耶穌知道衪自己是誰 (Christological self-understanding)

(English edition at the end)

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); April 10, 2020 (Good Friday)

在這受難節和復活節期間,我們必需問:「耶穌究竟是誰?」這個問題是每個基督徒都要正視的。反對基督教的人仕或無神論者也盡其攻擊的能事去回應這個問題, 他們經過「研究」後説,耶穌只是一個道德家,是猶太拉比 (老師), 是聖賢, 是偶像破壞者, 是烏合之眾的煽動人, 或是甚麼都可以只要祂不是神。不管我們的答案如何,如果我們的答案與耶穌的自我意識 (self-consciousness) 不同,都是不正確的答案。耶穌一早就知道這個問題的關鍵性,所以他問十二門個徒説:「人說我人子是誰。他們說、有人說是施洗的約翰.有人說是以利亞.又有人說是耶利米、或是先知裡的一位。耶穌說、你們說我是誰。西門彼得回答說、你是基督、是永生 神的兒子。耶穌對他說、西門巴約拿、你是有福的.因為這不是屬血肉的指示你的、乃是我在天上的父指示的。(約翰福音16:13-17)」

耶穌與穆罕默德 (Mohammed) 之不同不僅在生活行為上, 更重要的是他們對自己被呼召的意義是否明白。當穆罕默德宣稱他獲得屬靈啟示後, 他甚感困惑, 不知意義何在。他需要別人告訴他這是神的聲音。但耶穌明確知道衪是誰並知道衪從那裏來。以下是, 根据聖經, 耶穌對自已的地位有明確認識 (self-understanding) 的證據 (Ref. 1):

(1) 耶穌以 “人子” 自稱

  • 這名稱衪應用在自己身上在四福音中出現 82 次之多, 包括被認為是最早成書的馬可福音 (14 次) 在內.
  • 批評家認為這是衪承認人性的宣稱, 但學者一致認為耶穌是參照 (約主前600年) 但以理 (7:13-14) 的用法: 人子被迎接到全能者的面前, 帶着權柄, 榮耀, 與能力, 並接受萬民的敬拜, 衪有審判的權柄, 衪的國永存不衰。 所以宣告自己是人子就等於宣告自己的神性。
    • (v. 13) 我在夜間的異象中觀看,見有一位像人子的,駕著天雲而來,被領到亙古常在者面前 ;
    • (v. 14) 得了權柄、榮耀、國度,使各方、各國、各族的人都事奉他。他的權柄是永遠的,不能廢去,他的國必不敗壞。”
  • 更奇妙的是, 耶穌自稱人子的頭銜都與將來的榮耀與即將來臨的受苦與死亡有關。 主是教導門徒對盼望以久的彌賽亞的新認識: 受苦在榮耀之先。
    • 正如人子來,不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人,並且要捨命,作多人的贖價。”(太20:28).
    • 耶穌說完了這一切的話,就對門徒說:“你們知道,過兩天是逾越節,人子將要被交給人,釘在十字架上。” (太26:1-2)
    • 耶穌說:“我是。你們必看見人子坐在那權能者的右邊,駕著天上的雲降臨。” (可14:62)
    • 我又告訴你們,凡在人面前認我的,人子在 神的使者面前也必認他;在人面前不認我的,人子在 神的使者面前也必不認他。(路12:8-9)
    • 並且因為他是人子,就賜給他行審判的權柄。(約5:27)

(2) 耶穌用 “我是” 的說法來宣稱自己的神性

  • 你們的祖宗亞伯拉罕歡歡喜喜地仰望我的日子,既看見了,就快樂。”猶太人說:“你還沒有五十歲,豈見過亞伯拉罕呢?”耶穌說:“我實實在在地告訴你們:還沒有亞伯拉罕就有了我。”於是他們拿石頭要打他,耶穌卻躲藏,從殿裡出去了。(約8:58)。 英: “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
  • 這個 “我是” 乃由神在荊棘叢中對摩西所說衪的名字: 神對摩西說:“我是自有永有的 (I AM WHO I AM).” 又說:“你要對以色列人這樣說:‘那自有的打發我到你們這裡來。’ (出3:14) 耶穌自稱是 “自有永有” 後群眾拿石頭要打死衪, 視衪褻瀆神。

(3) 耶穌以赦罪的權柄表明衪是神

  • 可 (2:5): 耶穌對癱子說:“小子,你的罪赦了.” 只有神才有資格和有意義地說這種話。
  • 因為罪, 就算是得罪人, 是首要地得罪了神和衪的律法。所以我们都需要赦免。
  • 耶穌先行後教, 但衪從未向父求赦免, 因祂是無罪。

(4) 耶穌認識衪在神國的地位

  • 甚至由衪的揀選十二位門徒, 我們可看到耶穌也作超越性的宣告。
  • 根据 Ben Witherington III (Ref. 2), “如果十二門徒代表更新的以色列 (renewed Israel), 那麽耶穌的位置何在” 他問道: “他不會只是以色列的一部份? 他不會只是被救贖群體的一部份? 他是塑造這群體的—-正如上帝在舊約中塑造衪的百姓並設立以色列的十二支派。這是耶穌如何想到自己的地位的一些線索。”

(5) 耶穌的教導方法

  • 關於耶穌的自我認識的另一線索是與衪的教導方法有關.耶穌教訓人時常用以下一句話作起點, “我實實在在的告訴你 Amen I say to you,” (John 出現25次)。 這是非常有革命性的. 作家 Witherington 繼續解釋下去: 在猶太教, 你需要两個見證人作證詞, 但耶穌對真理作見證只單憑衪自己的話。
    • 耶穌回答說:“我實實在在地告訴你:人若不重生,就不能見 神的國。”(約3:3)。
    • 我實實在在地告訴你們:一粒麥子不落在地裡死了,仍舊是一粒;若是死了,就結出許多子粒來。愛惜自己生命的,就失喪生命;在這世上恨惡自己生命的,就要保守生命到永生。(約12:24)
    • 到那日,你們甚麼也就不問我了。我實實在在地告訴你們:你們若向父求甚麼,他必因我的名賜給你們。(約16:23)
  • 他的教導不基於其他權威, 而只憑自已的權柄說話。這裡我們看到有一個人物, 他把自已視為具有比舊約先知更高的權柄. 衪相信自己具有不只是屬神的啟示, 正如大衛一樣, 更具有從神而來的指揮聖言的能力和權柄。

(6) 耶穌稱上帝為父

  • 耶穌常用亞蘭文術語 “阿爸, 父” 來稱呼上帝。 這正反照衪與父神最親密的關係: 他說:“阿爸,父啊!在你凡事都能,求你將這杯撤去;然而,不要從我的意思,只要從你的意思。”(可14:36)
  • 這種稱呼是與古猶太教格格不入的. 虔誠的猶太人避免稱神的名, 唯恐他們會稱錯衪的名字。
  • Witherington 博士作下觀察: “阿爸, 父 Abba, Father (Rom.8:15)” 的意義, 就是耶穌是這以前達不到的密切關係的創始者. 問題是甚麽人才能與神開創這新的與約有關的關係?
    • 因為凡被 神的靈引導的,都是 神的兒子。你們所受的不是奴僕的心,仍舊害怕;所受的乃是兒子的心,因此我們呼叫:“阿爸,父!”(羅8:14-15)。
    • 你們既為兒子, 神就差他兒子的靈進入我們的心,呼叫:“阿爸,父。(加4:6)
  • 耶穌說只有透過與衪的關係才有可能作稱神為 “阿爸, 父” 的禱告. 這就明確地說明衪是如何看待自已了。

(7) 耶穌接受敬拜

  • 耶穌另一個自我認識的指標是復活以後與多馬的相遇 (約 20)。 耶穌邀請多馬親自檢查衪實在是從死裡復活的證據. 多馬在 28 節宣告, “我的主,我的神!” 廿九節: 耶穌對他說: “你因看見了我才信,那沒有看見就信的有福了!”
  • 耶穌的回答透露了他的真相. 除非耶穌是神, 否則這就是達到褻瀆神的頂點, 因為衪不但沒有指責多馬, 且明知故意地接受多馬的敬拜。
  • 耶穌選擇接授多馬的敬拜明顯地指出衪自己相信衪就是神, 所以值得如此被崇敬。同樣地, 對耶穌的問題, “你們說我是誰?” 西門彼得回答道, “你是基督,是永生神的兒子。” (太16:15-17)。 耶穌不但沒有改正西門彼得的回答, 反而證實他的回答是從神而來的啟示。

(8) 耶穌明確地指出永生之道

  • 耶穌清楚地知道人們永恒的歸宿決定於他們是否相信衪。 約翰福音: “你們若不信我是基督,必要死在罪中 (8:24 b)。”
  • 路加福音 12:8-9 說, “我又告訴你們,凡在人面前認我的,人子在神的使者面前也必認他; 在人面前不認我的,人子在神的使者面前也必不認他。”
  • 這些經文的含意是: 無疑地, 如果耶穌是神的兒子, 這種宣告只能被認為是最狹窄和討厭的教條主義的武斷。

(9) 耶穌與父神原為一

  • 另一處公然的斷言記在約翰福音 (10:30)。 耶穌無保留地公開宣佈說, “衪與父原為一。”
  • 毫無疑問地聽眾必明白耶穌正在說衪與父是同一本質的。
  • 立即地, 他們拿石頭打衪, 因他們以為衪 “說僭妄的話” 並說, “你是個人, 反將自己當作神。” (v.33)

(10) 耶穌知道自已能行神蹟

  • 另一個與耶穌身分有關的因素應被權衡, 就是衪自己知道衪能行神蹟. 這是耶穌自已相信衪的身分的一個重要評估。
  • 耶穌強調衪的技藝是神國來臨的預示. 路加 (11:20) 說, “我若靠著神的能力趕鬼, 這就是神的國臨到你們了。” 作家 Ben Witherington 觀察: “雖然聖經多處記載有許多人也能行神蹟, 但他們不確定能力從何而來。
  • 但耶穌知道患痲瘋病者得醫治, 死人復活是因為自己有神的能力, 所以衪並沒有把自己單視為一位 “行異能的大師” 之一, 因耶穌確知, “衪是裡面有神的應許, 並透過衪才能把那應許實現出來的那一位。” 可見這就不是一個對衪自己的超越性的模糊宣告了. 先知以賽亞 (35章) 指出, 神蹟是彌賽亞鑑定衪自己身分的方法之一。
    • 那時,瞎子的眼必睜開,聾子的耳必開通;(V.5)
    • 那時,瘸子必跳躍像鹿,啞巴的舌頭必能歌唱;在曠野必有水發出,在沙漠必有河湧流。(V.6)

(11) 耶穌知道自已有神性 (三個 “無所不”)


  • 門徒約翰在 (約 16:30) 寫道, “現在我們曉得你凡事都知道 (無所不知 omniscience),也不用人問你,因此我們信你是從神出來的。”
  • 耶穌承認約翰的話並自己說: “天上地下所有的權柄 (無所不能 omnipotence) 都賜給我了。”
  • 所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在 (無所不在 omnipresence),直到世界的末了 (太 28:18-20)。”


耶穌的申明是非常清楚了. 但這裏有一個關鍵性的問題: 我們如何知道耶穌的申明是真確? 答案至少可聚焦在下列數方面的真實性: 衪由童女所生, 衪從死裡復活, 衪能行神蹟, 古代彌賽亞預言之應驗, 衪的無罪性, 和衪奇妙地插入人類的歷史當中等獨特性。


  1. “Who Made God?” by Ravi Zacharias and Norman Geisler; pp. 81-86.
  2. Ben Witherington is the author of “The Christology of Jesus”。


Christological self-understanding

(T.C. Lo April 10, 2020)

During this Good Friday and Easter week, we must ask: “Who is Jesus?” Every Christian must face this question squarely. Those who are against Christianity or atheists also put out their all-out effort to deny the divinity of Christ. After their “research”, they have found Jesus merely a moralist, a Jewish rabbi (teacher), a sage, an idol destroyer, or an instigator of the mob, or anything but God. If our answers are different from Jesus’ self-consciousness (self-understanding), they would be all incorrect answers.

Jesus knew the seriousness of this question early in His ministry, so he asked the Twelve: Who do people say the Son of Man is? They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Jesus turned to His followers, “But what about you?” he asked: “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. (Matthew 16:13-17). Jesus’ reply reflected He knew who He was. Christological self-understanding is a very crucial doctrine in Christianity.

Jesus and Mohammed were markedly different not just in the way they lived, what was more important was whether they understood the meaning of being called. When Muhammad claimed that he received spiritual revelation from Allah, he was very confused and did not know what it meant. He needed someone to tell him that this was the voice of God. But Jesus did clearly know who He was and from where He came. The following are evidence that Jesus has always a clear understanding of his own identity.

Jesus Himself claimed to be “the Son of Man”

  • This title has been used by Jesus over 82 times in the Gospels, in particular, 14 times in Mark which are considered to be the earliest book among the four books.
  • Critics consider that the use of this title was Jesus’ recognition of His humanity. But most scholars agree that Jesus was referencing to the vision of Daniel (7: 13-14) reported 600 years before His earthly ministry:
    • “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. ” (Daniel 7:13)
    • He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.” (Daniel 7:14)
  • Jesus is 100% man and 100% God. Quite clear, the title “Son of Man” touches His divine nature rather than human nature according to Daniel.
  • Even more amazing is the fact that Jesus’ self-proclaimed title “Son of Man” is mostly messianic, relating to His upcoming suffering and death and the ensuing glory. The Lord is teaching the disciples a new understanding of the long-awaited Messiah: suffering precedes glory.
    • just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Mt. 20:28)
    • When Jesus had finished saying all these things, he said to his disciples,“As you know, the Passover is two days away—and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified.” (Mt. 26:1-2)
    • “I am,”said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” (Mark 14:62)
    • “I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God.But whoever disowns me before others will be disowned before the angels of God. (Luke 12:8-9)
    • And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man. (John 5:27)

Jesus uses “I Am” to declare His divinity

 John 8:56-59 says,

(v. 56) Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.”

(v. 57) “You are not yet fifty years old,” the Jews said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!”

(v. 58) “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”

(v. 59) At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.

  • This “I am” is what God said to Moses in the bush.「God said to Moses, “I am who I am . This is what you are to say to the Israelite: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ” ( 3:14)」
  • After Jesus claimed to be that “I am,” the masses took stones to kill him, and regarded him as blasphemous because the Jewish people knew what “I am” meant.

Jesus’ authority to forgive sins shows that He is God

When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” (Mk. 2:5)

  • Only God is qualified to meaningfully speak such words.
  • If you have sinned against people, you have not just offended people, you have also offended God. So you ought to ask for forgiveness not just from the offended party, you must also ask God to forgive you.
  • Jesus always taught his disciples by example. He commands believer to love one another, so He loves us first. Only when he taught his disciples to repent, he would never ask His father for forgiveness because he was sinless.

Jesus knew His standing in the kingdom of God

  • Even by His selection of twelve disciples, we can see that Jesus also made transcendent announcements.
  • According to Ben Witherington III (note) who asked, “If the twelve disciples represent the renewed Israel, then what is Jesus’ position?” He was in effect asking: “Will he not just be part of Israel? Will He not just be redeemed Part of the group? Witherington answered his own question by saying, “He shaped this group—just as God shaped His people in the Old Testament and established twelve tribes of Israel.” These are some clues about how Jesus thought of his status with respect to the Kingdom of God. ” (Note: Ben Witherington III is the author of “The Christology of Jesus”.)

Jesus’ teaching method

Another clue to Jesus’ self-understanding is related to His teaching method. When Jesus taught, he often used the following phrase as a starting point, “Truly, truly, I tell you,” (John appears 25 times). This is very revolutionary. Writer Witherington continues to explain: In Judaism, you need two witnesses to give testimony, but Jesus only witnesses the truth based on his own words.

  • Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”(John 3:3)
  • Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. (John 12:24)
  • In that day you will ask nothing of me. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you. (John 16:23)

His teachings are not based on other authorities, but only on his own when He speaks. Here we see a Person who considers himself to have the authority higher than of all the Old Testament prophets. He believes that he has revelation not only belongs to God, like David had, he has the power and authority of the Word from God more than David had.

Jesus calls God the Father

  • Jesus used the Aramaic term “Abba, Father” to refer to God. This reflects his closest relationship with God the Father: He said: “Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” (Mark 14:36)
  • This name is incompatible with ancient Judaism. The devout Jews would avoid calling God ’s name, lest they might call him wrong.
  • Witherington made this observation: “Abba, Father (Rom. 8:15)” means that Jesus was the creator of a close relationship that was not possible before. The question is who can establish this new relationship with God in the context of the covenant?
    • For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” (Romans 8:14-15).
    • Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” (Galatians 4:6).
    • Jesus said that it is only through our relationship with Him that makes our relationship with God possible that we may cry to God, “Abba, Father.” This clearly shows how Jesus views himself.

Jesus accepts worship

  • Another indicator of Jesus’ self-knowledge was his encounter with Thomas after his resurrection (John 20). Jesus invited Thomas to personally examine the evidence that He was indeed resurrected from the dead. Thomas declared in verse 28, “My Lord and my God!” Verse 29: Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
  • Jesus’ answer reveals His identity. Unless Jesus is God, Thomas’s declaration would have reached the apex of blasphemy. The fact that Jesus did not blame Thomas for calling Him Lord, but accepted His worship deliberately, is an indication that Jesus knows Who He is.
  • Jesus’ choice to accept Thomas’s worship clearly indicated that He believed that He was God, so he deserves to be so revered. Similarly, the question to Jesus,” Who do you say I am? “Simon Peter replied,” You are Christ, the Son of the living God. ”(Matthew 16: 15-17). Instead of correcting Simon Peter ’s answer, Jesus confirmed that his answer was a revelation from God through the Holy Spirit.

Jesus clearly pointed out the way to eternal life

  • Jesus clearly knows that people’s eternal destination depends on whether they believe in Him. The Gospel of John says: “I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins” (John 8:24).
  • Luke says, “I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God” (Luke 12:8-9).
  • The implication of these verses is: Undoubtedly, had Jesus not been the Son of God, such a declaration would have been considered as the narrowest and hateful subjective dogmatism.

Jesus and the Father are One

  • Another blatant assertion is recorded in the Gospel of John (10:30). Jesus declared publicly without reservation: “I and the Father are one.”
  • There is no doubt that the audience will understand that Jesus is saying that He and the Father are of the same nature.
  • Immediately, the Jews threw stones at Him, because they thought that He spoke blasphemy arrogantly. They shouted out loud, “You, a mere man, claim to be God?” (v. 33)

Jesus knew He can perform miracles

  • Another factor related to Jesus’ identity should be weighed. He knows that he can perform miracles. This is an important assessment of Jesus’ belief in His identity.
  • Jesus emphasized that his skills were a sign of the coming of the kingdom of God. Luke (11:20) said, “But if I drive out demons by the finger (or power) of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you.” Author Ben Witherington observed: “Although there are many places in the Bible where many people could perform miracles, but they were not sure where their power comes from.
  • But Jesus knew that people with leprosy would be healed, and the dead were resurrected because he had the power of God, so He did not see Himself as one of the “masters of magic,” because Jesus knew that He is the one who has God’s promises in Him and only through Him, those promises can be fulfilled. It can be seen that this is not a vague declaration of his own transcendence. Prophet Isaiah (Chapter 35) points out that miracles are signs to authenticate Jesus’ Messiahship.

“Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert” (Isaiah 35:5-6)”

 Jesus knew that he had the divine nature (three “Omnis”)

Based on the disciples’ knowledge of Him and His own declaration, we are certain that Jesus himself knows that He is God.

  • The disciples said, “Now we can see that you know all things (omniscience) and that you do not even need to have anyone ask you questions. This makes us believe that you came from God.” (John 16:30)
  • Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority (omnipotence) in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18).
  • “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always (omnipresence), to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

A Crucial Question

Jesus’ statement is very clear. But here is a key question: How do we know that Jesus’ statement is true? The answer can focus on at least the following aspects of facts: He was born of a virgin, He is raised from the dead, He can perform miracles, the fulfillment of the ancient Messiah prophecy, His sinlessness, and His wonderful involvement into the history of mankind—history is ultimately “His Story.”

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Can Forgiving Seven Times Be Sufficient? A Theological Perspective

By Tin-chee Lo (TC); March 17, 2020

Forgiveness is a virtue in Jewish culture. Rabbi teaches you to forgive those who offend you up to three times. Peter was a Jew, and he certainly knew this. One day, he came to Jesus and asked, “How many times should I forgive my brother?” Without waiting for Jesus’ reply, Peter immediately asked another question, “Can it be seven times?” The second question is actually Peter’s answer to his first question. The way Peter asked in this manner was not that he longed to hear Jesus’ answer, but that he expected Jesus would praise his magnanimity. Knowing his heart, Jesus asserted, “Not seven times, but seventy times seven times.” This does not mean that Jesus was toying with a number game by setting a limit of 490 times. What Jesus said was that there is no upper limit for forgiving others. Forgiving others is a basic way of life as a disciple, one of the characteristics of the people of heaven. To reinforce this idea, Jesus made the following parable to his disciples: Read Matt. 18: 23-35.

The first part of this parable says that a servant owed the king an astronomical debt, which he could not pay in his lifetime. His only way was to ask for mercy from the king. The king moved his compassion, tore up the debt paper to pieces. The servant became a free man, no longer burdened by debt, and his family was free too.

We can easily and rightly relate this story to the gospel message. The king represents the Heavenly Father. All who are under the rule of the king are servants, not king’s slaves. It is impossible for a slave to owe that much debt to the king as described in the parable. The servant in the story may be a court official in the palace. He must have a special access to the resources of the king’s treasury. Because the kingdom represents the kingdom of God, we can say that this person is a Christian. Before and even after his conversion, he owed his Heavenly Father an unplayable debt. The only way to get rid of this debt is forgiveness from God the Father. There is no other way (vv. 21-27).

Religions in the world teach that when you commit a sin, you can do a good deed to nullify it. This is impossible, because in the king’s eyes, a servant’s good deeds are nothing more than a tattered garment, dirty and useless. The servant in the story pleaded with the king (asking for forgiveness), and the king cancelled his debt. This is truly due to the king’s mercy and grace; he is not obligated to do that, but he did it. This is a story of salvation in Jesus Christ. This is the gospel.

The second part of the metaphor tells that that servant was so indifferent to the king’s kindness just shown upon him. Gripped by his ingratitude, he implemented a strict measure against his companion, who owed him a debt, but a much lesser debt. It is true that the debt that his companion owed him was not small, but it was far less than the debt that he originally owed to the king (vv. 28-30). When other servants saw it, they became so angry that they told the king (v. 31). The king was furious and resurrected the man’s original debt position and took him back to prison (vv. 32-34). Leaving aside whether these servants’ actions are reasonable. Here is a reflection for myself: Have I ever invoked criticism from coworkers or family members because I did not forgive others? This is a thought-provoking self-examination. Now, let’s discuss the way the king punished this hard hearted servant.

If the king’s forgiveness represents salvation, wouldn’t the king’s acts of sending him back to jail, dealing with him severe punishment, and restoring his indebtedness represent the loss of this man’s salvation? Imaginative people immediately thought of this re-imprisonment incident as a “purgatory” experience believed in Catholicism, but this association has no biblical basis. So how do we understand this passage (vv. 32-34)? First of all, we need to know that this is a metaphor or parable, pointing especially to the kingdom of heaven. The principle of interpreting metaphors should be: Don’t “excessively” stick to details; pay attention to the main purpose of the metaphor; more importantly, the interpretation must comply with basic doctrine. Here several Bible doctrines are in view.

* Doctrine of the “perseverance of the saints,” that is, saved once, saved forever. “I (Jesus) give them (Jesus’ sheep, the elected) eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand (John 10:28).”

* Doctrine of the “thoroughness of God’s forgiveness”, based on God’s faithfulness and immutability. “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm: 103:11-12). God’s forgiveness is complete.

Jesus called this servant a “wicked servant” (v. 32). 「The Chinese Bible translated as “wicked slave”」This is an emphatic term. The Bible reserves this title for those who do not believe in God. No true believer would do such an unkind thing to his brethren. So this “unforgiving person” must be someone who has never accepted the gospel. It is not possible that this person got the salvation and later lost it. A true believer would not lose his or her eternal life. So he has never been regenerated. Therefore, the purpose of this parable is to challenge the authenticity of disciples’ salvation. A man who is truly regenerated will never do such a great deal of ingratitude. In another parable Jesus said: “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit (Mt 7:18).” As the quality of the tree can be recognized from its fruit, this man’s lostness can also be recognized. In our daily life, we should be very careful not to judge who is saved and who is not. We don’t know because we cannot read people’s heart, only God can. But we can be sure that this servant described in the second part of the story is unsaved. His eternal state is made clear by the fact that he was handed over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed, and we know that he could never pay back the debt (v. 34). If the prison represents hell, he is in eternal damnation.

We must now ask: Why does the first half of the story say that this man is a true believer in Christ pardoned by God, and the second half of the story says that he is unsaved? Ah! Here we see the wisdom of Jesus. Jesus deliberately presents us a horrible hypothetical situation to make an important contrast: If the behavior of this evil slave is so unbelievable, it is equally unbelievable for Christians, who have been pardoned by God for a lifetime, and refused to forgive others.

Since forgiveness is the distinct characteristic of the citizens of the kingdom of heaven, should we offer “unilaterally forgive” to anyone who wrongs us ? This problem may stem from our misunderstanding of one phrase uttered by Jesus while He was hung on the cross. Jesus cried to the Father, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing (Lk 23:34).” Is unilateral pardon a command of Jesus?

The answer is “No”. The Bible’s consistently teaches that repentance precedes forgiveness. The word “them” in Jesus’ words does not refer to ALL people, but only to those who saw the righteousness of Jesus and were illuminated by the Holy Spirit and then repented in their hearts. The crucified robber next to Jesus was one of them. If “they” represents ALL people, it becomes universalism rather than the gospel.

On the other hand, the answer may also be “Yes”. Because there are some minor offenses which we should forgive unilaterally, whether the offender apologizes to you or not. As Peter said, “love covers over a multitude of sins (1 Pt 4:8).” Why do you get bothered if someone owe you only five dollars? Why do you feel annoyed when people give you only a little bit trouble? Put these trivial things behind you and simply forgive them unilaterally without demanding their apology. You will feel better with a forgiving spirit.

Serious offenses, however, must be dealt with. The Word of God shows us how:
“If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector (Mt. 18: 15-16).” The purity of the church is important; one bad apple can spoil the whole barrel. All these steps are necessary and are done with one purpose: to restore this brother back to the right track with Christ-like love. If all offenses are treated with “unilateral pardon,” then the above-mentioned disciplinary process taught by the Bible is meaningless.

The gist of the whole parable is this: Forgiveness is unlimited, it is a Christian life style, and it is the character of the people of heaven. Although unilateral forgiveness is not a Bible requirement, we should be ready to forgive those who will repent anytime, anywhere. If we do not forgive others for their sins, although our salvation will not be lost, we are risking “God refuses to forgive us.” Lastly, let us remember, we need to be forgiven too.

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A Missing Day, Was It Possible?

By T.C. Lo; March 10, 2020

I love tackling Bible difficulties. But there is one that really befuddles my mind. It is recorded in the Book of Joshua chapter 10. The text reads:

「On the day the Lord gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to the Lord in the presence of Israel: “O sun, stand still over Gibeon, O moon, over the Valley of Aijalon.” So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day. There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a man. Surely the Lord was fighting for Israel! (Joshua 10:12-14)」

The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day.” This narrative is very hard to swallow especially for scientists and engineers. Had there ever been an event in human history that “the sun stays and the moon stops”? Since the Enlightenment, many people have asserted that science and Bible were not compatible, but I firmly believe that science presents no conflict to the Scripture. Galileo once said, “God gives humans two books, one is the Bible and the other is the Nature.” If these two books were from the same source, how could they contradict one another? If contradiction is said to arise, it must follow that either the interpretation to the scripture is wrong, or the scientific theory is erroneously formulated, or both are in error. The existence of science is based on the existence of the natural-law; the existence of the natural-law must posit a natural-law giver–God! So science originates from God. With this as a preamble, how do we understand the episode described in this passage?

If we must stick to (which I firmly do) the doctrines of “Bible inerrancy, i.e., Bible contains no wrong ” and “Bible infallibility, i.e., Bible cannot be wrong” , then how do we deal with this text? Reviewing existing explanations gleaned from several commentaries yields no convincing argument. Nevertheless, let me first briefly summarize the three known possibilities attempting to explain this passage. In light of lacking certainty, what we can do now is to analyse them comparatively on their  relative strength of explanation powers. The three known interpretive options are:

  • The first explanation is that the sun and the moon really stopped their normal trajectories as literal as the Bible described.
  • The second explanation is that Joshua’s prayer was spoken in astrologists’ terms of the Canaanites of his time.
  • The third explanation is that this prayer is merely a poetic expression or expressed in language of hyperbole.

The second explanation is impossible. Because from the beginning (crossing the Red Sea and spying the land of Canaan) all the way to entering the Promised Land (crossing the Jordan River, fighting Jericho, and other battles), Joshua was recognized to be faithful to Jehovah. It was also because of his loyalty that Moses had chosen him to be his successor. So it was impossible for him to pray in the pagan way utterly detestable to God.

The third explanation is weakly possible. Indeed, there are many places in the Bible written in poetic style. In particular, the text refers to the “book of Jashar” which is an “apocryphal book” mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, written in epic form. This episode may be interpreted as a poetic utterance referring to a long battle in hyperbolic language. Jashar appears twice in the Bible. The other place is in 2 Sam 1:17. Inserting a piece of poetry into the narrative has many precedents in the Bible, easily found in the Books of Prophets. Jesus loves the use hyperbole, “if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.”  However possible, the biggest difficulty in interpreting Scripture is the classification of genres. Here, I dare not assert that the underlying text belongs to the genre of poetry or hyperbola. For the sake of playing safe, I temporarily refuse to accept the third explanation. Because once one accepts it, it is like “opening the Pandora’s box” allowing all kinds of fast-and-loose-interpretations to play out. The stake is very high, for next time when one encounters a hard problem, one may tend to wave his/her hand and casually say, “Yeah! This is just an expression of a poet! “ The problem is even greater. Besides, I believe Joshua was not a poet, he was more a soldier.

Then, by process of elimination, the best option is the first one. The argument supporting this interpretation goes like this: “God is omnipotent. God can create the universe. He can turn water into wine. He can separate the Red Sea and the Jordan River. He can raise the dead to life. Can he not able to stop the sun and the moon from their normal tracks?”

The response to this rhetoric argument is obvious, “Of course, God is absolutely possible to do that.” However, Able-to-do is one thing, Actually-Done is yet another. But the thing is that the above paragraph is NOT an “explanation” but just a theological declaration, saying, “God is omnipotent.” No Christians would deny this declaration but no explanation has been offered either. If we just stop here and overwhelm our questioners with a grand assertion, what else can the listener say? Discussion cannot go on and the listener simply walks away unsatisfied. This approach is not conducive to evangelism toward unbelievers, especially those with science background.

Joshua lived in an era when Geocentric Theory prevails. People believed that the earth was the center of the universe, and the sun went around the stationary earth. If Joshua wanted to get a longer daylight, it was natural for him to ask God to bring the sun and the moon to stand still. However, not until the sixteenth century, Copernicus discovered the Heliocentric Theory confirming that it is not the sun that moves, it is the earth that goes around the sun. God knows but Joshua did not. In this reality, a longer daylight can be achieved by one of the two ways: Stop the self-rotation or tilt of the rotation axis, and then return to the original state after 24 hours. Could God do that? Absolutely. If it was the case, one could not even imagine the magnitude of the tidal waves this cosmic shift might have caused. Set aside all other effects not mentioning here, just the gigantic tsunami alone was enough to destroy the whole planet. Putting in perspective, the devastation of the 2004 Indonesian tsunami during which more than 200,000 people died, stood no comparison with this cosmic catastrophe.

With this last option being rejected, let me offer a simple hypothetical explanation: God supernaturally created a special luminous body for Joshua to illuminate his battlefield so he could keep on attacking the enemies in one breath until victory was proclaimed. This luminous body, to Joshua, as an observer, was his “sun” which existed for 24 hours and disappeared. Of course, I cannot be 100% certain that this was indeed the case, but it does, to my mind, offer a strong explanation acceptable to most people comparing with other alternatives. Many thoughts can be drawn to sustain this claim:

First, we still can ask, “God is omnipotent. God can create the universe. He can turn water into wine. He can separate the Red Sea and Jordan River. He can raise the dead to life. Can’t He create a light-bearer (or just light) at the right time and in the right place so the observers may perceive it as a sun?” Now this statement is no longer merely a theological declaration—it still is, but offers a reasonable explanation to this otherwise difficult text.

Second, If the earth’s self-rotation had really altered abruptly, or the sun and the moon had really stopped as perceived by Joshua, one would expect that there would have  impacted everywhere on the earth and large amount of records/stories would have been emerged, but there was none. But the proposed explanation does not require information outside the Bible to validate it. Scripture alone is sufficient. This explanation finds precedence in biblical redemptive history. When the Israelite army (and people) were pursued by Pharaoh, it was difficult for them to flee at night simply because they could not see the path so God created the pillar of fire at night. This phenomenon of God’s special creation is accepted by all Christians. The pillar of fire was not only for illumination, but also served as a fire-wall to block for the Egyptian soldiers and horses from advancing.

Third, this explanation helps to understand other difficult episodes, such as these:

(1) When Jesus was born, a moving star appeared on the sky, guiding the Magi of the East on their journey to visit the Christ-child. What was that star? As many might have thought of it as a complex concourse of astronomical phenomena, but there was no record outside the Bible making mention about it. It must be supernatural. Now, let us ask, who can prevent God from creating a special low-altitude “star” just for the Magi and thus providing a simple interpretive possibility? In addition, stars high up in space cannot be used for navigation without the aid of instruments, only low altitude moving object can. And I think God did it.

(2) In 2 Kings 20: 8-11, the Bible records this interesting story:

(v. 8) And Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “What is the sign that the Lord will heal me, and that I shall go up to the house of the Lord the third day?”

(v. 9) Then Isaiah said, “This is the sign to you from the Lord, that the Lord will do the thing which He has spoken: shall the shadow go forward ten degrees or go backward ten degrees?”

(v. 10) And Hezekiah answered, “It is an easy thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees; no, but let the shadow go backward ten degrees.”

(v. 11) So Isaiah the prophet cried out to the Lord, and He brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down on the sundial of Ahaz.

Following the same flow of thought, this episode can be interpreted as God created a strong light placed in an appropriate position to make the sundial shadow recede by ten degrees, meeting the demand of Hezekiah. Who could argue such possibility was not possible?

These explanations in no way minimize God’s omnipotence. They are not only supported by historic precedence (Exodus) but are also undergirded by the prehistoric event (Creation) as declared in Genesis. “And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth’ (Gen 1: 14-15)”. If God could create big lights for the cosmos, He certainly could create  lesser lights for Joshua, Magi, and Hezekiah.

One question remains: Did God really listen to Joshua’s prayer? What Joshua asked for was that God stops the motions of the sun and the moon, but the sun and the moon continued to operate. Yet the Bible says, “Jehovah God answers his prayers”.

Let me share with you my personal story: Many years ago, I worked in Silicon Valley, California, as an engineer during the rudimentary stage of the semiconductor industry . By the grace of God, I made some progress in designing DRAM. It should be a pleasant time for me, but I always felt dissatisfied with my situation because what I really wanted to do was Basic Research in which I had fervent Interest. So I attempted to change job and think about it every day. I started by applying Bell Lab, the most prestigious research center in the United States at the time. Despite my many prayers and many efforts, this wish seemed going nowhere. One day, I unexpectedly received a phone call from IBM in the office. An interview was setup, I went to New York to talk to the managers. Once I got off the airplane on my first interview trip, I saw many green trees, mountains and rivers. I fell in love with New York. I decided to accept the IBM offer and happily worked there for decades. Looking back, I asked God for Bell Lab, but God gave me IBM. Who can say that God did not answer my prayers? Joshua asked for more sunlight, but God did not give him the sunlight the way he wanted. Didn’t Joshua ’s prayer get answered?  The Bible tells us, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts (Isa 55: 9).” Amen!

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聖經難題:「少了一日」, 可能嗎?

By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); March 7, 2020

在聖經的救贖史中, 有以下的記載:「12當耶和華將亞摩利人交付以色列人的日子、約書亞就禱告耶和華、在以色列人眼前說、日頭阿、你要停在基遍.月亮阿、你要止在亞雅崙谷。13於是日頭停留、月亮止住、直等國民向敵人報仇.這事豈不是寫在雅煞珥書上麼.日頭在天當中停住、不急速下落、約有一日之久。14在這日以前、這日以後、耶和華聽人的禱告、沒有像這日的.是因耶和華為以色列爭戰。」(書10:12-14)

對一位科學家和工程師來説, 這是一個非常困難的問題。在人類歷史中,真的有「日頭停留、月亮止住」的事件發生過嗎?我堅信科學與聖經毫無衝突。伽利略曾説: 「神給人類两本書, 一本是《聖經》, 另一本是《大自然》。」如果兩本書都是出于一個源頭,他們是一定不會矛盾的。如果有矛盾的地方, 一定是解經有誤,或是科學理論不正確。科學之存在乃基于自然律的存在。有自然律就必定有一位自然律的賜予者。所以科學源于上帝。在這個引言之下,我們如何去理解這段經文?

從眾解經書中,筆者歸納成三個解釋此經段的的可能性。但沒有一個解釋能有很強的説服力。那麼,在堅守「聖經絶無錯誤 (Bible inerrancy)」和「聖經不能有誤 (Bible infallibility)」的大前提下,那麼我們如何去處理這段經文呢?首先我們從現有的解釋去比較它們所能提供的「解釋能力(explanation power)」,看看那一個比較強。

  • 第一個解釋是:太陽和月亮真的停止了它們的正常軌跡。
  • 第二個解釋是:約書亞的禱告是用當時迦南人的占星術的術語説出來。
  • 第三個解釋是:這禱告是詩意的描述。

第二個解釋是不可能。因為約書亞從起初 (過紅海,探察迦南地) 直至進入迦南 (過約旦河,攻打耶和哥和别的戰役), 都是一致地效忠耶和華。也是因為他的忠心被摩西選為接班人。所以他不可能會用異教徒的方法禱告。

第三個解釋也有可能性,聖經的確有很多地方是以詩歌體裁去表達。特別是經文中提到「雅煞珥書 (book of Jashar)」, 它是一本希伯來聖經提到的一本「偽經(apocryphal book)」, 是以史詩 (epic) 形式寫成。詩歌中出現的這一件事, 是被解釋為對長期戰鬥的詩意描述。Jashar 在聖經中出現兩次,另一處是在 (撒下1:17)。在敘述文中插入一段詩歌,聖經有不少前例,特別是在先知書中不難找到。解經最大的難處是體裁的分類,這裏我不敢斷言它是屬詩歌體。為了安全起見,我暫時拒絕接受第三個解釋。因為一旦接受,就成了解經的「災禍之源 (open Pandora’s box)」; 以後一碰到難題, 便隨隨便便揮手地説,「呀!這不過是詩人的表達而矣! 」那以後的問題就更大了。況且我相信約書亞不是一位詩人,他是軍人。

那麼,最佳的選擇就是第一項的解釋了。支持這個解釋的論據是:「神是無所不能,神能創造宇宙,祂能使水變酒,祂能把河水分開,祂能使死人復活等, 難道祂不能使太陽和月亮停止它們的正常運作嗎?」這個修辭學的問題的答案是「神絕對可能。」但問題是,上述一段話,不算是「解釋」, 只是一個神學上的宣告,就是宣告「神是無所不能」。基督徒無可否認這個宣告。但如果我們只停在這裡,以一個宣告壓下來, 當為解釋,聼者還有什麼可言?討論就不能再進行下去了。這說法對傳福音有害無益,不能使人信服,特別是有科學背景的的基督徒。

約書亞是處於一個「地心説 geocentric」盛行的時代, 人們相信地球是宇宙的中心,太陽繞地球而轉,如果他希望要獲得長一點的日光, 很自然地他會祈求神把太陽和月亮停止行動。但至十六世紀,哥伯尼 (Copernicus) 發現「日心説 (heliocentric theory)」, 他主張不是太陽在動,而是地球在動,如果要長一點的日光,只有兩種方法: 地球的自轉突然停止,或自轉軸的傾斜度要改變, 然後廿四小時後又再回復原來的樣子。試想想,這種宇宙性的巨變,會產生多大的潮汐波 (tidal wave), 其它的效應暫且不提,光是所引起的海啸足以毁滅整個地球,2004年的印尼海嘯 (20多万人死亡) 與此相比,真是小巫見大巫了。

現在讓我提供一個簡單且易明的解釋 (hypothetical explanation) ,就是上帝為約書亞特別地, 超自然地 (supernaturally) 創造了一個發光體, 照明約書亞的戰塲,好讓他能勢如破竹地繼續攻打下去; 對約書亞 (觀察者) 來説,這光體就像太陽一般,它只存在24小時之久就消失了。這説法, 聼來簡單, 卻有很大的「解釋能力」。理由如下。

「神是無所不能,神能創造宇宙,祂能使水變酒,祂能把河水分開,祂能使死人復活等, 難道祂不能在適當的時刻和地點創造一個光體嗎?」現在這句話不再僅僅是神學上的宣告, 而且具有強烈的解釋因素在其中。

這解釋也説明了, 如果日月在宇宙中真的停止, 那麼如此具大的天文事件,為什麼聖經之外的人類歷史毫無記錄? 據此解釋,答案是:日月根本沒有停止過。

這解釋是史有前例。當以色列人被法老追逼, 夜間逃命很困難,因為看不見路,神就為祂的子民創造一個光體,就是晚間的火柱 (pillar of fire), 因為它是長形所以被稱為光柱,這是基督徒一致能接受的事實。


  • 耶穌出生時,在東方出現一顆星,帶領東方博士們準確地領到小孩耶穌的面前。這星不是天文現象的巧合, 筆者認為是神特別的創造。還有, 太空上的星, 若沒有儀器是不能作導航用的,唯有神所創造的低空光體才能帶領博士們到小孩耶穌的門前。若它是一個自然界的天文現正,為什麼在聖經以外找不到證據?
  • 聖經記載這樣一段故事:「8 希西家問以賽亞說、耶和華必醫治我、到第三日、我能上耶和華的殿、有甚麼兆頭呢。9以賽亞說、耶和華必成就他所說的、這是他給你的兆頭.你要日影向前進十度呢、是要往後退十度呢。10希西家回答說、日影向前進十度容易.我要日影往後退十度。11先知以賽亞求告耶和華、耶和華就使亞哈斯的日晷向前進的日影、往後退了十度。(王下20:8-11) 」循着這個思路, 這事可解釋為: 神特別創造一個強光體,置在適當的位置,使日規的影子退十度, 滿足了希西家的要求。

以上的説法並無降低神全能的屬性,更能見證那不但「史有前例」更是「史前有例」的事件:「 14神說、天上要有光體、可以分晝夜、作記號、定節令、日子、年歲.15並要發光在天空、普照在地上.事就這樣成了。(創1:14-15)」

現在還剩下一個問題: 究竟神有沒有聽約書亞的禱告呢?約書亞求的是日月停止運行,但日月繼續運行。然而聖經明説耶和華神應允他的禱告。

讓我作一個個人的見證: 我年青時在加州矽谷工作多年, 在設計DRAM方面也有一㸃小成就, 本應很愉快, 但我總是不滿現實,因為我對基層硏究 (basic research) 非常有興趣,每天都想轉工, 我便申請當時美國最有名望的硏究中心 Bell Lab。雖然經過禱告, 但此路總是不通。有一天, 我在辦公室突然接到IBM的電話, 訪談後, 我便去紐約與經理們長談, 我看到紐約州有很多清翠的樹木, 又有山又有河,我愛上了紐約州, 便毅然接受IBM的工作, 就這樣幹了幾十年。我求Bell Lab, 神卻給我IBM,誰能説神沒有聼我的禱告。約書亞其實是求光,但神卻不用他所求的方式賜光給他,難道約書亞的禱告沒有被應允嗎?「天怎樣高過地、照樣我 (耶和華) 的道路、高過你們的道路、我的意念、高過你們的意念。(賽55:9)」阿門!

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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); February 21. 2020

基督教的聖餐禮拜是以頌讀經文為開始。最常讀的經文是哥林多前書第11章。但這不是唯一可用到的經文。除哥林多前書外,還有路加福音第22章,這也是非常普遍的。此外,馬太, 馬可和約翰福音書都有與聖餐相關的經文。偶然也有牧師採用出埈及記所記載的第一次逾越節的經文 (出12:1-11)。但如果我問, 「在這許多的經文中,那一段是比較更適合于聖餐呢?」那麼我們就要作一些比較,幫助我們在這課題上有更多認識。首先我們以哥林多前書的經典式本文 (classical text) 先作思考。

哥林多前書 (11:23-29)


For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread,

24祝謝了、就擘開、說、這是我的身體、為你們捨的.〔捨有古卷作擘開〕你們應當如此行 (Repetition)、為的是記念我 。

and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.”

25飯後、也照樣拿起杯來、說、這杯是用我的血所立的新約.你們每逢喝的時候、要如此行、為的是記念我 。

In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.”

26你們每逢喫這餅、喝這杯 、是表明 主的死、直等到他來 。

For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

27所以無論何人、不按理喫 主的餅、喝主的杯、就是干犯主的身主的血了。

Therefore, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord.

28人應當自己省察 、然後喫這餅、喝這杯。

A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup.


For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord eats and drinks judgment on himself.


  • 現在
    • Benediction (祝謝)
    • Commemoration (為的是記念主)
    • communion (為你們捨的; 喫這餅、喝這杯; 是用主的血所立的新約)
    • Consecration (無論何人;按理與干犯;分別為聖)
    • Examination (自我省察)
  • 过去 (回顧)
    • Proclamation (表明主的死)
  • 將來
    • Anticipation (直等到主的再來)
  • 今生
    • Repetition (應當如此行; 每蓬)



They left and found things just as Jesus had told them. So they prepared the Passover.


When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table.


And he said to them, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.

16我告訴你們、我不再喫這筵席、直到成就在 神的國裡。

For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God.”

17耶穌接過杯來、祝謝了 (benediction)、說、你們拿這個、大家分著喝。

After taking the cup, he gave thanks and said, “Take this and divide it among you.

18我告訴你們、從今以後、我不再喝這葡萄汁、直等 神的國來到。

For I tell you I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.”

19又拿起餅來祝謝了、就擘開遞給他們、說、這是我的身體、為你們捨的.你們也應當如此行 、為的是記念。

And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”


In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.


  • 新約時代的第一個聖餐是由耶穌在祂與門徒共享最後一次逾越節晩宴時設立的。
  • 這聖餐是建立在 (約3500年前) 舊約第一個逾越節筵席的历史基礎上, 因為那一次的晚餐正是在慶祝傳統逾越節的晚宴中進行。(See verse 13)
  • 這裡並沒有提到用餐時「人應該自己省察」。
  • 如果哥林多前書是以实践為重点, 那麽路加福音便是以救贖史为重点。

這段經文還有一個特色:如果我們只讀第十七至十九節,我們看到次序的顛倒,就是「先杯後餅」。但如果你只讀十九節至廿節,次序又回復到傳統的「先餅後杯」。最可能的解釋是,在舊約的逾越節晚餐中,他們喝禮儀式的酒至少有兩三次之多,甚至四次。今天猶太人有「逾越節家宴 (Seder)」,他們在餐中喝四杯 (次) 酒, 同時也吃未發酵過的薄飯 (matzo)。吃餅也不是一次就吃完,他們把擘開的餅留一半作飯後點心用(dessert)。家主在進餐時講故事給晚輩聼,並解釋其意義。這晩餐是在逾越節期間的第一或第二個晚上舉行的。筆者在紐約時,為了增廣見聞,也曾參加過猶太社區的Seder. 更有趣的是,他們還保留一張無人坐的椅子,似乎是在等待以利亞先知的隨時光臨。

馬太26:26-30 也是聖餐經文之一, 但比較簡短, 少被人所用。


While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”


Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you.


This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.


I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father’s kingdom.”


When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.

馬太福音不但提到基督的血是立新約的記號,也説及它的功用,就是「使罪得赦」。這裡也提到「我父的國」和「喝新的日子」。詞語充滿彌賽的 (messianic) 意味。

約翰福音 6:53-57


Jesus said to them, “I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.


Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.


For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.


Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in him.


Just as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me.

This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your forefathers ate manna and died, but he who feeds on this bread will live forever.”

天主教憑著這段經文堅持「變體論的教義 (doctrine of transubstantiation)」。他們認為當神父祝謝了這些元素 (Eucharistic elements) 後,這些餅便真真正正變成基督的肉,這些葡萄汁便真真正正變成基督的血了。但基督教不同意這説法,我們相信飲食只是一種代表, 絶無轉換之意。

最近 Covid-19 病毒流行,從中國的武漢起波及全球。世人開始對防疫十分重視。在教會的聖餐禮拜中,分餅杯的執事同工,帶上手套,餅和杯都是用巳消毒過的包裝保護,為了免除病毒傳染的可能性。這是非常明智的措施。但我不知道天主教的做法如何?如果他們真的相信餅杯的的確確是基督的血肉,那就大可不用防備了,難道基督的寶血會有毒死人的可能性嗎?

如果聖經是上帝啓示的道(revealed Word of God),那麼基督就是上帝生命的道 (living Word of God),兩者均來自超自然的源頭。吃基督的肉,飲基督的血,乃代表我們應勤讀聖經更要活出祂的誡命。這就是擘餅聚會的最終目標。


現在我們要回答這個問題:在那麽多的經文中,那一段經文比較適用于教會的聖餐儀式? 我想上述的任何一段都適合,只要主禮者把聖餐的意義解釋清楚就好了。如果在聖餐禮儀中不時輪流使用不同的經文,或許會幫助基督徒會友對聖經獲得更全面的認識並增加新鮮感。但哥林多前書十一章有一㸃與眾不同,就是它把「自我省察」的要素加上去。或許我們覺得加與不加也無傷大雅,但保羅卻把這要素視為極其重要。我們讀經時通常只讀到第廿九節為止,但如果我們多讀一節,就察覺到它的嚴重性:

(v. 30) 「因此、在你們中間有好些軟弱的、與患病的、死的也不少。〔死原文作睡〕

That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep. 」

當時的教會,若信徒忽畧自省,可能會導致疾病,甚至死亡。在恩典時代的今天,可能沒有患病及身亡之憂, 但聖經的話顯示了忽畧「自省」的嚴重後果。

另一個問題是:至於「先吃後飲」還是「先飲後吃」? 筆者認為都無所謂。但教會兩千多年傳統都是 「先吃後飲」, 那又何必標奇立異呢?改變傳統做法會導致參與者分心而忘記了聖餐的意義。

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在患難中的平安 (Peace in the Midst of Tribulation)

By Tin-chee Lo 盧天賜 (2019 聖誕節) [in both Chinese and English]

在人類近代史中的一個黑暗時刻,出現了一個傑出的聖誕節故事。當時第一次世界大戰巳開始席捲歐陸,毀滅和殘骸處處可見,死亡的氣味充滿大地。就在這黑暗的衝突中, 來了一個「聖誕節停戰 (Christmas Truce)」的故事。那年是1914, 就是家父出生的那一年。 戰爭爆發後只幾個月,西歐的陣線巳變成了可悲的一幕。但友敵雙方卻同意在聖誕節前夕和聖誕節那一天停止戰爭,好似是給仕兵們吐一口氣。

爆炸的聲音停止了,槍聲也消失了。取而代之的是聖誕頌歌。英軍法軍在這邊唱;德軍在另一邊高歌,一唱一和,友敵不分,肅靜的夜晚被聖誕頌歌所充滿。 到了早晨,雙方的仕兵走出自巳戰壕的迷宮,進入巳燒焦的無人地帶。仕兵們不分彼此,互相分享家庭照片,互相交換禮物:香煙,香口膠,甚至袋中的口糧。幾個鐘頭前他們是死敵,現在居然是朋友。突然間,有一名德軍,從戰壕中拿出一個英式足球,戰塲立即變成球塲。死寂的焦土成為熱鬧的遊樂場所。這個事件成為「倫敦時報 」的熱門新聞。

人類是多麼渴望和平。可惜地上的平安是多麼的短暫。但上帝在基督𥚃所賜的平安,是永恆的。不但是指將來的永世, 乃是甚至今天。

(v. 6) 因有一嬰孩為我們而生、有一子賜給我們.政權必擔在他的肩頭上.他名稱為奇妙、策士、全能的 神、永在的父、和平的君。
(v. 7) 他的政權與平安必加增無窮.他必在大衛的寶座上、治理他的國、以公平公義使國堅定穩固、從今直到永遠。萬軍之耶和華的熱心、必成就這事。

(v. 27) 我留下平安給你們、我將我的平安賜給你們.我所賜的、不像世人所賜的.你們心裡不要憂愁、也不要膽怯。

基督徒的最大的平安是 (1) 在患難中的平安,知道主與我們同在,並在困難中加力。(2) 赦罪的平安。 我們因信基督, 就不再被定罪了。

(V. 16) 神愛世人、甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們、叫一切信他的、不至滅亡、反得永生。
(V. 17) 因為 神差他的兒子降世、不是要定世人的罪、〔或作審判世人下同〕乃是要叫世人因他得救。

在至高之處榮耀歸與 神、在地上平安歸與他所喜悅的人
(路加福音 2:14)

Peace in the Midst of Tribulation (2019 Christmas)

At a dark moment in modern human history, an outstanding Christmas story emerged. At that time, World War I had begun to sweep across the Western European continent, destruction and ruins were everywhere, and the smell of death filled the air. It was in this dark conflict that a story of “Christmas Truce” came. That year was 1914, the year that my father was born. Only a few months after the outbreak of World War I, the Western European front became a horrid scene. For some reasons, both sides of the conflict agreed to stop the fighting on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, as if to give the soldiers a moment of breath of relief.

The thunder of the explosion ceased, and the sound of the guns disappeared. Instead, Christmas carols replaced the deafening explosion. The British and French sang on this side; the Germans sang on the other side; one side sang another side responded. They set aside their animosity. The quiet night was filled with joyful Christmas carols. At dawn, the officers and soldiers of both sides walked out of the maze of their trenches and slowly walked up to the scorched no-man’s land. The officers and soldiers shared family photos and exchanged gifts with each other: cigarettes, chewing gums, and even rations in their bags. Only a few hours ago they were mortal enemies and now they were friends. Suddenly, a German soldier took out a soccer ball from the trench, and the battlefield immediately turned into a ballpark. The deadly scorched place became a lively playground. This event was reported as hot news in the London Times.

How much more human beings have anxiously longed for peace. What a pity that the man-made peace on earth are so short-lived. But God’s peace in Christ is eternal—not just eschatologically but also existentially.

Isaiah Chapter 9 prophesied:
(v. 6) For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

(V. 7) Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.

This prophesy had been fulfilled two thousand years ago on the first Christmas morning. Jesus in John 14 says:

(V. 27) Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

The greatest aspect of peace for Christians is (1) the peace in the midst of tribulation, knowing that our Lord is always with us, and He strengthens us in our times of difficulties, and (2) the peace of knowing that we are being forgiven–we are no longer condemned because of our sins.

John 3 reads:
(V. 16) For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
(V. 17) For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests. (Luke 2:14)” Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my readers.

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The Meaning of “Nakedness” in Genesis

By T.C. Lo; November 16, 2018

Inasmuch as original sin is a mystery (Ref. 1), the literal meaning of the record in Genesis (3 : 6-7) is easy to understand. God gave our First Ancestors one and only “restriction” which said “…but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die (Genesis 2:17).” Then they were tempted by the devil. Sadly, they succumbed to it as described below:

Genesis 3:

(V. 6) When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
(V. 7) Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

These two Bible verses seem to have no major difficulties on the surface, but after taking a second glance, they are not without perplexity in the understanding of the meaning of nakedness.

  • The first understanding is that Adam and Eve were actually naked prior to their disobedience against God, but they were not aware of their naked condition until after they had sinned.
  • Another possible interpretation is that Adam and Eve were not naked at all before their disobedience. They were only changed into the state of nakedness after committing the act of disobedience and they immediately recognized such changes.

The author believes that the first speculation is unlikely. If they didn’t even know their condition of nakedness – such a simple thing – how could they have the intelligibility to understand God’s injunction set for them? How could they freely have conducted meaningful communication with God? As “creatures with a living soul” made in the image of God, how could they have such a large deficiency in their self-understanding?

The second argument is more conceivable because, first, the Bible time and time again talks about that people in the eternal state have some kind of glorious covering to drape over their bodies. But after the Fall, Adam and Eve discovered that the special kind of covering was gone. I believe that our First Ancestors were in this “eternal state” before they had committed the original sin. Now, let’s consider a few verses to sustain the covered-bodies argument:

(Matt 22:11-12)
(V. 11) But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes.

(V. 12) ‘Friend,’ he asked, ‘how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless.

Here the “wedding clothes” represent the righteousness of Christ. This “glorious clothing” function to conceal the unholiness of the elected.

(Rev 21:2)
I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.

The bride represents the church. She is not naked but wears beautifully decorated clothes.

Quite clearly, this kind of covering for the bodies is a kind of beautiful and glorious draping. On the Mount of transfiguration, the clothes Jesus, and even Moses and Elijah, wore were as white as the light, representing unspeakably glory. (Matthew 17:2)

So we can imagine that Adam and Eve had some glorious covering when they were in the state of innocence.

On the contrary, in hell, people are believed to be naked as implied by the following verse.

「Death is naked before God; Destruction (Abaddon) lies uncovered. (Job 26:6) 」

In the case of the underworld, the great artist Michelangelo painted on fresco in the Sistine Chapel, The Last Judgment, which has such an imaginative depiction.

Once Adam and Eve sinned, their eyes were opened; they could clearly see the thorns in other’s eye (but they couldn’t see the big beams in their own eyes). So when they were interrogated by God, they repeatedly shirked the responsibilities and blamed on others. Their iniquities in front of God had made them unfit to wear the glorious clothes which God took away from them. Adam and Eve then keenly realized that they were naked.

They took the leaves of the fig tree and made skirts for themselves in order to cover their shame. Why were they shameful to be naked? Adam and Eve were husband and wife before the Fall, and they were still married after the Fall. At that time, there were only two of them. Why did they feel shameful of their nakedness? I think their “shame” is not because they saw each other naked, but because of their own sin.

