖經具有超越的智慧時,不知為何, 引用了半句朦朧模糊的經文: 「…樹若向南倒,或向北倒,樹倒在何處,就存在何處 (傳道書: 11:3b)」。突然間, 他好像意識到自己像死樹一般, 動也不動地躺在那裏, 且正在腐爛中。他看到自己的生活何等墮落, 慢慢地腐爛衰退。 在這思想下, 史鮑爾進入房間, 雙膝跪下, 在床邊禱告, 求神赦罪, 他遇見了耶穌, 得着生命, 彷彿朽爛的靈魂從森林的地底被抬舉起來。事後,史鮑爾說, 「這半句經文猶如當頭棒喝, 正中我心中的要害。」誰能想到這半節舊約經文,讀起來非常尋常,卻能改變一個人的生命! 這就見證了上帝的話語確是帶着使人重生的能力。

才华洋溢的奧古斯丁,年輕時生活放荡不羁,母親日夜為他流淚禱告,但徒勞無功。有一天他在米兰寓所的花园中散步,圣灵催逼他回头,他的心灵呼喊著:「要等到何时呢?何不就在此刻,结束我污秽的过去?」这时他恰巧听到邻家儿童大聲齊唱疊句:「拿起書来读,拿起書来读 (Tolle lege, tolle lege)」當時,他的視線落在一本巳經打開的聖經上,這本聖經剛好打開到新約羅馬書 13:13-14,上面寫著:「行事為人要端正、好像行在白晝.不可荒宴醉酒.不可好色邪蕩.不可爭競嫉妒。總要披戴主耶穌基督、不要為肉體安排、去放縱私慾。」特別是當他讀到「不可荒宴醉酒.不可好色邪蕩」時,上帝的話語刺透他內心的軟弱之處, 聖靈当時便使他活過來。自此以后,奧古斯丁便归向上帝,並于次年受洗。這個中世紀的故事, 再次見證了上帝的話語確能帶着使人悔改的能力的。

數世紀後, 馬丁路得被類似的方式喚醒過來。 路得深深地在神的公義上掙扎, 他承認他甚至偶爾會恨惡這個教義。但當他讀到奧古斯丁對羅馬書 1:17 的註釋時, 突然頓悟到福音的真諦, 就是 「義人必因信得生。」 這一句短短的聖經促使馬丁路得展開了偉大的宗教改革運動, 其影響力波及至如今。再次見證了上帝的話語確是帶着改變人類歷史的能力。

有一位具有宣教熱情的姊妹被国际威克理夫圣经翻译中心 (現在巳經改名 Wycliffe Global Alliance) 派到一個未開發的部落去傳福音。這族人沒有文字,他們只有口頭上的交流。這位姊妹首先為他們從口語設計一套文字,然後用這些文字去翻譯聖經。她選了馬太福音第一章作為事工的始點。當她看到耶穌基督的家譜時,為了節省時間, 她便把家譜這一段省略,直接進入馬太福音的核心。經過長年累月的工夫,翻譯工作終於告成, 她便把稿件送到遠方付印。數月後, 很多印好的聖經幅本運回來了。可是村民對聖經一點興趣都沒有,他們所關注的,乃是那部運輸聖經的大卡車。這位宣教姊妹心被壓碎了。但她堅持不懈,決定把家譜也加進去,重新付印。當她把修正版交給酋長時,酋長看後就信了耶穌。不但如此,很快地全族的土人都信了耶穌。這位姊妹驚喜地問酋長為什麼會這樣發生呢?酋長回答說, 「原來你們的聖經中的耶穌是真人真事的記載,祂是有家譜記錄的,不像我們所想像的神話傳說,因為家譜對我們來說,是真人真事的記錄, 所以耶穌是真實的人物。我們看到祂的生平,就信了。」 你能想像到基督徒都認為沉悶的家譜却能使一些未開發的士人信耶穌嗎?我們再次證實了神的話語是帶着超自然的能力。聖靈可以用任何一句經文使人歸正。

結論:聖經是神的話語, 它具有超自然的能力。儘管有時聖經的話語可能會冒犯別人,但上帝卻可以用任何一節聖經,照着他聰明的旨意,在我們想不到的情況下, 拯救任何一個人。我們無需過分刻意改變查經計劃去「適應」新朋友。我們只要忠心分解聖經,聖靈上帝就會工作。我們必須高舉聖經權威。但在教会历史中却有些激進人仕,認為除了聖經之外,我們不應該聽牧師,執長,或屬靈弟兄子妹的話;別人的書籍也無需閱讀。這不是「唯獨聖經」教義的真正意思。我不反對「屬靈四律」,它是一套很棒的福音簡介,令人在很短時間內畧知福音的一二。但在沒有正統神學的根基上,我們若過份地照字面或用己意去解釋它,那就可能會冐「今日的 ”差之毫釐” 造成日後的 ”謬以千里” 」之險。我個人喜歡藉著經文,向未信者多講解一些神的屬性。因為若對上帝不認識,我們又怎能愛祂和順服祂呢? 盼望弟兄姊妹,首先尊主為大,然後常作準備,把自己得救的緣由,以溫柔敬畏的心向別人解釋他們的問題,這是合乎聖經的傳福音方式。

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「從出埈及到西乃山」 vs. 「從復活到聖灵降臨」

By Tin-chee Lo (盧天赐); May 6, 2021


最近我讀到上面的那篇文章,其上沒有標上作者的名字,我推測是 R.C. Sproul (斯鮑爾) 所寫的。我把此文章的頭一段意思寫成中文,如下:

「以色列人離開埃及后五十天,上帝將他們帶到西奈,與他們立約,並將祂的律法交給了祂的子民。 重要的是要在逾越節 (離開埈及的那一天) 後第五十天就是日後所設立的五旬節的盛宴。這裡我們看到新約與舊約的一個對比。就是: 基督死後 (耶穌是在逾越節被釘十字架) 五十天就是五旬節, 聖靈傾倒在使徒和門徒身上。 在此我们看到古希伯來人被羔羊的血所救贖的事实,成為基督寶血救贖人類的預表。然而,正是就在那一個五旬,上帝製定了他們賴以生存的律法,特別是十誡。 今天的基督徒被上帝羔羊的血所救,就得到了基督的聖靈,使他們有能力遵守法律。」

我以前沒有想過上帝頒布十誡給摩西是在以色列人出埈及后第五十天, 並且那天正是日後律法所指的五旬節 (Pentecost)。我對這資料感到新鮮。我開始查考聖經,但卻找不到這資料。突然我依稀想起巳故的滕近輝牧師多年前在紐約靈命進修會也提過類似的事。花些功夫後我找到了。他寫道:



儘管「五十天」的屬靈意義是否絕對,然而「何時到達西乃山」却是一個合理的問題。 Google 幫助我找到 (至少) 下面的一節聖經作根據:


可是一搬对「滿了三個月」的領會是 30 乘 3, 即 90 天,這與 50 天差得太遠了!但當我看到數種英文版本時,難題便獲得了紓解。其中一英文版本寫道:

「In the third month, when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai. (KJV Exodus 19:1)」

英文版的「In the third month」一詞, 不是「到了整整三個月後」之意,而是指「到了第三個月。」

  • 第一年的第一個月的十四日是歷史上第一個逾越節,以色列人離埈及後行了16日的路程便進入了第二個月。(參看出埈及記 12:6-14)
  • 在第二個月內,以色列人整整走了30天 (猶太曆月是沒有 31 天的)。所以到第二個月過後,以色列人巳走了46 (=16+30) 天的路程, 便進入第三個月了。
  • 第四十七天, 就是第三個月的第一天,以色列人到了西乃的曠野,正如(出19:1) 所說的。
  • 他們開始預備朝見耶和華(出19:2-10)。
  • 「到第三天 (47+3=50) 要預備好了、因為第三天耶和華要在眾百姓眼前降臨在西乃山上。(出19:11)」

所以「In the third month」是與 「50」 天是一致的。從出埈及的逾越節晚上, 到西乃山耶和華頒布律法的那一天, 共計五十天; 那時正是五旬節。

其實中文翻譯中的「滿三個月」也並非有錯,  乃是看這個「滿」字如何解釋。因為在猶太人的眼中,「部分月 (partial month)」也算作一個月。「日」的算法也是如此。例如聖經説, 耶穌被釘十字架後第三日便復活,這不意味著耶穌死後要等到 72 (=24×3) 小時後才復活。耶穌在星期五下午死亡,那就算是第一日了; 星期六整天当然是第二日;星期日上午復活,便算是第三日。這樣的算法是猶太人可以接受的。

如果我們把舊約的「出埃及至西乃山」與新約的「復活至五旬節」作出屬靈的對比,兩者的時距都是50天。但新約的 50天卻有兩部份:頭 40天是耶穌復活後留在地上,目的是要向門徒顕現,使他們能作主復活的見證人。四十天過後, 在祂升天之前,耶穌囑咐門徒留在耶路撒冷等待聖靈的降臨。聖經沒有明説要等多久。但答案是 十天,正如滕近輝牧師在上述的解釋一搬。

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By 盧天賜 (T.C. Lo); April 22, 2021

在熱心傳福音的人們中, 有一個非常受歡迎的寓道故事:「失落的人類被視為是無法游泳的溺水者。 他經過數次的浮浮沉沉掙扎,知道如果他再次沈下去,他便會溺死。 他唯一的希望就是上帝丟給他一個救生圈。 仁慈的上帝真的拋出了救生索,索端係着一個救生圈, 並且精確地扔到溺者伸手所及的邊緣。 該溺者惟一要做的事情就是抓住這個救生圈。 只要他決定抓住救生圈,上帝就會把他拖上岸, 他就得救了。但如果他拒絕救生圈,他肯定會滅亡。」

這故事説出神極大的作為和恩典 (99.99%), 而人只付出微不足道 (0.01%) 的努力, 就可獲得救恩。而且也論到人的自由意志和責任,非常精闢。故事雖動人,也似乎很另人信服, 但它卻不附合聖經的教導,問題出于那微不足道的人的努力。現在讓我們先看看聖經怎樣説。讓我從 <以弗所書>選兩節經文:
• 「當我們死在過犯中的時候、便叫我們與基督一同活過來。 (2:5)」
• 「你們得救是本乎恩、也因著信、這並不是出於自己、乃是 神所賜的.(2:8)」

這兩處的經文告訴我們: 我們生下來有原罪, 所以我們都是罪人。聖經也説, 罪的工價乃是死, 所以天然人在屬靈上是死人,是死在罪惡過犯當中。既是死人,就絶不會, 也更不可能, 愛慕和明白屬靈的事。因此,神對祂的選民 (被神揀選的人) 要做的第一件事就是, 先把他從死裏救活过來, 這就是所谓「重生」, 即有屬靈的生命。一旦有了屬靈的生命,他便能作出合理正當的決擇。重生的人開始看到以前看不見的東西, 就是自己有罪, 從而知道他需要救主的赦免。神就賜給他信心作禮物,憑著這個禮物,透過救主耶穌在十字架上已成就了的救恩,他就得救了。這就是得救的過程。 一個在罪的汪洋中巳溺死的人,上帝如何使他活過來?要回答這個問題,我就不得不回顧我自己的得救經歷。

我出生于廣東。六歲時逃難到香港。在那裡念小學一年級直到高中畢業。畢業後便考進台灣大學電機系。困在窄如手掌的九龍巳十二年了,如今有機會到美麗的寶島開開眼界,心中感到非常興奮。當年代交通甚不方便,再加上家中面臨巨大的經濟問題,我只能乘搭最平宜的貨船往台灣。那時的港台航缐有「四川輪」,每週來回一次。每星期一晚從香港西環碼頭出發,星期三早上便可抵達台灣東北角的基隆港。離家的那個晚上,我站在船上的甲板與母親揮手道別。我看到母親依依不捨地飲泣,但她似乎盡可能掩蓋她的眼淚。但慈母對我的愛巳在那情景中表達無遺了。這是一個永不會忘的時刻。船啓動了,母親的形象也漸漸變小而消息,這樣我風平浪靜地離開了這個東方之珠。這是我人生第一次離開父母。次日,突然烏雲密布,九月的狂風大作,在那氣象預測尚未發達的年代,真感嘆到「天有不測之風雲」,隨之而來也想到「人有旦夕之禍福」。船在驚濤駭浪中拋來拋去,一時看到船的兩側被浪壁欄著,如同摩西過紅海一搬穿過隘口,一時船被巨浪舉起,如同方舟擱置在亞拉臘山頂一搬,只聼到馬達高速空轉的聲音。一高一底的浮沈, 使船上大部分乘客都暈浪,但可幸的是,我沒有什麼頭暈嘔吐的感覺。船上傳來一大堆謠言,有人説,船巳失控,快漂到汕頭了, 有人說,有人巳失蹤。後來船長決定回航返港。當船作180度轉彎時,強風向船側正吹,這是最危險的關頭,船內貨物由這邊滑到那邊,又由那邊滑到這邊, 側風使船甚不平衡。那時我巳感到死亡在即。船在回程中行了數小時後,船長又再改變主意,又作了一次大轉彎,繼續前往台灣,這次全船的人都意識到死期巳臨頭,那時我很傷心, 當時我不是怕死,乃是因想像到父母親因失去兒子的悽慘慘情境而傷痛。我開始醒覺到人的無奈和上帝的存在。我知道不是人尋找上帝,乃是上帝尋找人。如今我稍明白聖經,回顧此事,才深信那就是「上帝叫我們與基督一同活過來」的甦醒經歷。最後船終於平安抵達基隆,那天是星期五早上。別人可能說我幸運, 但我深知這是上帝的保守。這是我生命中與主的重大相遇之一。

在聖經中上帝對不同的人常用不同的事件,甦醒那些祂揀選的子民:上帝在大馬色路上用大光甦醒逼迫基督徒的保羅。耶穌用祂復活的身體甦醒雅各和多馬。上帝以苦難叫屬他的人回轉。神用祂的話語 (聼道, 讀經) 使人心意回轉。這些完全都是上帝百分之百的作為,人在救恩事上, 毫無貢献, 也一無所跨, 全是上帝的恩典。我們只能感謝祂和榮耀祂(羅馬書1:18)。

從這個神學觀念, 讓我把上面的喻道故事改編如下:「失落的人類被視為是不憧游泳的溺水者。 他經過數次的浮浮沉沉掙扎,終於溺死了。 但上帝揀選他,憐憫他,恩待他,就使他復活過來。以前昏暗的理性現在清醒了, 知道他以前不能知道的事。他知道他需要救主。他唯一的希望就是上帝丟給他一個救生圈。 仁慈的上帝真的拋出了祂早就預備好了的救生索,索端係着一個救生圈, 並且精確地扔到了溺者伸手所及的邊緣。 該溺者惟一要做的事情就是用上帝赐给他的信心和更新過的自由意志, 抓住這個救生圈。上帝就把他拖上岸, 他就得救了。他那更新過的頭腦是清醒的,不像以前的死寂昏暗, 现在用他更新過的自由意志,作出明智的決定, 所以他絕不會拒絕救生圈,他肯定會伸手抓住它, 使他的獲救是有把握的。」這是何等奇妙的恩典!

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By 盧天賜; March 24, 2021

希伯來書(11:1)寫道,「信就是所望之事的實底、是未見之事的確據。」這是大多數基督徒都熟悉的金句。 但讓我感到困惑的是,我似乎了解,但實際上我並不完全了解。最近我有機會再次仔細思想這節經文。

我們「所望之事」是什麼? 在我們的一搬禱告中,我們祈求疾病得醫治,工作得隱定,疫情早日結束等。但在我們的禱告經驗中,並不是每次都有求必應,因此我們可以斷言,這些都不是這節經文所指的「實底。」

但隨後的經文所給出的文字和例子並未提及到這些需要解決的切身問題。它所暗示的乃是上帝的應許,屬性,和作為。 這些例子的模式是:「某人」因著相信「上帝的某種屬性」便作出「某些事來」。例:

(V. 3) 我們因著信、就知道諸世界是藉 神話造成的.這樣、所看見的、並不是從顯然之物造出來的。

(V. 8) 亞伯拉罕因著信、蒙召的時候、就遵命出去、往將來要得為業的地方去.出去的時候、還不知往那裡去。
意思是:「亞伯拉罕」因著相信「上帝是信實守約的神」, 便「遵命出去, 雖不知詳情」。

所以當我們把「所望之事」放在「上帝的某種屬性」時, 它就是「實底」了。如:
• 我們盼望復活得榮耀
• 我們盼望基督的再臨
• 我們盼望聖徒的被提
• 我們盼望那新天新地


因此,當我們談論「信心」之前,我們必須首先確定無疑地「相信」神的應許,和神的屬性。 這是非常奇妙的,就是我們對一些東西先要有「相信」,才能開始談到「信心」的問題。

「未見之事」是指甚麼東西呢? 隨後給出的文字和示例並不涉及我們職業的未知未來,也不涉及我們那浮動的投資和銀行帳戶,而是涉及那從上帝那看不見之手所成就的穩固東西,例如:

• 通過基督十架赦免之恩是看不見的
• 基督為信徒在天上代禱是看不見的
• 在我們受苦中神的同在是看不見的
• 神为我们所预備的基業是看不見的


這些都是我們看不見的上帝的活動。再次,我們看到我們必須 “首先要相信上帝的屬性和應許,” 我們才能談得上信心。

當先知但以理和他的朋友被邪惡的人陷害時,但以理的同伴向巴比倫王作見證 (但 3:17-18)。 這見證反映了他們的禱告的信心。

(V. 17)「我們所事奉的 神、能將我們從烈火的兠中救出來.王阿、他也必救我們脫離你的手。」

但以理的朋友巳相當有信心地意識到神必救他們脫離惡人的手,但他們卻沒有把獲救的盼望視為「實體」和「確據」, 因為他們不能百分之百確定神果真會搭救他們。所以他們繼續宣告,

(V. 18)「即或不然、王阿、你當知道我們決不事奉你的神、也不敬拜你所立的金像。」

「即或不然」表示但以理的朋友的信心並沒有放在那不確定的解救上,而是將信心放在「實體」和「確據」上, 就是上帝那確定不移的應許和屬性。



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嬰孩耶穌就是那房角石 (The Cornerstone of Christmas)

By Tin-chee (TC) Lo (盧天赐); December 22, 2020

匠 人 所 棄 的 石 頭 、 已 作 了 房 角 的 頭 塊 石 頭 (The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone) (1 Peter 2:7)

就建築而言,房角石在傳統上是第一塊基石,而其他所有石材的安置都是以它為參照點。 房角石標記著房屋的正確地理位置和方向, 並而此定位是建築師在建造房屋前預先決定的。
房角石一詞是什麼意思? 在詞典中可找出以下的關鍵字眼:

骨幹,核心,基岩,試金石,中心裝飾品,柱石,中流中柱,制輪楔,基礎 ,命脈,支撐,中心,角,本質,元素,支點,錨點,塊,傑作,癥結。 簡而言之,房角石是指極其重要,必不可缺的東西。耶穌作為主要的房角石基,確保了我們整個救恩體系(靈宮)的穩定。 耶穌昨日, 今日, 和永遠都是唯一的創始成終者。 以賽亞書28:16 説:


在《新約》中,耶穌在建造靈宮 (教會) 中的作用的主要意義, 在某種程度上,不是根基。 祂乃是建造根基的藍圖。《新約》說,除了在基督耶穌中奠定 (藍圖) 的根基以外,沒有任何「自作主張」的根基可以把靈宫建立起來,但是耶穌不是根基, 祂是房角石 (see Note in th English version below),他比根基更重要。 房角石標出教會 (靈宮) 的位置和方向。 如果方向和定位錯了,那麼, 根基越牢固,越宏偉,它造成的損害就越大。 許多異端教會在組織力量和財務資源方面都有很強大基礎,但是他們的方向走錯了,導致更多人誤入歧途。 感謝神,這些建設在錯誤根基上的大廈,終必 (在末日) 被剪除。那麼,耶穌基督的教會的根基是什麼呢? 當新約談到建築靈宮時,它說的是「先知和使徒是它的根基 (Eph. 2:20)。」 先知和使徒們給了我們上帝的道,上帝的啓示,和上帝的預言 (特別是末世的預言) 作為建造教會靈宮的基礎。這樣的靈宮必永遠長存。

正如詩人在舊約中說的(詩11:3),“根基若毀壞、義人還能作甚麼呢?” 教會的正統性取決於根基,而根基正確功能的發揮取決於房角石。 聖誕節的嬰孩耶穌就是那房角石。此房角石留給我們只有兩個選擇:那些相信耶穌基督的人將成為永生神的活石; 那些拒絕耶穌的人會絆倒在房角石上而因此滅亡, 神沒有給予我們中間地帶。

2020 Christmas Reflection

 “Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, “The stone the builders rejected has become the Cornerstone.” (1 Peter 2:7)

In relation to architecture, a cornerstone (or capstone) is traditionally the first stone laid for a structure, with all other stones laid in reference. A cornerstone marks the geographical location by orienting a building in a specific direction pre-determined by the builder.

What is another word for Cornerstone? Dictionary yields the following keywords: backbone, centerpiece, bedrock, touchstone, centerpiece, pillar, mainstay, lynchpin, core, basis, lifeblood, Underpinning, heart, corner, essence, element, fulcrum, anchor, block, masterpiece, fundamental, crux…

In short, the cornerstone is an extremely important element.

As the Chief Cornerstone, Jesus ensures the stability of the whole system of our salvation. Jesus was and is the only plan of salvation. Isaiah 28:16, “Therefore this says the Lord God: ‘Behold, I lay in Zion a stone for a foundation, a tried stone, a precious cornerstone, for a sure foundation, the one who trusts will never be dismayed'”. Peter was referring to this text as source.

In the New Testament, the primary sense of the role of Jesus in the building is not that of the foundation. The New Testament says that no foundation can be laid except that which is laid in Christ Jesus, but Jesus is not the foundation. He is more important than the foundation. The cornerstone sets forth the location and orientation of the church. If the direction and orientation is wrong, the firmer the foundation, the bigger the damage it would incur. Many heretic churches have very strong foundation in terms of the strength of their organization and financial resources, but their directions are wrongheaded, leading  more people to go astray. Now, then, what is the foundation of the Church of Jesus Christ? When the New Testament speaks of the spiritual building, the Church, it speaks of the foundation as being the Prophets and Apostles. These servants of God serving as God’s mouthpieces, gave us the Word of God, which is established as the foundation of the whole edifice.

As the Psalmist said (Ps. 11:3) in the Old Testament, “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”. The Church depends on the foundation, and the foundation depends on the Cornerstone. This Cornerstone of Christmas leaves us only two choices: You believe in Jesus Christ to become the living stones unto eternal life. Or you reject Jesus Christ and stumble over the Cornerstone and perish.


R.C. Sproul writes in his article “The Church’s One Foundation“:

The foundation, Paul tells us, consists of the prophets and the Apostles (Eph. 2:18-21). In Revelation 21, we read of the magnificent vision of the New Jerusalem, the heavenly city that comes down from above. Verse 14 tells us that “the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” Even the heavenly Jerusalem is based upon the foundation of the apostles. Historically, the Christian church is, in its very essence, Apostolic. The term Apostle comes from the Greek word apostolos, which means “one who is sent.” In the ancient Greek culture, an apostolos was first of all a messenger, an ambassador, or an emissary. But he wasn’t just a page. He was an emissary who was authorized by the king to represent the king in his absence, and he bore the king’s authority. The first Apostle in the New Testament was actually Jesus, for He was sent by His Father into the world. 


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Can Science explains the Deeds of God?

By TC Lo (盧天賜); December 4, 2020

God can freely act in any way according to His will because He is sovereign. His ways of acting are oftentimes unfathomable. When it comes to God’s creation and governance, the Bible says, “For He spoke, and it came to be; He commanded, and it stood firm” (Ps 33:9). His actions do not necessarily have to be explainable in our scientific terms but it does not mean that they can never be. Whether God’s actions could be scientifically understandable or not, they will never contradict true science because God is the legislator of the natural law based on which science operates.

