
By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); December 25, 2014

第一個聖誕節的話題是 「耶穌在那一天誕生?」。

論到耶稣的生日,在 Lee Strobel 的書 (Ref.1; p.20) 中有這樣的一段話:

“歷史並無凖確地確定耶稣在那一 天誕生。很可能是在春天,因為春季宜於牧羊人在夜間看守羊群 (參看路加福音2:8) 而且春天也是母羊產子的季節。其实在主後200年間,有神學家曾斷定耶稣是在五月廿日出生。宗教專欄新聞記者 (Journalist Terry Mattingly) 曾說,有人主張耶稣是在三月或四月間出生的。其实這類的推測对初期教會而言是視為不重要的,因為當時基督徒所重視的乃是元月六日的聖顯節Epiphany, 也就是紀念耶稣受浸禮的日子。

及至主後385年,教宗朱利阿斯一世 (Pope Julius I) 宣告十二月廿五為慶祝救主誕生的節日。其部份原因是以此日是當時教會向信奉羅馬農神的異教徒挑戰。因為此等異教徒常在此日向羅馬神祗(Saturnalia) 膜拜並藉此机会狂歡作樂,在社會上大行其喧鬧並放蕩行淫之道。”



另一個聖誕節的話題是「聖誕星 Christmas Star」:

Lee Strobel in his book (Ref. 1; p.50) wrote: ” Was it a comet? Asteroid?Conjunction of planets? All have been suggested to explain the Christmas star that led the wise men from the east to visit the Christ child. For astronomer Hugh Ross, one possibility is a “recurring nova (新星).”

“An easily visible nova (a star suddenly increases in brightness and then within a few months or years grows dim) occurs about once every decade,” he said. “Novae are sufficiently uncommon to catch the attention of observers as alert and well-trained as the magi must have been. However, many novae are also sufficiently unspectacular as to escape the attention of others.”

Most novae explode once, but a few undergo multiple explosions separated by months or years. This could account for how Matthews says the star appeared, disappeared, and then reappeared and disappeared later.



甚至這位神話般的 (mythical) 人物—-聖誕老人 (Santa Claus), 他的來歷最終也追朔到基督. 雖然他在聖誕節常常遺憾地搶了基督的鏡頭, 聖誕老人 (St. Nick) 毫無疑問地是源於 基督教傳统; 而這傳說 (legend) 是作為送禮物的精神的象徵, 這種精神是由基督降世所標明的. 第一個聖誕禮物就是神的兒子, 由父賜給我們. 下一個禮物就是博士們帶給孩童基督 (Christ Child) 的. 從此聖誕節就有了交換禮物的傳统了. 據 “The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church”, 我們對聖誕老人(St. Nicholas) 的認識是: 他是第四世紀之人物, 住在 Myra (土耳其南部Antalya省的城市) 這地方, 據說每年在他的盛宴日 (feast day), 即十二月六日, 送禮給兒童們。(Ref. 2)

現今, 聖誕節是公共假期, 已变成被各式各樣奇奇怪怪的迷信所覆蓋,如飛行的馴鹿,滑下煙囪的聖誕老人。但如果我们追朔其核心意義,聖誕節有其歷史的实体— 就是道成肉身:神成了人,灵以血肉顯現,無限進入有限,永恒進入時空,是一个由事实支持的奥秘,使人難以忽視。


  1. “The Case For Christmas” by Lee Strobel; pp. 20 and 50.
  2. “What If Jesus Had Never Been Born” by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe; pp.37-38.
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懷疑與信心 (Doubt and Faith)

By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); December 9, 2014

在他的「照我本相」自傳中 (Ref. 1; pp.45, 98-99, 135-140) ,葛培禮 (Billy Graham) 述說了一個他個人的天路歷程中的一個屬靈爭扎的故事。在他事工萌芽時期,他有一位傳道的同工名譚普頓 (Chuck Templeton)。這位口才出衆,頭腦精明,精通歷史,甚另葛培禮佩服,兩人成為契友,工作愉樂都常在一起。當時葛培禮巳是西北大學 (Northwestern University) 的校長,但他因沒有博士學位,促使他于1949年決定停職兩年,努力從事拿學位的願望。在此期間,譚普頓是在加拿大多倫多的一所教會事奉,並「在青年奉獻基督 Youth for Christ (YFC)」的機構參與事工。于1946年,譚氏觪職,進美國普林斯敦大學的神學院進修。由於他熱愛理性主意 (Intellectualism),在校第一年便遇到嚴重的神學困難,乃是関乎聖經杈威 (authority of the Scripture) 等問題。在學術環境中,葛培禮也讀了不少「新派神學 (neo-orthodoxy)」的書籍,否定傳統自由主義 (old liberalism) 的看法,把新的解釋套在傳統的神學的名詞上。兩人常常有討論,企圖要趕上廿一世紀的潮流。