The sin itself, no matter how you feel about it, is an objective shame; but when you are remorseful of your sin, the objective sin becomes a subjective guilt feeling. This guilt was the source of the shame for Adam and Eve. Not only did they lose the beautiful covering, but they also exposed their shame, because an uncovered body was shameful.

I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see (Rev. 3:18).

The subjective guilt feeling of Adam and Eve indicated their repentance based on which salvation came upon them.

The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. (Genesis 3:21)

The leather is taken from the dead animal that represents a sin offering. It foreshadowed Jesus as a priest who offered Himself as also the sacrifice. People cannot save themselves. Here we see that salvation is solely from God and is the work of Christ’s grace wrought on the cross. It is important to note that Jesus was also naked on the cross to bear the shame of our sins.

The ESV Study Bible also takes this view: “Crucifixion, performed naked and in public, and inflicting prolonged pain on the victim, was intended to cause shame as well as death” (comment on Hebrews 12:2).

Open nakedness in public is a manifestation of shame to the utmost.

The nature of a fallen man is not to rely on God, but to rely on his own abilities to solve his problem. Therefore, in consternation, the First Couple quickly used the leaves of fig tree to make clothes for themselves. When God walked in the garden and called them, they were very afraid, and they hid in the trees and did not dare to face God—this is a showing of shame. When the cool breeze blew over, the skirts of leaves were neither able to keep them warm nor completely covered their shamefulness. The self-help policy of the people is hopelessly in vain. But God has abundant grace, and He actively extends the hand of redemption to His children.

Now let us hark back to what God did for Adam and Eve before the Fall: God first gave Adam a partner and set up the holy matrimony for them. (Genesis 2:22-25):

(V. 22) Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

(V. 23) The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman, ‘ for she was taken out of man.”

(V. 24) For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.

(V. 25) The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.

The words in verse 25 are the description of Adam and Eve’s condition in the context of marriage before they sinned. Obviously, the “nakedness” here refers to the exclusive intimate relationship between husband and wife. Because of the demand of exclusivity, it follows to mean that they are not running naked in their ordinary daily life. In the sacred marriage, “nakedness” is meant to be a gift from God to fulfill God’s purpose for them: “To multiply and fill the earth,” so they were not ashamed of the God-ordained purpose. Here again, we see that nakedness could be realized in their mind and their eyes were bright to be conscious of their nakedness—no need to wait until they have sinned The nakedness within the marriage is exclusive, which points to the need of clothing in public life. We all need clothing now and glorious covering in eternity.

I hope this article may inspire readers to think about some of the so-called simple verses and discover the Bible’s inexhaustible treasure. This kind of reflection brings a new sense of awe in our faith in God.

(Ref. 1) //www.hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=742

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By Tin-chee (TC) Lo (盧天賜); November 15, 2019

盡管原罪是一個奧秘 (Ref. 1),創世記第三章 (3: 6-7) 的字面記載也算是容易明白的。上帝賜給始祖一條「唯一的禁令」,就是:「不可吃分別善惡樹的果子。」後來他們卻受魔鬼的引誘而被屈服了。

(V. 6) 於是女人 (夏娃) 見那棵樹的果子好作食物、也悅人的眼目、且是可喜愛的、能使人有智慧、就摘下果子來喫了.又給他丈夫 (亞當)、他丈夫也喫了。
(V. 7) 他們二人的眼睛就明亮了、纔知道自己是赤身露體、便拿無花果樹的葉子、為自己編作裙子。

這兩節經文表面看來好像沒有多大的問題,但經過進深的思考後, 發現它們並非沒有難明之處。問題在于對「赤身露體」的領會。

  • 第一種領會是:亞當與夏娃在犯罪之前真的是赤身露體,但是他們卻不知道,直至犯罪之後才知道自己原是裸體的。
  • 另一種領會是:亞當與夏娃在犯罪前並不是真的赤身露體,只是犯罪後才改變成赤身露體,而自己察覺到這樣的改變。


第二種説法的可能性較大,因為聖經中一次又一次地論到人在永恆狀態 (eternal state)中是有某一種遮蓋身體的東西的,但在人犯罪之後,便發覺那一種「特殊的遮體物」不見了。始祖在未犯罪前是可以被視為處于這「永恆狀態」的。現在考慮數處經文:

(v. 11)「王進來觀看賓客、見那裡有一個沒有穿禮服的。
(v. 12) 就對他說、朋友、你到這裡來、怎麼不穿禮服呢。那人無言可答。」(太22:11-12)


「我又看見聖城新耶路撒冷由 神那裡從天而降、預備好了、就如新婦妝飾整 (beautifully dressed), 等候丈夫。」(啓21:2)


再次強調,這種遮蓋身體的東西是一種榮美的复盖物。在登山變像中,耶穌 (甚至連摩西和以利亞) 的衣裳是潔白如光,極度榮耀的 (太40:2) 所以我們可推想到亞當和夏娃在未犯罪前是有某些榮耀的「衣服」遮蔽他們的身體的。

「在 神面前陰間顯露、滅亡 (Destruction “Abaddon”) 也不得遮掩。(伯26:6) 」

論到陰間的情況,米開朗基羅 (Michelangelo) 的西斯廷教堂 (Sistine Chapel) 壁畫《最後的審判》(fresco The Last fresco The Last Judgment Judgment) 就有這樣的想像式描述。

一旦始祖犯了罪後,他們的眼睛明亮起來,清楚地看到別人眼中的刺 (但看不到自己眼中的木梁)。所以當他們被神審問時,總是把責任推到別人身上。他們在神面前的規欠,使他們不配穿著那榮耀的的衣服,神就把它脫落下來,亞當和夏娃那時就真的意識到他們是赤身露體了。他們便拿無花果樹的葉子、為自己編作裙子,為自己遮羞。為什麼赤身露體是羞恥呢? 亞當與夏娃在墮落前是夫妻,在墮落後仍是夫妻, 當時只有他們倆人,為什麼他們因彼此赤身露體感到「羞恥」呢?我想他們的「羞恥感」不是因為他們看到對方的赤祼,而是出於自己的罪的緣故。罪的本身, 不管你對它的感覺如何,就是一種客觀的罪疚 (objective shame) ;但當你對罪產生悔意時, 客觀的罪疚就變成主觀的內疚 (subjective guilt feeling) 了。這個內疚就是亞當與夏娃感到羞恥的來源。他們不但失去榮美的衣服,而且羞恥也顯露出來,因為赤身露體的本身就是羞恥的。

「 我勸你向我買火煉的金子、叫你富足.又買白衣穿上、叫你赤身的羞恥不露出來.又買眼藥擦你的眼睛、使你能看見。( 啓3:18)」


(v. 21) 「耶和華 神為亞當和他妻子用皮子作衣服、給他們穿。」 (創3:21)

皮衣是從死的動物取下來的。它代表贖罪祭。預表耶穌是祭司,祂也是祭物。人不能自救。在此處,我們便看到救恩唯獨是出于神,是祂恩典的作為。論到基督被釘十架的情景, 約翰福音 19:23-24 寫道:

(v.23) 兵丁既然將耶穌釘在十字架上、就拿他的衣服分為四分、每兵一分.又拿他的裡衣.這件裡衣、原來沒有縫兒、是上下一片織成的。(v. 24) 他們就彼此說、我們不要撕開、只要拈鬮、看誰得著.這要應驗經上的話說、『他們分了我的外衣、為我的裡衣拈鬮。』兵丁果然作了這事。

因罪人極盡其羞辱之能事,所以我相信耶穌是完完全全赤赤裸裸地擔當我們罪孽的羞恥。ESV (English Standard Version) 聖經研讀本持這種觀點: “在裸體和公開場合被釘十字架,給受害者造成長期痛苦,旨在造成恥辱甚至死亡” (對希伯來書12:2評論)。

公開式的裸體就是羞辱的表現。墮落人類的天性是不依靠神,單靠自己的方法去解決問題。因此,他們在徬徨之間,趕快用無花果樹的葉子作衣服蔽體。當神在園中行走,呼喚他們的時候,他們十分害怕,便躲藏在樹叢中,不敢面對上帝—這是羞恥的表現。涼風一吹來,樹葉編作的裙子,既不保暖,也不能完全遮羞。人的自救方策,於事無濟。但神有豐盛的恩典,祂主動地伸出救贖的手, 為亞當和他妻子用皮子作衣服。現在我們回到始祖在犯罪之前神為他們所作的事:賜給亞當一位伴侶,並為他們設立婚姻。

(v. 22) 耶和華 神就用那人身上所取的肋骨、造成一個女人、領他到那人跟前。
(v. 23) 那人說、這是我骨中的骨、肉中的肉、可以稱他為女人、因為他是從男人身上取出來的。
(v. 24) 因此、人要離開父母、與妻子連合、二人成為一體。
(v. 25) 當時夫妻二人、赤身露體、並不羞恥。(創 世記 2章)

第25 節的話是亞當和夏娃在他們尙未犯罪前神為他們設立婚姻之後所説的。明顯地,這裡的「赤身露體」是指夫妻的親密關係,是有排外性的 (exclusivity), 所以不是指在平常生活中他們是公開祼體的。在神聖的婚姻內,「赤身露體」是神給人的禮物,是為了成全神對他們的旨意:「要生養眾多、遍滿地面」,所以他們並不感到羞恥。這裡再次説到赤身露體是他們可以在頭腦上意識到的,並非要等到犯罪後,眼睛明亮了才能夠意識到。婚姻中的赤身露體既是有排外性,犯罪前也如是, 這就説明他們在公眾的生活中,不是赤祼,乃是有衣著的。

啟示錄:19:7-8, “我們要歡喜快樂,將榮耀歸給他,因為羔羊婚娶的時候到了,新婦也自己預備好了。就蒙恩得穿光明潔白的細麻衣。”

亞當和夏娃對裸體的可恥發現,意味著他們失去了原來那榮耀的長袍,這是筆者對創世記第三章 (3: 6-7) 的神學推理。 今天我們正在尋找我們脆弱的愛慾,我們的私處, 也將在新耶路撒冷, 被上帝的尊嚴和公義所覆蓋。


(Ref. 1) https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=742

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The Eagle Has Landed (中文版在後)

Reflection by T.C. Lo on the 50th year anniversary for the first man to walk on the moon

I have never forgotten the very day fifty years ago. Astronaut Neil Armstrong spoke the phrase “The Eagle Has Landed” to announce the successful landing of the Apollo 11 his famous lunar module named “Eagle” in the Sea of Tranquility on the moon on July 20, 1969. As the first man to walk on the moon, he uttered his famous line: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Less than 20 years later, Armstrong, a devoted Christian, came to Poughkeepsie, NY, to speak at an evangelical meeting where I brought my children (Esther and Tim) there to listen to his view on Christianity.

However monumental this historic event might have been, let us look back in time to see what had happened before it. Ravi Zacharias described it beautifully with theological insight (Ref. 1):

“On August 7, 1961, twenty-six year-old Major Gherman Titov became the second soviet cosmonaut to orbit the moon and return safely, climaxing a monumental feat for mankind. Sometime later, speaking at the world fair and savoring his moment of glory, he recounted this experience, vouchsafed to a privileged few. Under a triumphalist pretext, he let it be known that, on his excursion into space, he hadn’t seen God. Upon hearing of this exuberant argument from silence, someone quipped, “Had he stepped out of his space-suit he would have!” Evidently reluctant to restrict the immediate gains of the moment to the disciplines directly involved in that endeavor, Titov attempted to draw theological blood. Thus, one great step for science became for him, an immensely greater leap in philosophy.

On Christmas Eve, 1968, three American astronauts were first human beings to go around the “dark” side of the moon, away from the earth. Having fired their rockets, they were homebound on Apollo 8, and beheld our planet in a way that human eyes had never witnessed before. They saw Earth rise above the horizon of the moon, draped in a beauteous mixture of white and blue, bordered by glistering light of the sun against the black void of space. And in the throes of this awe-inspiring experience they open the pages of the book of Genesis and read for the world to hear ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and earth…’

Two similar experiences of awe and exhilaration; two diametrically opposed conclusions about the nature of the world. Such a chasm is quite understandable, for these two incidents carried into space the most fundamentally debated question on earth: Does God exist? Has God created man, or has man created God? Is God indispensably to any cosmological explanation, or is he only a psychological necessity of men? Theism or atheism?

In 1952, Encyclopedia Britannica published a fifty-five-volume series entitled The Great Books of the Western World. Mortimer Adler, the noted philosopher and legal scholar, was co-editor of this series, which marshaled the eminent thinkers of the western world and their writings on the most important ideas that have been studied and investigated over the centuries. This includes ideas in law, science, philosophy, history, theology, and love that have shaped the minds and destinies of people. These essays are assembled for comparison and contrast. Very striking to the observant reader is that the longest essay is on God. When Mr. Adler was asked by a reviewer why this theme merited such protracted coverage, his answer was uncompromising. “Because,” said he, “more consequences for life and action follow from the affirmation or denial of God than from any other basic question.”

Ref. 1 “The Real Face of Atheism” by Ravi Zacharias; pp 19-21.

By 盧天賜
人類首次登上月球的事件發生在五十年前的今天。我從未忘記過那一天所發生的事。 美國太空人尼爾·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)于1969年7月20日创造了 “鷹巳降落” 一詞,此詞源于一件歷史性的事件:他著名的登月艙名為“鷹” 巳成功地降落在月球的「寧靜海」中,代表了阿波羅11號的太空計劃成功了人類登月的任務。 在月球上,阿姆斯特朗說出了一句著名的話:“對於個人來說,這是一小步,但對於整個人類而言,這是一巨躍。”
約20年後左右,虔誠的基督徒阿姆斯特朗 (Neil Armstrong)來到紐約州波基普西市(Poughkeepsie),在一次當地舉辦的福音派佈道會中發表見證,我帶著我的孩子們(Esther和Tim)到那裡他對基督教的看法。不管這個歷史性事件是多麼具有紀念意義,讓我們回顧過去,看看在此次阿波羅11號的太空計劃之前發生了什麼事。 護道家拉維·扎卡里亞斯(Ravi Zacharias)用神學見解對以往(在美登月之八年前) 的美蘇大空競爭進行了一段精美的描述。茲將其內容簡述如下 (參考 1):
「1961年8月7日,年僅26歲的蓋爾曼· 蒂托夫少校 (Major Gherman Titov) 成為第二位進入繞月軌道並能安全返回地球的蘇聯宇航員。此舉為人類掀起了一項艱鉅而有歷史性的記錄。以後數年,這位蘇聯宇航員在世界博覽會上發表演說, 聼眾是少數的特權貴賓。在説話中, 他品嚐著自己過去的榮耀時刻; 在他回顧那次太空航行的經歷時,他帶著杈威的態度,以勝利者的口氣讓人們知道,在太空旅行中,斷言他「沒有見到上帝」。激動的講員正在振振有詞之際,從寂靜的聼眾中,有一人細語地打趣道:“當你跳出你所穿上的太空衣時,你便知道到底有沒有上帝了!” 顯然不願將眼前光榮的成績局限於直接參與這一努力的有關的科技,蒂托夫(Gherman Titov) 試圖汲取神學的血液, 作出了否定神存在的傲慢宣告。 因此,對他來說,科學的「偉大一步」成為了哲學上的「巨大飛躍」。他以為自己巳經「證明」了「上帝不存在」。
與此事件的另一對比:1968年聖誕節前夕,三名美國太空人,就是第一組繞過月球黑暗的那邊 (離地球最遠的那一點) 的人,啓動了火箭,準備開始返回地球的航程。他們在阿波羅8號(Apollo 8)的太空船內上航行,預料不到地看到人類從未看過的景像,就是我們所居住的美麗地球。他們驚喜地看到地球慢慢從月亮的「月」平線上升起,披上了白和藍色的美麗混合色彩,在漆黑色的虛無空間的襯托下, 周圍發出從太陽而來的刺眼光芒,把地球圓圈帶上了光榮的冠冕。在這種令人敬畏的阵痛經歷中,他們打開《創世紀》第一章,向全世界讚嘆地宣讀:「起初上帝創造了天地…」。
這兩次「非常相似」的惊惧和振奮的經歷中, 卻各自反映出關於宇宙本質的兩個「截然相反」的世界觀。無神論和有神論的鴻溝是可以理解的。藉著這兩個星際之旅,人們把地球上最根本的辯論問題帶入太空: 上帝存在嗎? 上帝創造了人,還是人創造了上帝? 上帝對任何宇宙學的解釋是必不可少嗎? 還是他只是人類的心理需要而矣? 有神的存在還是神根本不存在?
1952年,《大不列顛百科全書》出版了共55冊的系列,名為《西方世界的偉大著作》。著名的哲學家和法學家莫蒂默·阿德勒(Mortimer Adler) 是本系列的共同編輯團中的主編,該系列汇集了西方世界的傑出思想家及他們的著作所針對的最重要的硏討問題。這些問題是他們經過跨世紀的研究和考查所產的思想。內容包括影響人們理智和命運的理念, 如法律,科學,哲學,歷史,神學和愛的觀念。 這些文章是為了比較和對比分析而編寫成的。細心的讀者會發現,最長的文章是關乎上帝的。 當一位審稿人向阿德勒先生詢問為什麼這個主題值得如此長期的報導時,他的回答毫不妥協, 口氣強硬。他說:“因為,對上帝的肯定或否認給生命和行動帶來的後果要比任何其它基本問題更為嚴重。”」
(參考 1 ) Ravi Zacharias, “無神論的真面目”; 第19-21頁。
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儒家思想 vs. 聖經

By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜);July 7, 2019

中國人的意識形態受儒家思想主導了數千年之久。甚麼是儒家思想?這是個很复杂的問題。讓我簡單地把它定義為孔子,孟子,和荀子思想的總和 (Ref. 1)。本文聚焦在三位聖人(sages) 對 「人性 (human nature) 」的看法。

從 <論語> 我們得知至聖孔子 (551-479 B.C.) 是一個不斷關注個人紀律的人。他認為仁,義,禮,智,信,等是能透過實踐而培養出來的美德。他周遊列國,向君王提供服務,揚言只需三至五年的時間,便能改善社會秩序和政治和諧。孔子並沒有缺乏自信,然而,對他十分失望的是,沒有一個地方君主接納他作參謀的官職。

孔子死後約一百年,另一位聖人出現。他名孟子 (372-289 B.C.) ,後被稱為亞聖。他是 <論語> 編纂者之一,是孔子思想的得意門生。他鑽研老師的寫作,他所得出的結論是:孔子畢竟認為「人之初,性本善」並相信人類的行為是具有可塑性的。人一生下來便傾向于美善,所以當你看到一位甚至自己不認識的小孩童快要掉下井時,你便不由自主地產生一種焦慮,這種惻隠之心從何而來?孟子同意孔子的説法,説是從人良善的天性而來。孔子和孟子均深信,只要我們能消除社會腐敗的力量,藉著滋養人們本身固有的美德,社會的紊亂和政治的畸形,便會被消除而人類便能達到世界大同的理想境界。所以孟子和孔子思想基本上是一様。孟子可説是孔子思想的的解釋者。

幾個世代之後,另一位聖人出現,他名荀子 (310-237 B.C.),他看到周朝的統一力量正在削弱,社會秩序搖搖欲墬,慢慢進入史家所稱的「戰國時期」。因此,荀子觀察到,「人之初,性本惡」。他認為孔子和孟子都搞錯了。這種人性的天然傾向,產生了人與人之間的衝突和曝露了人的私慾與貪婪,人與人的敬重和順服都消失了。但為什麼當我們看到小孩爬到井邊時,我們還感覺到一陣同情和不安呢?荀子的解釋是:因為我們救這小孩不會使我們個人的利益受虧損;如果我們知道因這孩子的掉落會帶給我們一些好處,恐怕我們會給這個孩童一個猛推。另一個問題是,既然人的天性是邪惡,為什麼我們也常常看到一些人做出一些善意的行為? 荀子說,這些善行非出于本性,乃是因為有很多有思想的聖人,他們看到社會的弊端,便聚集在一起,設定一些法律和制度以減緩由人性而產生的破壞,然後再用教導,律己和哲學思想去改造人性。盡管荀子與孔孟對人性的出發點截然不同,三位聖人都有一個共同點,就是人都具有一種道德能力去改善自己的個性和環境,所以荀子也自稱為孔夫子的忠實弟子。總體而言,三位聖人的「人性論」都是「以人為本」的哲學思想。

荀子的「性惡論」是最靠近聖經對人本質問題的诊断。聖經的啓示是:自罪進入人類後 (至於罪如何能進入人類,這是另一個大問題,我們在此不談),人類便從此具在罪性,這罪性在基督教神學中,被稱之為 「原罪 (Original Sin)」; 原罪是人類固有的墮落狀態。因此,我們不是因為犯了罪,所以成為罪人; 我們是因為本質上是墮落的, 所以我們一定會犯罪。聖經指出:人類是「全然墮落 (Total Depravity)」的。這「全然」並非指人邪惡到一個無可再邪惡的地步。希特勒可說是極其邪惡的, 但他也有變得更墮落的可能性。我是罪人, 但我可以犯比我現在所犯的罪犯得更常, 更多, 和更嚴重。所以我不是「徹底」地墮落, 但我是「全然」地墮落。全然墮落的意思是我們全部或總額性的墮落。若不是上帝恩典的約束,我們每人都可以再惡多一㸃。這「全然」不是指「程度」上的意識,乃是指「範圍」上的意識。我們的每一部份:思想,靈魂,行動,體內每一個細胞,每一串DNA 都被罪污染,沒有一處是完美無缺的。換句話說,罪不是我們外表的污㸃,罪乃是穿透瀰漫地進入人類的核心。聖經所說罪的嚴重性是荀子沒有看透的。 有一位思想家 (Ref. 2) 直言不諱地説,「儘管人類在哲學上如何用盡腦汁去淡化,去辯駁,甚至去否定人的罪性的存在,但在實際經驗觀察上,罪的存在是無可遁形的。」

但問題是:如果人的罪惡, 照聖經所説,是如此深重,為什麼我們不時也看到一些人的確作出一些慈善的事呢?答案是:人是按照上帝的形象受造的,墮落之後,這形象便破碎了,但畢竟這破碎的形象仍存留一些遺跡。所以人不時也會做些「善」事。當人看到小孩快掉下井時, 仍有勇氣和惻忍之心去設法救他。但人的「善」是不純潔的。一個富人用匿名的方法捐了一大筆錢去救濟貧民,做益社會,他雖說「不願」人知道,但他自己也承認當別人把這善事在他的背後公開褒揚,這就是此人最沾沾自喜的時刻了。由此可見,人的善行也有驕傲和自私的成分在其中。這豈不是人性的真相嗎?

荀子死後二百多年,有另一位聖人出現,他就是耶穌。他與孔子,孟子,荀子截然不同。由下列數㸃 (其實還有更多),我們得知他是一位「前無古人, 後無來者」的獨特人物:

尙未出生,傳記巳成:大部分舊約聖經中的預言 (佔舊約四分之一的篇幅) 都描述那將要降世的耶穌。有學者們把這些預言耶穌的經文聚集在一起並加以重組整理,發現它們與新約的四福音書 (耶穌生平) 極其接近。

衪的名字是上帝給祂的:「耶穌」這名字的意思是,「祂要將祂的百姓從罪裏拯救出來。」所以祂一生下來便有一個特別的使命, 祂是預定作人類的救主。

祂是上帝的兒子:「兒子」不是從生物學觀點去領會,乃是指祂與上帝有極其親密不可分割的的意思 (not biological but relational), 意指耶穌就是上帝。

耶穌自己知道 (self-understanding) 並聲稱祂是上帝:穆罕默德上天取了可蘭經後,他說他不知道他自己是先知,後來他的同伴對他說,他背後有痣,乃是先知的記號。他信了,此後便以先知自居,但他也不敢自稱為神。除了瘋子外,世上沒有一個頭腦清醒的人敢説自己是神。耶穌斷言祂是神,但無人絲毫認為祂是瘋子。

耶穌是由童女所生:這對現代人比較不是難明,因為「代產母 (surrogate mother)」巳證明是科學上的可能。馬利亞是從聖靈懷孕就意味著耶穌沒有人的基因,因此,祂沒有人的原罪,也意味著祂是全然聖潔, 祂並沒有犯過罪,祂也不可能會犯罪。祂的「無罪性 (sinlessness)」是作罪人的救主的必要條件。

道成肉身:上帝是個靈。他沒有物質性的形體,和物質所具的特色。祂在時空之上,所以我們不能問祂有多大,有多老,等問題。聖經說上帝是「話語 (the Word)」表示祂就是「道」。「道」是資訊 (information)。現代人都知道資訊是帶著能力的。當上帝創造宇宙時,祂是用說話從無變有的方式使宇宙成為實體。然而這「資訊」是超越我們所能領會的,這資訊是有位格的 (Personhood)。耶穌是「道成了肉身 (God’s Incarnate)」, 祂曾充充滿滿地住在人類歷史的當中。

耶穌不是受造的個體 (created being) :祂是神。所以祂在道成肉身 (incarnation) 之前是亙古常存的 (preexistence) 。人是有始無終 (無終指靈魂不滅),但耶穌是無始無終。


耶穌能行神蹟:如果祂是那使無變有的創造主宰,那麼把水變成酒 (耶穌所行的第一個神蹟) 就不是不可理解的了。如果風和浪都是祂所創造的東西,那麼平靜風浪又有何難呢?如果祂是生命的創始和維持者,那麼祂能使死人復活就絕對成為可能。

祂自己設計救贖人類的方法:表面上耶穌是被不法之惡人釘在十字架上,但實際上是三位一體的獨一真神 (聖父,聖子,聖靈是同一本質的三個位格—Three Persons, One Essence) 在創世以前商議好的計劃,是無人或天使能破壞的。人有罪,但公義的神定規了罪的功價乃是死。救贖是使人不要死,所以耶穌的死是代替我們的死,好叫我們得生命。聖經中的「死」是與神隔絶之意。聖經中的「生」是與神和好之意。這是生死的深層意義。

耶穌的復活是祂重要的特性:復活證實祂是神。孔子,孟子,荀子都死了;穆罕默德也死了;佛陀也死了;世上所有宗教創始人都死了;唯獨聖穌從死𥚃復活。世上賢聖的人,你可以説他們是「精神復活」,但耶穌的復活是「身體復活 (bodily resurrection)」,所以祂復活後能與門徒在一起,能進鎖著的房間,能和他們一起吃飯,能同時在不同的地方出現。些事都有許多見證人,有一次是五百人同時目睹。耶穌復活是鐵一般的事實,是無可置疑的。


耶穌的再來:這是一個尙未應驗的預言。數巳百計的預言到今天巳應驗無疑了,所以我們有足夠的信心去相信祂必照祂所説的要再來。這是科學家所用的「歸納法」,就是合理的科學方法。這裏我們看到信心 (faith) 與理性 (reason) 的互相作用 (interplay)。耶穌的再來就是得救的人的盼望,因為到那時,一切在世不公平的事都要過去,正義得到伸張,苦難獲得解釋,病痛和死亡都不復存在。儘管今世有苦難,但基督徒的前景基本上是樂觀的。但那些不信耶穌的人,因為他們仍在罪中未被赦免,他們便承受罪人應有的後果。得救的人所獲得的是恩典,滅亡的人所應得的是公義。



聖經認為人有原罪,所以根本上不可能有行善的道德能力。人所需要的是「重生」而不是「改造」或「修補」或 「教化」。「重生」是從神而來的超自然生命,它不是靠人企圖以善行去獲得,而是神所賜的恩典禮物。獲此禮物的途徑是相信基督是救主,透過認罪悔改而獲得罪的赦免。「悔改」不是只「悔不當初」或只是説聲「對不起」。悔改是方向的改變,就好像當你發現你開車走錯方向了,你還會繼續向前駛嗎?儘管你巳走了多遠,多快,多久,最明智之舉就是,馬上轉頭往正確的方向去。「赦免」是基督教獨特的恩典,是所有宗教和哲學中都找不到的,因為只有神才能提供赦免。



  1. “Original Sin – A Cultural History” by Alan Jacobs; pp. 11-14.
  2. Quoted from Malcolm Muggeridge: “Human depravity is at once the most empirically verifiable reality but also the most philosophically resistant.”
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By Tin-Chee Lo (盧天賜); May 30, 2019

甚麼是「神的主權 (The Sovereignty of God)」

「神的主權」又稱「神的全權」。「全」是指全部的範圍 (scope),「權」是指至高無上的權柄。全權是神的屬性之一,指受造界中每一件事物神有至高無上的權柄和地位。千萬光年以外的一粒原子都在神掌控之下 (Ref. 1) ;天上的麻雀祂都看顧;我們的頭髮祂都數過, 每一個意外,苦難,天災人禍, 都在神的掌控中。。神的全權是一個不證自明的常識,因為如果神沒有至高無上的權柄,祂就不是神。盡管常識能使我們了解這一㸃,更重要的是聖經有許許多多的經節支持這個教義:

• 聖經第一章第一節,開宗明義地指出, 「起初 神創造天地」。「起初」指宇宙的存在是有個開始的,不是亞里士多得的「無始無終」說。神的創造是從無變有,祂的創造是絶不依賴在祂以外的任何東西。神在創造上是至高無上的。

• 從詩人在詩篇中的讚嘆,我們看到他們多次對神的主權認同:「耶和華本為大,祂是大王–超乎萬神之上(Ps 95:3)。」又多次說,「祂是萬王之王,萬主之主,衪坐著為王 (Ps 9:7)」。我們的領會是「王」和「主」都是高尙的地位。神不但有榮耀的地位,祂有無與倫比的權柄 (c.f. 英國女皇僅有地位但沒有權柄) 。

• 地上的國權是耶和華的.他是管理萬國的。世上沒有一個執政掌權者不在神的命定之内,他們都是受制于神。(Ps 22:28; Ps 2)

• 到了新約,保羅用修詞學的方式的問法去讓讀者自己回答:「有誰能抗拒衪的旨意?」(Rm 9:19)

• 保羅論到為我們預備基業的神是「那位隨己意行作萬事的」神 (Eph 1:11)。祂的己意不取決於別人的意見。

• 神的主權是完全自主的,「祂要恩待誰,就恩待誰;祂要憐憫誰就憐憫誰 (Ex 33:18; Rm 9:14)」。

• 祂要揀選誰,就揀選誰。我們是泥土,祂是兠匠。祂豈不能隨祂的旨意「從一團泥裡拿一塊作成貴重的器皿、又拿一塊作成卑賤的器皿麼?」 (Rm 9:21) 」這是另一個修詞學的表達。

如果我做每一件事,其結果都是神巳經命定了,而且達成所命定的目標的途徑也是神自己命定的。如果我作任何決定,都巳在神的掌控中,我就不需要負任何責任嗎? 這是宿命論的想法,而不是聖經的教導。

甚麼是「宿命論 (Fatalism)」

宿命論是一種悲觀晢學,認為一切事物都由「命運 (fate)」去決定,人是無能為力的。尼采是十九世紀末的悲觀哲學家, 他是宿命論的提倡者。宿命論的思維使人在沒有掙扎的情況下接受失敗的結局。所以它也可被稱之為失敗主義 (defeatism)。命運大至來説是指一種飄渺虛無且無位格 (nonpersonal) 的一種抽象東西。 宿命論的實踐就是不負責任,認為結局是早巳命定的天意,我還能作些什麼?

伊斯蘭教非常重視他們那獨一受拜的「安拉或真主 Allah」的至高無上的地位和旨令,穆斯林,即伊斯蘭教的信徒,只信奉真主為自己的主。命運雖是無位格,但高度宗教色彩的伊斯蘭教也把它涉及到神聖的一邊,所以我們可説伊斯蘭教是一個近乎宿命論的宗教。

伊斯蘭教徒到麥加朝覲,這是每年一次全世界穆斯林最大規模的聚會,也是伊斯蘭教的五功 (Five Pillars) 之一 (Ref. 2),就是回教成年的男人, 若健康和經濟都許可, 都要做一次的聖禮。在朝覲那一週,上百萬朝覲者同時在麥加聚集,並進行一系列的儀式:每個人逆時針方向繞行卡巴天房 (Kaaba) 七次,這個黑色的立方形建築物,也是世上所有穆斯林祈禱時所要對準的焦點。在這人山人海的地㸃和時刻,我們很難想像到意外不會發生。2015年九月十一日 (與 “911” 巧合!) 在穆斯林的一個神聖禮拜五中,一個巨型的起重機倒塌在人群中,做成四百人受傷,118人死亡。當局要求進行調查,然而在這高度宗教的國家,操作起重機的枝術人員找到簡單的出路,他們對新聞界簡單地説,「所發生的事情是超出人類的力量所能防範,這是真主的作為。」宿命論可以成為不負責任的藉口。値得讚揚的是,沙特政府當局並未接受這一解釋。他們馬上停止該建築公司的運作,下令進行週查,發現該公司並不遵守安全規則又違反機械製造商的操作說明。最後,公司被停牌,並向受害者家屬提供賠償。

這不是第一次的意外。于1990年,在同一地點有1426位朝聖者被人群踩踏死亡,主因是人太多缺乏通風。沙特王説,「這是真主安拉的旨意,這是命運。」 (Ref. 3)


儘管基督徒對神的全權抱著崇高的看法,但基督徒拒絕宿命論。因為聖經極其強調人是要對自己的行動,想法和決擇負責。聖經吩咐我們要切切悔攺,常常禱告,不斷謝恩,努力行善,思念上面的事。耶穌升天前賜下大使命,並囑咐門徒說, 「凡我所吩咐你們的,都要教訓他們遵守。」這些都是基督徒對主的吩咐的責任。

懶惰是宿命論的特色之一,但聖經視懶惰為罪,並說不做工的人就不準他們吃飯 (2 Th 3:10)。箴言教導我們,「懶惰人哪,你去察看 (勤勞的) 螞蟻,就得智慧 (Prov 6:6)。」我們不是靠行為得救,我們得救乃本乎恩。但得救之後,工作是很重要的; 將來奬賞的審判也是以我們的行為作根據。保羅對腓立比教會說,你們要「作成你們得救的功夫 (Phil 2:12)。」其意是當我們得救後要以工作來表示我們的積極和充實的生活,同時也是對神順服的表達。上帝以創造之工彰顯祂的榮耀 (Ps 90:1-2), 同時,我們應以上帝所堅立我們的手所作的工去榮耀祂 (Ps. 90:17)。這是詩篇的對偶句子(Chiasm)。


神的全權乃指宇宙中所有事情的發生和它們發展的過程和結果都是三位一體真神通過商議所產生的旨意。這些旨意必會照神所命定的方策完成,它是絶不會失敗的; 而且其成功不取決於在祂以外的任何東西。神也命定達到結果所經過的方法。祂的方法是:神喜歡 “透過” 人的工作去完成祂的旨意。人因此就有真正的義務對自己的行動和決定負責。

我在台大讀書時,有一位哲學系室友告訴我,他的教授李敖告訴學生説,「猶大的功勞最大,因為沒有他,耶穌的救恩是無法完成的。」當時我尙未信主,聽起來不但感到新鮮,而且也頗覺得有道理。後來信主後才知道李敖的見解並非新事,老早巳有人説過了。但聖經告訴我們,猶大從未得救, 沒有經歷重生, 是犯了大罪的。盡管他在救恩上扮演重要角色,也不过是上帝的器皿, 他還是要對他所作所為負責。耶穌説,此人比不活在世上還好。神的主權與人的責任不是矛盾的,而是互補的。

使徒行傳論到猶大賣耶穌的事,説,「他 (耶穌) 既按著神的定旨先見 (神的全權), 被交與人 (指猶太人和官長),你們就藉無法人(猶大) 的手,把祂釘在十字架上殺了 (Act 2:23)。」神的救贖計劃早在創世以前已經命定了,猶大只是神手中所命定的工具。猶大既被稱為無法之人,他就有過無功了。


神既在每一件事上保持祂的主權甚至到一個程度使每一件事情的發展都完全依照祂的旨意和途徑進行, 而同時,人又要對他們的行動和決定負責。這兩件事怎樣放在一起呢?這就是神學上的「同步發生論」的教義 (Ref. 4)。要回答這個問題首先我們必須區別神旨意的兩方面。這區別是根據申命記 (29:29) 的話:

「隱祕的事、是屬耶和華我們 神的、惟有明顯的事、是永遠屬我們和我們子孫的、好叫我們遵行這律法上的一切話。」


• 神隱藏的旨意: 神不讓我們知道的。這個隱藏可能是永遠的,也可能是暫時的,直至事情發生為止才知道。神既不願我們知道,我們就不要侵犯祂的私隱權。因它是不關乎我們的。這個隱藏的旨意是神對未來的計劃和命定,是無人能攔截的,是必定能成就的。這也是神的不變性 (immutability)—因神不會更改衪所命定的。神為何要隱藏一些東西?我想:

• 神沒有必要甚麼事都告訴我們, 就好像父母不一定把所有的事都告訴子女。

• 就算祂告訴我們,我們也無法明白,因我們都是有罪有限的人。我記得我女兒很小的時候,讀聖經讀到喇合妓女的故事,她問,「爸爸,甚麼是妓女?」我也不記得如何回答她了! 但我靈感一觸,就敷衍地對她說,”妓女就是壞女人結婚”, 不知她明白多少!

• 祂不告訴我們都是為我們的好處 (例如,我們在那一天離世? 神沒有説)。

• 神顕明的旨意—是神願意我們知道的。首先,神願意我們知道祂是誰,所以祂把祂的屬性清楚地啓示給我們。我們怎能愛一位我們不知道的神呢?其次,顕明的旨意大部分與教訓有關。教訓是我們討神喜悅的指導原則。例如:

• 神要我們盡心,盡性,盡意,盡力去愛祂 (Mk 12:30-31)

• 神要我們知道除衪以外,不可有別的神 (Ex 20:3)。

• 凡耶穌所吩咐的, 我們都要遵守 (Mt 28:20); 這就鼓勵我們要勤讀經了。

顕明的旨意的目標是好叫我們遵守這律法上的一切話,好讓我們知道如何討祂的喜悅。明白隱藏的旨意與顕明的旨意的區別對我們有很多好處:讓我們知道誰在掌管我們不知道的明天,我們便不會過分擔憂。相信神的命定是良善的和聖潔的,我們可以在患難中有盼望, 有喜樂, 有倚靠。良善和聖潔是祂的屬性。如果神只有全權而沒有良善,那是更可怕的情形。


• 隱藏的旨令:人不能知道的。只有全權的神才知道。
「(們徒) 聚集的時候、問耶穌說、主阿、你復興以色列國、就在這時候嗎? 耶穌對他們說、父憑著自己的權柄、所定的時候日期、不是你們可以知道的。」(Acts 1:6-7)

• 明顕的旨令:是命令,是教訓,是人的責任。
「但聖靈降臨在你們身上、你們就必得著能力.並要在耶路撒冷、猶太全地、和撒瑪利亞、直到地極、作我的見證。」 (Acts 1:8)

實例說明:使徒行傳21至28章 (Ref. 5)

使徒行傳最後八章述及保羅由耶路撒冷往羅馬的旅行。雖然保羅是以囚犯身份被解交往羅馬,但有學者稱此次行程為「保羅第四次宣教之旅」。因為保羅所到之處都撒下福音的種子, 宣講耶穌基督, 甚至向君王傳道。從這行程中,特別是第廿七章的船難, 我們可以看到 “神的主權與人的責任的關係”。下面是船難發生前的一些時序背景:

• 保羅在耶路撒冷與雅各和其他長老會面 (21:18-28)。

• 保羅在耶路撒冷放膽傳福音遭受猶太人折磨 (21:27-40)。

• 保羅公開為耶穌復活作見證遭受鞭打並受審判 (22:21-30)。

• 保羅被護送到凱撒利亞港 (23:1-35)。

• 保羅被押到巡撫腓力斯 (24)。

• 保羅上訴

新上任的非斯都,要求要見羅馬王帝 (25)。這是羅馬公民的權利。

• 保羅站在亞基帕王面前見證耶穌 (26)。

• 非斯都決定把保羅送住意大利的羅馬去 (27:1-2)。

使徒行傳27:13-44 詳細地記錄保羅往意大利的整個船程。他們從該撒利亞起航,沿著以色列海岸北上,再沿著土耳其南岸向西行到了每拉,在那地方百夫長遇上一隻名亞力山太的船,他們便往克里特島 (Crete) 去。船上有船長,水手,百夫長,囚犯,和保羅共 276人 (Acts 27:37)。一上船便遇上巨風,船就沿著革哩底的南岸向東行,到了非尼基港,保羅見議船就停在這𥚃過冬,否則船,貨,和性命都難保。

神定意保羅往羅馬 (Acts 23:11)。但人的想法是: 如果船沈了,保羅便喪命,豈非神的旨意會落空嗎?

然而,船長和百夫長都不同意保羅,因為保羅只不過是個囚犯,也沒有航海經驗,所以他便無話可説。船就繼續往前行,果然照保羅所預料,狂風大浪不停地催逼,全船的人都害怕,且斷定「得救的指望就都絶了 (27:20)」。宿命主義者便坐以待斃,認為這是天意,做甚麼也沒有用。但保羅並不這樣想,他鼓勵全船的人應盡人的責任,挽救危局。保羅還勸他們說,「你們放心。你們的性命、一個也不失喪、惟獨失喪這船。因我所屬所事奉的 神、他的使者昨夜站在我旁邊說:”保羅、不要害怕、你必定站在該撒面前.並且與你同船的人、 神都賜給你了」。 保羅深信神的全權,知道結局被操縱在神那特定的旨意中。因此他繼續强調説,「所以眾位可以放心、我信 神他怎樣對我說、事情也要怎樣成就 (27:22-25)」。保羅知道事情一定會完滿結束,但他並沒說, “甚麼都不要做了!” 保羅並沒有這樣想。他卻鼓勵每人各盡其職,做些遇船難時所應該做的事:

• 「用䌫索捆綁船底 (17:17)」以防船身爆裂。

• 「把貨物拋在海𥚃;把船上的器具拋棄 (17:18-19)」以減輕船的負荷。

• 禁食的時間巳過去,「保羅勸眾人都吃飯,説:你們懸望忍餓不吃甚麼,巳經十四天了。」吃飯才有能量去應付危機。

• 他們也用儀器探測海的深䔐 (17:28), 以便知道情況。

保羅深信這些都是人的責任,盡管神巳命定此次船難必無人喪命,但保羅 “真正地認為” 這些行動是保存性命的重要策略。

但有經驗的水手都知道如果留在船上,必定死亡,所以他們「想要逃出船,便把救生小船放在大海中 (27:30)。」如果他們的策略成功,神的旨意便落空了, 因為神的旨意是要全船的人都往羅馬, 一個也不失喪 (Acts 27:22)。但「保羅對百夫長和兵丁說、這些人若不等在船上、你們必不能得救。於是百夫長命令兵丁砍斷小船的繩子、由他飄去 (27:31-32)。」沒有救生艇, 水手也只能留在船上和保羅及其他囚犯在一起。在海難時, 水手非常重要; 今次百夫長聼從保羅的話 (c.f. 27:11)。

兵丁的職責是看守囚犯,如有逃離者,兵丁必受嚴重的處罰。兵丁出了一個主意、要「把囚犯殺了、恐怕有洑水脫逃的。但「百夫長要救保羅、不准他們任意而行 (27:42-43)。船終于在米利大島擱了淺 (Acts 28:1),這樣、眾人都得了救上了岸 (27:44) 」,準確地成全了全權的神的法令旨意。

我們看到神不但命定事情的結局,也命定達成結局的過程的方法。神借著人的手去保證祂的旨意必得完成。如果兵丁真的殺了他們,神的旨意便落空。現在我們看到神全權的法令旨意與人的責任拉上關係:如人的作為符合神的旨意, 人必蒙神的喜悅,如人的計謀與神的命定背道而馳,他也無法破壞神所命定的結局, 但自己却要面对審判。


神的主權命定一切,是否代表人的自由意志沒有地位? 你有沒有玩過拼圖板 (jigsaw puzzle pieces) 的遊戲?當我開始排列拼圖板時, 我通常由角落開始, 一步一步向內發展, 很快我便會構成一片似乎成功的圖案。突然間, 我發現中間地帶有一些機會, 我便從那裏又發展另一片新的領域. 很快地, 一片一片不連接在一起的圖案散佈在尚未完成的畫面上。現在重點就在這兒: 如果這些巳排列好的拼圖板的的確處在它們應有的位置上, 遲早這幅拼圖是會被連接成功的。但如果這些巳排列好的拼圖板其中只有一片不是在它應有命定的位置上, 這幅拼圖是絕不會拼合成功的, 因為不連貫性遲早會被顯露出來, 所以那些看來暫時局部的成功, 不能保證全盤的成功。


• 這個拼圖板可以代表基督徒的生命。我們每天所做的一切就相當于把拼圖板一塊一塊地用神賜給我們的自由意志放進圖板。凡是神命定中的東西必被保留,凡不是神命定中的東西,透過神出于愛的管教,必被挪移。

• 這個拼圖板可以代表基督徒的歷史觀。無神論者認為歷史是無意義,無目的的循環。今天發生的事以前發生過,以後也必再會發生。另一看法是一種存在主意式的歷史觀,認為意義取決於行動。每個人都試圖找出自己的途徑,在無目的的大海洋中發表「個人主義」。但聖經的歷史觀是線性的,是有方向的,有目的的,照著神所命定的目標和方法邁進,走向啓示錄所指示的終點,所以基督徒基本上應是樂觀的。每一塊拼圖板都看到人的自由意志和神的指印在其中。神是歷史 (His-Story) 的主宰,當整個拼圖完成後,我們發現原來基督是整個歷史的中心人物。我們一切的活動,不知不覺地,都與傳福音有關。我們是活在一個「已然」和「未然」的張力中。「現世」和「來世」是有連續性的。我們的傳福音和推進基督教文化是有意義的。(Ref. 6)

• 這個拼圖板可以幫助指出無神論者的不協調性。基督徒不同意宏觀進化論 (即猴子可進化成人類),但我們千萬不要說進化論「所有」的東西都錯。進化論對生物學的貢獻也是非常大是的,但它在整個系統和格構上是大錯特錯的,我們必須區別這一點。換句話說,它有很多「局部的成功」我們可以學習,但它卻沒有「整體的成功。」舉凡 「寒武纪爆炸 (Cambrian explosion) 」的困惑,或 「化石証據」的不足等, 都是因為拼圖板放在不對的位置上所引起的不連贯性。


耶穌對尼哥底母説,「我對你們說地上的事,你們尚且不信,若說天上的事,如何能信呢?(Jn 3:12) 」首先讓我們看看地上的一件事,就是地上的生命是怎樣來的。神在父親無數的精子中只選一條, 又再在母親無數的卵子中只選一粒。兩者結合便成了一個生命,這個生命就是你我地上生命的開始。請問你對你自己的生命的存在有甚麼貢獻? 答案是: 一點貢獻都沒有。我們的存在完全是神的揀選。如果肉身的生命的形成完全是神的㨂選,那麼屬靈的生命豈不應更是神的揀選嗎?所以我們對我們的重生 (屬天的生命) 也是亳無貢獻的。「重生」完全是出于神恩典的揀選,得救完全是本乎恩。聖經內用很多的經節支「預定論 (Doctrine of Predestination) 」, 我們雖不完全了解,但它至少也算是通得過我們的思維的。如果人的得救是神的揀選,而神的揀選是絶不會落空,那麼傳福音的意義何在?

神命定任何事情所要達到的最終目的,祂也同時命定要達到此目的的方法。這就等於重述祂有至高無上的主權。在救贖的事上, 也是如此。人得救乃完全本乎神揀選的恩典也藉著人的信。既是揀選,人的信心就一定不是人自發的,墮落人類也無法從自己產生得救的信心,所以得救的信心必然是神所賜的禮物。但神如何把這信心的禮物送給人呢?這是一個方法的問題。但如果方法也是神所命定,那麼我們就要問,「神所命定的方法是甚麼?」聖經給了我們一個明確的答案:「信道是從聽道來的、聽道是從基督的話來的。(Rm 10:17) 」要人聼道,就必須有人傳道,所以傳福音是必要的。傳甚麼道呢?道不單單是個人的見證,道是基督的話, 就是福音。這裏我們再次看到「神的全權」與「人的責任」的互動。「神人同工」是整本聖經不斷提到的真理,也說明了聖經中的神是一位願意與人建立關係的神。還有,傳福音是順服的表現,是討神喜悅的方法,因為這是耶穌的命令。所以我們不能因為神的揀選就忽畧了自己的責任。


神的全權是不證自明的真理,更是具有聖經強烈支持的教義。神主權的命定不會消除人的責任,也不消除人的自由意志,而且人是要向神負上道德的責任。神人同工是聖經一貫的教導。區別神隱藏的旨意和明顕的旨意是理解神的至高無上的主權和人的責任的關鍵。了解神是歷史的主可以幫助我們在整個大使命中的角色。有位護教學者説得好:「神給我們足夠的證據,使我們可以靠著理性去踏出信心的第一步。但神也保留一些理性無法介入的領域,使我們可以全然用信心去依靠祂,信賴祂,和委身於祂。(Ref. 7) 」這是信心與理性互動的最佳說明。


1. On the sovereignty of God, R.C. Sproul said frequently in his podcast, “there is no maverick molecule in the universe that is outside of God’s power and control.”

2. 伊斯蘭教的五大支柱: A. Declaration Faith (声明信仰); B. Obligatory Prayer (義務祈禱); C. Compulsory giving (強制給予); D. Fasting in the month of Ramadan (齋月禁食); E. Pilgrimage to Mecca (麥加朝聖).

3. Various google searches and fact-checks on this particular news.

4. “The Invisible Hand—Do all things really work for good?” by R.C. Sproul; pp. 94-96 and “後現代潮流中的 <心意更新>” by 李定武; pp. 61-62.

5. “God’s Control and Our Responsibility” by Guy M. Richard; (TableTalk October 2018); pp. 9-11.

6. “The Bible and the Future” by Anthony A. Hoekema; pp. 23-40.

7. “The Real Face of Atheism” by Ravi Zacharias. On page 113, RZ comments on the interplay between faith and reason, “God has put enough into the world to make faith in him a most reasonable thing, and he has left enough to make it impossible to live by sheer reason or observation alone.”

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By Tin-Chee Lo (盧天賜); February 9, 2019

21 那 時 , 彼 得 進 前 來 , 對 耶 穌 說 : 主 阿 , 我 弟 兄 得 罪 我 , 我 當 饒 恕 他 幾 次 呢 ? 到 七 次 可 以 麼 ?
22 耶 穌 說 : 我 對 你 說 , 不 是 到 七 次 , 乃 是 到 七 十 個 七 次 。
23 天 國 好 像 一 個 王 要 和 他 僕 人 算 賬 。
24 才 算 的 時 候 , 有 人 帶 了 一 個 欠 一 千 萬 銀 子 的 來 。
25 因 為 他 沒 有 甚 麼 償 還 之 物 , 主 人 吩 咐 把 他 和 他 妻 子 兒 女 , 並 一 切 所 有 的 都 賣 了 償 還 。
26 那 僕 人 就 俯 伏 拜 他 , 說 : 主 阿 , 寬 容 我 , 將 來 我 都 要 還 清 。
27 那 僕 人 的 主 人 就 動 了 慈 心 , 把 他 釋 放 了 , 並 且 免 了 他 的 債 。
28 那 僕 人 出 來 , 遇 見 他 的 一 個 同 伴 欠 他 十 兩 銀 子 , 便 揪 著 他 , 掐 住 他 的 喉 嚨 , 說 : 你 把 所 欠 的 還 我 !
29 他 的 同 伴 就 俯 伏 央 求 他 , 說 : 寬 容 我 罷 , 將 來 我 必 還 清 。
30 他 不 肯 , 竟 去 把 他 下 在 監 裡 , 等 他 還 了 所 欠 的 債 。
31 眾 同 伴 看 見 他 所 做 的 事 就 甚 憂 愁 , 去 把 這 事 都 告 訴 了 主 人 。
32 於 是 主 人 叫 了 他 來 , 對 他 說 : 你 這 惡 奴 才 ! 你 央 求 我 , 我 就 把 你 所 欠 的 都 免 了 ,
33 你 不 應 當 憐 恤 你 的 同 伴 , 像 我 憐 恤 你 麼 ?
34 主 人 就 大 怒 , 把 他 交 給 掌 刑 的 , 等 他 還 清 了 所 欠 的 債 。
35 你 們 各 人 若 不 從 心 裡 饒 恕 你 的 弟 兄 , 我 天 父 也 要 這 樣 待 你 們 了 。

在猶太人的文化中,寬恕是一項美德。拉比的教導是要你原諒那得罪你的人三次之多。彼得是猶太人,他當然知道這個道理。有一天,他來到耶穌面前問道:「主阿,我當饒怒人幾次呢? 到七次夠嗎?」彼得以為主一定會稱許他的宽宏大量。誰知耶穌説,「不是到七次,乃是到七十個七次。」



我們很容易地和正確地把這段故事與福音拉上關係。國王代表父神。所有在國王統治下的人都是王的僕人,不是奴隸。奴隸絕不可能會欠國王那麼多債的。故事中的僕人可能是國中的高官,他有特杈接觸到國庫的資源。因為這個王國代表神的國,我們可以説他是基督徒。在他重生之前,甚至重生之後,他欠了天父一筆不能償還的罪債。唯一能擺脫這債務就是父神的赦免。除此之外,別無它法 (vv. 21-27) 。 世上宗教的教導認為當你犯了一項罪,你可以做一件善事與它抵銷。這是不可能的,因為在王的眼中,僕人的善行只不過像一件破爛的衣服,一無是處。故事中的僕人向王呼求 (悔改),王就把他的債項一筆勾消。這真是一位有憐憫,有恩典的王。所以王的赦免代表耶穌基督的救恩。

比喻的下一段説到此僕人並沒有被王的宏恩感動,反而對欠他債的同伴施行嚴厲的方策。同伴欠他的債也不是小數量,只是遠遠少于他原本欠王的債 (vv. 28-30) 。其他的僕人們看見了,便怒氣沖天,將事稟告于王 (v. 31) 。王便大怒,恢復了那人負債的地位,並把他押回監獄去 (vv. 32-34) 。

這些僕人們的做法是否合理,我們暫且不談。但這裏給我自己一個反思:我有沒有因我不原諒別人而遭遇到同工或家人的非議? 這是一個發人心省的問題。現在我們思考一下王對此僕人的處理方法。

如果王的赦免代表救恩,那豈不是王把他再送回監獄,用嚴刑處置他,並恢复他的負債状态,就代表他的救恩失落了嗎? 想像力豐富的人馬上把這次重新入獄的事件連想到天主教的「練獄 (purgatory)」,但這是沒有聖經根據的。那麼我們怎樣去理解這段經文 (vv. 32-34) 呢?

首先,我們要知道這是一個比喻,特別是一個天國的比𣈥。解釋比喻的原則是:不可「過度」區泥細節;要注重整個比喻的主旨;更重要的是:所有的解釋必須服在教義 (doctrine) 之下。聖經教義包括:

  • 聖徒的堅忍, 即「一次得救永遠得救」(約十:27~28)
  • 切㡳的赦免 (基于神的信實與不變性)。「東離西有多遠、他叫我們的過犯、離我們也有多遠(詩 103:12)。」

耶穌稱這僕人為「惡奴 (wicked servant)」(v. 32)。這是一個非常強烈的字眼。聖經保留這個稱號給不信神的人。沒有真正的信徒會做出這樣無恩情的事。所以這個「不原諒人的人」一定是從未得過福音的人。絶不是他得了福音,後來又失落。因此,耶穌這比喻的意圖是要挑戰門徒對自己得救的真實性。一個真真正正重生的人絶不會做出如此大的忘恩背義的事。這就好像耶穌所講的另一個比喻:好樹結好果子,壞樹結壞果子,從它的果子便可認出樹的品質了。所以我們可肯定這人是未得救的。這人的「不得救」就是他被交給掌刑者 (v. 34) 的原因了。


既然饒恕是天國子民的品格的重要部分,那麼我們是否只做「單方赦免 (unilaterally forgive)」呢?這個問題可能是源於對耶穌的「十架七言」中一句話的誤解。耶穌説:「父阿,赦免他們,因為他們所作的,他們不曉得。」單方赦免是耶穌的旨令嗎?