C.S. Lewis rightly remarked, “Men became scientific because they expected law in nature and they expected law in nature because they believed in lawgiver.”

But sometimes through the lenses of modern science, we can see the reasonableness and the greatness of God’s creation, because science also originates from God (Ref. 1). God can use science as a medium for His actions. Let us use the following examples to illustrate that God’s deeds sometimes can be harmonized with scientific explanation.

Example 1: The creation of human being as recorded in Genesis 2:21-22 can possibly be described in scientific (medical, in this case) terminology. Referring to the creation of the first woman, Eve, the Bible says,

“So the Lord God caused the man, Adam, to fall into a deep sleep (anesthesia); and while he was sleeping, he took (surgical incision) one of the man’s ribs and closed up (surgical stitching) the place with flesh (Gen. 2:21).”

Why removing the rib but not other part of the body? According to Dr. Leaf Huang (黃力夫), a professor of biochemical pharmacy in North Carolina University, who discovered that bone marrow taken from the rib contains the richest and most active stem cells of the human body. Stem cells are cells with the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body.

The Bible continues, “Then the Lord God made (transgenic cloning) a woman from the rib (source of stem cells) he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man (Gen. 2:22).”

God used the rib taken from that Adam (the bone marrow has stem cells, in large quantity, and the most active) to cause (transgenic cloning; but there is no such phenomenon as prematurely senile observed in the case of the cloning a sheep, “Dolly” in the laboratory.)

One may also ask, why did God create man first and then woman? I don’t know, it is God’s will. But because men have X and Y chromosomes, while women only have X chromosomes so she lacks the genetic material of Y chromosomes to make man. So it makes scientific sense to make man first and then made woman out of man. This is also an unique insight of Professor Leaf Huang.

Example 2: Jesus’ suffering. “And being in anguish, he (Jesus) prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground (Luke 22:44)”

How could sweat contain blood? This could be explained by a medical condition known to scientists in the medical field as “hematidrosis” (hematic means “of blood”). This is not a common phenomenon, but is related to a high degree of psychological stress experienced by a distressed person.

The reason is that when a person is extremely anxious, some chemicals are released inside the body, which breaks the capillaries in the sweat glands. As a result, a slight bleeding is injected into the sweat glands and the sweat that comes out is dyed red. This situation would cause the skin to be extremely fragile, so when Jesus was beaten by the Roman soldiers the next day, His skin was very, very sensitive, making the pain even more unbearable. (Ref. 2)

Example 3: The Power of God’s Word. The omnipotence of God is often expressed by His Words and commands throughout the Scripture. Consider the following verses:

These were the words spoken by God through the angel to Mary: “For nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 1:37)”

“By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. (Hebrew 11:3)”

“For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm. (Psalm 33;9)”

The universe (matter) is created by God’s words (power or energy). Here we see the principle of mass-energy exchange in modern physics, E = mc^2 where E is energy (or power), and m is mass.

In Genesis, from 1:1 to 2:3, we read the phrase “For God Said” at the onset of each stage (or “day”) of the creation process. These “For God Said” can be construed as injection of information. God’s word is not just brute force like the destructive atomic bomb, but words filled with life-giving information needed for creating the orderly cosmos including organic things and human beings. On the “day” when Adam was made, this “For God Said” phrase occurred three times, indicating much more information was needed to make man than that which needed to make the organic and animal worlds. The fact that God’s deeds can sometimes be harmonized with science is because God is the author of science. He ordained natural law based on which scientists can make predictions.

In general, Christians believe that science and theology (faith) will not conflict with each other. But for those who adhere to “Strong Rationalism” insist that science and theology are incompatible with each other. Strong rationalism believes that “things that cannot be proved by scientific methods and logical reasoning are unacceptable.” The word “proof” in their mind refers to an emphatic evidence that no one with normal logical thinking can give reason to deny it.

This statement is actually self-destructive, because the statement itself cannot be “proved” by “scientific methods and logical reasoning” of its validity. Richard Dawkins and his party belong to this category. But for those who hold “Critical Rationalism”, there is room for dialogue. Critical rationality, however, refers to the “proof” that does not require “two plus two equals four” kind of strict affirmation, because it is impossible to prove things in this manner. For example, trying to “prove” the existence of God is futile. Even the Bible does not prove it like this, the Bible just makes authoritative claims or assumptions that God exists.

“Critical Rationalism” means that when people make different explanations to the same set of data, critical rationality only needs to compare each of theses explanations and see which one offers is the strongest Explanation Power so as to accept it to be true.

Such rationalism is acceptable to Christians—and scientists. From the above several examples, although we cannot really assert whether God actually acted according to the stated methods, it is enough to show that science and faith can be harmonious, rather than opposing one another.

In the same manner, some Christians adopt the “Strong Literalism” method of interpretation to certain scriptures. This too can lead to setting “science” against “theology”. This is not without precedence. The early Roman Catholic’s attack on Galileo’s “heliocentric theory” is just one example.


  1. https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=513
  2. “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel; page 195.


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The False Theology of “Strict Father and Kind Son (“嚴父慈子” 的錯誤神學)

by: T.C. Lo 盧天賜 (November 4, 2020)

The entire Bible contains 66 books, of which the Old Testament has 39 books and the New Testament 27 books. An arithmetic acrostic “3×9=27” may be helpful for us to remember these two numbers.

The Book of Isaiah is one of the Old Testament books that the Lord Jesus loved to quote. When the Lord first came out to preach, He quoted the book of Isaiah (see Luke 4:17).

What’s interesting is that the Book of Isaiah happens to have 66 chapters. The first 39 chapters concern with sin and judgment whereas the latter 27 chapters lay weight on the grace and glory of God and the hope of God’s children. Such loosely division of Isaiah seemingly mirrors the two images of God derived from His very character: His stern face reflects His holiness, judgment, and wrath upon mankind; and His benevolent face associated with His love, forgiveness, and grace toward His children.

Cursory reading of the Bible by some people could easily lead them to draw a misguided conclusion that the God of the Old Testament (the Father God) is stern and the God of the New Testament (God’s Son, Jesus) is benevolent.

The God of the Old Testament (specifically referring to the Father) is a violent God, He poured out wrath upon us. No small amount of cases of mass killings of people, apparently at God’s behest, are recorded in the O.T. Examples abound:

  • The Flood (Genesis 6-8)
  • The cities of the plain, including Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18-19)
  • The Egyptian firstborn sons during the Passover (Exodus 11-12)
  • The Canaanites under Moses and Joshua (Numbers 21:2-3; Deuteronomy 20:17; Joshua 6:17, 21)
  • The Amalekites annihilated by Saul (1 Samuel).
  • etc.

On the contrary, the God of the New Testament (especially referring to God’s Son, Jesus) is the God of love and grace. In the Gospel, we see our Lord Jesus went about doing good. He was an itinerant preacher to accomplish His merciful designs, He frequently visited large and populous places, and places of public resort. Numerous examples support the claim of His kindness.

  • Jesus opened the eyes of the blind; He gave hearing to the deaf; and He raised the dead (Matthew 11:5).
  • Jesus did good to the souls of men. The ignorant were instructed by Him in the essential doctrines and duties of religion (Matthew 5:1, 2; Luke 19:47; John 8:2). He strengthened the weak and wavering, and comforted mourning penitents (Matthew 5:4; Matthew 11:28). Lord Jesus instructed His disciples to “put your sword back in its place” (Matthew 26:52). Jesus also instructed us to love and pray for our enemies.

Jesus’ benevolence is remarkable. Human beings may occasionally be charitable but their charity is not without impure motive. In contrary, the intentions of Jesus in doing good were pure and perfect. He was moved by the transcendent goodness of His nature to acts of kindness. Jesus persevered in doing good. He was never weary of it.

Because of this, a popular but severely distorted concept has developed. People believe that it is the Son, not the Father, who alone extremely identifies Himself with our fallen state. In our needs, the Son stands on our side and acts as our mediator to calm the Father’s anger. While the Father is ready to punish us and send us to hell, the Son intercedes, “Punish me! Let me bear your anger.”

This concept creates tension that divides the Godhead. It also seems that the Father has His own agenda and the Son asks the Father to change His mind. This view leads to a certain widespread and prevalent belief: the Son is more loving, patient, and compassionate than the Father. Unthoughtful reading of the Bible does give people this impression.

In this sense, Christians seem to have a tendency to be a “Unitarians” supporter of the Son. Although we still learn, devote, and worship the Father, we do these in terms of etiquette and fear of Him, at the core, we completely ignore Him. This is obviously a very wrong theological view.

It can be seen that if we regard impressions or feelings as truth, it can easily produce an undesirable butterfly effect (The butterfly flutters here, but a few days later it causes a tornado hundreds of miles away). These seemingly indifferent matter can greatly distort theological orthodoxy.

But the Old Testament such as in Psalm 145:8 it clearly says, “The Lord (God, the Father) is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.” Isn’t the Father same in temperament as the Son Jesus?

The New Testament John 3:15 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Who sent this loving Jesus into the world to save us? The answer is, of course, God the Father! Can we say that the Father is not loving?

On the other hand, Jesus did at times express righteous indignation throughout His earthly ministry:

One commentator says, Jesus clearly displayed anger during His earthly life. The primary example is His response to those who were making a profit by exchanging money and selling animals at the temple (Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 11:15-18; John 2:13-22).

On another occasion, Jesus asked the religious leaders if it was okay to heal a person on the Sabbath day. When they would not answer, we are told, “he looked around at them with anger” (Mark 3:5) before healing a man. His harshness centered on the attitudes of religious teachers who claimed to know the Law yet cared more about themselves than whether a person was healed. So yes, Jesus was angry at times, yet did not sin (Hebrews 4:15).

Therefore, advocating “strict-Father and merciful Son” is a wrongheaded dichotomy. The disposition or the character of the Old Testament Father and of the New Testament Jesus is the same. They are of the one Triune God who is in and of themselves harmonious, tension-free, and should serve as a model for us of ideal relationships.

I Posted this earlier in Chinese:

“嚴父慈子” 的錯誤神學

This question came up again in recent Bible study group, so I elaborate and enhance the content and rewrite it in English here.

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When Sinner Came to His Senses

By T.C. Lo; October 12, 2020; revised June 29, 2021

The fifteenth chapter of Gospel Luke (vv. 11-32) records a parable told by Jesus entitled, “the two sons“. There are three characters in this parable: the father, the younger son, and the older son. For the past more than two thousand years, countless preachers and teachers had told this story using varieties of topics based on their focuses and purposes. If the story teller tried to focus on sinner’s repentance, he might assign it a topic “the prodigal son;” if he tried to emphasize on the loving kindness of the father, a topic, such as “the waiting father” might be an appropriate option. If the preacher wanted to communicate the difference between grace and legalism, “the story of the elder son” might be designated. I have also heard an unique title given to this story as “another brother“, which infers to Jesus’ declaration that He claims to be the brother of His followers (Mark 3:34-35). Or, “the real elder brother” as in Romans 8:29.

Many years ago, my wife and I had the opportunity to travel to St. Petersburg, Russia. One of the must-see attractions is the world-famous State Hermitage Museum, which was the former czar’s winter palace. In it was a great wealth of world famous paintings. One of the gorgeous portrayals was the The Prodigal Son painted by Rembrandt. I stayed in front of it for a long moment, examining the painter’s stroke of colors, and meditating on the Words of the Bible that describes the story behind the painting.

The full story of the “Two Sons” is recorded in Luke 15:11-32. But here we only focus on the repentance part of the story known as “The Prodigal Son” told in verse 11 through verse 20 that reads:「11 Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons. 12 The younger one said to his father, ‘Father, give me my share of the estate.’ So he divided his property between them. 13 “Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. 14 After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. 15 So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. 16 He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything. 17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ 20 So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.」

No matter how we tell this story, I think there is a phrase in it (verse 17), which can be said to be the turning point of the story. That phrase is: “When he came to his senses.” But how would a sinner come to his senses? Apostle Paul later answered it in theological language: “But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions–it is by grace you have been saved (Ephesians 2:4-5).” People’s coming to repentance is all due to the urging of the Holy Spirit, who causes us to come to our senses by first making us alive in Christ.

R.C. Sproul

My theological thought was deeply influenced by the late Reformed theologian, R.C. Sproul. His salvific experience was aspired by the piercing force of the words of the Bible. In the first week after he entered the university campus, one day he had a conversation with a talented senior student. This senior talked to him on the subject of “building a personal relationship with Jesus.” Their dialogue was a casual one, not a formal gospel lecture, where the man talked about the transcendent wisdom of the Bible. For some reason, he quoted a vague verse「…Whether a tree falls to the south or to the north, in the place where it falls, there will it lie (Ecclesiastes 11:3b).」Suddenly, God the Holy Spirit made “him come to his senses;” he seemingly realized that he was lying there motionless, like a dead tree, and decaying. He saw how depraved his life was, slowly decayed and rotten away. Under this thought, Sproul came to his senses; he entered his room, knelt on his knees, prayed by the bedside, asking God for forgiveness. Right there, he met Jesus and received eternal life, he thought of himself as a rotten soul being lifted up from the forest floor. Afterwards, Sproul said, “This terse partial verse of the scripture was like a wake-up call, and it was hitting the soft spot of my heart.”

Who would have thought that such a mundane and mostly unfamiliar phrase from the Old Testament could change a person’s life! This is a testimony to the regenerative power of the Scripture.

Saint Augustine

The talented Augustine lived a depraved life when he was young. Though his mother wept in prayers for him day and night, he seemed unchanged. One day when he was walking in the garden of his apartment in Milan, the Holy Spirit came upon his soul and he cried out: “Why should I wait? Why not end my filthy past at this moment?” At that instant, he heard some children next door playfully sang in repetition loudly: “Pick up a book to read, pick up a book to read (Latin: Tolle lege, tolle lege)” At that time, his sight fell on a Bible opened before him to Romans 13:13-14 which read:「13 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.」 The Holy Spirit used especially verse 13 to pierce his stone heart and turn it into a heart of flesh,  at once,  he came to his senses and repented. From then on, Augustine turned to God and baptized the following year. This medieval story once again bears witness to the fact that God’s Word has the power of regeneration.

Martin Luther

Centuries later, Martin Luther was awakened in a similar way. Luther had struggled deeply with God’s justice, and admitted that he even occasionally hated this doctrine. But when he read Augustine’s comment on Romans 1:17, the Holy Spirit suddenly led him to come to his senses, he began to grasp the true meaning of the gospel, that is, “The righteous will live by faith alone”, later known as sola fide. This short Scripture inspired Martin Luther to launch a great religious reformation movement, and its influence has spread to this day. It has confirmed once again that God’s Word are indeed capable of changing human history.

Bible Translation

A sister with a passion for missions was sent by the International Wycliffe Bible Translation Center (now renamed Wycliffe Global Alliance) to an undeveloped tribe to preach the gospel. This tribe had no written words, they only had oral communication. This sister first designed a set of words for them from the spoken language, and then used these words to translate the Bible. She chose the first chapter of Matthew’s Gospel as the starting point for her undertaking. When she thought of the Genealogy of Jesus Christ, in order to save time, she decided to omit this section and dived directly into the core of Matthew’s Gospel. After years of hard work, the translation was finally completed, and she sent the manuscript to a remote place for printing. A few months later, many printed copies were shipped back. But the villagers were not interested in the Bible at all. What they were fond of was the truck that transported the Bible copies. The heart of this missionary lady was crushed. But she persisted and decided to add the genealogy section to the manuscript and reprinted it. When she gave a copy of the revised version to the chief, the chief believed in Jesus after reading it. Not only that, soon afterward,  all the native people of the tribe believed in Jesus. The sister was pleasantly surprised and asked the chief why could this happen? It turned out that the Holy Spirit had made the chief to come to his senses and said, “What I did not know before but I am convinced now was that your Jesus was a real person because he had genealogy record. So I believe that your Bible is a real history of real people and real events. Jesus’ life was unlike the myths and legends described in our culture and tradition, he is real.”

God Alone

The essence of the gospel is that a person’s salvation begins with God’s raising him up with Christ according to His pleasure. Then, saving faith is given to sinner as a gift from God. God the Father accepted repenting sinner as His own child through the work of Christ accomplished on the cross. Therefore, salvation is entirely the collaboration of the Three Persons within the God-head. Human being claims no credit whatsoever in this process. So, we cannot help but giving glory to God, praising Him, serving Him, and glorifying Him. Amen!


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By Tin-chee Lo (盧天赐); September 24, 2020

每當查考雅各書2:14-26時,聖經學生都很自然地發出一個問題:保羅的「因信稱義」與雅各的「因行為稱義」有矛盾嗎? 聖經老師給了一個簡單且正碓的答案: 「聖經當然沒有矛盾,雅各是指 “真信心是用好行為去證明其真實性。」 我們是否就停在這裡呢?有沒有一個更透徹的理解? 我想我們是可以有更深一層的理解的。

當我們查考或默想聖經時,對某些詞彙的意義, 要獲得充分的了解是很大的問題。十三世紀的神學家阿奎那 (Thomas Aquinas) 遇到同樣的挑戰。當他在穆斯林相對主義者面前捍衛基督教時,他意識到語言的三種用法的區分是很重要 (Ref. 1)。

單義的 (Univocal)
「這幅油畫是好作品」和「這本書是一本好書」。這裡兩句話中的「好」字是單義的,因為它們的含義是相同,都是具有單一的意思, 就是描述一種藝術與文學的美好的品質。

異義的 (Equivocal)
「這篇道講得好」和「我的小狗是好狗」。前者是指這篇道「清晰, 正統, 切題」。後者是指「小狗聼話, 可愛, 清潔」。同一個「好」字,意思完全不同。還有一個例子:中文的「愛」字 或 英文的「love」是屬於「異義」的, 因為用同一個字來表達四種不同的愛是會產生混亂的。但希臘文可解決這個問題, 它把這個異義詞轉變成四個希臘的單義字以作區別:
• Storge—保護的愛,如描述父母的愛。
• Phileo—兄弟般的愛。 熱愛友誼。 費城 (Philadelphia), 意即兄弟之愛的城市。
• Eros— 性愛, 夫妻的愛, 或浪漫的愛情。
• Agape— 屬靈的愛。 純真的愛。 反映了上帝堅定的愛。(Note)

當我想到世上的父親對我那麼好時,我就開始領會到那天上的父親真是好。前者的「好」我可體驗,後者的「好」深奧莫測,但透過比喻, 我可以增加對天父的認識。[注意, 對那些在童年時被父親虐待過的人,這比喻就用不上了。所以, 用比喻來交通是有其背景的限制的。]

除語言外,背景及對聼眾的了解也很重要。講道家Robinson 在他的書中 (Ref. 2) 指出,「溝通」意味著「意義的匯合 (Communication means “a meeting of meanings)」。無論是講員穿過大会堂向聼眾們発表演説,或作家向數世紀之後的讀者傳達訊息,若要溝通能生效,發訊者與受訊者必須有共享的共同事物:言語,文化,世界觀,交流的形式等。以解經為例,這就好像一位講解員將他的椅子拉到聖經作者坐的地方, 試圖努力回到作者當時的的聖經世界來明白其訊息。现在以區別雅各與保羅的「信心觀」為例説明之。

當我們坐在保羅的椅子,我們看到他書桌上寫給眾教會的書信 (羅馬書, 加拉太書, 以弗所書等), 便體驗到他是寫給當時的「律法主義者 (legalists)」。他們忘記了保羅所教導的福音,認為人得救是在乎守律法—這不是福音, 所以保羅稱之為「另一種福音」。為了矯正他們的錯誤,保羅在羅馬書中表達他的救恩論,寫道:「我們既因信稱義、就藉著我們的主耶穌基督、得與神相和 (Romans 5:1)」, 這只是其中一经文。簡言之,保羅的神學宣告是「一個人乃是單憑信心而稱義, 行為不是稱義的條件 (a man is justified by faith apart from work)。」

當我們坐在雅各的椅子,我們看到他書桌上寫給眾教會的書信 (雅各書), 便體会到他是寫給當時的「反律法主義者 (antinomians)」。此等人以為既然得救本乎恩,耶穌亦有無限的赦免,那麼又何必遵守律法呢?為了矯正他們的錯誤,雅各強調「人稱義是因著行為、不是單因著信 (James 2:24)」。簡言之, 雅各的神學宣告是「一個人是通過行為而不是僅僅通過信心而稱義 (a man is justified by works and not by faith alone)。

在這兩個宣告中, 它們都各自出現了三個詞:“稱義”, “信心” 和 “行為”。 如果這三個詞,每一個都對應地具相同的意義 (i.e., univocal),那麼我們就有問題了。 一位聖經作者説「因信稱義」而另位聖經作者説「因行為稱義」, 聖經豈非自相矛盾乎?  然而, 當我們堅信聖經是無誤, 也不能誤 (the infallibility and inerrancy of the Bible) 的教義,我們只能得出這樣的結論, 就是這三個詞,一定不是每個都對應地具相同意義的。它們一定是各有其所指 的意思(equivocal)。讓我們分別看看這三個字:

稱義 (Justified): Equivocal
• 對保羅來說,這意味著 “得救(saved), 被宣告為義 (declared righteous)”。
• 對雅各來說,它的意思是 “證明 (vindicated),認證 (authenticated),表明 (demonstrated)”。

行為 (Work): Equivocal
• 對保羅來說,這意味著 “法律的工作 (works of the law)”。
• 對雅各來說,這意味著 “信心的產物 (the product of faith)”。

信心 (faith): Univocal
這裡一定是指 “得救的信心” 而不是指「成聖的信心」。如果是指後者,那就沒有甚麼爭論需要在此解釋了,因為保羅也同意「 我們若是靠聖靈得生、就當靠聖靈行事 (Gal. 5:25)。」行事就是得救後的工作。然而雅各在此所講的信心,也可以把「成聖的信心」包括在內。
• 雅各心目中的信心,是指一種「能產生好行為的信心 (James 2:17)」。
• 要了解保羅心目中所指的信心,就要先了解保羅的救贖觀  (Soteriology)。保羅所獲得的啓示是:人是巳經死在罪惡過犯中,絕無任何道德能力和心靈的傾向去認識神, 去愛神。藉著神那难以置信的的恩典,衪使那些在創世以前巳被預定得救的人,從死亡中活過來。這個「活過來」就意味著重生,是完完全全, 百分之一百, 神的作為,人毫無貢献。對一個重生的人,神就賜他信心作禮物,使他用新造的性情和意志願意接受耶穌為他的主和救主。所以,在邏輯上和神學上,重生先於信心,但在時間上是同時的。一個重生的人是一個新造的人,這個新人在性情上是喜愛上帝,甘心願作榮神益人的事。所以一個真正被聖靈重生的人的信心是具有內在行善能力的信心。因此, 保羅心目中的信心,也是「能產生好行為的信心」 。因此,保羅和雅各的「信心」是「同義」的。可見雅各與保羅的神學是沒有矛盾的。

論到 Agape, 里程 (馮秉誠) 在他的 <聖經的詮釋> 中寫道: 我們常常被教導說, 阿嘎佩 (我喜歡香港或台灣人的翻譯, 把 Agape 譯作 “愛加倍”) 是指神那不變的 (unchanging), 崇高的 (sublime) 愛。但是, 不知讀者是否知道, 在新約聖經中, “底馬貪愛現今的世界 (提後 4:10)” 和先知巴蘭 “貪愛不義之工價 (彼後 2:15)” 中的 “貪愛” 所用的詞卻是 Agape, 而在約翰福音中, 天父對聖子及信徒的愛有時卻用費勒歐 (phileo)。 聖經也用Hesed 來描述神的愛;英文譯作 lovingkindness (Ref. 3)。可見明白字句並非易事。


  1. “Defending Your Faith” by RC Sproul; pp. 67-68.
  2. “Biblical Preaching—The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages” by Haddon W. Robinson; p. 23.
  3. “聖經的詮釋” by里程; p. 4.
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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); September 11, 2020

這是保羅在第三次宣教之旅 (Acts 18:22 to Acts 21:19) 的回程中所發生的事。


Acts 20:22「現在我往耶路撒冷去、心甚迫切、〔原文作心被捆綁〕不知道在那裡要遇見甚麼事。」

「心甚迫切」英文是「compelled by the Spirit」。透過聖靈的催逼,保羅雖然深知捆綁在眼前,他仍決定「往耶路撒冷去」, 可見保羅並沒有不順服聖靈的旨意。「催逼 (compelled)」是指神的明顕旨意,不用人去推測。這種清晰的聖靈感動,在保羅的事工中常出現這種情況。參考「馬其頓的異象」(16:6–10)。

聖靈的旨意,往往不是單向一人啓示,乃是多方多次地表明,以作明顕的見證。整個福音的啓示是如此,甚至整本聖經的啓示也是如此 (Hebrew 1:1)。
Acts 20:
(v. 23) 但知道聖靈在各城裡向我指證、說、有捆鎖與患難等待我。
(v. 24) 我卻不以性命為念、也不看為寶貴、只要行完我的路程、成就我從主耶穌所領受的職事、證明 神恩惠的福音。


Acts 21:
(v. 11) 「到了我們這裡、就拿保羅的腰帶、捆上自己的手腳、說、聖靈說、猶太人在耶路撒冷、要如此捆綁這腰帶的主人、把他交在外邦人手裡。」

這是在回耶路撒冷的回程中,到了該撒利亞所發生的事, 論到一位從猶太下來的先知,亞迦布,所說的話。他用演戲的方式,預言保羅的被捕。聖靈並沒有向這些人勸告保羅關乎「去」與「不去」耶路撒冷的旨示。

Acts 21:
(v. 12)「我們和那本地的人、聽見這話、都苦勸保羅不要上耶路撒冷去。」

Acts 21
(v. 4)「找著了門徒、就在那裡住了七天.他們被聖靈感動、對保羅說、不要上耶路撒冷去。」
保羅來到推羅 (撒迦利亞的前一站) 遇到這班弟兄,他們也「被聖靈感動」, 獲知耶京將要發生的事,他們便以「人的感情」勸保羅「不要上耶路撒冷去」。跟據 (21:12) 的解釋,這一定不是聖靈的命令。但也有一個可能性,就是他們「以為」這是神的命令。所以這裡教導我們不要单单把自己的「感受」作為了解神的旨意的根據。使徒彼得也犯過同樣的錯誤,勸耶穌不要上十字架, 结果被主斥责 (太16:21-23)。所以我們不能單憑人的感覺去確定神的旨意。

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The Tender Touch of Jesus—a theological evaluation on a Jesus’ miracle

By Tin-chee Lo; July 5, 2020


This article gives an overview of basic redemptive truths through a miracle performed by Jesus, including regeneration, sanctification, and glorification. In the latter part of this article, we deal with a thorny question asked frequently by peoples of non-Christian heritages such as Chinese, Muslims or Buddhists and the like. Their question is based on the assumption that the cultural background of their birth automatically make it more   difficult for them to believe in Jesus than most Western peoples that raises the question that why doesn’t God give everyone equal and fair opportunities as far as accepting Jesus is concerned?