在這屬靈爭扎之前,葛培禮早已答應被邀在1949年底的「大學年終簡報會議Annual College Briefing Conference」中發表演說。會議地㸃是在洛杉磯東部的「森林之家退俢中心 Forest Home」,會議的主辦人是梅雅Henrietta Mears女士,她是好萊塢第一長老會 (1st Presbyterian Church) 的主任。她对神的話語堅貞不渝,忠誠相信聖經乃是神的默示,她对當代的學術 (modern scholarship) 和聖經教義非常精通,更重要的是她心中熱愛基督。对葛培禮而言,她真是上帝派来的天使。她鼓勵葛培禮讀经時特别注意「神説」,「耶和華如此說」等重覆出現二千次之多的字眼,以確定聖經的確是出於神自己。

梅雅女士的勸勉銘刻在葛培禮的心中。當他在一個月光明媚的晚上他獨自在退修中心的山谷 (San Bernardino Valley) 的樹林內邁步,突然心有灵感便府伏在地,把打開的聖經放在一個樹椿上,跪下祷告。當時聖經是翻開到甚麽地方,他却忘了。他只知把心中的爭扎向神傾吐,然後呼求:「神呀!很多問题我不明白也没有答案;聖经中似乎有很多矛盾的地方,也有很多似乎與科學不能和諧的說法。我真的面臨很大的理性障礙。」但聖灵此時釋放他,葛培禮就如此祈求:「父呀!我现在用信心接受祢的話語,讓我用信心來超越我的理性,我願相信聖经是祢親自啓示給我們的。 」葛培禮祷告完畢,心中頓時感到平安,並意識到一種前所未有那種神的同在與能力。難題雖然仍在,但主要的橋梁已經渡過,他已在此屬灵爭戰中誇勝,現在的信心比以前的信心更大了。

至於譚普頓,他不久後便放棄服事神的工作而成為一位不知論者,並寫了一本「上帝,再見 Farewell to God」的書。 從此與葛培禮分道揚鑣。

「懷疑 Doubt」的拉丁文是dubitare,此字 是從亞利安語之根 (Aryan root) 而來 (Ref. 8; p.63),意即「two 或 兩極」:「相信」是在思想內接授某事是真的。「不相信」是在思想內否決它某事的真实性。懷疑就是在這「兩極」中揺擺不定。然而這種搖擺從何而來?例如我站在游泳池的邊緣上,我心中自問:「我要跳下去嗎?這泳池的水夠深嗎?」這就是懷疑。因為我沒有把握,我缺乏心理的準備去踏上基於事實的信心的頭一步 (Ref. 8; p.62) 。處理這類懷疑的方法就是找出證據。這類懐疑是好的,是安全的。這是一種合理的或正當的懷疑。

現在我們看看七種懷疑 (或不信)的理由, 或說是七類的懷疑者 (Ref. 4; pp.230-232) :

  1. 抗議式的懷疑者—「我不願別人插入我的生命當中,我不讓別人支配我的思想意志。」除去此類懷疑的方法是:虛心地改變自己的態度。
  2. 失望的懷疑者—「我的父母是基督徒,但他們卻虐待我,我懷疑他們的信仰是真的嗎?」除去此類懷疑的方法是注目在耶穌身上,我们應看神不看人。
  3. 有理性障礙的懷疑者—「耶穌真的從死裡復活嗎?」「上帝怎能是一體又是三位嗎?」除去此類懷疑的方法是需要時間去閱讀,研究,思考。上帝呼籲我們,「來!我們彼此辯論(以賽亞1:18)。」我們的上帝是喜悅我們和祂辯理的,祂不要我们盲從。
  4. 無閒的懷疑者—信心是需要我們在安靜中沈思黙想的。但生活太忙了:「太太生病了,帶孩子花太多時間了,工作太忙了」。除去此類懷疑的方法是需要重整我們生活中的優先次序,好讓我们有時間去思想永恆 (非只是今世)的問題。
  5. 不切實際的懷疑者—「哎!神呀,祢不公平,你只聽他們的禱告,但為何祢不聽我的禱告?祢賜予他們喜樂平安,為什麼不賜給我喜樂平安?」除去此類懷疑的方法是回想詩篇中的屬灵偉人,他們中間有百分之六十以上都有同你一樣的感受,都是在嘆息中渡日。但他們最終卻因信靠順服上帝而得勝。 苦難是有屬灵益处的。
  6. 不負責任的懷疑者—「我要自由自在,因此我不願對任何事委身。」此等人不但在信仰上有問題,在其它事(如婚姻,工作,人際関係等)上也必有問題。除去此類懷疑的方法是操練責任感。特别是对自己的灵魂負責。
  7. 感性的懷疑者—「我感覺不到我有信心。」讓我問問你:你的母親是愛你,是你自己知道的。請問在你還是嬰孩的時候,當你媽媽和你換尿布時,她會「感到」好舒服嗎?當然不會;難道她对你没有爱嗎?當然不會。同理,信心不是一種感受乃是有意志成分的。信心偉人也不會不斷持續地維持一種「永恆的宗教高潮」的。除去此類懷疑的方法是保持情理平衡的操諫。