答案是「不」。聖經一貫的教導是先悔改,後赦免。耶穌那句話中的「他們」非指所有人,乃是指那些看到耶穌義人受苦而被聖靈激動然後悔改的人,十架旁邊的那強盜是一例也。如果「他們」是代表所有的人,那就變成普救論 (universalism) 而不是福音了。

答案也可是「是」。現在我們可以用救贖的神學來看看寬恕的問題,我們每一個人都是死在過犯罪惡當中,所以我們一生下來便是罪的奴僕。我們沒有自由也沒有意願和能力去選擇上帝。但上帝先用恩典揀選我們,聖靈叫被揀選者先活過來 (弗2:1), 我們便重生了; 然後上帝賜給我們一棵得救的信心,當我們在新的生命中,更新過的自由意志讓我們醒悟過來,知道自己是一個罪人,我們便用更新過的心靈,向上帝悔改,並用上帝給我們的信心禮物,藉著基督救贖之功,便因信而稱義了。從這個神學觀點來看,我們可以說,上帝那單方面的赦免是在我們悔改之先。換句話說,不是因為我們先悔改,然後上帝才寬恕我們。但在人際關係的層面上,情況就有所不同。如果某人得罪了我,我向他說,「我原諒了。」那人不但不因你的單向的寬恕而謝謝你,他反帶著怒氣回答說, 「我根本沒有冒犯你,你為什麼要原諒我呢?我不需要的的原諒。」在這種情況下,單方面的饒恕,就沒有太大意義了。雖然如此,基督徒還是應該隨時隨地存著一個單方饒恕的心態,等待機會挽回這個得罪你的人。其实如果你真有這種心態, 那就可視為一種 “屬灵的單向” 了。

再者, 有些輕微的冐犯,我們就應該不用分析地作出單向式地原諒別人,不管他有無向你道歉。正如彼得所説,「愛能遮掩許多的罪。」人欠你五塊錢,又何必計較呢?人給你小小烦恼,又何必計較呢?把它們遮掩在腦後便算了, 這樣对你的心灵健康也有帮助。嚴重的罪一定要對付。先是私下與犯罪者交通,若他不聼,便帶幾位弟兄同去,再不聼,便把他交給教會,再不聼,教會便要把他趕出去,視他如外邦人,但心中還是希望他有一天歸正。如果甚麼過犯都以「單邊赦免」待之,那麼上述的紀律程序便毫無意義了。


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By Tin-chee Lo; December 24, 2018


嚴格而言, 四福音是匿名作品,因為在正文 (text) 中無明確聲明。但初期教會的統一證詞都同意下列的說法 (Ref. 1) 。

  • 稅吏馬太,又名利未,是馬太福音的作者。馬太寫作的對象是猶太人。馬太是耶穌十二使徒之一,所以他是耶穌生平的直接目擊證人。重點在説明耶穌是王。
  • 馬可,又稱為「馬可的約翰」是彼得的同伴。馬可不是十二使徒之一。馬可從彼得支取資料寫了馬可福音,強調耶穌是奴僕。彼得是十二門徒之一,所以馬可是耶穌生平的間接目擊證人。
  • 路加不是十二使徒之一,但他是保羅的要好朋友,保羅稱他為「心愛的醫生」。而保羅是親眼在大馬色看見過復活的耶穌的那一位特殊見證人。路加從馬可身上支取資料寫路加福音。路加又從保羅身上支取資料寫使徒行傳。所以路加是耶穌生平的間接目擊證人。
  • 約翰是十二使徒之一。他親自從耶穌身上和聖靈的特別啟示中獨立地獲得資料,寫了約翰福音和啓示録。當然,馬太,馬可,路得所知道的,約翰並非一無所知。因此約翰是耶穌生平的直接目擊證人。約翰福音重㸃不放在耶穌的生平,它與傳記式的「對觀福音—太,可,路」不同。它似乎有一種非常不同的語言風格。其中,記載耶穌使用不同的術語和長篇講道來表達祂自己的神性,即更「高的基督論 (high Christology)」。約翰記載:耶穌更直接地,更明顯地聲稱自己與父神同在; 自己就是上帝;是道路,真理和生命。

隨了聖經的內證外,還有早期教會的教父,如聖愛任紐 (Saint Irenaeus) 等, 都一致確認上述四人是福音書的作者。猶太歷史家約瑟夫 (Josephus) 都肯定此說法。所以,四福音是直接和間接的「目擊證人」的記錄,因此其資料的可靠性和可信度是無可置疑的。但是,獲得正確資料是一回事,寫下來的正確度又是另一回事。史學家均認為:事件的發生與其書面的記錄之間的時差越短,越不可能有神話傳說或錯誤的介入。 我們現在就要探討四福音書的寫作年日。

但我順便提一下:有人認為頭三本福音書是耶穌死後數百年,由一些虛構作家借用馬太,馬可,路加的名義寫下來的。但神學家 Craig L. Bromberg 認為這是極不可能。試想一想:馬可和路加被視為不夠資格,因他們不在十二門徒之圈子內,而馬太曾是被人憎恨的稅吏,是一位臭名昭著的人物。如果你要把一些人物當作福音書的作者,人之常情是會把一些著名的模範人物放進去。與富幻想的偽經福音書 (Apocryphal Gospels) 的作者對照, 他們選用腓力, 馬利亞, 和雅各等沒有丑事的人物,絶不會輪到馬太,馬可,和路加。但從聖經中,我們往往看到神常用一些我們認為「沒有資格」的人為器皿。(Ref. 1, pp. 16-17)

福音書記載了耶穌多次超自然地預言耶路撒冷的淪陷和宏徫聖殿的徹底毀壞。這事件果真于AD 70 準確地應驗了 (太24, 可13, 路21) 。那些持反超自然偏見 (antisupernatural bias) 的人士認為福音書必寫於 A.D.70 年之後。這是一個不附合史實的推断。為何不合史實呢?

現在我們以使徒行傳的寫作日期作為起始㸃來推算四福音的寫作日期。有幾個理由作為強烈支持使徒行傳是寫於 A.D.62 至A.D.64 年間的個案。使徒行傳記載了教會的誕生, 彼得與保羅的職事, 司提反的殉道 (Acts 7:54-60), 雅各的殉道 (Acts 12:1-2), 但並沒有提及數件 “如巳發生, 定必記載” 的歷史大事 (monumental events) 。這些意義深長的事件徹底地改變羅馬人和猶太人的關係。 若不被記載, 就好似寫美國近代史而忽畧了911事件一般。沒有記載 911 事件的美國近代史, 我們可以斷言它必然是寫於2001 年九月十一日之前.


  • 發生於A.D.70 耶路撒冷京城淪陷和聖殿全然被毀的事件沒有記载。
  • 羅馬暴君尼祿 於 A.D. 60 年代中葉對基督徒的大迫害沒有記载。
  • 使徒彼得于65年的殉道沒有記载。
  • 使徒保羅的殉道沒有記载。保羅在羅馬被捕後即被軟禁, 隨之而來使徒行傳突然地終結而再無下文交代。為什麼這位 「詳細考察」的歷史學家—路加醫生—的寫作如此唐突? 最可能的解釋就是保羅巳被處死,他的行蹤無法繼續記錄下去,時年約 A.D. 64。

這就意味著使徒行傳不會寫于64年之後,否則,對書中的核心人物—保羅—之死必有記載。然而,雅各于A.D. 61 年的殉道卻記載在使徒行傳 (Acts 12:1-2) 中。這又意味著使徒行傳必定是寫于A.D. 61 之前。

路加醫生在寫使徒行傳前,先寫了他稱之為「前書」的路加福音書,這就意味著路加福音必定是在雅各殉道前,即早期的 A.D.60s 年代寫的, 比使徒行傳早些。耶穌是在 A.D. 30 死于十字架上,所以我們可説路加福音是在耶穌離世升天後約三十年就巳寫成了。值得注意的是,路加醫生寫路加福音時常取材於馬可的目擊見證, 可見馬可福音成書時間大可能比路加福音早更。馬可不是十二使徒之一,他是從耶穌的近身門徒,彼得,獲資料。然而彼得 (和馬太) 兩人都在十二使徒之行列中,所以我們可以推論馬太福音與馬可福音均比路加福音還要早, 早在約 A.D.44 (Ref. 2) 。

結論: 我們可以肯定一個時段範圍,就是「對觀福音 (太,可,路) 」是在耶穌死後三十年巳經完成。保羅為主殉道死于 A.D. 64,如果我們算他所有寫作 (即十三封書信) 需要十多年,那就意味著保羅的寫作職事始於A.D.40 末期,終於A.D. 60初期。而大部分主要書信巳在 50 年代完成了,除了一些監獄書信稍晚一點。


保羅重要的基督論,特別是高基督論 (high Christology)—-耶穌是神和天地之主—-並非從他寫作過程中逐步形成。保羅發現,在主耶穌復活之後不久,在最早的基督教會中巳流行一些信條 (creeds),信仰表白,詩歌等,納入初期教會的礼拜仪式中。其後保羅把這些資料納入他的書信中。例:

  • 腓立比書2:6-11 論及基督「本有神的形像」。
  • 歌羅西書1:15-20 論及「愛子是那不能看見之神的像…萬有都是靠他造的…藉著他在十字架上所流的血…都與自己和好了。」
  • 還有哥林多前書15:3-7 論及保羅自己領受了一些「口頭傳統」的基本信仰。保羅在皈依基督教信仰 (A.D. 34) 三年後往耶路撒冷並且直接從目擊者—彼得和雅各—那裡得到了這些資料 (Ref.3; Ref.4 p.35) 。

此信條早被初期眾教會制訂 (formulated) 並採納. 所以耶穌的救贖資科 (死, [resurrection], 復活,升天) 可追朔 (dating back) 到事件後2至5年,而不是幾十年,更不是幾百年。新約文献 (保羅書信,對觀福音,主要教義,等) 寫於十字架事件發生後30年內, 絕不可能有傳奇故事 (legend), 或錯誤, 或誇張 (outright mistakes) 的成分在內 。如有,必被當時目擊者指正和修改。 標準自由派人士 (即那些不甘心接受寫作的立刻性的新派神學家) 也如此鑑定:

  • 馬可福音寫于 A.D. 70年代;
  • 馬太和路加福音寫于 A.D. 80年代;
  • 約翰福音寫于 A.D. 90年代。

就算如此, 這些寫作年代也在不同目擊者的有生年日之內, 包括一些持敵意的見證人, 如福音書所報導不實, 他們當時大有反駁機會。


亞歷山大大帝的兩部最早的傳記是亞歷山大在公元前323年逝世後400多年由阿里安 (Arrian) 和普魯塔克 (Plutarch) 撰寫的,但歷史學家們均認為這兩本傳記是可靠和值得信賴的。但他們也承認,關於亞歷山大的神話傳說材料,隨著時間的推移,巳慢慢介入傳記當中。然而,這只發生在這兩位傳記作家死後的幾個世紀才開始浮現。(Ref. 1, pp. 31-32)


回教:雖然我們有穆罕默德的語錄寫在古蘭經內,穆罕默德是活在公元578年至公元632年的人物。但他的傳記直到767年才被寫下– 整整在他去世後一個多世紀。 (Ref. 4, p.87) 。

正如史學家所說:事件的發生與其書面的記錄之間的時差越短,越不可能有不正確的東西, 如神話傳說或奇異的故事介入。鑑于福音書的幾十年和亞歷山大, 佛教,回放經典的幾百年的區別,新約聖經中的目擊證人的證詞是極其正確無誤地被保存的。

還有, 史學家 Colin Hemer 在使徒行傳最後的16章內, 對32個國家,54個城市和9個島嶼的提及,考古學家仔細研究, 鑑定沒有一個錯誤 (Ref. 4 pp.98-99) 。 筆者曾經到過以弗所古市,親眼看見被考古學家所發掘出來的大劇場 (Acts 19:29)。它是廿世紀初葉為懷疑者的爭論焦點之一; 他們認為古代的技術是無法建造如此巨大的劇場。但事實勝於雄辯。

一旦福音書的準確性被肯定, 耶穌的權威就被確定,而舊約便不證自明了,因為耶穌多次帶著權柄強調:

  • 若是這樣,經上 (律法書,即舊約聖經) 所說事情必須如此的話,怎麼應驗呢?(太26:54)
  • 天地廢去較比律法 (舊約) 的一點一畫落空還更容易. (路16:17)
  • 經上的話是不能廢掉的. (約10:35)


魯益師 (C.S. Lewis) 指出,“一個人,若他只是一個凡人, 並且說出那些耶穌所說出的話,要么他是個瘋子,要么他就是地獄的惡魔。你必須做出你的選擇。” 但是,魯益師繼續說道,“讓我們不要提出任何要人領情的胡言廢語,説祂只是一位偉大的人類老師。” 魯益師再強調,”耶穌並沒有留下這選擇給我們。並且衪從來沒有如此打算過。 (Ref. 5)” 我們正確的回應應該是是:相信,悔改,和接受耶穌是我們個人的救主。


  • 「在伯利恆之野地裡有牧羊的人、夜間按著更次看守羊群。(Lk 2:8) 」由此可知,耶穌是在夜晚出生。
  • 「因今天在大衛的城裡、為你們生了救主、就是主基督。(Lk 2:11) 」為什麼聖經説「今天」而不是「今晚」? 可見耶穌不是在深夜出生,而是在凌晨出生。

再者,耶穌出生的目的是為了把人類從黑暗的罪疚中拯救出來。所以衪是人類盼望的曙光。因此,我相信祂是在早晨出生的,這就解釋了題目中的「早晨」兩個字:但這只不過是我個人的想像和推测, 為了給讀者帶來一些興趣而矣。


  1. “The Case for Christmas” by Lee Strobel; pp. 7-36.
  2. “Searching for Truth” by Joe Boot; p. 186.
  3. “Who Make God?” by Ravi Zachariah and Norman Geisler; pp. 98-99.
  4. “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel.
  5. “Why Christmas?” is a booklet by Nicky Gumbel (www.alpha.org); p.7.
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By Tin-chee Lo; August 31,2018

我們每天起床,吃早餐,開車上班下班等等。這是正常的生活,這是必須每天都做的活動,應該是沒有很大的額外壓力。這些活動的總和,我們稱之為 「生活方式」。至於我們甚麼時候起床,穿什麼衣服,吃什麼早餐,開什麼汽車,走哪條路等等,因人而異,沒有對錯,我們稱之為「生活形態」。
現在我們停下來想想:如果我們能把傳福音的使命納入生活方式和生活形態中,這豈不是更好嗎? 這是一個心態的改變。這種心態使「個人佈道」從「任務」或「方法」或「節目」中釋放出來。

既然傳福音是生活方式和生活形態的一部分,它就不再被視為是一項任務 (雖然從 「服從主」的意識上,它仍然是任務), 使我們對 「贏得靈魂」的「成就感」壓力將大大減少。除了減輕壓力外,這種個人的傳福音心態有很多好處:

首先, 這種傳福音的心態是符合聖經的: 聖經教導我們要「得人如得魚」一樣。如果你不是專業的漁夫,你就沒有由經濟而來的壓力。傳福音的漁夫是「業餘的」漁夫;是「消遣性」的漁夫。獲得得少魚是由神決定,我們只在其中釣魚並享受湖光山色。耶穌差派七十二個平信徒出去,他們的「隨走隨傳」方式就是一種以福音為重的生活形態。

其次, 福音對象的圈子變得更擴大:凡我們腳蹤能到達之處,都是能被福音影響的範圍。離家不遠的麦当劳快餐店, 出外旅遊時的旅遊巴士,商塲內的美食廣场, 等,都可能成為福音的地㸃。這種以福音納入生活圈子內的傳福音形態是沒有時空限制的。

再者, 這種傳福音形態對我們是更有挑戰性的: 最大的挑戰是「要常作凖備」。因為我們不知道今天會碰到甚麼人,他們會問甚麼問題,他們的處境是怎樣,今天社會上會發生甚麼事, 我们都不能預先知道而作凖備。如果我被邀請去講一篇褔音性講道,我要花幾天時間去預備講章,但在「常作凖備」的大前提下,我的學習不再是為了講道,或是為了帶領查經或教主日學,更不是為了讀神學所要求的作業。看書和寫作完全被更新為一種享受。這豈不是一種喜樂興奮的挑戰嗎?

最後, 這種傳福音模式是更能配合個人恩賜的:神造各式各樣的人, 因此神揀選失落的人進入福音的途徑也不一樣。有人説,世上的人沒有兩個是完全相同的。我在千萬人中的獨特性 (個性,職業,和嗜好) 總會獲得與神同工的機會,使某一類的人得到福音的好處。




創意的傳達—破冰的對話容易開始;述說個人見證也不難。但兩者都不足夠被視為是「傳福音」。福音是涉及「耶穌是誰? 」,「祂作了甚麼事?」,「祂説了甚麼話?」。在今天「相對主義」盛行,「物質主義」主導的世界觀,「科學能解釋一切」的信念,和曲解和誤解「政教分離」的原義的文化中,只要你一開口試圖回答上述關于耶穌的三個問題時,你很可能馬上拒人于千哩之外,甚至毀了剛剛建立的脆弱友情。本來你要他真正知道的訊息,卻無法進入他的耳中。所以我們應該求神賜智慧,把福音用「不傷感情」的方法表明出來。


時事談話—名人自殺 (時裝設計師: Kate Spade, 和廚師和電視節目主持人: Anthony Bourdain) 可引發到生命意義的問題,因而導致「永生」的討論和「人是甚麼」等話題和人的困境與出路,這些都可以成為福音內容的跳板。

一本書也可以成為有效的福音媒介。有一次我在紐約上州的一所大學 (Vassar College) 的學生中心吃晚飯。當時我無意地把隨身帶著的一本書放在飯桌上。這本英文書的名字是《C.S. Lewis》(中譯:魯益師)。坐在我旁邊的一位女大學生,看到奇異的書名,便好奇地問我這本書講些甚麼東西。想不到的機會來了。我告訴她這本書是關乎一位廿十世紀有名的基督教的思想家。馬上我就讓她知道基督教並非一些人所想的「弱者找寄託」的宗教,乃是富有思想和理性的信仰。話題一打開,福音的對話便展開了。她開始有一些問題如:宇宙有神嗎?人的基本問題何在?耶穌是救主?人生意義是甚麼?道德從哪裡來?人生的歸宿是甚麼?正在興高采烈談話中,有幾位女同學也坐過來參予,那天晚上,她們還問及聖經是否歧视女人等問題。我答應她們會好好地正視她們的問題並將會用文字回覆她們。




「15 只要心裡尊主基督為聖.有人問你們心中盼望的緣由、就要常作準備、以溫柔敬畏的心回答各人.」


  • 對上帝:尊主基督為聖。這是我們靈修旳工夫。我們和神的關係要對。
  • 對自己: 常作準備。努力學習,包括讀經看書,做筆記等。這是一生的功課。這是付代價的追求和操練。
  • 對别人:要有溫柔和尊重別人的心。如果你看看下一節 (即 16), 你就知道甚至對那些定意要毀謗你,誣賴你的人,你也要以溫柔對待。這是我們品格的操練。

可見傳福音不單是告訴別人甚麼是福音, 也不要忘記它能在靈命,知識,和品格上做就自己。


最後,有一㸃非常重要。就是基督徒的生活見證。有人説基督徒讀四本福音書,就是「馬太」, 「馬可」,「路加」,「約翰」。但非基督徒多了一本,第五本是「基督徒」。可惜他們頭四本都不讀, 只讀第五本。因為未信者是先「看」福音,然後再「聴」福音的。

每天全世界約有十萬班航機,平安起飛和平安降落,我们聼不到有甚麼新奇;但每數年,總會有一架飛機掉下來,那天甚至那週都有头條大新聞了。多少愛主和愛人的基督徒都不為人所注意,一旦有一位基督徒 (特別是教會領袖) 跌倒,那就震動了整個社會了。求主憐憫和幫助我們。

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Does the Bible Believe in the Annihilation of Life?

By Tin-chee Lo, August 6, 2018

Many people say that the death of a person is like “the snuff of a candle,” suggesting an annihilation of life into nothingness. But the Bible rejects this philosophical viewpoint. Christian believes that after death, the body begins to decay, but the soul continues to exist uninterrupted until the day of resurrection when the soul, being in union with the resurrected body, will face the Great Judgment. The righteous are ushered into the “New Heaven and the New Earth” and they will be with the Lord forever. The wicked are sent to the “Lake of Fire” and they are tormented without end. This is our macro understanding of human destiny. The period from death to resurrection is what theologians called “the intermediate state” (Ref. 1). We can’t find detailed and direct information about this state-of-being from the Bible, but it doesn’t mean that we are totally ignorant about it. We can get a glimpse of it from several Bible verses.

Paul in Philippians 1 :23 says, “I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far.”

“To depart” refers to the death of the flesh and the entrance into this “intermediate state.” “I desire” means Paul’s yearning for something. What is this thing? It is “with Christ.” Here we see the continuity of the existence of the soul. Paul believes that the soul without the body turns out to be a state of “better by far.” This “better by far” means a conscious, meaningful existence, not a kind of comatose state of “soul-sleeping” until the resurrection. From all of Paul’s letters, he learned that he was passionate about knowing Christ. Although he knew Christ and was with Christ when he was alive on earth, he would know him far better and have a closer relationship with Him after his death. This is the meaning implied by “better by far.”

Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 says, “Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. We live by faith, not by sight. We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord.”

“At home in the body” refers to the times when Paul was living in this world. The verb “prefer” signifies a desire or longing. “Away from the body” indicates the possibility of the soul in the absence of the body. “At home with the Lord” means that the soul after the death of the body continues to exist and recognize the presence of the Lord by his side. “Being confident” shows that death is not a horrible thing, because it has no power to separate the soul from the Lord. Paul believed he would be all the more with the Lord and have the blessed hope of resurrection.

Apart from Paul, Apostle John in Revelation 6:9-10 testifies as saying, “When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the testimony they had maintained. They called out in a loud voice, ‘How long, Sovereign Lord, holy and true, until you judge the inhabitants of the earth and avenge our blood?’”

The souls of these slain people will certainly not be in a mode of sleep, because they could scream out loud, “Lord, how long will it wait?” Their sense of justice has not disappeared or diminished because of their martyrdom.

Concerning the Intermediate State, the Bible uses many terms to describe it: Heaven, Paradise, Hell, Prison, Hades, Sheol. Now we have gained some basic understanding of the “intermediate state”, but this does not mean that there are free from difficulties. Consider two Bible passages:

• In response to the repentant theft, Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise” (Like 23:43).
• Peter said, “For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit,
through whom also he went and preached to the spirits in prison (1 Peter 3:18-19).”

From the context, we are quite sure that Jesus went to preach to the lost souls in prison after His death but before His resurrection. But the verb “preached” doesn’t mean “evangelized” but “proclaimed” (Ref. 2, 3). Jesus went to the land of the dead (prison) and proclaimed as a herald the news of victory over Satan’s schemes set all along to frustrate God’s plan of salvation—that is the words of proclamation uttered by Jesus on the cross before He died: “It is done!”.

Since Jesus went to paradise immediately after his death, how could he also go to the prison right away? One possible explanation: There is a beautiful and blissful room in the prison, called paradise, so Jesus could go to the paradise and to the prison at the same time.

After the resurrection of Jesus, however, the paradise was moved out from the prison to a place called heaven. So today when the people who believe in the Lord die, their souls are immediately ushered into heaven to be with the Lord. When their bodies will later be resurrected, their souls, clothed with the glorious resurrected bodies, will be led into the New Heaven and New Earth, forever and ever with the Lord in eternity.

The idea of “paradise relocation” may sound a bit weird, but Bible scholar, Hebrew and Greek expert, Gleason Archer, seems to agree with this idea (Ref. 3); he believes that the purpose of Jesus’ going to prison after His death is to release those who died in faith in the Old Testament time, and then at the first Easter, these faithful souls of O.T. will be moved out into heaven. It implies that all the people of the Old Testament era went to what Peter called the prison (same as the Hebrew’s Sheol or the Greek’s Hades), regardless whether they are good or evil.

In the midst of excruciating pain, Jesus on the cross shouted out, “My God! My God! Why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). The Father was silent, because Jesus, in the night before, had already received the answer when He prayed in the garden of Gethsemane.

This “forsakenness” is by no means to say that Jesus had lost his divine nature during this critical moment, or loss of His status as a Person in the Trinity. He is always God, always divine. Otherwise, how could He bear our sins if He had ceased to be God at that critical moment when we desperately needed Him to be God the most?

Therefore, “abandonment” means that during that time, the Holy Father, who has always been in harmony and in perfect unity with His Son, could no longer stand on the same position of His Son because Jesus, the Son of God, had become sin by bearing the iniquities of mankind. But the relationship between the Holy Father and the Son has never been broken (Ref. 4)

The author of this article believes that “paradise relocation” is an unnecessary interpretive method to reconcile apparent conflict between two scriptural passages. Jesus is forever God without interruption, and one of God’s attributes is omnipresence. Because of that, He could well be in paradise and in the underworld at the same time.

While Jesus’ body remained in the grave until His bodily resurrection on the third day, Jesus’ soul went to the realm of the dead to proclaim victory. Furthermore, the revelation of the Bible is progressive; in the Old Testament era, the concept of heaven and hell wasn’t clear, all they knew was when a person died, they all went to Sheol (what Peter called, prison), regardless whether they were righteousness or wicked or not. In the Old Testament time, when the righteous man Jacob saw his youngest son Benjamin was forced to leave home with his brothers for Egypt, Jacob grieved deeply and said to his sons, “…If harm comes to this boy on the journey you are taking, you will bring my gray head down to the grave in sorrow (Genesis 16:19-31).”

When it comes to the New Testament time, we see that the righteous and the wicked, after they die, go to different places as we are confirmed in one of Jesus’ parables: the rich man (the unrighteous) was in hell in torment while the beggar Lazarus (the righteous) was in Abraham’s side in comfort.

To Christians, death is not the wages we must paid for our sins because Christ had already paid in full for our sins on the cross. Death is a source of blessing. The “last enemy” had already been defeated by Christ’s resurrection. Therefore, our most dreaded opponent—death—has become for us the servant who opens the door to heavenly bliss. Death for the Christian is therefore not the end but a glorious new beginning. For this, we may take comfort and rejoice.

Hoekema wrote (Ref. 1, p.274), “The Bible teaches that believers will go to heaven when they die. That they will be happy during the intermediate state between death and resurrection is clearly taught in the Scripture. But their happiness will be provisional and incomplete. For the completion of the happiness they await the resurrection of the body and the new earth which God will create as the culmination of His redemptive work.”


  1. “The Bible and the Future” by Anthony A. Hoekema; pages 92-108.
  2. “The top 100 questions” by Richard Bewes; page 273.
  3. “Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties” by Gleason L. Archer; page 423.
  4. “Now, That’s a Good Question!” by R.C. Sproul; pages 50-51.
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By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜) August 6, 2018

很多人説, 「人死如燈滅」,意即「死」就是一了百了,不再存在。但聖經拒絕這種哲學思想。基督徒相信人死後,身體開始朽壞,但那沒有身體的靈魂繼續無間斷地存在,直至有一天復活,那時帶著復活身體的靈魂將受審判。義人被歡迎到新天新地的世界去,與主永遠同在;惡人被送到火湖那𥚃去,永遠受苦。這是我們對歸宿的宏觀認識。從死亡到復活這段時間,神學家 (Note 1) 稱為「中間狀態 (intermediate state) 」。聖經对「中間狀態」有不同的名詞: 「天堂」, 「樂園」, 「地獄」, 「監獄」, 「陰間」, 但不是「新天新地」和「火湖」。我們從聖經中找不到關乎此狀態的詳細和直接資料,但並非表示我們對此一無所知。我們可以從數處經文中獲得精釆的啓示。

保羅在腓立比書1:23 說:「我正在兩難之間、情願離世與基督同在.因為這是好得無比的。」

保羅在哥林多後書5:6-8 說:「6 所以我們時常坦然無懼、並且曉得我們住在身內便與主相離。7 因我們行事為人、是憑著信心、不是憑著眼見。8 我們坦然無懼、是更願意離開身體與主同住。」

除了保羅外,使徒約翰在啓示錄 6:9-10 作見證說:「9 揭開第五印的時候、我看見在祭壇底下、有為 神的道、並為作見證、被殺之人的靈魂。10 大聲喊著說、聖潔真實的主阿、你不審判住在地上的人給我們伸流血的冤、要等到幾時呢。」


現在我們對「中間狀態」巳有基本認識,但這並不代表其中沒有難題。耶穌在十架上對那悔改的犯人說, 「今日你要同我在樂園裡了 (路 23:43) 。」但彼前 3:18b-19 記載, 「按著肉體說,他被治死;按著靈性說,他復活了。他藉這靈曾去傳道給那些在監獄裡的靈聽」 。從上下文, 我們頗有把握相信耶穌在死後但在復活前曾到監獄 (死人之地) 向失落的灵魂傳道。 (Note 2: 不是傳福音, 乃是宣告得勝 to proclaim as a herald, 就是那 “成了” 的消息。)
既然耶穌死後馬上去樂園, 衪又怎能馬上又去監獄呢? 有一解釋是: 可怕的監獄裏面有一個美麗幸福的房間, 叫樂園, 所以耶穌可以去樂園又同時去地獄。 到耶穌復活升天後, 樂園便搬出來, 移到天上, 稱為天堂 (Note 3)。 所以今天信主的人死了, 他們的靈魂馬上到天堂, 與主同在, 待末日身體復活, 然後進入新天新地的永世裏。 樂園搬家, 聽來有點古怪, 但聖經學者, 希伯來文和希胆文專家, Gleason Archer 似乎同意這說法 (Note 4); 認為耶穌到監獄的目的是釋放那些舊約時代有信心的死者, 然後在第一個復活節的那一天遷移到天堂。 暗示所有舊約時代的人死後都去陰間 (希伯來文的Sheol 或希臘文的 Hades), 亦即彼得所說的監獄,不分善惡。

在極度痛苦中, 十架上的耶穌放聲喊叫, 「我的神!我的神!為甚麼離棄我?」 (太27:46). 父神沉默不語, 因為耶穌在前一晚客西馬尼園中巳有答案。 這個 「離棄」 不代表耶穌在這段時間失去神性, 或失去三位一體中的位格, 衪永遠是神, 否則衪在重要的時刻—-也就是「衪必需是神」的時刻—-又怎能担當我們的罪呢? 所以 「離棄」的意思是在那段時間裏, 一向與衪和諧協調的父神, 因耶穌身上背負世人的罪的緣故, 不能再和衪站在同一立塲上;但聖父與耶穌之間的父子關係始終從未終斷過。 (Note 5)

筆者認為「樂園搬家」是不必要的經文調和方法。 耶穌既無間斷地是神, 而神其中一種屬性是「無所不在」。既是無所不在, 衪便可以同時在樂園和在監獄 (隂間) 了。耶穌的身體仍在墳墓裡直至第三天身體復活為止, 所以往陰間的耶穌是耶穌的靈魂。 所以耶穌是經过 [死=>中間状態=>復活=>國度] 的模式,因此祂成為我们的模式。再者, 聖經的啟示是漸進的, 在舊約時代, 天堂和地獄的觀念尚未明晰, 不論義人或惡人死了, 他們所知道的, 就是往墳墓 (死人之地) 那裏去。 所以義人雅各見幼子便雅憫被帶走時, 便說, 「那便是你們使我白髮蒼蒼、悲悲慘慘地下陰間 (Sheol or Hades) 去了 (創42:38)。」及至新約, 我們才確實明白義人和惡人所去的地方是不同的: 拉撒路在亞伯拉罕懷裡得安慰, 而財主在陰間受痛苦 (路16:19-31)。

對基督徒而言,死亡不是我們必須為我們的罪付出的工價,因為基督已經在十字架上全額支付了我們的罪債。死亡是祝福的源泉。基督的複活已經擊敗了 “最後的敵人”。因此,我們最可怕的對手 — 死亡 — 對我們來說已成為打開天堂幸福之門的僕人。因此,基督徒的死不是結束,而是一個光榮的新開端。為此,我們可以得安慰並歡欣鼓舞。聖經教導說,信徒死後會馬上去天堂。此外, 聖經並清楚地指出信徒在死亡後和復活前的中間狀態中是快樂和幸福的。但他們的快樂和幸福將是暫時的和不完整的。終極的快樂和幸福,要等待到他們帶著復活的身體進到上帝所創造的新天新地才能現實, 那時就是神救贖工作達到的最高潮。(Note 1)

Note 1: “The Bible and the Future” by Anthony A. Hoekema。

Note 2: “The top 100 questions” by Richard Bewes; page 273 。

Note 3: 黄錦祥牧師在 MHCCC 之證道, “活人的神”; April 6, 2008。

Note 4: “Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties” by Gleason L. Archer; page 423。

Note 5: ““Now, That’s a Good Question!” by R.C. Sproul; pages 50-51。

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By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); May 31, 2018

我們得救是本乎恩、也因著信、但這個「得救的信心」,絶不是出於自己、乃是 神所賜的。若這信心是出于自己,它就變成行為了、人就因他的行為有所自誇。福音的重要教義是「唯獨因信稱義」是與我們的「行為」拉不上關係的。因著神賜給我們的信心,基督的義便「歸」到我們身上,父神就「算」我們為義。因著神賜給我們的信心,我們的罪便「歸」到基督身上,父神就「算」基督為罪人,承受罪的工價,死在十字架上。這個雙重的「歸算 (double imputation)」就是福音的核心。

然而,當我們重生得救之後,行為是成聖歷程中的重要因素,也是基督徒得獎賞的根據。但當我們聽從基督,遵守祂的誡命,在教會中努力事奉,以德行為神作見證時,難免不自問,「我是否涉及 ”律法主義” 的范围呢?」當我們想避免落在律法主義當中時,也難免不自問,「我是否變成 ”反律法主義” 者呢?」我們在這兩難之間摇摆不定時,我們應問,「究竟有沒有方法去測驗我們是否在恩典中生活還是在律法主義中生活呢?」我們會從一些聖經人物 (如路加15:11-32; 17:7-10) 的負面和正面的心態去支取一些清晰而可行的原則去引導我們的事奉和生活。我們發現「律法主義」與「反律法主義」原來不是兩件對立的事情,它們乃是同根生的雙胞胎,是魔鬼的謊言為了使信徒跌倒和使基督的榮耀受虧損。「律法主義」與「反律法主義」既是同一根源,醫治的方法也應該是一樣:就是福音。這樣的明白會導致事奉的喜樂和生活的有力和與人與神的關係上的和諧,最終會讓我有更豐盛的生命–更像基督。

11 耶 穌 又 說 : 一 個 人 有 兩 個 兒 子 。
12 小 兒 子 對 父 親 說 : 父 親 , 請 你 把 我 應 得 的 家 業 分 給 我 。 他 父 親 就 把 產 業 分 給 他 們 。
13 過 了 不 多 幾 日 , 小 兒 子 就 把 他 一 切 所 有 的 都 收 拾 起 來 , 往 遠 方 去 了 。 在 那 裡 任 意 放 蕩 , 浪 費 貲 財 。
14 既 耗 盡 了 一 切 所 有 的 , 又 遇 著 那 地 方 大 遭 饑 荒 , 就 窮 苦 起 來 。
15 於 是 去 投 靠 那 地 方 的 一 個 人 ; 那 人 打 發 他 到 田 裡 去 放 豬 。
16 他 恨 不 得 拿 豬 所 吃 的 豆 莢 充 飢 , 也 沒 有 人 給 他 。
17 他 醒 悟 過 來 , 就 說 : 我 父 親 有 多 少 的 雇 工 , 口 糧 有 餘 , 我 倒 在 這 裡 餓 死 麼 ?
18 我 要 起 來 , 到 我 父 親 那 裡 去 , 向 他 說 : 父 親 ! 我 得 罪 了 天 , 又 得 罪 了 你 ;
19 從 今 以 後 , 我 不 配 稱 為 你 的 兒 子 , 把 我 當 作 一 個 雇 工 罷 !
20 於 是 起 來 , 往 他 父 親 那 裡 去 。 相 離 還 遠 , 他 父 親 看 見 , 就 動 了 慈 心 , 跑 去 抱 著 他 的 頸 項 , 連 連 與 他 親 嘴 。
21 兒 子 說 : 父 親 ! 我 得 罪 了 天 , 又 得 罪 了 你 ; 從 今 以 後 , 我 不 配 稱 為 你 的 兒 子 。
22 父 親 卻 吩 咐 僕 人 說 : 把 那 上 好 的 袍 子 快 拿 出 來 給 他 穿 ; 把 戒 指 戴 在 他 指 頭 上 ; 把 鞋 穿 在 他 腳 上 ;
23 把 那 肥 牛 犢 牽 來 宰 了 , 我 們 可 以 吃 喝 快 樂 ;
24 因 為 我 這 個 兒 子 是 死 而 復 活 , 失 而 又 得 的 。 他 們 就 快 樂 起 來 。
25 那 時 , 大 兒 子 正 在 田 裡 。 他 回 來 , 離 家 不 遠 , 聽 見 作 樂 跳 舞 的 聲 音 ,
26 便 叫 過 一 個 僕 人 來 , 問 是 甚 麼 事 。
27 僕 人 說 : 你 兄 弟 來 了 ; 你 父 親 因 為 得 他 無 災 無 病 的 回 來 , 把 肥 牛 犢 宰 了 。
28 大 兒 子 卻 生 氣 , 不 肯 進 去 ; 他 父 親 就 出 來 勸 他 。
29 他 對 父 親 說 : 我 服 事 你 這 多 年 , 從 來 沒 有 違 背 過 你 的 命 , 你 並 沒 有 給 我 一 隻 山 羊 羔 , 叫 我 和 朋 友 一 同 快 樂 。
30 但 你 這 個 兒 子 和 娼 妓 吞 盡 了 你 的 產 業 , 他 一 來 了 , 你 倒 為 他 宰 了 肥 牛 犢 。
31 父 親 對 他 說 : 兒 阿 ! 你 常 和 我 同 在 , 我 一 切 所 有 的 都 是 你 的 ;
32 只 是 你 這 個 兄 弟 是 死 而 復 活 、 失 而 又 得 的 , 所 以 我 們 理 當 歡 喜 快 樂 。

「眾稅吏和 「罪人」、都挨近耶穌要聽他講道。法利賽人和文士,私下議論說,這個人接待罪人,又同他們吃飯。」(Luke 15:1-2)

• 第一群人是稅吏和罪人。他們既不守聖經中的道德律,也不持守猶太人傳統的潔淨規矩,他們是「往遠方去了 (v. 13)」的人。但他們是喜歡挨近耶穌的人。
• 第二群人是法利賽人和文士。他們嚴守教養中的傳統道德,研讀謹守聖經,並且忠誠地敬拜上帝,時常禱告。但他們故意接近罪人,用意是想藉著他們去找把柄陷害耶穌。


• 小兒子代表第一群人—稅吏和罪人
• 大兒子代表第二群人—法利賽人和文士

這個比喻的情節非常簡單: 有一位父親,他有兩個兒子,小兒子要求分家產而在他得到家產之後就離開家鄉遠走高飛,在紙醉金迷 ,在糜烂淫乐的生活中耗盡了所有。後來他就在憂傷痛悔的覺悟中回家,沒想到父親竟然伸開雙臂地迎接他。
但這個歡迎卻讓大兒子極度生氣。故事最後說到父親規勸大兒子一起來接納並赦免他的弟弟。這是一個出人意外,滿有恩典,也極為戲劇化的請求。耶穌的聽眾們聽到這里,好像就快坐不住了。想: 他們全家最後會彼此相愛大團圓嗎?兄弟間會和好嗎?大兒子會因父親這個特別的請求,就心軟下來與父親和好嗎?正當這些想法在我們腦海里盤旋的時候,故事竟然就結束了 !

比喻中的小兒子代表發掘自我的人生路線。在古代的族長文化中,有些人選擇了這條路線, 但在今天的社會裡,由其是在六十年代所開始的美國「反文化革命 (counter culture revolution)」之興起,則有更多的人選擇這樣條路線。他們對自己説,「只有我能決定什麼對我自己來說是對的 ,或是錯的,我要過我想過的生活 ,不在乎傳統或風俗習慣是什麼,而且我要在其中追尋真實的自我 與快樂。」今天作父母親的 (特别是中国人)大概会称這小兒子為「壞」孩子。因為小兒子的罪是很容易被人認出來的:

• 他羞辱了父親。他對父親要求:「請 你 把 我 應 得 的 家 業 分 給 我 (v.12)」。當時的社會文化是要等到父親死後才把他的家業分給兒子們 (其實今天也是如此),而且長子將得到雙份。小兒子要求父親馬上分給他家業,這就等於對父親說,「你幾時死呀?我等不及了,你現在就把我應該得到的分給我吧!」再者,他所「應得」的只是三分之一 (哥哥應是拿雙倍,即三分之二) , 然而他要求父親給他一半的「遺」產。

• 過着任性放蕩的生活,小兒子的做法是先「往遠方去」。在那裡沒有人認識他,沒有人干涉他,他可以為所欲為。「在 那 裡 任 意 放 蕩 (v. 13a)」, 完全沒有約束,沒有人監視, 其結果是「耗 盡 了 一 切 所 有 的」。

• 「往 遠 方 去」還有一個更重要的意義:就是與父親疏遠和隔離。這是最嚴重的罪。小兒子在家中一定有他特定的責任。但他對個人的責任和個人的喜愛有隱約的分離。他無法以負責任來表達一種豐滿,熱切,和完全順服的喜樂; 他也無法以對父親的謙恭作為最大的滿足。因為他不信任父親的良善,也不信頼父親給他快樂和幸福的承諾。「遠走高飛」就成為他唯一的出路。

雖然我們至此還沒有給「律師主義」和「反律法主義」下定義,但我們都直覺上認為這些都是「反律法主義」思想的特性。 所以小兒子是「反律法主義」的代表。但有一天「他醒悟過來」, 説, 「我要起來 , 回到 我 父 親 那裡去,」帶著「不配」感 (v. 19, 21) 向父親認罪。

父親歡迎悔改的兒子,可以說是不計一切 的,因為他沒有「計算 (count)」或數㸃他的罪,也沒有要求他賠償他所拿走的產業。如果「浪」字代表「大量」之意, 那麼小兒子就是在享樂上大量花費他的財物的人,所以一搬人稱他為「浪子」。然而故事中的父親所代表的天父却把祂大量的恩典花費在祂的小兒子身上,所以他也可被稱為「浪父」。沿著這個文字遊戲,提姆·凱樂Timothy Keller 寫了一本小書,命名為「浪神」英文書名是「The Prodigal God」,呂允智牧師文雅地把它譯為「一擲千金的上帝」以表達上帝對我們有浩澣的恩典。或許我把它改譯為「一擲萬恩」的上帝似乎更為準確,但仍未能表達其真意之萬一。父親不把小兒子的罪歸到他身上。天父更不把我們的罪歸到我們身上,正如使徒保羅寫道:

「這就是 神在基督裡、叫世人與自己和好、不將他們的過犯歸到他們身上.並且將這和好的道理託付了我們。」 (林後5:19)

這是上帝不計一切的恩典,這是我們最大的福份和昐望。小兒子被赦免後不再是在家中享福, 他也要作工。同樣, 我们得救後也有神託付給我们的使命,就是傳和好的福音。還有一個非常重要的真理: 想要逃離神或向他挑戰的路不只一條,但想要回到父親面前的路却只有一條。

比喻中的大兒子代表了遵守道德規範的人生路線。耶穌時代的法利賽人相信,他們是上帝的選民 ,他們必須嚴格遵行聖經,才能維持蒙福的地位,並且最後得到救恩。他們對自己説,「我不會照着自己的想法去行事,而會照着傳統和社會要我去做的去行事。」當大兒子由僕人口中聽說他的弟弟回來了,而且被父親接納又恢復了地位,他不禁怒火中燒; 現在輪到他來羞辱父親了。他的做法, 照当時的文化, 也極可能會不被鄰里社區所接受。但大兒子的态度是完全可被了解的。他不肯進去參加這個活動,這可能是父親所辦過的最隆重的公開盛宴 。他停留在家門外,公然表達他對父親所做的事不以為然, 因此父親不得不出來對他說話 — 這對一家之主又是盛大宴會的主人來説,是一種侮辱的事。但父親開始懇請大兒子進門,然而大兒子卻一直拒絕。

為什麼大兒子會這麽憤怒呢?他對筵席等一切要花費許多的錢特別感到不高興:「你從來沒有給過我山羊羔的筵席…現在居然給他肥牛犢?」其實肥牛犢只是個代表,因為這位父親所辦的筵席,花費遠遠超過肥牛犢的價錢;而且因為他接納小兒子回家,讓他重新成為繼承人, 並能承受三分之一的產業。雖然大兒子還能享受長子的雙份 (三分之二) 產業, 但父親本來的一半已沒有了,現在就算是雙倍,也只不過是縮了水後的雙倍。這對大兒子來説這簡直是大過分了,他開始抱怨和算帳:「我每天拼死工作,才賺到我所得到的; 這個「賺」字對大兒子是非常重要的。但你那個小兒子卻什麼都不做,什麼都沒賺,他只配備趕出去 (這可能是哥哥不出去找弟弟的原因),而你竟然還為他一擲千金地花那麼大筆錢 !天理公平何在?」 确实地, 我們猜想到比喻的聼眾 (也包括我們在內) 也會感覺到與大兒子所感受同樣的不公平的常情。其實這種感覺就顕出我們的自我中心和神的恩典的差别。

雖有抱怨,但大致上,大兒子畢竟算是個道德直率, 也算是完全聽從他的父親的話,勤勞而且自律甚嚴的人。今天我们称這些孩子為「好」孩子。但父親所代表的天父如何看這個大兒子呢?

• 他是個自豪的人。他对父親説,「我服事你這多年、從來沒有違背過你的命。」意思是說,你給我的律法,我都守盡了。因此他看不起弟弟那不負責任的做人態度。但大兒子真的是完全盡忠職守嗎?

• 大兒子不負長兄的責任。古代的中東文化是:如果家中有位弟妹失落,責任是落在長兄身上,他要把迷失的弟妹找回來。

• 他妒忌父親為弟弟擺設「肥牛犢」的筵席。妒忌就是眼紅別人得好處或比你好。

• 大兒子的烈怒使得他更進一步地羞辱了他的父親。他對父親說話時沒有用當時文化中晚輩對長輩應有的尊敬態度,特別是在公眾場合應有的態度;在當時重視敬老尊賢的文化中,這是絕對不能容忍的神態。沒有家教是會使得父親的名譽和事業都受規損的。

• 他與父親沒有父子親情的交通, 他完全感受不到父親。因為他完全不明白父親的心意: 「只是你這個兄弟、是死而復活、失而又得的 、所以我們理當歡喜快樂。」父親看重悔改,他竟不知道。大兒子所代表的法利賽人,自己以為只有他們才是上帝的兒子。但重點是神是有恩慈的父親,如果我們真的是祂的孩子,就應采纳他對悔攺的態度。所以大兒子不能算是「真」孩子, 而是「失落」的兒子。

• 他更寧願想及小弟放蕩不羁的罪, 並施予胸襟狹窄的形式作判斷,而却看不見他自己不願悔改的罪。這是一種耶穌最厭惡的自以為義的態度。

神學家 Sinclair B. Ferguson 給「律法主義」下一個一針見血的定義:, “律法精神 (a legal spirit) 一部份在于我們如何「感受」上帝。律法精神的特徵是:妒忌,過份對轻蔑的敏感, 和對錯誤的「堅如金屬」的苛刻無情, 以及習慣以胸襟狹窄的形式作判斷。” 因此,大兒子是「律法主義 (legalism)」的代表。

這位父親對大兒子公開的反叛會怎麼樣反應呢?他會怎麼做呢?在那時代,那個地方的人,可能立刻就張將這樣的逆子趕出家門,然而這位父親再一次地用無比的溫柔來回答他的大兒子。他説的話就像這樣:「兒子啊!不管你當眾是怎麼頂撞我,我還是要你來參加筵席。我沒有放棄你的弟弟,我也不會放棄你 。你收起你的驕傲,進到筵席來,但決定杈是在你手里 。你願意嗎?還是不願意呢?」這是一個預料不到,滿有恩慈和耐心的請求 ,代表天父的父親也同樣把大量的恩典花費在祂的大兒子型的人身上。 但故事竟然在此結束了!

為什麼耶穌不把大兒子的結局交代清楚呢?原來是在于這個故事真正的對象是法利賽人,就是有作大兒子心態 的人;在這個比喻之前,耶穌巳曾講了兩個比喻:

• 一百雙羊失掉一雙 (1%的失落);

• 十塊錢失掉一塊 (10%的失落);

在這頭兩個比喻中,失主都盡其所能把失去的東西找回來。找到後他們都極其興奮。一般人給第三个比喻一個常見的名稱:「浪子的比喻」。但是如果我們單是以小兒子當作故事的焦點,這是不正確的。連耶穌都沒有稱此比喻為一個浪子的比喻,而是以「一個人有兩個兒子」來展開這個故事的;而且其中對大兒子的敘述份量不少於對小兒子的,提到父親的分量也與兩個兒子們相當。如果只是小兒子是失落的一位。在此我們看到失落的程度漸進增多 (1%=>10%=> 50%)。

然而兩個兄弟都與父親 (代表天父) 疏遠 ,父親都必須出到家門外面,個別地去請他們回來享受他愛的筵席 。因此,這個比喻中不只有一個迷失的兒子,事實上他們兩個都迷失了 (=>100%) 。這個比喻更好的名稱,應該是叫做「兩個迷失的兒子 (Two Lost Sons.) 」。這就意味著墮落人類的光景:「眾人都犯了罪,虧缺了神的榮耀。(羅3:23)」「沒有義人,連一個都沒有。(羅3:10)」耶穌在此要法利賽人知道父神對失落的罪人何等關切,而在找到失落者的事情上何等興𡚒 (Luke 15:10)。耶穌的訴求是要這些敵對他的人,回應他「喜愛罪人悔改」的信息。 大兒子故事的結局就只有由法利賽人自己去完成了。


• 他是有憐憫的。

• 他耐心等待他小兒子的回歸。他耐心等待他大兒子的回應。

• 他主動地去與兒子們相遇。

• 他免去他們因羞辱父親所應得的懲罰。

• 他不追究往事, 不責備, 不懷怒。


「8 耶 和 華 有 憐 憫 , 有 恩 典 , 不 輕 易 發 怒 , 且 有 豐 盛 的 慈 愛 。
9 他 不 長 久 責 備 , 也 不 永 遠 懷 怒 。
10 他 沒 有 按 我 們 的 罪 過 待 我 們 , 也 沒 有 照 我 們 的 罪 孽 報 應 我 們 。
11 天 離 地 何 等 的 高 , 他 的 慈 愛 向 敬 畏 他 的 人 也 是 何 等 的 大 !
12 東 離 西 有 多 遠 , 他 叫 我 們 的 過 犯 離 我 們 也 有 多 遠 !
13 父 親 怎 樣 憐 恤 他 的 兒 女 , 耶 和 華 也 怎 樣 憐 恤 敬 畏 他 的 人 !」

到了新約,在提多書 3:4-5 中指出舊約所論到神的恩慈體現在耶穌基督身上。

「4 但到了神我們救主的恩慈和他向人所施的慈愛顯明的時候,
5 他便救了我們,並不是因我們自己所行的義,乃是照他的憐憫,藉著重生的洗和聖靈的更新。」



• 大兒子代表遵守道德規範的途徑 — 「律法主義 (Legalism)」或「道德主義 (Moralism)」

• 小兒子發掘自我的途徑 (Discover your own self) — 「反律法主義 (Antinomianism)」或 「享樂主義 (Hedonism)」

屬於遵守道德規範陣營的人說:「那些違反道德規範的人,就是那些自行其事的人,乃是世界的問題,而那些道德之士則是解決之道。」今天我們稱這種格調為「保守派 (conservatives)」。屬於發掘自我陣營的人說,「那些自以為是的人,就是那些自稱擁有真理的人,才是世界的問題,而那些尋求進步的人才是問題的答案。 今天稱這種格調為「自由派 (liberals) 或前進派 (progressives)」。有很多人在天性上就是屬於遵守道德規范類的,或是屬於發堀自我類的,但也有些人在這兩類之間來回改變。還有些人同時采取了兩類的模式 :他們有着大兒子的傳統外表 ,但卻秘密地過着小兒子的生活,來為他們減低壓力 。然而, 在這比喻中的信息卻指出這兩者都是錯誤的。表面上看來,兩個兒子所走的方向是完全相反的,但細細思考你會發現他們人生觀在本質上是完全相同的。

• 最重要的是,他們都與父親疏遠。小兒子離家出走,到「遠方」去。大兒子從來不明白父親重視悔改的心意,也拒絕接受父親的邀請參加宴會。

• 兩人都羞辱了父親。小兒子等待不及父親去世,免強提早拿走「遺」產。大兒子在當眾面前頂撞父親,拒絕赴宴。這也是對父親的羞辱。

• 兩人都是驕傲。小兒子心𥚃説,「我要怎樣做,就怎様做。」大兒子斷言,「我從未違背父親的吩咐。」

• 兩人都不負責任。小兒子離家出走,誰做他那份工作?大兒子揚言他是盡忠職守,難道他不知道「找回失落的弟弟是長兄的責任嗎?」

• 兩人都有妒忌心態。小兒子不服氣哥哥最終得雙份產業 (即不服社會文化和傳統),所以要求父親先給他一半;大兒子不服氣父親給不屑一顾的弟弟擺設盛宴。

• 兩人都自以為是義,認為自己的道路是对的。


• 聖經中的「順服」是指全心遵守律法, 聽從聖經中一切吩咐,更重要的是:把律法的賜予者放在心中。

• 「律法主義」是指外在地遵從律法而卻把律法的賜予者放在另一邊。

「律法」和「律法主義」的區別重要部分在于我們如何「感受」上帝。根據這個定義,大兒子和法利賽人是屬於「律法主義」的代表,因為他們與父親 (天父) 是疏遠的。他們守律法不是要討父親的喜悅,乃只想到父親會可能給他的好處,而且相信這些好處乃是他努力守律法賺回來的。大兒子的心態可以追溯到伊甸園的事件:神給亞當夏娃的應許,但魔鬼卻對始祖說,「神真的這麽說嗎?」神説「一定」,魔鬼説「不一定」。對神信實的懷疑, 就是人與神疏遠的原因。一個信不過神的人很自然就只有相信自己 (人) 的努力。我們常以為小兒子的反叛是「反律法主義」的代表。其實小兒子也有他的律法,他的律法就是他自己。「我要怎樣做,就怎樣做;我就是我自己的律法。」從這觀㸃,小兒子也是「律法主義者」。不同的是:

• 大兒子的律法是外來的 (Heteronomous)

• 小兒子的律法是來自自己 (Autonomous)

上帝要求我們奉獻並應許把天窗敞開把福氣傾倒下來, 這是「工作的約」,正如似大兒子的我們也努力去做了。這是不是近乎「律法主義」的精神嗎?上帝要求我們奉獻要甘心樂意,但我們現在不太甘心,正如似小兒子的我們就不奉獻了。這是不是近乎「反律法主義」的精神嗎?還有第三條路線:就是如果我們考慮到天父的心腸,我們的「不甘心」就變成「甘心」了。甘心樂意的事奉就是恩典中的事奉,不再是律法主義的事奉。

我們對「律法主義」和「反律法主義」的第一印象就是它們是兩件相反的東西。如果這是真的話,那就好辦了。當你覺得你活在律法主義時,你就少些遵行律法。當你覺得你是活在反律法主義時,你就遵守些律法就行了。但甚麼是多?甚麼是少?誰去決定?然而聖經不是要我們全心全意不打折扣地順服主的教導嗎?問題是我們的觀念錯了。其實它們並非兩件對立的東西,而是「同一個母體內的雙胞胎」。要奉獻的人説他是根據聖經,不要奉獻的人也説他是根據聖經。都是從同一根源而生出來,所以稱它們為雙胞胎, 它們其實是一對邪惡的盟友,是撒但手中用來迷惑基督徒的武器,目的是要使基督徒跌倒,要使基督的榮耀失色。

作為基督徒,耶穌要求我們必需受訓,作出犧牲,善用神賜給我們的恩賜,好像奧運選手需要受嚴格訓練一般,就是「盡我們最大的努力去服侍那位至高至大的創造主 (our utmost for His highest)」。具體來說,這些基本的訓練包括:查經,禱告,敬拜,事奉和奉獻。這五樣的實踐是靈命長進的要素。這些都需要我們付出很多的精力和時間。但在教會中努力事奉,以德行為神作見證時,難免不自問,「我是否涉及律法主義的范围呢?」當我們想避免落在律法主義當中時,也難免不自問,「我是否變成反律法主義者呢?」既然大兒子與小兒子都共同地代表「律法主義」,只是不同的版本。那麼,在我們的事奉或生活中,我怎知道我是否落在任何一個版本的「律法主義」中?當我們看看大兒子與小兒子的共同錯誤時,我們便從下面的問題找到了「試金石」。

  • 我有沒有因不完全信頼上帝的信實而與天父疏遠?人類最大的罪莫過于與神疏遠,而疏遠的結果是靈魂𥚃面沒有真光。正如經上說,「因為他們雖然知道 神、卻不當作 神榮耀他、也不感謝他.他們的思念變為虛妄、無知的心就昏暗了 (羅1:21)」。不感恩是與神疏遠的特徵之一。
  • 我有沒有因不完全信頼上帝那掌管一切的主杈而對處境不滿?
  • 我有沒有羞辱天父?就是把我們的努力作為「天父必須祝福我們」的理由,且認為天父好像「欠」了我們一搬?以「好行為」自豪是對恩典的神最大的侮辱。
    在這今天「責任與喜愛隱約的分離」的文化潮流中, 我有沒有对神給我的託付不盡忠職守?
  • 當別人比我較高明時,我有沒有妒忌別人?
  • 當我比別人做得較好一點時,我有沒有秘密地心高氣傲呢?我有沒有貶低別人?
  • 在教會事奉中或平常生活中,當「人情事物」不如我願時,我有沒有抱怨?


甚麽是福音?褔音就是好消息: 有一位由神親自委派 (personally appointed) 的「代替者 (Substitute)」在時空中出現,來承擔我們的過犯,贖我們的罪,替我們輓回神的忿怒,這就是褔音。「神愛世人、甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們、叫一切信他的、不至滅亡、反得永生。(約三:16) 」

  • 如果認為「神欠我們」是律法主義的病徵,那麼福音就是良藥:神的兒子為我們償還罪債,我們怎會説祂是欠我們呢? 我們一旦認為神欠我們一些憐憫或恩典,我們所想的就不再是憐憫或恩典了。
  • 如果「與神疏遠」是律法主義的病徵,那麼福音就是良藥:當我們思想到「神既不愛惜自己的兒子為我們眾人捨了、豈不也把萬物和他一同白白的賜給我們麼 (羅8:32) 。」我們怎會與這位「一擲千恩」的上帝疏遠?
  • 如果「常對處境不滿」是律法主義的病徵,那麼福音就是良藥:因為神應許我們「萬事都互相效力、叫愛 神的人得益處、就是按他旨意被召的人。(羅8:28)」神不一定拿走不如意的環境,但祂給我們足夠的恩典去承擔它,且最後透过处境讓我们得益处。
  • 如果「不負責任」是律法主義的病徵,那麼福音就是良藥:當我們想起, 儘管我們常常軟弱跌倒,但神應許我們「一次得救,永遠得救。」這個維持救恩不失落的力量來自我們的大祭司不斷在父神右邊為選民代禱。试想想,如果我們的大祭司基督忠心堅負神託付給祂的責任, 我們怎能怠惰而不堅負神託付給我們的責任?
  • 如果「妒忌別人」是律法主義的病徵,那麼福音就是良藥:妒忌來自以為受到不公平的待遇–為甚麽他比我强呢? 福音告訴我们: 神不一定總是按公平行事,有時祂是按憐憫行事。憐憫不是公平,但它也不是不公平。憐憫彰顯出仁慈和恩典,但不違反公義。默想福音得安慰: 不論我在別人的手中受過多少的不公平,我從未在神的手中受過一絲一毫的不公平。
  • 如果「驕傲」是律法主義的病徵,那麼福音就是良藥:基督論的中心思想是「「他本有 神的形像、不以自己與 神同等為強奪的.反倒虛己、取了奴僕的形像、成為人的樣式.既有人的樣子、就自己卑微、存心順服、以至於死、且死在十字架上。(腓2:6-8) 」我們看到受苦在榮耀之先,謙卑在高升之前。驕傲是一種不負代價的自我提升。
  • 如果「抱怨」是律法主義的病徵,那麼福音就是良藥:如果世上有人有資格抱怨不公平,那個人就是耶穌;祂是惟一一個曾被神懲罰的無罪之人。如果我們有義怒的理由,那麼就把它對準各各他。如果我們抱怨教會很無趣, R.C. Sproul 説, 「敬畏神的人從來不會抱怨。」


耶穌又說了一個比喻 (路17:7-10):

「7 你們誰有僕人耕地、或是放羊、從田裡回來、就對他說、你快來坐下喫飯呢.
8 豈不對他說、你給我預備晚飯、束上帶子伺候我、等我喫喝完了、你纔可以喫喝麼。
9 僕人照所吩咐的去作、主人還謝謝他麼。
10 這樣、你們作完了一切所吩咐的、只當說、我們是無用的僕人.所作的本是我們應分作的。」

這個故事暗示:「甚至你是上帝最好的僕人,你還是不配的, 因為你只不過是履行自己的職責而矣。」在小兒子的悔改中,兩次提到「不配」。更要強調的是:「不管你多良善,多效力,多忠心,你仍不能將上帝置于債務的地位中。」耶穌不但是我們的救主,我們生活中的主,祂也是一位最好的「身教」老師。耶穌教導我們的一切,如愛仇敵,原諒別人,存感謝的心,盡心盡性盡力愛神等,祂都都巳身體力行作了我們的榜樣。但有兩點祂吩咐我們去做,但祂自己卻沒有做:

• 向神悔改認罪,

• 向服事他的人説聲謝謝,


如果我們在教會中事奉或在生活上人際關係中,存著對神有「不配感」,我相信上面所述的一切的律法主義的弊端都會自動消除。神把一切的祝福都白白賜給我們,因為我們是祂用恩典「收養的孩子(adoption)」,我們是欠了神一筆無法償還的債務。有了這種認識,無功而受祿的「不配感」便由然而生。再者, 當我們開始學習了順服的教訓後,上帝就屈尊俯就, 稱我們這些不配的人為「朋友」。

「13 人為朋友捨命、人的愛心沒有比這個大的。
14 你們若遵行我所吩咐的、就是我的朋友了。
15 以後我不再稱你們為僕人.因僕人不知道主人所作的事.我乃稱你們為朋友.因我從我父所聽見的、已經都告訴你們了。(約15:13-15) 」

何等的安慰! 最豐盛的生命就是那位萬王之王,萬主之主,豐盛的源頭,願意慷慨地給予我們的友誼。這真是一個敬虔的奧秘。阿门。


  • “一掷千金的上帝” by 提姆凯乐 [ “The Prodigal God” by Timothy Keller.]
  • “The Whole Christ” by Sinclair B. Ferguson.
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Big Bang and Genesis 1:1

By Tin-chee (TC) Lo 盧天賜

For more than half of the past century, scientists, mostly atheists, believed that the universe came from a cosmic explosion known as Big Bang. This was a earth-shaking hypothesis and was quickly regarded as the “standard answer” to the question of origin of the universe.