One of Jesus’ Miracle

Mark 8:22-26 records an interesting account with deep theological significance.

v.22 They came to Bethsaida, and some people brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him.
v.23 He took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. When he had spit on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him, Jesus asked, “Do you see anything?”
v.24 He looked up and said, “I see people; they look like trees walking around.”
v.25 Once more Jesus put his hands on the man’s eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.
v.26 Jesus sent him home, saying, “Don’t even go into the village.”

Sadly, blind people are often regarded as marginalized people in societies, and they are prejudiced as useless. But thankfully, some people who had faith in Jesus cared about this blind man at that time and brought him to Jesus, begging the Lord to heal him. As an application, the intercession of these faithful believers changed the blind man’s life forever. This shows how important it is for Christians to pray for others.

Jesus took the blind man’s hand (v. 23a). This must have been an unforgettable experience for this blind man. Most likely this might have been the first time in his life that his hand was held by a person. Because of Jesus’ hand, he was no longer afraid of falling or getting lost. If the story ends here, he could still be proud of himself, saying, “Wow! I have touched Jesus’ hand!” Jesus then led him away from the crowd, and even from his disciples (v. 23b). Here we see that Jesus respects the privacy of others. Today, we find some radical-Pentecostal leaders who like to show off their healing gifts in public. No matter how marvelous it may seem, in the end, I don’t know who gets the glory, the minister? or God? Christians absolutely believe in spiritual gifts. How can we not believe? I too believe in spiritual healing but I am not of the radical sort (Ref. 1). Spiritual gift by definition is the gift given by the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of God (Romans 8:9). It follows that the power of our Lord Jesus is the power of the Holy Spirit. The aim of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Christ. Any human performance which does not bring glory to Christ is not the work of the Holy Spirit. Period.

First touch—signifies regeneration

If I am sick, I will pray to God who may heal me through the hands of the doctors, and I may take medicine as prescribed. In most cases, my healing took place through some kind of media. But Jesus’ miraculous healing are immediate and media-free. During this particular healing “process”, Jesus spit on the blind man’s eyes. Spitting is an action that causes people to feel uncomfortable, is also a culturally disrespectful act, and is insulting and contemptuous. But we know that this wasn’t the motive of Jesus. Then Jesus laid his hands on him. This was Jesus’ first gentle and considerate touch with the blind man. Jesus asked him, “What do you see?” The blind man looked up at Jesus and said, “I see people, but they are like trees.” Although the blind man was not able to see clearly, after all, it was still a dramatic change. The blind man was formerly in a state of never-ending darkness, and now he had vision, even though what he saw was still blurry. Imagine that his eyes were originally useless, at least now he could perceive the movement and shapes of objects. His sight was poor but not blind. He no longer needed a walking stick, and could walk freely without danger. This story is not a metaphor, but a historic miracle with time, space, and characters in it. However, the very fact that Jesus healed the blind man has deep spiritual significance to which we shall turn (Ref. 2).

The Bible often uses physical blindness as a metaphor for human being’s spiritual lostness. Everyone is born spiritually blind as if there are scales blocking the sight. We don’t have spiritual eyes to see the kingdom of God. People cannot use their will to clear the scales. We need the touch of the Holy Spirit. This first touch of Jesus upon the blind man represents regeneration. Regeneration cannot be achieved by ourselves, it is entirely, 100%, the act of God’s grace. This first touch, which is needed only once, radically transforms us. We, who are dead in the spirit because of our sin and transgression, come to life immediately. Immediately, our minds are awakened, our spiritual eyes can see the true light, and we have a renewed free will which inclines to choose God; God then gives us a gift of faith to accept Christ, and we will immediately move from the realm of darkness to the kingdom of light. Regeneration (Spiritual New birth) and faith occur simultaneously in time, but in terms of logical order, regeneration precedes faith. Unless a person is born again, he cannot have the saving faith needed for his salvation. Unless a person is born again, he cannot have the inclination to turn himself from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God (Acts 26:18).

The first touch of Jesus represents a touch of rebirth which enables us to have a correct understanding of ourselves. We immediately realized that we were once lost and that we are saved now any more than we were blind and we now can see. Formerly we are slaves of sin, and now we are forgiven individuals with liberty in Christ. Our lives were wrong-headed but now we know our eternal destiny. In the past, our spiritual eyes were blind, but now our spiritual eyes are bright. We have confidence in our self-understanding.

The second touch–signifies sanctification

Jesus’ work of healing did not just stop here. He also made a second touch. Having touched by Jesus for the second time, the blind man said excitedly, “My eyes now function normally; I can clearly see people of all shapes, they are tall, short, fat, thin, young and old. I can tell even the wrinkles on their faces. I no longer misunderstand trees as human beings. I can also see flowers and trees, even branches swaying in the breeze.” The most significant thing which we should note is that the blind man’s newly-made eyes could clearly see the face of his healer, Jesus, for the first time. Sighting the face of Jesus is really a good beginning of a blessed vision!

In the spiritual sense, Jesus’ first touch was a touch of salvation. Only God, and He alone, can do. Jesus’ second touch was a touch of sanctification. A person who has just been reborn, though he has his spiritual eyes opened, there are still elements of old-self like a thick layer of cataract scale which makes the vision obscure and causes him to mistake people as trees. But after being touched by Jesus for the second time, his eyes became clear and sharp, and he could focus on what he wanted to see. However, in the process of sanctification, we have a lot of “scales” to be taken of, so we need not just one second touch of Jesus, we also need the third, the fourth, the fifth, and so on, during our earthly lifetimes.

But one day in the future, believers will be welcome to the Heavenly home. At that moment, God will supernaturally remove their old-self. All the scales would completely drop by this final tender touch of Jesus. This is called “glorification” which is the ultimate goal of our earthly sanctification. With perfect purity, we enter into eternity and see our God face to face. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God (Matthew 5:8).”

Two Worldviews

Aristotle’s view of the universe is eternal, no beginning and no end, like a circle. Buddhist’s view of reincarnation (輪迴) is an endless life-death cycle; when a living being dies, it enters the afterlife in one of the six forms (六道輪迴) depending on the good or evil deeds done in its present life. Buddhism believes that if a living thing cannot achieve the purpose of liberation, they will always circulate indefinitely in six different forms. Such circular-worldview does not correspond to reality (Ref. 3) but is attractive because it avoids the issue of “beginning.” Since everything has a beginning must have a “cause.” Circular worldview does not need to answer the “first cause” and hence avoid the question of the existence of God. On the other hand, Christian’s worldview is linear. The universe had a beginning (Genesis) and an end (Revelation). Our physical life has a beginning and an end. Our spiritual life begins with new-birth and culminates at “glorification”. In between is our journey of sanctification. During this period, we may have been at times indifferent toward spiritual things, regressed in our faith, or even stumbled in our Christian walk, but overall, it is nevertheless, an upward, heaven bound journey toward the celestial city. Through Bible reading, prayer, devotion, worship, and evangelism, the new life of Christians are continuously renewed and the degree of their Christ-likeness are progressively growing (Ref. 4). This upward progress is brought about because Jesus took our hand and walked alongside us on this path of eternal life, as much as Jesus took the blind man’s hand and moved forward together.

Next to the Bible, is the book with the largest number of publications, “Pilgrim’s Progress” (Ref. 5), an allegorical literature written by John Bunyan (1628-1688). The main character in the story is a pilgrim, deliberately named “Christian.” Carrying on his back a burden that makes him difficult to move, he walked cumbersomely, one heavy step at a time, toward the Celestial City. Difficulties loom along his way, tribulations, temptations, and traps hindering his journey in every turn. Outlandish names of people and places pop up everywhere, signifying the challenges Christians may face during their earthly pilgrimage. The pilgrim’s rucksack symbolizes his sins which includes pride, laziness, greed, etc. One day, he came to a hill with a cross standing on it, as soon as he gazed up at the cross, the baggage immediately slid off his back and rolled into a grave adjacent to him. The pilgrim immediately felt brisk and vivacious. This story tells Jesus’ followers to understand two extremely important truths: (1) we are pilgrims and we are sojourners of this world which is not our home; (2) our life is upward moving and progressive. We have a heavenly call to move upward and not circling around aimlessly and endlessly. This is why we see so many missionaries who go to rusty places, non-stop, like the semi-nomadic people in the Old Testament. “This world is not my home” is the song they joyfully sing. Wherever they go, they are adventurous, and they do not drink stagnant water. Just as the father of faith, Abraham, who looked forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God (Hebrews 11:10). The contrary worldview is atheism and secularism. They are living in a closed system without transcendent intervention. They believe that there is no righteousness in life and no judgment after death. They concern only “Here and Now” without eternity in view.


We firmly believe in the doctrine of “justification by faith alone.” But an alleged faith, without good deeds to support it, is the faith that does not justify. True “saving faith” is a faith that can sanctify people. I don’t know why this time Jesus healed the blind man with spit on his eyes. I do not believe that Jesus’ saliva is the panacea to restore his eyes any more than the water in the baptism pool can save people, but baptism points to the living water that brought us to life, and to the sign of sanctification by the Holy Spirit. Baptism is also the sign that the baptized person is to submit to the Lord, just as the blind man did not resist that Jesus spit at him. I think that the second touch of Jesus upon the blind man was pointing to the constant presence and guidance of God in our course of sanctification. Jesus holding his hand is a guarantee for the pilgrims that they will certainly reach the “city in heaven” in consistent with the doctrine of “perseverance of the saints.”

Difficult Questions

There are many blind people in Israel. Why did Jesus heal this one? The most obvious answer is: This blind man was at Bethsaida, and Jesus happened to pass Bethsaida that day, so this blind man was “luckier” than any other blind men. Such an argument puts too much emphasis on this non-being “luck” or “chance”, and disregards the sovereign will of God and the doctrine of predestination so evidently mentioned in the Bible. I often hear questions like this typical one: “Those born in Christian families were naturally easier to believe in Jesus than those who were not. Those who were born in Muslim or Buddhist families seem to be very difficult to believe in Jesus. Chinese have Confucianism and Buddhism influences, and thousands of years of cultural baggage. From human perspective, these upbringings have created tremendous resistance to faith in Jesus. Isn’t God unfair to these people-groups? Since salvation is for all kinds of peoples in the world without distinction, then why does God not give everyone equal or fair opportunities?” At the same time, God have chosen Jews instead of the most populous Chinese to be His agent for salvation. Is it not another evidence of unfairness?

My entry points for Christian’s responses to these questions are: We believe that God is omnipotent, so He is able to save. We believe that God is fully loving, so His intentions must be good. Regarding salvation, His purpose is clear: “The Lord wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4).” During the persecution, God’s children (Jews and Gentiles) longed for the return of Jesus Christ to abolish their sufferings. They cried out in complaint as to why the Lord was so slow to come. Referring to the timing of the second coming, the Bible is not without explanation, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance (2 Pt 3:9).” So God’s intention to save all people-groups is evident from the pens of the New Testament writers. The concept of Great Commission is also found in the Old Testament. God established covenant with Abraham by saying, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and ALL peoples (not just Israel) on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3). The psalmist prayed that God’s ways may be known on earth, His salvation among ALL nations (Psalm 67:2).

Israel was chosen for duty, not because they were particularly favored, but because God wanted them to advance the redemptive message to all nations (Gen 22:18). Therefore, the election of Israel is not a matter of fairness and injustice, it is a matter of mission. However, one must note that privilege and responsibility always go hand in hand: The greater the entrustment of the mission, the stricter is God’s demand for them. The greater their dereliction, the severer is the punishment for them. No wonder Israel had suffered more in history than had any other nations due to her rejection of the Savior whose message they were supposed to proclaim but fails to do so.

Vince Vitale (Ref. 6; p. 128) points out that there are two events which can be said to be the two bookends of Jesus’ life: (A) The magi from the East in the time of Jesus’ birth, and (B) the promulgation of the Great Commandment before His ascension. Everything in between was defined as Jesus’ earthly ministries.

(A) Jesus’ life begins with the affirmation of his supernatural identity. This must have been revealed by the magi. They were born Gentiles. They lived far away from the Holy Land. They had never heard the name of Jehovah in their lifetime. What they specialized in the arcane astrology that Jehovah deems abominable. The gold, frankincense, and myrrh they possessed were used to worship the evil spirits in their shrines. From a human perspective, their spiritual situation, cultural and family backgrounds, and their birthplaces were very unfavorable for them to believe in Jesus. But God, who loves all peoples, based on what these eastern wise-men knew (i.e., astrology) and what they had (i.e., materials used to perform magic), led them into Truth and the knowledge of Christ due to the grace of God (Matthew 2 :11). In the same way, God today can use what you know and what you have, to glorify Him as much as the magi were used by God. Even these things may not be pleasing to God, but God can transform them into a way to lead you to know Jesus. We must never make excuses by saying, “Yeah! I have a Confucius mindset; I grew up in a family with strong Buddhist background, I am not like most Westerners whose upbringings make them easier to embrace Christianity; how can one expect me to believe in Jesus?” If the magi could believe in Jesus, we have no excuse to blame God for being unfair to us!

(B) The other bookend of Jesus’ life was this: Jesus’ life on earth consummated with a mission statement to His followers. He appeared to the disciples on the mountain and gave them what is known as the Great Commandment: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthews 28:19-20). The key word is “all nations” which encompasses all people-groups without exception.

These two bookends of Jesus’ life—“Introduction and Conclusions”—had clearly revealed God’s commitment to all people-groups. Other than those who could naturally hear God’s Word (such as Jews, Westerners, or people who were growing up in Christian families), Jesus paid attention to those who thought they were “impossible” to believe in Him. If we read the Gospels in detail, we will find that between these two bookends, Jesus paid attention to the salvation of the Gentiles, such as the Samaritan woman by the well (John 4:4-26) and the centurion and his household (Acts 10). Jesus’ life had consistently surprised his friends and enemies, because He never ignores those who we all think are too foreign, too unintelligent, too incompetent, or too immoral. We all think that Jesus doesn’t have to spend time on these marginalized people, but this is not what Jesus in mind. Although I don’t know exactly how God guarantees that everyone has a fair chance to come into contact with the truth, the two bookends of Jesus’ life and the stories between the two bookends can assure us that He is fully willing to touch everyone in the world, no matter how different their backgrounds are. We must not arbitrarily say that God is unfair.

Blaise Pascal was a talented mathematician, physicist, inventor, and philosopher. He believed that the relational God in the Bible, who has been pursuing relationships with mankind, has always been willing to seek out outright those who seek him with all his heart; but to those who deliberately escape him with all his heart, God would hide from them. Therefore, Pascal thinks, we should not be surprised if “There is enough light for those who only desire to see, and enough obscurity for those who have a contrary disposition” (Ref. 6, p.130). God will not force us to follow Him. We follow Him not because He is irresistible, but because He is lovable and we trust Him sincerely. Perhaps we should ask ourselves this question: Is there such a possibility that the things that God wants us to know about Him, have already been clearly revealed to us?
Or we may ask differently: Do we not have the opportunity to come into contact with the truth? Yet we don’t know it just because we do not love the truth but suppress it? As the Scriptures say: “The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them” (Romans 1:18-19). God gave us a promise: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).

God’s timing is often different from ours and it does not always seem fair to us. But fairness can only be perceived retrospectively. We cannot judge God’s fairness just by looking at what happened in a certain day. We dare not to say that Jesus was unjust on that special day, in that special place, where He only healed a special blind man but not the others. Even if Jesus had not heal that blind man, there is no injustice on Jesus’s part because Jesus did not owe that blind man anything. The fact that he was chosen to be healed was entirely God’s Grace. If we look back at the years of our lives with an eternal perspective, there is no excuse for anyone for not accepting Jesus Christ as one’s savior. “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities–his eternal power and divine nature–have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse” ((Romans 1:20). We don’t know how God reveals Himself to everyone specifically, but we can say that our search for Him can never been in vain. Because anyone seeks God will eventually find out that he or she is being sought by God. Looking at His life: Jesus, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but willingly made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death– even death on a cross (Philippians 2:6-8)! We should be convinced that He really came to serve us and save us. I deeply believe that Jesus is treating everyone justly, because he Himself was willing to accept unjust treatment falling upon Him. Our Lords understands injustice so He would never treat us unjustly.

If we say, “The matter of faith is related to when we were born, where we were growing up, and under what culture we were influenced.” This statement can only be applied to atheism, Pluralism, and other worldviews, because this statement implies that our upbringing is influenced by all kinds of impersonal factors. But we cannot apply this statement to Christianity because only the personal God described in the Bible cares about all people. Our choices are: (1) a Christian God who is determined and capable of reaching people everywhere, or (2) the secular gods or philosophies which are relationally disconnected with us. Given these two choices, if I can only pick one, I clearly would choose Christianity, because only the Christian God offers a tender touch to my life. This is the most reasonable decision I can think of.


1. https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=1508

2. “Acts—St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary” by R.C. Sproul.

3. “https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=284” and “https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=1556”

4. “Five Things Every Christian Needs To Grow” by R.C. Sproul.

5. “The Pilgrim’s Progress” by John Bunyan (1678).

6. “Jesus Among Secular Gods” by Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale; pp. 128-132.

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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); June 19, 2020

幾年前,我有機會與清華大學的一位學者分享福音。 在談論結束前,他對一些他所認識的基督徒作出了非常尖锐的評論, 説:「如果這個人是基督徒,我就不想成為基督徒了。」 我猜想他一定與某基督徒發生過一些另他傷心的不幸經歷。 這個經歷使他不單對這位基督徒,乃是對整個基督教作出了一項非常嚴厲的評估。我也不能不承認這是一項非常合理的起訴,特別對我而言, 因為我堅信一個人的得救,完全是上帝超自然的作為,那麼為何這位基督徒的行為沒有表現出超自然的轉變呢? 最近,我在查經班中,又遇到了同樣的問題。 使我想起有人曾經如此說:「沒有新聞是新的新聞;所有新聞只不過是舊新聞發生在新的人群中。」不為人所察覺的是,這個説法實際上是迴響了三千年前所羅門在所觀察到的並記錄在聖經中的事實,就是:「日光之下並無新事(傳1:9)。」 但是我必須說,這個問題不僅困擾著像你和我這樣的普通人,這個問題也困擾著歷史上著名的思想家:印度革命家和國父甘地 (Mahatma Gandhi) 喜歡閱讀耶穌的《登山寶訓》。 但論到基督教,他説, :「我喜歡他們的基督,但我不喜歡他們的基督徒。」曾杜撰「上帝已死」一詞的激烈無神論者德國哲學家尼采 (Friedrich Nietzsche) 曾經如此說過:「如果基督徒看起來有多一㸃的救贖樣子,我就會相信他們的救贖主。」看來,基督徒的行為成為很多人的絆腳石—事實也是如此。


我不是在這裡為基督徒辯護。 我在這裡乃是捍衛基督教的合理性和有效性,這也是我事奉的重點。在基督教中,聲稱你有信心, 不一定代表你真正擁有信心。所有基督徒都會有一天在基督的審判枱前為自己的思想和行為辯護。 在知道人心肺腑的耶穌看來,有些我們以為他是基督徒,不是真正的基督徒。 耶穌在馬太福音對這些所謂「基督徒」說「不是每個對我說 ‘主啊,主啊’ 的人都能進入天堂,只有那些遵行我父的旨意的人才能進去。」

聖經豈不是説「凡求告主名的,就必得救」嗎?現在為甚麽耶穌説祂不認識那些「求告主名的人呢?」問題是他們口裏雖然承認,但心裏卻沒有相信, 所以這等人是沒有得救的 (羅10:9)。對於此等人, 不論是舊約時代的人或新約時代的人,神都毫不保留地譴責他們,說:「因為這子民只用言語來親近我,用嘴唇尊崇我,他們的心卻遠離我。他們對我的敬畏,只是遵從傳統的吩咐。」(太15:8) & (賽29:13)尤有甚者,今天還有人,比遵從傳統(即靠功德稱義,不是因信稱義,不靠恩典稱義) 更甚,就是以福音牟利。他們的事奉, 人看起來很熱心,很有成就, 在神眼中卻是枉然。但我們不應判斷某人是否真正的基督徒。 這樣的判斷乃屬乎上帝, 人無資格也無這種判斷能力。這是第一點。

基督教的本質是 「上帝的旨意」。 因此,真正的問題是:你對基督教不滿的東西,是否出於耶穌基督的教導呢?它是否符合上帝的旨意呢?它是否被神所認可的呢? 你的答案會使你調整你的問題。基督教的焦點是完美的神,不是有罪有限的人。這是第二點。

我並不是說一個真正的基督徒是一個完美的人。 但我斷言耶穌—我們信仰的對象—是完美無瑕疵的神。因此,儘管基督徒有缺欠,但基督教是一個完美的世界觀。 一位真正的基督徒是為自己的罪惡不斷尋求耶穌的恩典和寬恕的人。 是的,偽善對基督教來說是致命的痛苦,因為它削弱了傳福音的力量。 沒有人能過完全擺脫偽善的生活,基督徒也不例外。 任何人聲稱自己是完全沒有虛偽, 那就是最大的偽善了。這是第三點。