在泳池的例中,我們說,「消除懷疑之法是去找出證據。」但大部分的時候我們有限的人是無法獲得徹底詳盡的證據的。這就是「信心」與「懷疑」互動的時刻了。 護教學家Ravi Zacharias說,「神巳給予我們足夠的證據,好讓好們知道靠信心而活是一件合理性的事;但神同時也克意地保留一些我們無法用理性去了解的事,好讓我們知道完全靠理性而活是不可能的事。」(God has put enough into the world to make faith in him a most reasonable thing, and he has left enough to make it impossible to live by sheer reason or observation alone.) (Ref. 5; p.113)

懷疑就等于無信心嗎?答案是雙重的:如果我們沒有把懷疑處理得當,懷疑是與無信心相等的;但如果我們把懷疑處理得當,懷疑便成了進入更大的信心的踏腳石了。一般而言,當懷疑愈深時,信心是會愈降低的;但一旦懷疑–經過上述的方法或過程–被消除後,信心便會提升到比以前更高的層面;懷疑便成了信心增長的踏腳䃈了。現在讓我们看看多馬的例子記在約翰福音20:24-29 中。

24那十二使徒中,有個叫低土馬的多馬,耶穌來的時候,他沒有和他們在一起。 25其他的門徒就對他說:「我們已經看見(復活的)主了。」多馬卻對他們說:「除非我看見他手上的釘痕,用我的指頭探入那釘痕,用我的手探入他的肋旁,我絕不信。」 26過了八日,門徒又在屋裏,多馬也和他們在一起。門都關了,耶穌來,站在當中,說:「願你們平安!」27然後他對多馬說:「把你的指頭伸到這裏來,看看我的手;把你的手伸過來,探入我的肋旁。不要疑惑,總要信!」28多馬回答,對他說:「我的主!我的上帝!」 29耶穌對他說:「你因為看見了我才信嗎?那沒有看見卻信的有福了。」

當多馬說:「除非我看見他手上的釘痕,用我的指頭探入那釘痕,用我的手探入他的肋旁,我絕不信。」我們常常因這句話便把多馬的「憑眼見」視為「無信心」(Ref. pp.129-130) 。但你們有無察覺到:主耶穌並沒有責備這匹「多疑馬」。如果信心可定義為「向着證據所指的方向踏出委身的一歩」,那麼多馬只不過是在要求證據而矣,不能論斷他是沒有信心。最後他還是信了,因他肯定地說:「我的主!我的上帝!」。但耶穌又對他說:「你因為看見了我才信嗎?那沒有看見卻信的有福了。」那麽,多馬是否比我們獲得較少的福氣呢?我不以為然。我認為主耶穌這樣說是為了鼓勵那些不能看到肉身的主的千千萬萬的後人(當然包括我們),因為他們沒有「憑眼見」的機會。奧古斯丁説,「我相信是為了要明白」,或可說,「我相信是為了要看見」。一般人(包括起初的多馬)都認為「先见後信」,但奥古斯丁却認為「先信後见」。多馬的懷疑使他產生「眼見便是真」的小信心,但當證據呈現在他面前,這小小的信心便增大了。長大了的信心導致他付出委身的行動,從而變成「先信後見」的大信心。多馬後來見了甚麽呢?他看到福音的異象。歷史告訴我們,多馬後來到了印度的 Chennai 城, 在那裡傳耶穌復活的道,建立教會,最後為主殉道,被當時的一位土王帝用矛刺死。今天多馬所䢖立的教會—多馬堂 (Mar Thomas Church) —仍存在,且成為印度最大的基督教宗派。(Ref. 3; p.47)



