在患難中的平安 (Peace in the Midst of Tribulation)

By Tin-chee Lo 盧天賜 (2019 聖誕節) [in both Chinese and English]

在人類近代史中的一個黑暗時刻,出現了一個傑出的聖誕節故事。當時第一次世界大戰巳開始席捲歐陸,毀滅和殘骸處處可見,死亡的氣味充滿大地。就在這黑暗的衝突中, 來了一個「聖誕節停戰 (Christmas Truce)」的故事。那年是1914, 就是家父出生的那一年。 戰爭爆發後只幾個月,西歐的陣線巳變成了可悲的一幕。但友敵雙方卻同意在聖誕節前夕和聖誕節那一天停止戰爭,好似是給仕兵們吐一口氣。

爆炸的聲音停止了,槍聲也消失了。取而代之的是聖誕頌歌。英軍法軍在這邊唱;德軍在另一邊高歌,一唱一和,友敵不分,肅靜的夜晚被聖誕頌歌所充滿。 到了早晨,雙方的仕兵走出自巳戰壕的迷宮,進入巳燒焦的無人地帶。仕兵們不分彼此,互相分享家庭照片,互相交換禮物:香煙,香口膠,甚至袋中的口糧。幾個鐘頭前他們是死敵,現在居然是朋友。突然間,有一名德軍,從戰壕中拿出一個英式足球,戰塲立即變成球塲。死寂的焦土成為熱鬧的遊樂場所。這個事件成為「倫敦時報 」的熱門新聞。

人類是多麼渴望和平。可惜地上的平安是多麼的短暫。但上帝在基督𥚃所賜的平安,是永恆的。不但是指將來的永世, 乃是甚至今天。

(v. 6) 因有一嬰孩為我們而生、有一子賜給我們.政權必擔在他的肩頭上.他名稱為奇妙、策士、全能的 神、永在的父、和平的君。
(v. 7) 他的政權與平安必加增無窮.他必在大衛的寶座上、治理他的國、以公平公義使國堅定穩固、從今直到永遠。萬軍之耶和華的熱心、必成就這事。

(v. 27) 我留下平安給你們、我將我的平安賜給你們.我所賜的、不像世人所賜的.你們心裡不要憂愁、也不要膽怯。

基督徒的最大的平安是 (1) 在患難中的平安,知道主與我們同在,並在困難中加力。(2) 赦罪的平安。 我們因信基督, 就不再被定罪了。

(V. 16) 神愛世人、甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們、叫一切信他的、不至滅亡、反得永生。
(V. 17) 因為 神差他的兒子降世、不是要定世人的罪、〔或作審判世人下同〕乃是要叫世人因他得救。

在至高之處榮耀歸與 神、在地上平安歸與他所喜悅的人
(路加福音 2:14)

Peace in the Midst of Tribulation (2019 Christmas)

At a dark moment in modern human history, an outstanding Christmas story emerged. At that time, World War I had begun to sweep across the Western European continent, destruction and ruins were everywhere, and the smell of death filled the air. It was in this dark conflict that a story of “Christmas Truce” came. That year was 1914, the year that my father was born. Only a few months after the outbreak of World War I, the Western European front became a horrid scene. For some reasons, both sides of the conflict agreed to stop the fighting on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, as if to give the soldiers a moment of breath of relief.

The thunder of the explosion ceased, and the sound of the guns disappeared. Instead, Christmas carols replaced the deafening explosion. The British and French sang on this side; the Germans sang on the other side; one side sang another side responded. They set aside their animosity. The quiet night was filled with joyful Christmas carols. At dawn, the officers and soldiers of both sides walked out of the maze of their trenches and slowly walked up to the scorched no-man’s land. The officers and soldiers shared family photos and exchanged gifts with each other: cigarettes, chewing gums, and even rations in their bags. Only a few hours ago they were mortal enemies and now they were friends. Suddenly, a German soldier took out a soccer ball from the trench, and the battlefield immediately turned into a ballpark. The deadly scorched place became a lively playground. This event was reported as hot news in the London Times.

How much more human beings have anxiously longed for peace. What a pity that the man-made peace on earth are so short-lived. But God’s peace in Christ is eternal—not just eschatologically but also existentially.

Isaiah Chapter 9 prophesied:
(v. 6) For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

(V. 7) Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.

This prophesy had been fulfilled two thousand years ago on the first Christmas morning. Jesus in John 14 says:

(V. 27) Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

The greatest aspect of peace for Christians is (1) the peace in the midst of tribulation, knowing that our Lord is always with us, and He strengthens us in our times of difficulties, and (2) the peace of knowing that we are being forgiven–we are no longer condemned because of our sins.

John 3 reads:
(V. 16) For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
(V. 17) For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests. (Luke 2:14)” Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to my readers.

About Tin-chee Lo

Graduated from: National Taiwan University and Carnegie Mellon University. • Retired from IBM as engineer, scientist, and inventor since 2006. • Training: Computer Engineering (Semiconductor Devices, Circuit design, Memory design, Logic design, system-on-a-chip). • Interests after retirement: Christian apologetics, writing and teaching, and the art of painting.
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