更重要的是,我們不應通過與其他人的比較來衡量基督徒,基督徒是要與自己的過去, 而不是與別人,進行比較。 當我們成為基督徒之後,基督的改變能力可以,而且必定會,改變我們,但這個改變不是立即的,而是逐步的。這就是基督的恩典。 正如(Leonard Ravenhill) 說的那樣:「基督不是來到世上使壞人變成好人,而是要使死人變成活人 (Jesus did not come into the world to make bad men good. He came into the world to make dead men live)。」用我們自己的好行為來作比較式地去衡量道德是非常危險的:如果我們做得比別人好,我們可能會沾沾自喜, 感到驕傲並鄙視別人。 如果我們做得不比別人好,我們就免不了灰心, 自卑, 和失望。 但是,如果我們靠恩典生活,不去作比較,我們就會無憂無慮,而我們的生活就會變得充實快樂,因為我們知道一切都是上帝的恩典。這是第四點。

現在我們用一些正面的透視去看看整個事情。歷史學家指出,基督教之所以迅速傳播的部分原因是:僅僅是因為早期的基督教徒是如此善良。 他們照顧鄰居,窮人和寡婦。 基督徒的善良和對受傷害和被踐踏的人們的服務吸引了很多新的信徒。 基督教對人類的積極的影響, 我們不應該忽略。

八零年代初,有一位知名的電視佈道家 (名字不提), 被揭露了許多醜事, 很多人因此跌倒。我有一位同事,好不容易使她去教堂, 但因此醜聞, 便在教會消失了。此事的當時, 比利·葛培禮(Billy Graham)在南非開佈道會,有人問及他此事, Billy 很機智地回答説,「你為什麼不專注於那些好的基督徒呢? 每日有成千上萬的飛機在天空上安全飛行,電視上毫無消息,但一架幾年才發生一次的墜機事件, 卻在電視屏幕上成為頭條新聞。」但頭條新聞的新聞並不代表人們的日常生活。

如果看到基督徒做壞事成為個你拒絕基督教的理由,那麼當你看到無神論者做壞事時間, 你也應該同樣地去拒絕無神論, 因而開始求助於上帝才對。如果無神論者的邏輯是一致的, 教會就一定興旺了。因此,人們應該首先誠實地詢問自己提出這些問題的動機: 「為什麼教會中有偽君子呢?」當你能清楚地區分基督徒的行為和基督教的教導時,所有這些問題都可以輕易化解。 當你能明確地區分基督徒的不完美和耶穌基督的完美無瑕時,所有這些問題都將不再困擾你了。 我們應該將目光投向聖潔的耶穌基督,而不是耶穌所拯救的罪人。 畢竟,耶穌不是來使壞人變得更好,祂降世的目的乃是要使人重生得生命。

在更廣泛的範圍內,有些人以教會歷史充滿壓迫和暴力作為拒絕基督教的理由, 如:十字軍聖戰 (Crusades),西班牙的宗教裁判 (Spanish Inquisition) 和無數次反猶太主義 (antisemitism), 和種族主義 (systematic racism),美洲殖民地的女巫審判 (Salem witch trials), 以及其它耶穌從未認可的恥辱時刻等,都可能成為別人不信耶穌的藉口。但我希望以上所討論的幾點都同樣地可以對歷史中反對基督教的觀點提供更平衡和準確的見解。

寫到這裡,我對自己的問題「一個人的得救,既完全是上帝超自然的作為,那麼為何基督徒的行為沒有表現出超自然的轉變呢?」也獲得了答案。是的,上帝超自然地重生我們, 也將會超自然地使我們全然聖潔,但不是發生在今生,乃是在我們離世那一刻,上帝特別額外的恩典, 使我們完全成聖,那就是我們「得榮耀 (glorification)」的時刻。這是救恩最後的一個超自然的改變。

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By Tin-chee (TC) Lo, 盧天賜


不管你接受與否,我們都生活在一個多元的,反基督教的社會中,敏感的事物浮出水面,  這使傳福音非常困難。 如果我們一不小心,我們很容易在各方面成為別人的敵人。然而,二千多年來的教會,豈非遭遇到同樣的敵視嗎? 但福音和耶穌基督的教會卻站立不移。今天:

• 從哲學的角度來看,只要你不聲稱真理是具排他性的,你就可以安全無事。

• 從道德的角度來看,只要你不聲稱聖經是道德最高的框架,就可以安居樂業。

• 從宗教的角度來看,只要你不把耶穌帶入對話之內,你什麼都可以說。 否則,友誼可以迅速失去, 甚至朋友都可變成敵人。

• 從精神生活的角度來看,即使你想表達一些靈性觀念,東方精神 (Eastern spirituality) 可以獲得豁免權,但西方精神將面臨徹底的批評。 偏執是明顕的。

• 從言論自由的角度來看,記者可以自由進入任何基督教教堂並公開嘲笑基督教,但他們卻不敢輕視穆斯林。

• 從教育的角度來看,真正的學術精神是「進化論」與「智能設計 (intelligence design)」雙管齊下,讓學生用他們的獨立思想去決定誰是誰非。但現今卻用立法的方策去禁止教導「有創造者」的假说 (hypothesis)。

這正是當今社會的心態和氣氛。 但是我們應該基於真理而不是基於時代的情緒來判斷基督教的福音和真理。 人的心情可以隨時產生變化。 但真理卻不能。 廿一世紀的基督徒正在面臨許多挑戰,僅舉三例説明之:

第一個挑戰是「普救論 (Universalism)」


• 1a: 盡心,盡性,盡力愛主你的上帝。
• 1b: 愛鄰居如己。

而且 1b 是以 1a 為基礎的。所有法律和先知都遵循這兩個部分的誡命為原則。 (馬太福音22:37-39)

所有宗教人士—基督徒,穆斯林,猶太教—都同意耶穌的偉大誡命。 我的問題是:當你同意愛你的 ”上帝” 時,誰是你的上帝? 當你與 “你的鄰居”一起行走時,他們是你的 ”弟兄“ 嗎?

十九世紀末葉的德國自由派神學家 Adolf Harnack 在他的著作《什麼是基督教? 》中, 將基督教降低至兩個基本的肯定,即上帝的「普遍父愛 (universal fatherhood)」 和人與人間的「普遍兄弟情誼 (universal brotherhood)」。這兩者在 Harnack 所要表達的意義上都是不合乎聖經的 (Ref. 1)。上帝從一本造出萬族的人。在這廣泛層面的意義上,不錯,上帝是地球上每一個人的父親。但在救贖層面的意義上,就大大不同了。只有重生得救的人,才可以稱上帝為「阿爸父」, 而上帝只稱那些祂所收納 (救贖) 的人為「我兒」。

• 那些擁護「普世父親 (universal fatherhood)」的人說:所有的神都是一樣, 只是他們的名稱不同而矣。

• 那些擁護「普世兄弟 (universal brotherhood)」的人說:所有宗教的信徒都是兄弟, 都是姊妹。

這聽起來很有寬容性,但卻非常具有欺騙性。 現在讓我們聽耶穌的断言:「如果你真的認識我,你也會認識我的父親 (cf 約翰福音14:7; 8:19)。 」換言之, 「如果你不認識我,那麼你就不能認識我的父。」 由於穆斯林,佛教徒,摩門教徒,耶和華見證人等都不認識耶穌,因此他們的神就不同等于聖經中的天父。 所以「基督教的神與其它宗教的神是同一位,只是名稱不同」的説法就不成立了。既然父親不同,基督徒與其它教徒就不可能是弟兄姊妹。我們就不能認同「普世兄弟」的觀念了。

普救主義不可能適用於基督教。 對基督徒來說,我們沒有普世的父親 (universal fatherhood),我們也沒有普世的兄弟 (Universal brotherhood); 我們只有普世的鄰居 (universal neighborhood)。「普世父親」和「普世弟兄」的觀念是把基督教的獨特性去掉和消除。沒有獨特性就沒有影響力。沒有影響力的基督教就成了今天所指的「後基督教時代 (post-Christian era)。」

第二個挑戰是相對主義 (Relativism)

自從愛因斯坦 (Albert Einstein) 在1905 年發表「相對論 (Theory of Relativity)」以後, 後人嘗試把它應用在各樣可能想到的學科上, 包括倫理學與宗教。這是一個龐大的實驗, 試驗人是否可以離開 「絕對」 而活。答案是:可以。人可以離開「絕對」而活, 但一定會活得很不好。請不要誤會我, 以為我把社會下滑到無法無天的混亂狀態歸咎於愛因斯坦的相對論。其實這位大科學家自己也恐懼到把科學相对論延伸到這種思想運動所導至的不良後果。所以他聲明, 相對論只能應用在物理學上, 不宜應用在倫理學。其實相對論的前設並非相對; 這前設就是: 光速是一個「絕對」的常數, 是物理學一個「絕對」不變的參照點。 (Ref. 2)

相對主義者說:「對你來說這是真理,但對我來說卻不然。」在耶穌受難那一個禮拜期間,彼拉多將耶穌召見到他的衙門, 然後輕蔑地問耶穌:「真理是甚麼 (約翰福音 18:38)?」彼拉多沒有等待耶穌的回應,就憤怒地轉身向猶太人那邊走去。 彼拉多的問題不是以誠心追求真理的態度去詢問。 他以一種蔑視,嘲笑,和嘲弄的方式去盤問。 實際上,他內心說:「真相是什麼? 對你來說是真實, 但對我而言就不是。」在今天的在二十一世紀的社會中,彼拉多的精神仍在我們中間倍受鼓舞和喊叫。其實, 相對主義在日常生活上是行不通的。 例如, 你將 $5000存入你的銀行帳戶,而在下一個對帳單中僅顯示 $50。 你會怎麼做? 你會感到憤怒和困惑,然後你會立即去見銀行經理並要求解釋。 如果他笑著回答説, 「對你來說,你存入 $5000 美元是對的,但對我來說, 你只存了$50 美元。」你的感覺將如何? 你會接受他的相對主義的解釋嗎?

道德相對主義為害更大。相對主義者説, 你們這些基督徒認為 「同性戀,同性婚姻,男女通用的洗手間和更衣室,違反生命的神聖性等等」是有害的。 但對我們相對論者來說, 「這些可能對你們看為不對,但對我們沒有甚麼不利。」相對主義者不接受「絕對」的存在,他們排斥把「絕對」作為道德的框架。 但他們的邏輯是有漏洞的:他們是以「絕對」的口氣宣告唯一的真理是 「沒有絕對的真理」。 你看到這句話出了什麼問题?如果真的沒有「絕對的真理」, 那麼這個宣告就不「絶對地」正確了。相對主義者的論點本身是自我毀滅的。

• 宣告:「沒有絶對的真理。」
• 如果這句宣告是對, 就説明了這句話的「絶對」性。即這句話本身是「絶對的真理。」與所宣告的背道而馳。
• 如果這句話是不對,那就等于自打嘴巴。
• 所以,相對主義是一個「自我毁滅 (self-defeating)」的論據。

第三個挑戰是「寬容主義 (Tolerance)」的挑戰

美國是個文化鎔爐。你可想到的每個種族和宗教背景的人匯在一起成為一個合眾為一的 (e pluribus unum) 國家。在國民團結意識的核心內, 豎立着一個重要的宗教寬容 (religious tolerance) 原則。在這個宗教寬容的原則下, 所有宗教在法律權利上都有其自由表達的保證, 並在法律下受到平等待遇。這是開國元勳們的意願。但隨着過份強調平等寬容 (equal tolerance) 的原則, 產生了一個不容許任何宗教宣告「真理的排它性」的弦外之音。如果你宣告我的信仰是對,你的信仰是不對,你就會被敵視為不寛容。所以這類的「寛容」就等於承認「同等有效。」因此, 真理便被犧牲在寬容的祭壇上。但基督徒必需維護真理; 這是我們當今的挑戰。(Ref. 3)

儘管「普救主義」和「相對主義」有那麼多漏洞, 它們是以「寬容」的名義维护它們的主張。 然而,他們也承認自己的「寬容」也帶有「不寬容」的元素。「寬容主義」是針對耶穌的宣告而引發出來的問題。耶穌説:「我是通往天堂的唯一途徑。」寬容主義者唯一的「不寬容」是他們「無法寬容」耶穌的說法。因此,我們看到寬容主義者的論點是自欺欺人的。因為他們的寬容不是全面的,而是有選擇性的。他們只寬容那些他們喜歡要寬容的!

根據定義,真理是具排他性的;它排除了不是真理的東西。一個人可以是男人或女人,性別是一種 「二者取其一 (Either-Or) 」 的邏輯。 「性別改換 (transsexuality)」是一種 「雙向 (Both-And) 」 邏輯,它拒絕排他性的原則。 排他性是邏輯學上的第一定律的表達, 稱「非矛盾定律 (the law of non-contradiction)」, 就是:“A” 不能「同時」,又在「同一意義上」是 “非A”。的確不錯,我可以宣告:我同時是某人的父親,某人的丈夫,某人的兒子和某人的兄弟,但這個「某人」不是同一個人,顕然這四種關係是在不同的意義上的關係 (not in the same sense),因此,這宣告沒有違反邏輯學上的「非矛盾定律」。

如果耶穌是通向天堂的唯一途徑,那麼在永恆的歸宿的意義上,就沒有其他途徑了。 耶穌聲稱, 「我就是道路、真理、生命.若不藉著我、沒有人能到父那裡去。」便是合理的和合乎邏輯的宣告了。但是, 「宣告」的合理性是一回事, 它是否真實又是另一回事。至於為什麼只有耶穌才可以提出這樣声明,而沒有其他人可以提出? 答案就取決於基督的獨特性了。獨特性關乎基督對自我的認識(他聲稱祂自己是誰)和基督自己為我們在救贖上作了甚麼事 (Ref. 4)。 對基督的獨特性的理解需要艱苦的工作和不斷的學習,以及對聖經的許多硬語難題的了解和对真理學習的謙卑態度 (Ref. 5)。 無神論者在倡導「寬容」的同時,宣稱唯一的「不寬容」就是對基督教的「不寬容」。 可見偏見反倒成為他們思想的核心。他們的偏見與他們的主張背道而馳。


以上的三項意識形態, 不單是一般宗教人仕的看法,也是基督教某些宗派的誤導。有一次, 「成功神學」牧師 Joe Osteen 在电视上被問道:你有沒有在你的講道中用過「罪」這個字?」他答道 「沒有,我也許不會用,因為人們自己是知道的。當我敼勵他們去教會,我是強調他們要改變。」我心想, 他所講的「改變」, 是「被誰改變?」他沒有明説,但給我的印象是「被他改變,而不是被基督改变。」如果不重視罪的問題,我們還需要救主嗎?隨後,Joe Osteen 又被問,「你認為猶太人,回教徒,和非基督徒的信仰有錯誤嗎?」他婉轉地回答道,「我不知道,我是感到他們是錯的。我是相信聖經和基督徒所相信的。但是我知道神是知道每個人的心。」一旦真理的排它性被淡化,道德相對論被高舉。就很自然地以「寬容」為外衣,包着「條條大路通羅馬」的普世得救論 (universalism) 作为他们的世界觀。訪問他的人,雖然不是基督徒,也意識到他的訊息有點跟一搬基督教不同,因缺乏罪與審判的觀念。

為了應對這些挑戰,我們基督徒需要聖靈的光把真理闡明在我們的心中,使我們獲得勇氣堅定地擁護基督教的世界觀,以便我們的信仰能夠深深植根於上帝的聖言中。 “光(Lux),真理(Veritas),勇氣(Virtus), 應該成為今天基督徒生活的座右銘。 美國有很多大學都用這三個拉丁字作為他們學府的代表, 可惜他們可能忘記了這三個觀念乃源于聖經:

• 光 (Lux): 大衛説,「耶和華是我的亮光、是我的拯救.我還怕誰呢.耶和華是我性命的保障.〔保障或作力量〕我還懼誰呢。」(Psalm 27:1)

• 真理 (VERITAS): 耶穌說、「我就是道路、真理、生命.若不藉著我、沒有人能到父那裡去。」(John 14:6)

• 勇氣 (VIRTUS): 耶穌説, 「你們放心.是我、不要怕。」 (Matthew 14:27)

讓神的話語成為我們在這個「後基督教 (post-Christian)」世代中的指引明燈:保羅以下面的一句話來結束他對「唯獨因信稱義」的闡述。 「不要效法這個世界 (消極方面).只要心意更新而變化 (積極方面) 、叫你們察驗 (人的責任和努力) 何為上帝的善良、純全可喜悅的旨意 (神的屬性)。 」(羅馬書12:2)


1. “What is Reformed Theology” by R.C. Sprout; pp.11-12.
2. Albert Mahler: Tabletalk, November 2016; pp. 70-71.
3. “Reason to Believe” by R.C. Sproul; 35-39.
4. “https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=1862”
5. “https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=1505”

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The Meaning of Faith (2nd edition)

By TC Lo 盧天賜

Original Chinese Edition (中文版 ):  https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=73

How do we make sense out of Hebrews 11:1?

Many years ago, I came across a church brother who sincerely loved the Lord very much. He gave a rather esoteric definition of “faith.” He said, “Faith is to ask God with a bold belief that God has already answered what you have just asked.” His definition of faith places special emphasize on the word “already“.

It happened that this brother later lost his job, but soon he got an interview opportunity from another company. After the interview, before he would have received the formal letter of employment, he told us that he believed that he has “already” found a new job. Hearing what he said, everyone were dumbfounded.

In our regular Friday evening fellowship meeting, he openly made a thanksgiving testimony; he thanked God for giving him a new job! His sincere thanksgiving was admirable and his spirit of gratitude was something we should learn from. But his premature announcement of certainty made everyone speechless. Few days later, the fact set in that he didn’t get that job, unfortunately. No one dared to mention anything afterwards.

I don’t think his “not-yet-but-already” is faith. I like Lee Strobel’s definition (Ref. 1). Strobel said, “Faith is taking a step in the same direction that the evidence points.” In life, no matter small or big things, we do put this statement in practice unwittingly.

For example, I am thirsty and I am thinking of sipping from a bottle of water. Is it possible that this bottle of water I am holding in my hand toxic? Yes, the possibility is not zero. But I did an informal evaluation on the evidences available: when I got the bottle, it was sealed; the water inside looks clear, the trademark attached to it is a respected brand; most importantly, this bottle water was given to me by my wife. She loved me, and I don’t have any inkling that she would harm me. Now, I opened the bottle, I didn’t smell anything foul. Therefore, based on all these evidences, though not exhaustive, I took a step of faith and taste the water with confidence and find out it is really good.

Similarly, the Bible says, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him (Psalm 34: 8).” Faith is real not just in your intellectual assent, it must be accompanied with action. “Taste” and “Take refuge” are actions to prove that you have faith.

There are numerous evidences pointing to the reliability and trustworthiness of the Bible and the Gospel. This blog site is dedicated to this end—to show the reasonableness of the Christian worldview. So, you should take a first step of faith in the same direction as the evidences point and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.

In fact, the Bible does not shy away from giving “definition” to faith. The Book of Hebrew (11:1) says, “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” This verse is familiar to me and to many Christians. It baffles me because I seem to understand, but really I don’t fully understand.  During this Covid lockdown, I carefully take a second look at this verse (Ref. 2).

First part: “faith is being sure of what we hope for.”

What are the things we hope for? The text and the examples given in subsequent verses does not refer to the hope of our wishes, such as hoping our sickness be healed or the virus be eradicated. It refers to the character and deeds of God. This is important to note.

  • We hope for the resurrection
  • We hope for the return of Christ
  • We hope for the glorification of the saints
  • We hope for the heavenly city

These are the promises of God. Hence, we must be sure of God’s promises first before we can even talk about faith. How can we be sure? We can borrow the bottle-water analogy to point us to (but not fully proof of) the reality of God’s promises. There are numerous evidences pointing to the reliability of the Word of God. So, first part of verse 1, in effect, says, “Faith is to believe that the promises of God must first be believed as sure” to be our  starting point.

Second part: “faith is to be certain of what we do not see.”

What are the things that we do not see? The text and the examples given subsequently does not refer to the future of our career or our investment and bank account, it does refer to the deed of God wrought by His invisible hand such as:

  • The forgiveness of sin through Christ’s blood
  • The present intercession of Christ in heaven
  • The presence of God in the midst of our suffering

These are unseen activities of God that we must first believe before we can even talk about faith. In both parts of the verse, they do imply faith is “not-yet-but-already.” So, my friend is not exactly wrong when he thinks that his faith is the sort of “already but not yet.” What is wrong is that his faith focuses on the outcome of what he hopes for (which is uncertain) rather than the attributes of God (must be believed as unchanged truth in the first place).

When Prophet Daniel and his friends were framed by the evil men, Daniel’s company prayed, as recorded in (3:17-18):

(v. 17) If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and He will rescue us from your hand, O king.
(v. 18) But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”

We see, Daniel’s Faith was not placed on the outcome which admittedly wasn’t certain to him but he placed his faith on the certainty on God as he says, “Even if God does not deliver us, we still have faith in God — the object of their faith.” His faith was built on his Faith in God. This convoluted concept of faith (you need faith to explain Faith) manifests the wisdom of God and provokes thinking in our mind. In short, the object of faith must be God. My church brother placed his faith on the outcome—his job. So, his faith was wrong headed!

Now, we see that verse 1 is not exactly the definition of faith as we usually think. Because a definition statement should not contain the word that the statement intends to define. One cannot define faith with the language also containing the word “faith”. Therefore, Hebrews 11:1 is not so much a definition of what faith is as it is a description of what faith does. What does faith do? This kind of faith motivated men and women of faith in the past to live for God and trust Him to fulfill His promises (Hebrews 11:2-40). This is what it mean by ” to live by Faith, not by sight (c.f. 2 Corinthians 5:7).

On a winter lake, the water was frozen unevenly. a child was walking freely on the thin ice area. His father was nervous and shouted, “My son, it is dangerous! Come back to the shore.” The child replied, “I’m not afraid, I have great faith.” Another timid child, who was skating on the thick ice area, nervously cry out “I am scared, I don’t have faith, I want to go ashore!” Which child of these two is safer?

Therefore, faith is not a matter of how loud we claim we have, it is the object of faith that matters. If you have little or even no faith, you can ask God to give you some or to give you more. But if the object of your faith is wrong, then, the greater your faith is, the more dangerous it would be. The object of our faith is Jesus Christ, He is the thick ice on which we should stand upon.


  1. “A Conversation with Lee Strobel”, Decision, Nov.2007, P.31.
  2. Reflection on several commentaries on the subject of Faith especially on Hebrews 11:1.
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“Where is God?” in the midst of Covid-19

By TC Lo (盧天賜); May 8, 2020

A long paper written by a group of psychologists and published in “International journal of environmental research and public health” starts with the following opening statement: “The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic is a public health emergency of international concern and poses a challenge to psychological resilience. Research data are needed to develop evidence-driven strategies to reduce adverse psychological impacts and psychiatric symptoms during the epidemic.” (google search)

As Christians, we ask, “What should be our starting point in dealing with suffering such as this pandemic?” and “What is our ‘spiritual-driven’ strategy?” People feel especially lonely and distressful in the midst of suffering. But the thought that our almighty and loving God had promised to walk alongside His children should give us encouragement, strength and comfort as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death. But how do we know God’s presence in our suffering?

Elie Wiesel (1928-2016) was a Romanian-born American Jewish writer, professor, political activist, 1986 Nobel Peace laureate, and Holocaust survivor. He authored 57 books. In his shortest book of only 120 pages and book of the shortest title with only one word, “Night” (Ref. 1), he recorded an episode reflecting some of his experiences as a prisoner in the Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camps. It conjures up unspeakable deep feelings in me as I re-read it during my Covid-19 pandemic lockdown period.