這理我们看到不足的信心是可以用意志去克服的,就是立志去求主幫助。其实救恩不外是論到人的需要與神的恩典。由此我们可以給信心如此下定義: 首先要知道自己有需要然後用意志去相信;用决心去認定神是有恩典的;最後是順從委身並用奮勇去堅持到底。委身是甚麽呢?當你结婚時,牧師在婚礼中會問你是否願意娶這女子作你的妻子嗎?當你回應「我願意」時,你就立即進入一個關係(relationship)。现在如果上帝問你,「你願意接授這神子耶稣作你的主和救主嗎?」當你回答「我願意」時,你便同樣地進入一種神聖的關係。關係乃是信心的重要因素。

有人說,「我不能相信,但我實在願意相信。」如何幫助這種人呢?對這願意相信的人我有好消息给他們。試想想,如果你喜歡種玫瑰花,你是不會在北極買一畝地的。你會搬到適合種玫瑰的地方住。同樣地,如果你真想增長你的信心,你就應該去能使信心增長的環境,就是教會,並多與教會的弟兄姊妹和屬灵長者在一起。但對那些無心追求的人,就是那些根本不願意相信的人,那怕豐盛的聚餐,美好的兒童節目,或所謂專為慕道友設計的節目,也無際於事。信徒唯一辦法就是為他們禱告。 下一步是多讀一些有助靈命長進的書藉,不恥下問,篤信好學。我想任何事都是一樣的,成長都是從勤奮而來的。

如果你喜歡冬天在湖上溜冰, 你就要有分辨的能力,知道那裏是厚冰,那裏是薄冰。如果你站在薄冰上,膽大包天地大喊,「我不怕,因為我有信心。」這是很危險的事。但如果你站在厚冰上,膽小地大喊,「我怕!因為我没有信心」。我想這種「小信」比前者的「大信」更安全。所以信心不是大小的問題,乃是對象的問題。希伯来書11:1說, “信就是所望之事的實底,是未見之事的確據。” 其中的「實底」和「確據」就是我们所說的「信心对象」,也就是基督。我們信心的對象應該放在耶穌基督的身上。為什麼 (Ref. 7) ?因為:

  • 聖经有很多內在和外在的證據,說明耶穌基督是我們靈魂的救主。
  • 有很多歷史和地理上的證據,證明聖經是可信可靠的。
  • 有很多預言耶穌的事和一些歷史的事都一一應驗。
  • 還有考古學上的證據,文學上的證實,和人们生命的改變見證。

上述各㸃都給予我們相信的理由。最後就是你需要付出行動。你可以博覽群書,念中外名著和古代的經典和神學,但如果沒有行動去踏上信心的一步,一切的學問功夫也是徒勞。大衛王說得好,「你們要嘗嘗主恩的滋味,便知道他是美善。投靠他的人有福了!(詩篇34:8)」。「嘗味」就是一種行動。在約翰福音中,過去式動詞「信 believed」出現 19 次;,名詞「信心 faith」出現 7 次;現在式的動詞「信 believe」出現 50 次;現在進行式的動詞「信 believing」出現 1 次。可見信心與行動是息息相關的,是一体的两面 (Ref. 4; p.241) 。

懷疑非無信。试想想如果信心從未遇到懷疑,真理從未受过錯謬的挑戦,良善從未與邪恶爭戰,那麽信心就没法知道它本身的内在能力 (Ref. 6; p.69) 。如果你承認蘇格拉底所說的「未考驗过的生命是不值得活的」,那麽基督徒也必需同意「未經考驗过的信心是不值得擁有的。」懷疑能刺激信心,使它能提升到更高的領域。懷疑是建立更大信心的要素。


  1. “Just As I AM” by Billy Graham; pp.45, 98-99, 135-140.
  2. “Searching for Truth” by Joe Boot.
  3. “Walking from East to West” by Ravi Zacharias with R.S.B. Sawyer.
  4. “The Case For Faith” by Lee Strobel.
  5. “The Real Face of Atheism” by Ravi Zacharias.
  6. “The Gift of Doubt—From crisis to authentic faith” by Gary E. Parker.
  7. “新鐵證待判” by 更新製作小組.
  8. “Is Your Church Ready? Motivating Leaders To Live An Apologetic Life” by Ravi Zacharias and Norman Geisler; p.62.