The right mindset
The concept of Big Bang was not a pie in the sky speculation but was developed from scientific discoveries. However, we must be careful that observation is one thing, giving correct interpretation to the observed data is another. For the same set of observed data, atheistic scientists will interpret them strictly from the naturalistic frameworks whereas Christians are free to properly add to it theistic and supernatural perspectives. The difference in worldviews may result in disagreement in interpretation, but this gives Christians no right to simply discredit their observed data and write them off at one stroke. We must first understand the scientific data before we begin to judge scientists’ implication drawn from it. For if we Christians make judgment on their implication before we understand the background of their discovery, we not only hurt evangelism but also discredit our apologetic arguments. Using the discovered scientific data as a common point, I believe atheists and theists can have a productive dialogue which will turn out to be a means for fortifying the reliability of the Scripture. This is the motivation of this article.

Understand the Big Bang
Let us start with a thumbnail sketch of the Big Bang phenomenon (Ref. 1): As a train approaches the platform, the sound of its whistle heard by those stand on the platform was high-pitched. However, when a train left the platform, the whistle sound heard by the same person was low-pitched. Therefore, from the pitch of the sound, one can tell the relative moving direction of the sound source. This is known as the Doppler effect.

This effect is not hard to understand intuitively: When the train approaches the platform, the whistle sound wave is compressed because the distance between the sound source (the train) and the sound detector (your ear) is shortened resulting in the reduction of wavelength (or increase of frequency) giving rise to a high-pitched sound. However, when the train left the platform, the wavelength of the sound from the train whistle is lengthened by the stretching of the distance between the sounding body and the sound receiving body resulting in the lowering of the audio frequency, i.e.,  a low-pitched sound.

The same is true of light waves. First, let’s assume that the distance between the light source and the light detector (spectrometer) is constant. In this static case, light waves emitted from different chemical elements each of which is characterized by different wavelengths or colors are projected onto the spectrometer and there is a fixed set of marks on the instrument’s screen. This is how we can know from earth what chemical elements are out there in the far away galaxies. Faraway stars have different elements, so when their lights shine on the spectrometer, we can see the vertical lines like combs on the screen of the instrument; each line represents the frequency of a light wave and indirectly represents the existence of the elements. The high-frequency light is near the purple end of the spectrum; the low-frequency light is near the red end of the spectrum. However, if the distance between the light source (far away stars) and the spectrometer (on earth) is increasing or decreasing, the position of the spectral lines will be slightly different from their static position due to the direction of movement. Therefore, viewing the shift of spectrum emitted from a star, one can know the direction of the star’s movement.

In 1929 an amazing discovery was reported. A scientist named Edwin Hubble observed that the light coming to earth from a faraway galaxy is weaker than that the light coming from a proximate galaxy as expected, but what was unexpected was the spectral position corresponding to the faraway light was displaced toward the red end (i.e., shifting to the lower frequency end). Astronomers call this a “red-shift” effect. Astronomers interpreted the phenomenon of red-shift as an optical Doppler effect from which they concluded that the distant galaxy is moving away from earth. Furthermore, the farther galaxy is moving away at a higher speed than those of proximate galaxies.

The universe is expanding
The discovery of the redshift phenomenon has produced a cosmological expansion hypothesis. It asserts that the galaxies in the universe are constantly expanding in all directions. The universe has 200 billion galaxies and the solar system is one of them, known as the Milky Way. The planets of the same galaxy maintain their relative positions and orbits because of their gravitational pull. However, the distances between galaxies and galaxies have been increasing. This ongoing expanding is what we now call the phenomenon of cosmic expansion.

Evidence of explosion
Now we look at another important astronomical discovery: When two Bell Lab researchers Arno Penzias (1978 Nobel Prize) and Robert Wilson used a sensitive antenna to measure the galactic wave, they detected the presence of unexpected, but rather uniform noises throughout the outer spaces. At the same time, the Princeton physicist Robert Dicke was also looking for space microwaves. Their theoretical calculations invariably agreed without prior consultation that the universe came from the Big Bang. The “murmuring” noises were considered as the aftermath of the Big Bang explosion.

There was a beginning
The expansion of the universe inferred by the phenomenon of red-shift creates an unbelievable implication: If we go back in time to the past, everything will be in closer proximity. As we mentally go back in time further, the density of the universe would progressively increase. Ultimately, in a limited (not infinite) past, the entire universe shrinks into a condensed point that can only be expressed and understood mathematically. Scientists call it “Singularity,” which means a mysteriously wonderful Point. The Singularity represents the beginning of the universe. Some scholars call it “the cosmic cocoon” to express the idea that the universe was born from this very mathematical point.
So, the universe had a beginning which is in keeping with what Genesis 1:1 claims, “In the beginning God…” But atheistic scientists do not like the word “beginning” because “beginning” demands a cause and the beginning of the universe demands a “First Cause”. They do not like the word “God” because they think it belongs to the realm of theology not science making them to be not true to their calling as scientists.

Atheists’ nightmare
Before the Big Bang theory, most atheistic scientists and philosophers, including the Ancient Greek Aristotle, believed that the universe was eternal, having no beginning nor end setting themselves up against “Genesis 1:1” with affirms that the universe had a beginning. Their argument went like this: Your Bible says that God is eternal, having no beginning nor end, and it cannot be proved. Then why can’t we, atheists, say that the universe can also be eternal, having no beginning nor end? The problem with atheists is that they ignore the fundamental difference between the two: God is of the realm of the spiritual world, it is non-physical, and the universe belongs to the material world consisting of physical matters. But materialism (according to its definition) cannot make such distinction because they do not believe in the existence of the non-physical (or supernatural) world. Although they exalted science, their arguments were not driven by scientific methods but by their pre-commitment to atheistic philosophy.

The belief of eternal existence of the universe is constantly welcomed and popularized because it can easily avoid the very thorny question of the “First Cause”. Buddhism and Hinduism philosophies of reincarnation had led speculating people to assume that they were escaping the unanswered ultimate question of the “origin of life.” However, this “eternal universe” idea has not only unprovable, but it is not in accordance with the inductive method in the scientific realm. For example, if gravitation force is a conclusion drawn from the observation of the a falling apple, then the eternal theory of the universe should be a hypothesis that the inductive reasoning should reject, because in the material world, there is nothing we have ever seen that has no beginning. The universe is the sum of all substance. If every substance has a beginning, then the universe must have a beginning. However, this is the conclusion that atheistic scientists (even Einstein in his earlier thinking) and philosophers did not want to hear. But this Singularity notion gives an inference that atheists never could have dreamed of: That is, the universe (space-time) had a beginning.

Einstein (Ref.2)
In Einstein’s formula of general theory of relativity, he found that there contained a conclusion that the universe is inflating. But Einstein, being influenced by humanism, insisted that the universe is eternally static, and he would not accept this conclusion because the expanding universe would bring about the idea that the universe ought to have a beginning. Einstein pre-committed to his worldview and presupposed his formula was erroneous. He then forcefully inserted a cosmological constant in his own calculations to eliminate the possibility of expansion (or contraction) of the universe to ensure a stable, static, universe without beginning and ending. Einstein later publicly acknowledged that he had made a fatal mistake by inserting a fictitious constant in his originally correct equation. He said that was his biggest regret in life as a scientist. He then accepted the fact that the universe was in fact expanding which inferred that the universe did have a beginning. The spirit of scholarship demonstrated by Einstein and his boldness to surrender to the truth deserves our emulation. Later, even the British atheist physicist Stephen Hawking also was forced to say, “Almost everyone now believes that the universe, and time itself, had a beginning at the Big Bang.” (Ref. 3)

Quick summary
The observed “Red-Shift” had inferred that the universe is expanding and the detection of microwaves noises in space had inferred that the universe was exploded into existence by this mysterious starting point–Singularity. Two questions arise:

  • “WHAT caused the explosion?” or asking differently,
  • “WHO caused the explosion?”

How you ask becomes a very crucial understanding of the Big Bang phenomenon.

The heart of the discussion
The entire cosmic puzzle is now shifted to the “moment” of the explosion and the nature of this condensed abstract point called “Singularity.” Particularly, we ask: Where does this singularity come from? What causes it to burst open? What exactly is inside this condensed point?

Naturalism’s Loophole
Atheistic cosmologists, in their process of seeking answers, found that they all agreed on the following points within their naturalistic framework, but they were perplexed by the theists’ counterarguments:

  • Atheists assert: At this Singularity point, the density of the universe is infinite, and the universe expands from this point onward.
    The perplexity is: The density of the physical universe cannot be infinite, and word “infinity” is just a mathematical concept, not an entity.
  • Atheists assert: Most cosmologists believe that “before” the Big Bang, there was nothing—No Thing.
    Here is the problem: To say that the universe came from nothing within the material framework is inconsistent with the first law of thermodynamics. Something cannot come from nothing. Moreover, the word “before” is meaningless when time and space do not exist; there is no time to be “begun”.  This is also their confusion.
  • Atheists assert: The aftermath of the Big Bang had to become more and more orderly in order to birth an orderly universe. From the moment of 10 to 34 seconds after the explosion, the whole process of forming the universe was so precise and so orderly that astonished the thinking minds.
    Counter argument: The result of explosion of any kind that we know of must be chaos. Orderly explosion was not in keeping with the needed conformity of the second law of thermodynamics in the known physical world—another puzzle for the naturalists to unravel.
  • Atheists assert: Within an extremely short instant after the Big Bang (10 to the negative 23rd power), the universe expanded ten times, and its expansion speed far exceeded the limit of the speed of light postulated by the theory of relativity. For this reason and the failure of the First and Second Laws of thermodynamic, they agreed that natural laws cease to be valid (or even nonexistent) at the Singularity (Ref. 4).
    Counter argument: C.S. Lewis put it well, “Men became scientific because they expected law in nature and they expected law in nature because they believed in lawgiver. If the natural law ceases to valid, there is no science, if there is no science, there is no scientist. The basis of materialists’ “Science Alone” has crumbled.

The question of Origin is old
Before the big bang theory, atheists had the following “explanations” for the origin of the universe (Ref. 5):

  • The universe is an illusion
  • The universe is self-created
  • The universe is self-existent
  • The universe is a product of “Chance”

In addition to using these four “theories” to explain the origin of Singularity, scientists have added few more sophisticated speculations in modern times (Ref. 6). Although they have so many explanations, atheists were not able to reach a consensus. The theistic (Christian) worldview absolutely disagree with any of these hypotheses. Now our discussion begins to penetrate into the core of the argument.

Although the Big Bang is the hypothesis most accepted and loved by the scientific communities, no one can be categorically prove the mechanism of the cosmic formation. However, if atheists believe that it is true, they cannot escape the conclusion that the universe had a beginning, and this should give them a lot of reflections. However, Christians and theists can take comfort to use their scientific conclusions as a bridge to the gospel, thereby pointing out that the “In the beginning” of “Genesis 1:1” in the first verse of the first book of the Holy Scripture is trustworthy. Here is the point, through atheists’ inability to explain the nature of the Singularity from which the universe was developed within their materialistic framework, we can reasonably introduce the necessity of supernatural perspective as an alternative for the open minded atheists to consider.

Neither Christians nor theists can agree on atheists’ views of interpretations on the origin of the universe. The author recognizes that many Christian scholars and pastors, especially those who do not have in-depth scientific training, may quickly dismiss the hypothesis of the “Big Bang” simply because they rightly disagree with the atheist’s interpretations of the nature of the Singularity–the starting point of the cosmic explosion. The author believes such dismissal, or the appearance of it, is not conducive to evangelism and apologetics.

Because most of us do not have the discipline in cosmology to assert with authority that their theory is wrong, we can easily be misunderstood as ignorant and consequently unfavorable to apologetics–defending the Bible truth. On the contrary, if we take their perplexities to our advantage as an opportunity to introduce the possibility of the supernatural perspective to the explanation of the phenomena that the naturalistic worldview has failed to explain, this may open the eyes of the atheists and lead them to reexamine their assumptions. In view of their confusion, the important inference that atheists can hardly deny is: The best explanation for the Big Bang is that it is a supernatural phenomenon, not a natural phenomenon at least at the point of Singularity when natural laws (the bases of science) had not come into existence.

Implication of a Creator
Because all the scientific theories fail at this very point of Singularity, it represents a barrier of the physical world where science ceases to be valid and Space-Time ends there. It is a point where the natural and supernatural meet. This clearly points to the supernatural and theological alternative which points to a Creator. We then ask: What are the characteristics of this Creator (existing individual being)? The arguments for Creator go like this:

  • We have explained earlier that space-time and all material things have a “beginning.” The expansion of the universe pointed to the beginning of the universe (the sum of all materials). Everything that has a beginning must have a cause for its beginning which undeniably matches our day-to-day observations. The Reality that started the space-time must be beyond the space-time. The transcendent nature of this Reality is evident.
  • The word “begin” relates to time. Therefore, the one who caused the space and time to begin must not have a beginning. Without beginning, there is no need for a cause for his existence. It follows that he must be uncaused (i.e., without a cause).” In other words, he must be eternal.
  • He is not restricted by time (i.e., timeless) because he is the maker of time. In the state of timelessness, he is changeless because “change” depends on “time”. The ancient theologian Saint Augustine had mentioned an extremely fashionable concept 1700 years ago: This “material universe” has an “immaterial” origin, and before God created the universe, “time” itself does not exist. Augustine stated in his Confessions: “So before you create everything, there is no time because time itself is what you created.”
  • Change is time-related. He is not limited by time, so he must be changeless. From another point of view, if he is the ultimate perfection (definition of God), he cannot be changed because once the “ultimate perfection” changes, it becomes not perfect. This points to his  immutability.
  • He is the creator of the substance. He is also uncaused. Therefore, he must be immaterial. It follows that he must be a spirit.

Judging from these characteristics, we ask: “Is this not the Creator as described in the Bible?”

Natural and supernatural meet
Google-search on “Jastrow” yields the following paragraphs—“Though he claims on the first page of his curious little book to be an agnostic in religious matters, Robert Jastrow nevertheless believes that some current developments in astronomy have “religious implications.” Along with many other astronomers, Jastrow (1925-2008) thinks that the discovery of cosmic background radiation practically assures the truth of the Big Bang theory of the universe, but he also goes on to claim that this fact in turn “leads to a biblical view of the origin of the world.” On the limitation of the human mind, he continued, “For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.”


  1. 里程,遊子吟 (校園書房, 2003), 209.
  2. Roger S. Jones, Physics for the Rest of Us (Fall River), 62.
  3. Ravi Zacharias and Norman Geisler, Who Made God? (Zondervan, 2003), 58.
  4. Ravi Zacharias and Kevin Johnson, Jesus Among Other Gods Youth Edition (W Publishing Group, 2000), 57.
  5. R. C. Sproul, Defending your Faith (Crossway Books, 2003), 99-133
  6. Joe Boot, Searching for Truth, (Crossway Books, 2003), 67.
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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); January 7, 20118

我有一位好友朋友,他每星期日都上教堂,他這個習慣已經有好幾年了。我問他,「甚麼障礙在你心中使你還不願受洗相信耶穌呢?」他很爽直地告訴我,他無法接受洪水的史實,他認為慈愛的神怎能消滅當時世界上所有的人? 如果基督徒相信聖經是無誤,我就不能相信聖經中的神。這篇文章是特為他而寫,也為與他有相同困難的讀者而寫的。

不錯,讀到洪水的歷史,的確有很多難題:洪水是局部性還是全球性?水從那裡來?方舟夠大嗎?遠方動物如果進去? 等等。科學家和神學家對這些問題都有研究。但當人們讀到創世記第六章和第七章後,下面這些道德上的句語卻是使人在相仰上裹足不前:

「神要將所造的人和走獸,並昆蟲,以及空中的飛鳥,都從地上除滅,凡有血氣的人,鼻孔有氣息的生靈, 他們的盡頭已經來到。神要把他們和地一併毀滅。」(創6:13)

除滅所有的人? 包㧷小孩和嬰孩? 除滅所有的生物? 這是難以接受。如果你馬上認為聖經中的神是一位橫蠻殘暴的神,不值得我們相信,甚至認為祂根本不可能存在, 那麼你不是第一位,还有不少人和你有一樣的想法。激進派無神論者道金斯 (Richard Dawkins) 保存他對基督教最強烈的攻擊,就是針对聖經和神所命令的「莫测高深的残暴」。他用了許多令人作呕的形容詞列成清單以表達他的觀點。在他的書「上帝的迷思 (God Delusion) 」中, 他寫道:

『舊約聖經的上帝,可被認為是最使人厭惡的小說 (註:他把聖經視為小説) 人物,他是:

  • 妒忌並引以為榮的 (jealous and proud of it);
  • 一個小氣 (petty), 不公義 (unjust), 沒有原諒別人且喜歡控制別人的怪物 (unforgiving control-freak);
  • 一個有報仇心 (vindictive), 殘忍的種族清除者 (bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser);
  • 一個厭惡女性的 (misogynistic), 害怕同性戀的 (homophobic), 種族歧視的 (racist), 殺害嬰孩的 (infanticidal), 集团屠杀的 (genocidal), 殺兒女的 (filicidal), 瘟疫似的 (pestilential), 夸大狂的 (megalomaniacal), 施虐狂的 (sadomasochistic), 善变地恶毒的 (capriciously malevolent) 恃强欺弱者 (bully)。』


如果我們精疲力尽地彻底探讨上述的難題而把我們的注意力轉離 (diverting) 真正的信息,這就危險不過了 。 那麽洪水的真正訊息是甚麽? 我想有四點:

  • 指出罪的問題的擴闊性: 從伊甸園到全世界!洪水传达一個普世性的警告。就是世上没有一個無罪的人、連一個都没有。
  • 它製造一個模式: 讓我們對審判和恩典有一個全盤的理解 ,請注意在同一大段有關洪水的經文中有這樣一句話:「惟有挪亞在耶和華眼前蒙恩。耶和華對挪亞說,你和你的全家都要進入方舟,因為在這世代中,我見你在我面前是義人。」這裡的義人当然不是指無罪的人, 乃是指因信称义的人。因為我們在方舟 (ark) 𥚃的終極的安全可以單單在基督𥚃找到。從這個模式, 我們同時看到神的「恩典」,「救贖」,「関心」和「憐愛」的蛛絲馬跡, 不單單只是嚴勵審判的一面。
  • 一個舞台的布局 (it sets the stage) :救恩的戲劇 (drama) 將在創世記十二章之後搌開。這個戲劇的開塲白是由挪亞的一個後裔亞伯拉罕展開的。日後救主由他而出。
  • 當挪亞看到各式各樣美麗的動物一雙一對地進入方舟,他很難不會想起神偉大的創造。當挪亞看到外面的人硬著頸項,拒絕進方舟,他就體驗到人的墮落和殘暴是如此深重。當挪亞在方舟内平靜安穩地受保護,他就開始經歷到救恩。當洪濤過後,挪亞出方舟,看見萬象更新,天有彩虹,他就享受到新造的世界。挪亞所看到,所經歷的,就是整本聖經所描述的救贖史的軌跡的縮影:創造=>墮落=>救贖=>新造。

然而在這個大圖畫的文境 (context) 下,我们还是要認真地回答原本的問題: 「究竟聖經中的神是否一位橫蠻殘暴的神?」但當人對神有這樣的控告時,在他們的思想背後,作了一個假設,就是聖經 (特別是指舊約) 的神是不関心人類的。

所以首先讓我們回答另一個相關的問題: 「到底聖經中的神真関愛人類嗎?」

自然神論者 (Deists) 相信神的存在,但他們宣稱,當神創造世界以後,祂就離開不顧。他們的神看成頗像地勤人員在足球㘯畫線, 和設立球門,然後從正面的觀眾席坐着看球賽, 他不支持任何一邊,他對比賽結果也毫無興趣。具体地説, 自然神論者否定神是会関心我們的軟弱和失敗,他们認為我們向祂的祈禱是毫無意義的。

然而聖經绘出一幅非常不同的圖畫 。雖然有一位牧師說,「The Love of God」這幾個字在聖經中出現次數少之又少。這是對的。但「神愛世人」的整体理念 (idea) 可說是無處不見。請看:

我們第一對父母故意違背神,從而破壞與神的關係。神第一句記載下來的話是「你在那裡?」神是無所不知,所以這是修辞性的疑问句。是要給世上第一对罪人認罪和尋找赦免的機會。但他們拒絕神。聖潔的神只好公正地處罰他們,但神同時向他們墮落人性表達慈愛和関懷。雖然這剛剛被破壞的世界秩序己成事實,神表達関懷的高峯是給他們一個應許,就是神将會差遣一位救贖主來拯救他們,免除他們自作自受的災禍— 這應許在主耶穌身上應驗了:祂曾來到世上拯救罪人 (1 Tim 1:15; Gen 3:15) 。

神眷顧祂的子民,國家並個人。這概念如一条銀線穿過聖經所記載的人類歷史。衪向詩人保證, 説: 「他若求告我、我就應允他.他在急難中、我要與他同在.我要搭救他、使他尊貴。 (詩 91:15) 。」

在神奇迹般地拯救子民從埈及為奴之地之後,他們進入曠野,在那裡蜿蜒徘徊四十年之久而終于進入應許之地。盡管他們屢次背逆神,神供應他們的需要;但不久,他們忘記了。但「這四十年、耶和華你的 神常與你同在、故此你一無所缺 (申2:7)。」還有別的作者寫道,「於是他們在苦難中哀求耶和華、他從他們的禍患中搭救他們。(詩 107:6) 」

一而再, 再而三, 人們見證神那经久不衰的関愛。富豪信徒約伯曾經歷可怕的创伤, 包括突然失去牛羊, 在暴風雨中死去十個兒女,令人惊骇的疾病,還有使他面目全非的毁容。所有這些痛苦導致他呼喊:「我的心靈消耗、我的日子滅盡、墳墓為我預備好了 (伯 17:1) 。」雖然他的信心大受搖動, 但他從不失去信心,並向神承認, 「你將生命和慈愛賜給我、你也眷顧保全我的心靈。 (伯 10:12) 」

神先知中的一位向他的聼眾保證説,「因我萬軍之耶和華眷顧自己的羊群 (Zach 20:3)。 」以色列君王大衛的一生有極高和極低的時刻,然而他見證說:「耶和華是我的牧者.我必不至缺乏 (Psalm 23:1) 。」

當我們想到我們怎樣對待神,他永恆的関愛是何等不可思議。難怪大衛問道:「人算甚麼、你竟顧念他.世人算甚麼、你竟眷顧他 (Ps 8:4) 。」

我們雖然不能完全地抓住「神関愛我們嗎?」這個問題的徹底答案, 但以上經文所指向的真理卻鼓勵我們對神的應許作感恩的回應:「所以你們要自卑、服在 神大能的手下、到了時候他必叫你們升高。你們要將一切的憂慮卸給 神、因為他顧念你們 (彼前5:6-7) 。」

再說一件事。聖經論及一種「在神面前純真无污的信仰」包括看顧在患難中的孤兒寡婦 (雅 1:27) 。這是聖經對助人的責任的簡單描述;就是幫助那些貧窮的,失去产业的, 下层社会的, 有病痛的,残废的, 孤單的, 易受攻擊的, 和更多比我們更有需要的人。神関心我們,祂也教導我們要関心別的人。因為神就是愛。

聖經中有如此大量的經文都說明我們的神是愛我們和關心我們的神。上述經文只不过是一些例子。還有,聖經中有很多的主題, 如:喜樂,平安,保守 ,盼望,能力,恩典,引導, 等都是神針對我們切身的関懷。當然最大的體貼莫過于神在基督𥚃賜給我們的救恩。關愛灵魂是最大的愛。我們絶不能因幾節尙未想透的難明經段就斷言地抹殺或扭曲了神慈愛関懷的屬性。


慈愛,憐憫,關心是神的屬性。但我們不要忘記,神的屬性同樣地有嚴厲的一面。當我們犯罪或得罪神,神會懲罰我們,我們便不高興,怪責神太嚴厲,甚至說祂不公義。但因為祂是聖潔的神,祂不能視有罪的為無罪。但試想像一個假设的例子,當我們所親愛的家人被惡人強暴,若神對此事視若無睹,我們還能説神是関愛我們嗎?所以神的慈愛和公義實在是一體的兩面,它們是相伴而行的。神在以賽亞書42:3説:「壓傷的蘆葦、他不折斷.將殘的燈火、他不吹滅.他憑真實 (faithfulness) 將公理 (justice) 傳開。」可見憐憫與公義是並肩而行的。我們也可以説神的公義和嚴厲其實是祂慈愛的另一種表達方式。當邪惡涉及切身問題時,或許我們的問題不是「神阿!祢為什麼要懲罰惡人?」乃是「神阿!祢為什麼不 “馬上” 懲罰惡人?」。你不可能讀詩篇而不與舊約的聖徒所呼喊的「我的呼聲蒙祢垂聼嗎?) 」發生共嗚。

2017 年六月三日, 高等法院首席法官 Chief Justice John Robert 在新罕布夏州 (New Hampshire) 的 Cardigan Mountain School (卡迪根山莊學校) 發表演說,「我盼望你會受到不公平的待遇, 好讓你知道公義的可貴 (I hope you will be treated unfairly, so that you will come to know the value of justice) 。」此講詞,由於它的不尋常表達, 引起聽眾變得火爆。 (TIME July 24, 2017) 但大法官的意思是説, 如果你还不知道公義是一件可贵的東西, 你就首先要感受一下受到不公平待遇時的痛苦。

現在讓我們回到聖經第一本書創世記第三章。在亞當咬禁果的第一口後,他一定回想到神曾經説过這句話:「只是分別善惡樹上的果子、你不可喫、因為你喫的日子必定死。 (創2:17)」在亞當呑第一口禁果時,審判的日子巳來臨。他的灵性生命馬上死了 (即馬上神與他断絶交通), 但神卻用恩典克制肉身没有「馬上」死亡。 神藉這個延遲的刑罰,給我們指示兩個看來好似相反的理念:公義 vs 憐憫。公義 (justice) 的相反就是不公義 (injustice), 但公義的補足物是憐憫。公義與憐憫兩者均由神的良善品格湧出來, 没有一個人能不靠神的憐悯而存活。但沒有一個罪人可免受罪帶來的審判。

但在亞當和夏娃 (也包括我們) 最需要憐憫才能生存之際,神就應許一位救主: 「我又要叫你和女人彼此為仇、你的後裔和女人的後裔 (單數)、也彼此為仇.女人的後裔要傷你的頭、你要傷他的腳跟。(創3:15) 」。這個女人的後裔就是指耶穌基督。

「我難以想像亞當和夏娃在織無花果葉的臨時代用衣服時心中的恐懼。當神引進地上的公義的同時,祂也抑制彻底的審判, 而對亞當和當時罪惡世界給予緩刑。以下三原則可以用來消解很多關於「慈愛」與「公義」看來矛盾的問題。

  • 如果亞當的肉身馬上死去,神並沒有一㸃不公義之處,因為這是神預先講過的。
  • 但如果亞當和夏娃肉身之死獲得延遲,那就是神的恩典了。恩典是白白旳,不是「應得」的。
  • 縱然是緩刑,但刑罸必定會來臨,這就說明神的聖潔和公义。如果亞當和夏娃的肉身终于沒有死,神就不是聖潔了。


  • 「耶和華見人在地上罪惡很大、終日所思想的盡都是惡 (創6:5) 。」這節經文就説明神要毀滅他們的原因。如果神「馬上」以洪水審判人類,神一㸃也沒有不公義,因為他們巳達到罪孽滿盈的地步。
  • 「耶和華說、人既屬乎血氣、我的靈就不永遠住在他裡面、然而他的日子還可到一百二十年。 (創6:3)」換言之,神在洪水侵襲前一百廿年巳經預先警告過當時凡有血氣的大難將臨到他們,我們還能説神不給他們悔改的機會嗎?這個120年的緩刑豈非恩典和憐憫嗎?
  • 「耶和華說、我要將所造的人、和走獸、並昆蟲、以及空中的飛鳥、都從地上除滅、因為我造他們後悔了」(創6:7)。如果洪水沒有來臨,神就不是信實,不是聖潔的了。有一位神學家説,所有神的屬性都包括在祂的聖潔 (holiness of God) 裡面。

神对審判的延遲设置了一個恩慈的但有時又令人洩气的模式。這個設計乃是為了使我們明白罪與公義之間的「時空」上的關係: 不一定每一個地上的邪惡會見到在地上公義的答案,但公義的答案一定會來臨。若不是在現世,便是延遲到永世。 彼得后书 (3:9) 寫道: 「主决不耽延 (slow) 他的应许,像有些人以为他是耽延的一样;其实他是宽容 (patient with) 你们,不愿有一人灭亡,却愿人人都悔改。」所以時間上的耽延是態度上的寬容。

福音的文境 (context):
「舊約期待新約,新約解釋舊約」這是奧古斯丁的話。筆者也大置同意講道王子司布真的理念, 他認為:「舊約每一經文都隱藏著基督。」這就是說,每一個舊約的討論都要把新約福音的文境帶進舊約的經文中才能使舊約獲得深層的神學理解。

從現世到永世之間,我們看到基督在各各他山上;祂是在另一個花園 (不是舊約第一個亞當的伊甸樂園,而是新約第二個亞當的客西馬尼酒榨園) 內等候那期待着的极度痛苦,是祂不應得的審判,且是不可避免地從父而來的審判 (Luke 22:44)。如果你認為神藉洪水對人的審判太嚴厲,神對祂的獨生子的嚴厲更是不可思議。耶穌肉體之苦巳難以形容:「耶穌極其傷痛、禱告更加懇切.汗珠如大血點、滴在地上。(Luke 22:44) 」。但祂靈魂裡的痛苦「父阿,祢為什麼離棄我」才是祂真正的痛苦。 然而耶穌所受的苦是祂甘心願意的 (John 10:18), 完全是因为祂愛你和我的緣故。

洪水的審判是公義的。但人與人間的確有很多不公義的事。在所有的不公義中, 耶穌所受的痛苦和邪惡,只能用無限的尺度去衡量。而這個痛苦卻帶來一個神秘的雙重交換 (double imputation), 就是: 審判傾倒在基督身上, 而祂卻為新造的人贖換那終極的榮耀。耶稣的受难使每一個過份簡化地试图去解釋神公義的理念完全失色。在祂受難的那一天,那木頭製成的十字架把神在創世記第一章中的應許, 就是指神給第一個亞當那憐憫的應許 (Gen 3:15), 帶進應驗的高潮 。耶穌的死不是事情的終結。三日後,基督的復活把死亡和魔鬼判決極刑。保羅稱此「就职典礼的復活」為「初熟的果子」 (1 Cor. 15:20-23) 。如果基督是第一個果子,我們就是「下一批的果子」,等待參予在歷史最後阶段的復活收割。

耶穌從不轻视世上不公義的現實, 但當我們知道祂那戲劇性的故事是如何結束,我們在承擔暫時性的不公義時便得到安慰。我們必然復活,我們在新天新地的新家中最終會赎回那在這老地球上一切的不公義。但現時, 不公義侵略和㳽漫我們所呼吸的空氣。在這地球上,我們不會有终極的解決辦法和終極的盼望。從不公義釋放出來的終極安息將會在永恆的家找到。今天,我們重覆地喊,「神阿!要等到何時呢 (How long, O Lord) ?」然而我們知道公義與憐憫的救主建造我們的新家,甚至從現在開始 (John 14:3) ,祂所命定的一切,都是為了末日的最後一幕。信耶穌的人,獲何等的安慰!


General References:

  • “https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=82”
  • “Does God Care?” by By John Blanchard; (TableTalk; Aug. 2017)


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All Truth is God’s Truth

By Tin-chee Lo (盧天赐);November 17,2017

When I first became a Christian, I attended a church deeply influenced by what I then knew as the “Little Flock (小群)”. I was tremendously benefited by those God-fearing brothers and sisters. I grew into an ardent love for the Bible and for Jesus. But later on, a few of them presented me a very radical idea by saying “Christian should read ONLY the Bible; any other books of men concerning spiritual matters are worldly even those books are written by Christians.” I was confused. Someone even went so far as to say that reading any books and periodicals outside the Bible, such as TIME magazine, is not spiritual—this was utterly incomprehensible and unpractical. It was at this point that I began to protest. One day, I heard from Rev. Stephen Tong’s (唐崇榮牧師) sermon in which he argued, “If these brothers are so spiritual and they possess so much subjective spiritual enlightenment to be able to say reading anything outside the Bible is wrong, they should write down their findings to benefit others.” Tong continued, “however, the trouble is that when they actually write down their thoughts, it becomes men’ writing. Should you read their works?” Pastor Tong’s argument rescued me from spiritual entanglement. I came to realize that this radical assertion was self-defeating. I could borrow courage from Rev. Tong and became more vocal against this unorthodoxy idea in church. The church gradually moved toward Biblical evangelicalism by inviting (we didn’t have full time pastor at that time) preachers of sound doctrines to correct the error.

This year of 2017, we are commemorating the 500th year after the Reformation. The legacy left with us by Martin Luther was the “Five Solas” (Ref. 1)
 Scripture Alone (Sola Scriptura)
 Faith Alone (Sola Fide)
 Grace Alone (Sola Gratia)
 Christ Alone (Sola Christus)
 God’s Glory Alone (Sola Deo Gloria)

Among them, the “Sola Scriptura”—Scripture Alone (唯獨聖經)—may still today be misconstrued by few as “Read Only the Bible and Nothing Else (只讀聖經)”. The proponents of this idea consider studying all other literatures outside the Bible as “unnecessary” or “unspiritual”. In truth, the belief of “sola Scriptura” means to maintain that the Bible and the Bible alone has supreme authority over our faith, our salvation and our lives. It does not mean that we should consider all theological references and commentaries outside the Bible are unnecessary. The principle of “Sola Scriptura” also recognizes and accepts other important theological resources such as traditions, reasoning and experiences found in Christian books and literatures. This kind of resources are not to “supplant (取代)” the content of the Bible but to “complement (補助)” our understanding of the content of the Bible. In other words, believers, especially seminarians, should study not just the Bible but acquire a broader reading such as good commentaries and systematic theologies in order to comprehensively understand the Bible text.

Accompanying with this wrong concept of “Exclusive Reading” of the Bible, is another wrong concept of “Read Scripture only Individually (自讀聖經)” which is an emphasis on personal spiritual illumination upon an individual’s self-reading of the Bible while ignoring or even rejecting other Christians’ comprehension or views of the Bible text. Some leaders of the Bible study groups go so far as to believe that illumination from the Bible is the ONLY thing they need; this may stem from their worries that other people’s thought gained from reading commentaries and theological books during the course of teaching preparation may negatively “precondition” their minds and hence “pollute” and influence of their acceptance of their subjective illumination directly from their own reading of the Scripture (Ref. 2). This again is self-defeating. Because the very act of teaching is not a self-study but an attempt to transfer your understanding into other people’s mind which is exactly what you don’t want them to do. What is more, the various opinions on certain Bible difficulties may lead people to be at a loss. Such a “worry” or “helplessness” (or maybe “pride”) leads to the emphasis of this isolating Bible study attitude. This mindset overestimates one’s “subjective spiritual insight and illumination (從聖靈來的心得和光照)” and underestimates other people’s earnest and thoughtful pondering of their quest for the understanding of the Bible. Although individual study and seeking comprehension of the Bible firsthand are crucially important,when we correctly understand the meaning of “Sola Scriptura”, it should encourage collective corporate Bible study (與信徒共同學習明白聖經) under the premise of doing it within the community of faith (churches or cell-groups).

「Sola Scriptura」does not teach “Read Nothing but the Scripture” nor encourage “Reading of Scripture in Isolation”. it is a principle which also demands us in the community of faith to diligently read, investigate, teach and preach the Bible using biblical and theological resources under the Spirit-given ability and discernment and illumination so as to achieve the unity of faith and maturity in the knowledge of God (Eph.3:16-19; 4:1-3).

Another assertion is worthy of mentioning: “The Bible is the ONLY book which contains Truth”. The problem with this statement is in the word ONLY. This statement is clearly a partial truth. Indeed, the Bible is indisputably 100 % true; but this is not to say that outside the Bible there is no truth. It does mean that when the truth outside the Bible conflicts with the truth in the Bible, then the Bible is true and the extra-biblical “truth” is no truth —this is what we refer to as the “Authority of the Bible”. Francis A. Schaeffer was right when he said, “All Truth is God’s Truth” (Ref. 3). God is the supreme Author of Truth. All that is true not only flows from Him, but it also reflects His character. The ancient theologians understood that all truth is God’s truth and that all truth “meets at the top.”


(1) Link: https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=1641
(2) Comments from 池峪鋒教授 on Reformation
(3) A phrase “All Truth is God’s Truth” was coined by Francis A. Schaeffer.  Also, “Truth is God and God is truth” by Mohanas Karamchand Gandhi.

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Solomom’s Birth Order : 2nd or 5th?

By T.C. Lo; September 13, 2017

Recently, I was asked the following question and I decided to post my answer here to provoke further discussion.

Q: Was Solomon the second son of Bathsheba (拔示巴)? Or her fifth son? What does the modern Israel history say about him?

King David’s adulterous act with Bathsheba (and his murderous act against her husband Uriah the Hittite「赫人烏利亞」) entailed the birth of Bathsheba’s first son fathered by David as recorded in 2 Samuel 12. God struck the baby dead as a judgment against David even David had acknowledged his sin through fasting and intense prayers.

「14 只是你行這事、叫耶和華的仇敵大得褻瀆的機會、故此你所得的孩子、必定要死。
But because by doing this you have made the enemies of the Lord show utter contempt, the son born to you will die.” (2 Samuel 12:14) 」

David married Bathsheba after her husband was murdered by him. David consoled Bathsheba for the loss of their illegitimate son. As the story goes in verse 24, she gave birth to another son whom they named Solomon.

「24 大衛安慰他的妻拔示巴、與他同寢、他就生了兒子、給他起名叫所羅門。耶和華也喜愛他.Then David comforted his wife Bathsheba, and he went to her and lay with her. She gave birth to a son, and they named him Solomon. The Lord loved him. (2 Samuel 12:24) 」
As it reads, it seemed clear that Solomon was Bathsheba’s second son from David. English commentator Theodore Austin-Sparks (史百克) and many others, held this view (Ref. 1). However, according to 2 Samuel 5:13-16, it says:

「13 大衛離開希伯崙之後、在耶路撒冷又立后妃、又生兒女。After he left Hebron, David took more concubines and wives in Jerusalem, and more sons and daughters were born to him.
14 在耶路撒冷所生的兒子、是沙母亞、朔罷、拿單、所羅門、These are the names of the children born to him there: Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon,
15 益轄、以利書亞、尼斐、雅非亞、
Ibhar, Elishua, Nepheg, Japhia,
16 以利沙瑪、以利雅大、以利法列。
Elishama, Eliada and Eliphelet. (2 Samuel 5:13-26)」

Thus, David fathered 11 sons in Jerusalem and Solomon was,  listed as the fourth. But the passage does not say anything about the mother(s).When we read 1 Chronicle 3:5-8, the text further qualifies that the first four sons’ mother was Bathsheba.

「5 大衛在耶路撒冷所生的兒子是示米亞、朔罷、拿單、所羅門.這四人是亞米利的女兒拔書亞 (或譯: 拔示巴) 生的。and these were the children born to him there: Shammua, Shobab, Nathan and Solomon. These four were by Bathsheba daughter of Ammiel.
6 還有益轄、以利沙瑪、以利法列、
There were also Ibhar, Elishua, Eliphelet,
7 挪迦、尼斐、雅非亞、
Nogah, Nepheg, Japhia,
8 以利沙瑪、以利雅大、以利法列、共九人 (不是拔書亞所生) 的。
Elishama, Eliada and Eliphelet-nine in all. (1 Chronicle 3:5-8)」

Note that the Book of Samuel does not narrate events in chronological order. For example, the name of Solomon was first mentioned in Chapter 5 before the mentioning of his birth in chapter 12. The sons of David born in Jerusalem was reiterated in 1 Chronicles 14:4-7 without mentioning their mothers. Nevertheless, Solomon was still the fourth in the order of mentioning.

These are the names of the children born to him there: Shammua, Shobab, Nathan, Solomon,
Ibhar, Elishua, Elpelet,
Nogah, Nepheg, Japhia,
Elishama, Beeliada and Eliphelet.
(1 Chronicle 14:4-7)」

Therefore, if the order of names mentioned was also the order of their birth, Solomon would have been the fifth son of Bathsheba fathered by David (Ref. 2), and not her second son.

The succession of the throne in Israel was not necessary carried out by the first born. Therefore, the fact that Solomon being the king of Israel said nothing about his birth order.

Therefore, my conclusion is “Solomon’s Birth Oder was unclear” from the Scripture as I know. However, there may be extra-biblical information with which one may use to identify this great king’s birth order.


  • “聖城新耶路撒冷“ by 史百克;page 73.
  • “The Apologetics Study Bible” by RZIM. Comment for 1 Chronicles 3:5  reads, “Solomon was the youngest of the sons of Bathsheba”; page 591.
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By Tin-chee (TC) Lo 盧天賜; August 15, 2017


馬可福音8:22-26 記載一個耶穌医治瞎子的历史事實:
「22 他們 (耶穌和祂的門徒) 來到伯賽大、有人帶一個瞎子來、求耶穌摸他。
23 耶穌拉著瞎子的手、領他到村外.就吐唾沫在他眼睛上、按手在他身上、問他說、你看見甚麼了。
24 他就抬頭一看、說、我看見人了.他們好像樹木、並且行走。
25 隨後又按手在他眼睛上、他定睛一看、就復了原、樣樣都看得清楚了。
26 耶穌打發他回家、說、連這村子你也不要進去。」


耶穌拉著瞎子的手: 這是瞎子一生難忘的經歷。很可能這是他一生第一次被人拖著走路。因著耶穌的手,他不再怕跌倒,也不怕迷路。如果故事在這𥚃結束,他大大可以自感驕傲,説,「我觸摸過耶穌的手呀!」隨後耶穌領他離開人群,甚至離開祂的門徒。這𥚃我們看到耶穌尊重別人的私隱權。今天很多靈恩派的領導人,他們很多時喜歡在大庭廣眾顕示他們醫病的恩賜,最後我们实在不清楚,是人得榮耀?還是神得榮耀?我絶對相信靈恩,但我不是靈恩「派」。 (Ref. 1) 靈恩就是聖灵的恩赐, 聖灵就是基督的灵。主耶穌本身發出來的能力就是靈恩的能力。

如果我生病,我會禱告求神藉醫生的手醫治,如必要, 我會服藥。但耶穌的醫治神蹟是即時的,是不用媒介的。在這一次的医治的过程中, 耶穌吐唾沫在瞎子的眼睛上。吐唾沫是會引起人感覺上不舒服的行動,也是在文化上不體面之舉,並且帶有侮辱和鄙視別人的色彩。但我們知道這不是耶穌的動機。隨後,耶穌按手在他身上。這是耶穌对這瞎子第一次溫柔體貼的觸摸。耶穌問他,「你看見了甚麼?」瞎子抬頭望著耶穌説,「我看見人,但他們好像樹。」雖然瞎子尙未看得清楚, 但畢境是個戲劇性的改變。瞎子本來處于一個永無止息的黒暗中,如今他有視覺了,盡管所看到的是喑淡模糊。試想想, 他的眼睛本來是毫無用處,但現在他可以察覺物體的移動和形狀。現在他也不再用手杖了,可以自由行走而沒有危險。這個故事不是比喻,乃是有時間,有空間,有人物在其中的歷史神蹟。然而耶穌對瞎子的醫治的歷史事實,卻有其深層的屬靈意義。

聖經常以肉眼上的失明作為屬靈墮落的隱喻。每一個人一生下來便是屬靈的瞎子,好像有鱗片擋住視缐,沒有屬靈的眼光看到神的國。人無法用自己的意志清除視缐的障礙。我們需要聖靈的觸摸。這個第一次的觸摸就代表重生 (regeneration),重生不是我們的工作,完全是神恩典的作為。這一次,也是只需要這一次,我們在灵裏死在罪惡過犯中的人,馬上活過來,我們的理性被甦醒了,我們靈眼看到真光,我們便馬上有更新过的自由意志和神賜給我们的信心去接受基督,我們便馬上從黑暗的國度遷移到光明的國度。重生與信心在時間上是同時發生的,但在邏輯次序上,重生是在信心之先。一個人若不重生,他就不可能有得救的信心。也不可能有棄暗投明的意志。


然而耶穌醫治瞎子的工作不僅是停留在這𥚃。祂还作第二次的觸摸。瞎子興奮地說,「我的眼睛回復正常了,我很清楚地看見每一個人, 他們的高, 矮, 肥, 瘦和老幼, 我都能區別,甚至他們臉上的皱纹我也看出來,我不再以樹當人。我也能看到花草樹木, 甚至樹枝在微風中搖擺。」更値得注意的是瞎子這雙新造的眼第一次所清楚看到的,乃是醫治他的耶穌的面孔—這真是蒙福的視覺的開始!

從屬靈的意義來說,耶穌第一次的撫摸是神使我們得救的撫摸。耶穌第二次的撫摸是成聖的撫摸。一個剛剛重生的人,他的屬靈眼睛巳被打開,但還有屬老我的鱗片,好像一層厚厚的白內障一般,使視覺晦黯矇朧,看人如樹。但被耶穌第二次觸摸後,目光變得清澈鋭利,能聚焦在要看的東西上。然而,在成聖的過程中,我們有很多「老我」的鱗片,所以我們不但需要耶穌第二次的觸摸,我們更需要第三次,第四次…等不斷的觸模。但將來有一天,信徒都要回天家,那一刻,神超自然地把我們的老我完全毀掉,那時所有的鱗片完全掉落,這是成聖最終的目標,神學上稱此為「得榮耀 (glorification)」。這完全是神的恩典,神的工作。也就是登山寶訓中那至福至聖的目光,「清心的人有福了,因為他們必得見神 (太5:8)。」

亚里斯多德的宇宙觀和佛教的輪迴觀都是一個「無始無終」式的世界觀,這圆圈式的世界觀是不附合現實的 (Ref. 2)。基督徒的世界觀不是圓圈式的而是線性的,是「有始有終」的。基督徒的成聖生活始于「重生」而其終㸃是「得榮耀」。在整個成聖旅程中, 我們有冷淡,退步,甚至跌倒, 但總體而言,是向上的, 是指向天的。透過讀經,禱告,奉獻,崇拜,傳福音,基督徒的新生命,新性情,新心意都得到更新和成長 (Ref. 3) 。這個向上的進步是因爲耶穌握著我們的手持續不断地走永生的道路,好像當日耶穌牽著瞎子的手一起同步一搬。

除了聖經之外,出版數目最多的一本書就是約翰本仁 (John Bunyan 1628-1688) 所寫的喻道故事「天路歷程 (Pilgrim’s Progress)」。書中的主角是一位朝聖者。他背著包袱,寸步難行,累累贅贅地向著天上的城 (Celestial City) 邁步。沿途困難重重,磨難,試探,陷阱,阻碍他的行程,每一個轉彎都遇到一些奇異名字的人物。他的包袱是代表朝聖者的罪,裏面有驕傲,怠惰,貪婪等。有一天,他來到一個小山,山上有一個十字架,當他一仰望這十字架,包袱馬上從他的背上滑下,滾到旁邊一個墳墓去就不復見了。朝聖者馬上感到輕快。這段故事使我們基督徒明白兩個極重要的真理:(1) 我們在世是朝聖者和寄居者;(2) 我們的人生是向上的,是進步的。因為我們有從天上來的呼召,是由上向下的,不是輪迴的。基督徒在世上只不过是朝聖者,只不过是客旅。因此, 我們看到很多宣教士,他們往生疏的地方去,馬不停蹄, 好像舊約聖經中的半遊牧民族一般,他們的生命都在唱「這世界非我家」。他們所到的地方都是冒險的,他們不渇停滯的水。正如信心之父,亞伯拉罕一搬,不斷地等候那座有根基的城、就是 神所經營所建造的城 (希伯來書 11:10)。與這個相反的世界觀是無神論和世俗主義 (Secularism), 他们相信他們是住在一個封閉系統之內,沒有超越者的介入 (transcendent intervention) ,他们相信人生無義意,死後無審判,只知「此時」和「此地」,不知永恆。

我们坚信「因信称義」。但單單宣告「相信」而沒有好行為的信心是不能使人稱義的信心。真正「得救的信心 (saving faith) 」是能使人成聖 (sanctification) 的信心。我不知道耶穌這一次醫治瞎子為什麼要吐唾沫在他的眼睛上。但我相信耶穌的唾液不是使眼復明的萬能藥。就好像浸禮池的水不能使人得救,但浸禮卻指向那使我們活過來的活水,也指向被聖靈成聖的記號。也是受浸者順服主的記號,正如瞎子順服地沒有抗議耶穌向他吐唾沫一搬。我想耶穌第二次觸摸那瞎子,是指向在成聖道路中,神不斷的同在和指引。耶穌牽他的手是一個使朝聖者能達到「天上的城」的保證。

以色列有很多瞎子,為什麼耶穌只醫治這一個呢?最明顯的答案是:這個瞎子是在伯賽大,而耶穌那天是剛剛路過伯賽大,所以這個瞎子是比其他瞎子幸運些。這種說法顕然把這個非实体的「機會」或「幸運」看得太重,而把神的主杈,神的旨意,神的揀選看得太輕。我常常聼到這樣一類的問題:「那些生在基督教家庭的人,當然比別人容易相信耶穌。那些生在回教或佛教家庭中的人,信耶穌对他们而言是很困難的。中国人有儒家思想, 佛教影响, 和数千年的文化包袱, 以人看來, 這些都对信耶穌有很大的阻力。這豈不是神不公平嗎?既然救恩是為世界上每一個人,那麼神為甚麽不給所有人同等或公平的机会? 」 同時, 神只揀選猶太人而不揀選人口最多的中國人, 這是另一個不公平的證據。

基督徒對此問題的回應的切入點是:我们相信一位全能,全愛的神;相信祂的心意是願意每人都認識祂和接受真理。聖經對這一㸃是直言不諱的: 「他願意萬人得救、明白真道 (2 Tim 2:4) 」。同時,祂「不願有一人沉淪、乃願人人都悔改 (2 Pt 3:9) 」。以色列是特蒙揀選的,非因他們是特別被寵愛的人,乃是神要他們把信息傳到萬邦 (Gen 22:18) 。所以, 以色列的被揀選不是公平與不公平的問题。乃是使命的問題。使命的託付越大, 神对她的要求越嚴厲。神对她不負责任的懲罰也越大。難怪以色列人在历史上所受的苦也比其他民族為甚。

其㳄, 我們把注意力瞄准在耶穌身上。兩件事可説是耶穌生平的两個书挡 (bookends):
第一边的書挡是:耶穌的生命始於祂超自然身份的肯定。這肯定是由東方博士們 (magi) 所透露出來的。他們本是外邦人,他們所住的地方離聖地很遠,他們一生從來未聽過耶和華的名字,他們所專長的是耶和華認為讨厌的星相學, 他們所擁有的黃金,乳香,沒藥,是用來祭祠邪神用的。以人的眼光來看,此等人的属灵情况, 文化背景, 家庭背景,和出生地㸃,實在是非常之不利他們信耶穌的。但愛萬民的神,根據他們所知道的 (就是星相學)和根據他們所擁有的 (就是施行魔術的材料) ,使這些東方博士們在神的恩典下被領進真理,認識基督 (太2:11) 。 同樣,神可以用你現有的知識,和你擁有的東西,甚至這些知識和東西都可能是不喜悅于神的,但神能把它們轉變為認識耶穌的途徑。我們千万不能再説,「呀!我有儒家思想的薰陶,我家是有濃厚的佛家背景,我不像西方人,我不是處于容易相信基督教的環境長大,我怎能信耶穌?如果我不信, 是因为神对我不公平。」

耶穌生平的另一邊书挡是: 耶穌的生命以一個向門徒的要求作結束,祂在山上向門徒顯現,命令他们説:「你們要去、使萬民作我的門徒、奉父子聖靈的名、給他們施洗」 (太28:19)。「萬民」就是世上每一個人。

從耶穌生命的兩個書擋—“引言與結論”—都明确透露神對人的承诺,就是除了那些能自然地聽到神的話的人 (如猶太人, 西方人, 或生長在基督教家庭的人) 以外, 耶穌都關注那些衆人都以為他是「不可能」相信耶穌的人。如果我们詳讀福音書, 我們会發現在這两個書挡之間,耶穌都一致地留心外邦人救恩的問題,如井旁的撒瑪利亞婦人,百夫長等。耶穌的生平一贯地使祂的朋友和敵人感到惊讶, 因為祂從不忽畧那些我們都認為太外邦化, 太愚蠢, 太無能, 或太不道德的人。我們都認為耶穌不値得花時間在他們身上, 但耶穌從不這樣想。 我雖然不精確地知道神如何保證每一個人都有公平的機會去接觸到真理, 然而耶穌生平的兩個書擋,和在兩者之間的故事,可向我們保證祂是全心願意觸摸到世上每一個人, 不管他們的背景是如何的不同。我们千万不要武断説神不公平。

帕斯卡 (Blaise Pascal) 是一位才华横溢的數學家,物理學家,發明家,和哲學冢。他相信: 「聖經中那位追求與人建立関係的神 (relational God), 一直願意坦率地向那些全心尋求祂的人顕現; 但對那些全心逃避祂的人, 神就向他們隐藏。」因此, 帕斯卡這樣想,我們不應感到警奇, 「那些願意看的人,神有足夠的光可給他們看見, 但對那些有相反性情的人,神就只有保留他们足夠的朦胧, 使他們無法看見」。神是不會免強人的。我們跟隨祂,不是因為祂是无法抵抗的,乃是因為我們誠心信靠祂。

或許我們應如此自問:有沒有這樣的可能性?,就是神要我們知道関乎祂的事,其實祂巳简单地清楚告訴我們了。或再問:我們豈不是巳有機會去接觸到真理?只是因為我們不愛真理反而把它压制?正如經上説:「原來 神的忿怒、從天上顯明在一切不虔不義的人身上、就是那些行不義阻擋真理的人。神的事情、人所能知道的、原顯明在人心裡.因為 神已經給他們顯明 (羅馬書1:18-19)。」神給我們一個應許:「你們尋求我、若專心尋求我、就必尋見。」 (耶利米書 29:13)

神的時候常與我們的時候不同。神的時間不一定常常是看來公平的。但公平 (fairness) 只能回顾地感知 。我們不能單看一天所發生的一件事情就去判斷神的公平。我們不能單以那特别的一天, 在那特别的地方, 神只医治那特别的瞎子, 就断言耶穌的不公平。公平是要從永恆去回顧的。若我們用永恆的觀點回顧我們一生的年日,任何不接受耶穌的人是沒有藉口的 (羅馬書 1:20) 。我們不知道神如何向每一個人显示他自己,但我們可這樣説,尋找祂的必定尋見。因为凡尋找神的人, 最终会發現原來神早已在尋找他了。看看耶穌的生命, 祂甘心選擇祂不該得的對待,好讓我們相信祂真的是來服事我們。我深深相信祂會公平地對待每一個人,因為祂自己願意接受不公平的待遇落在祂的身上。

如果我們説,「信仰這件事是與我們生在何時,長在何地,受何文化的影响有関。」這個說法只可應用在無神論,也可應用在多元論 (Pluralism) 上,但决不能應用在基督教信仰上, 因為只有聖經所描述的神是關心所有人的。。我們的選擇是:(A) 一位定意並有能力去接觸到各處的人的基督教的神,或 (B) 一位世俗的神 (secular gods) 只有那些生在合時, 長在合地, 住在合環境的人,才能認識它。面對這两個選擇而只能取其一,我只有選擇基督教,因為這才是我認為最合理的决定。(Ref. 4)


  1. https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=1508
  2. https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=1556
  3. “Five Things Every Christian Needs To Grow” by R.C. Sproul.
  4. “Jesus Among Secular Gods” by Ravi Zacharias and Vince Vitale; pp. 93-135
Posted in Bible/Christianity, Philosophy/Religion, Reasons to believe/Science | Leave a comment