This is how the story goes: One day, three Jewish prisoners, one of whom was a boy, in chain and were about to be hanged and executed. Thousands of prisoners in the camp were ritually kept a close watch under the machine guns and were forced to go to the execution ground to watch the hanging. The executioner refused to take action, and finally  three SS (secret police) took his place. The two adult prisoners yelled, “Long live liberty!” and soon died. But the little boy was silent. Perhaps because of his light weight, it was not easy for him to die, and everyone was paying attention to him. When he was hung on the gallows, he was pale, biting his lips, kicking his legs in the pain of death, struggling for more than half an hour, still alive. Elie heard a bystander whispering under his breath, “where is merciful God, where is He!” Few minutes later, the same person suddenly shouted with an increasingly desperate voice, “For God’s sake, where is God? Where is He?” Elie, who hated God because he witnessed evil, said he heard from his own mind a voice softly to his soul at his face, “Where He is? This is where–hanging here from this gallows!…Is there another place?” He later wrote, “At dinner, the soup tasted of corpses” (Ref. 1). Although Wiesel was not a Christian, he unwittingly spoke the biblical truth of “God being on the gallows! ” Did he not know that the crucified One in Calvary was God? I think the Holy Spirit inspired him to have such a thought that God is on the gallows.

The theologian Jurgen Moltmann, commenting on “God is on the gallows” spoken even from a non-Christian, asked a rhetoric question, “Can you find a more concrete example than the death of Christ to prove that God is with us in pain? The answer is obvious. Any other answer would have been blasphemous.” The evil cannot be understood through the eyes of the ones who crucified Him, but only through the eyes of the Crucified One (Ref. 2).

The renowned British pastor John R.W. Stott (1921-2011) admitted that suffering is “the only biggest challenge to the Christian faith.” But he has already come to his own conclusion as he said, “If it were not for the cross, I would never believe in God.” He then explained, “In this world where suffering is a reality, who would worship a god who is free from suffering himself? I have entered many Buddhist temples in different eastern countries and stood respectfully in front of the big statue of Buddha, I saw him sitting cross-legged, folding hands with fingers pointing skyward, his eyes were slightly closed, lips with a tranquil smile like a phantom, face exhibited a cold and lonely expression, it seems completely out of touch with the world’s distress. Every time when I watched him for a moment, I could not help but shift my eyes away from him. At the same time, in my imagination, I turned to a lonely, twisted, tortured figure; he was hung on a cross, nails pierced his hands and feet, the skin of his back was torn, his limbs were sprained, and his forehead was punctured with thorns to bleed, his mouth was intolerably thirsty, and the whole person seems to be thrown into a darkness abandoned by God. Yet He is the God who suffers for me! He gave up his immunity to pain. He came to this world in flesh and blood, experiencing tears and death. He suffered for us. In view of this, our suffering becomes manageable. Although human suffering is still a question mark, we can put a seal over it, this seal is the cross which symbolize divine suffering and God’s affirmation of his presence with us in our suffering. The cross of Christ is God’s only self-justification of Himself in this sinful world wherein we live” (Ref. 3).

Norman Geisler (1932-2019), American Christian systematic theologian and philosopher, has put it so well, “Christian does not have to claim that our present world is the best of all possible worlds, but it is the best way to the best possible world: If God is to both preserve freedom and defeat evil, then this is the best way to do it. Freedom is preserved in that each person makes his own free will choice to determine his destiny. Evil is overcome in that, once those who reject God are separated from the others, the decisions of all are made permanent. Those who choose God will be confirmed in it, and sin will cease. Those who reject God are in eternal quarantine and cannot upset the perfect world that has come about. The ultimate goal of a perfect world with free creatures will have been achieved, but the way to get there requires that those who abuse their freedom be cast out. (Ref. 4.)”

Where is God in our suffering? He suffers with us and promises us a perfect world. “For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15).

In view of the current pandemic, let me show the fallacy of  inference used by atheist John Stuart Mill’s (1806-1873) to argue against the existence of God. His logic went like this:

  • If God is all-knowing, He has no excuse to say, “I don’t know your situation so I can’t help.”
  • If God is all-loving, He should stop this suffering.
  • If God is all-powerful, He has no excuse to say, “I can’t stop it.”
  • Therefore, because suffering exists, God with these three attributes must not exist.

But to Christians, we have a stronger argument to make a case for God’s existence: it goes like this:

  • God is all-knowing, He knows fully our situation.
  • God is all-loving, He will end our suffering.
  • God is all-powerful, He can end our suffering.
  • Evil is not yet defeated.
  • Therefore, God can and will one day defeat evil and suffering.

You see, the existence of evil in the world is seen to be compatible with the existence of an all-powerful, all-good and all-powerful God from Christian perspective.

We are bombarded 24 hours a day by the news and fake news from TV and all sorts of social media platforms, but the word “God” is rarely heard. Now, let’s go back to the two questions we post at the beginning of this article in dealing with evil such as Covid-19 pandemics:

  • Q: what is our starting point? A: Our starting point is: God.
  • Q: What is our spiritual-driven strategy? A: Our spiritual-driven strategy is: Maximize our life on earth for Christ, and meditate on the life-to-come with a joyful eternal perspective.

This article is an enhanced edition to one of my previous blog posts written in Chinese: https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=372


  1. “Night” by Elie Wiesel; pp. 64-65.
  2. “Jesus Among Other Gods” by Ravi Zacharias, pp. 135-136.
  3. “The Case For Faith” by Lee Strobel, p. 54.
  4. “Who Made God?” by Ravi Zacharias and Norman Geisler, p. 37.
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我們是如何得救 (How can we be saved)?

[Summary in English at the end]

By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); April 17, 2020

在熱心傳福音的人們中有一個非常受歡迎的寓道故事:「失落的人類被視為是無法游泳的溺水者。 他經過數次的浮浮沉沉掙扎,知道如果他再次沈下去,他便會溺死。 他唯一的希望就是上帝丟給他一個救生圈。 仁慈的上帝真的拋出了救生索,索端係着一個救生圈, 並且精確地扔到溺者伸手所及的邊緣。 該溺者惟一要做的事情就是抓住這個救生圈。 只要他決定抓住救生圈,上帝就會把他拖上岸, 他就得救了。但如果他拒絕救生圈,他肯定會滅亡。」

這故事説出神極大的作為和恩典 (99.99%), 而人只付出微不足道 (0.01%) 的努力, 就可獲得救恩。而且也論到人的自由意志和責任,非常精闢。故事雖動人,也似乎很另人信服, 但它不附合聖經的教導,問題出于那 0.01%人的努力。現正讓我們先看看聖經怎樣説。在此只選兩節 (See Appendix):
• 「當我們死在過犯中的時候、便叫我們與基督一同活過來.(你們得救是本乎恩)(以弗所書2:5)」
• 「你們得救是本乎恩、也因著信、這並不是出於自己、乃是 神所賜的.(以弗所書2:8)」

這兩處的經文告訴我們: 我們生下來有原罪 (original sin), 所以我們都是罪人。聖經也説, 罪的工價乃是死, 所以天然人在屬靈上是死人,死在罪惡過犯當中。既是死人,就不會, 也不可能, 愛慕和明白屬靈的事。因此,神對祂的選民(被神揀選的人) 要做的第一件事就是, 先把他們救活, 這就稱為「重生」, 就是有屬靈的生命。人有了屬靈的生命之後,便能作出合理正當的決擇。首先, 他看到以前看不到的, 就是自己有罪, 開始知道需要救主的赦免。神就賜給他們信心作禮物,憑著這個禮物,透過救主耶穌在十字架上已經成就了的救恩,我們就得救了。這就是得救的過程。

根據這個觀念,有具大的聖經根据 (Refer. 6), 讓我把上面的故事改編如下:

「失落的人類被視為是不憧游泳的溺水者。 他經過數次的浮浮沉沉掙扎,終於溺死了。 但上帝揀選他,憐憫他,恩待他,就使他復活過來。以前昏暗的理性現正清醒了。他知道他需要救主。他唯一的希望就是上帝丟給他一個救生圈。 仁慈的上帝真的拋出了祂早就預備好了的救生索,索端係着一個救生圈, 並且精確地扔到了溺者伸手所及的邊緣。 該溺者惟一要做的事情就是相信這是唯一的生路, 便用他更新過的自由意志, 抓住這個救生圈。上帝就把他拖上岸, 他就得救了。他那更新過的頭腦是清醒的,不是像以前的昏暗, 用他更新過的自由意志,作出明智的決定, 所以他絕不會拒絕救生圈,他肯定會伸手抓住它, 使獲救在握。」

現在我們用神學的語言,重述上面一段話: 神學家 R.C. Sproul 在他的書 (Ref. 1) 中寫道: “重生不是人信心所結的果子, 重生是在信心之先, 它是信心的必要條件。我們天然的意志是不會傾慕重生的, 不願也不可能與聖靈同工, 使重生得以實現 (p.162)”. 所以, “未重生的人不會有揀選基督的意願 (p.155)。” 如果重生完全是神的工作, 那麽神要重生誰呢? 這就牽涉到預定論了。Sproul 又指出: “神的預定是根據神的揀選, 而不是人的揀選(p.154)。” 因此, “救恩屬於神, 也出於神 (p.152)。” 當一個人被重生時,神就賜給他信心作禮物, 藉著這個信心,我們就被稱義了。稱義就是:我們雖然沒有內在的義 (intrinsic righteousness),但神卻把基督的義「算為」我們的意,我們在法律的立場上,便是「義人」了。這就是神學上的「歸算」論 (doctrine of imputation)。同時在另一方面,我們內在的罪也「歸算」給耶穌,使本來無罪(sinless) 的耶穌成了擔當我們的罪的代罪羔羊。這兩個觀念, 合起來, 在神學上被統稱為「雙重的歸算 (double imputation)」, 是聖經中重要的教義 (doctrine)之一。

當我們說 “重生先於信心 (regeneration precedes faith”,這不是指時間上的先後問題, 乃是指因果的 (或邏輯上的) 次序問題。在時間上, 重生與獲得信心是同時發生的, 重生是神把祂自己的生命的種子放在我們裡面, 是我們永生的始點。 所以人一旦重生, 他就得救了。 這個微弱的生命, 不為人所見, 甚至自己開始時也不一定能察覺, 但當這微小的信心漸漸長大 (神人同工的結果), 外在的表現便慢慢顯明了。所以從人來看, 重生與得救好似是有一段時間, 其實是同時發生。一個剛剛重生的人, 甚至也會拒絕外在的呼召 (external calling), 因為 “人可以聽到福音的外在呼召而拒絕之, 但是神內在的呼召(internal calling) 永遠有效 (p.160)。” 總括上述, 我們可以用下圖來表明救恩的邏輯:

• 「重生=》信心=》稱義=》成聖 =》得榮」 (p.163)
• 「重生=》信心=》稱義」 是因果次序, 三者全是神的工作,是同時發生在一刻。
• 「稱義」, 我們巳説過, 完全是神的工作。
• 「成聖 (sanctification)」是神人合作的過程,人是以善行表明他巳重生、這是一生之久的功夫。雖然人要參與, 但也是神的恩典。因為我們「既靠聖靈得生,就必靠聖靈行事。」
• 「得榮耀」是最後的步驟。到我們離世那一天, 我們也不能完全聖潔。神就賜祂的兒女一個最後且最大的恩典, 使他全然成聖。人若不聖潔就不能見神的面, 那刻,靠著這榮耀的恩典,我們便可以與主面對面了。所以保羅説,我若離世,是「好得無比」, 但若神留我在世上, 我就盡己力傳福音,作基督復活的見證人。
• 「稱義=》成聖=》得榮」是時間的次序, 是有先後的。

說到這裡,我們並非沒有難題,其中一個是:既然救恩是基於神的揀選, 那麼人的責任何在?

這樣是千古難題。D.A Carson 介紹一個所謂 “並立共處 (Compatibilism)” 的觀念 (Ref. 2) 。R.C. Sproul 也詳論此題目 (Ref. 3) 。李定武牧把它譯為「同步發生論」(Ref. 4) 。其重點就是, 聖經無論在整体上, 或有時在特定文本 (specific text) 上, 預先假設了两項無可否定的真確提議 (propositions):

• 神是絕對全權 (absolute sovereign), 但祂的全權並無削減人的責任。
• 人有道德上的責任—但人必需對自己的言行負責。然而更甚的是, 我們對責任的忠心與否,絕不會成為神的 “揀選的旨意” 的依賴的條件 (never functions so as to make God absolutely contingent)。

基督徒都同意上述兩點。但兩者的關係卻無法「完完全全」去了解到人的頭腦認為非常滿意的程度, 這是因為有大量的 “未知數 (unknowns)” 神沒有向我們啓示, 我們無法用人的邏輯把這两提議連貫到完全滿足我們思想的程度。雖然我們暫時無法完全明白 “並立共處” 如何成為真實, 但經文却不斷地內證其真實性。馮秉誠指出, 在追求答案前, 我們必需站在正確的立塲上去解經 (Ref. 5 ), 就是確信聖經是神的啟示, 是無誤, 是前後一致, 是沒有矛盾的。基於此立塲, 我們可斷言這两前題是相輔相成的, 是沒有抵觸的, 是沒有不合邏輯的。正如物理學家相信「光是粒子」也同時相信它是「波浪」一樣合邏輯。 今天, 我們重生得救的人, 只有存感恩的心, 竭力傳福音, 知道 “我今日成了何等的人,都是蒙神的恩才成的 (林前 15:10),” 我們自己知道在重生得救的事上, 是一無可誇的。

最後, 我們要問:既然救恩是基於神的揀選, 那麼我們為甚麼要傳福音?

神命定任何事情所要達到的最終目的,祂也同時命定要達到此目的的方法。這就等於重述祂有至高無上的主權。在救贖的事上也是如此。人得救乃完全本乎神揀選的恩典也藉著人的信。既是揀選,人的信心就一定不是人自發的,墮落人類也無法從自己產生得救的信心,所以得救的信心必然是神所賜的禮物。但神如何把這信心的禮物送給人呢?這是一個方法的問題。但如果方法也是神所命定,那麼我們就要問,「神所命定的方法是甚麼?」聖經給了我們一個明確的答案:「信道是從聽道來的、聽道是從基督的話來的。(Romans 10:17) 」要人聼道,就必須有人傳道,所以傳福音是必要的。所以,傳福音是把神那「信心的禮物」送到神所揀選的人們。但我們不知道誰是選民,所以我們把這禮物送給所有人,其餘的事神會負責。 這裏我們再次看到「神的全權」與「人的責任」的互動。「神人同工」是整本聖經不斷提到的真理,也說明了聖經中的神是一位願意與人建立關係的神。還有,傳福音是順服的表現,是討神喜悅的方法,因為這是耶穌的命令。所以我們不能因為神的揀選就忽畧了自己傳福音的責任。

每個人信了耶穌後, 遲早到會遇到 “豫定論與自由意志” 的挑戰。 我自己對這難題都巳久思不得其解。在沉思中有一天我似乎悟到一點線索。雖然不算是一個完滿的答案, 但至少對我自己而言, 問題的重擔巳大大減輕了。 面對這世紀難題, 容我我借助一些物理現象來嘗試解釋。

近代物理學家認為物質 (如電子, 光子) 同時具有两種形態: 波浪性質和粒子性質. 既是波浪又怎會是粒子呢? 科學家迄今也不能解釋。在某些種實驗 (雙縫干擾 double slits experiment of interference) 中, 一直被人認為是粒子的電子的確以波動形式出現。但在另一個實驗中 (愛因斯坦的光電効應), 一直被人認為是波浪的光線居然以粒子形式 (photon) 出現。沒有人能解釋, 但它們既能解釋絕大部分的物理現象,而且可以精確地應用在科技中,科學家却毫無問題地接受两者皆真 (wave-particle duality) 的結論。

沿著同樣的思路, 我們可以說, 在這世界的實驗室內, 我們的確知道自己是有自由意智去行事的, 我們可以自主地作任何决定, 你能否認嗎? 但在天上的實驗室內, 神的確能施行祂的主權, 祂說, “我要憐憫誰, 就憐憫誰; 我要恩待誰, 就恩待誰.” 我們不盡知天上的實驗室內的事, 只有神知道. 但神知道我們這世界的實驗室內的事. 既然我們在這世界的實驗裏的確經歷到自己自由意志的真實性, 我們就必須對我們的决定負責. 致於在天上實驗室內的事, 我們不能完全知道, 這就是神 “不可捉摸 (Deuteronomy 29:29)” 的一面. 只要我們在存在上和實際上的確可以為自己作任何的决定, 對神那一邊的事明白與否, 在後果方面, 便不重要了, 因為我們在審判枱前是要對自己在這個地球的實驗室內 (即今生) 的决定向神交代, 不能以 “豫定論” 作藉口推罪歸神。


  1. “Essential Truth of the Christian Faith” by R.C. Sproul; pp. 152-155, 162-163.
  2. “How Long, O Lord?” by D.A. Carson; pp. 179-201.
  3. “The Invisible Hand—Do all things really work for good?” by R.C. Sproul; pp. 94-96.
  4. “後現代潮流中的 <心意更新>” by 李定武; pp. 61-62.
  5. “聖經詮釋”, 里程 (a.k.a. 馮秉誠); pp. 63-66.
  6. https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=2091″



  1. 羅馬書 6:23:「因為罪的工價乃是死;惟有神的恩賜,在我們的主基督耶穌裡,乃是永生。」
  2. 以弗所書 2:1:「你們死在過犯罪惡之中,他叫你們活過來。」
  3. 以弗所書 2:5:「就是我們在過犯中死了的時候,他叫我們與基督一同活過來。(你們得救是本乎恩)」
  4. 歌羅西書 2:13:「你們死在過犯,和未受割禮的情形之中,神赦免了你們一切過犯,便叫你們與基督一同活過來。」
  5. 提摩太前書 5:6:「但那貪戀奢華的,正在活著的時候就是死了。」


Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so

In Christian circles, there is a popular illustration: “A man who cannot swim is thrown into the ocean due to shipwreck. He struggled up and down on the surface of the ocean several times, knowing that if he is to sink down one more time, he will surely die. His only hope is that God may throw him a lifebuoy ring. The loving and merciful God indeed throws a rope at him, with a ring attached to the end of it precisely positions it within the drowning person’s reach. The only thing this man must do is to grab the lifebuoy ring. As long as he grabs it, God will drag him ashore and he is saved. But if he refuses to take such a simple action, he will surely perish.”

This story tells of God’s great work and grace (99.99%), and man can receive salvation with only a negligible amount of effort (0.01%) on his part. It also alluded to man’s free-will and responsibility. Although the story is clever and seemingly logical, it lacks conformity to the teaching of the Bible. The problem lies in that 0.01% human work. Though insignificant quantitatively, it makes a huge qualitative difference in theology. Let us look at the Bible text selected for this discussion:

「But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions–it is by grace you have been saved, through faith–and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:4-5, 8).」

The text in front of us tells that we all are born sinners. Because the wages of sin is death, so we all are spiritually dead in our sins and transgression. A spiritually dead person will not, and cannot love God and understand spiritual things, he is born to reject God. Therefore, the first thing God must do to this spiritually dead person is to “make him alive with Christ.” This is called Regeneration (or born again). Once alive, this person can and will make right decision as far as salvation is concerned. First, he sees something that he could not see before, that he is a sinner; and immediately he begins to long for the Savior who can forgive his sins. God then gives him a saving-faith as a free gift, a gift not from man, but solely from God. With this gift, through the work of Jesus Christ done on the cross, he is saved.

Based on this biblical concept, let me adapt the above story as follows:

“A lost person is regarded as a swimmer who has been drowned and thoroughly dead already. But God shows mercy on him, treats him gracefully, and does something unthinkable: God brings him back to life. In this man’s previous life, his thinking was futile and his heart was foolish and darkened in every spiritual matter including salvation. But now, He has a renewed life and is able to know and love spiritual things. He realizes that he is in great danger and his only hope is that God would throw him a lifebuoy ring. The merciful God does exactly that by throwing a floating device at his proximity. And he, with a renewed and sober mind, he will never reject God’s offer, but makes a right decision by grabbing the life-saving ring and he is saved forever.”

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耶穌知道衪自己是誰 (Christological self-understanding)

(English edition at the end)

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); April 10, 2020 (Good Friday)

在這受難節和復活節期間,我們必需問:「耶穌究竟是誰?」這個問題是每個基督徒都要正視的。反對基督教的人仕或無神論者也盡其攻擊的能事去回應這個問題, 他們經過「研究」後説,耶穌只是一個道德家,是猶太拉比 (老師), 是聖賢, 是偶像破壞者, 是烏合之眾的煽動人, 或是甚麼都可以只要祂不是神。不管我們的答案如何,如果我們的答案與耶穌的自我意識 (self-consciousness) 不同,都是不正確的答案。耶穌一早就知道這個問題的關鍵性,所以他問十二門個徒説:「人說我人子是誰。他們說、有人說是施洗的約翰.有人說是以利亞.又有人說是耶利米、或是先知裡的一位。耶穌說、你們說我是誰。西門彼得回答說、你是基督、是永生 神的兒子。耶穌對他說、西門巴約拿、你是有福的.因為這不是屬血肉的指示你的、乃是我在天上的父指示的。(約翰福音16:13-17)」

耶穌與穆罕默德 (Mohammed) 之不同不僅在生活行為上, 更重要的是他們對自己被呼召的意義是否明白。當穆罕默德宣稱他獲得屬靈啟示後, 他甚感困惑, 不知意義何在。他需要別人告訴他這是神的聲音。但耶穌明確知道衪是誰並知道衪從那裏來。以下是, 根据聖經, 耶穌對自已的地位有明確認識 (self-understanding) 的證據 (Ref. 1):

(1) 耶穌以 “人子” 自稱

  • 這名稱衪應用在自己身上在四福音中出現 82 次之多, 包括被認為是最早成書的馬可福音 (14 次) 在內.
  • 批評家認為這是衪承認人性的宣稱, 但學者一致認為耶穌是參照 (約主前600年) 但以理 (7:13-14) 的用法: 人子被迎接到全能者的面前, 帶着權柄, 榮耀, 與能力, 並接受萬民的敬拜, 衪有審判的權柄, 衪的國永存不衰。 所以宣告自己是人子就等於宣告自己的神性。
    • (v. 13) 我在夜間的異象中觀看,見有一位像人子的,駕著天雲而來,被領到亙古常在者面前 ;
    • (v. 14) 得了權柄、榮耀、國度,使各方、各國、各族的人都事奉他。他的權柄是永遠的,不能廢去,他的國必不敗壞。”
  • 更奇妙的是, 耶穌自稱人子的頭銜都與將來的榮耀與即將來臨的受苦與死亡有關。 主是教導門徒對盼望以久的彌賽亞的新認識: 受苦在榮耀之先。
    • 正如人子來,不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人,並且要捨命,作多人的贖價。”(太20:28).
    • 耶穌說完了這一切的話,就對門徒說:“你們知道,過兩天是逾越節,人子將要被交給人,釘在十字架上。” (太26:1-2)
    • 耶穌說:“我是。你們必看見人子坐在那權能者的右邊,駕著天上的雲降臨。” (可14:62)
    • 我又告訴你們,凡在人面前認我的,人子在 神的使者面前也必認他;在人面前不認我的,人子在 神的使者面前也必不認他。(路12:8-9)
    • 並且因為他是人子,就賜給他行審判的權柄。(約5:27)

(2) 耶穌用 “我是” 的說法來宣稱自己的神性

  • 你們的祖宗亞伯拉罕歡歡喜喜地仰望我的日子,既看見了,就快樂。”猶太人說:“你還沒有五十歲,豈見過亞伯拉罕呢?”耶穌說:“我實實在在地告訴你們:還沒有亞伯拉罕就有了我。”於是他們拿石頭要打他,耶穌卻躲藏,從殿裡出去了。(約8:58)。 英: “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
  • 這個 “我是” 乃由神在荊棘叢中對摩西所說衪的名字: 神對摩西說:“我是自有永有的 (I AM WHO I AM).” 又說:“你要對以色列人這樣說:‘那自有的打發我到你們這裡來。’ (出3:14) 耶穌自稱是 “自有永有” 後群眾拿石頭要打死衪, 視衪褻瀆神。

