The Eagle Has Landed (中文版在後)

Reflection by T.C. Lo on the 50th year anniversary for the first man to walk on the moon

I have never forgotten the very day fifty years ago. Astronaut Neil Armstrong spoke the phrase “The Eagle Has Landed” to announce the successful landing of the Apollo 11 his famous lunar module named “Eagle” in the Sea of Tranquility on the moon on July 20, 1969. As the first man to walk on the moon, he uttered his famous line: “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Less than 20 years later, Armstrong, a devoted Christian, came to Poughkeepsie, NY, to speak at an evangelical meeting where I brought my children (Esther and Tim) there to listen to his view on Christianity.

However monumental this historic event might have been, let us look back in time to see what had happened before it. Ravi Zacharias described it beautifully with theological insight (Ref. 1):

“On August 7, 1961, twenty-six year-old Major Gherman Titov became the second soviet cosmonaut to orbit the moon and return safely, climaxing a monumental feat for mankind. Sometime later, speaking at the world fair and savoring his moment of glory, he recounted this experience, vouchsafed to a privileged few. Under a triumphalist pretext, he let it be known that, on his excursion into space, he hadn’t seen God. Upon hearing of this exuberant argument from silence, someone quipped, “Had he stepped out of his space-suit he would have!” Evidently reluctant to restrict the immediate gains of the moment to the disciplines directly involved in that endeavor, Titov attempted to draw theological blood. Thus, one great step for science became for him, an immensely greater leap in philosophy.

On Christmas Eve, 1968, three American astronauts were first human beings to go around the “dark” side of the moon, away from the earth. Having fired their rockets, they were homebound on Apollo 8, and beheld our planet in a way that human eyes had never witnessed before. They saw Earth rise above the horizon of the moon, draped in a beauteous mixture of white and blue, bordered by glistering light of the sun against the black void of space. And in the throes of this awe-inspiring experience they open the pages of the book of Genesis and read for the world to hear ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and earth…’

Two similar experiences of awe and exhilaration; two diametrically opposed conclusions about the nature of the world. Such a chasm is quite understandable, for these two incidents carried into space the most fundamentally debated question on earth: Does God exist? Has God created man, or has man created God? Is God indispensably to any cosmological explanation, or is he only a psychological necessity of men? Theism or atheism?

In 1952, Encyclopedia Britannica published a fifty-five-volume series entitled The Great Books of the Western World. Mortimer Adler, the noted philosopher and legal scholar, was co-editor of this series, which marshaled the eminent thinkers of the western world and their writings on the most important ideas that have been studied and investigated over the centuries. This includes ideas in law, science, philosophy, history, theology, and love that have shaped the minds and destinies of people. These essays are assembled for comparison and contrast. Very striking to the observant reader is that the longest essay is on God. When Mr. Adler was asked by a reviewer why this theme merited such protracted coverage, his answer was uncompromising. “Because,” said he, “more consequences for life and action follow from the affirmation or denial of God than from any other basic question.”

Ref. 1 “The Real Face of Atheism” by Ravi Zacharias; pp 19-21.