By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜) June 6, 2017

今年 (2017) 是馬路得所啓動的宗教改革運動五百週年紀念。筆者有機會往歐陸一遊,親身感受到教會二千年來教會所行過的歷史軌跡。我們全團共八十人,一半是說粵語,一半是說國語,由牧師,神學家,和聖經學者帯隊,從羅馬出發,首先感受到第一世紀的彼得和保羅殉道的震撼。然後跨過亞爾卑斯山脈,進入瑞士境內,馬上感受到千年如一日,跳躍到中世紀末的宗教攺革先驅所到過的地方。從瑞士漸漸移到德國的心臟地帶的數個與宗教改革有關的人物所經過的腳蹤。最後,我們到了全程主題的高峯,就是馬丁路觸發宗教改軍的發源地,威登堡 (Wittenberg)。最後,我們又超跨過數百年的歷史,進入德國首都柏林,感受到無神論影響下的血腥腥的廿世紀:柏林圍牆的遺址。本文不是旅行遊記,乃是旅行後受感而畧寫的宗教改革史的神學評估。

在 1517 年十月三十一日,一位年輕人跑到一棟房子的前面,他不是凖備說句萬聖節 (Halloween) 的口語:「Trict or Treat (不給我甜頭你就麻煩了)」, 以期待房子𥚃的主人給他一些糖果,他乃是作一些當時在學術界非常普遍的事。這棟房子是在德國威登堡 (Wittenberg) 小鎮內的一所名「城堡」的大教堂 (Castle Church) 。這年青人是一位有法律訓練的修道士名「馬丁路得 (Martin Luther) 」。他寫了九十五條的論網 (95 Theses) ,為了指正羅馬天主教會在實踐上和聖經解釋上的錯誤,特別是指責贖罪卷是不合聖經的東西 (註)。英譯标题是:「The ninety five theses of protest against the corruption that involves the sale of Indulgence」。他把這張紙釘在教堂的木門上,絶不是想推翻羅馬教會,只是想引發學術界和神學界的一些公開辯論,以達到明白真理的目的。想不到這些論點大大觸怒了羅馬教庭,因為銷售贖罪卷是當時教會的財路。適逢活字印刷術的發明,這張論㸃的內容很快便傳到整個歐陸,星星之火可以燎原,宗教改革運動 (Reformation Movement) 便因此不可收拾地展開了。與此同時,人類在意識型態上也有一個重要的改革運動,就是文藝復興運動 (Renaissance), 人們想復古, 即「回復到古典希臘」的哲學,文學,和藝術等,就是回復到古希臘文化的興盛時代。而宗教改革也是復古,即「回到古老的聖經」。這兩個截然不同的改革運動參在一起,使西方的十六世紀成為在歷史上一個多采多姿的世紀。

馬丁路得並非是第一個批評羅馬教會的人。歷史上每一個重要的運動或事件都有其前因後果,絶不是單單一個人的功夫。在馬丁路得以前,有伊拉斯模 (Erasmus), 胡斯 (John Huss) 等人,有些也因與教會有異議而殉道。與馬丁路得的同時,有墨蘭頓 (Philipp Melanchthon),慈運理 (Ulrich Zwingli) 等人支持馬丁路得的看法。在他以後有諾克斯 (John Knox) 及著名的加爾文 (John Calvin) 等人把他的神學思想發揚光大。神就用這群改革先驅,更正了教會一些關鍵性的錯誤,把福音領回到第一世紀保羅所傳的的正確路線。馬丁路得留給後人五個認識福音的重㸃,就是有名的五個「惟獨」:

  • 惟獨聖經 Sola Scriptura
  • 惟獨信心 Sola Fide
  • 惟獨恩典 Sola Gratia
  • 惟獨基督 Sola Christus / Sola Christo
  • 惟獨神的榮耀 Sola Deo Gloria

「惟獨」是一個強烈的字眼,也是一個重要的字眼; 不少異端乃源于他们把「惟獨」掉去。這也是馬丁路德在聖經中看到当時別人看不到的地方。直至今天, 這五個「惟獨」仍是基督徒信仰與生活的基石。馬丁路德称「惟獨靠信心称義的教義是教會生死攸關的教義」。(加拉太 5:4)  論到「惟獨基督」, 有位神學家/牧師給予我們以下的方程式:[Jesus + 0 = infinitive] and [Jesus + something = 0]。所有這些「惟獨」都是為了神的榮耀,不是為了人的榮耀。

神學家 Derek Thomas 寫道: 「迫使十六世紀的宗教改革的問題不只一個,但在那麽多值得关心的事中, 以 “稱義的教義” 為首要的動力,就是罪人如何在神面前被看為正直。中世紀的天主教堅持稱義來自禮儀化的功蹟 (ritualized performance) , 這是一個從摇篮到坟墓的聖禮跑步机 (sacrament treadmill) 。馬丁路得堅持聖經所教導的另一個觀㸃。他宣告稱義是: “所有的罪人都是唯独靠着恩典、 唯独借着信心, 和唯独在基督里被称为义 (by Faith alone in Christ alone) 。”   馬丁路得從使徒保羅支取勇氣 。保羅在寫給加拉太的教會的信中清楚地劃下一條决定性的界線。他斷言,向 “律法的工作 (works of the law) “ 順服不能使我們获得在神面前的稱義。他解釋道: “(v.15) 我們這生來的猶太人、不是外邦的罪人、(v.16) 既知道人稱義、不是因行律法、乃是因信耶穌基督、連我們也信了基督耶穌、使我們因信基督稱義、不因行律法稱義.因為凡有血氣的、沒有一人因行律法稱義” (加 2:15-16) 。 」

比馬丁路德小廿六歲的法國加爾文 (John Calvin) ,也是宗改大師。他受馬丁路得的影响甚深。加爾文死後, 他的後繼人們 (Theodore Beza 和其他的加爾文派神學家) 圍繞著以救贖而論的預定論作出教義上的調整而發展出不同的恩典教義 (doctrine of graces) 。他們強調神的全權 (The Sovereignty of God) 而作出神學上的宣吿。其中有一位 Beza 的荷蘭學生亞米紐斯 (Jacob Arminius) 對一些加爾文教導提出抗議, 不同意加爾文的門徒对「揀選」的解釋。1610年,荷蘭更正教教會 (Dutch Reformed Church) 召集國際討論會、史称「多特會議 (Synod of Dort) 」,目的是為了抵擋亞米紐斯主義 (Arminianism) 的五㸃, 簡称 (PEAL)。後人將多特所決定的教義縮寫成五個字母 TULIP 來表達之。這郁金香 (TULIP) 的五瓣, 就代表了加爾文主義 (Calvinism) 的重㸃:

T–Total Depravity。 指人性本惡。全然墮落。這「全然」並非指人惡到無可再到更惡的地步。若不是恩典的約束,我們每人都可以再惡多一㸃㸃的。這「全然」不是指程度,乃是指範圍。我們的每一部份:思想,靈魂,行動,每一個細胞,每一條DNA 都被罪污染,沒有一處是完美無缺的, 以致人沒有能力行善,甚至不知道何謂善, 甚至没有意向去尋找神。

U–Unconditional Election。無條件的揀選。神不是因我們的好處或優㸃而揀選我們,況且全然堕落的人是完全沒有完全可取的好處,更沒有優點可言;也不是因為神預先知道我們會相信祂,所以祂就揀選我們。況且我们根本就不會想去揀選神, 只有祂揀選我們。祂的揀選乃是全賴于祂恩典的的旨意。人是一無可誇。祂要憐憫誰就憐憫誰,祂要恩待誰,就恩待誰。

L–Limited Atonement 。為了那個「L」字,所以硬用「有限 Limited」的救贖來表達一個並非所有人都能獲得救的意思。其實較好的表達,不是「有限的救贖」乃是「有目的的救贖 (Christ’s Purposeful Atonement) 」。基督寶血每滴都是有目的的,不會徒然。基督降世乃是為了被揀選的人。約翰 17:6-22 的禱告不是為所有人,乃是為「父神從世上賜給耶穌」的選民。基督的死乃是為被㨂選者而死。約翰一書 2:1-2 中的「我們」明顯地是單指基督徒,特别是指猶太基督徒。所以這裡的「普天下人」乃指包括外邦人在内的基督徒而非指世上任何一個人。我們絶对不支持「普救論 universalism」。

I — Irresistible Grace。 人既全然墯落,他是不會,也不可能,去選擇神。只有神揀選他。㨂選既是神的旨意,難道神的旨意會落空嗎?死在罪惡中的人是絶不會相信神的。但被揀選的人,神使他先活過來。有神生命的活人才能用他更新過的自由意志去相信神。我們常以為我們先相信然後才重生,但加爾文的神學思想, 根據聖經, 是「Regeneration Precedes Faith (先被重生,才能有信心)。」然後我們的得救乃是「惟獨信心」。所以信心是神賜給我们的礼物。

P — Perseverance of saints. 聖徒的恆忍。意即「一次得救,永遠得救」。在成聖過程中,我們難免會有跌倒失敗,但因聖靈的印記,基督的寶血,和大祭司耶穌基督在父神右邊為選民的代求,使那獲「永」生的選民,絶不失落。既是「永」, 就不是「暫」。

這五㸃並非獨立自存,乃是環環相扣。人既壞到極點 (T),他就不會並且不可能有屬灵的能力和意願去揀選神,那就只有神去揀選他; 人既無可救葯, 他就沒有被揀選的條件、只有神無條件地揀選他 (U)。, 既是「被揀選」,就必有「不被揀選」的可能性 (L),否則「揀選」一詞就沒有意義。「揀選」既是神主動的旨意,而神全權的旨意是不會落空的、被揀選的人,必被揀選。 (I),神的作為絶不會半途而廢 (P)。儘管揀選的觀念佈滿聖經各處, 那些不同意 (L) 的人往往說, 「我不是五㸃論者、我是四㸃論者。」其实是沒有 “Four Point Calvinism” 的。因為這五㸃需同時存在才能構成一個緊密前後一致的系統神學。

如果我們把馬丁路德的「五惟獨」與加爾文主義的「五花瓣」溶合在一起,便是更正神學 (Reformed Theology) 的骨髓了。總合而言,更正神學建立在「人的罪性」與 「神的全權 (the sovereignty of God)」 兩大巨柱上。現在譲我們看看「神的全權」的真正意義。

神的全權 (Sovereignty of God) 是全面性的 。神在創造界上,在萬有的指揮 (providence) 上, 在救贖上,和在揀選上是獨立自主的。這是基督教信仰, 特別是攺革宗神學的核心斷言。神是萬有的王也是萬有的主 (King and Lord of all) 。用另一説法: 若不是神定意事情的発生, 沒有事情能発生; 神在事情發生之前, 祂巳定意它必發生, 祂並定意事情是如何發生。 所以神的全權, 就是論到祂那「獨立自主, 至高無上的統治權」。

神在創造上是獨立自主的 (sovereign)。「起初神創造天地 (Gen. 1:1) 」。除神以外,本來是一無所有, 然後出現了物質,空間,時間,能量。這些「有」來自「無」 (came into being ex nihilo 即從無到有) 「無」表示神不需要依賴在祂以外的東西, 因為没有東西可依賴。神創造的旨意完全出於神自已。創造的實施完全是屬於神。神的創造不是出於形而上學 (metaphysical) 中的「必須」所驅使; 乃是完全出於神的自由行動 (free action of God) 。

神在統管支配萬有 (providence) 上是獨立自主的。傳統神學主張神是無所不能,無所不知,無所不在。每一項的宣告都是 「神性的獨立自主 (divine sovereignty) 」的一方位 。祂的能力,知識,和存在保證祂的目標必能達成, 祂的設計必能成功, 和祂對所有事件物的督察 (superintendence) 是沒有 「冐險的成份」在其中的。神是沒有 Plan-B 的。神的能力保證祂能做所有合乎邏輯且是祂定意要做的事。很多事情對我們而言是幸運和機會,但對神而言,乃是祂在衪法令 (decree) 之内。「籤雖然放在懷裡,但定事是却由耶和華。」 (Prov. 16:33)。

神在救贖上是獨立自主的。這個事實直接與 TULIP 有關。這個事實也解釋了基督徒為何要為自己的救恩感謝神。基督徒都會為他們靈性失落的朋友的得救祈求。如果拯救的能力在于人的自由意志,如果人的得救真正在于他們那不靠外助的能力來自救,那麽我們為何哀求神使他們「活過來」, 或 「救」他們,或「重生」他們呢?我們一貫地感謝神為我們個人預備救恩的事實,就意味著如果你相信「絕對自由意志」,你就是前後矛盾了。這就意味著「神全權的㨂選在先, 人得救在後」。聖經強調人的自由意志,  更強調神的揀選。然而人的自由意志不是絶对的、而神㨂選的旨意是絶对的。前者屬於時間和空間的範畴、後者更包括超時間和超空間的範畴。

神在揀選上是獨立自主的。聖經中好幾處的經文都反應出神在揀選上的獨立全杈。這些經文甚至比羅馬書 9:21 有更大的説服力: 「兠匠難道沒有權柄、從一團泥裡拿一塊作成貴重的器皿、又拿一塊作成卑賤的器皿麼?」 (Rome 9:21) 」 表面上看起來, 這似乎是不公平, 甚致霸道。保羅明白人的地位, 所以他預料到這一㸃:「這個人哪、你是誰、竟敢向神強嘴呢.受造之物豈能對造他的說、你為甚麼這樣造我呢? 」(Romans 9:20)。如果神真的給予我們「所應得的」,我們所得的就是詛咒。因此,揀選是神恩慈之舉而不單單是神的全權的表現,但兩者均真。但無論如何, 我們的救恩顕視神的榮耀: 「因為萬有都是本於他、倚靠他、歸於他.願榮耀歸給他、直到永遠。阿們。」 (Romans 11:36)

現在我們碰到一個傳福音的難題。若是神在宇宙中凡事上都獨立自主, 那麼人的努力去傳福音和宣教意義何在? 我們傳與不傳,神必定都會成全其結果。但我們不應如此推理。除了神給我們大使命 (太 28:19) 的事實外,如此的推理忽畧了一件事實,就是神喜悅藉著人的方式和手段去成全祂的獨立自主的計劃。「神人同工」是聖經一貫思想。 沒有一處聖經鼓勵我們要被動和遲鈍,基督徒的人生是積極的, 是進取的。保羅在給腓立比讀者的命令是:「這樣看來、我親愛的弟兄、你們既是常順服的、不但我在你們那裡、就是我如今不在你們那裡、更是順服的、就當恐懼戰兢、作成你們得救的工夫。」神的旨意與人的責任是一体的两面、也是馬丁路德和加爾文在他們著作中不断強調的。

神是獨立自主,祂的自主杈能顕明祂宏偉的榮耀。若不是祂的全權,我們就沒有存在 (have no being), 沒有救恩,沒有盼望。願一切榮耀都歸神 (Soli Deo Gloria) 。

五百年前的宗教改革是耶穌基督的教會為著真理和生命的一個有活力的運動。我們今天要問: 「宗教改革應該繼續進行嗎?」如果宗教改革的精髓是「勇敢地改正教會的錯誤」,那麽答案一定是「我們應繼續進行改革。」因為我们都是罪人。我们会犯錯。教会也会犯錯。但我們如何維持並向前邁進這個改革的事业? 我們需要不斷地改革就是我們必須不斷地回到神的話語而讓神的話語去改變和凈化我們, 而不是讓我們那自以為聰明的洞察力去迎合現今世界的需要而更改聖經的要求。否則我们便做了一些與原來意圖相反的事情。

由于數十年的世俗教育,自由派的媒體, 不道德的娱乐, 與其它的力量合併導致很多美國人進入「後基督教 (post-Christian) 」的思想和生活型態。表面看來教会好似不断在没落。有些高舉不斷革新的人,他们傳福音心切, 渴望教会增長, 因此, 為着迎合文化潮流, 他们忽畧五百年前的宗教改革所強調對聖經,稱義,敬拜,聖禮和五個「惟獨」的重㸃。他们簡化基督教或使基督教義减到最少的程度。我們萬不能借「大使命」的口號來選擇一部份耶穌的教訓,而不是全部耶穌的教訓,來迎合聽眾作為廣傳福音的門徑,例如不談罪,不談審判,只講愛與恩典等,都是今日很多教會的通病。嚴格來説,如果你不接受整體的耶穌 (whole Christ),只接納一部份群眾所喜愛的耶穌,你就等於塑造另一個不是耶穌的耶穌,這就嚴重地犯了拜偶像的罪。這樣的「革新」其实是意味著加強效法這個世界的要求和標準。

福音當然有文化的意義和含意。但福音是神的大能, 它都可以在任何文化中繁荣茂盛, 從異教徒的羅馬, 至伊斯蘭的神治政体, 至共產的專制政權。 基督教在中国大陸的增長是例也。筆者親眼看过很多忠于聖經的教会都非常興旺, 所以不要以為妥協聖經才能使教會增長。這是錯誤的想法。「不斷的改革 (always reforming) 」的真正意義就是常常回到聖經讓它改變和改良我們。這是一種對神話語的認識,熱愛,和願意把神的話語活出來的激情。

General References:

(註) 馬丁路得的九十五條論綱的第八十二條寫道: 「為何教皇不倒空煉獄 (purgatory), 為著聖潔的愛,為著在那裡可憐的靈魂的緣故,如果他救贖無數的靈魂為著可憐的金錢作建教堂之用?前者的理由是最公義的,而後者的理由是最琐碎的。」

  • “教會歷史探索團—團友手册” by 聖言資源中心。
  • “God’s Sovereignty and Glory” by Derek W.H. Thomas, published in May 2017 issue of TableTalk; pp. 6-8.
  • “The Reformed Theology” by RC Sproul.
  • Various google searches for details and fact-check.
  • “宗改與我何干” by 更新 (April 2017)
  • “TableTalk October 2017” by W. Robert Godfrey,pp. 33-34.
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Giving Homosexuality a Second Glance

By TC. Lo (盧天賜) ; March 13, 2017


The word “normality” is used to describe a condition which conforms to a self-evident norm. The opposite of “normality” is “abnormality” which is used to indicate irregularity or deviation from a common standard. It is like an archer shooting an arrow at a target, there are infinite ways to shoot amiss but only one way to score. If hitting the bull’s eye is defined as normal—something ought to be, then missing the bull’s eye of the target is abnormal. Since there are infinite ways to miss the mark, so abnormality has a gradation of incorrectness: From slightly missing the bull’s eye to totally missing the target altogether. This gradation can be thought of as an indicator of moral rectitude: From being amoral on one end to gross perversion on the other.

Perhaps the most influential revolution after the American Revolution (1765-1783) and the Industrial Revolution (1760-1830) had been the Sexual Revolution beginning from the sixties to now and forward. Homosexuality and its many variations had become the central point of the revolution. Here we use the word “homosexual” as an inclusive word for Gay, Lesbian, By-sexual, and Transsexual (known as LGBT) for convenience in communication.

This article attempts to answer three questions:
1. Is homosexuality abnormal?
2. If homosexuality is abnormal, is it morally abnormal?
3. If homosexuality is morally abnormal, on what bases and to what extent it is immoral?

The answer to the first question is crucial. If the answer is “No”, there will be no need to answer the subsequent two questions. Be noted that the first question says nothing about moral value in terms of being good or bad. It is merely an assessment of a state or condition.

The second question arises since not all abnormalities are spoken of in moral terms. For example, if the height of an adult is less than two feet or more than ten feet, I think we all would agree that this is abnormal; or if a person has six fingers on one hand, we would also label it being abnormal. But these kinds of deviations from the norm are
amoral (i.e., nothing to do with morality or ethics). We should show compassion and respect to these people with deformities but we could not deny that their conditions are not abnormal.

The third question is another way to say that sin has level of severity. Hatred and murder are both sins but clearly, one is more serious than the other. So, the question is: “At what point on the moral scale does homosexuality lies?”

Let me first go so far as to claim that homosexuality is abnormal. And let me provide several arguments to sustain this assertion.

Physiological argument
The anatomies of male and female are complementary. This is indisputably a strong evidence of design. From the physical structure of men and women or even male and female animals, we see a beautiful design of harmony and seamless compatibility. This strongly reflects the wisdom of the Designer. It is self-evident that heterosexuality is natural and hence normal. It thus follows that any other forms of sexuality is abnormal.

Purpose argument
Equally disputable is that the purpose of heterosexual marriage is for the possibility of producing posterity so that the human species can multiply and continue endlessly. Homosexual marriage can never produce children. If abnormality is defined as violation of purpose, homosexual copulation is an abnormal mode of sexual behaviors.

Demographic argument
Furthermore, those who were born with homosexual orientation amounts to only a very small fraction of the entire human population though the exact number is debatable. Some scientists would even argue that homosexual genes are nonexistent. Just by sheer statistic, it is safe to say that congenital sexual confusion is abnormal in much the same sense as to say that six-fingered persons are aberration due to their rarity.

Cultural argument
Since the beginning of the human history, heterosexual marriage has never been a subject of controversy. Regardless of the differences among peoples, languages, cultures and levels of civilization, wedding ceremonies between men and women had always been a celebrating events to be conducted joyfully and openly.

On the contrary, homosexual marriage and its different variations were culturally and traditionally considered disgraceful and had been topics of gossip in social gatherings and in tabloids. Homosexual behaviors were always covered up and kept inside the closet. Not until the recent gay liberation movement which has encouraged homosexual to come out of the closet that the shame and guilt feeling began to smoldered.

Politicians support the gay movement to get votes. Attempts had been made to legalize the homosexual behavior by redefining marriage. As of June 26, 2015, homosexuals can count the Supreme Court as their ally: In a 5-4 decision, the justices ruled that LGBT individuals have a constitutionally protected right to wed.

Legalization and popularity of the gay movement gradually stifled the social conscience. Embarrassment has now been clothed with rainbow-colored garments. What used to be aberrant had now become a new norm. Just think, if people rely on legal means to justify their behavior, it further proves that their behaviors are unnatural and hence abnormal.

The philosophical or spiritual argument
Human beings are the only creatures capable of speech and thinking in abstract terms. This is because human species are endowed by God with His Spirit (人為萬物之靈). Therefore, behind all great ideas or philosophies, especially rituals conceived by or revealed to men must have deeper meanings that transcend their first-thought interpretation. Marriage is a ritual or ceremony. What then is its spiritual significance? I, as a Christian, can think of at least two biblical significance:

(1) Marriage between a man and a woman points to the intimate relationship between Christ and His Church. The Bible repeatedly mentions that Church being the Bride of Christ as a metaphor to teach the intimate love and care and His ever presence in our lives. This holy matrimony ultimately points to the oneness of the Savior and his redeemed in a perfect union in eternity. This is a spiritual mystery expressible by and understood through the jointing of husband and wife in the humanly experiences. Homosexual marriage offers no such profound meaning.

(2) Marriage points to a profound Christian doctrine of Trinity. Ravi Zacharias had made the following observation: The Bible describes marriage as the sacred coming together of a man and a woman in a consummate and exclusive relationship: “and they will become one flesh (Genesis 2:24)”. When the consummate sexual act is completed and the woman is impregnated, at the very moment of conception (whether she realizes it or not), there are actually three persons within one being—the woman, the seed of her husband, and, between them, the third person, the child. The woman is no longer responsible only for herself, for she is carrying her husband’s distinctive DNA that, joined with her DNA, will engender the distinctive third person with his or her own DNA. In a strange and mystical but factual way, there is three in one. Zacharias then asks a very simple question: If in our finitude, we can understand this concept of three-in-one in procreation, is it impossible for the Creator, who is infinite, to be “Three in One” sense and “One” in another sense? (Ref. 1)

Can one draw any spiritual meanings out of the various aberrant same-sex expressions? I believe it is safe to conclude that homosexual behaviors are abnormal because no element of transcendent significance could possibly be assigned to the homosexual categories.

There are two kinds of abnormalities: one is in the moral category and the other is in the amoral category. Obviously, people of abnormal heights or having six fingers in one palm is nothing to do with morality. The question is: If homosexuality is abnormal, is it morally abnormal? To answer this question from biblical perspective, let me quote two Bible passages—one from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament.

Leviticus 18:21-23, says:
21 “‘Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molek, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD.
22 “‘Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable.
23 “‘Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.
In this Old Testament text, we see first that, by sheer common sense, sacrificing an innocent child in an altar is heinous crime by any standard, and having sex with animals is indisputably a gross perversion. Sandwiched between these two obvious perversions lies the homosexual acts expressed by verse 22. Does it tell us something? One can clearly see that not only homosexuality is abnormal, but also the level of severity in the morality scale is obviously on the side of seriousness when it is juxtaposed by two very serious sinful acts.

Romans 1:24-28 reads:
24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.
This New Testament text demonstrates how God speaks against homosexuality. One just need to note carefully the adjectives—sinful, degrading, shameful, unnatural, depraved—that describes homosexual behaviors. One must be deaf and blind to have missed God’s warning and admonitions over against this kind of sexual perversion.

(1) “Has Christianity Failed You?” by Ravi Zacharias; page 40.

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To Pray In Suffering

By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); February 10, 2017

The first question of the seventeenth century West Minster Catechism is “What is the chief end of men?” We are catechized that “Men’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.” My question is “If we are to enjoy God forever, why don’t we enjoy Him now?” The reality is that we don’t seem to enjoy God all the time. I believe the reason is that we have forgotten the preceding phrase: “to glorify God”. It seems to me that to enjoy God we must glorify Him first. However, John Piper has a slightly different perspective. He modified the Catechism’s answer by saying “We glorify God by enjoying Him forever.” I see truth in both statements because enjoying God and glorifying God are two intertwined disciplines which are complementary to one another; they go hand in hand.

How do we glorify God in practical terms? I believe to glorify God, we are to practice five basic essential things which will cause Christians to grow: Bible-study, Worship, Prayer, Fellowship, and Stewardship. Among these five disciplines, I believe Prayer is the subtlest one. Prayer can be as easy as a child instinctively crying out to his father. The shortest and the most incisive prayer in the Bible is “Lord, save me” (Matthew 14:30). It was uttered by Peter when he was about to sink down into the sea. Yet, prayer is also the most difficult lesson to learn in life. One time, a student asked Professor Einstein a question, “I am running out of ideas for my dissertation. Do you have any suggestions?” Einstein did not miss a beat and said, “Young man, write something about prayer.” C.S. Lewis resisted writing any book about prayer, for he considered himself to be always a student of prayer.

To me, the most difficult thing about prayer is to pray in times of suffering. These are the hard times when I couldn’t enjoy God.

One day in late summer of 2015, I woke up in the morning with a very strange feeling. I felt that I didn’t know where I was and as I looked at the mirror, I didn’t know who that man was in the reflection. Quickly, I realized that I had a double vision in my left eye. This was a very terrifying situation. I was not able to drive for I saw through the windshield two roads in front of me—one real, one virtue. Accident was bound to happen if I mistakenly drove on the virtue road. At home, I had difficulties to read and view my computer screen. Without the sight, “What is the meaning of my life?”, I said to myself. My daily works consist of reading, writing, and painting. All these activities required good eye sight. Without normal sight, my life was unlivable.

Through it all, I did not complain to God, I did not harbor bitterness toward Him, I had not said “Why me?”. I just wanted to pray which is the only thing I could do, but I really didn’t know how to pray.

One day, for unknown reasons, two Bible verses came to my mind:
• “In all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

• “The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.” (Job 1:21b)

I sometimes prayed with these two verses, and sometimes I prayed through these two verses with my own words. An unspeakable peace came to my heart. But I wanted to be sure that I wasn’t using the Bible verses as an incantation to conjure up mysterious healing power from God because I knew this would be idolatry. I wanted to make sure that I prayed with a deep conviction in the trustworthiness of the Word of God. Therefore, I mentally checked my theology by asking myself the following questions:

• Do I truly believe that God is all good, all powerful, and sovereign? Yes.
• Do truly believe that God knows my present suffering? Yes.
• Do I truly believe that God loves me and He wants me to grow in Him? Yes.
• Do I truly believe that God who takes care of the lilies in the field and the birds in the sky will even more takes care of me? Yes.
• Do I truly believe what Joseph said to his brothers “What you had done meant evil to me but God meant good through it all to save lives.”? Yes.
• Do I truly believe that Daniel had faith in God when he said, “Even if God does not deliver me, I shall still not bow down to the king’s statue.”? Yes.

Since my answers to these questions were all positive, I could then boldly pray in this way: “Lord, I am truly convinced that everything in my life, including my bad eye sight, works for the good of me providing I love you; I am confident that I am your elect child and I am chosen by you with a good purpose.”

I also truly believe that in God’s economy, God owns everything, including my health. So, I was at great peace to pray “God, you have given me good eyes for so many years, so you have every right to take my sight away. Blessed is the name of the Lord who have had the sovereign grace toward me.”

These two prayers gave me great peace beyond words. After several weeks of hopelessness, I was advised to consult a neuro-ophthalmologist in New York City. She prescribed me a flat prism over the eye glasses for my defective left eye. The idea was to pre-distort the incoming image to compensate for my warped vision. I thanked God that I was immediately able to drive and do daily works. The doctor told me that my problem was due to a minor stroke in my left eye causing damage to one of the six nerves that control the six eye muscles. But the good news was, as the doctor assured me, that this kind of nerves, unlike those inside the brain, could be self-healed but very slowly. Today, my problem is gone and I thank Lord Jesus for His healing. Although the cause of the mini stroke was still unknown, I view it as a wake up call to me to watch out my blood sugar to prevent bigger problem in the future. Who can say that suffering produces no good coming out of it?

This story, thankfully, had a good ending but the process of going through it taught me a great deal of spiritual lesson. My theology wrought through these two verses (Romans 8:28 and Job 1:21) had helped me to converge my heart, my mind and my volition to a genuine act of prayer that brought about in me peace, stillness and joy during my difficult times. I prayerfully hope that the Word of God may help you too in your dark night of the soul.

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「宇宙大爆炸」與「創造論」(Big Bang Theory VS. Creationism)

By Tin-chee (TC) Lo 盧天賜; January 8, 2017

過去大半個世紀, 科學家們 (大部份都不信上帝的存在, 包括 Stephen Hawking) 都認為宇宙是由大爆炸 (Big Bang) 而來 (Ref. 1), 這擎天一柱的假說 (hypothesis) 幾乎被視為宇宙之源的標準答案。 大爆炸論是由科學觀察所延伸出來的假說 (hypothesis) 。但基督徒及有神論者,因不同意他們对所觀察出來的資料所作的解釋, 而把「宇宙大爆炸」的假説一筆勾銷。筆者認為這做法對傳福音和䕶教是有損無益的。他們的解釋是透過無神論或自然論 (atheistic or naturalistic) 的世界觀所衍生出來的論調。但基督徒是可以用他們所發現的同一資料, 透過有神論或超自然論 (theistic or super-naturalistic) 的世界觀而產生另一種解釋。在這個資料上的共同㸃, 我們可以與無神論者建立福音的橋樑, 並強化聖經的可靠性。這是本文的動機。

首先讓我們給宇宙大爆炸論的一個極度簡化的介紹 (Ref. 1):當火車走向月臺時, 站在月臺的人所聽到火車鳴笛的聲波是高亢的。但當火車離開月臺時, 站在月臺的人所聽到的鳴笛的聲波是低沉的,所以 由聲頻的高低, 我們可知聲源與收聽者的相对移動方向。 此現象被称為多普勒效應 (Doppler effect)。這個効應在直覺上並非難明: 火車走向月臺時, 笛声的波長因發声体和收声体的距離縮短而被压縮,使頻率升高;而火車離開月臺時,笛声的波長因發声体和收声体的距離增加而被拉長,使聲頻降低。

光波也是如此。首先假設光源與測光儀的距離是不變的。在這靜態的情况下, 由不同元素 (element) 所發出來不同瀕率的光波投射進測光儀 (光譜儀spectrometer) 內會在儀器的螢幕上有一組固定標記的位置。這就是我們為什麼能在地球上可以知道遠星系 (galaxies) 是由什麼化學元素所組成的理由。遠星因有各種不同的元素,所以當它的光照到光譜儀上,我們在儀器的螢幕上可以看到如梳子搬的垂直線條;每條線代表一種光波的頻率,也間接代表某種元素的存在。高頻律的光靠近光譜紫色的一端。低頻律的光靠近光譜紅色的一端。 但如果發光体與光譜儀的距離是在增加或減少的動態下, 光譜的位置便會因移動方向而與標凖位置有小小差别。因此, 觀看星體所發出的光譜, 由它與標準位置的差異, 可知道星體移動的方向。

於1929年有一件驚人的發現。 一位名叫 哈勃 (Edwin Hubble) 的科學家, 他發現距地球很遠的星系射到地球的光, 比距離地球較近的星體的光細弱, 但它的光譜位置比較偏向紅端 (即偏向低頻的一边)。天文學家稱此為紅移現象 (red-shift) 。 因此天文學家把紅移現象解釋為光學上的多普勒效應: 遠處射出偏向紅端移位的星體正在以高速度離開地球而遠去, 而且遠星体遠移速度比近星体遠移速度更快。

紅移現象的發現, 便產生了宇宙膨脹的假說 (Expansion hypothesis) 。 主張宇宙中的各星系正在向四面八方不斷展開。 宇宙有二百兆以上的星系 (200 billion galaxies) 而太陽系是其中一星系,称為銀河系 (Milky Way)。在星系内的衆星球, 因萬有引力而維持它們相对的位置和軌道, 但星系與星系之間的距離却不斷增加, 這就是我們現在所說的宇宙膨脹現象。

現在我们看看另一項重要的天文發現: 两位Bell Lab 研究員彭茲雅 (Arno Penzias, 獲1978 諾貝爾獎) 和威爾遜 (Robert Wilson) 用一種敏感的天線裝置測量銀河系的電波時, 他們發現有預料不到的雜音存在。 與此同時, 普林斯頓物理學家以狄克 (Robert Dicke) 也在尋找太空微波。 他們理論計算的結果不約而同地確定宇宙是由大爆炸 (Big Bang) 而來。那雜音被認為是大爆炸的餘波。

在大爆炸論被提倡之前, 大部份無神論科學家與哲學家包括古代的亞里斯多德 (Aristotle) 都認為宇宙是永恆的,是無始無終的。他們的論點是: 你們的聖經說, 神是永恆的,是無始無終的,是無法證明的, 那麽,為甚麽我們不能說, 宇宙也可以是永恆的,也可以是無始無終的呢? 無神論者的問題是他們忽略了两者的不同: 神是屬灵界的領域, 是非物貭的,而宇宙是單屬物質的領域。橙與蘋果如何能相題並論? 但唯物論 (据其定義) 是不能有此區别的, 因為他們不相信超自然界的存在。他們雖高舉科學, 但他們的說法不是出於科學精神的趨使, 乃是出於先入為主的「無神哲學」的推論。

宇宙永存的信念之所以受無神論者不断地受歡迎是因為他們可以迴避「第一因 (First Cause) 」的窮巷。佛教和印度教的輪迴觀也不能不使人推測到它們是在逃避那終極「生命源頭Origin of life」的問題。然而此宇宙永恆的說法,不但是沒有科學根据, 更是不符合科學方法中的歸納法。如果萬有引力是由觀察 (如蘋菓下落) 而來所歸納出來的結論, 那麼宇宙永恆說便應是歸纳法所否定的假説了, 因為在物質世界中、有誰能歸納出一樣東西是沒有它的開始的呢? 宇宙就是一切物質的總和。如果每件物質都有一個開始, 那麽宇宙必然有一個開始。然而這是無神論科學家 (甚至愛因斯坦早期) 與哲學家所不願聽到的結論。別人在 愛因斯坦(Einstein) 的廣義相對論 (general theory of relativity) 公式中發現含有宇宙膨脹的結論, 但愛因斯坦因受人文主義的影响, 堅持宇宙是永恆, 不願接受此結論, 因為宇宙膨脹會帶來宇宙有開始的結論 (下述)。愛因斯坦當作自己的計算有誤, 便硬在他的公式中引進一個宇宙常數, 以消除宇宙膨脹 (或收縮)的可能性, 以確保一個穩定, 靜態, 無始無終的宇宙。

但紅移現象所推論的宇宙膨脹, 產生一個難以相信的含意: 如果我們把時間倒回到過去, 所有東西便會逾來逾靠近。 時間逾往後退, 宇宙的密度就逾大。 最終, 在一個有限的過去, 整個宇宙都收縮成一個只能用數學來表達的濃縮點, 科學家稱它為 「奇點 (Singularity)」, 即奇妙的數學點。有学者把它稱為 「宇宙疍」 以表達宇宙乃由此㸃而誕生 。 但這個 含義却帶給無神論者夢想不到的一個推論 (inference): 就是宇宙竟然在時空 (Space-time) 上有個啟始點。太空微波的發現, 推論到宇宙是由這個啟始㸃爆炸而來。

愛因斯坦後來公開承認失誤, 接受了宇宙正在膨脹的事實, 並推論到宇宙的確有個開始。 他說這是他一生最大的遺憾! (Ref. 2) 愛因斯坦的治學精神和降服真理的態度值得我們效法。英國無神論物理學家 Stephen Hawking 也說, 「幾乎所有人都相信宇宙, 時間, 都從這大爆炸 (Big Bang) 開始。」

現在整個宇宙難題就轉移到這個爆炸的「時刻」。就是那称為濃縮的抽象點「 Singularity 」。此奇點從何而來?甚麼原因使它爆開?這個濃縮㸃內究竟是甚麼東西?

無神論宇宙學家在追索答案的過程中,發現他們都同意下列數點, 但他們却感到困惑:

  • 在這奇點內, 宇宙的密度是無限大, 而宇宙是由此點擴張出去。困惑是: 在物質的宇宙的密度是不可能是無限大的, 「無限大」是一個數學上的觀念, 不是實体。無神論科學家無法解釋。
  •  大多數宇宙學家都認為, 在大爆炸以前, 只有虛無, 連時間和空間也沒有。 宇宙這種 「無中生有」 的起源是與熱力學第一定律不相符的。況且, 在時間還未存在時 「以前」 一詞其實是無意義的。這也是他們的困惑。
  • 劇烈大爆炸的結果, 一定是雜亂無章, 但事實却越趨秩序化, 與熱力學第二定律不相符合。
  • 大爆炸後的極短瞬間 (10的負23次方), 宇宙澎脹了十倍, 其澎脹速度遠遠越過相對論中的光速極限. 從宇宙開始後的10至34秒的一刻至今, 整個過程 “順理成章”。

唯物主義者企圖用「科學」去解釋一切实体 (reality)。但據以上他們都同意的數論點上,他們卻發現在圍繞著「奇㸃」的時空中,所有「科學定律」都完全失效。這是一個非同小可的宣告。科學是建立在「自然律 (natural laws)」 上。如果沒有自然律就沒有科學。無神論的「唯獨科學」的基礎,在此開始被動摇。

在大爆炸理論被發現之前,無神論者對宇宙之源有下列的解釋(Appendix 1):

1. 宇宙是幻影 (illusion)

2. 宇宙是自創 (self-created)

3. 宇宙是永恆 (self-existent)

4. 宇宙是「机会」的產品 (by “Chance”)

現在他們用同樣的「理論」去解釋「奇㸃」的來源。儘管他們有那麼多的解釋,無神論者並無達到共識。而有神論 (基督徒) 的世界觀是絶不同意這四種中任何一種的説法。現在我們的討論開始進入本文的中心思想。

儘管宇宙大爆炸是目前最被科學界所接受和喜愛的假說, 但無人能 絶对斷言它的確就是宇宙成形的机制。但如果無神論者相信它是真實, 他們就逃不了宇宙有開始的結論, 因而帶給他們不少困惑。然而基督徒和有神論者就可以借机会把 他們的科學結論作為福音的橋樑, 藉此指出聖經所宣告的 「起初神創造天地 (創世記1:1) 」 中的「起初 (In the beginning) 」這两個字的可信憑據。 我們藉着無神論者的困惑介入「超自然super-natural」的必要性, 成為重要的福音橋㮪。

基督徒及有神論者,都不能同意無神論者对宇宙之源的看法。筆者認識不少基督徒學者和牧師,特別是他們沒有科學的訓練背景,都因不同意無神論者對「奇㸃」的解釋,而把「宇宙大爆炸」的假説一筆勾銷。筆者認為這對傳福音和䕶教 (apologetics) 是無益的。因為我們大部份都不是宇宙學專家 (cosmologist), 如果我們斷言他們的理論不對,會很容易地被人視為無知,对護教不利。相反地, 如果我們藉他們的困惑, 而介紹超自然領域 (supernatural) 的可能性來解釋自然領域 (natural) 無法解釋的現象,這樣或許会打開無神論者的眼界, 使他們從新檢查他們的前設 (presupposition)。

鍳於他們的困惑, 無神論者難以否定的重要推論是: 宇宙大爆炸最好的解釋是超自然現象, 而非自然科學現象。 因為所有科學理論都在此「奇㸃」中失效。奇點是物質世界和時空的邊緣, 科學的領域到此為止。這就明顯地指向一個超自然神學上的含義 (a theological implication) 。這就指向一位創造者 (Creator) 了。這位創造主 (存在個體 being) 有何特性呢?

  • 所有物質的東西都有一個「開始」。宇宙膨脹指出宇宙(物質的總和)是有開始的。凡是有開始的東西,都有一個使它開始的成因 (cause)。 上文巳交代過時間和空間是有開始的。使時空開始的實體 (being; realty) 必須是超越時空的。「開始」一詞是與時間有關的。所以,「使時空開始的那一位格」一定是沒有開始的。沒有「開始」便沒有「成因cause」的必要,所以他是「無成因地存在 uncaused」的。換句話說,他是自有永有。
  • 衪是不受時間限制的 (timeless), 因為衪是時間的創始者。 在沒有「時間的狀況 timelessness」下,他是不會改變的。因為「改變」是與「時間」有關的。古神學家聖奧古斯丁 (Saint Augustine) ,在1700年前就已提及一個極時尚的概念:這「物質宇宙」有個「非物質」的起源,而且在上帝創造宇宙之前,「時間」本身也不存在。奧古斯丁在他的《懺悔錄》中說道:「所以你在創造萬物之前,也是沒有時間的,因為時間本身也是你所創造的。」
  • 改變是與時間有関的。 衪既不受時間的限制, 所以衪必需是永恒不變的 (changeless) 。從另一角度看,如果他是終極的完美,他是不能改變的,因為「終極的完美」一旦改變,便變成不完美了。
  • 衪是物質的創始者, 他又是uncaused, 所以衪必需是非物質 (immaterial) 。 衪是個靈 (a spirit).


天文學家和宇宙學家Robert Jastrow (1925-2008) 說了這樣一句話: 「對那些只靠理性來攀登無知的山的科學家, 他们的故事是以惡夢结束。 當他们登到山峯尖顶时,欲發現一群神學家坐在那裡等待他们達數世纪之久了。」
“For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.” (google search)

Further on Jastrow, another google search yields the following paragraph—“Though he (Jastrow) claims on the first page of this curious little book to be an agnostic in religious matters, Robert Jastrow nevertheless believes that some current developments in astronomy have “religious implications.” Along with many other astronomers, Jastrow thinks that the discovery of cosmic background radiation practically assures the truth of the Big Bang theory of the universe, but he also goes on to claim that this fact in turn “leads to a biblical view of the origin of the world.”

科學的盡頭就是上帝。而上帝也是在科學的當中,因祂是自然律的創造者 (Appendix 2)。

Appendix 1 (Ref. 3)

無神論者对宇宙之源的奧秘,有四種解釋: 但無神論者意見不一,他們無法達成共識。其可能性可歸納成四大類:

• 幻覺論 (illusion) —宇宙不是實體,它只不過是一個幻覺。但幻覺是由實體而生。如果我說,「我作了一個夢。」夢是一個幻覺,但「我」是一個實體。沒有「我」,這個幻覺似的夢也作不成。如果宇宙是一個幻覺,那就意味著在這個「幻覺中的宇宙」之外,必有一實體指明宇宙乃是幻影。正如現代唯理主義 (modern rationalism) 之父笛卡兒 (Descartes 1590-1650) 所說的 “I think, therefore I am.” 意即,「如果我正在思考,就表示我的存在。」或容許我改說,「如果有人正在幻想,那就證實那幻想者的實際存在。」宇宙是幻覺的說法,無法自圓其說。
• 自創論 (self-created) —宇宙是從自己創造出自己。這就意味「自己」必需首先存在才能創造「自己」。這是不合科學,不合邏輯,不合常理的說法。然而有些大科學家卻把這說法披上量子力學 (quantum theory) 的外衣,嘩衆取寵。
• 自存論 (self-existent) —認為宇宙是自有永有,是無始無終。但宇宙澎脹和大爆炸所帶出來的「宇宙有開始」的含義巳成為他們最大的困惑。
• 宇宙由或然率 (probability or chance機遇或机會)而來 —但「機會」只是一個數學上的觀念,它不是一件物件,它不是實體(a being),它本身沒有內在的任何能力。無神論者的方程式是:「時間+空間+機會」=實體。這也是進化論對原始生命之源的「標準方程式」。一旦原始物質 (prebiotic soup) 變成原始生命,進化便是從簡變繁的機制。「機會產生宇宙」是科學嗎?「機會產生生命」是可能嗎?其答案是不言而諭。甚至達爾文在他的名著「物種起源」中也宣明他不願談「第一因」的問題,他只談「第二因」,即有了原料後的進化情況。如果原始簡單生命的源頭都不能由「機會」產生,宇宙的源頭就不用談了。

Appendix 2 (Ref. 4)

以下是喇威.撒迦利亞 (Ravi K. Zacharias) 博士自述了一次有趣的經歷:

How Scientific Is Science?

I was having dinner with a few scholars, most of whom were scientists, when our discussion veered into the conflict between science’s starting point—nature alone—and supernaturalism’s starting point, God as the only sufficient explanation for our origin.

I asked them a question that might be useful to you in science class. “If the big bang were indeed where it all began—which one can fairly well grant, at least to this point in science’s thinking—may I ask what preceded the big bang?” Their answer, which I had anticipated, was that the universe was shrunk down to a singularity.

I pursued, “But isn’t it correct that a singularity as defined by science is a point at which all the laws of physics break down?”

“That is correct,” was the answer.

“Then, technically, your starting point is not scientific either.”

There was silence. Their expressions showed their minds were scurrying for an escape hatch. They didn’t find one.


(1) 參考下列三書:

“Who Made God?” by Ravi Zacharias; pp. 54-58.

“遊子吟—永恆在呼召” by 里程; pp. 208-213.

“Searching For Truth” by Joe Boot; p. 66.

(2) “Physics For The Rest of Us” by Roger S. Jones; p. 62.

(3) “Defending your Faith” by R.C. Sproul; pp. 99-133.

(4)“ Jesus Among Other Gods (Youth Edition)” by Ravi Zacharias; p. 57

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If This person is a Christian, I Don’t Want to Be One

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); November 30, 2016

Few years ago, I had an opportunity to share the gospel with a Qing Hua (清華大学) graduate. In the end, referring to some Christians he knew, he made a very poignant comment: “If this person is a Christian, I don’t want to be one of them”. I conjectured that he must sadly have had bad experiences with certain Christians. What he concluded was a very painful indictment to Christianity and yet a very legitimate one—if our conversion is a supernatural act of God, how come our behavior is not always supernaturally transformed?

Recently, I encountered an almost exact question from an unbeliever. It brought to my memory that some people had said, “No news is new news; all news is old news happening to new people.” Perhaps unbeknownst to them, they were in effect echoing what Solomon had observed and recorded in the Bible thousands of years ago: “There is nothing new under the sun (Eccl.1:9).”

But I must say that this question not only bother common people like you and me, it had bothered famous thinkers too in history: Indian revolutionist Mahatma Gandhi, who loved to read Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount”, made this statement when referring to Christianity: “I like their Christ, but I don’t like their Christians.” Atheistic German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche who coined the phrase “God is dead”, had once said, “I will believe in their Redeemer when the Christians look a little more redeemed.”

In reflecting to their criticism toward Christians, few remarks I must bring to your consideration:

  • I am not here to defend Christians. I am here to defend the validity of Christianity. All Christians are to defend for themselves on the Day of Judgment. Some of the “Christians” may not be genuine Christians in the sight of Jesus. Here is Jesus’ own word in the Book of Matthews as saying: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”  Does the Bible say “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”? Why does Jesus say that He does not know those who “call His name, Lord?” The problem is that although they confess their faith in their mouths, they do not believe in their hearts, so these people are not saved (Romans 10:9). For these people, both in the Old Testament era and in the New Testament era, God condemned them without reservation, saying: “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men (Matthew 15:8).” Or “…their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men. (Isaiah 29:13).” Observing the rules of men signifies “justification by merit” and not “justification by faith.” They reject justification by grace alone. They don’t have saving relationship with Jesus Christ, but merely a bunch of religious people. Their ministry looks very enthusiastic and accomplished, but in vanity in the sight of God. I am not going to judge whether certain individual is a genuine Christian or not; such judgment belongs to God alone. The essence of Christianity is “The Will of God”. Therefore, the real question is: Are the things the opponents dislike about Christianity the teaching (or the will) of Christ? Or Are the things the opponents dislike about Christianity endorsed by Christ? In Christianity, “profession is not equal to possession.”
  • I am not saying a genuine Christian is a perfect person. I am saying Jesus—hence, Christianity—is perfect. A genuine Christian is the one who continuously seeks Jesus’ grace and forgiveness for his own sins. Yes, hypocrisy is a deadly painful thing to Christianity because it blunts the thrust of evangelism. No one can lead a life totally free from hypocrisy and Christians have no exception. Anyone who claims that he is totally non-hypocritical is the biggest hypocrisy itself. However, we Christians are not to be measured by comparing to other people, we are comparing to our own past. After we became a Christian, the transformation power of Christ can and will change us, not instantly but gradually. This is the Grace of Christ. As one said, “Christ didn’t come to make bad people good, He came to make dead people live.” Measuring morality by our own deed is very dangerous: If we do good, we may become proud and look down upon other people. If we fail, we become discouraged and disillusioned. But if we live by grace, we become carefree and our life become joyfully abundant knowing everything is the from the grace of God.
  • Part of the reason for Christianity’s rapid spread, historians have remarked, was simply that the early Christians were such nice people. They were caring for neighbors, the poor, and the widows; the very kindness of the Christians and their service to the hurting and downtrodden attracted new adherents. Should Christianity’s positive influence to humankind be ignored? Why don’t you focus on these nice people? Billy Graham once said, “Thousands of airplanes flying safely over the skies make no news, but one fallen airplane makes big headline on the TV screens.” The news that makes headline is not a representation of people’s daily lives.
  • If seeing Christians doing bad thing has become your justification to reject Christianity, then seeing atheists doing bad things should equally justify you to reject of atheism and begin to turn to God. So one should first honestly examine his or her motive for asking a question something like “Why are there so may hypocrites in the church?”

When you make clear distinction between Christian conducts and Christian teachings, all these problems can be readily vaporized. When you make clear distinction between Christian imperfection and Christ’s perfect sinlessness, all these problems should cease to bother you. We should fix our eyes on the holy Christ rather than the sinners whom Jesus saved. After all, Jesus did not come to make bad people good, He came to make dead people live.

To a broader scope, some people reject Christianity on the ground that Church history was littered with oppression and violence—Crusades, Spanish Inquisition and countless episodes of anti-Semitism and racism, the Salem witch trials, and other moments of shame which Jesus never endorsed. I hope the points made above may help them with more accurate perspectives on their objections against Christianity.


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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); October 16, 2016


「挪亞五百歲生了:閃,含,雅弗 (創5:32)。」這三個兒子非三胞胎。這說明挪亞五百歲時生的是長子,過些時候再生次子,再過些年日才生幼子。那麼我們如何排列三個兒子的出生次序?

首先,幼子一定是含 (Ham)。這是根據創世記9:24的結論: 「挪亞醒了酒,知道小兒子向他所作的事。」剩下的問題是:閃與雅弗那一位是哥哥?

根據創世記11:10的記載:「閃的後代記在下面。洪水以後二年,閃一百歲生了亞法撒。」洪水氾濫是在挪亞六百歲時才開始的(創7:6)。那時挪亞的長子剛剛是一百歳。但閃 (Shem) 是到洪水後二年才一百歲,至於「洪水後二年」是指洪水來臨後第二年?還是指洪水完結後第二年?這不重要,因為它不會影響結論。所以挪亞的長子肯定不是閃。所以他們的出生次序應是:雅弗,閃,含。

[Note: 上文結論是: 雅弗是長子, 但請看創10:21說「閃是雅弗的哥哥」。我想這是中文和合本的譯誤。NIV: “Sons were also born to Shem, whose older brother was Japheth”, 所以英文是对的。]

然而聖經論到挪亞三兒子時,總是以「閃,含,雅弗」的次序,這不是出生次序。我想乃是重要性的次序。因為閃是在耶穌基督的家譜上有份, 因此閃在救贖史上比他的兄弟佔更重要的地位。猶太人對長子名份非常重視,但神卻揀選次子作救贖缐上的一環。以後我們還看到神揀選次子雅各,而非長子以掃。神是全權的,祂要憐憫誰,就憐憫誰;祂要恩待誰,就恩待誰;祂要揀選誰,就揀選誰。

「他拉活到七十歲, 生了亞伯蘭,拿鶴,哈蘭(創11:26)。」這三兒子也非三胞胎,那麼他們的出生次序又如何?譲我們先參考另两節經文:


「他 (亞伯蘭) 離開迦勒㡳人之地住在哈蘭, 他父親死了以後,神使他從那裡搬到你們現在所住之地。」(徒7:4) 這是新約司提反講道的内容。

(A) 假設亞伯蘭是長子

  • 他拉70歲時生亞伯蘭。
  • 亞伯蘭75嵗時出哈蘭。
  • 亞伯蘭出哈蘭時,他拉是145(=70+75)嵗。[註: Derek Kidner 的註解說撒玛利亞的古本記他拉死時是 145 歳。]
  • 亞伯蘭是在父親他拉死後才出哈蘭。
  • 所以他拉的壽歲是145。


亞伯蘭離開哈蘭時,他的父親他拉尙活著,所以亞伯蘭真的是離開「父家」。及至亞伯蘭在迦南寄居了六十年後,他拉才在哈蘭壽終,活了205歲。但這説法與 (徒7:4) 有矛盾。

他拉並沒有活到205嵗那麼久,他只活了135 歳。這說法與 (創11:32) 有扺觸。

(B) 假設亞伯蘭不是長子

  • 他拉70歲時生拿鶴或哈蘭。
  • 如果他拉生了長子後60年才生亞伯蘭,
  • 他拉生亞伯蘭時是130(=70+60)歲。
  • 亞伯蘭75嵗時出哈蘭。
  • 亞伯蘭是在父親他拉死後才出哈蘭。
  • 所以他拉死時是205 (=130+75) 嵗。
  • 所以「亞伯蘭不是長子」的説法在算術上是沒有問題的,是與創11:32相符。

但有另外一個難懂的地方:如果他拉130歲時才生亞伯蘭,為甚麽當神的使者向亞伯蘭顯現時說,「你明年要生一個兒子。」而亞伯蘭 (此時他巳改了名為亞伯拉罕) 的反應是,「亞伯拉罕俯伏在地喜笑,心𥚃説,100歳的人,還能得孩子麽?撒拉巳經90歳了,還能生養麽?」(創17:17)  難道亞伯拉罕不知道他的爸爸是年老才生他的嗎? 這是第二個難題。

有一次,我與一位剛認識的朋友聊天。得知他有五個孩子。我似乎大吃一驚地回應,「嘩!有那麼多孩子呀!」後來回想,我爸爸有八個孩子,我是排行第一的老大,親眼看見弟妹長大。那麽我為什麼見到別人有五個孩子就如此稀奇呢?可見驚奇與知識無關。好可能当時亞伯蘭和撒拉的朋友都是五十歲以下生子,所以他們對自己還能百歲生子, 就無意识地感到稀奇。

鑒於第一個難題,我們可以說聖經有矛盾嗎? 我堅信聖經的「可靠性 infallibility」和「無誤性 inerrancy」的教義。但這教義 (doctrine) 是專指聖經的「原版」而言的,而非指日後由文士抄下來的的眾「手抄版」。「原版 original manuscript or “the autographs“」早巳失傳。但抄版和譯版的數目上數千之多,而抄本和抄本間彼此矛盾的地方也少之又少;而這些矛盾不影響聖經的主題,更不影響與救贖有關的教義。所以「本文評論學 science of textual criticism」的研究結論是我們今天手頭上的聖經是非常純正和可信可靠的。

為什麼我們要相信聖經無誤的教義呢? 答案在乎神的屬性。神是全知,所以祂不可能誤以為一些錯誤的東西視為真實而不自知。神是聖潔,所以祂不會故意把一些錯的東西假作為真地告訴我們。如果我們相聖經是源於全知且聖潔的神,那麼聖經的無誤性便是從衪的屬性衍生出來的必然邏輯結論。




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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); September 19, 2016

首先讓我照問題的字面意義來回答。地球是太陽系(甚至很可能是整個宇宙)中唯一有生命和能夠維持生命的地方。它圍繞太陽的軌迹不是像其它行星一搬的橢圓形,而是非常靠近正圓形,好讓週期性的溫差不會太大,利於各式各樣生命的滋長;地球的大氣層能過濾对生物有害的紫外線;地球的體積遠小於火星 (Mars) 和木星 (Jupiter),讓小行星(meteoroid ) 和彗星 (comet) 的軌迹偏向這些體積大的星球而免去衝衝地球之險;月球的大小也適宜地穩定地球的自轉和潮水的漲退,使海洋生物的生態獲得平衡。這類的例子不勝枚舉 (Ref. 1) 。我相信地球是上帝特別為人類而設計的 (anthropocentric) 地方。「我們為甚麽會住在這地球上? 」的答案是因為只有地球的環境才能使我們能活著。我想大家都㑹同意我所說的,但我相信這不是問者所期待的答案。然而地球的環境與我的存在的看法也因世界觀 (worldview) 而有大異:

  • 無神論的進化觀: 我所住的地球就是這樣,我之所以存在是因「適者生存」之故而沒有被淘汰。所以我的存在只不过是「物質 + 時間 + 机會」的偶然產品。
  • 有神論的創造觀: 上帝是宇宙的創造者。祂是宇宙的主宰。上帝的旨意是要我存在、所以祂創造一個適合我存在的地方–地球。

前者, 地球是主体、人是客体。在這種無神論的世界觀下, 人是沒有内在價値 (intrinsic value) 的、人是沒有基本生存的目標的。後者, 人是主体、地球是客体。在這種有神論的世界觀下、人是有從創造者賦與的内在價値 (intrinsic value) 、並有創造者所指定的基本生存的目的 (God given purpose) 。

倘若地球不適宜人類生活,我們便不會存在,若我們不存在,連這個問題「我們為甚麽會住在這地球上?」就不會被提出來。然而人内心的深處, 不論你相信有神與否、總会產生這問題、成為历世历代哲學家所探討的問題。

「目的」是一個不證自明 (self-evident) 地被認同為重要的東西。例如果我問一位大學生: 「你為什麼會來到George Mason 大學(GMU)這地方?」他很自然地這樣回答:「我來到這裏是為了作研究工作的。」所以這「我為何在此? 」的問題便提升到「我在此的目的何在?」的問題。


聖經的世界觀告訴我們:神是宇宙 (包括地球) 和生命 (包括人類) 的創造者(創世記1:1-27)。我是祂親手創造的。這個受造的觀念便把「我活在地球上的目的何在?」的問題又提升到「我受造的目的是甚麼?」。

我手上拿著一個茶杯。我可斷言這個茶杯是一定有一個製造者使它存在的,它不可能是自自然然地無中生有出現的,它也不是沒有一個開始而是自有永有的。它一定有一位創造者使它存在; 這是我们在現实生活中不能否認的事實。而這個使茶杯存在的創造者必定有一個創造它的目標,就是茶杯被造的目標就是要用來盛茶 (或水)。

不但如此,茶杯也反影出它的設計者的性情。它是為設計者而設計的。杯口圓滑,使飲者嘴唇舒適。杯有耳,使用者容易拿著而不會燙手。茶杯的外表有花紋設計,反影出它的製造者有藝術的意識。茶杯的設計反影出製造者的屬性和心意。茶杯是為人而造。同理, 人是為上帝而造。創造我們的上帝是聖潔的,是榮耀的, 是有思想的,是有道德意識的。我們是被祂所造的, 所以我們人生的目標,應是要反影出創造主的屬性和心意,就是討神 (我們的創造者) 的喜悅和反影祂的性情和榮耀。

這個「我們為甚麽會住在這地球上?」的問題又衍生到一個更基礎性的問題:「首先, 神為甚麽要創造人類?」。有人説, 神是說話的神, 神是慈愛的神,因此祂需要有說話和愛的对象, 所以祂造人 (或天使), 使神有說話和愛的对象。如果這答案是對,那麼在神創造人之前,祂是否無話可說呢? 祂是否沒有辦法表達祂愛的屬性呢? 不錯, 說話和愛都是神位格的屬性、但神是自給自足的 (self-sufficient), 神不需要任何在祂以外的東西使祂的屬性得以表達。事实上、神說話和愛的对象就是祂自己本身。但 (1) 神怎能自己对自己說話呢? (2) 神怎能自己愛自己呢? 這就指出基督教的「三位一体」教義的合理性和必要性了。即「獨一真神具三位格 (Persons)」。最近, 耶和華見證人 (Jehovah Witnesses 不相信耶穌是神, 更不相信三位一体的聖經啟示)   登門, 我就問他们這两個問題, 他們吱唔一番, 無言以答。可見「三位一体 Trinity」的奧秘並非是完全不得而知的, 而從這两个個問题使我们对此真理可畧知一二。回到這個問題: 「神為甚麽要創造人類? 」我的答䅁很簡單, 就是:「我不知道!」。我雖然不知道、但我知道我既存在, 我就應活出一個神所賦予的目的。但如果我沒有活出神所賦予的目的,其後果如何?