(3) 耶穌以赦罪的權柄表明衪是神

  • 可 (2:5): 耶穌對癱子說:“小子,你的罪赦了.” 只有神才有資格和有意義地說這種話。
  • 因為罪, 就算是得罪人, 是首要地得罪了神和衪的律法。所以我们都需要赦免。
  • 耶穌先行後教, 但衪從未向父求赦免, 因祂是無罪。

(4) 耶穌認識衪在神國的地位

  • 甚至由衪的揀選十二位門徒, 我們可看到耶穌也作超越性的宣告。
  • 根据 Ben Witherington III (Ref. 2), “如果十二門徒代表更新的以色列 (renewed Israel), 那麽耶穌的位置何在” 他問道: “他不會只是以色列的一部份? 他不會只是被救贖群體的一部份? 他是塑造這群體的—-正如上帝在舊約中塑造衪的百姓並設立以色列的十二支派。這是耶穌如何想到自己的地位的一些線索。”

(5) 耶穌的教導方法

  • 關於耶穌的自我認識的另一線索是與衪的教導方法有關.耶穌教訓人時常用以下一句話作起點, “我實實在在的告訴你 Amen I say to you,” (John 出現25次)。 這是非常有革命性的. 作家 Witherington 繼續解釋下去: 在猶太教, 你需要两個見證人作證詞, 但耶穌對真理作見證只單憑衪自己的話。
    • 耶穌回答說:“我實實在在地告訴你:人若不重生,就不能見 神的國。”(約3:3)。
    • 我實實在在地告訴你們:一粒麥子不落在地裡死了,仍舊是一粒;若是死了,就結出許多子粒來。愛惜自己生命的,就失喪生命;在這世上恨惡自己生命的,就要保守生命到永生。(約12:24)
    • 到那日,你們甚麼也就不問我了。我實實在在地告訴你們:你們若向父求甚麼,他必因我的名賜給你們。(約16:23)
  • 他的教導不基於其他權威, 而只憑自已的權柄說話。這裡我們看到有一個人物, 他把自已視為具有比舊約先知更高的權柄. 衪相信自己具有不只是屬神的啟示, 正如大衛一樣, 更具有從神而來的指揮聖言的能力和權柄。

(6) 耶穌稱上帝為父

  • 耶穌常用亞蘭文術語 “阿爸, 父” 來稱呼上帝。 這正反照衪與父神最親密的關係: 他說:“阿爸,父啊!在你凡事都能,求你將這杯撤去;然而,不要從我的意思,只要從你的意思。”(可14:36)
  • 這種稱呼是與古猶太教格格不入的. 虔誠的猶太人避免稱神的名, 唯恐他們會稱錯衪的名字。
  • Witherington 博士作下觀察: “阿爸, 父 Abba, Father (Rom.8:15)” 的意義, 就是耶穌是這以前達不到的密切關係的創始者. 問題是甚麽人才能與神開創這新的與約有關的關係?
    • 因為凡被 神的靈引導的,都是 神的兒子。你們所受的不是奴僕的心,仍舊害怕;所受的乃是兒子的心,因此我們呼叫:“阿爸,父!”(羅8:14-15)。
    • 你們既為兒子, 神就差他兒子的靈進入我們的心,呼叫:“阿爸,父。(加4:6)
  • 耶穌說只有透過與衪的關係才有可能作稱神為 “阿爸, 父” 的禱告. 這就明確地說明衪是如何看待自已了。

(7) 耶穌接受敬拜

  • 耶穌另一個自我認識的指標是復活以後與多馬的相遇 (約 20)。 耶穌邀請多馬親自檢查衪實在是從死裡復活的證據. 多馬在 28 節宣告, “我的主,我的神!” 廿九節: 耶穌對他說: “你因看見了我才信,那沒有看見就信的有福了!”
  • 耶穌的回答透露了他的真相. 除非耶穌是神, 否則這就是達到褻瀆神的頂點, 因為衪不但沒有指責多馬, 且明知故意地接受多馬的敬拜。
  • 耶穌選擇接授多馬的敬拜明顯地指出衪自己相信衪就是神, 所以值得如此被崇敬。同樣地, 對耶穌的問題, “你們說我是誰?” 西門彼得回答道, “你是基督,是永生神的兒子。” (太16:15-17)。 耶穌不但沒有改正西門彼得的回答, 反而證實他的回答是從神而來的啟示。

(8) 耶穌明確地指出永生之道

  • 耶穌清楚地知道人們永恒的歸宿決定於他們是否相信衪。 約翰福音: “你們若不信我是基督,必要死在罪中 (8:24 b)。”
  • 路加福音 12:8-9 說, “我又告訴你們,凡在人面前認我的,人子在神的使者面前也必認他; 在人面前不認我的,人子在神的使者面前也必不認他。”
  • 這些經文的含意是: 無疑地, 如果耶穌是神的兒子, 這種宣告只能被認為是最狹窄和討厭的教條主義的武斷。

(9) 耶穌與父神原為一

  • 另一處公然的斷言記在約翰福音 (10:30)。 耶穌無保留地公開宣佈說, “衪與父原為一。”
  • 毫無疑問地聽眾必明白耶穌正在說衪與父是同一本質的。
  • 立即地, 他們拿石頭打衪, 因他們以為衪 “說僭妄的話” 並說, “你是個人, 反將自己當作神。” (v.33)

(10) 耶穌知道自已能行神蹟

  • 另一個與耶穌身分有關的因素應被權衡, 就是衪自己知道衪能行神蹟. 這是耶穌自已相信衪的身分的一個重要評估。
  • 耶穌強調衪的技藝是神國來臨的預示. 路加 (11:20) 說, “我若靠著神的能力趕鬼, 這就是神的國臨到你們了。” 作家 Ben Witherington 觀察: “雖然聖經多處記載有許多人也能行神蹟, 但他們不確定能力從何而來。
  • 但耶穌知道患痲瘋病者得醫治, 死人復活是因為自己有神的能力, 所以衪並沒有把自己單視為一位 “行異能的大師” 之一, 因耶穌確知, “衪是裡面有神的應許, 並透過衪才能把那應許實現出來的那一位。” 可見這就不是一個對衪自己的超越性的模糊宣告了. 先知以賽亞 (35章) 指出, 神蹟是彌賽亞鑑定衪自己身分的方法之一。
    • 那時,瞎子的眼必睜開,聾子的耳必開通;(V.5)
    • 那時,瘸子必跳躍像鹿,啞巴的舌頭必能歌唱;在曠野必有水發出,在沙漠必有河湧流。(V.6)

(11) 耶穌知道自已有神性 (三個 “無所不”)


  • 門徒約翰在 (約 16:30) 寫道, “現在我們曉得你凡事都知道 (無所不知 omniscience),也不用人問你,因此我們信你是從神出來的。”
  • 耶穌承認約翰的話並自己說: “天上地下所有的權柄 (無所不能 omnipotence) 都賜給我了。”
  • 所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在 (無所不在 omnipresence),直到世界的末了 (太 28:18-20)。”


耶穌的申明是非常清楚了. 但這裏有一個關鍵性的問題: 我們如何知道耶穌的申明是真確? 答案至少可聚焦在下列數方面的真實性: 衪由童女所生, 衪從死裡復活, 衪能行神蹟, 古代彌賽亞預言之應驗, 衪的無罪性, 和衪奇妙地插入人類的歷史當中等獨特性。


  1. “Who Made God?” by Ravi Zacharias and Norman Geisler; pp. 81-86.
  2. Ben Witherington is the author of “The Christology of Jesus”。


Christological self-understanding

(T.C. Lo April 10, 2020)

During this Good Friday and Easter week, we must ask: “Who is Jesus?” Every Christian must face this question squarely. Those who are against Christianity or atheists also put out their all-out effort to deny the divinity of Christ. After their “research”, they have found Jesus merely a moralist, a Jewish rabbi (teacher), a sage, an idol destroyer, or an instigator of the mob, or anything but God. If our answers are different from Jesus’ self-consciousness (self-understanding), they would be all incorrect answers.

Jesus knew the seriousness of this question early in His ministry, so he asked the Twelve: Who do people say the Son of Man is? They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Jesus turned to His followers, “But what about you?” he asked: “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. (Matthew 16:13-17). Jesus’ reply reflected He knew who He was. Christological self-understanding is a very crucial doctrine in Christianity.

Jesus and Mohammed were markedly different not just in the way they lived, what was more important was whether they understood the meaning of being called. When Muhammad claimed that he received spiritual revelation from Allah, he was very confused and did not know what it meant. He needed someone to tell him that this was the voice of God. But Jesus did clearly know who He was and from where He came. The following are evidence that Jesus has always a clear understanding of his own identity.

Jesus Himself claimed to be “the Son of Man”

  • This title has been used by Jesus over 82 times in the Gospels, in particular, 14 times in Mark which are considered to be the earliest book among the four books.
  • Critics consider that the use of this title was Jesus’ recognition of His humanity. But most scholars agree that Jesus was referencing to the vision of Daniel (7: 13-14) reported 600 years before His earthly ministry:
    • “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. ” (Daniel 7:13)
    • He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.” (Daniel 7:14)
  • Jesus is 100% man and 100% God. Quite clear, the title “Son of Man” touches His divine nature rather than human nature according to Daniel.
  • Even more amazing is the fact that Jesus’ self-proclaimed title “Son of Man” is mostly messianic, relating to His upcoming suffering and death and the ensuing glory. The Lord is teaching the disciples a new understanding of the long-awaited Messiah: suffering precedes glory.
    • just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Mt. 20:28)
    • When Jesus had finished saying all these things, he said to his disciples,“As you know, the Passover is two days away—and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified.” (Mt. 26:1-2)
    • “I am,”said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” (Mark 14:62)
    • “I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God.But whoever disowns me before others will be disowned before the angels of God. (Luke 12:8-9)
    • And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man. (John 5:27)

Jesus uses “I Am” to declare His divinity

 John 8:56-59 says,

(v. 56) Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.”

(v. 57) “You are not yet fifty years old,” the Jews said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!”

(v. 58) “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

(v. 59) At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.

  • This “I am” is what God said to Moses in the bush.「God said to Moses, “I am who I am . This is what you are to say to the Israelite: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ” ( 3:14)」
  • After Jesus claimed to be that “I am,” the masses took stones to kill him, and regarded him as blasphemous because the Jewish people knew what “I am” meant.

Jesus’ authority to forgive sins shows that He is God

When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” (Mk. 2:5)

  • Only God is qualified to meaningfully speak such words.
  • If you have sinned against people, you have not just offended people, you have also offended God. So you ought to ask for forgiveness not just from the offended party, you must also ask God to forgive you.
  • Jesus always taught his disciples by example. He commands believer to love one another, so He loves us first. Only when he taught his disciples to repent, he would never ask His father for forgiveness because he was sinless.

Jesus knew His standing in the kingdom of God

  • Even by His selection of twelve disciples, we can see that Jesus also made transcendent announcements.
  • According to Ben Witherington III (note) who asked, “If the twelve disciples represent the renewed Israel, then what is Jesus’ position?” He was in effect asking: “Will he not just be part of Israel? Will He not just be redeemed Part of the group? Witherington answered his own question by saying, “He shaped this group—just as God shaped His people in the Old Testament and established twelve tribes of Israel.” These are some clues about how Jesus thought of his status with respect to the Kingdom of God. ” (Note: Ben Witherington III is the author of “The Christology of Jesus”.)

Jesus’ teaching method

Another clue to Jesus’ self-understanding is related to His teaching method. When Jesus taught, he often used the following phrase as a starting point, “Truly, truly, I tell you,” (John appears 25 times). This is very revolutionary. Writer Witherington continues to explain: In Judaism, you need two witnesses to give testimony, but Jesus only witnesses the truth based on his own words.

  • Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”(John 3:3)
  • Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. (John 12:24)
  • In that day you will ask nothing of me. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you. (John 16:23)

His teachings are not based on other authorities, but only on his own when He speaks. Here we see a Person who considers himself to have the authority higher than of all the Old Testament prophets. He believes that he has revelation not only belongs to God, like David had, he has the power and authority of the Word from God more than David had.

Jesus calls God the Father

  • Jesus used the Aramaic term “Abba, Father” to refer to God. This reflects his closest relationship with God the Father: He said: “Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” (Mark 14:36)
  • This name is incompatible with ancient Judaism. The devout Jews would avoid calling God ’s name, lest they might call him wrong.
  • Witherington made this observation: “Abba, Father (Rom. 8:15)” means that Jesus was the creator of a close relationship that was not possible before. The question is who can establish this new relationship with God in the context of the covenant?
    • For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” (Romans 8:14-15).
    • Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” (Galatians 4:6).
    • Jesus said that it is only through our relationship with Him that makes our relationship with God possible that we may cry to God, “Abba, Father.” This clearly shows how Jesus views himself.

Jesus accepts worship

  • Another indicator of Jesus’ self-knowledge was his encounter with Thomas after his resurrection (John 20). Jesus invited Thomas to personally examine the evidence that He was indeed resurrected from the dead. Thomas declared in verse 28, “My Lord and my God!” Verse 29: Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
  • Jesus’ answer reveals His identity. Unless Jesus is God, Thomas’s declaration would have reached the apex of blasphemy. The fact that Jesus did not blame Thomas for calling Him Lord, but accepted His worship deliberately, is an indication that Jesus knows Who He is.
  • Jesus’ choice to accept Thomas’s worship clearly indicated that He believed that He was God, so he deserves to be so revered. Similarly, the question to Jesus,” Who do you say I am? “Simon Peter replied,” You are Christ, the Son of the living God. ”(Matthew 16: 15-17). Instead of correcting Simon Peter ’s answer, Jesus confirmed that his answer was a revelation from God through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus clearly pointed out the way to eternal life

  • Jesus clearly knows that people’s eternal destination depends on whether they believe in Him. The Gospel of John says: “I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins” (John 8:24).
  • Luke says, “I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God” (Luke 12:8-9).
  • The implication of these verses is: Undoubtedly, had Jesus not been the Son of God, such a declaration would have been considered as the narrowest and hateful subjective dogmatism.

Jesus and the Father are One

  • Another blatant assertion is recorded in the Gospel of John (10:30). Jesus declared publicly without reservation: “I and the Father are one.”
  • There is no doubt that the audience will understand that Jesus is saying that He and the Father are of the same nature.
  • Immediately, the Jews threw stones at Him, because they thought that He spoke blasphemy arrogantly. They shouted out loud, “You, a mere man, claim to be God?” (v. 33)

Jesus knew He can perform miracles

  • Another factor related to Jesus’ identity should be weighed. He knows that he can perform miracles. This is an important assessment of Jesus’ belief in His identity.
  • Jesus emphasized that his skills were a sign of the coming of the kingdom of God. Luke (11:20) said, “But if I drive out demons by the finger (or power) of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you.” Author Ben Witherington observed: “Although there are many places in the Bible where many people could perform miracles, but they were not sure where their power comes from.
  • But Jesus knew that people with leprosy would be healed, and the dead were resurrected because he had the power of God, so He did not see Himself as one of the “masters of magic,” because Jesus knew that He is the one who has God’s promises in Him and only through Him, those promises can be fulfilled. It can be seen that this is not a vague declaration of his own transcendence. Prophet Isaiah (Chapter 35) points out that miracles are signs to authenticate Jesus’ Messiahship.

“Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert” (Isaiah 35:5-6)”

 Jesus knew that he had the divine nature (three “Omnis”)

Based on the disciples’ knowledge of Him and His own declaration, we are certain that Jesus himself knows that He is God.

  • The disciples said, “Now we can see that you know all things (omniscience) and that you do not even need to have anyone ask you questions. This makes us believe that you came from God.” (John 16:30)
  • Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority (omnipotence) in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18).
  • “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always (omnipresence), to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

A Crucial Question

Jesus’ statement is very clear. But here is a key question: How do we know that Jesus’ statement is true? The answer can focus on at least the following aspects of facts: He was born of a virgin, He is raised from the dead, He can perform miracles, the fulfillment of the ancient Messiah prophecy, His sinlessness, and His wonderful involvement into the history of mankind—history is ultimately “His Story.”

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Can Forgiving Seven Times Be Sufficient? A Theological Perspective

By Tin-chee Lo (TC); March 17, 2020

Forgiveness is a virtue in Jewish culture. Rabbi teaches you to forgive those who offend you up to three times. Peter was a Jew, and he certainly knew this. One day, he came to Jesus and asked, “How many times should I forgive my brother?” Without waiting for Jesus’ reply, Peter immediately asked another question, “Can it be seven times?” The second question is actually Peter’s answer to his first question. The way Peter asked in this manner was not that he longed to hear Jesus’ answer, but that he expected Jesus would praise his magnanimity. Knowing his heart, Jesus asserted, “Not seven times, but seventy times seven times.” This does not mean that Jesus was toying with a number game by setting a limit of 490 times. What Jesus said was that there is no upper limit for forgiving others. Forgiving others is a basic way of life as a disciple, one of the characteristics of the people of heaven. To reinforce this idea, Jesus made the following parable to his disciples: Read Matt. 18: 23-35.

The first part of this parable says that a servant owed the king an astronomical debt, which he could not pay in his lifetime. His only way was to ask for mercy from the king. The king moved his compassion, tore up the debt paper to pieces. The servant became a free man, no longer burdened by debt, and his family was free too.

We can easily and rightly relate this story to the gospel message. The king represents the Heavenly Father. All who are under the rule of the king are servants, not king’s slaves. It is impossible for a slave to owe that much debt to the king as described in the parable. The servant in the story may be a court official in the palace. He must have a special access to the resources of the king’s treasury. Because the kingdom represents the kingdom of God, we can say that this person is a Christian. Before and even after his conversion, he owed his Heavenly Father an unplayable debt. The only way to get rid of this debt is forgiveness from God the Father. There is no other way (vv. 21-27).

Religions in the world teach that when you commit a sin, you can do a good deed to nullify it. This is impossible, because in the king’s eyes, a servant’s good deeds are nothing more than a tattered garment, dirty and useless. The servant in the story pleaded with the king (asking for forgiveness), and the king cancelled his debt. This is truly due to the king’s mercy and grace; he is not obligated to do that, but he did it. This is a story of salvation in Jesus Christ. This is the gospel.

The second part of the metaphor tells that that servant was so indifferent to the king’s kindness just shown upon him. Gripped by his ingratitude, he implemented a strict measure against his companion, who owed him a debt, but a much lesser debt. It is true that the debt that his companion owed him was not small, but it was far less than the debt that he originally owed to the king (vv. 28-30). When other servants saw it, they became so angry that they told the king (v. 31). The king was furious and resurrected the man’s original debt position and took him back to prison (vv. 32-34). Leaving aside whether these servants’ actions are reasonable. Here is a reflection for myself: Have I ever invoked criticism from coworkers or family members because I did not forgive others? This is a thought-provoking self-examination. Now, let’s discuss the way the king punished this hard hearted servant.

If the king’s forgiveness represents salvation, wouldn’t the king’s acts of sending him back to jail, dealing with him severe punishment, and restoring his indebtedness represent the loss of this man’s salvation? Imaginative people immediately thought of this re-imprisonment incident as a “purgatory” experience believed in Catholicism, but this association has no biblical basis. So how do we understand this passage (vv. 32-34)? First of all, we need to know that this is a metaphor or parable, pointing especially to the kingdom of heaven. The principle of interpreting metaphors should be: Don’t “excessively” stick to details; pay attention to the main purpose of the metaphor; more importantly, the interpretation must comply with basic doctrine. Here several Bible doctrines are in view.

* Doctrine of the “perseverance of the saints,” that is, saved once, saved forever. “I (Jesus) give them (Jesus’ sheep, the elected) eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand (John 10:28).”

* Doctrine of the “thoroughness of God’s forgiveness”, based on God’s faithfulness and immutability. “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm: 103:11-12). God’s forgiveness is complete.

Jesus called this servant a “wicked servant” (v. 32). 「The Chinese Bible translated as “wicked slave”」This is an emphatic term. The Bible reserves this title for those who do not believe in God. No true believer would do such an unkind thing to his brethren. So this “unforgiving person” must be someone who has never accepted the gospel. It is not possible that this person got the salvation and later lost it. A true believer would not lose his or her eternal life. So he has never been regenerated. Therefore, the purpose of this parable is to challenge the authenticity of disciples’ salvation. A man who is truly regenerated will never do such a great deal of ingratitude. In another parable Jesus said: “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit (Mt 7:18).” As the quality of the tree can be recognized from its fruit, this man’s lostness can also be recognized. In our daily life, we should be very careful not to judge who is saved and who is not. We don’t know because we cannot read people’s heart, only God can. But we can be sure that this servant described in the second part of the story is unsaved. His eternal state is made clear by the fact that he was handed over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed, and we know that he could never pay back the debt (v. 34). If the prison represents hell, he is in eternal damnation.

We must now ask: Why does the first half of the story say that this man is a true believer in Christ pardoned by God, and the second half of the story says that he is unsaved? Ah! Here we see the wisdom of Jesus. Jesus deliberately presents us a horrible hypothetical situation to make an important contrast: If the behavior of this evil slave is so unbelievable, it is equally unbelievable for Christians, who have been pardoned by God for a lifetime, and refused to forgive others.

Since forgiveness is the distinct characteristic of the citizens of the kingdom of heaven, should we offer “unilaterally forgive” to anyone who wrongs us ? This problem may stem from our misunderstanding of one phrase uttered by Jesus while He was hung on the cross. Jesus cried to the Father, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing (Lk 23:34).” Is unilateral pardon a command of Jesus?

The answer is “No”. The Bible’s consistently teaches that repentance precedes forgiveness. The word “them” in Jesus’ words does not refer to ALL people, but only to those who saw the righteousness of Jesus and were illuminated by the Holy Spirit and then repented in their hearts. The crucified robber next to Jesus was one of them. If “they” represents ALL people, it becomes universalism rather than the gospel.

On the other hand, the answer may also be “Yes”. Because there are some minor offenses which we should forgive unilaterally, whether the offender apologizes to you or not. As Peter said, “love covers over a multitude of sins (1 Pt 4:8).” Why do you get bothered if someone owe you only five dollars? Why do you feel annoyed when people give you only a little bit trouble? Put these trivial things behind you and simply forgive them unilaterally without demanding their apology. You will feel better with a forgiving spirit.

Serious offenses, however, must be dealt with. The Word of God shows us how:
“If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector (Mt. 18: 15-16).” The purity of the church is important; one bad apple can spoil the whole barrel. All these steps are necessary and are done with one purpose: to restore this brother back to the right track with Christ-like love. If all offenses are treated with “unilateral pardon,” then the above-mentioned disciplinary process taught by the Bible is meaningless.

The gist of the whole parable is this: Forgiveness is unlimited, it is a Christian life style, and it is the character of the people of heaven. Although unilateral forgiveness is not a Bible requirement, we should be ready to forgive those who will repent anytime, anywhere. If we do not forgive others for their sins, although our salvation will not be lost, we are risking “God refuses to forgive us.” Lastly, let us remember, we need to be forgiven too.

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A Missing Day, Was It Possible?

By T.C. Lo; March 10, 2020

I love tackling Bible difficulties. But there is one that really befuddles my mind. It is recorded in the Book of Joshua chapter 10. The text reads:

「On the day the Lord gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel: “O sun, stand still over Gibeon, O moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.” So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a man. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel! (Joshua 10:12-14)」

The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day.” This narrative is very hard to swallow especially for scientists and engineers. Had there ever been an event in human history that “the sun stays and the moon stops”? Since the Enlightenment, many people have asserted that science and Bible were not compatible, but I firmly believe that science presents no conflict to the Scripture. Galileo once said, “God gives humans two books, one is the Bible and the other is the Nature.” If these two books were from the same source, how could they contradict one another? If contradiction is said to arise, it must follow that either the interpretation to the scripture is wrong, or the scientific theory is erroneously formulated, or both are in error. The existence of science is based on the existence of the natural-law; the existence of the natural-law must posit a natural-law giver–God! So science originates from God. With this as a preamble, how do we understand the episode described in this passage?