By 盧天賜
人類首次登上月球的事件發生在五十年前的今天。我從未忘記過那一天所發生的事。 美國太空人尼爾·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)于1969年7月20日创造了 “鷹巳降落” 一詞,此詞源于一件歷史性的事件:他著名的登月艙名為“鷹” 巳成功地降落在月球的「寧靜海」中,代表了阿波羅11號的太空計劃成功了人類登月的任務。 在月球上,阿姆斯特朗說出了一句著名的話:“對於個人來說,這是一小步,但對於整個人類而言,這是一巨躍。”
約20年後左右,虔誠的基督徒阿姆斯特朗 (Neil Armstrong)來到紐約州波基普西市(Poughkeepsie),在一次當地舉辦的福音派佈道會中發表見證,我帶著我的孩子們(Esther和Tim)到那裡他對基督教的看法。不管這個歷史性事件是多麼具有紀念意義,讓我們回顧過去,看看在此次阿波羅11號的太空計劃之前發生了什麼事。 護道家拉維·扎卡里亞斯(Ravi Zacharias)用神學見解對以往(在美登月之八年前) 的美蘇大空競爭進行了一段精美的描述。茲將其內容簡述如下 (參考 1):
「1961年8月7日,年僅26歲的蓋爾曼· 蒂托夫少校 (Major Gherman Titov) 成為第二位進入繞月軌道並能安全返回地球的蘇聯宇航員。此舉為人類掀起了一項艱鉅而有歷史性的記錄。以後數年,這位蘇聯宇航員在世界博覽會上發表演說, 聼眾是少數的特權貴賓。在説話中, 他品嚐著自己過去的榮耀時刻; 在他回顧那次太空航行的經歷時,他帶著杈威的態度,以勝利者的口氣讓人們知道,在太空旅行中,斷言他「沒有見到上帝」。激動的講員正在振振有詞之際,從寂靜的聼眾中,有一人細語地打趣道:“當你跳出你所穿上的太空衣時,你便知道到底有沒有上帝了!” 顯然不願將眼前光榮的成績局限於直接參與這一努力的有關的科技,蒂托夫(Gherman Titov) 試圖汲取神學的血液, 作出了否定神存在的傲慢宣告。 因此,對他來說,科學的「偉大一步」成為了哲學上的「巨大飛躍」。他以為自己巳經「證明」了「上帝不存在」。
與此事件的另一對比:1968年聖誕節前夕,三名美國太空人,就是第一組繞過月球黑暗的那邊 (離地球最遠的那一點) 的人,啓動了火箭,準備開始返回地球的航程。他們在阿波羅8號(Apollo 8)的太空船內上航行,預料不到地看到人類從未看過的景像,就是我們所居住的美麗地球。他們驚喜地看到地球慢慢從月亮的「月」平線上升起,披上了白和藍色的美麗混合色彩,在漆黑色的虛無空間的襯托下, 周圍發出從太陽而來的刺眼光芒,把地球圓圈帶上了光榮的冠冕。在這種令人敬畏的阵痛經歷中,他們打開《創世紀》第一章,向全世界讚嘆地宣讀:「起初上帝創造了天地…」。
這兩次「非常相似」的惊惧和振奮的經歷中, 卻各自反映出關於宇宙本質的兩個「截然相反」的世界觀。無神論和有神論的鴻溝是可以理解的。藉著這兩個星際之旅,人們把地球上最根本的辯論問題帶入太空: 上帝存在嗎? 上帝創造了人,還是人創造了上帝? 上帝對任何宇宙學的解釋是必不可少嗎? 還是他只是人類的心理需要而矣? 有神的存在還是神根本不存在?
1952年,《大不列顛百科全書》出版了共55冊的系列,名為《西方世界的偉大著作》。著名的哲學家和法學家莫蒂默·阿德勒(Mortimer Adler) 是本系列的共同編輯團中的主編,該系列汇集了西方世界的傑出思想家及他們的著作所針對的最重要的硏討問題。這些問題是他們經過跨世紀的研究和考查所產的思想。內容包括影響人們理智和命運的理念, 如法律,科學,哲學,歷史,神學和愛的觀念。 這些文章是為了比較和對比分析而編寫成的。細心的讀者會發現,最長的文章是關乎上帝的。 當一位審稿人向阿德勒先生詢問為什麼這個主題值得如此長期的報導時,他的回答毫不妥協, 口氣強硬。他說:“因為,對上帝的肯定或否認給生命和行動帶來的後果要比任何其它基本問題更為嚴重。”」
(參考 1 ) Ravi Zacharias, “無神論的真面目”; 第19-21頁。

About Tin-chee Lo

Graduated from: National Taiwan University and Carnegie Mellon University. • Retired from IBM as engineer, scientist, and inventor since 2006. • Training: Computer Engineering (Semiconductor Devices, Circuit design, Memory design, Logic design, system-on-a-chip). • Interests after retirement: Christian apologetics, writing and teaching, and the art of painting.
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