茶杯是根據物理學定律而設計的。熱力學 (物理學的一部門)的第二定律說明物質的東西只會變壞而不會變好的。所以茶杯不會自自然然地「進化」到更好, 更名貴,更耐用的。有一天這茶杯會變舊, 甚致漏水了。一個漏水的茶杯,不管它外表看起來还是多漂亮,它不再能達到它原本被製造的目的,它必馬上變成廢物了,其結局是被扔進拉圾桶去,這就是茶杯的「地獄」。一般人到「罪」的領會是犯法或不道德。但聖經对罪的看法是更基礎的, 是更深层的, 就是:「違反被造的目的 (violation of purpose)」。在這意識下,人人都是罪人。

人生命中最重要的目的是甚麽? 威斯敏斯特信條(Westminster Confession of Faith)是用教義問答的型式寫成。它第一個問答題是:

  • 問:甚麼是人生首要的目標?
  • 答:人生首要的目標是「榮耀上帝並永遠享受祂」。


提姆凱樂 (Timothy Keller) 在他的書中寫道:

『我們被創造是要活在上帝的園子中,那是我們被造時所應該在的世界,住在那個地方不會與愛分離,也不會有衰殘和疾病。那裡是美好的,因為那是活在上帝的面前,有上帝同在,我們應該在那裡敬拜與事奉祂無限的威嚴,並且也認識,享受並反映他無窮的美麗。那裡才是我們最原本的家鄉,是我們被造所應該在的國度。』(Ref. 2)

但人犯罪之後,情况不同了。因着我們的罪性我們會一天一天地衰老,人的命運如同破漏的茶杯一搬,我們巳成廢物,不能再活在那美好的園子裡,不能榮耀神、也不能享受祂。但上帝愛我們,祂能用超自然的方法,使我們由走向敗壞和死亡的方向,轉變為走向光明的方向。這個棄暗投明的过程,聖經称之為「重生」。重生是返回那美麗的國度的途徑。所以耶穌對尼哥底母說:「你們必須重生」(約3:7) 。並說「人若不重生,就不能見神的國」(約3:3) 。所以我們「要先求他的國,和祂的義」(約 6:33)。神的國和神的義乃是在在恩典中一切的享受, 我們可以藉耶穌基督而獲得的」。「重生」完全是神的作為, 那麽是否表示我們是無為呢? 不。我们要活出神所賦予的目的的方法就是对神給我們的目的的「回應」。

Ravi Zacharias 在他的自傳中述說了這樣一個故事 (Ref. 3):
『如果你去北印度旅行, 你會看到最華麗的莎麗服捲布 (Saris 是印度婦女披裹身上的, 約6碼長)。 結婚時新娘所穿的手織莎麗服是在Varanasi 市製造的。令人驚歎的金, 銀, 紅, 藍色的線穿織在一起, 真是壯觀 。這些引人注目的彩色幾乎像爆竹般爆發出來。所有顏色被織成圖案,令人想起它是從完美的頭腦和完美的一雙手合作成的。

這些莎麗服通常由兩人製成—-父親坐在平臺上,兒子坐在比他底兩級的下面。 父親周圍圍繞着所有的蠶絲線軸, 當他把絲線拉在一起時, 他點一下頭, 兒子以盤腿打坐式坐在地板上, 他便把梭子由一邊移到另一邊作為他對父親點頭的回應 。父子均穿上普通簡單 的衣服。這父子合作的過程再重覆地開始:父親集合一些適當的彩線放在手指間, 他一點頭, 兒子便推穿梭。 他們的手指很靈巧, 他們彎着背作工, 他們的眼注視慢慢呈現的圖案, 事就因父親的點頭而成了。觀察到這是一個長而乏味的程序. 但如果你兩三週後再回來,你便看見華麗的圖案呈現眼前了。試想想: 如果普通的編織者 (ordinary weaver) 尚且能把一大堆彩線製成服裝使穿者的面容美化, 那偉大的編織者 (Grand Weaver) 難道在衪腦海中沒有為你預備一個設計麽? 這設計會使你生色,如同他用你的生命來塑造你, 用他所及的彩線完成他的目標。這個印象提醒我們: 我們在生活中可能只是簡單地推梭子, 但整個設計都在天父的頭腦內, 兒子暫不知圖案如何, 他只知對父親的點頭作回應便了。』

在聖經的世界觀裡, 人生最首要的工作就是回應上帝的旨意。其結果是一幅美麗生命的圖畫。然而神的旨意都在聖經裡面。

但在無神論的世界觀裡, 我們看到一個截然不同的景象。自尼采 (Nietzsche) 高唱「上帝死了」的調子後,他剩下給無神論者的遗贈是:

  • 沒有理由去生存下去 (no reason for being)
  • 沒有道德去擁護 (no morality to espouse)
  • 生命沒有意義 (no meaning to life)
  • 死後沒有盼望 (and no hope beyond the grave)

以上是無神論哲學羅素 (Bertrand Russell) 和赫胥黎 (Huxley) 的話。人每一項的努力都是以盼望為動力 的。但如果生命本身是無盼望, 人的努力和專心會被縮短,而現在的時刻會在無收益的永恆中成為浪費。 (Ref. 4)

我們面对一個不可忽畧的世界觀的選擇 (Ref. 5):

  • 人是甚麼? 神照自己的形象造男造女, 乃是照祂的知識, 公義, 聖潔所造, 並賜予管理萬物的權柄。人是全能者的兒女, 人對生命有神所任命的目標和對此使命的履行責任。 人是命定與神在天堂中永遠與衪同在的。 這是一個答案。
  • 另外一個頗不同的答案是: 人是非常複雜的動物, 是與人猿有親緣關係的. 由原始的 化學分泌物, 經時間和機遇的連鎖進化, 變成分子和氨基酸 (amino acids—the building blocks of life), 然後侷促不安地從古海中蠕動上來, 再爬上樹上, 然後從樹上下來, 瞧呀! 我們在這裏, 是黑猩猩的堂兄弟姊妹, 是天竺鼠和老鼠的遠親。



  1. “The Case for a Creator (Student Edition)” by Lee Strobel; pp. 51-52.
  2. “The Prodigal God” by Timothy Keller. 筆者是參考其中文譯本,「一掷千金的上帝」,呂允智譯;p. 88.
  3. “Walking from East to West” by Ravi Zacharias; p. 27.
  4. “The Face of Atheism” by Ravi Zacharias; p.98.
  5. “What If Jesus Had Never Been Born?” by D. James Kennedy; p. 231.
Posted in Bible/Christianity, Philosophy/Religion | Leave a comment

Is the United States of America a Christian Nation?

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); Aug 22, 2016

During this election season, one of the most frequently discussed topics over the dinner tables or at house parties or in the Bible study gatherings is the question of whether the United States of America is a Christian Nation? The answers are manifold depending on what does it mean by “a Christian Nation” and more fundamentally, what does the term “Christians” mean.

If a Christian Nation is defined as having more than 50% of her population claim to be Christians, then the United States is indeed a Christian Nation because, according to many polls, over 80% of Americans identify themselves as Christians. But evangelicals disagree. They do not consider, for instance, Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons are Christians because they deny the deity of Christ. Some Protestants do not even recognize Roman Catholics as Christians–and vice versa. This makes the identification very complicated. To muddle the matter further, orthodox theologians defined Christian as those who are born-again by the Holy Spirit. Since born-again is a personal experience between an individual and God and no one can read people’s hearts, it makes the number of born-again Christians not countable. Theologians even protest the use of the term “born-again Christian” because they insist that there is no such thing as born-again non-Christian and a true Christian must be born again. Saint Augustine made distinction between the “invisible church” and the “visible church”. Invisible church consists of all born-again individuals which are the subset of the visible church. Jesus told of the visible church as a field with both wheat and tares and the invisible church consists of only the wheat. Before they grow up, no one can tell them apart until the judgement day (Matthew 13:14-30). Although no one knows for sure how many born-again people in the United States, I believe the true believers of Jesus Christ are of minority. In such narrow sense, America is not a Christian Nation but a secular nation. Ironically, Sam Harris, one of the new brand militant atheists had written a book entitled “Letter to a Christian Nation” in which the author presupposes that the United States is a Christian Nation.

Having said this, let me re-phrase the original question in different way. Instead of asking whether the United States of America is a Christian Nation, let me ask whether the United States of America was built upon the foundation of Christianity. To this alternate question, the answer is a clear “YES”. Let me sustain this viewpoint in the following arguments.

The basic framework of the U.S. government is the division of power: The three branches of the Federal structure are the legislative branch, the judicial branch, and the executive branch. This three pronged division of power finds its origin in Isaiah 33:22 which reads:

“For the LORD is our judge,
the LORD is our lawgiver,
the LORD is our king;
it is he who will save us.”

In the government of God, God is the law giver (legislator), He is the judge (interpreter of the laws), and the King (executive office). God is holy, and powerful, and just and free from all corruptions. He is qualified to be the holder of the three offices at the same time. The ancient Israel was a theocratic nation so the three functions of the government were administered directly by the Lord himself. The United State of America was never meant to be a theocratic nation, so the three functions are performed by elected officials respectively to avoid corruptions due to the concentration of powers. The doctrine of Christianity recognizes the sinful nature of men. As Lord Acton (1834–1902), a British historian and moralist of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries once said, “Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.” For this reason, the founding fathers of this nation realized that it was not good to have power in the hands of one person, so they constituted the government structure according to the biblical principle of division of power but decentralized the power to three branches each of which serves as a check-and-balance against the other two branches in light of the Christian teaching of the human sins. (Ref. 1)

The Declaration of Independence was a statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, regarded themselves as independent states, and no longer a part of the British Empire. Having served its original purpose in announcing independence, the text of the Declaration was initially ignored after the American Revolution. Readers may google it for details. Since then, it has come to be considered a major statement on human rights, particularly its second sentence:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Could a statement like this one come from non-Christian worldview? The Judeo-Christian worldview provides the essential definitions for the founding of America, beginning with the conviction expressed by our founders that at its core life is sacred and that our legitimate rights as human beings have been endowed to us by our Creator. Which could other worldviews provide that categorical statement? (Ref. 2)

  • No Islamic nation in the world operates with a belief in the inalienable right of liberty.
  • Naturalism does not acknowledge a Creator who could endow us with inalienable rights.
  • Buddhism: The caste system suggests men are not created equal.
  • Pantheism, with its karmic bequest, does not see us as being created equal; instead, Pantheism assumes that we are born to a life of karmic repayment until the debt is paid.

In our Nation’s Capital, we can find evidences of God’s role in America’s history on nearly every monument, memorial, and building (Ref. 4):

  • Latin words “Laus Deo” which means “Praise be to God” is inscribed in the aluminum cap of the capstone atop Washington Monument. It is 555 feet high, facing skyward to the Father of our nation. This giant obelisk began on July 4th 1848 when James Polk was President of the United States, it was not until 1888 that the monument was inaugurated and opened to the public. This inscription demonstrated the concept of “One nation under God” in the founders’ mind. Sadly, the NPS (National Park Service, a branch of the Federal Government) has lately censored “God” from a key display of America’s Christian heritage in Washington. They replaced “Laus Deo” with “CAP OF THE MONUMENT”. (Ref. 3)
  • “In God We Trust” is written over the southern entrance of the U.S. Capital.
  • An image of the Ten Commandments is engraved in bronze on the floor of the National Archives, where the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution are displayed.
  • “The heavens declared the glory of God” (Psalms 19:1) is engraved on a wall of Library of Congress.
  • A sculpture of Moses with Ten Commandments appears over the east portico of Supreme Court.
  • “Holiness to the Lord” is engraved into a tribute block of Washington Monument.

Our Founding Fathers intended the United States to be a Christian Nation:

  • George Washington hoped that all nations would “acknowledge the providence of Almighty God and obey His will.”
  • Thomas Jefferson himself warned the new United States to never forget their “liberties are the gift of God.”
  • President John Adams recommended in 1799 a National Day of Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer.
  • John Jay was the first Supreme Court chief justice appointed by George Washington, one of the great founders of the new nation. John Jay, along with James Madison (the 4th president of the United States) and Alexander Hamilton (the first Secretary of Treasury), together made such a remark as “It is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.” We see that the early leaders not only viewed this nation as a “Christian nation”, they also had the conviction that the leaders should be believers of Jesus Christ also.
  • Benjamin Franklin proposed that the Constitutional Convention of 1787 begin each day with a prayer.

Billy Graham in one of his sermons made a juxtaposition between the Constitution of the United States with the Bible:

  • The Bible does not allow private interpretation, so does the Constitution.
  • The Bible is absolute, so does the Constitution.
  • The Bible is the supreme moral laws of God; the Constitution is the highest law of the land.

Was the United States of America founded upon the foundation of Judeo-Christian worldview? The answer is resoundingly YES.


  1. “What If Jesus Had Never Been Born” by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe; page 72.
  2. “Why Jesus? Rediscovering His Truth in an Age of Mass Marketed Spirituality” by Ravi Zacharias; page 39.
  3. http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/lausdeo.asp
  4. One of Newt Gingrich’s letters.
Posted in Bible/Christianity, History, Philosophy/Religion | Leave a comment


By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); July 19, 2016

佛教是一個經過沈思熟慮的信仰。它剝奪神的存在。所以嚴格來説,佛教不是宗教,乃是哲學。稱它為「佛學」比稱它為「佛教」更為適合。但在此文中,筆者還是用大家習慣的「佛教」一詞吧!它是一種教導人在沒有神的大前題下行善修身。但有一個基本的問題:甚麿叫做「善」? 沒有神就沒有分别善惡的絶對标準; 沒有神就沒有立足點,行善就好像自己捉住自己的頭髪,希望能把自己拉上更高的位置。這正是亞當夏娃的問題。自亞當夏娃與神破壞關係後,人類就遺傳了喜歡向神宣告獨立的天性: 自己定義何為善,何為惡,何為真理。佛教之所以能夠引人入勝是因為它的哲學思想能夠捉住人的自治自主的慾望。

「自治自主」内含着一個不言而諭的假設,就是「自」是一個存在的,有位格的實体。但令人瞠目結舌的是, 佛教同時否認這「自」的存在,認為人的「自己」不是實質而不過是一種幻覺。以上的一段話產生了一大堆的問題:

  • 幻覺如何能夠治理它的道德上的善惡問題?
  • 如果沒有至善的上帝,那善惡的標準何在?
  • 佛教勸人為善,但如果沒道德律,人又如果知道他行了善沒有?
  • 道德總是與人 (位格 personhood) 有關的,如果人只是沒有實質存在的幻覺,那道德本身是否也是幻覺?如果道德只是幻覺,那麼殺人放火也不算是惡了。


日光之下無新事。第二世紀的諾斯㡳主義 (Gnosticism) 和現代的基督教科學教會(Christian Science Church) 都持「物質世界是幻影」的說法。

然而另一方面,佛教也有其付合現實的一面。佛教主張「諸事無常」。這個說法頗另人接受。我身体中的細胞每天都在更換,七年後的我與現在的我巳完全不同了。河中的水不斷除舊更新;一秒鐘前的河和一秒鐘後的河,在這意識上巳面目全非。所以佛教斷言世事沒有恆久。這種説法迎合人在生活上的體驗,使人認為佛教是有道理的,不完全是虛玄的。因此, 它是可信的。
就是因為這個永「恆」不存在的觀念,使佛祖並没有留下最終權威的的話語讓他的信徒可作基礎。但當佛祖宣告「諸事無常」時,也表示這句話本身也是無常,它也只不過是短暫的。因此「諸事無常」就不能視為恆久不變的真理了。 既無永恆價值又何必留言作經典?


然而佛教徒 (其实是所有人) 卻冥冥中知道甚麼是對,甚麼是錯,顯然在人心中有一個分辨善惡的律,但佛教徒卻否定賜律者的存在。如果沒有一個絶對的參照㸃,那就只有「自我參照 (self-reference)」了。這種各自為政的思潮, 豈不是今天流行的「相對主義 (relativism)」的精神嗎?


「諸事無常」也可應用在佛教的傳統和發展上。今天的佛教與佛祖的教導巳似是兩回事了。佛祖並無教導廟宇神像的膜拜。為什麼佛教巳從無神的哲學演變成一個多神的信仰呢?原因是人都有一種敬拜的願望。聖經中論到當人離開神的話語後,敬拜便歪曲成了謎信。佛教沒有最終的話語作依據,所以它由最初無神的哲學,慢慢演變成偶像林立,滿天神佛的世界。「佛學」一詞也被「佛教」一詞取而代之。聖經中公義全能的神主導宇宙的一切。但如果人對祂失去信心,就產生對幽暗世界的恐懼。但人無法擺脫敬拜的意識,拜偶像便成了邏輯上必然的結果。佛教不相信有神,人心中所谒務的敬拜意識便自然地推展出一套偶像崇拜和律法主義的複雜系統。基督教也是如此:在舊約中,我們看到當神的子民對神失去信心,不依賴神,偏行己路,不依靠恩典,偶像膜拜和律法主義便佔據民心。這就是為什麼耶䱈說, 「敬拜必須用心靈和真理」去敬拜。不在真理的敬拜,就是拜偶像。

佛教還有一㸃更微妙地能吸引人相信,就是一種使人感覺到自己可以掌握自己的人生和一種與塵世隔離的清高景界。佛教教導如果你能擺脫負累,你就沒有煩惱,如果你能停止愛,你就不再有傷心,如果你沒有慾望,你就沒有苦難。如果你拋棄獲利,你就沒有損失。這種「出世」的哲學也是吸引人信佛教的原因之一。但是這種「脱世的願望」豈非也是一種他們要擺脱的「慾望」嗎? 保羅也看世事如糞土。他把他的愛,他的憂慮,他的靈魂都完全交託給耶穌基督。在基督裏的人,不是「出世」而是「在世而不屬世」。這是基督教信仰與佛教不同之處。

但自己真的可以掌握自己的人生嗎? 如果你拿着一個手提旅行箱,準備上飛機,手機一響,你把旅行箱放下,專心聽電話,一不在意,旅行箱被偷走了。請問你向誰求援?行李的責任全在你的身上。倘若你把行李交給航空公司托運,責任就不在你身上了。就算箱子不按時抵達機場,航空公司總有辦法送到你的家門。基督徒的人生是「托運」於全能,全知,全善的上帝。因此基督徒的靈魂是有保障的, 正如保羅所說「為這 (福音)緣故、我也受這些苦難.然而我不以為恥.因為知道我所信的是誰、也深信他能保全我所交付他的、〔或作他所交託我的〕直到那日(提後1:12)。」基督徒有交託感,有使命感。

佛祖既無留下經典,今天的佛經又從何而來? 佛祖 (Buddha) 是基督降世前六世紀 (600 BC) 的人物. 佛經直至基督教時代才進入書面形式。第一本論到佛的生平的書到第一世紀才問世。对比之下, 新約福音書(耶穌的言行)是在耶穌死而復活之後數十年巳完成。耶穌的生平在舊約巳詳細预言。歷史家認為,記錄與事情發在的時距愈長,傳説和神話的介入機會愈大。難怪佛教中有很多神話傳説,但這些奇妙吸引人的故事卻能引起佛教徒的興趣。今天我們中國人所看到的佛教巳非佛祖所教導的佛教。然而基督教的信仰中心是數千年都不變的,因為它有聖經作杈權威性的根據。

佛教是個沒有神,沒有終極權威的話語,相信人沒有最終存在的宗教。人帶着不同的重債離開世界, 也帶着不同的重債以不同的身分投胎來到現今世界,重新努力行償還。但債有多少, 向誰還債,何時還清,却不得而之。這種「欠債」-「功德」-「還债」的因果互動, 佛教称之為「羯磨 (Karma)」。羯磨是循環不息,不知何時了結的過程。基督教是唯一有赥罪之恩典的信仰。佛教的「投胎或再生 (rebirth)」與基督教的「重生 (born again)」截然不同。耶穌説,人的核心問題就是心的問題;不是功德 (行為) 的問題。重生就是心的改變。

佛教中的「我的前生」,與「我的今生」,和「我的來生」中的「我」非同一個身份,儘管這些「身份」是一種幻覺。這種玄而莫測的說法使人難以捉摸、但也使人感到深奧。基督教的重生是人相信基督後,生命得到更新,人獲得一個從神而來的生命,生命是有改變,但身份却是連續的, 是沒有改變的。

我曾參加過不少喪葬禮拜. 以我所見, 如果親人知道死者對自己的歸宿畧有所知, 他們在處理喪事的過程中會感到較平安。但如果親人知道死者對自己的歸宿一無所知, 他們在處理喪事的過程中會感到焦慮和失落。佛教徒的喪禮與基督徒的喪禮大有分别: 前者是哭哭啼啼, 吵吵鬧鬧, 認為此是永別, 再不相蓬。後者是有一種憂傷但平靜的氣氛, 如同親人在機塲道别,雖然依依不捨,但知道有重聚的機會。所以基督徒臨終前的感受是:

  • 不會是孤兒,因為他們有一位愛他的天父。
  • 不會死前滿有疑惑,不知去向,因為他們有一位奇妙的策士。
  • 不會憂心如焚,因為他們有一位和平之君賜他們平安。
  • 也不會孤單,因為他們所相信的是一位「以馬內利–神與我們同在」的神。祂應許我們祂永遠不離不棄祂的兒女。


佛祖最後遺言: 佛祖臨終前的一句話「衆僧們,這是我的最後遺言:諸事無常 需精進不怠。」意即你們要自己努力,好自為之。這話道出佛教的「無常」與 「自救」的觀念。然而耶穌的最後遗言是「父阿! 赦免他们,因為他们所作的,他们不知道。」基督教是唯一提供赥免的宗教。


  1. 我為甚麽不信佛教? “https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=284”
  2. 三言兩語論宗教“https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=469”
  3. “The Lotus and the Cross” by Ravi Zacharias.
Posted in Philosophy/Religion | Leave a comment

The Challenges of the Twenty-First Century Christians

By Tin-chee (TC) Lo, June 18, 2016


Like it or not, we are living in a pluralistic and anti-Christian society where sensitivities are at the surface. This makes evangelism very difficult. If we are not careful, we can easily make enemies at all fronts.

  • From Philosophical viewpoint, as long as you don’t claim that truth is exclusive, you are safe and sound.
  • From moral viewpoint, as long as you don’t claim that the Bible is the moral framework, you may live in peace.
  • From religious point of view, you may say anything except bringing Jesus into the conversation. Otherwise, friends can turn quickly into adversaries.
  • Even if you want to express spiritual ideas, eastern spirituality is granted with critical immunity but western spirituality will face thorough criticism. Bigotry is at work.
  • Journalists can freely enter into any Christian church and openly mock Christianity but they dare not make any contemptuous hint toward Muslims.

This is precisely the mood of today’s society. But we should make our judgment of the Christian message based on truth, not the mood of our times. Moods change. Truth does not. Twenty-first century Christians are facing many challenges—just to name three:

The first challenge is Universalism (Ref. 1)

From one man God made every nation of men (Acts 17: 26). In the sense of this broad level, yes, God is the father of every individual on earth. But in the specific sense of salvation, it is quite a very different matter. Only Christians can call God “Abba Father”, and God only calls those whom He adopted (the redeemed) as His children, “My Son” and “My Daughter”.

Jesus summed up All the Law and the Prophets into one greatest commandment:

  • 1a. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
  • 1b. Love your neighbor as yourself.

All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two-part commandment. (Matt 22:37-39)

All religious people–Christians, Muslims, Buddhists–agree Jesus’ great commandment as good. My questions are: When you agree “love your God“, who is God? And when you go along with “love your neighbor”, who are you?

  • Those who embrace “Universal Fatherhood” say: All Gods are the same only with different names.
  • Those who embrace “Universal Brotherhood” say: All religious followers are brothers.

This sounds very broad-minded but is very deceiving. Now listen to what Jesus said, “If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well” (John 14:7; 8:20). It follows that if you don’t know Jesus, you don’t know God. Since Muslims, Buddhists, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, etc. don’t really know Jesus, their Gods cannot be the same as the God of the Bible. No way can universalism apply to Christianity. To Christians, we don’t have universal fatherhood, we don’t have universal brotherhood; we only have universal neighborhood.

The second challenge is Relativism (Ref. 2)

Relativist says, “That is true for you but not for me.” During the Passion Week, Jesus was summoned by Pilate to his palace. Pilate disdainfully asked Jesus, “What is truth?” (John 18:38) Without waiting for Jesus to reply, Pilate turned and went out to the Jews angrily. Pilate’s question was not a genuine truth-seeking inquiry; he asked in a manner of defiance, derision, contempt, and mockery. In effect, he said in his heart, “What do you mean by truth? What is the Truth to you is not the truth to me.” Today, in this twenty-first century, the spirit of Pilate is very much kicking and screaming in our society.

Relativism is existentially unlivable. For example, if you had deposited $5000 into your bank account and the next statement shows only $50 in it. What would you do? You would be angry and confused and you would immediately go to see the bank manager and demand for explanation. How would you feel if he reply with a smile, “It is true to you that you have deposited $5000, but it is not true to me. To me you only have deposited $50.” Would you accept his relativistic explanation?

Moral Relativism is more detrimental: Relativists think that we Christians think these are bad: Homosexuality, gay marriage, unisex bathrooms and locker rooms, violation of the sanctity of life, and so on. But the relativists say, “It is bad to you but not bad to us.” Relativists reject the existence of Absolute, they reject the Absolute as the moral framework. Their logic goes like this: They proclaim in absolute sense that the only truth is “There is no Absolute Truth.” Do you see the circular nature of their argument? When the logic is circular, it is no logic at all.

The third challenge is the challenge of Tolerance (Ref. 3)

Universalism and Relativism are asserted in the name of tolerance. Yet they also admit that their tolerance has an element of intolerance: Their only intolerance is that they cannot tolerate Jesus’ claim “I am the Only Way to heaven.” You see that argument is self-defeating because their tolerance is selective.

Truth, by definition, is exclusive. It exclude what is not truth. A person can either be a man or a woman—it is an Either-Or” logic. Transsexuality is a “Both-And” logic which rejects the principle of exclusivity. Exclusivity is an expression of the first law of logic: the law of non-contradiction: “A” cannot be “not-A” at the same time and in the same sense.” It is true that I am a father and a husband and a son and a brother all at the same time, but not in the same sense. If Jesus is the Only Way to heaven, there is no other way in the sense of eternal destiny. Jesus’ claim “I am the only one way” is reasonable and logical. As to why only Jesus can make such claim but no one else? The answer rests upon the uniqueness of Christ in terms of His Personhood (what He claimed He was) and Christ’s work of atonement for our salvation (what He had done for us). The understanding of Christ’s uniqueness requires hard work and persistent study and an attitude of humility toward Bible’s many hard sayings (Ref. 4). While promoting intolerance, the atheists practice the claim that “the only intolerance is the tolerance toward Christianity. Prejudice is at the heart of their thought.


To meet these challenges, Christians need the LIGHT of the Holy Spirit to illuminate the TRUTH into our heart and mind that we may gain the COURAGE to steadfastly embrace the Christian worldview so that our faith can be deeply rooted in the Word of God. “Light (Lux), Truth (Veritas), Courage (Virtus)” should be the motto of Christian living in this modern times. These three Latin words:

  • Light (LUX) —David says, “The LORD is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?” (Psalm 27:1)
  • Truth (VERITAS) —Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
  • Courage (VIRTUS) —Jesus says, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” (Matthew 14:27)

Let the Word of God be our guiding light in this anti-Christian world: Paul concludes his doctrine of Justification by Faith by saying, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)

General Readings:

  1. “Jesus Among Other Gods” by Ravi Zacharias.
  2. “True For You, But Not For Me” by Paul Copan.
  3. “Reason to Believe” by R.C. Sproul.
  4. “https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=1505”—one of TC Lo’s blog post.
Posted in Bible/Christianity, Philosophy/Religion | Leave a comment


By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); May 10, 2016

所羅門王死後,他父親大衛所建立的聯合王國分裂為南北兩國。北國 (Northern Kingdom) 總共有20個王,沒有一個在神眼中被視為正直。第一個王是耶羅波安一世 (Jeroboam I), 最後一個王是何細亞 (Hoshea)。整個北國歷史維持了208年,終於在722 BC被亞述 (Assyria) 所滅。

南國 (Southern Kingdom) 也共有20個王。第一個王是所羅門的兒子羅波安 (Rehoboam),最後一個王是西㡳家 (Zedekiah) 。 這20個王中有好有壞。整個南國歷史維持了347年, 終於在586 BC被新巴比倫王國 (Neo-Babylonian Empire) 所合併。

本文焦點放在南國王朝中的一段歷史:始於希西家 (Hezekiah),接續的是瑪拿西 (Manasseh),然後到亞們 (Amon),最後是約西亞 (Josiah)。此時段共118年之久。現在畧畧介紹這四位南國的王朝。

  • 希西家是個好王,當政29年。他是宗教改革家。他掃除異教的神祠。他重修聖殿,確立真誠的敬拜, 回復大規模的逾越節慶典。他在列王中那傑出的虔誠成為他柄政的標誌。在他的統治之下,全民經歷屬靈的大復興。
  • 瑪拿西,希西家的兒子,是個壞王,當政55年。他的王政充滿血腥,專制,和離棄真道。他使民陷入拜巴力,星相、交鬼和占卜,而且把邪壇引進聖殿。他使民䧟落在魯莾放縱的屬靈黑暗中。他甚至把自已的孩子犧牲在欣嫩子谷 (Valley of Ben Hinnom) 那無恥的偶像 (Moloch) 手臂裡。
  • 瑪拿西的兒子,亞們作猶大王不夠兩年被刺殺而死,繼續他父親的所作所為。他被列為壞王之一。
  • 亞們的兒子,約西亞,是個南國猶大的好王,他作王31年。他把國家帶回神的面前,他除掉國人拜外邦假神的習慣。他與神重新立約,回復大規模的盛大逾越節慶典。神使他逃免亞述大敵的侵略。約西亞重視神的話語。



所有的國家,包括今天的美國,不管多強盛,不管多屬靈,她與衰敗和墮落只不過是一代之距。南國淪落到異教偶像崇拜那邪惡的光景, 只是一代之差。這是一個非常重要的歷史教訓。不論是國家,或個人,或教會都要學這功課。我們不能靜坐滿足過去的成就而沾沾自喜,導致不求長進。每一個世代都要為自己的屬靈勝利而爭戰。





  1. 婚姻是神聖的。「婚姻,人人都當尊重,床也不可污穢。因為茍合行淫的人神必要審判。」(希伯來書 13:4)
  2. 「兒女是耶和華所賜的產業。所懷的胎是他所給的賞賜 (詩篇127:3) 。」 所以為人父母親的,要愛兒女,照聖經教導他們,不可虐待他們。
  3. 婚姻是男女在神面前立誓盟約。「因此,人要離開父母,與妻子連合,二人成為一體。既然如此,夫妻不再是兩個人,乃是一體的了。所以神所配合的,人不可分開 (馬太福音19:4-6) 」。 婚姻是一生一世的委身。
  4. 家庭的目的是反映神的榮耀, 是為神產生敬虔的後代。所以一家人要盡心,盡性,盡力,去愛神。再者, 保羅說,「婚姻是一個極大的奧秘,我是指著基督和教會説的 (以弗所書 5:31-32)。」
  5. 家庭成員是有神特定的角色:男人作頭 (一家之主)。女人作幫手。兒女當順服和孝敬父母。(哥林多前書11:3;創世紀2:8;以弗所書6:11-3)

家庭是社會的基本單位。神巳給予我們這簡明而深奧的藍圖。如果我們一致地應用這五個重要的基本柱石來建立合乎聖經的家庭,我們的社會及國家一定會強盛興旺。但如果我們脫離藍圖所指示的常規,任意行神眼中看為惡的事, 如同性戀,婚前性關係,濫交,墮胎,離婚,虐待孩童等。歷史一再告訴我們,離開這五個基本柱石的社會,必變成虛弱而退化。這豈不是我們今天目睹的美國嗎? 以上是我們在這四代王朝中所學到的功課。

現在讓我們注目在約西亞王的身上。歷代志下34:1-3 給約西亞的簡介和評詁是:「約西亞登基的時候年八歲,在耶路撒冷作王三十一年。他行耶和華眼中看為正的事,效法他祖大衛所行的,不偏左右。他作王第八年 (時16歲),尚且年幼,就尋求他祖大衛的神。到了十二年 (即20歲) 才潔淨猶大和耶路撒冷,除掉邱壇,木偶,雕刻的像,和鑄造的像。」在約西亞領導下所推行的破除偶像運動,蔓延到整個猶大,包括南國各地區,瑪拿西,以法蓮,西緬,拿弗他利,及至四圍的廢墟;甚至影响到以色列的遍地。巴力的壇和日像,再不復見。

經過為時六年的全國動員的偶像清除和屬靈淨化運動,有一件重要的事情發生:就是當時26歲的約西亞, 被神的靈感召,作出修建聖殿的意念。因為在他祖父瑪拿西和父親亞們的時代,聖殿巳荒廢很久了。約西亞坐訁起行,派三位官員把修殿計劃交給大祭司希勒家。全國各地人民知道王的心意後,便甘心樂意奉獻大量金錢,經過守殿門的利未人的手,把金錢交給大祭司。大祭司便委托一班忠心有見識的木匠,石匠,和購買材料的工人,同心修飾聖殿。讓我們暫停在此,看看有甚麼屬靈的功課可應用在我們今天的生活中。首先我们問:為何猶大的國民每個都甘心慷慨奉獻金錢?答案是因為他們的經濟觀念,隨著偶像的被鏟除,獲得更新!

經濟學上有一個基本的觀念,就是「失去機會的代價 opportunity Cost of a Choice」。牛津字典對此的定義是「在多項選擇的情況下,當你作了一個選擇,你便失去從其它選擇可能帶來的利益。」比方說,我喜歡吃漢堡麵包,我也喜歡吃油炸圈餅 (donuts),但我只有五塊錢,只足夠買其中之一。如果我選擇漢堡包因它可充饑,我就失去這一次享受甜品的機會。所以整個經濟學是關乎資源的短缺和多項選擇的可能性。

十九世紀末葉的德國無神論者尼釆 (Fredrich Nietzsche),就是主張「上帝死了」的那位無神論哲學家, 說:「當西方文化持續不要上帝,我們就會以金錢取代祂 (Ref. 1) 」。這讓,金錢便會成為我們的假神(counterfeit gods)。因此在經濟運作的選擇下,人們便難免有時會陷入邪惡。所以,作為基督徒,我們的經濟學必須要被更新,像約西亞時代的百姓被更新一般。怎樣更新? 当他們的偶像被掃除後,他們便看到金錢不再是他們心中的神。

聖經的經濟學第一大前提是:「神是一切的擁有者。」再說一次「神是一切的擁有者。」神的創造是「從無到有 Ex Nihilo」,所以宇宙是祂的,既是屬神,神是擁有它的,並隨祂的己意去支配宇宙的一切。這從無變有的觀念,就表示神是全能,因祂不需依賴任何現存的東西。祂選擇祂所喜歡的方法行事,就表示祂有權威,祂選擇如何支配祂所創造的一切。

隨著這個「神是一切的擁有者」的宇宙性原理, 就帶出一個「管家」(stewardship) 的觀念。因為神擁有一切,祂有權威指派人去管理受造之物,人就成為神的管家。管家就是一個在主人權柄之下,管理主人的財產並以主人的利益和好處為目標。神既指派人, 就賦予人管理的智慧, 讓他能在資源有限的時空限度內作出正確的分辨。例如在同一塊地上,你只能種田或採礦,不能兩者同時進行。管家就要為着主人的利益,作出正確的選擇,使主人得榮耀。有了這個管家的觀念, 我们們便可以像約西亞手下的猶大國民, 每個都甘心慷慨奉獻金錢,讓殿 (教會或神的家)有糧。


回顧以色列人出埃及 (1445 BC) 後三個月,他們來到西乃山,在那裡神對摩西說話,麼西把神的話寫下來,成為「律法書 Book of the Law」。經過四十年的矌野流浪,摩西死了,約書亞(Joshua) 成為新領袖,帶領以色列人進入迦南地(1401 BC) 定居,隨即向神的子民宣讀律法書。其後八百年漫長的世代裏,律法書是神的子民脚前的燈,路上的光,是他們智慧的泉源。但不知曾幾何時,這律法書失落了。及至瑪拿西登基(697 BC) 後半個世紀,在約西亞的王政下,才無意找回了律法書。呀! 神的時間真奇妙,這書卷是在敬虔的王政下找到的;如果落在一個壞王的手下,恐怕它會被遺忘,甚至會被毁壞。


我們不能不自問,「今天有沒有可能在教會中找不到耶穌?」或「在我們家中找不到耶穌?」大有可能。如果我們不每天讀經,不每天靈俢,更甚者,每週不去教會,慢慢地我們就忘記耶穌了。在教會牧養過程中,以下的情況是可能的:在「友誼福音 (Friendship Evangelism)」過程中,我們不感直接講述耶穌,我們的「福音」便失去耶穌了。教義 (Doctrine) 是把我們的信仰與異端分別出來,使神的子民不會迷路;在不提教義的講道中,我們便慢慢失去耶穌了。在這後現代的社會中,我們怕強調真理的排它性 (exclusivity of Truth) 怕會遭人非議,不感正確地傳講福音,我們便以福音為恥,耶穌就在此失落了。這是我們要警惕的。

教會是罪人的醫院,基督徒是護士,耶穌是大醫生。試想想,如果醫院沒有大醫生,更溫柔體貼的護士也無法使病人得痊癒。在 Michael Horton 的書「沒有基督的基督教 Christless Christianity」中,作者指出今天的教會,巳被一些受歡迎的傳道人把福音淡化到徹底變相的地步。有一位非常熱門的牧師,歐斯丁(Joe Osteen), 在一次電視訪問中被問,「你有沒有在你星期日的演講中用過「罪」這個字?」他答道 「沒有,我也許不會用,因為人們自己是知道的。當我敼勵他們去教會,我是強調他們要改變」(Ref. 2) 。 我的問題是「被誰改變?」他沒有明説,但給人的印象是被他改變。請問如果人沒有罪,人還需要救主嗎?隨後,歐斯丁又被問,「你認為猶太人,回教徒,和非基督徒的信仰有錯誤嗎?」他婉轉地回答道,「我不相信他們是有錯誤的。我是相信聖經和基督徒所相信的。但是我知道神是審判每個人的心。」真理的排它性被他忽視,道德相對論被他高舉。以「寬容」為外衣,包着「條條大路通羅馬」的普世得救論(universalism)。訪問他的人,雖然不是基督徒,也意識到他的訊息有點不對勁,因缺乏罪與審判的觀念。


  • 國家和個人都要向自己的屬靈健康負責。
  • 建立合神心意的家庭是神的旨意。
  • 除去心中的偶像是靈命增長的根基。
  • 明白聖經的經濟觀,作神忠心的管家。
  • 耶穌基督是個人生活和教會傳揚福音的基礎。


  1. “諸神的面具” by 提姆. 凯乐 (呂允智譯自“Counterfeit Gods” by Timothy Keller);p.58.
  2. “Matthew—St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary” by R.C. Sproul; pp.312-313.
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T.C. Lo (盧天賜); May 3, 2016

萬物中能夠發問問題的就是人,小孩子一旦會講話就開始發問。然而問題有兩類:一種是次要的, 就是每天我們都會問的,例如我穿甚麼衣服,吃甚麼午餐等,而且大都有答案。另一種是基本性的問題,如果沒有答案, 人生便是一片的空白。可惜大部份人都没有嚴肅地處理這類問題。基本性的問題如: 人生有意義嗎? 這意義應該建立在那樣的根基上面?

讓我們首先看看聖經 (馬太7:24-27; 路加6:46-49): 『你們為甚麼稱呼我「主阿,主阿」,卻不遵我的話行呢?凡到我這裡來, 聽見我的話就去行的,我要告訴你們他像甚麼人:他像一個人蓋房子,深深的挖地,把根基安在磐石上;到發大水的時候,就如雨淋,水沖,風吹,撞著那房子,房子總不能搖動也不會倒塌,因為根基隠固,蓋造在磐石上。惟有聽見不去行的,就像一個無知的人,在沙土上蓋房子,沒有根基;水沖,雨淋,風吹,撞著那房子,房子隨即倒塌了,並且倒塌得很大 。(馬 太7:24-27; 路加6:46-49) 。』所以根基是䢖立在「遵行神的話語」這個指令上。但如果我們不明白神的話語, 又如何遵守呢?

讓我們首先從文化這個層面開始。看看一個十分迷人的自我愚弄的實例 (Ref. 1) : 俄亥俄州立大學 (Ohio State University) 的表演藝術 (Performing Arts) 系有一座被命名為「維斯納 Wexner Center for the arts」的藝術中心。 這座建築物的結構荒誕不經。多年前它却被譽為以促進理性為名義的輝煌成就 。被Newsweek標為 “美國首棟解構主義 (Note)者的建築物(deconstructionist) .” 它的設計使人有一種看後又想再次細看的感覺。但當你進入建築物內之後, 迷感更被強化。 在裏面你會發現樓梯的盡頭是無路可走, 柱子無目的地吊掛在天花板上, 有角度的平面交雜裝配, 使人產生眩暈之感。原來建築師是一位無神論者,他的設計正是要反映他的世界觀。他的目的是要表達他所認為的生命的本質—-無意義 (senseless or meaningless) 和無一貫性 (incoherent)—-同時也用來表達組織世界的規則 (World Order) 的變幻莫測性。(Ref. 1)

但我只有一個問題:這建築師有沒有用同樣的方法處理地基的工程?我想他是無言以对, 只能「一笑置之」。 但這一笑就充份揭露了支持解構論者的雙重標準的假面具。這正是無神論者的雙重標準!他們可以裝飾或浪漫化古怪的後現代的道德相对論 (Moral Relativism of the Post-Modernism) 而同時推翻真理的排它性 (exclusivity of Truth) 和絕對性。我們千萬不要玩這忽視基礎性的思想的危險遊戲。我想這就是耶穌所講的比喻的中心思想。


生根是結果子的必要條件。但也有一種有「果」而無「根」的可能性;這是一種怪現象。但真有這回事嗎? 有。

有些人具非凡的口才與表達能力,也有善於交際的外交手碗。在派对中談吐風生。 在他生活中,他看起來很活潑,每天他都馬不停蹄地忙碌。表面看來,花枝招展。但花是與果不同的。他有熱心,有行動,但他所做的却無濟於事,因為他沒有屬靈的真知識,沒有判斷力,缺乏智慧。他的思想沒有受過鍛煉, 他從沒有想過要培養一些好習慣,他只想自己怎樣想而不知别人會怎樣想。結果,他成為一個不可靠的人。在判㫁事情上,别人也不會接納他的結論。他的「虛果psudo-fruit」是短暫的,像瓢瓜一搬,不能長成大樹。他的「果」其实是像短暫的曇花,一現即逝,逍夫在早熟的動作中。 這種自己以為有果子其實是沒有真果子的人,神只能對他質問:「你為什麼在力求長進的事上疏忽呢?」




在今天的社會中,人們豈非在不同的舞台上玩弄這些虛偽的遊戲嗎?這個故事隱藏了一個有「果」無根, 或有「形」無實的社會與文化的格調:

  • 歷世歷代,無神論者盛行人文主義(Humanism), 但人們卻不知道甚麼是「人」。
  • 哲學家雖然知道「哲學就是愛智慧 (希胆文 Phileo sophia)」,但他們不知道「敬畏耶和華才是智慧的開端」。
  • 藝術家只注重感覺上的表達,但他們不知道最有藝術創意和眼光的,原來是那創造井井有條的宇宙的主宰。
  • 道貎岸然的道德家却不知道有道德律的賜予者。
  • 人們欲建立「理想國Utopia」卻不知道耶穌是那絕對的理想標準。


現在我們談到另一種狀況,就是「有根但不結果子」的人。這也是一種不正常的現象。但真有其人嗎? 有。


有一位在阿馬戈薩沙漠 (Amargosa Desert) 中徒步的旅行者,甚渴,希望找到沙漠中有泉水的綠州。他遠遠看到一楝破爛的小屋,旁邊有一些怪東西。「呀!我真希望這是個水井。」當他走近,甚喜, 原來是個抽水唧筒,旁邊還有一個放發酵粉的罐子,罐內有一張褐色的紙條,罐旁邊還有一塊在影子中的白石。徒步客移開石頭,發現有一個水瓶,瓶嘴向上。他把罐中的紙條抽出來看看,原來是一張如何啓用抽水唧筒的說明書,是上一次沙漠旅行者留下的字跡,上面寫道:




  1. 你可以馬上飲瓶子中的水,滿足目前的需要。如果你這樣做, 此唧筒從此就沒有人再能使用了。
  2. 把水瓶的水倒四分之一入唧筒內,讓它泡一陣子,然後把剩下的水慢慢地灌進去,唧筒便能啓用,水也源源不絶。如果你有如此的信心,你不但可盡情喝個痛快, 後人也因你的選擇而得福。喝完後請再寫下新的說明書供下一個徒步者閱讀,並在你的簽名下, 把日期寫上。

我頓時想起耶穌所説的一句話,「信我且遵行我話的,腹中要流出活水的江河。」(c.f. 約7:38。)「遵行我話」就是建造好根基。遵行是信心的表現。信心的結果是:不但你自己䝉福,後人也因你而蒙福。好像那相信說明書的那徒步客一搬。


太 25:14  天國又好比一個人要往外國去,就叫了僕人來,把他的家業交給他們。
太 25:15  按著各人的才幹,給他們銀子。一個給了五千,一個給了二千,一個給了一千。就往外國去了。
太 25:16  那領五千的,隨既拿去做買賣,另外賺了五千。
太 25:17  那領二千的,也照樣另賺了二千。
太 25:18  但那領一千的,去掘開地,把主人的銀子埋藏了。
太 25:19  過了許久,那些僕人的主人來了,和他們算賬。
太 25:20  那領五千銀子的,又帶著那另外的五千來,說,主阿,你交給我五千銀子,請看,我又賺了五千。
太 25:21  主人說,好,你這又良善又忠心的僕人。你在不多的事上有忠心,我把許多事派你管理。可以進來享受你主人的快樂。
太 25:22  那領二千的也來說,主阿,你交給我二千銀子,請看,我又賺了二千。
太 25:23  主人說,好,你這又良善又忠心的僕人。你在不多的事上有忠心,我把許多事派你管理。可以進來享受你主人的快樂。
太 25:24  那領一千的,也來說,主阿,我知道你是忍心的人,沒有種的地方要收割,沒有散的地方要聚斂。
太 25:25  我就害怕,去把你的一千銀子埋藏在地裡。請看,你的原銀在這裡。
太 25:26  主人回答說,你這又惡又懶的僕人,你既知道我沒有種的地方要收割,沒有散的地方要聚斂。
太 25:27  就當把我的銀子放給兌換銀錢的人,到我來的時候,可以連本帶利收回。
太 25:28  奪過他這一千來,給那有一萬的。
太 25:29  因為凡有的,還要加給他,叫他有餘。沒有的,連他所有的,也要奪過來。
太 25:30  把這無用的僕人,丟在外面黑暗裡。在那裡必要哀哭切齒了。

故事不難明白。在這裏我們看到两種人: 那有一千的是有根無果人; 那有五千和二千的,是有根又有果的人。但你有沒有想過這問題:為何主人不把惡僕的一千銀子平分,一半給那本來有五千的,另一半給那本來有二千的呢?因為他們都同獲一樣的稱許。或許較公平一些吧,就是按比例分配:把70% 給那本來有五千的, 把30%給那本來有二千的。但主人並不是這樣做,他把惡僕的全部交給那本來有五千的好譲他再去投資。為甚麼?我想我們的神是個「天國的投資者。」祂要天國增値,還要增得多,更要增得快。求神幫助我們,教導我們要湯務作個五千的僕人,不要作那個一千的僕人 (Ref. 2) 。 教會的事奉是神國的事奉,我們不能為了「人情」而把一些不稱職的人推上去, 而使教會事工受規損。



  • 心裡尊主基督為聖—這是靈性上的扎根。也是一種最深的根。
  • 要常作準備解釋心中盼望的緣由—這是對神話語的扎根;對解釋真理上的扎根;對福音認識上的扎;對辯證信仰上的扎根。這是一個最花時間和精力的步驟,沒有急功近利的,是長期性的,是一生的功課, 永無畢業的日子。
  • 以溫柔敬畏的心回答各人—有恩賜但不能結果子,關鍵就在此。如果不能坐言起行,我們便成了無用的基督徒。以温柔的態度把凖備好的東西付諸行動,向别人解釋, 言之有物。。

• 福音不是「神愛你,衪在你生命中有一奇妙美好的計劃。」
• 福音不是「耶穌能改變你的生命,只要你接納祂到你心中。」
• 福音不是「你與耶穌建立一種親密的個人的關係。」

這些都是福音的好處或福音所帶來的的效果,但不是福音的本質。福音是有客觀性的內容。福音的定義是:「基督的位格和基督的言行 (the Person and Work of Christ)」。四福音書提供耶穌生平的概觀,我們稱它為「好消息」或「福音」。從施洗約翰和耶穌的口中說出福音的內容,就是「天國的福音」。耶穌宣告「天國近了。」這乃是說神的國將要衝破屬天的圍牆而進入這個四度空間的世界。這個「衝破」是父神透過膏立基督為王而差派祂到世上來。保羅在新約書信中常用「耶穌基督的福音」來強調福音是以基督為中心的。我們盼望的緣由是建立在「凡相信並接受所有耶穌的所是,和耶穌的所有,和耶穌的所為,即福音;不再依靠自己的善行,即因信稱義;便可享受基督永恆的同在,這就是榮耀的盼望」的真理上。所以,「個人見證」和「福音」是有區別的。前者是「指向福音的預工」不是福音的本質。聽者不一定與你的故事共嗚。「我的故事」沒有能力使人信主,唯有「耶穌的故事」才能。 (Ref. 3)

因信稱義的真理不易明白;对不信者所發出的難題不易回答。因此我们要「常作準備」。這是個很困難的功課和鍛煉。很多人以為我不用花太多時間和精力, 只要作作見證就好了。我不是說作見證不重要,我意思是說我们不要只停在作見證的層面上, 自己以為我已經在傳福音了。當然,見證是述說神在你身上的作為,所以也可算是「基督所作的工」,但這與四福音所述的耶穌的其人其事,比較下份量實在太少了。有些人的見證注重自己作了甚麼,而忽略基督作了甚麼,那就更糟糕了。我認為作見證對信徒彼此的造就比傳福音給不信者的效果更大和更有意義,因為對見證的領會是與一個人的世界觀有很大的關係的。

扎根與結果還有一個持別的意義,就是與神的應許有關。大衛的統一王國自大衛的兒子所羅門死後便分裂為南北兩國。北國於 722 BC 被亞述所滅後,但南國仍然存在。雖然南國常被強敵攻撃但神給南國國王希西家機會。於 701 BC, 亞述王西拿基立(Sennacherib) 圍攻耶路撒冷京城,希西家悔改認罪禱告,神使亞述王退兵,耶京獲保。耶和華不但是以色列的神,祂更是萬國和宇宙的神。以色列的敵人也是神的敵人,神藉敵人毀滅以色列民的偶像,神應允他們的禱告,然後聖經(以賽亞書37:32)說了這樣一句話,「猶大家所逃脫餘剰的,仍要往下扎根,向上結果。」這是多麽美好的應許。


中國基督教近代史見證了神的的國度的永存性:逼迫基督徒始於1949年, 教會在中國大受各樣的攻擊。及至1958年,政府關閉所有有形的教會。 毛澤東夫人江青告訴外國訪問者, 「基督教在中國已經局限在博物館的歷史部門內。它已經死了並且被埋葬了。」 在七零年代,從美國來的基督教代表團報道, 「在中國已找不到一個基督徒了。」 今天教會在中國已經增長到幾十億的力量,這個簡單的事實說明神的存在和祂無與倫比的大能。七零年代後,中國教會如玫瑰花的花蕾,合閉了很長的時間,現在開花了, 再次向世界展現她的美麗和生命。神的國度永垂不朽,再次在歷史中被證實。

所以我们看到「扎根與結果」的神學,從信徒品格的培養的層面,巳超越到國度的層面, 其意義何其深遠!


  1. “Can Man Live Without God” by Ravi Zacharias; pp.21-22.
  2. “後現代潮流中的 <心意更新>” by 李定武。
  3. R.C.Sproul 的 “Renew Your Mind” 講道系列之一。
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A Quick Glance at Pentecostalism

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); March 24, 2016

The Charismatic Movement

The Charismatic Movement and the Pentecostalism are loosely considered as synonyms. The neo-Pentecostal theology (Note 1) basically holds two premises:
• Not all Christians have the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
• The indispensable sign for having received the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the speaking in tongues, which is called glossolalia.

Consider, for example, two New Testament episodes:
• On the day of Pentecost there were genuine believers gathered who had not yet received the Holy Spirit.
• Cornelius was already a believer but only later did the Holy Spirit fall (Acts 10:44-11:18).

The Pentecostals believe that the Holy Spirit comes to someone upon his or her conversion, but the baptism of the Holy Spirit comes later as a second work of grace known to them as “Second Blessing”. By virtue of this two-step sequence, Pentecostals divide Christians into two categories:
• Those who have not received the Second Blessing.
• Those who have received the Second Blessing.

But the Bible does not make distinction between the “Haves” and the “Have-Nots”. The Bible says just the opposite:
• ALL believers in Jerusalem received the Spirit.
• ALL the believers at the household of Cornelius received the Spirit.
• Old Testament prophesied, upon ALL believers God pours out his Spirit.
• Paul wrote, “For by one Spirit we were ALL baptized into one body (1 Cor. 12:13).

Therefore, among true Christians there is no such thing as haves and have-nots. ANYONE who is a Christian is
• born of the Spirit,
• indwelt by the Spirit,
• baptized of the Holy Spirit,
• empowered by God for ministries.

I am not saying there aren’t haves and have-nots in the church:
• There are people in churches who have the Spirit. They are true believers.
• There are people in churches who do not have the Spirit even though they may have gone to church for many years. They are unconverted.

If you are Christian, then you have the Holy Spirit in God’s full redemptive work. THERE IS NO SECOND BLESSING. Do not confuse Second Blessing with Sanctification:
• Pentecostals believe Second Blessing is instantaneous—at the wave of a “magic wand”.

• Sanctification takes the whole of our lifetime—there is no magic bullet; there is no short-cut. Salvation is by grace but sanctification is by our works. There is no such thing as instantaneous sanctification.

I must point out that the “work” of sanctification is not a self-will effort. There is no substitute for making diligent use of the means of grace, of diligently pursuing the truth of God through the Word of God, because the Spirit of God works with the Word and through the Word and never against the Word. Therefore it is erroneous to say “Evangelicals center on the Bible whereas the Pentecostals center on the Spirit” as though the Bible and the Spirit are two different sources of authority. Just the opposite, we ought to come to know the Spirit through the Bible. The Bible is our source of authority. Personal experiences are not to be taken as our authority

Pentecostals seem to believe in one-size-fits-all mode of conversion

The basic pattern of the testimonies of the Pentecostals goes something like this: “I went to a meeting, and somebody laid hands on me, and I began to speak in tongues, and my life was changed—richer prayer life, experienced greater joy and more excitement in serving, and so on.” (Note 2)

I do not argue people’s experiences. On the contrary, I praise God for them. It is not their experience I challenge but their understanding of their experience, which I do challenge on the basis of the Word. It is a serious error when one turns his or her experience into the law of the Christian life which says, “It happened to me in a certain way; therefore, that’s the way it has to happen to everybody.”
• Billy Graham went to hear an evangelist after playing baseball, and he was converted and became an evangelist. He did not speak in tongue.
• Ruth Graham, who was born and raised in a Calvinistic household, could not say within five years of when she was converted. She did not speak in tongue.
• My conversion experience (Note 3) was different than others and I have never spoken in tongue.