If we must stick to (which I firmly do) the doctrines of “Bible inerrancy, i.e., Bible contains no wrong ” and “Bible infallibility, i.e., Bible cannot be wrong” , then how do we deal with this text? Reviewing existing explanations gleaned from several commentaries yields no convincing argument. Nevertheless, let me first briefly summarize the three known possibilities attempting to explain this passage. In light of lacking certainty, what we can do now is to analyse them comparatively on their  relative strength of explanation powers. The three known interpretive options are:

  • The first explanation is that the sun and the moon really stopped their normal trajectories as literal as the Bible described.
  • The second explanation is that Joshua’s prayer was spoken in astrologists’ terms of the Canaanites of his time.
  • The third explanation is that this prayer is merely a poetic expression or expressed in language of hyperbole.

The second explanation is impossible. Because from the beginning (crossing the Red Sea and spying the land of Canaan) all the way to entering the Promised Land (crossing the Jordan River, fighting Jericho, and other battles), Joshua was recognized to be faithful to Jehovah. It was also because of his loyalty that Moses had chosen him to be his successor. So it was impossible for him to pray in the pagan way utterly detestable to God.

The third explanation is weakly possible. Indeed, there are many places in the Bible written in poetic style. In particular, the text refers to the “book of Jashar” which is an “apocryphal book” mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, written in epic form. This episode may be interpreted as a poetic utterance referring to a long battle in hyperbolic language. Jashar appears twice in the Bible. The other place is in 2 Sam 1:17. Inserting a piece of poetry into the narrative has many precedents in the Bible, easily found in the Books of Prophets. Jesus loves the use hyperbole, “if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.”  However possible, the biggest difficulty in interpreting Scripture is the classification of genres. Here, I dare not assert that the underlying text belongs to the genre of poetry or hyperbola. For the sake of playing safe, I temporarily refuse to accept the third explanation. Because once one accepts it, it is like “opening the Pandora’s box” allowing all kinds of fast-and-loose-interpretations to play out. The stake is very high, for next time when one encounters a hard problem, one may tend to wave his/her hand and casually say, “Yeah! This is just an expression of a poet! “ The problem is even greater. Besides, I believe Joshua was not a poet, he was more a soldier.

Then, by process of elimination, the best option is the first one. The argument supporting this interpretation goes like this: “God is omnipotent. God can create the universe. He can turn water into wine. He can separate the Red Sea and the Jordan River. He can raise the dead to life. Can he not able to stop the sun and the moon from their normal tracks?”

The response to this rhetoric argument is obvious, “Of course, God is absolutely possible to do that.” However, Able-to-do is one thing, Actually-Done is yet another. But the thing is that the above paragraph is NOT an “explanation” but just a theological declaration, saying, “God is omnipotent.” No Christians would deny this declaration but no explanation has been offered either. If we just stop here and overwhelm our questioners with a grand assertion, what else can the listener say? Discussion cannot go on and the listener simply walks away unsatisfied. This approach is not conducive to evangelism toward unbelievers, especially those with science background.

Joshua lived in an era when Geocentric Theory prevails. People believed that the earth was the center of the universe, and the sun went around the stationary earth. If Joshua wanted to get a longer daylight, it was natural for him to ask God to bring the sun and the moon to stand still. However, not until the sixteenth century, Copernicus discovered the Heliocentric Theory confirming that it is not the sun that moves, it is the earth that goes around the sun. God knows but Joshua did not. In this reality, a longer daylight can be achieved by one of the two ways: Stop the self-rotation or tilt of the rotation axis, and then return to the original state after 24 hours. Could God do that? Absolutely. If it was the case, one could not even imagine the magnitude of the tidal waves this cosmic shift might have caused. Set aside all other effects not mentioning here, just the gigantic tsunami alone was enough to destroy the whole planet. Putting in perspective, the devastation of the 2004 Indonesian tsunami during which more than 200,000 people died, stood no comparison with this cosmic catastrophe.

With this last option being rejected, let me offer a simple hypothetical explanation: God supernaturally created a special luminous body for Joshua to illuminate his battlefield so he could keep on attacking the enemies in one breath until victory was proclaimed. This luminous body, to Joshua, as an observer, was his “sun” which existed for 24 hours and disappeared. Of course, I cannot be 100% certain that this was indeed the case, but it does, to my mind, offer a strong explanation acceptable to most people comparing with other alternatives. Many thoughts can be drawn to sustain this claim:

First, we still can ask, “God is omnipotent. God can create the universe. He can turn water into wine. He can separate the Red Sea and Jordan River. He can raise the dead to life. Can’t He create a light-bearer (or just light) at the right time and in the right place so the observers may perceive it as a sun?” Now this statement is no longer merely a theological declaration—it still is, but offers a reasonable explanation to this otherwise difficult text.

Second, If the earth’s self-rotation had really altered abruptly, or the sun and the moon had really stopped as perceived by Joshua, one would expect that there would have  impacted everywhere on the earth and large amount of records/stories would have been emerged, but there was none. But the proposed explanation does not require information outside the Bible to validate it. Scripture alone is sufficient. This explanation finds precedence in biblical redemptive history. When the Israelite army (and people) were pursued by Pharaoh, it was difficult for them to flee at night simply because they could not see the path so God created the pillar of fire at night. This phenomenon of God’s special creation is accepted by all Christians. The pillar of fire was not only for illumination, but also served as a fire-wall to block for the Egyptian soldiers and horses from advancing.

Third, this explanation helps to understand other difficult episodes, such as these:

(1) When Jesus was born, a moving star appeared on the sky, guiding the Magi of the East on their journey to visit the Christ-child. What was that star? As many might have thought of it as a complex concourse of astronomical phenomena, but there was no record outside the Bible making mention about it. It must be supernatural. Now, let us ask, who can prevent God from creating a special low-altitude “star” just for the Magi and thus providing a simple interpretive possibility? In addition, stars high up in space cannot be used for navigation without the aid of instruments, only low altitude moving object can. And I think God did it.

(2) In 2 Kings 20: 8-11, the Bible records this interesting story:

(v. 8) And Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “What is the sign that the Lord will heal me, and that I shall go up to the house of the Lord the third day?”

(v. 9) Then Isaiah said, “This is the sign to you from the Lord, that the Lord will do the thing which He has spoken: shall the shadow go forward ten degrees or go backward ten degrees?”

(v. 10) And Hezekiah answered, “It is an easy thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees; no, but let the shadow go backward ten degrees.”

(v. 11) So Isaiah the prophet cried out to the Lord, and He brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down on the sundial of Ahaz.

Following the same flow of thought, this episode can be interpreted as God created a strong light placed in an appropriate position to make the sundial shadow recede by ten degrees, meeting the demand of Hezekiah. Who could argue such possibility was not possible?

These explanations in no way minimize God’s omnipotence. They are not only supported by historic precedence (Exodus) but are also undergirded by the prehistoric event (Creation) as declared in Genesis. “And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth’ (Gen 1: 14-15)”. If God could create big lights for the cosmos, He certainly could create  lesser lights for Joshua, Magi, and Hezekiah.

One question remains: Did God really listen to Joshua’s prayer? What Joshua asked for was that God stops the motions of the sun and the moon, but the sun and the moon continued to operate. Yet the Bible says, “Jehovah God answers his prayers”.

Let me share with you my personal story: Many years ago, I worked in Silicon Valley, California, as an engineer during the rudimentary stage of the semiconductor industry . By the grace of God, I made some progress in designing DRAM. It should be a pleasant time for me, but I always felt dissatisfied with my situation because what I really wanted to do was Basic Research in which I had fervent Interest. So I attempted to change job and think about it every day. I started by applying Bell Lab, the most prestigious research center in the United States at the time. Despite my many prayers and many efforts, this wish seemed going nowhere. One day, I unexpectedly received a phone call from IBM in the office. An interview was setup, I went to New York to talk to the managers. Once I got off the airplane on my first interview trip, I saw many green trees, mountains and rivers. I fell in love with New York. I decided to accept the IBM offer and happily worked there for decades. Looking back, I asked God for Bell Lab, but God gave me IBM. Who can say that God did not answer my prayers? Joshua asked for more sunlight, but God did not give him the sunlight the way he wanted. Didn’t Joshua ’s prayer get answered?  The Bible tells us, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts (Isa 55: 9).” Amen!

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聖經難題:「少了一日」, 可能嗎?

By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); March 7, 2020

在聖經的救贖史中, 有以下的記載:「12當耶和華將亞摩利人交付以色列人的日子、約書亞就禱告耶和華、在以色列人眼前說、日頭阿、你要停在基遍.月亮阿、你要止在亞雅崙谷。13於是日頭停留、月亮止住、直等國民向敵人報仇.這事豈不是寫在雅煞珥書上麼.日頭在天當中停住、不急速下落、約有一日之久。14在這日以前、這日以後、耶和華聽人的禱告、沒有像這日的.是因耶和華為以色列爭戰。」(書10:12-14)

對一位科學家和工程師來説, 這是一個非常困難的問題。在人類歷史中,真的有「日頭停留、月亮止住」的事件發生過嗎?我堅信科學與聖經毫無衝突。伽利略曾説: 「神給人類两本書, 一本是《聖經》, 另一本是《大自然》。」如果兩本書都是出于一個源頭,他們是一定不會矛盾的。如果有矛盾的地方, 一定是解經有誤,或是科學理論不正確。科學之存在乃基于自然律的存在。有自然律就必定有一位自然律的賜予者。所以科學源于上帝。在這個引言之下,我們如何去理解這段經文?

從眾解經書中,筆者歸納成三個解釋此經段的的可能性。但沒有一個解釋能有很強的説服力。那麼,在堅守「聖經絶無錯誤 (Bible inerrancy)」和「聖經不能有誤 (Bible infallibility)」的大前提下,那麼我們如何去處理這段經文呢?首先我們從現有的解釋去比較它們所能提供的「解釋能力(explanation power)」,看看那一個比較強。

  • 第一個解釋是:太陽和月亮真的停止了它們的正常軌跡。
  • 第二個解釋是:約書亞的禱告是用當時迦南人的占星術的術語説出來。
  • 第三個解釋是:這禱告是詩意的描述。

第二個解釋是不可能。因為約書亞從起初 (過紅海,探察迦南地) 直至進入迦南 (過約旦河,攻打耶和哥和别的戰役), 都是一致地效忠耶和華。也是因為他的忠心被摩西選為接班人。所以他不可能會用異教徒的方法禱告。

第三個解釋也有可能性,聖經的確有很多地方是以詩歌體裁去表達。特別是經文中提到「雅煞珥書 (book of Jashar)」, 它是一本希伯來聖經提到的一本「偽經(apocryphal book)」, 是以史詩 (epic) 形式寫成。詩歌中出現的這一件事, 是被解釋為對長期戰鬥的詩意描述。Jashar 在聖經中出現兩次,另一處是在 (撒下1:17)。在敘述文中插入一段詩歌,聖經有不少前例,特別是在先知書中不難找到。解經最大的難處是體裁的分類,這裏我不敢斷言它是屬詩歌體。為了安全起見,我暫時拒絕接受第三個解釋。因為一旦接受,就成了解經的「災禍之源 (open Pandora’s box)」; 以後一碰到難題, 便隨隨便便揮手地説,「呀!這不過是詩人的表達而矣! 」那以後的問題就更大了。況且我相信約書亞不是一位詩人,他是軍人。

那麼,最佳的選擇就是第一項的解釋了。支持這個解釋的論據是:「神是無所不能,神能創造宇宙,祂能使水變酒,祂能把河水分開,祂能使死人復活等, 難道祂不能使太陽和月亮停止它們的正常運作嗎?」這個修辭學的問題的答案是「神絕對可能。」但問題是,上述一段話,不算是「解釋」, 只是一個神學上的宣告,就是宣告「神是無所不能」。基督徒無可否認這個宣告。但如果我們只停在這裡,以一個宣告壓下來, 當為解釋,聼者還有什麼可言?討論就不能再進行下去了。這說法對傳福音有害無益,不能使人信服,特別是有科學背景的的基督徒。

約書亞是處於一個「地心説 geocentric」盛行的時代, 人們相信地球是宇宙的中心,太陽繞地球而轉,如果他希望要獲得長一點的日光, 很自然地他會祈求神把太陽和月亮停止行動。但至十六世紀,哥伯尼 (Copernicus) 發現「日心説 (heliocentric theory)」, 他主張不是太陽在動,而是地球在動,如果要長一點的日光,只有兩種方法: 地球的自轉突然停止,或自轉軸的傾斜度要改變, 然後廿四小時後又再回復原來的樣子。試想想,這種宇宙性的巨變,會產生多大的潮汐波 (tidal wave), 其它的效應暫且不提,光是所引起的海啸足以毁滅整個地球,2004年的印尼海嘯 (20多万人死亡) 與此相比,真是小巫見大巫了。

現在讓我提供一個簡單且易明的解釋 (hypothetical explanation) ,就是上帝為約書亞特別地, 超自然地 (supernaturally) 創造了一個發光體, 照明約書亞的戰塲,好讓他能勢如破竹地繼續攻打下去; 對約書亞 (觀察者) 來説,這光體就像太陽一般,它只存在24小時之久就消失了。這説法, 聼來簡單, 卻有很大的「解釋能力」。理由如下。

「神是無所不能,神能創造宇宙,祂能使水變酒,祂能把河水分開,祂能使死人復活等, 難道祂不能在適當的時刻和地點創造一個光體嗎?」現在這句話不再僅僅是神學上的宣告, 而且具有強烈的解釋因素在其中。

這解釋也説明了, 如果日月在宇宙中真的停止, 那麼如此具大的天文事件,為什麼聖經之外的人類歷史毫無記錄? 據此解釋,答案是:日月根本沒有停止過。

這解釋是史有前例。當以色列人被法老追逼, 夜間逃命很困難,因為看不見路,神就為祂的子民創造一個光體,就是晚間的火柱 (pillar of fire), 因為它是長形所以被稱為光柱,這是基督徒一致能接受的事實。


  • 耶穌出生時,在東方出現一顆星,帶領東方博士們準確地領到小孩耶穌的面前。這星不是天文現象的巧合, 筆者認為是神特別的創造。還有, 太空上的星, 若沒有儀器是不能作導航用的,唯有神所創造的低空光體才能帶領博士們到小孩耶穌的門前。若它是一個自然界的天文現正,為什麼在聖經以外找不到證據?
  • 聖經記載這樣一段故事:「8 希西家問以賽亞說、耶和華必醫治我、到第三日、我能上耶和華的殿、有甚麼兆頭呢。9以賽亞說、耶和華必成就他所說的、這是他給你的兆頭.你要日影向前進十度呢、是要往後退十度呢。10希西家回答說、日影向前進十度容易.我要日影往後退十度。11先知以賽亞求告耶和華、耶和華就使亞哈斯的日晷向前進的日影、往後退了十度。(王下20:8-11) 」循着這個思路, 這事可解釋為: 神特別創造一個強光體,置在適當的位置,使日規的影子退十度, 滿足了希西家的要求。

以上的説法並無降低神全能的屬性,更能見證那不但「史有前例」更是「史前有例」的事件:「 14神說、天上要有光體、可以分晝夜、作記號、定節令、日子、年歲.15並要發光在天空、普照在地上.事就這樣成了。(創1:14-15)」

現在還剩下一個問題: 究竟神有沒有聽約書亞的禱告呢?約書亞求的是日月停止運行,但日月繼續運行。然而聖經明説耶和華神應允他的禱告。

讓我作一個個人的見證: 我年青時在加州矽谷工作多年, 在設計DRAM方面也有一㸃小成就, 本應很愉快, 但我總是不滿現實,因為我對基層硏究 (basic research) 非常有興趣,每天都想轉工, 我便申請當時美國最有名望的硏究中心 Bell Lab。雖然經過禱告, 但此路總是不通。有一天, 我在辦公室突然接到IBM的電話, 訪談後, 我便去紐約與經理們長談, 我看到紐約州有很多清翠的樹木, 又有山又有河,我愛上了紐約州, 便毅然接受IBM的工作, 就這樣幹了幾十年。我求Bell Lab, 神卻給我IBM,誰能説神沒有聼我的禱告。約書亞其實是求光,但神卻不用他所求的方式賜光給他,難道約書亞的禱告沒有被應允嗎?「天怎樣高過地、照樣我 (耶和華) 的道路、高過你們的道路、我的意念、高過你們的意念。(賽55:9)」阿門!

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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); February 21. 2020

基督教的聖餐禮拜是以頌讀經文為開始。最常讀的經文是哥林多前書第11章。但這不是唯一可用到的經文。除哥林多前書外,還有路加福音第22章,這也是非常普遍的。此外,馬太, 馬可和約翰福音書都有與聖餐相關的經文。偶然也有牧師採用出埈及記所記載的第一次逾越節的經文 (出12:1-11)。但如果我問, 「在這許多的經文中,那一段是比較更適合于聖餐呢?」那麼我們就要作一些比較,幫助我們在這課題上有更多認識。首先我們以哥林多前書的經典式本文 (classical text) 先作思考。

哥林多前書 (11:23-29)


For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread,

24祝謝了、就擘開、說、這是我的身體、為你們捨的.〔捨有古卷作擘開〕你們應當如此行 (Repetition)、為的是記念我 。

and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.”

25飯後、也照樣拿起杯來、說、這杯是用我的血所立的新約.你們每逢喝的時候、要如此行、為的是記念我 。

In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.”

26你們每逢喫這餅、喝這杯 、是表明 主的死、直等到他來 。

For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

27所以無論何人、不按理喫 主的餅、喝主的杯、就是干犯主的身主的血了。

Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord.

28人應當自己省察 、然後喫這餅、喝這杯。

A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup.


For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself.


  • 現在
    • Benediction (祝謝)
    • Commemoration (為的是記念主)
    • communion (為你們捨的; 喫這餅、喝這杯; 是用主的血所立的新約)
    • Consecration (無論何人;按理與干犯;分別為聖)
    • Examination (自我省察)
  • 过去 (回顧)
    • Proclamation (表明主的死)
  • 將來
    • Anticipation (直等到主的再來)
  • 今生
    • Repetition (應當如此行; 每蓬)



They left and found things just as Jesus had told them. So they prepared the Passover.


When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table.


And he said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.

16我告訴你們、我不再喫這筵席、直到成就在 神的國裡。

For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.”

17耶穌接過杯來、祝謝了 (benediction)、說、你們拿這個、大家分著喝。

After taking the cup, he gave thanks and said, “Take this and divide it among you.

18我告訴你們、從今以後、我不再喝這葡萄汁、直等 神的國來到。

For I tell you I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.”

19又拿起餅來祝謝了、就擘開遞給他們、說、這是我的身體、為你們捨的.你們也應當如此行 、為的是記念。

And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”


In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.


  • 新約時代的第一個聖餐是由耶穌在祂與門徒共享最後一次逾越節晩宴時設立的。
  • 這聖餐是建立在 (約3500年前) 舊約第一個逾越節筵席的历史基礎上, 因為那一次的晚餐正是在慶祝傳統逾越節的晚宴中進行。(See verse 13)
  • 這裡並沒有提到用餐時「人應該自己省察」。
  • 如果哥林多前書是以实践為重点, 那麽路加福音便是以救贖史为重点。

這段經文還有一個特色:如果我們只讀第十七至十九節,我們看到次序的顛倒,就是「先杯後餅」。但如果你只讀十九節至廿節,次序又回復到傳統的「先餅後杯」。最可能的解釋是,在舊約的逾越節晚餐中,他們喝禮儀式的酒至少有兩三次之多,甚至四次。今天猶太人有「逾越節家宴 (Seder)」,他們在餐中喝四杯 (次) 酒, 同時也吃未發酵過的薄飯 (matzo)。吃餅也不是一次就吃完,他們把擘開的餅留一半作飯後點心用(dessert)。家主在進餐時講故事給晚輩聼,並解釋其意義。這晩餐是在逾越節期間的第一或第二個晚上舉行的。筆者在紐約時,為了增廣見聞,也曾參加過猶太社區的Seder. 更有趣的是,他們還保留一張無人坐的椅子,似乎是在等待以利亞先知的隨時光臨。

馬太26:26-30 也是聖餐經文之一, 但比較簡短, 少被人所用。


While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”


Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you.


This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.


I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father’s kingdom.”


When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.

馬太福音不但提到基督的血是立新約的記號,也説及它的功用,就是「使罪得赦」。這裡也提到「我父的國」和「喝新的日子」。詞語充滿彌賽的 (messianic) 意味。

約翰福音 6:53-57


Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.


Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.


For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.


Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him.


Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me.

This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever.”

天主教憑著這段經文堅持「變體論的教義 (doctrine of transubstantiation)」。他們認為當神父祝謝了這些元素 (Eucharistic elements) 後,這些餅便真真正正變成基督的肉,這些葡萄汁便真真正正變成基督的血了。但基督教不同意這説法,我們相信飲食只是一種代表, 絶無轉換之意。

最近 Covid-19 病毒流行,從中國的武漢起波及全球。世人開始對防疫十分重視。在教會的聖餐禮拜中,分餅杯的執事同工,帶上手套,餅和杯都是用巳消毒過的包裝保護,為了免除病毒傳染的可能性。這是非常明智的措施。但我不知道天主教的做法如何?如果他們真的相信餅杯的的確確是基督的血肉,那就大可不用防備了,難道基督的寶血會有毒死人的可能性嗎?

如果聖經是上帝啓示的道(revealed Word of God),那麼基督就是上帝生命的道 (living Word of God),兩者均來自超自然的源頭。吃基督的肉,飲基督的血,乃代表我們應勤讀聖經更要活出祂的誡命。這就是擘餅聚會的最終目標。


現在我們要回答這個問題:在那麽多的經文中,那一段經文比較適用于教會的聖餐儀式? 我想上述的任何一段都適合,只要主禮者把聖餐的意義解釋清楚就好了。如果在聖餐禮儀中不時輪流使用不同的經文,或許會幫助基督徒會友對聖經獲得更全面的認識並增加新鮮感。但哥林多前書十一章有一㸃與眾不同,就是它把「自我省察」的要素加上去。或許我們覺得加與不加也無傷大雅,但保羅卻把這要素視為極其重要。我們讀經時通常只讀到第廿九節為止,但如果我們多讀一節,就察覺到它的嚴重性:

(v. 30) 「因此、在你們中間有好些軟弱的、與患病的、死的也不少。〔死原文作睡〕

That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep. 」

當時的教會,若信徒忽畧自省,可能會導致疾病,甚至死亡。在恩典時代的今天,可能沒有患病及身亡之憂, 但聖經的話顯示了忽畧「自省」的嚴重後果。

另一個問題是:至於「先吃後飲」還是「先飲後吃」? 筆者認為都無所謂。但教會兩千多年傳統都是 「先吃後飲」, 那又何必標奇立異呢?改變傳統做法會導致參與者分心而忘記了聖餐的意義。

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在患難中的平安 (Peace in the Midst of Tribulation)

By Tin-chee Lo 盧天賜 (2019 聖誕節) [in both Chinese and English]

在人類近代史中的一個黑暗時刻,出現了一個傑出的聖誕節故事。當時第一次世界大戰巳開始席捲歐陸,毀滅和殘骸處處可見,死亡的氣味充滿大地。就在這黑暗的衝突中, 來了一個「聖誕節停戰 (Christmas Truce)」的故事。那年是1914, 就是家父出生的那一年。 戰爭爆發後只幾個月,西歐的陣線巳變成了可悲的一幕。但友敵雙方卻同意在聖誕節前夕和聖誕節那一天停止戰爭,好似是給仕兵們吐一口氣。

爆炸的聲音停止了,槍聲也消失了。取而代之的是聖誕頌歌。英軍法軍在這邊唱;德軍在另一邊高歌,一唱一和,友敵不分,肅靜的夜晚被聖誕頌歌所充滿。 到了早晨,雙方的仕兵走出自巳戰壕的迷宮,進入巳燒焦的無人地帶。仕兵們不分彼此,互相分享家庭照片,互相交換禮物:香煙,香口膠,甚至袋中的口糧。幾個鐘頭前他們是死敵,現在居然是朋友。突然間,有一名德軍,從戰壕中拿出一個英式足球,戰塲立即變成球塲。死寂的焦土成為熱鬧的遊樂場所。這個事件成為「倫敦時報 」的熱門新聞。

人類是多麼渴望和平。可惜地上的平安是多麼的短暫。但上帝在基督𥚃所賜的平安,是永恆的。不但是指將來的永世, 乃是甚至今天。

(v. 6) 因有一嬰孩為我們而生、有一子賜給我們.政權必擔在他的肩頭上.他名稱為奇妙、策士、全能的 神、永在的父、和平的君。
(v. 7) 他的政權與平安必加增無窮.他必在大衛的寶座上、治理他的國、以公平公義使國堅定穩固、從今直到永遠。萬軍之耶和華的熱心、必成就這事。

(v. 27) 我留下平安給你們、我將我的平安賜給你們.我所賜的、不像世人所賜的.你們心裡不要憂愁、也不要膽怯。

基督徒的最大的平安是 (1) 在患難中的平安,知道主與我們同在,並在困難中加力。(2) 赦罪的平安。 我們因信基督, 就不再被定罪了。

(V. 16) 神愛世人、甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們、叫一切信他的、不至滅亡、反得永生。
(V. 17) 因為 神差他的兒子降世、不是要定世人的罪、〔或作審判世人下同〕乃是要叫世人因他得救。

在至高之處榮耀歸與 神、在地上平安歸與他所喜悅的人
(路加福音 2:14)

Peace in the Midst of Tribulation (2019 Christmas)

At a dark moment in modern human history, an outstanding Christmas story emerged. At that time, World War I had begun to sweep across the Western European continent, destruction and ruins were everywhere, and the smell of death filled the air. It was in this dark conflict that a story of “Christmas Truce” came. That year was 1914, the year that my father was born. Only a few months after the outbreak of World War I, the Western European front became a horrid scene. For some reasons, both sides of the conflict agreed to stop the fighting on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, as if to give the soldiers a moment of breath of relief.