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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); November 26, 2014

新的一年将至, 不少基督徒正在立定心志要把聖經在未来一年内讀完一遍, 但有多少人能成功呢?虎頭蛇尾者的失敗原因何在?

讀創世記就差不多好像讀小說一般. 它幾乎是敘事體的歷史和傳記文學. 它述及一些重要人物—-如挪亞, 亞伯拉罕, 雅各, 和約瑟—-的重要事件. 出埃及記同樣地吸引住人的興趣; 它述及以色列人在埃及為奴的辛酸故事及他們如何在摩西的領導下釋放出來. 摩西與法老的角逐是很有刺激性的. 但是, 當我們進入利末記, 每件事都改變了. 讀那些有關禮儀, 献祭, 和潔淨之禮是很困難的, 因為這些事好似與我們今天的生活脫節. 我們的讀經計劃就在這時崩潰了. 一旦進入利末記, 我們很快地被全然龐大的資料弄到失落和困惑. 這是一個清晰的資訊超載 (Information overload) 例子. 我們缺乏克服這些困難的指標. 我們都知道處理大量資訊 (時期, 人物, 事件, 及其它) 的第一步就是要設計一個資訊分類的架構, 以避免我們腦海內的記憶系统受到襲擊, 使我們雖然讀了, 但好像沒有讀一般. 為了使基督徒真正明白聖經, 我認為第一步是我們必需抓緊聖經知識的基本組織和架構. 下面是讀經模式之一供參考 (Note): 聖經66卷中, 我們只選讀其中的22 (=14 OT + 8 NT) 卷. 如釋重負呀! 這種讀法比起把全本聖經讀完的效果, 在 “基本知識” 的量上差不了很多, 但可行度却大大地增加了. 這種讀法比起計劃把全本聖經讀完但中途而廢便明顯地更有益處了. 但記住,我絶不是暗示其它没有選讀的不重要,特此声明。


  • 預表基督—創世記至約伯記 (18)
  • 囋美基督—詩篇至雅歌 (4)
  • 預言基督—以賽亞書至瑪拉基書 (17)
  • 表明基督—四福音書 (4)
  • 傳揚基督—使徒行傳 (1)
  • 解釋基督—羅馬書至猶大書 (21)
  • 榮耀基督—啟示錄 (1)

OT=17+4+17=39章; NT=4+1+21+1=27章.  [口訣:3 x 9 = 27]



創世記 (宇宙創造史, 人類的墮落, 神與列祖立約)

路加福音 (耶穌生平)

出埃及記 (以色列人獲自由並建立自己的國家)

使徒行傳 (初期教會) 

約書亞記 (征服神所應許之地的軍事歷史)

以弗所書 (保羅教訓簡介) 

士師記 (從部落聯盟到建立王國的過渡史)

哥林多前書 (教會生活) 

撒母耳記上 (以色列在掃羅王和大衛王下被建立成新生王國)

彼得前書 (介紹使徒彼得)

撒母耳記下 (大衛的統治時期)

提摩太前書 (介紹教牧書信)

列王記上 (所羅門王及王國的分裂)

希伯來書 (基督論 Christology)

列王記下 (以色列的失陷)

羅馬書 (保羅神學)

以斯拉記 (以色列民從被擄之地回歸)  
尼希米記 (耶路撒冷京城重建)  
阿摩司書及何西阿書 (小先知書之例)  
耶利米書 (大先知書之例)  
傳道書 (智慧文學)  

詩篇與箴言 (希伯來詩歌). 詩篇: 或可先選讀: 1, 8, 19, 23, 90, 103, 133, 150.