Sometimes people who had a sudden conversion are suspicious of people who did not have a sudden conversion. Others who become aware of their faith gradually begin to suspect those who think that they can name the day and hour. The issue is not how someone becomes a Christian or when someone becomes a Christian, but whether someone does become a Christian. We all are different. Each one of us is unique. We must understand that no two of us comes into the Christian life at the same point in development.

What does it mean by “Baptism of the Spirit”?

I believe salvation is 100% God’s grace, man has absolutely nothing to contribute and absolutely nothing to boast about. Refer to Ephesians 2:1-5. The text says to the effect that we were dead in our transgressions and sins; and in such a fallen state, we will not be able to choose God. But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace and grace alone—we have been saved. So the key phrase is “God through the Spirit made us alive.” After we have been made alive at God’s initiation, we become changed people—our will, our mind, our appetite are all in line with God. It is at this point, God give us the gift of Faith” and we began to exercise our renewed free-will to repent then to receive Christ. I construe this quickening process—“Making us alive spiritually by God”— as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

From the quickening of our soul all the way to the act of receiving Christ is a logical sequence, but not a time sequence. For all these steps happen at the same time. From this supernatural moment on, the life-long process of sanctification begins. So we understand today that a person does not become a Christian because he or she is baptized in water by the church. It is because he or she is already a Christian by the inner and private Baptism of the Spirit then the church administers the water baptism for him or her.


If the step of quickening is initiated by the sovereign God, how would the human freewill and responsibilities come into play? Clearly, the twin pillars of the Absolute sovereignty of God and relative freedom of men are indisputably co-exist. So then how can we harmonize them? This is beyond the scope of this article. But, first, we must have a proper attitude toward Bible difficulties (Note 4) before we attempt to lighten the burden.

Another question is “Why some people in Jesus’ time and in the early church were baptized by water first and later baptized by the Holy Spirit?” To answer this question, one must first understand the difference between John the Baptist’s baptism by water and Jesus’ baptism by the Spirit (Note 5). We may have future discussion on this subject.

1. I add the prefix “neo” to refer to nowadays in order to make distinction from the Charismatic Movement at the beginning of the 20th century because it is an ever evolving movement.
2. “ACTS—St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary” by R.C. Sprout; pp.191-198.
3. Why Do I Embrace Christianity
4. Our Attitude toward the Hard Sayings and Difficulties of the Bible “https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=1505”
5. 受洗的意義The Significance of Christian Baptism

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Our Attitude toward the Hard Sayings and Difficulties of the Bible

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); March 18, 2016

As we learn and grow in the knowledge of the Bible, we, the learners, begin to discover some hidden difficulties previously not recognizable. The flip side is that this may result in less-fruitful discussions. But I view this as a positive indicator of growth and believe that with proper attitude toward these huddles, our burden may be lightened and defused if most likely not removed. It is to this purpose that this article is written. Let me begin with one Bible verse as my starting point:

Deuteronomy 29:29 says, “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.”

If this verse is taken to be a guide to develop our attitude toward hard sayings of God, it must itself not be one of the secret things or else we have no way to follow its words. If this verse is plain and understood by all Bible readers which it is, it begs the question of why God keeps something secret in the Bible rather than simply not mentioning them at all.

The reason why God did not explain the secret things, to my mind, is because our spiritual capacity is so finite that it is not possible to absorb the profound explanations from God. For example, God keeps our time of death a secret because God knows our spiritual capacity is too weak to handle such knowledge. Is it not a good thing that God keeps us from knowing the exact times and places of our death so we may live without anxiety? As parents, do we also know that many things we could not simply explain to our young children? When my daughter was very young, she read the Bible about the story of Rehab; one day she came to asked, “Dad, what is a prostitute?” After a long pause, I answered, “A prostitute is a very bad and greedy girl who gets married.” Was my answer wrong? Not really, but it is not exactly right either; the true answer was too weighty for a girl of her age! But that was the best answer I could think of for my little innocent girl at that time. When she grew up, she got the answer for herself without my explanation. In the same manner, when we grew up in heaven, we shall understand more things because Jesus will guide us into truth. For now, more answers produce more new questions, and it is an endless cycle if we fail to respect God’s will of keeping something secret.

Since God knows we cannot handle certain secret things, why would he even mentioned them in the Bible in the first place? First of all, we must realize that Christianity is a belief system of logic and reason and the truth therein is testable and found coherent and consistent with reality. But on the other hand, Christianity is also a belief system of faith. Faith is a means to know the unknown but the unknown is sustained by the things that are known. This is why, time after time, the Bible is proven correct after centuries of scrutiny. If the Bible is not true when it speaks about this known world, how can we trust it when it speaks about the unknown world-to-come? So there is an interplay between faith and reason. It was said that “God has put enough information in the world to make faith in him a most reasonable thing, and he has left enough to make it impossible to live by sheer reason or observation alone.” (Ref. 1)

When God said, “The secret things belong to the LORD,” it gets into the discussions of privacy. We must respect God’s privacy just as we respect other people’s privacy in our civilized societies. God has privacy too, you know! Having said that, this does not mean we cannot pursue God, nor can we recklessly hand-wave away the difficulties. Our pursuit may not (and should not) lead to humanly satisfactory answers—if indeed the underlying pursuit belongs to the category of God’s privacy, but the byproducts of such endeavor is our broadening understanding of the Bible. One time, I wrote an article attempting to investigate the tradition belief that Jesus was born on December 25th. I faced many criticisms—ranging from “This is not important” to “this is not essential to our salvation” to “If God didn’t say, don’t guess” to “knowledge makes one puffing up.” To the last accusation, I retorted, “Knowledge is bad if I use it to lord it over other people, or use it to show off how knowledgeable I am, or use it as sophistry to distort the truth to benefit myself.” But if I use the knowledge, however limited, with edifying people in view, it is good. In fact, the Bible instructs us to increase the knowledge of Christ so the glory of God can be shown. If our attitude is bad, every good thing (not just knowledge) is bad. If our attitude is good, everything falls in places. After I have written that article (Ref. 2), though I still don’t have 100% certainty to claim that my argument was right, my knowledge in other areas of the Bible increased in a much broad perspective. This is the byproduct of my endeavor.

When we encounter Bible difficulties, we should not easily say, “Why ask? This is the mystery of God.” This is a cop-out for one’s laziness. Some of the issues in the Bible required even hundreds of years to discover that the answers were indeed buried in the Bible. Don’t make ease conclusion that this is a secret of God and stop right there.

When we talk about the secret things of God, one must keep this perspective in mind: More than 90% the text is understandable by common people because the Bible was written for all people. ALL the text concerning our salvation is crystal clear insofar as human responsibility is concerned. Our unbelief is liable for the final judgment without excuse.

We must also bear in mind that for most Bible difficulties and hard sayings, God simply made declarations without explanation. For example, the doctrine of Origin of Sin. How could sin invade the world that God made good? To this great question, the Bible gives no theological answer. It only narrates how it came about; so it remains a mystery. There are many more important doctrines:

God is a Creator. Did God explain? Fewer verses to describe the process of creation than did the processes of building of Noah’s ark and the Tabernacle. Do you realize that? We must ask ourselves a question, “What God really wants us to know in this passage?” (Ref. 3)
The concept of Trinity. God implicitly declared in the Bible through human experiences without explaining why he is a Triune God although we can keenly sense its reality.
The Doctrine of Election. God did not provide humanly satisfied comprehensible answer. Yet the twin pillars of human freewill (not absolute) and God’s (absolute) sovereignty permeate in the entire Bible. (Note)
The doctrine of Incarnation. God merely made declarations without explicitly explaining it in humanly conceivable terms.

The above is an incomplete list. Our “explanations” are all derived from tiny hints and traces (蛛絲馬迹) here and there throughout the Scripture. Human responsibility is to put our all-out effort to study them and at the same time recognize out cognitive limitation and our fallibility but never dismiss the questions lightly for our convenience. If these difficulties still raise doubt in your mind or haunt you in your spiritual pursuit, remember what Paul has taught to his spiritual son, Timothy, “Even though you don’t understand this and that, but one thing you ought to remember is to know whom you have believed (2 Timothy 1:12).” The Person and Work of Christ is the centrality of the Gospel which should be the main thrust of our pursuit. I believe this is the attitude we ought to have.

1. This rhetoric statement is from “The Real Face of Atheism” by Ravi Zacharias; p.113.
2. When Was Jesus Born? 耶穌在那一天出生?
3. Genesis Chapter One—What God wants us to know?

Note: I contrast the qualifiers “not-absolute” and “absolute” here in order to allude to the common misconception that there is a violation of the Law of Logic at work. The Law of Non-contradiction states that “A and NOT-A cannot be true at the same time and in the same sense.” The subtle phrase “at the same time and in the same sense” is commonly overlooked. When one is not absolute while other is absolute, they must NOT be “in the same sense”. So there is not a contradiction but a paradox.


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By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); February 24, 2016

經文: 「因為知道我所信的是誰 、 也深信他 (基督) 能保全我所交付他的 、直到那日 (提後1:12)。 」

使徒保羅勸勉他年輕的同工提摩太說:「雖然你不明白很多教義,雖然你不明白為什麼義會人受苦,雖然你不明白這個東西,那個東西, 但最要緊的就是你要知道你所信的是誰。」這裏有兩個重要的字眼:
• 「知道」— 這是聖經中的知識論。
• 「誰」— 保羅並沒有説「你要知道你所信的是甚麼重要的東西或事物或道理」,乃是說,「你要知道你所信的是誰」。「誰」是有位格的,有生命的。

知識論 (epistemology) 是探索我怎樣:
• 知道我知道
• 知道我不知道
• 不知道我知道
• 不知道我不知道


天文學家和數學家哥伯尼確實認為星星和恆星的軌道是不能巳它們是圍繞觀察者的前提來解釋的。相反地,他認為觀察者必須承認自己是要環繞著某些東西才能對現實獲得合理的解釋。這是一個重要的範例轉移 (A paradigm shift) 。然後他問,「這個東西是甚麼?」這個思維的轉變,導致他推翻數百年人們和教庭所相信的「地心説 geocentric theory」而建立起今天人人都同意的「日心說 heliocentric theory」。康德也主張我們不可能單單關注「自我」或「這個世界」而期待對宇宙的實存 (reality) 有正確的認識。更正確的是,我們應把我們認知的本能 (cognitive capacities) 置於一個更高的結構 (structure) 來塑造我們對世界經驗的查詢。這就好像我們必須跳出地球的自我圈子,才能更進一步(透過 Hubble Space Telescope) 看到太陽系的真相。

如果我們把我們的認知,再次提升,我們就看到螺旋狀的銀河系而發現太陽系只是銀河星雲中的一粟。那麼,我們對自己的實全又有更上一層樓的認知了。這樣不斷的向上推,人類的認知能力終於到了極限。這樣,更高一層的認知便只能頼於上帝的的啓示 (revelation of God)。神藉着衪所造的宇宙萬物, 藉着聖經, 藉着道成肉身的耶穌, 藉着所賜下的聖灵, 更藉着生活來向我們說話。所以從認知論 (Epistemology) 的推理,上帝的存在成為必要,而這個不證自明 (self-evident) 的結論更使無神論 (atheism) 不攻自破了。NASA天文學家Robert Jastrow (1925-2008) 說,「對那些只靠推理來攀登無知的山的科學家, 他们的故事是以惡夢结束。 當他们登到山峯尖顶时,却發現一群神學家坐在那裡等待他们達數世纪之久。」人的盡头頭就是神的開始。

然而,認知不單只是在哲學性的認知論的生硬層面上,更有其柔軟的另一個層次:就是個人的體驗和經歷。這也是合理和合法的認知途經。我初信耶穌後,有兩首詩歌常常感動我,甚至帶出我的眼淚。第一首是「在花園理 In the Garden」,另一首是「耶穌是我至好朋友 What a Friend We Have in Jesus」。詩歌和藝術能使人認識 (知道) 上帝。

Austin Miles (1868-1946) 是一位藥劑師,也是一位業餘攝影師。他回憶到一九一二年三月的某一天,他在暗室內沖洗㡳片。在那黑白相反的超現实底片中,他仿佛看到一幅美麗的彩色影像,他看見抹大拉的馬利亞在七日的頭一天清晨在空墓前的花園中徘徊漫步,突然間她聽到有慈聲向她呼召,「馬利亞,馬利亞!」這𥚃怎會還有人記念我這個卑微使女的名字嗎?回首一看,馬利亞看見那榮耀復活的主站在她身邊,然後與她一同散步徘徊和談心。最後主對她說,「我不倍妳了,去,告訴我的弟兄。這是你的使命。」他們便依依不捨分手了。Austin Miles 全身的神經顫抖,肌肉緊張,於是他馬上坐下,寫下了「在花園中」的歌詞。不久後的一個晚上,他坐在風琴前,作出樂譜。在異象中的與主同行,成為Austin Miles認識主的一個里程碑。後來他奉獻自己於音樂事奉中,並成為教會詩班的班長。今天的音樂都很好聽,但對我而言,似乎不太打動我的心絃。但這首詩歌,時至今天,仍是我喜樂眼淚的泉源,知道我的救贖主居然記得我的名字。祂的使命使我每天早晨都不能不自省,「我不能單單享受在花園中的恩典,更不可忘記大使命。」並自問,「我怎樣去傳揚並維護那甜美的福音?」這個每天都自問的問題就成為我退休後生活的動力。

出生於愛爾蘭的Joseph M Scrivener (史約瑟 1819-1896) 於廿五歲時愛上了一位女仕。不幸在他們要結婚那天的前一日,這位少女意外地溺斃。約瑟心碎欲絶,無法忍受下去。於是毅然決定離開傷心之地,乘船往加拿大重新過新生活,從事執教之軄。後來又墮入愛河,準備與他的學生的一位親屬結婚。再一次,史約瑟的美夢成為泡影,未婚妻在結婚前突患重病身亡。真是禍不單行,在這段時間中,他接到電報,知道母親病危。誰能想像他的困境?但他對主的信心使他堅強。後來他參加Plymouth Brethren的弟兄會,並在浸信會蒙召作講道者。他一生再沒有結婚,把生命投資在幫助困苦人群中。在他母親重病時,他無法親身看她,於是寫下一首詩,「耶穌是我至好朋友」。卅十年後, 約瑟在病危中,他的朋友來訪,無意發現這首詩,他非常賞惜這首約瑟在多年前獻給母親的詩,便協助他寫成詩歌,結果造就不少信徒,我是其中之一。此歌在我低潮中使我得到鼓勵,更深一層知道救主耶穌是我最好的朋友。

半年前的一個早上,我起床後有一些說不出的奇怪感覺。當我照照鏡子時,我居然不知道自己是誰,也不知道自己處於何地。很快地,我察覺到原來我的右眼有雙重影像 (double vision) 的現像。這是非常可怕的事。我不能開車,不能寫讀,不能作任何需要視覺的事。然而我的生活是靠眼睛的,沒有視力我的生命還有意義嗎?更諷刺的是在我的講道和寫作中,我屢次強調人是有神反照的價值(reflected worth) 和生命是有內在固有的意義(intrinsic meaning) 此與無神論者的世界觀截然不同。現在我自己居然覺得前途灰暗,人生再無意義。次時,主的話臨到我心,祂説:「你雖然不知道這個,不明白那個,但你應該知道你所信的是誰;我還要給你託付,你要忠心履行。」頓時, 我感覺到有昐望; 雖然我不知道, 但我知道祂知道, 這就夠了。果然,數月後的今天,我的右眼已經復明。主在我患難中與我同行,賜我恩典, 讓我「知道」祂更深。


〖2014 年一月底, 我開始咳嗽, 情況不太尋常, 醫生診斷是支氣管炎. 經過呼吸器噴霧與服用藥物治療,痊癒仍然非常緩慢, 引起我太太和兒女的疑慮. 於是女兒安排我接受徹底檢查, 經重復做X-ray, Cat-scan, Pet-scan才發現我的肺長了一個 3 cm 的瘤. 先後經過三個胸腔專家的仔細研判, 一致認為不論是良性或惡性, 都應該把它切除. 於是安排 July 30, 2014 在 Saunt Francis Hospital 動手術. 醫院, 醫師,以及所有手術有關的人員都是我的女兒挑選的—她以前的同事中最優秀的.

我曾聽聞不少人因未作夠徹底的肺部檢驗而失察, 以致發現有病變時已為時晚矣. 使我能及早發現肺中的瘤又得以及時切除, 致使這個奇妙的過程與安排臨到我, 非我主耶穌莫屬! 祂八十年來一貫如此奇妙地向我無數次施恩與憐憫, 現在再次蒙受祂的慈愛,使我不得不傾全心感謝,讚美,敬拜祂. 同時也邀請您與我一同感謝,讚美,敬拜祂.

九月九日,我的女兒又帶我去看那位癌症專家, Dr. Kenneth Ng, 他是基督徒. Dr. Ng 很親切, 仔細地把我的情況, 以專業的語調告訴我—因為癌細胞有些微侵害到一個肺部的管道, 所以我屬於第二期.他又說, 手術醫師已經把有病變和有可能已被感染的部份—包括 3 cm 有癌細胞的腫瘤和左肺的上葉切—除掉, 但仍然可能有些癌細胞潛伏在我的肺裡; 癌症不再復發的可能性占50%, 如果做化療可再加10%. 因他是基督徒,我就坦白地告訴他:我的生命已經獻給神;我在世上存活的意義在於成全主的旨意;我是已經過了第八十個生日的人,是在跑人生百米賽的最後十公尺, 不能耽擱, 要衝刺才能得獎,. 他畢竟是個專業的醫生;他說:『化療對你仍然是有幫助的.』我說:『好,我需要禱告.』
回家後,我就把化療的事帶到主前. 我原想我的生命既然在主的手中,癌症不能減少我一天的壽命,化療也不能增添我一天的壽命,都過了九個月往返醫生診所和醫院而曠于作主的工,耗費時間與體力的化療就省了吧. 感謝,讚美主;祂以屬天的屬性帶我跳脫出『自是的理性』. 當我進到祂奇妙的亮光中,我看見—祂使我停止為祂工作九個月;同時祂卻開始在我生命中作更深的工作. 回顧起來,自從去年底,直到現在因發生在我身上的事(將近八十年來未曾有過的),致使我得以更深地認識了基督也更深地享受了祂的恩愛.
現在,讓我與您分享祂近來施于我的許多奇妙恩典中之一:在開刀後,麻醉醫師用一條管子插入我的傷口,使一種非常強烈的麻醉藥不停地流到傷口為我止痛. 這條管子拔掉後就靠吃止痛藥止痛. 在我回家幾天後,止痛藥失去止痛的作用. 醫生說如用更強的止痛藥,雖能止痛,但會有不良的附作用. 我就試著不用止痛藥,靠自己忍痛.
有一天,夜深人靜,這二十四小時不離不棄的痛超過我忍耐限度的時候,我無助地呼叫:『主阿!』. 我的呼叫『主阿!』就把主耶穌的憐憫與奇妙大能汲取進來了. 祂奇妙的大能把我痛楚的『負能量』變成了『正能量』. 痛楚雖未消除,但由於痛楚而生的苦惱變成了喜樂. 祂讓我憶起祂在十字架上呼叫:『我的神!我的神!為什麼離棄我?』那時祂所忍受的痛楚就是因為祂代替了我應該承受的—不只是二十四小時不離不棄的痛楚,而是無窮無盡被神離棄的痛楚. 主耶穌以自己的生命把我永遠的痛楚,刑罰抵償又註銷之後,祂又復活了. 祂以君王的身份戴上了王冠,並坐上了寶座. 祂說過:『到那日,你們就知道我在父裡面,你們在我裡面,我也在你們裡面。』(約14:20). 由於祂奇異的愛與大能,我不但已經不被定罪,反而被神悅納,而且有份于主基督的冠冕與寶座. And can it be that I should gain?! 於是一陣喜樂潮湧上心頭. 主阿! 就讓你那奇異的愛在我身上自由地繼續工作吧! 我叫女兒打電話給Dr. Ng說我願意接受化療! 於是9月19日開始接受化療,三星期一次,共四次.

自第一次化療後,我覺得頭暈,和虛弱;之後有過幾次血壓過高,(最高一次達251/124),其中兩次遵醫生吩咐,被送進急診室. 醫生尚未查出原因,但囑咐我必須有充分的休息,並避免作耗損體力與心思的事.經審慎考慮, 以及家人的規勸, 我覺得應該在醫生許可之前不外出, 並放下任何事工在家充分休息.
在侍奉主與服事弟兄姐妹的事工上缺席,對我而言,是件非常痛苦的事. 然而我若不為自己的康復盡責,也就不能及早以健全的身,心,靈來侍奉主與服事弟兄姐妹,同時也會辜負這許多為我康復禱告的弟兄姐妹的盛情了.
感謝主! 2014年十一月十八日我去Mercy Hospital做了第四次, 也是最後一次化療。醫生說依他目前的診斷,我的情況非常良好。他約我12月11日再去看他。到那天他會推薦我吃一種可以防止癌症復發的藥 (Tarceva 每月費用八千多美元,我只付 $7.40,餘額保險公司付),要連續吃兩年,也有副作用。明年能夠恢復出國短宣是我的心願,如果醫生推薦的藥會妨礙我去短宣的話,我不知該不該不接受醫生的推薦。

所有為我代禱的弟兄姐妹,我的至親慹友,還有我自己都認為我的康復是最為重要的,大家也都懇切地為此向神祈禱. 然而神的美意總是淩駕在一切之上,超過我們所求所想的. 當然,俱備健康的身,心,靈來侍奉祂固然是重要的條件. 主卻藉著這些環境教導我領悟到除此之外還有侍奉祂的不可或缺的基本要件.

當我曾經認為化療會耽誤侍奉祂的時間,想要拒做化療的時候,祂以屬天的屬性帶我跳脫出『自是的理性』領我邁進到祂奇妙的光中,讓我看見—祂使我停止為祂工作卻開始在我生命中作更深的工作. 祂要把那些臨到我的『萬事』中之一—癌症— 都效力成為我的『益處』—使我得以更深地體驗到祂的恩愛;導致我更依賴祂,更親近祂;並使祂與我的合一也因而更深化,更強化了. 原來主在指教我這些『益處』—『住在基督裡』才是我侍奉祂的不可或缺的基本要件,而且我在這基本要件上不足,仍待加深,加強.



在基督裡的弟兄, 張威 2015年7月〗

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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); February 4, 2016


“假如這位神創造了人類,給他們自由意志把世界弄到一塌糊塗,艱苦的艱苦、幸福的幸福,然後千方百計、出盡百寶,由各式人等記錄下這本經,就是要人類去信祂,去歌功頌德,奉祂為無處不在的萬能創造者,把所有榮耀歸於祂自己,原來目的僅只如此的話,乜好好玩咩 ?”


聖經中的神是全能, 全知, 全善, 慈愛, 公義的神。更重要的是祂是全然聖潔的神。這個聖潔就是祂榮耀的代表。這就是説榮耀是祂的本質。祂不需要在祂以外的任何人或物去增添祂一些榮耀。

• 摩西在西乃山上的荊棘灌木中向他說話,就甚懼怕,摩西把鞋脫下,知道自己是站在聖地,於是他蒙上臉,甚害怕見到神的榮光 (Ex. 3:5-6), 他俯服在地。難道神的榮耀會因摩西的虔誠順服與敬拜多增一㸃神的榮耀嗎?

• 耶穌帶著三個門徒目睹「登山變相」的情景 (太17:1-9),耶穌的衣 裳 潔 白 如 光, 臉 面 明 亮 如 日 頭, 面貌充滿榮光, 門徒驚奇畏懼。難道耶穌的榮耀會因門徒的敬拜和囋歎增多一點嗎?

• 將來有一天基督將駕雲降臨,帶著權柄和榮耀審判全地。難道祂的榮耀是因為「萬膝向祂跪拜,萬口稱祂為主」而增添一點嗎?

• 在新天新地𥚃,那裏沒有日月光照,也沒有其它的光源,因為羔羊基督就是那新城之燈。誰能自以為會再增添基督一點光彩呢 (啓21:23)?

神的本質 (intrinsic nature) 就是榮耀,基督是神的榮耀所發的光輝,是神本體的真像 (來1:3)。人不但不能增加神的榮耀,相反地, 人卻從神的榮耀中得到很多恩典:

• 神的榮耀藉著火柱與雲柱帶領以色列人出埃及过红海獲拯救,並使法老全軍覆沒 (Ex. 13:21) 。

• 基督用祂榮耀的權能使死人復活,使病人得醫治,使困苦人得安息,使罪人得救獲永生。

• 祂藉諸天 (大自然界) 述說祂的榮耀,穹蒼 (宇宙) 傳掦祂的手段 (詩19:1) 為要使萬人藉一般的啓示認識祂, 因而䝉福。

神的榮耀不系於人对祂的去歌功頌德。 然而聖經卻教訓我們要在生活上榮耀祂。這是甚麼意思呢?如果你在物理學上很突出,寫了很多有份量的論文,有人對你説, 「呀!你真是廿一世紀的愛因斯坦呀。」你當然會引以為榮。那麼我問問你,「你的成就是否會增加愛因斯坦的榮耀呢?」當然不會。相反地,你的成就充其量只不過是「反照」愛因斯坦的榮耀。同理,我們的「榮耀神」,乃是指「反照神的榮耀」。神造我們是照著祂的形象而造,因此人為萬物之靈,人有靈魂,人心中有道德律,人有永恆的觀念。所以人具有與生俱來的「反射出來的神榮reflected glory」和「內在固有的價值intrinsic worth」。

爭氣的孩子當然會使爸爸有面子,但他並沒增加他爸爸本質上的尊嚴,並且,一個孩子爭氣,其實是他自己的福氣。所以當我們反射神的榮耀時,其實是使我們自己䝉福。 你或許強辯説, 一個好孩子會使爸爸有面子, 而一個不出色的孩子會損壞爸爸的聲譽。這也有㸃道理。但在神無限榮耀的聖潔中,我們的「善」和「好」也只不過是像把一杯水倒在太平洋內而期待海洋的水位會增高。我們的「惡」又如在太平洋中拿一杯水上來而以為海洋的水位會降低。無限大加1仍然是無限大; 無限大減1也仍然是無限大。所以至少在務實的觀點下,我們是無法去增加或減少神的榮耀的。不要把人看得太高,我們只能反射神的榮耀,這也是神的命令,為叫我们得益處。

反射神的榮耀就是在生活中結出聖靈的果子,就是: 仁愛, 喜樂, 和平, 忍耐, 恩慈, 良善, 信實, 溫柔,節制 (Gal. 5:22-23) 。這些美德豈不是對我們自己有益處嗎? 然而我們卻虧缺了神的榮耀,因為我們都是罪人。罪的問題解決之道就是需要一位救主。現在讓我们談談神為甚麼 “給人類自由意志, 把世界弄到 一塌糊塗,艱苦的艱苦。”

如果自由意志是苦難之源,為何神給人自由意志呢?宇宙天體整整有條是它們沒有自由意志。它們機械式的運作是完全一絲不苟地循著神所賜下的自然律。其準確度如一人射箭橫跨宇宙的一邊射到200億光年 (仍在澎漲中) 的另一邊, 而中其一吋直徑的靶子, 誤差幾乎是零。但神却高枱人的地位,不譲我們像機器人一般,要我們像祂,神給予我們意義,所以賜予我們最大的禮物:自由意志。然而自由並非等於肆無忌憚, 無所不為,真自由是有規範的。正如風箏,雖然它可以自由飛翔,但它必須有一條缐繫著才能不會因「太」自由而墮落。同理,神也賜給我們道德律, 好譲我們的自由意志不至越軌。人好多的痛苦都是因人越軌之故,不能怪責上帝。


• 要有自由意志才有愛的可能性,因為沒有強迫性的愛,只有甘心願意的愛。

• 有愛就有苦難的可能性。當你想愛一個人而被他拒絕,痛苦便產生了。

• 有自由意志就有選擇「惡」的可能性。因為如果只能選擇「善」而不能選擇「惡」那就不是自由意志了。

• 有邪惡和苦難就產生一種需要救主的願望。

• 有需要救主的願望就需要有救贖能實現的應許。

因此在這罪惡的世界中, 痛苦是不能避免的。要明這一點我們首先必須知道痛苦的種類。

• 因犯罪所致 — 吸毒而終身成癮;濫交導致愛滋病。這種痛苦是可以解釋的。

• 因別人的罪所致 — 父母離婚,孩子受苦。因一人的邪念, 20多位 Newtown學童被槍殺身亡。

• 自己作了不良的選擇 — 如大意,不小心,發錯email。或不小心, 選錯配偶, 一生受苦。

• 墮落世界的真相 — 無辜被車撞死。龍捲風突襲而受傷甚至死亡。義人受苦,惡人得逞。


• 佛教 — 你今生的苦難是因你前生作惡,即羯磨 (Karma)。請問你知道前生作過甚麼惡嗎?你無法知道。以玄學來回答理學,本身就是牛頭不答馬嘴。

• 回教 — 苦難是真主(Allah) 的旨意。你不需問。

• 進化論者 — 物競天擇,適者生存。苦難乃是淘汰弱者的機制,你根本無資格去貭問自然律。

• 斯多葛哲學/宿命論(Stoicism/Fatalism) — 人生就是這樣,逆來順受就好了。豈不是答了好似沒有答一般嗎?


• 既有完全的愛,為何𣎴用祂的全能去阻止苦難發生在祂所愛的人身上?

• 既然是無所不知,神不能説,「我不知道你正在受苦。」

• 既是全杈,神也無法說,「苦難不在我所管瞎的領域內。」

• 既是無所不在,神也不能說,「我愛你,我願意幫助你,但我不知道你在甚麼地方。」


• 苦難可能是神的管教,讓我們信心增長,結出平安的果子。痛苦也可能是一種試練,要我們學習一個難學的功課—e.g. 忍耐。

• 苦難也許是為別人(包括家人)的好處。「我們在一切患難中,神就安慰我們,叫我們能用神所賜的安慰去安慰那遭各樣患難的人 (2 Cor.1:4)。」世上不少偉人都是從苦難中培養出來的。不要以為今天的「富二代」,茶來張手,飯來張口是好的人生。

• 最後,神可能是㨂選你作反照祂的榮耀。這不容易明白,除非你巳得救才能體會這個恩典。殉道者都是以喜樂迎接死亡。聖經給我們一個應許,就是「萬事互相効力,叫愛神的人得益處 (Rm. 8:28) 。」

耶穌對義人受苦卻用自己的生命解釋了:祂是義人,完全無罪,卻為了別人(我們)的好處,被釘在十架上,代替我們的刑罸,受到最不平等的代遇 (終極的惡)。而且在祂最順服神的旨意 (終極的善) 那一刻,被父神離棄「祂是與父原為一(Jn. 110:30)的」。但因祂的無辜受害,這終極性的義人受苦却成就了有史以來最大的好處:完成了救贖之恩。在這個透視中,使我們在苦難中得到安慰。最大的安慰乃是祂應許與我們同行,他知道我們的處境。好像嬰孩生病時,母親雖愛莫能助,但在母親懷中, 嬰孩可渡過難関。況且我們的神並非愛「莫能」助,衪是忍痛讓我們獲得最終的好處, 好似母親強迫在生病中的嬰兒復苦葯一般。嬰兒能明白嗎? 然而我们與神的距離遠大過孩子與母親的距離。誰能完全測透神的旨意呢?

一位卓越的英國牧師John R. W. Stott (“The Cross of Christ” 的作者) 承認苦難是, “對基督教信仰的獨一最大的挑戰.” 他巳得到自己的結論: 如果不是因為十字架, 我自己絕不會信上帝. 在這個有痛苦的真實世界裏, 誰會敬拜一位他自已能免於痛苦的神? 我曾進過許多不同東方國家的佛教廟宇, 在佛像前恭敬地站着. 看見他雙脚交叉盤坐, 雙手摺疊合攏, 雙眼閉合, 两唇帶着幽靈似的輕鬆微笑, 面上帶着冷淡孤高的神采, 似乎與世界的苦惱完全脫節. 每次當我觀看他片刻後, 我總是轉移眼目. 同時在我想像中, 我轉向一位孤獨的, 扭歪的, 被酷刑折磨的體形; 他被掛在十架上, 釘子剌入手脚, 背部皮肉被撕裂, 四肢被扭傷, 額頭被荊棘刺到流血, 口腔乾渴到不可容忍的地步, 整個人被投入於一片被神離棄的黑暗之中. 這就是為了我的神! 他放棄他能對苦難的免疫. 他以血肉之體來到人閒, 經歷眼淚與死亡. 他為我們受苦. 鑑此我們的苦難變成較易操縱. 雖然人類的苦難仍是一個問號, 但在其上我們可勇敢地蓋上一個印記, 就是象徵神性受苦的十架. 基督的十架就是神自己在我們這罪惡世界中的唯一自我證明。. (Ref.: “The Case For Faith” by Lee Strobel); p.54.

這世界雖是一個一塌糊塗,艱苦的艱苦的世界,幸福的幸福,卻是一個最能裝備我們可以成為有資格進入那個「將來完美的世界」 的世界。

「神用千方百計、出盡百寶,由各式人等記錄下這本經,就是要人類去信祂。」這句話非同小可, 意义義深遠。其實它也是聖經的話語, 說到「聖經是神的話語」的「内證」:
“神既在古時藉著眾先知多次多方地曉諭列祖,  就在這末世藉著他兒子曉諭我們;又早已立他為承受萬有的,也曾藉著他創造諸世界 (He. 1:1-2) 。”

「由各式人等記錄下這本經」 這句話是說到「聖經是神的話語」的「外證」, 即聖經以外的證句。聖經內容的連貫性 (Continuity or internal consistency) 是奇妙的, 是超自然的。 四十多位作者活在1600年的期間分別寫了66卷書。這些作者有君王, 鄉下人, 哲學家, 漁夫, 醫生, 政治家, 學者, 詩人, 和農夫. 他們活在不同的文化, 有不同的人生經歷, 具有不同的性格, 但聖經不是66卷書的集成體, 乃是一本書, 它不是文集,而是一本有主題有系統的書。奇妙嗎? 「神用千方百計」這片語也說到一个重要的真理: 就是「啓示」, 意即人無法知道神,除非神告訴我们。基督教是「啓示」的信仰, 是「神尋找人」的信仰, 而不是以人為本的信仰, 即「人尋找神」的信仰。這就是福音與宗教不同之處。 請參看:



Christian Perspective toward Suffering

Jesus’ death pounds home a message with triple-force. It demonstrates

  • the destructiveness of evil, which is the cause of suffering,
  • the ability to withstand undeserved suffering, and
  • the plan of God to put an end to suffering. (Note 1)

In the cross of Christ we see that God is truly “a fellow-sufferer who understands”, knowing that suffering from the inside, so to speak. This moving insight seems to me to meet the problem of suffering at the deepest possible level of divine response and theological insight. (Note 2)

Two completely different paradigms of thinking toward pain—or three ways to resist pain:

  • We resist pain because pain debilitates and forces limitation on us; Jesus, however, willingly followed the path of pain because it would bring us healing and open new horizons for us.
  • We resist pain because we think of the “now” rather than of life’s ultimate purpose; Jesus endured pain in order to restore ultimate purpose to us and to our existence.
  • We resist pain because we are drawn toward that which brings us comfort and a sense of well-being; Jesus experienced pain so that we would find our ultimate comfort and well-being in God and in doing his will. (Note 3)


  1. “Jesus Among Other Gods, Youth Edition” by Ravi Zacharias and Kevin Johnson; p.101
  2. “Science and Religion in Quest of Truth” by John Polkinghorne; p.127.
  3. “Has Christianity Failed You?” by Ravi Zacharias; p.110.
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God delights to reveal Himself to all people (神願意啓示祂自己給我們)

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); December 31, 2015

Shortly after his 50th birthday, Einstein was interviewed by a German journalist George Sylvester Viereck and was asked if he was an atheist. To this question, Einstein replied, “To be an atheist would need to answer more questions than a theist would because to posit an absolute negation presupposed infinite knowledge. The evidences of the existence of God are so overwhelming; we are in a position of a little child entering a huge library marveled by the obviously well-organized shelves and clearly marked labels of categorization. The complexity and order of even the daily life stuffs preclude the “chance” and even a child would conclude that someone must have written those books even though he had no idea what are their contents.”

Let’s go back in time 3000 years ago when men’s cosmic view was very rudimentary. The shepherd king, David, had been anointed by Samuel as King while Saul still ruled and reigned the kingdom of Israel. Out of jealousy, King Saul wanted to kill David and David was on the lam fleeing from Saul’s men. At night, he slept on the desert-floor dotted with patches of pastures. He saw the moon and the starry heaven and was awe-stricken by the handiwork of God. He wrote, “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in heaven, what is mankind that You are mindful of them? (Psalm 8)” When the inky sky turned bright in the morning, he saw the sun rose from the eastern Moabite mountains, he was motivated to write, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands (Psalm 19).” Today, the modern men have lost their sense of wonder and consider the sun-rise and sun-set are one of the ordinary routines and take things for granted. We have forgotten the Creator.

From Psalm 19, we learn that God’s revelation through nature is continuous intending to reach out all people because the loving God wishes that everyone should be saved and no one goes to perdition.

Psalm 19 also reveals to us that God’s natural revelation is speechless. Silence is a powerful means of communication which transcends languages, races, and ethnic diversities. No one can say that God is for certain group of people and not for me. God is impartial as far as redemption is concerned because God loves us all unconditionally.

In the Christmas Eve of 1968, three astronauts in Apollo 8 were orbiting about the moon ten times. On their last lap as they went around the dark side of the moon and just before they fired their engine on their earth-bound journey, they saw something that no human being had never seen before: The mother earth was rising above the moon horizon against the black void space. The rising earth was bordered by the glistering light of the sun draped in a beauteous mixture of white and blue. Silence spoke louder than words: One great step for science became, for these awe-inspiring men, an immensely greater leap in philosophy. Out of the absolute quietness of the outer space, God spoke loudly to them in speechless manner, and they opened the Bible and read loudly in turn, the Genesis 1:1-10. The profundity of the first phrase “In the Beginning God Created (Bereshith bara Elohim)” is deeper than one first thought for on these three Hebrew words everything hang. These few words form the foundation of God’s revelation.

The ultimate purpose of natural revelation is to lead people to Christ. In Acts 10:1-36 there was a devout and God-fearing religious man by the name Cornelius, who nevertheless did not really know who God was. But God through many human agents revealed to him and led him and his entire household to Christ. The Bible says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks find; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened (Matthew 7:7-8).

You may be tempted to think, God revealed to Cornelius was because he was a good man. But what about Apostle Paul? Before his conversion, his name was Saul and he was a terrorist destined to destroy Christianity. But out of God’s mercy and love, he not only became a Christian but a mightily used servant of God. It was he who penned one third of the New Testament. Our merit, when is held up against God’s holiness, means absolutely nothing. Jesus does not come to make bad people good but dead people live and we are all dead in sin and in need of God’s power of regeneration. This is the essence of the gospel.

Examples of God’s revealing to all people abound. During the first Christmas night, He revealed Himself to the shepherds (common people), then to the wise men (philosophers and thinkers), and to the Herod the Great (political leaders). After Jesus’ resurrection, the risen Lord revealed Himself first to women (common people), then to Thomas (Skeptics and rationalists), and to Paul (religious leaders). God wants all of us, no matter who you are, to know Jesus.

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power (causing the universe into being) and divine nature (transform men into new creation)—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made (through nature), so that people are without excuse (Romans 1:20).” Unbelief is not an intellectual problem but a moral problem. I do not argue with atheists. I simply say, “You know very well that God exists. Your problem isn’t that you don’t know that God exists; your problem is that you can’t stand Him.”

George MacDonald was right when he said, “To try to explain truth to him who loves it not is but to give him more plentiful material for misinterpretation.” Richard Weaver, former professor of English at the University of Chicago, reinforced the idea, “How frequently it is brought to our attention that nothing good can be done if the will is wrong. Reason alone fails to justify itself….If the disposition is wrong, reason increases maleficence—if it is right, reason orders and furthers the good.” To our unresponsiveness of God’s ever-present revelations, God places on human race the most solemn indictment as recorded in Romans 1:21, “For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.”

Let not our heart be darkened but be illuminated by the revelation of the gospel. What is your New Year Resolution for 2016? I believe the most spiritual rewarding one is this—To know Jesus in a personal way—it is not only a meaningful one but a sustainable one.

Happy New Year!

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Is Christianity a Religion?

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); December 7, 2015

After the San Bernardino shooting on December 2, 2015 where 14 people died and 21 were injured by a radicalized Muslim couple, one of my readers asked me this question, “What has happened to religions? This wasn’t an innocuous question.  He intended to discredit Christianity as a rational belief system. To his question, I wrote this article to defend the gospel and more importantly to build a bridge for evangelism.

Let me first make a shocking statement to the readers: Christianity is NOT a Religion. Let me explain:
Supposing I have five symbols in front of me: 5, +, 2, =, and 7 and now I put these five symbols together in any order until I exhaust all their permutations:
• 2+5=7
• 5+2=7
• 7=5+2
• 7=2+5
• 7+2=5
• 7+5=2
• =7+25
• And so on

You see only the first four orders make sense; the rest of the permutations do not at all make sense. Yet the first four orders are mathematically equivalent. In other words, there is only ONE way that make sense and this ONE way has four representations.

Why I am telling you this? Let me get to the point I try to make:

Both religions and Christianity have things in common. They all possess three important components:
• Salvation—concerning how to go to Heaven, or Nirvana, or Paradise.
• Merit—concerning ones Good Deed, Merits, or 功德. They belong to the category of Morality.
• Worship—concerning one’s inner reverence paid to God or a sacred personage, or any object regarded as sacred.

Now let us apply the principle of order:

The starting point of all religions is Merit. One has to do good first in order to EARN one’s salvation. Once you have done enough good deeds, you begin to squeeze out from your heart all your sincerity to worship your God. After you have accumulate enough good deeds (積功) and sincerity (誠心) in any order, you will then hope you will go to heaven—This is the essence of Religions.

The merit based religions inevitably have the following problems:
• You will never know whether you have done enough and therefore you will never have certainty you can go to heaven or not. The only way you can gauge your goodness is by comparison. Yet this relativistic morality is not without problem.
• If you are better than your neighbor, you may cultivate a secret spirit of pride. Pride is not virtuous and hence your good is bad good. You try to be good but you end up no good.
• If you find yourself worse than your neighbor, you may become dejected and disappointed and eventually you lose your self-worthiness and your good is bad good not good good. See, you try to be good but you end up no good but you think you are good which is even worse.

But Christianity is different. Christianity’s starting point is salvation. Out of God’s love and mercy, he accepts us as we are and grant us salvation and we become the children of God. This process is called “born again” which is all God’s outworking of grace and hence human beings have nothing to boast. After we are saved, God is not content with our moral condition, God transforms us by giving us the moral laws. After we have been saved and have a transformed heart, then we can begin to worship God with clean hand and pure heart. If you read the redemptive history recorded in the Bible, this concept becomes evident. God first saved the Israelite from the tyranny of the Pharaoh of Egypt by crossing the Red Sea (Salvation); then they came to Mount Sinai and God gave them the Ten Commandments through Moses as their moral framework (Morality); And finally, God instructed them to build the Tabernacle as a place symbolizing God’s presence so the children of God may worship him (Worship). Salvation in Christianity means God gives people a new life. British philosopher and writer C.S. Lewis said, “Jesus didn’t come to make bad people good, but dead people live.” Religions are all about making bad people good. I do not like calling Christianity 基督教; strictly speaking, it is a sociology term. The accurate way to say about Christianity is “The Gospel”. If I must call Christianity 基督教。I must clarify to mean 基督的教訓 rather than 基督的教派。

Because Christianity and all other religions have the same set of elements—Salvation, Morality, and Worship, people mistakenly say that “All religions (including Christianity) are fundamentally the same and only peripherally different.”

How can they be fundamentally the same? The order are markedly different:
• Religions: Morality –> Worship –> Salvation
• Christianity: Salvation –> Morality –> Worship
Therefore, I say, “All religions (including Christianity) are fundamentally different and only peripherally the same.”

Both religious people and Christians may do very bad things. Yet there is a cardinal difference one needs to take note:
• When religious people did heinous things in the name of religion (as we watch on TV every day), they did those things in conformity with their doctrine of their belief.
• When Christians did heinous things (as some that had been recorded in history), they did those acts in direct violation of Christ’s teachings.

This distinction is utmost important. In light of the aforementioned reasoning, I should make a statement as saying: “Christianity is NOT a religion.” In fact, I should further qualify the statement by saying, “Christianity is NOT a religion but a RELATIONSHIP” because it is all about one’s personal relationship with Jesus Christ not about ritual.

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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); December 05, 2015

在馬太第十章的中間,耶穌開始講到門徒們將要面臨非常險惡的逼迫。「兄弟要把兄弟、父親要把兒女置於死地;兒女要起來與父母為敵,害死他們。而且你們要為我的名被眾人憎恨。但堅忍到底的終必得救。有人在這城迫害你們,就逃到另一城去。我實在告訴你們,以色列的城鎮,你們還沒有走遍,人子就要來臨。」 (馬太 10:21-23)。

一瞥這段經文,似乎不太難明。但仔細一想,卻發現其中有難解之處:耶穌預料使徒遭遇迫害。他們從一城逃避到另一城,從一鎮遷移到另一鎭。在這盪漾的過程中,使徒並沒有忘記他們傳福音的使命。然而耶穌給予他們一個激起困惑的應許:「你們還沒有走遍以色列的城邑,人子就到了。」問題就在這「人子就要來臨」片語内。如果「人子就要來臨」是指末日(the end of the age), 即代表主耶穌所預言中的第二次來臨,正如一搬基督徒所領會的,那就產生以下的難題:主的再來必在使徒當時逃難的過程中發生, 但事實並非如此, 過了兩千多年,主還未再來,盡管我们堅信主必會再來。对此片語我们又如何解釋?

第一種解釋 (Ref. 1)
這是一種預言的表達方法,稱為 “prophetic foreshortening”, 意即把遙遠的預言拉近至當前的預言,使之成為一個更結實,更濃縮的主題。遙遠的預言論到將來主再來的事件。當前的預言乃指基督的將死,將復活,將升天,使徒將受迫害等馬上就要發生的事件。這種預言的說法在新約的福音書屢見不鮮:

• 耶穌在馬太福音24:2預言聖殿被拆毀(當前事件),而在下一節馬上預言將來末後將發生的災難。祂把這兩大浩劫相提並論。我們在此看到「遠近緊湊」的説法。
• 馬太16:27-28「….有人在沒有賞死味前,必看見人子降臨在祂國𥚃。」


第二種解釋 (Ref. 2):
參看另一處經文: 馬太福音廿四:1-14。

太 24:1 耶穌出了﹝聖﹞殿,正走的時候,門徒進前來,把殿宇指給他看。
太 24:2 耶穌對他們說,你們不是看見這殿宇麼。我實在告訴你們,將來在這裡,沒有一塊石頭留在石頭上不被拆毀的。
太 24:3 耶穌在橄欖山上坐著,門徒暗暗的來說,請告訴我們,甚麼時候有這些事。你降臨和世界的末了,有甚麼豫兆呢。
太 24:4 耶穌回答說,你們要謹慎,免得有人迷惑你們。
太 24:5 因為將來有好些人冒我的名來,說,我是基督,並且要迷惑許多人。
太 24:6 你們也要聽見打仗和打仗的風聲,總不要驚慌。因為﹝這些事﹞是必須有的。只是末期還沒有到。
太 24:7 民要攻打民,國要攻打國。多處必有饑荒,地震。
太 24:8 這都是災難的起頭《災難原文作生產之難》。
太 24:9 那時,人要把你們陷在患難裡,也要殺害你們。你們又要為我的名,被萬民恨惡。
太 24:10 那時,必有許多人跌倒,也要彼此陷害,彼此恨惡。
太 24:11 且有好些假先知起來,迷惑多人。
太 24:12 只因不法的事增多,許多人的愛心,纔漸漸冷淡了。
太 24:13 惟有忍耐到底的,必然得救。
太 24:14 這天國的福音,要傳遍天下,對萬民作見證,然後末期纔來到。

無疑,耶穌清楚地預言即將來到的聖殿被毀,甚至到沒有一塊石頭疊在另一塊石頭上。可是,當祂論到祂的第二次再來的時間表,卻使我們感到困惑。我們如何去舒解此疑難呢?在著名的「橄欖山上的對話(Olivet Discourse)」中,耶穌告訴門徒們,聖殿雖然宏偉堅固,似乎無法攻取,但終必被拆毀,甚至沒有一塊石頭留在另一石頭上。這個驚人的宣告催促門徒追問耶穌向他們作更詳細的解釋。門徒問,「這樣的事何時會發生?你再來前有何預兆呢?世界的末日又有何預兆呢。」他們的問題似乎不難懂 ,但究竟「世界的末了」是甚麼意思?主所指的時期是甚麼?當我們今天念這經文,都不約而同習慣地認為世界末日是指人類歷史的結束,耶穌得勝的回來,建立終極完美的國度。難道沒有別的解釋的可能性嗎?

路 21:20 你們看見耶路撒冷被兵圍困,就可知道他成荒場的日子近了。
路 21:21 那時,在猶太的,應當逃到山上。在城裡的,應當出來。在鄉下的,不要進城。
路 21:22 因為這是報應的日子,使﹝經上﹞所寫的都得應驗。
路 21:23 當那些日子,懷孕的和奶孩子的有禍。因為將有大災難降在這地方,也有震怒臨到這百姓。
路 21:24 他們要倒在刀下,又被擄到各國去,耶路撒冷要被外邦人踐踏,直到外邦人的日期滿了。

耶穌催促門徒注意耶路撒冷將遭遇到臨城下的酷劫,並指導他們如何逃難的方法。耶穌的指示是與常理相反的。當國土被侵犯時,住在鄉村郊野的人,會逃到城牆之內。因為城市是避難所,阻礙敵人進攻的厚牆可作他們的保謢。耶路撒冷的圍牆高達150呎, 甚至強大的羅馬軍隊,具有精巧設計的武器, 也花了六個月的時間圍攻,終於在公元七十年攻破城牆,折毀聖殿。所以當國家受外族侵略時,人民理當往城內逃生。但主耶穌却吩咐門徒往山區跑,往荒野逃。為何?因為主預知耶路撒冷非安全的地方,耶京必被毀於羅馬人手中。古猶太歷史學家約瑟夫(Josephus) 證實:此酷劫導致超過一百萬猶太人死亡,而只有數位基督徒㦬難,因為他們遵守主的分咐。

路加稱此事件為「報應的日子 (days of vengeance;Luke 21:22) 」, 就是神傾倒祂的憤怒於祂的子民的日子。其實耶穌早巳預言耶京内他們的「家必成荒場 (Your house is left to you desolate; Luke 23:38)」;這是因為神的子民棄絶神的兒子之故。

最後,耶穌提及「直到外邦人的日期滿了 (until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled); Luke 21:24)」。耶穌意味並暗示「外邦人的日期」和「猶太人的日期」是有分別的。同樣,在羅馬書11:25中,保羅用「外邦人的數目添滿(the fullness of the Gentiles)」的字眼來表達「外邦人的日期」的結束。以上的背景資料無非是要表達耶穌向門徒所說的「世界末了」或「人子就要來臨」大可能不是只宇宙的結束,乃是指猶太人的世界要在耶路撒冷淪陷時,即AD 70年結束,這也是外邦人日期的開始。
所以耶穌向猶太人所說的這句話:「我實在告訴你們,以色列的城鎮,你們還沒有走遍,人子就要來臨」,是指在耶京淪陷之前, 即猶太人日期結束之前, 門徒雖尙未走遍各村,但復活的主巳來到他们中間了。」


  1. “The Top 100 Questions” by Richard Bewes; page 256.
  2. “The Last Day According to Jesus” by R.C. Sproul
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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); November 27, 2015

筆者認為人在地獄中所受的苦是有層㳄 (gradations) 之别的。

馬太福音 10:1-15 有這樣的記載:1 耶穌叫了十二個門徒來,給他們權柄,能趕逐汙鬼,並醫治各樣的病症。2 這十二使徒的名:頭一個叫西門,又稱彼得,還有他兄弟安得烈,西庇太的兒子雅各和雅各的兄弟約翰,3 腓力和巴多羅買,多馬和稅吏馬太,亞勒腓的兒子雅各,和達太, 4 奮銳黨的西門,還有賣耶穌的加略人猶大。5 耶穌差這十二個人去,吩咐他們說:「外邦人的路你們不要走,撒馬利亞人的城你們不要進, 6 寧可往以色列家迷失的羊那裡去。 7 隨走隨傳,說『天國近了』。 8 醫治病人,叫死人復活,叫長大痲瘋的潔淨,把鬼趕出去。你們白白地得來,也要白白地捨去。 9 腰袋裡不要帶金銀銅錢, 10 行路不要帶口袋,不要帶兩件褂子,也不要帶鞋和拐杖,因為工人得飲食是應當的。 11 你們無論進哪一城、哪一村,要打聽那裡誰是好人,就住在他家,直住到走的時候。 12 進他家裡去,要請他的安。 13 那家若配得平安,你們所求的平安就必臨到那家;若不配得,你們所求的平安仍歸你們。 14 凡不接待你們、不聽你們話的人,你們離開那家或是那城的時候,就把腳上的塵土跺下去。 15 我實在告訴你們:當審判的日子,所多瑪和蛾摩拉所受的比那城還容易受呢!


同理, 天堂的福氣也是有層次的 (Ref. 1) 。有人馬上會不同意。這是出於一個好的原因:因為我們堅信得救是神的恩典,絶非靠人的善行。我們是單單靠基督的義,加之於我們身上,使我們被稱為義。然而我們忽略到另一真理,就是我們在天上的獎賞是根據我們的工作的,獎賞的大小是與我們的善行成正比的。中古時代神學家說了一句這樣的話,大意是:人在天上的獎賞是根據巳蒙恩得救的人的順服或不順服來決定;聖徒的善行是神加之於基督救贖之功之上的冠冕。在天上不是每個人都配得「忠心良善」的僕人的稱許。一個忠心良善的僕人與那些僅僅得救,在臨終前僥倖過關的人是有區別的。然而我必需指出,天堂內最底層次與最高層次之別,如果與能不能進入天堂之別之比,是小之又小。再者我們最好的善行放在神聖潔的光中,更是微不足道。有人説得好:每個在天堂的人,他的福杯都是滿溢的, 但每個人的杯容量卻是有分別的。新約聖經至少有25次提到「獎賞是按聖徒的善行來賜下的。」論到殉道的人,耶穌也常常提到「你們的賞賜是大的。」

人在天堂是有職責的。人在天堂的職責也因人而異。有被選上的, 也有不被選上的。神的旨意有個人的,有整體的,但它們的終極,無非是要成就神造人的願望—要人管理祂手所造的一切(來二:7)。要有這樣的成就,被召的人須成為選上的得勝者,因為惟有得勝者,才能在主寶座上與主同坐(啓三21)。那麼誰是得勝者呢?經上告訴我們:就是那些不僅蒙召,也被選上;他們被選上,是因他們有忠心(啓十七:14)!因為惟有忠心的,主人才放心派他管理許多事(太廿五:21-23)。(Ref. 2)

究竟這裏所説的「管理」是指什麼時候呢?希伯來書上記著說:「我們所說將來的世界,神原沒有有交給天使管轄。」(來二:5)在這節經文裏,我們看見兩件事:第一,有一將來的世界;第二,這將來的世界不給天使管理,那給誰管理呢?接著說:「人算什麼,你竟顧念他….並將你手所造的派他管理。」(來二:6-7)是給人管理。這樣我們才知道:神要管理的,不是今天的世界,乃是將來的世界;這世界暫時都臥在那惡者的手下!(約一五:19)。聖經說: 「得勝的,我要賜他在我寶座上與我同坐,就如我得了勝,在我父的寶座上與他同坐一般(啓三:21)」。所以人在天堂的職責和地位及被神的稱許也是有層次上的區别的。


  1. “Now, That’s a Good Question!” by R.C. Sproul; pp.287-288.
  2. “徵召得勝者” by 林道亮;pp. 5, 13-14.
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耶穌觸摸瞎子 — 論基督徒的天路歷程

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); November 20, 2015

六零年代的通俗文化 (pop-culture) 偶像,「貓王」(Elvis Presley), 被稱為搖擺舞之王(King of Rock and Roll)。他那性感英俊的面孔,漆黑油潤往後梳的厚髪,吸引了無數的年輕人。當他在枱上唱歌時,手持擴聲噐,身體上下左右迴轉,手指向不同方向快速地指著觀眾。音樂廳都是人山人海,甚至人無站立之處。他的音樂有特別的格調,並帶着超凡的魅力。唱到一半時貓王把他摖汗的手帕往枱下一棹,瘋狂的少女們拼命去搶,大叫大哭,甚至昏暈。拿到手帕的人把它當寶,甚至數天不洗手以保存其「貓味」。不時貓王伸出其手,聽衆搶著與他握手,握到他的手的人都非常興奮。觸摸的力量真是何等大呀!