The thunder of the explosion ceased, and the sound of the guns disappeared. Instead, Christmas carols replaced the deafening explosion. The British and French sang on this side; the Germans sang on the other side; one side sang another side responded. They set aside their animosity. The quiet night was filled with joyful Christmas carols. At dawn, the officers and soldiers of both sides walked out of the maze of their trenches and slowly walked up to the scorched no-man’s land. The officers and soldiers shared family photos and exchanged gifts with each other: cigarettes, chewing gums, and even rations in their bags. Only a few hours ago they were mortal enemies and now they were friends. Suddenly, a German soldier took out a soccer ball from the trench, and the battlefield immediately turned into a ballpark. The deadly scorched place became a lively playground. This event was reported as hot news in the London Times.

How much more human beings have anxiously longed for peace. What a pity that the man-made peace on earth are so short-lived. But God’s peace in Christ is eternal—not just eschatologically but also existentially.

Isaiah Chapter 9 prophesied:
(v. 6) For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

(V. 7) Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.

This prophesy had been fulfilled two thousand years ago on the first Christmas morning. Jesus in John 14 says:

(V. 27) Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

The greatest aspect of peace for Christians is (1) the peace in the midst of tribulation, knowing that our Lord is always with us, and He strengthens us in our times of difficulties, and (2) the peace of knowing that we are being forgiven–we are no longer condemned because of our sins.

John 3 reads:
(V. 16) For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
(V. 17) For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests. (Luke 2:14)” Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my readers.

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The Meaning of “Nakedness” in Genesis

By T.C. Lo; November 16, 2018

Inasmuch as original sin is a mystery (Ref. 1), the literal meaning of the record in Genesis (3 : 6-7) is easy to understand. God gave our First Ancestors one and only “restriction” which said “…but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die (Genesis 2:17).” Then they were tempted by the devil. Sadly, they succumbed to it as described below:

Genesis 3:

(V. 6) When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
(V. 7) Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

These two Bible verses seem to have no major difficulties on the surface, but after taking a second glance, they are not without perplexity in the understanding of the meaning of nakedness.

  • The first understanding is that Adam and Eve were actually naked prior to their disobedience against God, but they were not aware of their naked condition until after they had sinned.
  • Another possible interpretation is that Adam and Eve were not naked at all before their disobedience. They were only changed into the state of nakedness after committing the act of disobedience and they immediately recognized such changes.

The author believes that the first speculation is unlikely. If they didn’t even know their condition of nakedness – such a simple thing – how could they have the intelligibility to understand God’s injunction set for them? How could they freely have conducted meaningful communication with God? As “creatures with a living soul” made in the image of God, how could they have such a large deficiency in their self-understanding?

The second argument is more conceivable because, first, the Bible time and time again talks about that people in the eternal state have some kind of glorious covering to drape over their bodies. But after the Fall, Adam and Eve discovered that the special kind of covering was gone. I believe that our First Ancestors were in this “eternal state” before they had committed the original sin. Now, let’s consider a few verses to sustain the covered-bodies argument:

(Matt 22:11-12)
(V. 11) But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes.

(V. 12) ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless.

Here the “wedding clothes” represent the righteousness of Christ. This “glorious clothing” function to conceal the unholiness of the elected.

(Rev 21:2)
I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.

The bride represents the church. She is not naked but wears beautifully decorated clothes.

Quite clearly, this kind of covering for the bodies is a kind of beautiful and glorious draping. On the Mount of transfiguration, the clothes Jesus, and even Moses and Elijah, wore were as white as the light, representing unspeakably glory. (Matthew 17:2)

So we can imagine that Adam and Eve had some glorious covering when they were in the state of innocence.

On the contrary, in hell, people are believed to be naked as implied by the following verse.

「Death is naked before God; Destruction (Abaddon) lies uncovered. (Job 26:6) 」

In the case of the underworld, the great artist Michelangelo painted on fresco in the Sistine Chapel, The Last Judgment, which has such an imaginative depiction.

Once Adam and Eve sinned, their eyes were opened; they could clearly see the thorns in other’s eye (but they couldn’t see the big beams in their own eyes). So when they were interrogated by God, they repeatedly shirked the responsibilities and blamed on others. Their iniquities in front of God had made them unfit to wear the glorious clothes which God took away from them. Adam and Eve then keenly realized that they were naked.

They took the leaves of the fig tree and made skirts for themselves in order to cover their shame. Why were they shameful to be naked? Adam and Eve were husband and wife before the Fall, and they were still married after the Fall. At that time, there were only two of them. Why did they feel shameful of their nakedness? I think their “shame” is not because they saw each other naked, but because of their own sin.

The sin itself, no matter how you feel about it, is an objective shame; but when you are remorseful of your sin, the objective sin becomes a subjective guilt feeling. This guilt was the source of the shame for Adam and Eve. Not only did they lose the beautiful covering, but they also exposed their shame, because an uncovered body was shameful.

I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see (Rev. 3:18).

The subjective guilt feeling of Adam and Eve indicated their repentance based on which salvation came upon them.

The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. (Genesis 3:21)

The leather is taken from the dead animal that represents a sin offering. It foreshadowed Jesus as a priest who offered Himself as also the sacrifice. People cannot save themselves. Here we see that salvation is solely from God and is the work of Christ’s grace wrought on the cross. It is important to note that Jesus was also naked on the cross to bear the shame of our sins.

The ESV Study Bible also takes this view: “Crucifixion, performed naked and in public, and inflicting prolonged pain on the victim, was intended to cause shame as well as death” (comment on Hebrews 12:2).

Open nakedness in public is a manifestation of shame to the utmost.

The nature of a fallen man is not to rely on God, but to rely on his own abilities to solve his problem. Therefore, in consternation, the First Couple quickly used the leaves of fig tree to make clothes for themselves. When God walked in the garden and called them, they were very afraid, and they hid in the trees and did not dare to face God—this is a showing of shame. When the cool breeze blew over, the skirts of leaves were neither able to keep them warm nor completely covered their shamefulness. The self-help policy of the people is hopelessly in vain. But God has abundant grace, and He actively extends the hand of redemption to His children.

Now let us hark back to what God did for Adam and Eve before the Fall: God first gave Adam a partner and set up the holy matrimony for them. (Genesis 2:22-25):

(V. 22) Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

(V. 23) The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman, ‘ for she was taken out of man.”

(V. 24) For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

(V. 25) The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.

The words in verse 25 are the description of Adam and Eve’s condition in the context of marriage before they sinned. Obviously, the “nakedness” here refers to the exclusive intimate relationship between husband and wife. Because of the demand of exclusivity, it follows to mean that they are not running naked in their ordinary daily life. In the sacred marriage, “nakedness” is meant to be a gift from God to fulfill God’s purpose for them: “To multiply and fill the earth,” so they were not ashamed of the God-ordained purpose. Here again, we see that nakedness could be realized in their mind and their eyes were bright to be conscious of their nakedness—no need to wait until they have sinned The nakedness within the marriage is exclusive, which points to the need of clothing in public life. We all need clothing now and glorious covering in eternity.

I hope this article may inspire readers to think about some of the so-called simple verses and discover the Bible’s inexhaustible treasure. This kind of reflection brings a new sense of awe in our faith in God.

(Ref. 1) //www.hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=742

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By Tin-chee (TC) Lo (盧天賜); November 15, 2019

盡管原罪是一個奧秘 (Ref. 1),創世記第三章 (3: 6-7) 的字面記載也算是容易明白的。上帝賜給始祖一條「唯一的禁令」,就是:「不可吃分別善惡樹的果子。」後來他們卻受魔鬼的引誘而被屈服了。

(V. 6) 於是女人 (夏娃) 見那棵樹的果子好作食物、也悅人的眼目、且是可喜愛的、能使人有智慧、就摘下果子來喫了.又給他丈夫 (亞當)、他丈夫也喫了。
(V. 7) 他們二人的眼睛就明亮了、纔知道自己是赤身露體、便拿無花果樹的葉子、為自己編作裙子。

這兩節經文表面看來好像沒有多大的問題,但經過進深的思考後, 發現它們並非沒有難明之處。問題在于對「赤身露體」的領會。

  • 第一種領會是:亞當與夏娃在犯罪之前真的是赤身露體,但是他們卻不知道,直至犯罪之後才知道自己原是裸體的。
  • 另一種領會是:亞當與夏娃在犯罪前並不是真的赤身露體,只是犯罪後才改變成赤身露體,而自己察覺到這樣的改變。


第二種説法的可能性較大,因為聖經中一次又一次地論到人在永恆狀態 (eternal state)中是有某一種遮蓋身體的東西的,但在人犯罪之後,便發覺那一種「特殊的遮體物」不見了。始祖在未犯罪前是可以被視為處于這「永恆狀態」的。現在考慮數處經文:

(v. 11)「王進來觀看賓客、見那裡有一個沒有穿禮服的。
(v. 12) 就對他說、朋友、你到這裡來、怎麼不穿禮服呢。那人無言可答。」(太22:11-12)


「我又看見聖城新耶路撒冷由 神那裡從天而降、預備好了、就如新婦妝飾整 (beautifully dressed), 等候丈夫。」(啓21:2)


再次強調,這種遮蓋身體的東西是一種榮美的复盖物。在登山變像中,耶穌 (甚至連摩西和以利亞) 的衣裳是潔白如光,極度榮耀的 (太40:2) 所以我們可推想到亞當和夏娃在未犯罪前是有某些榮耀的「衣服」遮蔽他們的身體的。

「在 神面前陰間顯露、滅亡 (Destruction “Abaddon”) 也不得遮掩。(伯26:6) 」

論到陰間的情況,米開朗基羅 (Michelangelo) 的西斯廷教堂 (Sistine Chapel) 壁畫《最後的審判》(fresco The Last fresco The Last Judgment Judgment) 就有這樣的想像式描述。

一旦始祖犯了罪後,他們的眼睛明亮起來,清楚地看到別人眼中的刺 (但看不到自己眼中的木梁)。所以當他們被神審問時,總是把責任推到別人身上。他們在神面前的規欠,使他們不配穿著那榮耀的的衣服,神就把它脫落下來,亞當和夏娃那時就真的意識到他們是赤身露體了。他們便拿無花果樹的葉子、為自己編作裙子,為自己遮羞。為什麼赤身露體是羞恥呢? 亞當與夏娃在墮落前是夫妻,在墮落後仍是夫妻, 當時只有他們倆人,為什麼他們因彼此赤身露體感到「羞恥」呢?我想他們的「羞恥感」不是因為他們看到對方的赤祼,而是出於自己的罪的緣故。罪的本身, 不管你對它的感覺如何,就是一種客觀的罪疚 (objective shame) ;但當你對罪產生悔意時, 客觀的罪疚就變成主觀的內疚 (subjective guilt feeling) 了。這個內疚就是亞當與夏娃感到羞恥的來源。他們不但失去榮美的衣服,而且羞恥也顯露出來,因為赤身露體的本身就是羞恥的。

「 我勸你向我買火煉的金子、叫你富足.又買白衣穿上、叫你赤身的羞恥不露出來.又買眼藥擦你的眼睛、使你能看見。( 啓3:18)」


(v. 21) 「耶和華 神為亞當和他妻子用皮子作衣服、給他們穿。」 (創3:21)

皮衣是從死的動物取下來的。它代表贖罪祭。預表耶穌是祭司,祂也是祭物。人不能自救。在此處,我們便看到救恩唯獨是出于神,是祂恩典的作為。論到基督被釘十架的情景, 約翰福音 19:23-24 寫道:

(v.23) 兵丁既然將耶穌釘在十字架上、就拿他的衣服分為四分、每兵一分.又拿他的裡衣.這件裡衣、原來沒有縫兒、是上下一片織成的。(v. 24) 他們就彼此說、我們不要撕開、只要拈鬮、看誰得著.這要應驗經上的話說、『他們分了我的外衣、為我的裡衣拈鬮。』兵丁果然作了這事。

因罪人極盡其羞辱之能事,所以我相信耶穌是完完全全赤赤裸裸地擔當我們罪孽的羞恥。ESV (English Standard Version) 聖經研讀本持這種觀點: “在裸體和公開場合被釘十字架,給受害者造成長期痛苦,旨在造成恥辱甚至死亡” (對希伯來書12:2評論)。

公開式的裸體就是羞辱的表現。墮落人類的天性是不依靠神,單靠自己的方法去解決問題。因此,他們在徬徨之間,趕快用無花果樹的葉子作衣服蔽體。當神在園中行走,呼喚他們的時候,他們十分害怕,便躲藏在樹叢中,不敢面對上帝—這是羞恥的表現。涼風一吹來,樹葉編作的裙子,既不保暖,也不能完全遮羞。人的自救方策,於事無濟。但神有豐盛的恩典,祂主動地伸出救贖的手, 為亞當和他妻子用皮子作衣服。現在我們回到始祖在犯罪之前神為他們所作的事:賜給亞當一位伴侶,並為他們設立婚姻。

(v. 22) 耶和華 神就用那人身上所取的肋骨、造成一個女人、領他到那人跟前。
(v. 23) 那人說、這是我骨中的骨、肉中的肉、可以稱他為女人、因為他是從男人身上取出來的。
(v. 24) 因此、人要離開父母、與妻子連合、二人成為一體。
(v. 25) 當時夫妻二人、赤身露體、並不羞恥。(創 世記 2章)

第25 節的話是亞當和夏娃在他們尙未犯罪前神為他們設立婚姻之後所説的。明顯地,這裡的「赤身露體」是指夫妻的親密關係,是有排外性的 (exclusivity), 所以不是指在平常生活中他們是公開祼體的。在神聖的婚姻內,「赤身露體」是神給人的禮物,是為了成全神對他們的旨意:「要生養眾多、遍滿地面」,所以他們並不感到羞恥。這裡再次説到赤身露體是他們可以在頭腦上意識到的,並非要等到犯罪後,眼睛明亮了才能夠意識到。婚姻中的赤身露體既是有排外性,犯罪前也如是, 這就説明他們在公眾的生活中,不是赤祼,乃是有衣著的。

啟示錄:19:7-8, “我們要歡喜快樂,將榮耀歸給他,因為羔羊婚娶的時候到了,新婦也自己預備好了。就蒙恩得穿光明潔白的細麻衣。”

亞當和夏娃對裸體的可恥發現,意味著他們失去了原來那榮耀的長袍,這是筆者對創世記第三章 (3: 6-7) 的神學推理。 今天我們正在尋找我們脆弱的愛慾,我們的私處, 也將在新耶路撒冷, 被上帝的尊嚴和公義所覆蓋。


(Ref. 1) https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=742

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The Eagle Has Landed (中文版在後)

Reflection by T.C. Lo on the 50th year anniversary for the first man to walk on the moon

I have never forgotten the very day fifty years ago. Astronaut Neil Armstrong spoke the phrase “The Eagle Has Landed” to announce the successful landing of the Apollo 11 his famous lunar module named “Eagle” in the Sea of Tranquility on the moon on July 20, 1969. As the first man to walk on the moon, he uttered his famous line: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Less than 20 years later, Armstrong, a devoted Christian, came to Poughkeepsie, NY, to speak at an evangelical meeting where I brought my children (Esther and Tim) there to listen to his view on Christianity.

However monumental this historic event might have been, let us look back in time to see what had happened before it. Ravi Zacharias described it beautifully with theological insight (Ref. 1):

“On August 7, 1961, twenty-six year-old Major Gherman Titov became the second soviet cosmonaut to orbit the moon and return safely, climaxing a monumental feat for mankind. Sometime later, speaking at the world fair and savoring his moment of glory, he recounted this experience, vouchsafed to a privileged few. Under a triumphalist pretext, he let it be known that, on his excursion into space, he hadn’t seen God. Upon hearing of this exuberant argument from silence, someone quipped, “Had he stepped out of his space-suit he would have!” Evidently reluctant to restrict the immediate gains of the moment to the disciplines directly involved in that endeavor, Titov attempted to draw theological blood. Thus, one great step for science became for him, an immensely greater leap in philosophy.

On Christmas Eve, 1968, three American astronauts were first human beings to go around the “dark” side of the moon, away from the earth. Having fired their rockets, they were homebound on Apollo 8, and beheld our planet in a way that human eyes had never witnessed before. They saw Earth rise above the horizon of the moon, draped in a beauteous mixture of white and blue, bordered by glistering light of the sun against the black void of space. And in the throes of this awe-inspiring experience they open the pages of the book of Genesis and read for the world to hear ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and earth…’

Two similar experiences of awe and exhilaration; two diametrically opposed conclusions about the nature of the world. Such a chasm is quite understandable, for these two incidents carried into space the most fundamentally debated question on earth: Does God exist? Has God created man, or has man created God? Is God indispensably to any cosmological explanation, or is he only a psychological necessity of men? Theism or atheism?

In 1952, Encyclopedia Britannica published a fifty-five-volume series entitled The Great Books of the Western World. Mortimer Adler, the noted philosopher and legal scholar, was co-editor of this series, which marshaled the eminent thinkers of the western world and their writings on the most important ideas that have been studied and investigated over the centuries. This includes ideas in law, science, philosophy, history, theology, and love that have shaped the minds and destinies of people. These essays are assembled for comparison and contrast. Very striking to the observant reader is that the longest essay is on God. When Mr. Adler was asked by a reviewer why this theme merited such protracted coverage, his answer was uncompromising. “Because,” said he, “more consequences for life and action follow from the affirmation or denial of God than from any other basic question.”

Ref. 1 “The Real Face of Atheism” by Ravi Zacharias; pp 19-21.

By 盧天賜
人類首次登上月球的事件發生在五十年前的今天。我從未忘記過那一天所發生的事。 美國太空人尼爾·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)于1969年7月20日创造了 “鷹巳降落” 一詞,此詞源于一件歷史性的事件:他著名的登月艙名為“鷹” 巳成功地降落在月球的「寧靜海」中,代表了阿波羅11號的太空計劃成功了人類登月的任務。 在月球上,阿姆斯特朗說出了一句著名的話:“對於個人來說,這是一小步,但對於整個人類而言,這是一巨躍。”
約20年後左右,虔誠的基督徒阿姆斯特朗 (Neil Armstrong)來到紐約州波基普西市(Poughkeepsie),在一次當地舉辦的福音派佈道會中發表見證,我帶著我的孩子們(Esther和Tim)到那裡他對基督教的看法。不管這個歷史性事件是多麼具有紀念意義,讓我們回顧過去,看看在此次阿波羅11號的太空計劃之前發生了什麼事。 護道家拉維·扎卡里亞斯(Ravi Zacharias)用神學見解對以往(在美登月之八年前) 的美蘇大空競爭進行了一段精美的描述。茲將其內容簡述如下 (參考 1):
「1961年8月7日,年僅26歲的蓋爾曼· 蒂托夫少校 (Major Gherman Titov) 成為第二位進入繞月軌道並能安全返回地球的蘇聯宇航員。此舉為人類掀起了一項艱鉅而有歷史性的記錄。以後數年,這位蘇聯宇航員在世界博覽會上發表演說, 聼眾是少數的特權貴賓。在説話中, 他品嚐著自己過去的榮耀時刻; 在他回顧那次太空航行的經歷時,他帶著杈威的態度,以勝利者的口氣讓人們知道,在太空旅行中,斷言他「沒有見到上帝」。激動的講員正在振振有詞之際,從寂靜的聼眾中,有一人細語地打趣道:“當你跳出你所穿上的太空衣時,你便知道到底有沒有上帝了!” 顯然不願將眼前光榮的成績局限於直接參與這一努力的有關的科技,蒂托夫(Gherman Titov) 試圖汲取神學的血液, 作出了否定神存在的傲慢宣告。 因此,對他來說,科學的「偉大一步」成為了哲學上的「巨大飛躍」。他以為自己巳經「證明」了「上帝不存在」。
與此事件的另一對比:1968年聖誕節前夕,三名美國太空人,就是第一組繞過月球黑暗的那邊 (離地球最遠的那一點) 的人,啓動了火箭,準備開始返回地球的航程。他們在阿波羅8號(Apollo 8)的太空船內上航行,預料不到地看到人類從未看過的景像,就是我們所居住的美麗地球。他們驚喜地看到地球慢慢從月亮的「月」平線上升起,披上了白和藍色的美麗混合色彩,在漆黑色的虛無空間的襯托下, 周圍發出從太陽而來的刺眼光芒,把地球圓圈帶上了光榮的冠冕。在這種令人敬畏的阵痛經歷中,他們打開《創世紀》第一章,向全世界讚嘆地宣讀:「起初上帝創造了天地…」。
這兩次「非常相似」的惊惧和振奮的經歷中, 卻各自反映出關於宇宙本質的兩個「截然相反」的世界觀。無神論和有神論的鴻溝是可以理解的。藉著這兩個星際之旅,人們把地球上最根本的辯論問題帶入太空: 上帝存在嗎? 上帝創造了人,還是人創造了上帝? 上帝對任何宇宙學的解釋是必不可少嗎? 還是他只是人類的心理需要而矣? 有神的存在還是神根本不存在?
1952年,《大不列顛百科全書》出版了共55冊的系列,名為《西方世界的偉大著作》。著名的哲學家和法學家莫蒂默·阿德勒(Mortimer Adler) 是本系列的共同編輯團中的主編,該系列汇集了西方世界的傑出思想家及他們的著作所針對的最重要的硏討問題。這些問題是他們經過跨世紀的研究和考查所產的思想。內容包括影響人們理智和命運的理念, 如法律,科學,哲學,歷史,神學和愛的觀念。 這些文章是為了比較和對比分析而編寫成的。細心的讀者會發現,最長的文章是關乎上帝的。 當一位審稿人向阿德勒先生詢問為什麼這個主題值得如此長期的報導時,他的回答毫不妥協, 口氣強硬。他說:“因為,對上帝的肯定或否認給生命和行動帶來的後果要比任何其它基本問題更為嚴重。”」
(參考 1 ) Ravi Zacharias, “無神論的真面目”; 第19-21頁。
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