Note: “Five Things Every Christian Needs To Grow” by R.C. Sproul; pp. 27-28

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By T.C.Lo (盧天賜); September 18, 2014

聖經的真理是絶對的,絕對的真理是有排它性的。那是否代表凡有関真理的問題,就只有一個答案?這是一個值得思考的問題。如果答案只有一個,那麼不論是誰發問,都應該是那個答案就是了。但耶穌給人的答案好似是因人而異。當尼哥㡳母夜間來訪耶穌時,他問道,「夫子,我該作甚麼才能承受永生?」耶穌回答道,「你必須重生。」但當少年官來問耶穌同樣的問題,耶穌的答案是,「你去變賣你所有的,然後來跟隨我。」我們不能不問為何有兩個迴然不同的答案? 前者是一個誠心追求真理的人,後者是無心追求並想在耶穌面前顕他是個守律法的「義」人。再者每次當耶穌被問時,他總是以另一個問題來回答,為了使發問者回想他發問的動機。「夫子,我們應當納稅嗎?」耶穌的回答是,「銅錢上的像是誰?」又有人問,「良善的夫子,我應如何如何?」耶穌卻反問,「甚麼是良善?」可見回答別人的問題時,我們應該了解發問者的出發點。因為答案是因問者的出發㸃而異的。
當基督徒領䄂在公共塲所被問,「基督徒可以離婚嗎?」或「基督徒同意同性戀嗎?」對一個真誠虛心的發問者,答案可能比較容易回答;但對一個存心扺擋真理並定意設法使你墮落䧟井的人,有時候在反基督教的公共塲所中「不回答」可能是上策。蘇格蘭基督教作家George MacDonald寫道,「給真理一個不愛真理的人,就等於給他更多誤解(和攻擊)的機會。」我們看看耶穌的四個例子吧 (Ref.1):

  1. 耶穌被帶到大祭司面前,祭司長和全公會尋找見證要控吿耶穌,為要治死他,卻尋不着證據來定他的罪。他們只好作了一些假證據。後又有幾個人站起來作假見證説,我們聽見他説,我要折毀這人手所造的殿,三日內就另造一座不是人手所造的。但是耶穌的的確確曾說這樣的話,為什麼説這是假見證呢?這就是他們勵害的地方。他們用了一些真實的真理卻把它用一些虛假的東西包着,巳至他們的見證各不相同。真真假假混在一起。你說它是假,卻有真的成份,你說他是真,它也不全真。這些控告耶穌的人的目的是要定耶穌的死罪。大祭司起來站在中間,問耶穌說,「你甚麼都不回答嗎?」既然謊言已明顕,真理巳死亡,耶穌無需辯護或解釋,沈默無聲才是上策。(馬可14:60)
  2. 他們又把耶穌梱綁解去彼拉多。彼拉多問他說,你是猶太人的王麼?耶穌回答說,你說的是。耶穌直言不諱地承認祂的神性和使命。彼拉多又問耶穌,「你看,他們告你這麽多事,你甚麼都不回答嗎?」大祭司既一口咬定耶穌是叛國,因耶穌自稱為王。一切的辯護均既無效,沈默無聲 (馬可15:5)是上策。
  3. 希律王聼見過耶穌曾行過很多異能,只是從未親眼見過。他指望能看他行一件神蹟。於是問他很多的話,耶穌卻一言不答(路加23:8-9)。耶穌知道他的敵人巳決意要除滅他,如果耶穌真的行了一件神蹟,他們又會再要求第二個神蹟,這樣源源不絶,無法滿足他們好奇的試探,那就中了他們的詭計了。
  4. 當下彼拉多將耶穌鞭打了,兵丁盡其侮辱之能事,彼拉多又出來對眾人説,「我查不出有他有甚麼罪來。」猶太人回答説,我們有律法,按那律法,他是該死的,因他以自己為上帝的兒子。彼拉多聼了就越發害怕。又進衙門,對耶穌説,「你是那裏來的?」耶穌見救贖之功巳快完成,便卻不回答 (约翰 19:8)。

但從另一角度去看,耶穌的沉默無聲是應驗以赛亞的預言 (53:7) 。然而, 對那些有耳可聽且願意去聽的人,耶穌是有豐富的話語可說的。

有時我在TV或其它媒體看到一些有影響力的教會領導人被人問及同性戀或其它反聖經的社會問題時,他們並未直接回答,甚至支吾以对設法迴避,我即席的反應是「這人無立塲,或這人怕人多過怕神。」經過思考後,我覺得我應該保留一㸃,不要太快論斷才對。一個複雜的問題,用一短句(one liner) 來回答那些定意抵毀聖經的人是非常危險的,因為每人對你的簡答領會不同,你又再沒有機會一一回應他們的偏見。


Ref. 1: “Jesus Among Other Gods, Youth Edition” by Ravi Zacharias and Kevin Johnson; page 112-116; 123-124。

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By T.C. Lo (盧天赐); September 9, 2014