“他們 (就是耶穌和祂的門徒) 來到伯賽大,有人帶一個瞎子來,求耶穌摸他。耶穌拉著瞎子的手,領他到村外,就吐唾沫在他眼睛上,按手在他身上,問他說:「你看見什麼了?」他就抬頭一看,說:「我看見人了,他們好像樹木,並且行走。」”






亞里斯多德的宇宙觀是宇宙是無始無終的。這個宇宙觀可以避免解釋宇宙之源 (the question of Origin)。佛教和印度教的輪迴與此思想不謀而合。但輪迴與實際不符合, 與邏輯無法協調。但基督教的現實世界觀是有始有終的。宇宙有開始,有結束。基督徒的生命始於重生,以得榮耀為終㸃。整個靈命的過程是缐性的。灵命有時會進歩,但有時也會退步,但整體而言是向上的。透過讀經,禱告,事奉,敬拜,和傳福音,這個從上頭來的新生命,新性情,慢慢使我們漸像基督。到我們離世那一刻,神作最後一步的「獲榮耀,glorification。」人在世這幾十年是神預備我們的成聖工作。當耶穌牽著我們的手走這人生的道路,我們屬靈眼睛的朦朧便慢慢消息。天路歷程故事中的主角背著自己的包袱,緩慢地來到十字架前面,當他仰望那十字寶架,累贅脫落了,這些包袱重擔也包括自豪,怠惰,和貪婪。但成聖的道路仍然障礙瀕瀕:試探,磨難,陷阱,阻礙。天路歷程書 (Pilgrim’s’ Progress) 中用不同奇異的人名和地名有趣地表達這些困境。雖然如此,我們看到基督徒生命的兩個重要真理;(1)我們是寄居的;(2)我們的屬靈方向是向前的,不是輪迴的,是從上頭來的呼召。與此相反的世界觀,就是世俗主義:人只是活在此時此地;人活在一個封閉系統,無超越者的介入,生命無意義,死後無生命,死後無審判。

朝聖者的客旅生涯是馬不停蹄地到不同生疏地方去傳福音,好像舊約時代的希伯來民一搬,過看半遊牧的生活,常常感到這世界非我家,生活就好似在前線打仗的仕兵一搬。每天只飲活水,不喝停滯的死水。像信心之父亞伯拉罕的信心之旅一搬「等候那座有根基的城、就是 神所經營所建造的。」(希伯來書11:10)

單單宣告相信而沒有好行為來支持他的信心是一種不能使人稱義的信心。但真正「得救的信心」是能使人成聖的信心。受洗池中的水不是帶魔術性的萬能藥,不能救贖靈魂。受洗是個重要的「指標sign」, 指向使我們得永生的活水,是聖靈內住的記號,是順服基督的表現。我不知道為何耶穌要吐唾沫在這位有福的盲人眼中,我只知道耶穌愛他,今天也愛我們這些屬靈瞎眼的人。


  • 葛培禮是在大佈道家Mordecai Ham 的佈道會得救。
  • 他的太太路得不能清楚地指出在某五年內的那一天重生。
  • 他們的兒子Franklin Graham是從放肆蠻胡的生活中經歷到浪子回家故事。
  • 我自己是在34歲時受洗,那一天我記不起,只知道是1977年靠近復活節前或後的那個星期日。
  • 我太太,和我的女兒和兒子都是在青年時期信主,然而
  • 我的倆外孫是在十一歲和九歳便信主了,令我驚奇(或作驚喜)的是她們簡單的洗禮見證卻付合聖經的正統神學觀。同我的倆外孫女一起受洗的有一對九十多歳的夫妻,真使我明白到神對每一個人有神的時間表。

我們不能由外面的表現去「判斷」某人是否得救。那些有突如其來的戲劇性經歷的人不能懷疑那些不知道那一天那一時晨受洗的人。然而那些沒有戲劇性和不生動經歷的人也不應該疑惑那些有生動見證的人是否情緒不隠。還有一些人在得救的一刻哭泣流淚,有些卻喜樂到頭暈眼花地步。C.S. Lewis在他重生那個晚上,據他所説,是感到在全英國中,他是最失望,沮喪,免強地承認基督是主是神。


  • 基督與被寶血所救贖的子民所立的新約。
  • 一個認同的觀念:我們站在因信稱義的根基上,基督與我們認同,我們的罪得赦免;基督站在十架之功的根基上,被赦免的人與祂在同死同復活上與基督認同,我們得永生和豐盛生命。
  • 基督徒向神,向人,向撒旦作見證,用受洗作為外在的記號,表示受了聖靈內在的洗。我們不是因受洗而成為基督徒,我們是因為巳成了為基督徒,所以要受洗。
  • 聖靈的內住的肯定。



我們有了神的兒子耶穌,我們也從貧窮變成富足,由無意義的生命變成豐盛的生命,從死亡變成永生。在聖經中上帝說,「這永生也是在祂兒子𥚃面。人有了神的兒子就有生命,沒有神兒子的,就沒有生命。」(1 John 5:11-12) 。我們真是多麽需要耶穌不断的觸摸!

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By TC Lo (盧天賜); October 24, 2015

“两只麻雀不是卖一铜钱吗?你们的父若不许,一只也不会掉在地上。就是你们的头发也都数过了。所以,不要惧怕,你们比许多的麻雀还贵重!” (馬太10:29-30)

“五只麻雀不是卖二铜钱吗?但在神面前,一只也不被忘记;就是你们的头发也都数过了。不要惧怕,你们比许多的麻雀还贵重!” (路加 12:6-7)

馬太說每隻麻雀值 0.5 個銅錢。路加說每隻麻雀值 0.4 銅錢。不信者說,那麼簡單的事聖經都有矛盾,我還能相信聖經的其它的記載嗎?有人解釋道,「當馬太記載事情時,因通貨膨脹之故,麻雀加價了。」其實這種強解是不必要的。再者馬太寫這段經文時還比路加所寫的早一年,何來通貨膨脹?

如果你訪問一百位911事件的目擊人仕, 他們會把所看見, 所聽見, 所感受到的事情告訴你, 你就會對整個911事件的實情漸漸有所認識。證人越多, 對事情的了解越深。但如果你把每一個見證人的話, 細細分析, 你一定會找到在資訊上有矛盾的地方。雖然如此, 整個事實的歷史核心是不會被錯過的, 那就是: 「恐佈份子用民航客机撞擊美國纽约世界貿易中心和華盛頓五角大楼, 導致數千人喪命。」 所以我們不能說因為證人之間的報導不能百分之百調和, 我們就否定了911事件的存在而抹煞了這段歷史的真實性。這原則當然可以應用在叙事 (Narrative) 經文上。

波士頓大學哲學家Michael Martin博土認為約翰福音與其它三福音書在敘述耶穌復活的事上有抵觸; 其它三福音書對空墳墓也不一致, 他便說, “呀! 聖經是不可靠的。”


馬太 馬可 路加
抹大拉的馬利亞和另一馬利亞清晨到墓地. 墓前有石. 有大地震. 有一位天使從天而降挪開石頭. 女人們在日出時到墓地. 石巳被挪開. 女人們在一大早到墓地. 石巳被挪開.
一位天使在墓外坐着. 一位少年在墓內坐着. 兩位男仕在墓內坐着.
在墓地的女人是抹大拉的馬利亞和另一馬利亞. 在墓地的女人是兩位馬利亞和撒羅米. 在墓地的女人是抹大拉的馬利亞, 雅各和約亞拿的母親馬利亞和其它婦女們.
兩位馬利亞帶着驚喜急離墓地向門徒報訊, 途中遇主. 她們帶着驚心, 急離墓地, 未向任何人說甚麽. 女人們向門徒報訊, 但門徒不信. 並無提及遇見主.

哲學家Martin注重一致性, 根據邏輯學第一律, (A) 與 (NOT A) 是不能同時都對的。 但歷史學家所注重的, 乃是所述之事的歷史核心 (historical core)—-那就是: 「亞利馬太的約瑟 (Joseph of Arimathea) 取了耶穌的屍首; 葬在墳墓裏; 跟隨主的一小群女人在星期天早晨訪墓; 這些都是發生在釘十架事之後; 她們發現墳墓是空的; 見到天使的異象; 並說耶穌復活了。」 這個核心訊息是不會因目擊者在觀察上的不一致而被抹煞的。 四福音都帶出同樣的歷史核心訊息。

Ref.: “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel, pp.214-215.

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By TC. Lo (盧天賜); August 19, 2015

基督敎是歷史中最受攻擊的宗教。歷世歷代不知多少人指控基督教,不知有多少政權要消滅基督教。但真金不怕烘爐火,二千多年來,基督教的信仰仍屹立不動;教會越受迫害反而發展得越快速。反對基督教的人為了激動社會人仕, 特别是女仕們,他們最常用的控訴之一就是說基督教歧視婦女。我在另一篇文章中巳經處理過這個問題 (Ref.1) 。現在我要更一步說明,聖經不但沒有歧視婦女(或任何一種人),我們還更可以在積極方面向聖經中的姊妹們學習屬靈的功課。


其實,男人和女人在聖經中是站在同一個立足㸃上的,在十字架面前,男人和女人是完全平等的。因為他們都是按照神的形象被造,他們都是罪人, 他們都需要救恩。以聖經的立塲,女權運動是不必要的。猶太人的拉比把女人放在次要和低貶的地位。然而在聖經救贖史中,我們看到神重用女子的例子不少:摩西的姊姊米利暗,士師記中的底波拉等都是在猶太人的國家和個人生活上扮演重要的角色的女子。希伯來律法要求人要遵重母親;耶穌復活後首先向婦女顕現;在新約聖經中,女人常開放她的家作為家庭教會的敬拜中心,如在耶路撒冷和腓立比的家庭教會都是例也。


這裏提到一群曾經被鬼附或患病被耶穌恢復正常和醫治的婦女們,其中有抹大拉的馬利亞,她曾被七個鬼所附,又有蘇撒拿和希律王的家宰苦撒的妻子約亞拿。他們用自己的財物供應耶穌和十二門徒在各村莊的宣教工作(C.f. 路加福音8:2-3)。

今天基督徒的責任和義務就是接待神的僕人,供應他們所需,好讓他們能專心禱告和傳道。舉凡金錢,食物,衣服,交通,健保,和住宿等,都是傳道人的生活所需。聖經教導我們,信徒必須操練十一奉獻。你認為容易實行嗎?不容易! 首先,我們必須認定這是討神喜悅的事。其次我們要有一個正確的透視:有一位同事,他被公司解雇,心裏很難過,經過一段長期的懇切禱告,結果蒙神應允。有一天佬闆來電,告訴他可以回來上班了。他很高興,但佬闆加一句說,但你的新工資只有以前的九成 (即90%)。雖然如此,這位同事仍然感激不巳,甚至比以前更快樂,因為工作是失而復得的。但他同時也發現了一個重要的功課,原來他是可以靠九成的工資過活的,他從此便實行十一奉獻了。信徒除了對自己教會奉獻外,還可以奉獻給一些福音機構。但不必涉及太多的單位,筆者認為最多是三個機構。求神賜智慧作適當的選擇。




無我—奉獻是信徒的責任和義務。神不是看我們奉獻多少,乃是看我們保留多少為己用。Robert Smith 牧師教導我們一個漸進的步骤:從不奉獻變成開始奉獻,從開始奉獻到有規律地奉獻,從有規律的奉獻到照比例的奉獻,從照比例的奉獻到超過十份之一的奉獻。在這訓練的過程中,我們的喜樂會漸增,而我們也在其中經歷主的供應和應許。路加福音中的這群婦女可作我們的榜樣和鼓勵。


逾越節前六日,耶穌來到伯大尼,就是他叫拉撒路從死裡復活之處。有人在那裡給耶穌預備筵席,馬大伺候,拉撒路也在那同耶穌坐席的人中。 馬利亞就拿著一斤極貴的真哪噠香膏,抹耶穌的腳,又用自己的頭髮去擦,屋裡就滿了膏的香氣。 有一個門徒,就是那將要賣耶穌的加略人猶大, 說:「這香膏為什麼不賣三十兩銀子賙濟窮人呢?」 他說這話,並不是掛念窮人,乃因他是個賊,又帶著錢囊,常取其中所存的。 耶穌說:「由她吧!她是為我安葬之日存留的。 因為常有窮人和你們同在,只是你們不常有我。」有許多猶太人知道耶穌在那裡,就來了,不但是為耶穌的緣故,也是要看他從死裡所復活的拉撒路。 但祭司長商議連拉撒路也要殺了, 因有好些猶太人為拉撒路的緣故,回去信了耶穌。(John 12:1-11)

有人説這個筵席是馬大和馬利亞為了感謝耶穌使她們的弟弟拉撒路從死裏復活而罷設的。我們有沒有常常感恩呢?我們可以為神給予我們的物質祝福(衣食住行)而獻上感謝; 我們可以為神在我們生命當中賜給我們的親友,教會中的同工,和弟兄姊妹而獻上感謝。我們更應為神在耶穌基督裏所賜给我們的救恩獻上感謝;我們甚至在患難痛苦中因神所賜的同在和能力獻上感謝;我們要感恩的事情實在數之不盡。在故事中,我們看到馬利亞那盡心,盡性,盡力的感謝和敬拜。然而什應是敬拜?保羅說,「弟兄們,我以神的慈悲勸你們,將身體獻上,當做活祭,是聖潔的,是神所喜悅的,你們如此事奉乃是一種附合邏輯的屬灵敬拜」(羅馬書12:1)。所以,敬拜是一個全人的獻身, 是把我們全部的本質歸順於神。坎特伯雷的樞機主教威廉譚晋(Archbishop of Canterbury William Temple) 給敬拜用以下的措辭來表達,他認為敬拜乃是:

• 神用衪的聖絜來復甦我們的良心 (It is the quickening of conscience by His holiness) 。
• 神用衪的真理來作我們思想的營養 (nourishment of mind by His truth] 。
• 神用衪的榮美來淨化我們的想像力 (purifying of imagination by His beauty) 。
• 神用衪的愛打開我們的心 (opening of the heart to His love) 。
• 神用衪的旨意作為我們順服的目標 (and submission of will to His purpose)。

當我們的良心,就是我們道德和價值觀的泉源,向神的聖潔發出回應;當我們的想像力,就是來自具高度創意的神的形象的反照,被神的榮美擴大和淨化;當我們的內心的深處和心情的表達向神的無比大愛發出響應,這就是我們「心靈的敬拜」。當我們的理性和思想被神的真理所支配和滋潤;當我們的意志降服於神的旨意和計劃當中,這就是我們「誠實的敬拜」。所以威廉譚晋(William Temple) 主教對敬拜的定義不單單是美麗的措詞,乃是「心靈和誠實」的敬拜的詮釋。這也說明了我們不能沒有感情去敬拜,我們不能沒有虔诚去敬拜,我們不能沒有犧牲去敬拜,我們必須手潔清心地敬畏我們的救贖主。馬大和馬利亞的感恩和敬拜可作我們的榜樣和鼓勵。


有一個法利賽人請耶穌和他吃飯,耶穌就到法利賽人家裡去坐席。 那城裡有一個女人,是個罪人,知道耶穌在法利賽人家裡坐席,就拿著盛香膏的玉瓶,站在耶穌背後,挨著他的腳哭,眼淚濕了耶穌的腳,就用自己的頭髮擦乾,又用嘴連連親他的腳,把香膏抹上。請耶穌的法利賽人看見這事,心裡說:「這人若是先知,必知道摸他的是誰,是個怎樣的女人,乃是個罪人!」 耶穌對他說:「西門,我有句話要對你說。」西門說:「夫子,請說。」 耶穌說:「一個債主有兩個人欠他的債,一個欠五十兩銀子,一個欠五兩銀子。 因為他們無力償還,債主就開恩免了他們兩個人的債。這兩個人哪一個更愛他呢?」 西門回答說:「我想是那多得恩免的人。」耶穌說:「你斷的不錯。」於是轉過來向著那女人,便對西門說:「你看見這女人嗎?我進了你的家,你沒有給我水洗腳,但這女人用眼淚濕了我的腳,用頭髮擦乾; 你沒有與我親嘴,但這女人從我進來的時候就不住地用嘴親我的腳; 你沒有用油抹我的頭,但這女人用香膏抹我的腳。 所以我告訴你:她許多的罪都赦免了,因為她的愛多;但那赦免少的,他的愛就少。」 於是對那女人說:「你的罪赦免了!」 同席的人心裡說:「這是什麼人,竟赦免人的罪呢?」耶穌對那女人說:「你的信救了你,平平安安地回去吧!」(路加福音7:36-50)

大衛是以色列最偉大,最受民愛戴的君王。他曾殺了巨人歌利亞;他曾把被敵人虜去的約櫃帶回耶路撒冷京城;他曾為國家設立敬拜的法則;他擴展以色列四圍的國土; 他的勳蹟偉業都為人所敬仰。當時國家正在戰爭狀態,大衛卻在宮中,他因飽暖思淫慾,在他一時的衝動之刻,卻與有夫之婦抜示巴姦淫,事後並設計謀殺她的丈夫烏利亞,企圖把惡事消蹤滅跡。後來先知拿單,直言不諱, 指正其誤。大偉懺悔了,寫了著名的懺悔詩,就是詩篇五十一篇, 感動了後人。

罪是真實嗎?邪惡是實在的嗎? 以「自由思想的基督徒」自居的電視名星Oprah Winfrey, 却不以為然。她認為基督教所指的罪就是「新時代的老師」Eckhart Tolle 所描寫的一種「被誤會的觀念」,而非「違反上帝的道德律」。他認為罪只不過是在人的存在中領會不到要點而矣,所以這不是一個道德上的問題。但耶穌卻毫不留情地進入事情的核心,(馬太15:19)。神學家R.C. Sproul定義罪是「宇宙性的叛國(cosmic treason) 」。國家中最嚴重的罪莫過於叛國,神的國也是如此。當我們越明白人失落的深度,當我們越明白人的無助,這就是我們明白基督的愛,赦免,和的恩典的開始點了。 路加福音中的那位女人因誠心向主認罪,结果獲主赦免,成為真正的自由人。


歷世歷代有不少虔誠的婦女可作我們的榜樣。現在只舉一個例子説明之。約翰衛斯理(John Wesley) 是十八世紀神重用的佈道家和宣教仕。他年青時有一位屬靈長者George Whitefield 鼓勵他作露天講道的工作。他便到山頭,海邊,路邊向當時英國那些被人忽視的人群傳福音。約翰的母親蘇珊娜 (Susanna Wesley) 是個虔誠的基督徒,她有十九個孩子。有一天,年幼的約翰和他的弟弟坐在母親膝蓋下,年幼的約翰問他母親一個非常不平凡的問題,「媽媽,甚麼是罪?」他的母親給他一個比神學家答得更準確的答案:「我兒呀!凡是減弱你的理性,傷害你柔軟的良心,蒙蔽你對上帝的意識,增長你肉體的力量過於聖靈在你身上的主權,不論這些東西多麽美好,對你而言,那就是罪。」他從母親學到了對罪的認識,成為他以後事奉的根基。他一生講了四萬篇道,寫下數以千計的小冊子和詩歌,騎馬佈道的行蹤達廿五萬哩之廣, 有 “登馬宝訓” 的傳教仕 “sermon of the mount” 之稱。到他八十歲時,還每天講兩篇道。在他日記中寫道,「我開始懶惰了,我每天早上要睡到五時三十分才能起床。」你还不到六十歲, 但你每天甚麽時候起床呢? 約翰衛斯理把當時沈睡的英國帶起屬靈的大復興,免去像法國大革命搬的厄運。他說,「我從母親所學到的比從英國神學家們所學到的更多。」約翰衞斯理對罪那深刻的了解,使他對基督的赦免有深刻的認識。他死時八十八歲,葬於威斯敏斯特教堂(Westminster Abbey)。墓碑上刻着他死前的遺言,「好得無比的是:上帝與我們同在。世界就是我的教區。」可以見到他那普世宣教那海闊天空的眼光 (Ref. 2) 。

  1. https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=842
  2. “The Grand Weaver” by Ravi Zacharias; page 118.
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Don’t just be a believer, be a disciple

By TC Lo (盧天賜); August 18, 2015

“Don’t just be a believer, be a disciple.” We heard this appeal often from the pulpit. I have no doubt that the preacher means well, he wants his congregants not to be just Sunday-only Christians, but committed Christians who live out their lives according to the teachings of Jesus. To this purpose I have no objection with his appeal. My problem is where in the Bible do we see such a clear cut distinction? What requirements do we have to meet in order to be promoted from a believer to a disciple? Can anyone know with certainty what status he or she is currently in? If we cannot answer the above questions (and more of the kind) satisfactorily, the biblical orthodoxy of the statement is being called into question. One may argue that the point of distinction is relative, it becomes even more problematic. A martyr thinks he is well qualified to claim he is a disciple and the rest of us are not. An ordained minister may say he is a disciple and the majority of the laity are not. A deacon may claim he is a disciple and all other church members are not. Without well-defined boundary the distinction or categorization is meaningless.

However, if the motto “Don’t just be a believer, be a disciple” is re-phrased in another way, “Don’t just be a professed believer, be a born-again believer”, then I have no problem.
In the Bible, we find that “believer” and “disciple” are clearly two distinctive terms. How are they differ from one another? Or, are they synonyms? I think research is needed to deepen our understanding. The primary source of my searching is from a book (totally 400 pages including Appendix) written by Michael J. Wilkins entitled “Following the Master—A biblical Theology of Discipleship”. This book is designed as a general introduction to the biblical teaching, theology, and history of the concept of discipleship (p.21). As we learn to follow Jesus more closely, we will in turn be a source of guidance for those whom the Lord sends our way (p.22). So this book does have the Great Commission in view.

The book starts off with the descriptions of “Five Discipleship Models”:

1. Disciples Are Learners
But the Bible uses the Greek term for disciple (mathetes) in a manner different than simply to designate a “learner.” In Acts the term is generally used without any qualifiers simply to designate “Christians.” For example, Acts 11:26 says, “The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” The disciples appear to be more than simply learners (pp.26 & 27).

2. Disciples Are Committed Believers
This model suggests that not all men who are saved are disciples although all who are disciples are saved. There are two levels within the church today—disciples and ordinary believers. This model of discipleship is quite wide spread, being found in several different forms: active disciples and ordinary Christians; Spirit-filled disciples and other Christians. This model emphasizes Jesus’ radical challenge to count the cost of discipleship (Luke 14:25-33 and Matthew 19:16-22). Disciples are those who respond to Jesus’ higher spiritual calling to commitment (pp.27-28). This model has problems I just mentioned in my introductory paragraph. Furthermore, Martin Hengel and Kvalbein, Bible scholars say that a two-class distinction of Christians cannot be supported from a biblical concept of discipleship (p. 29).

3. Disciples Are Ministers
This model suggests that a disciple is the believer who has been called out from among lay believers in order to enter into ministry. Discipleship means to be with Jesus in order to learn from him how to serve the crowd, the church (p. 29). This model emphasize a distinction between the clergy and the laity, a hierarchical order within their denominational structure.

4. Disciples Are Converts; Discipleship Comes Later
A disciple is one who has been evangelized and become baptized born-again believers, and the later process of growth is called “perfecting” or growing in grace, or “discipleship.” The Church-growth men (e.g. Donald McGavran and Peter Wagner) hold this view. Making disciples is the right goal of evangelism and missions according to the Great Commission. Once disciples are made, they then begin the lifetime road of discipleship (p. 30). Difficulty with this model: Is it possible to be a disciple without being on the road of discipleship? Is discipling different than discipleship? (p. 31)

5. Disciples Are Converts Who Are in the Process of Discipleship
A disciple is a true believer who enters the life of discipleship at the time of conversion? Discipleship is not a second step in Christian life but rather is synonymous with Christian life. At conversion one becomes a disciple of Jesus, and the process of growth as a Christian is called discipleship. From the beginning, discipleship is involved in what it means to be a Christian.

The author of this book quick to point out that each of these five models displays unique difficulties. The major problems surface when each model attempts to reconcile seemingly contradictory passages. The strength of each discipleship model lies in its emphasis upon a particular type of discipleship teaching. The weakness of each discipleship model lies in its de-emphasis of other types of discipleship teaching (pp. 33-34).

As I look back and reflect what thought that stands out in my mind, I find:

The already and the not yet—if you are a truly born again Christian, you already are disciple, but during this life you are not yet a complete disciple. You will continue to grow and to develop and to become more fully a disciple of Jesus. (p.42).

• Focus too much on “already” — it creates a heavy burden that can result in exclusivism. People become so comfortable with the work of grace God has performed in saving us that we do not heed Jesus’ call to press forward and grow as his disciples (p. 43). We run the risk of communicating that the uncommitted have the option to remain that way if they so desire. It may leads to theological bent toward “non-Lordship Salvation” or easy-believism (p. 44).

• Focus too much on “not yet” — it creates a heavy burden that can result in defeatism (p.43) because we place unrealistic expectation upon the committed one. It may leads to theological bent toward “Lordship Salvation” (p. 44).

I think a proper balance between the “already” and “not yet” may serve as a biblical definition of what disciple is. The implications of this balanced approach to follow the Master will impact significantly our choice of words, our theology, and the practical outworking of our lives (p.43).

If I skip a huge quantity of the “for academic purpose only” stuffs, I come to the author’s final word on the definition of disciple of Jesus Christ:

Disciple is one who has come to Jesus for eternal life, has claimed him as Savior and God, and has embarked upon the life of following him (p. 342).

I think the key phrase is “following him”. In the first century A.D. Jesus of Nazareth called people to follow him on the journey as our Guide, Protector, and Example (p.17).

Note that Wilkins’ book entitled “Following the Master—A biblical Theology of Discipleship” has a subtitle “Discipleship in the Steps of Jesus”. After reading the entire book, I find the subtitle (not shown on the cover but on page 3) is more revealing to bring to light the definition of “disciple” as intended by the author. In short, discipleship is not a state or a movement but a lifelong journey of following Jesus’ steps beginning at conversion.


I thank Pastor Daniel Hui (許如志牧師) for introducing me to this great book.

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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); August 7, 2015

我認識鍾向天弟兄有廿年之久。當年他是紐約州立大學的學生(SUNY, New Paltz, NY),而年輕的我是教會大專學生團契的負責人。每個週五晚上,我們都到校園附近一個美國教堂的地下室查經。那時鍾弟兄是中國大陸學生的組長。鍾弟兄和他的太太非常熱心事奉,對研讀聖經非常有興趣,而我很喜歡帶領查經,碰到一位好學的學生,我特別感受到很大的鼓舞。鍾弟兄不但常問問題,多時他也代表其他學生發問。在這個教學相長的過程中,奠定了我對護教學的興趣和基礎。鍾弟兄夫婦總是有禮貌地稱我為「老師」直到如今。他們在團契中總是第一個到,負責開門,也是最後一個離塲,清潔工作總是他們倆夫婦負責。在團契中像一個小牧師,作為眾人的「僕人-領䄂」的榜樣。畢業後鍾向天一家搬到別的地方工作,以後我們便失去聯絡了。但約在八年前某一天,我和太太到紐約中國城辦雜貨,在路中偶遇到鍾向天夫婦。一談之下,得知鍾弟兄巳經是康州某教會的主任牧師,我真是感到喜出望外。後來他也請我到他的教會講道至少两次。三年後,我與一班同工蒙聖靈帶領,開始植堂,建立「主愛之家」教會。當時我們聚會時間是下午五時,正是方便鍾牧師前來講道的時間,從此他成為我們至少一季一次的客座講員,直至我們聚會時間改為早上為止。在這三年內,鍾牧師講了不少篇道,後來他的講章又加上很多在中國宣教的見證,給我們对大使命的鼓勵不淺。他為人誠懇,每次來教會講道都有師母倍伴着。他倆很受教會弟兄姊妹愛戴。如今鍾牧師安息主懷,享受與主同在的終極性的喜樂。在基督裏的人,肉身的死亡不是人生的終㸃,而是新生命的開始。但仍在世上的人不免傷心,我们祈求聖靈安慰他的親朋戚友,特別是他所親愛的家人。

正當我們教會成立之際,鍾牧師於12/30/2010 送給新教會一首打油詩,向《主爱之家》 成立道喜:












不缺乏雄伟的教堂, 却缺乏健全的体制;不缺乏硬件的建设, 却缺乏软件的投资;

不缺乏每周的讲道, 却缺乏心灵的震撼;不缺乏讲道的口才, 却缺乏圣灵的恩膏;

不缺乏圣经的解释, 却缺乏圣言的滋养;不缺乏圣经的版本, 却缺乏渴慕的态度;

不缺乏听道的热情, 却缺乏行道的心志;不缺乏对神的知识, 却缺乏对神的敬畏;

不缺乏祈祷的话语, 却缺乏祈祷的亲密;不缺乏悦耳的歌唱, 却缺乏心灵的颂赞;

不缺乏认罪的泪水, 却缺乏悔改的果子;不缺乏金银的奉献, 却缺乏身体的活祭;

不缺乏做工的人员, 却缺乏做工的能力;不缺乏忙碌的牧者, 却缺乏安静的牧人;

不缺乏属人的权力, 却缺乏属灵的权柄;不缺乏领袖的欲望, 却缺乏仆人的心态;

不缺乏讲解的师傅, 却缺乏父母的心肠;不缺乏宣教的雄心, 却缺乏殉道的精神;

不缺乏美丽的梦想, 却缺乏天上的异象;不缺乏各样的活动, 却缺乏圣徒的相通;

不缺乏爱心的教导, 却缺乏真正的舍己;不缺乏各种的聚会, 却缺乏耶稣的同在;

不缺乏护教的决心, 却缺乏卫道的智慧;不缺乏伦理的教导, 却缺乏鲜活的见证;

不缺乏消极的批评, 却缺乏积极的建议;不缺乏背后的议论, 却缺乏当面的指责;

不缺乏挑刺的举动, 却缺乏内在的自省;不缺乏真理的认知, 却缺乏真理的实践;

不缺乏敬虔的外貌  ;  却缺乏敬虔的实意!

今天的教会缺乏什么, 思索中, 分明看到了老底嘉的情形——自以为发了财, 样样都不缺, 却把主耶稣关在门外。什么都不缺, 什么都缺;金银有了, 耶稣没了。我懂了, 我愣了。主啊!怜悯我们!(來自鍾向天email, May 26, 2014) 真是一段發人心省的話。

大概是鍾牧師在我們教會的頭一次 (三月, 2011) 講道吧!他説了一句慧語,另我把它銘刻在心中。他告訴同工們應該:

“先是客人, 再是主人, 最終是僕人”


信息题目:我凡事給你們作榜樣 (February 5, 2012)
以生命影響生命。凡事做信徒的榜樣, 是保羅一生生命的實踐, 帶給當時教會和弟兄姊妹很多的祝福。今天我們會不會,凡事做信徒的榜樣。也給教會和弟兄姊妹帶來祝福!要立定這樣的心志討主的喜悅!信息大纲:生命影響生命-我(保羅)凡事給你們(提摩太/信徒們)作榜樣一、 保羅學習效法耶穌。大牧人耶穌凡事上做人的榜樣保羅凡事上都做信徒的榜樣, 不是一時, 而是一生; 不是一部,而是凡事。
3、保羅凡事做信徒的榜樣–都是這樣: 三年之久。
二、 我凡事給你們作榜樣-以羊群的需要為中心牧者情懷
2、保羅一生努力, 完全沒有保留的為羊群付出所有。
3、保羅的價值觀就是為了別人的益處, 不以性命情懷為念, 也不看為寶貴。(Acts 20:24—我卻不以性命為念,也不看為寶貴,只要行完我的路程,成就我從主耶穌所領受的職事,證明 神恩惠的福音。

三、 我凡事給你們作榜樣–鼓勵弟兄姊妹在生活中,都要做信徒的榜樣。


四、 我凡事給你們作榜樣-為什麼要做信徒的榜樣?理由:

第二、保羅的榜樣: 保羅說: 我凡事給你們作榜樣, 施比受更為有福。在那些方面做信徒的榜樣?保羅鼓勵和传帮带提摩太:“不可叫人小看你年輕.總要在言語、行為、愛心、信心、清潔上、都作信徒的榜樣。” 提前 4:12


信息:給我作見證的就是這經。鍾向天 (May 20, 2012)經文:約翰福音 5:30-47約翰福音裡我們要留意一個重要的鑰詞,那就是”見證“。給我作見證的就是這經: 這段經文上記載:1.    施洗約翰為耶穌作的見證施洗約翰是先知中最後的一位,他來是為光作見證。施洗約翰不是光,耶穌基督乃是光。今天我們為基督作見證,也應與施洗約翰一樣,乃是叫人相信基督。

2.    耶穌的工作為耶穌作的見證耶穌以他所作的事,以他的工作做見證。我們今天用什麼來證明我們是屬於基督呢?應該像基督一樣的生活去加以證明

3.    天父為耶穌作的見證耶穌說:”差我來的父,也為我作見證“。耶穌在約旦河接受洗禮時,從天上有聲音說:”這是我的愛子,我所喜悅的”。

4.    聖經為耶穌作的見證耶穌說:”你們考察聖經,因你們以為內中有永生,給我作見證的就是這經。”(約5:39)


鍾向天牧師. 主愛之家. 8/26/2012经文:约翰福音3:22-36

信息:  他必興旺、我必衰微信息大纲:一、他必興旺、我必衰微-施洗约翰的見證

·         施洗约翰的身世背景

·         施洗約翰經歷了生命的興旺與衰微


·         施洗约翰与主耶稣的对比

·         施洗約翰見證事奉的原則和目的

o   事奉的權柄和果效来自天上(27)

o   事奉的目的是為高舉基督,不是為自己

o   事奉的心愿是讓主興旺,讓己衰微(30)



信息:要做比这更大的事 (April, 2013)经文:约翰福音 14:8-7引言:中国人喜欢轰轰烈烈、喜欢大展鸿图、喜欢做大事。好!还是不好!基督徒要不要立大志、做大事,丰功伟绩、青史留名呢?耶穌所講「要做比这更大的事!」。耶穌說的話真的嗎?正文:主说:我实实在在地告诉你们è要做比这更大的事!宝贵的应许!

一、我所做的事: 指耶稣做的什麽事 (12节)?这是一个伟大的应许, 我们必须了解它的含义, 真正内涵是什麽?这应许的目的是什麽 (13) ?这个应许的条件是什麽 (14) 意思?门徒行更奇妙的神蹟, 叫死人复活?信心的果效: 在神面前有了坚固信心的根基。

二、要做比这更大的事è奉耶稣基督的名求-盼望!想到/办到要做比这更大的事 –思想耶稣的应许『叫父因儿子得荣耀』!

三、要做比这更大的事。升天后仍与门徒同工:显现在先, 愛的托付使命在后:要做比这更大的事:你們若愛我、就必遵守我的命令。


信息:在世上你們有苦難 (July 21, 2013) 經文: 約16:20-33引言:主臨別時的話: 在世上你們有苦難/我們在世上都有苦難。苦难的意义(诗34:19義人多有苦難,但耶和華救他脫離這一切。)1、以色列人在埃及若没有受逼迫, 遭受大苦难, 谁能把他们从埃及领出来。2、浪子不遭天灾人祸, 遭遇大饥荒;若不穷苦, 是没有人能劝浪子回家的。



一.苦難的種類/苦難的來源–在世界中 (裏) 有苦難。

二、在世上你們有苦難,有离别相思之苦,懮愁要變為喜樂。「你們將要懮愁,然而你們的懮愁要變為喜樂」。(20節)  祂與父同在的屬靈喜樂。「你們現在也是懮愁,但我要再見你們,你們的心就喜樂了,這喜樂也沒有人能奪去」。(22) 這种喜樂, 是沒有人能奪去!


十字架的死是生產之苦;榮耀的復活是生產之樂 (21-22) 婦人生產的時候、就憂愁、因為他的時候到了.既生了孩子、就不再記念那苦楚、因為歡喜世上生了一個人。你們現在也是憂愁.但我要再見你們、你們的心就喜樂了.這喜樂、也沒有人能奪去。凡肯有份於基督生產之苦的(加4:19), 必也有份於基督生產之樂。


主耶穌給門徒上的課:在世上你們有苦難﹔但主耶穌已經勝了世界。“我將這些事告訴你們,是要叫你們在我里面有平安。在世上, 你們有苦難﹔但你們可以放心, 我已經勝了世界。” 約十六: 33   耶穌在苦難臨到時, 從父神得到安慰﹔現在門徒在世上有苦難, 從耶穌那里得到安慰。



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水變酒 (約翰福音2:1-11)

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); July 20, 2015


English Summary:

The miracle of “turning water into wine” performed by Jesus is recorded in the Gospel of John 2:1-11. After the narrative is finished, the Bible ends it with one last sentence: “This is the first miraculous sign that Jesus did, and it was done in Galilee, showing His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.” I think this underscores the crescendo of the entire episode.

What does it mean by “showing His glory”? Is the meaning of this miracle merely limited to the prolonging of an earthly joy? Since it was the “first” miracle that Jesus did, it must have its special meaning for being the first.

We are living in a fallen world. The only way to solve the deep predicament of mankind is through the way of the Cross of Christ. The death followed by resurrection of Jesus had transformed our hearts through our belief in Him. This transformation of life was signified by the miraculous change from ordinary insipid water into precious tasteful wine, pointing to the making of a hopeless person into a brand new person—the regeneration of the Holy Spirit. I think this is the true meaning of Jesus’ first miracle performed in a wedding feast. Furthermore, marriage in the Bible points to a perfect union between God and His elect, a perfect reconciliation.


基督教,特別是聖經,都是歷世歷代被人攻擊的對像。無神論者的論點,不外可分為八㸃(Ref. 1), 而首當其衝的兩論點是:邪惡與苦難存在,慈愛憐憫的神不可能存在;科學與神蹟互相矛盾,神蹟就不可能是真實。我們不能不問:聖經需要記載神蹟嗎?答案是:絕對需要。因為基督教是一個建立並植根於神蹟的信仰。拿走神蹟就等於拿走基督教。基督教的存亡乃繋於聖經中的所記載的神蹟。若沒有神蹟,就沒有出埃及記;若沒有神蹟就沒有耶穌所行的37件奇事;若沒有神蹟,就沒有基督的復活。基督若沒有復活,我們所傳的便是枉然,你們所信的也是枉然 (林前15:14)。

約翰福音書二章1-2節所記載的水變酒是一件無可否認的神蹟之一,因它有歷史和目睹者的證據。彼得後書1:16如此記載:「我們(指彼得和其他使徒) 從前,將我們主耶穌基督的大能,和祂降臨的事,告訴你們,並不是隨從乖巧揑造的虛言,乃是親眼見過祂的威榮。」所以聖經中的神蹟記載乃是有歷史根據和目睹者的見證。


  • 為什麼馬利亞要干涉這件事?
  • 為什麼她向耶穌求助?
  • 耶穌為什麼如此回答馬利亞?



  • 神的應許—耶穌說,「你們要先求祂的國與祂的義,這一切(你們所需的)都要加給你們。」(馬太6:33)
  • 神的話語—「耶和華是我的牧者,我必不致缺乏。」耶穌不但是我們的牧人,祂更是個好牧人;好牧人為羊捨命。
  • 神的同在—神在我們缺乏或患難中不離不棄我們。「我雖然行過死蔭的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因為祢與我同在。」神的同在是聖經三大主題之一。詩篇廿三篇的中間句就是「因為祢與我同在」。在這句之前,原文有26個字,在這句之後也有26個字。和合本中文聖經也是如此:句前67字,句後67字。這個中間句給我們很大的安慰,讓我們知道我們不是孤單的,知道我們供應的主常在我們身邊。更有趣的是,全本聖經的中間章是詩篇118章,而此章的中間節是第8節:「投靠耶和華,強似倚賴人。」這裏的「人」也包括自己。所以我們可從馬利亞的向耶穌求助學習到信頼神的供應,學習靠神不靠人的屬靈功課。

現在回到故事的內容。耶穌的回答,「婦人,我與妳有何相干?」這是我們一下子不能接受的無禮答覆。首先我們要知道,「婦人」這稱呼,雖然不是可愛的稱呼,但卻不是無禮的稱號,這是第一世紀的人所知道的。它是英文「madam」之意,與男人尊敬的稱號「gentleman」並列。但耶穌為什麼用這稱號稱呼母親呢?這是角色的轉移。耶穌與馬利亞本來是「母子關係」現在是「救主與罪人」的關係。馬利亞也是罪人,她也有原罪, 這與天主教的錯誤神學不同。耶穌正是藉此機會告訴慈母,她也需要救恩。耶穌說完這句話後,祂再加上一句耐人尋味的回答,「我的時候還沒有到」。這是甚麼意思呢?當我們回去看四福音書,便知道這是耶穌常用的一個片語,意即,「我上十字架的時間尙未到,但彌賽亞巳經來了。」所以祂是要在這婚筵中強調祂就是那位猶太人等待巳久的彌賽亞,現在居然站在他們中間。

有一位母親一天早上對兒子說, 「請快把垃圾桶拉出去。」


在我傳福音的過程中,最常聽到的是,「我家是信佛教的,我無須考慮別的洋教。」或説,「我們中國人有儒家思想,為何我要信耶穌?反正宗教都是勸人為善,條條道路通羅馬。」當人不願相信,他就不能相信。 (Ref. 2)

馬利亞聽了耶穌的回答後,便轉向僕人說,「祂吩咐你們作甚麼,你們便作甚麼。」於是耶穌對僕人們説,「把這六個石缸倒滿了水。」他們便把石缸貫滿了水直到缸口。這些石缸本來是為了照猶太人規矩作潔淨用的。每缸容量約75到115公升(即20至30加侖)。為什麼需要那麼多總容量呢?原來猶太人的婚禮不是一天的,乃是長達一週之久。本來所預備的酒量只用到第三天便用光了,正當此刻,耶穌和祂的門徒來到,真是看到耶穌實在是我們應時的幫助。這裏我們領受了一個重要的屬靈功課:「忠誠順服主的吩咐。」利物甫主教 J.C. Ryle (1861-1900) 說得對,「責任屬於我們,但事情的成就屬於上帝。」再次,我們又看到神-人同工的道理。凡是聼命的,都得到上帝的祝福。無論是舊約的亞伯拉罕,撤母耳,基甸,以斯帖,耶利米,新約的西門彼得,保羅,使提反,和耶穌所講的比喻中的人物等,都在聽命上作了我們的好榜樣。


講到這裏,我必須加上幾句旁述,說明聖經並沒有鼓勵我們醉酒。原來耶穌時代的希臘文化和猶太人經典他勒目(Talmud) 所記載的是當時的酒與今天婚筵所用的酒是大大不同的。當時的酒包括耶穌由水變成的酒其酒精成份是三至四份水加一份酒精。有人説要飲22杯當時的酒才等於飲兩杯馬丁尼酒(Martini)。保羅也多次提醒我們不可醉酒,甚至說醉酒是罪,千萬不可忽略此教訓。(Ref. 3)

這個故事到此為止,但聖經加上最後一句話作結束,這也是這個故事的最高峯。第十一節寫道:「這是耶穌所行的頭一個神蹟 (miraculous sign),是在加利利迦拿行的,顯出祂的榮耀來,祂的門徒就信祂了。」

「顯出祂的榮耀」是什麼意思呢?難道這個神蹟的意義只限在延長人間的歡樂而矣?既是耶穌所行的頭一個神蹟,我想必有其特別的意義。學者指出,原文是沒有神蹟這個字,神蹟的觀念是由三個截然不同的字眼表現出來的:記號(sign) ; 能力 (power); 和奇異(Wonder )。

當神那不可思議的作為記錄在聖經內,當然是祂能力 (Power) 的彰顯。這些作為也必定會喚起一種奇異 (Wonder) 的感覺。我記得第一次看到Yosemite (加州的優生美地)的花崗岩巨石和亞利桑那州的大峽谷的壯觀,我沒有辦法形容風景的美麗,只能「嘩!」一聲囋嘆。但説某件事是一個記號(Sign),它一定是要很有意義(significance) 的。 其實significance這英文字的字根就是sign。記號是指向一些超過它自己本身的東西。那麼究竟「水變成油」這個神蹟 (miraculous sign) 指向什麼東西呢?我們可以斷言它是指向一種超自然的「重生」經歷 (Ref. 5) 。重生是基督教的中心思想,人為什麼要重生呢? 因為人無法自救。人心比萬物都詭詐,壞到極處,無人能識透。我們失落的深䧟無法衡量。我們的破碎無法修補。人用自己的方法不能自救:

(1) 道德—我們的道德只不過是一件破爛的衣服 (以賽亞書64:6)

(2) 政治—成立巳七十年的聯合國至今能促進世界和平嗎?

(3) 人的善行—在上帝聖潔的光中,人的善行永遠達不到神聖潔的標準。

(4) 哲學也是無能為力—十九世界的所謂「三巨頭the great trio」(Ref. 4) :

  • 馬克斯所主張的「大同世界Utopia」終成泡影。
  • 佛洛依伊德認為性是一切的源重力,他所主張的性開放,成為今天家庭制度解構和同性婚姻的遠因。
  • 尼釆認為上帝死了,唯一要抓住的是杈力的意志 (will to power)。希特勒完全接受他的哲學思想,定意製造超給人種 (super race), 其結果是六百萬猶太人喪命。


(5) 教育—著名的佈道家慕笛 (D.L. Moody) 沒有受太多的教育,但他曾講述過一個很有教育性的故事:有一個年輕人未上學前常常到火車路上偷軌道的螺釘螺拴。後來他進學受教育,畢業後,老習慣不改,有一天他把整條鉄軌都抬走了。最近新聞佈導一位有名望的醫生,深獲社會人仕和醫學界尊敬。但最近被查出原來他為了撈獲更多的金錢,告訴無數沒有病的人,説他們患癌症,使他們花錢治療而他從中得利。再看看上一世紀你便知道 1941 年文化修養最高的國家就是納粹主義的德國. 其中你可找到最高標準的教育體制, 但却無法防止奧許維次集中營(Auschwitz) 中所發生的悲劇. 讓我們不要忘記那些迷住地坐着盡力欣賞華格納古典音樂 (Wagner’s music) 的 “知識” 份子就是在 Auschwitz 和 Birkenau 建造死亡集中營 (gas chambers) 的同一班 (Ref. 6)。你說教育能夠改變人心嗎?

結論是: 唯一能解決人類深層的困境的, 只有十字架。基督的死而復活使人的心切底改變,好像由平凡的水改變成貴重的酒一般。使無可救葯的人變成一個新造的人。


  • 新的地位—-因信稱義而來的地位
  • 新的生命—-重生而來的永不朽壞的生命
  • 新的生活—-以福音為重的生活方式
  • 新的性情—-成聖而來那與所蒙的恩相稱的性情
  • 新的身份—-不再是罪的奴僕而是有神兒子的名份
  • 新的家人—-神家中成員的一分子;信徒是他的弟兄和姊妹
  • 新的胃口—-上帝賜给我們一個願意行善恨惡的力量和心志。正如使徒保羅所説,「因為你們立志行事,都是神在你們心裡運行,為要成就他的美意。」(腓立比書 2:13).

有一個小孩子告訴主日學老師, 說:「耶穌從來未遇見過妓女。」老師驚奇地回答,「怎麼你這樣説呢?路加福音不是記載一個用香膏膏耶穌的妓女嗎?」小孩子不假思索地回答,「人們叫她是妓女,但耶穌却稱她為女兒。」



  1. “The Case for Faith” by Lee Strobel.
  2. https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=1392
  3. “To Drink or Not to Drink?” by Norman Geisler
  4. “Modern Times” by Paul Johnson; p.48.
  5. Private communication with 李孔猷 (Dr. K.Y. Lee), 他是筆者在信仰成長中的良師。
  6. “The Real Face of Atheism” by Ravi Zacharias; p.132.
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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); July 18, 2015

「常態」就是正常的狀態(normality)。常態的相反是「非常態」(abnormality),讓我用「變態」一詞作代表。然而「變態」一詞對不同的人有不同的領會。就好像弓箭手向靶射箭一般:射中圓心只有一種情形,但射不中圓心的式樣卻變化多端。如果射中圓心稱為常態,那麼射不中圓心便是千變萬化的變態。所以變態不是一點,而是一個很闊的尺度,或程度上的漸變 (gradation)。作家和神學家 G.K. Chesterton 說,「只有一種站立的角度,但有無數的跌倒的形態(There are many angles at which you can fall and only one angle at which you can stand straight)」。所以,變態可以是輕微無道德含義的反常,漸進到涉及道德的邪癖。

同性戀是常態還是變態? 這是一個關鍵性的問題,它的答案與所有因同性婚姻所衍生出來的一切錯綜複習的問題有關。我對這問題的簡單而直接的回答是:同性戀是一種變態而非常態。

這就好像一個成年人他只有兩呎高或超過九呎高, 這都是被視為變態;我們不能說這是常態。同樣地, 又好像一個人生下來手掌有六個手指或只有四個手指;這都是被視為變態;我們不能說這是常態。但這種變態是無道德上的涵義的。我們會對他們的畸形感到同情,我們也應該幫助他們過正常人的生活,我們也應該尊重他們,但我們不能説他們的狀態是常態。譲我用三個理由來支持同性戀是變態的説法。

  1. 男人和女人在生理學上的結構是互補而相合的。這是一個最強烈的「設計」的證據。從男人女人其到雌雄動物的身體構造,我們都可以看見生物學上的美麗設計。這種互相補足 (sexual complementary),是相套的而不是單獨自存的,是互相成為完滿的,這設計的天衣無縫是不容爭議的,是公認為最自然的和最和諧的。再者,男女結婚也是為了繁衍後代,維持人類生生不息。這是造物主創造的目的和心意,同時也給人類享受性愛快樂的恩典。同性婚姻絶無這種「設計」的特色和繁衍後代的可能性,所以是非自然的。 不附合自然的狀態就是變態。在此我必須指出天生是同性戀者只不过是總人口的 1% 至 2%,這更說明同性戀是「非自然狀態」。
  2. 從文化觀㸃來看,異性婚姻是最無爭議的。自古以來,不管是人種語言及文化的差異,文明與蠻族的差異,男女結婚都公認是喜事, 都公認是要慶祝的禮儀,都是被認為是家庭中的喜樂大事,都認為是應該公開的,都認為是互相恭賀的重要慶典。而同性婚姻都在本質上被認為是羞愧,不感公開,同性行為都是盡量関在衣櫥密室內。人們都不感公開談論,他們那公開的秘密成為社交上流言蜚語的話題。一向都是這樣,及至社會甚至國家為了討好民衆,爭取選票,用立法和爭取的方法,改變婚姻定義,導致人多勢眾地集體壓抑良心,使「變態」從新定義為「新常態」。在這文化的新定義下,尷尬和羞恥被披上彩虹新衣。如果要靠高等法院去硬性規定其合法性 (Note) 那就更顯明其非自然性了。不附合自然的狀態就是變態。
  3. 我們常常都會問你這個政策的背後有甚麽哲學呢?意思是問它有没有超越它本身表面的意義呢?人為萬物之靈。所以我認為人類的重大思想和理念,背後必定有些屬靈的意義,特别是在禮儀方面。结婚是個禮儀,它的屬靈意義乃是指向比它本身更超越的東西。
  • 聖經指出一男一女的婚姻指向基督與教會的關係。聖經一貫的思想是教會是基督的新婦。夫妻親密聖潔的合一指向在現世中的神的同在和在將來在新天新地的天人合一。這是聖經中屬靈的奧秘用異性婚姻來表達和領會。
  • 一男一女的婚姻也指向三位一體(Trinity) 那深奧的屬靈教義。夫妻聖潔和專有的聯合是「二人成為一體」的具體體驗。當妻子受孕那一刻,就呈現了「三人成為一體」的實際的狀態:妻子的DNA與丈夫的DNA在受孕過程的一刻產生了一個新生命獨立的DNA。在這奧秘,奇特,不可思議,但又附合事實的過程中,我們看到三個獨立生命連接在一起的「三而一」觀念。我們不能不聯想到一個演繹出來的思想:如果我們有限的頭腦尙且可以透過生命延續的過程來稍為明白「三而一」的奧秘,難道無限全能全知的上帝不能既「三而一」而又是「一而三」嗎?三一真神— 聖父,聖子,聖靈— 是獨立且有位格關係的一體實存(relational being) 。



我們都承認「把自己的孩子當火祭献给鬼神」和「與獸行淫」是不可否定的可憎淫行。然而聖經却把「同性戀」夾在两者的中間,可見其嚴重性。利未記 (18:21-23) 如此記載:

21不可使你的兒女經火歸於摩洛,也不可褻瀆你神的名。我是耶和華。 22 不可與男人苟合,像與女人一樣,這本是可憎惡的。 23 不可與獸淫合,玷汙自己;女人也不可站在獸前,與牠淫合,這本是逆性的事。」


Note: The Supreme Court ruled a 5-to-4 vote on Friday, June 26, 2015 that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage.


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By 盧天賜 (TC Lo); July 14, 2015
無神論思想的長期慢慢灌輸, 造成中國同胞接受福音的絆腳石. 大部份相信無神論的人仕都是受了文化, 傳统, 與教育的影响, 很少人深思自己所相信的根據何在. 再加上过去一百多年中国人所飽受的内憂外患,使人懷疑上帝的存在。無神論者常用下面的邏輯作為 “證明” 神不存的推理 (Ref. 1):

  1. 世上有邪惡.
  2. 如果有上帝, 衪一定會對邪惡有所限制.
  3. 邪惡並沒有受到限制.
  4. 因此上帝必定不存在.

注意第三個前提, 它並非是個不言而喻的公理, 而是從某種個人的預想中演繹出來的說法, 它是沒有歸納性的支持的. 邪惡真的沒有受到限制嗎? 如果第三個前提改為 “邪惡並沒有 <照我的想法> 受到限制”, 這樣的前提是無法產生第四點的結論的. 所以當無神論者說 “邪惡並沒有受到限制”, 它巳經隱藏了 “上帝不存在” 的結論. 前提隱藏結論的邏輯是被稱為 “循環邏輯 circular logic”, 它本質上不是正當的邏輯.

哲學家C.S. Lewis說, “如果我給一個學生90分, 另一個80分 , 那就是我無形中假定了100分是真標準.” 如果神不存在, 我們判斷善惡的標準又從何而來 (Ref. 2)?

為對此有所回應, 有神論者或許採取下面的門徑 (Ref. 3) 作為起步點 (starting point) 之例:

  1. 是的, 世上有邪惡.
  2. 如有邪惡, 就必有良善.
  3. 如果良善與邪惡都存在, 那麽必定有一道德律 (moral law) 用來分辨和判斷.
  4. 如果道德律存在, 必定有道德律的給予者 (moral law giver).
  5. 道德與人有關,所以道德律的给予者人定是有位格的.
  6. 對有神論者 (theist) 而言, 這道德律的給予者就指向一位有位格的上帝的存在.

以此作起步點, 有神論者便能首先緩和從辯論邪惡所產生的威脅力, 然後再提供神存在的證據 (源頭, 道德, 意義, 歸宿, 科學), 漸漸 (研究聖經的獨特性, 耶穌的無罪性, 復活的可靠性, 和歴史, 考古學, 預言, 及個人見證等) 引到 “基督是神” 的結論.

再者, 無神論一詞在語言學上是自相矛盾的 (self-defeating). 比方我宣告 “這個房子沒有螞蟻”, 我是需要有無限的知識才能如此斷言. 相反地, 當我宣告 “這個房子有螞蟻”, 我不需要有無限的知識才能如此宣告, 只要我找到一隻螞蟻或找到一個蟻窩, 我便有100%把握斷定螞蟻的存在. 無神論—斷言神不存在 (affirmation of God’s nonexistence)—意思是說, 我具有無限的知識可讓我確實知道神不存在。但只有上帝才具有無限的知識。所以當我相信無神論就等於我相信自己是上帝。然而上帝的存在却是我所否定的。我就馬上犯了 “絕對否定 absolute negation” 的大錯。 也就好像我說, “I cannot speak any English.” 只要我一開口說出這句話, 我便馬上否定我要肯定的東西. 所以相信無神論所需要的信心是遠比相信有神論所需要的信心大多了.

這種邏輯上的分析, 似乎足夠說服無神論者的立塲, 但事實並非那麽簡單。2008年我在福州藉著朋友的介紹,認識了一位從加拿大回國定居的學者,他和他的太太帶我們 (我和我一起訪華的朋友)到福州附近的境點觀光。我藉此機會和他談談基督教信仰在理性层面上的問題,但最終他還是堅持他是個無神論者。但令我驚奇的是,每當我們進入佛廟或道觀內,他總是拱手作出似膜拜的恣態,並且放些錢在近門口的盤子裏。我問他,「你不是說你是無神論者嗎?」他的回答是「是的。但我這樣做,是一件對心靈有益的事。」我便意識到人的不信,不單單是理性上的問題,還有很多複雜的心性和靈性上的總總因素 (Ref.4):

不少人拜神的原因是為了解決當下的需要。為了出入平安便拜土地公,為了發財便拜財神,為了多生多養便拜多仔佛,為了有求必應便拜黃大仙等。他們以功利支配他們的信仰。這種錯誤的動機其實是出於貪婪和憂慮,以至他們將不能朽壞之上帝的榮耀變為偶像,將上帝的真實變為虛謊。自以為聰明,反成了愚拙 (羅馬書1:22-25)。然而耶穌教導我們不要憂慮,只要我們先求祂的國與祂的義,這些生活上的東西上帝都要賜給我們 (馬太福音6:31-33)。



人也因為受了先入為主的錯誤觀念所影響而不相信真神上帝,例如有的中國人以為信耶穌便是信洋教,佛教才是中國人的宗教,基督徒不拜祖先就是不孝,各宗教都是殊途同歸,宗教不外乎導人向善,等。當人自以為是,又加上懶惰便很難肯去考證真理了。首先我們要知道耶穌不是洋(西方)人,祂是以色列人即亞洲人。其实以色列位於歐亞非(當時的世界)三洲之交接點,説明耶穌是世界的救主。佛祖也不是中國人,佛教也不是出於中國。要拜祖先莫強於敬拜祖先的創造者–上帝。世界上的確有很多事是可以殊途而同歸的:你不一定要吃飯才可以飽足,你吃麵也可以肚飽。但殊途同歸並非普片的公理。你大概不會問「為什麼我只有一個爸爸?為什麼我不可以有兩個爸爸?」吧。但殊途同歸却不可應用在真理的宣吿上。兩種宗教如果有互相不容的信仰宣言,則只有兩個可能性:兩者均錯,或一錯一對,絕不可能兩者都對。這就是真理的排它性。耶穌所宣告的「我就是道路,真理,生命;若不藉著我,沒有人能到父那裏去。」是最合邏輯的宣言,因為它帶着真理的排它性。然而為什麼只有耶穌才合理地作此宣言而我不可以?那就是本blog另外別的文章所處理的真理檢驗。不錯,宗教是導人向善,但行善的能力從何而來?福音是先使人生命改變成有願意行善的性情,然後再談行善,此先後次序正是基督教 (福音)與衆宗教不同的地方。

有些人不覺得需要上帝,因為他們認為人生已經很滿足,有了「五子登科」– 帽子,車子,銀子,房子,兒子– 便滿足了。有杈勢有金錢的人心中也會空虛,自殺者不乏其人。這等人不了解他們所謂的滿足只是暫時的,極其量是止於今生。沒有人在今生之內能免除生老病死的厄運。總有一天,我們的內心都會呼喊,「上帝呀!求祢幫助我!」。我們為什麼要等到那一天才知道需要認識上帝呢?




  1. https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=59
  2. “The Case For Faith” by Lee Strobel; p.34
  3. “The Real Face of Atheism” by Ravi Zacharias; p.36 and pp.162-163.
  4. “人為何不要真神上帝?” by 洪順強;Truth Monthly 交流篇; September, 2009.
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