今天是托爾斯泰 (Leo Tolstoy) 的186週年生辰。

這位偉大的俄國小說家及哲學家生前是非常富有的. 他的財富是超過一般貪得無厭的人所能夢想的. 他因他的寫作而獲得全球的敬意和讚揚. 但他為人也異常邪惡並以此而自豪. 但他雖名望財富雙存, 內心却被不滿所折磨. 一日他在鄉間散步並遇見一個面上流露着平安,
寧靜和滿足感的貧窮農夫. 托爾斯泰立刻了解到此人雖一無所有但臉上却流露着生活的喜樂. 在數週內, 這位容光煥發的農夫每天盤旋在這富有馳名的托爾斯泰的腦海中. 經過令他痛苦難忍的思考, 他終於理解到他與這農夫之所以不同是因為這位窮人認識神而他却不認識. 因此托爾斯泰開始一個旅程使他終被帶到認識基督—-他被不滿所煩憂的問題終獲解答. 後來托爾斯泰說, “認識神和過生活是一體的两面.” 真是一句慧語. 難怪在他的葬禮中, 四萬年青人勇敢地面對人群沿着聖彼得堡 (Saint Petersburg) 市的大街跟隨靈柩的行列—是俄國史上前未見過的壯觀—-為這位歷史偉人哀悼. 聖經改变了他的生命。

宗教只是勸人為善, 但力量從何而来?福音與宗教不同,在於福音改變 (transform) 人的生命並给人行善的能力和性情。


  • “Can Man Live Without God” by Ravi Zacharias; p.32
  • “Cries of the Heart” by Ravi Zacharias; p.49
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Christianity Among Other Religions

By Tin-chee Lo (卢天赐 T.C. Lo); August 27, 2014

Among all religions in the world, why is only Christianity credible?

Many people said, “All religions are fundamentally the same but superficially different (when they come to the matter of outward religious behaviors). But the truth is,” All religions are superficially the same but fundamentally different (when they come to the matter of doctrines). One of the fundamental differences is:

For Christianity, we start with redemption (by grace, not one’s own merit) and then move to morality, and finally move to worship. However, for ALL other religions, the believers start with worship with a sincere heart, then move to good work (such as building bridges and mending roads and showing compassion to people with all kinds of charities) with the hope (i.e., without certainty) that they may go to heaven because they think they deserve it due to their good merits.

Yet another fundamental difference is Divine Revelations (i.e., the Bible) vs. Humanistic Ideas (e.g. Sigmund Freud)

One-day Martha baked a cake and brought it to the office to share with co-workers. Her colleagues were scientists in various fields and every one of them tasted a piece. As usual, they loved to talk shop all the time and everyone wrote a short report about the cake.

  • A nutritionist calculated the number of calories and reported on how they would affect the human health.
  • A biologist analyzed the cake in terms of protein and fat and their molecular structure.
  • A chemist described the cake in terms of basic elements and their locations on the Periodic Table.
  • A physicist even went so far to get down to the level of fundamental particles.
  • A mathematician came up with a complex equation to describe the quantum state of the atoms.

Up to this point, they could confidently claim that they fully understood and were able to explain every aspect of the cake. Really? Another coworker came, not knowing what had happened, and asked, “Why did Martha bake a cake for you guys today? What was her purpose? Someone’s birthday? Celebrate someone’s promotion?” Every scientist offered his or her own answer to this “stranger” but no one was sure. Was there no reliable answer? Not so! Martha was the one who knew the truth; only she would be able to give the right answer.

On day, a father brought his five years old son to New York City. It was the first time this farm boy saw so many edifices than trees and animals. Full of enthusiasm, this little child shook away from his father’s grip and ran among the crowds. Quickly, his excitement gave way to consternation and the boy lost sight of his father and scrambled to look for him in a frenzy. Now comes the question: Was it easier for the child to find his father? Or Was it easier for the father to find his son? I think everybody knows the answer.

A familiar fable of the ancient Middle East told that an Indian king of Benares brought along five blind men to the presence of an elephant. The first blind man touched the trunk and said, “Elephant is a water hose.” The second blind man touched the leg and said, “Elephant is a building column.” The third one came along, touching the huge mammal’s side and exclaimed with certainty, “Ah, elephant is a great wall.” The fourth blind man stood near the flapping ear and said, “elephant is a fan”.  Lastly, the fifth man came in contact with the tail, he was frightened then stepped back and yelled, “Elephant is actually a snake.” The blind men expressed their perceptions based on their past experiences. Their partial understandings were far from reality. But who had the whole truth? Indisputably, is the king having sight.

One more illustration to bring home the point I am about to make. Here we have another seemingly self-evident question but worthy for our reflection: How do you know with certainty that you are indeed the child of your father? The answer is, “You don’t know. Unless your mother told you so, you wouldn’t know for sure.” Even if your father told you, you could only accept his answer by faith; only your mother can offer an answer with certainty. Strictly speaking, I should have asked, “How do you know you are the child of your mother?”

From the above illustrations, we’ve arrived at a very important point: The necessity of revelation—the most reliable way to know the truth is through revelation. What does revelation mean? Revelation means you have no way of knowing the truth unless someone who is cleverer, wiser, mightier, and more insightful and more perceptive than you tell you. Had it not been for his revelation, you would be like one of the blind men who only knows at best the partial truth based on you own speculation.

Religions by and large can be divided into two big categories: Humanistic Religions and Revelatory Religions. In humanistic religions, gods are products of human imagination. As diversified as the human races, their manners of crying for transcendent are naturally variegated. The result is that there would be countless gods invented to suit peoples’ insatiable needs and tastes as we have already observed. People are competing in claiming that their gods are the ultimate ones. With various different gods it results in limitless number of religions. Do you know that in India alone there are 330 millions of deities (Ref.1)? People select what suit them best from this spiritual smorgasbord. Buddhism, for example, is an atheistic philosophy—a thought born from human contemplation and reflection. When it was spread to China, many outlandish deities were created with fashions not unlike the Greek mysticism; these deities are merely products of pure human imagination. Taiwan is a very small island, about the size of New Jersey, yet Buddhist and Taoist temples were everywhere, you have to be blind to have missed them. The registered temples amount to 30 thousands, not counting the folksy “earth gods (土地公)” in virtually all houses and commercial buildings. We can safely say that human based worships are forms of idolatry.

In Revelatory Religions, the epistemology about God is based on what God tells men. Apart from God’s revelation, men can only speculate God, but they cannot know God. Men can sense His existence but by no means know Him. From the aforementioned illustrations comes the deduction that Revelatory Religions are more tenable and reliable thought-systems than do Humanistic Religions. Once this proposition is accepted, a very great variety of religions can be ruled out from considerations: Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and Hinduism are religions based on human reflections and musings. The Chinese folk-religions are created from human greed and needs; they are basically self-serving utilitarianism. In China, there are still people today worshiping Mao Zedong as their god. If we rule out these religions from our considerations, what remain are only a handful: Christianity, Islam, Jehovah Witnesses, and Mormonism (Church of Latter Day Saints) whose starting point is divine revelation. Are there any criteria based on which we can test and thus differentiate the truthfulness from falsehood?

In the Revelatory Religions, the infinite God Himself is the revealer, and men are receivers of the divine revelation. Since men are finite, limited, far from having enough capacity for their perceptions and understandings, no single individual is capable of receiving God’s supernatural, transcendent, and timeless revelation in its entirety at one time. Even an individual is qualified to be God’s oracle bearer, the messages received would only be understood by his generation at best and not beyond, and be hardly convinced by his contemporaries that the message he receives will be applicable to all generations after him. It thus stands to reason that the “to-many-people-at-many-times” revelation, known as “Progressive Revelation”, makes more sense than the “to-one-person-at-one-time” revelation which we conveniently call “Abrupt Revelation”. The examples of “Abrupt Revelation” are many:

Mohammad was said that in one specific night angel Gabriel appeared to him and then he rode on a donkey taking a trip to heaven where he purportedly received spiritual revelation. He was confounded and confused, not knowing what was all about until his companion told him that the voices he heard was from Allah in heaven. Out of his absence of self-understanding, Islam was born (Ref. 2).

The head quarter of the Mormons is today in Salt Lake City, Utah. The founder of this religion was Joseph Smith. On September 22, 1823 over the hill of Cumorah near Palmyra, New York, Smith met Angel Moroni who gave him the gold plates on which some Reformed Egyptian hieroglyphics were engraved. With the aid of Urim and Thummim (things that Old Testament religious leaders used to decide on things), Smith was said to have translated the writings into what is known today as the Book of Mormon. The Church of the latter-Day Saints was born (Ref. 3).

Christianity is characterized by Progressive Revelation as told by the Bible and sustained by human history. It is markedly different from the Islam and the Mormon belief-systems which are characterized by Abrupt Revelation purported by their respective founders. The Old Testament of the Bible is a record of how in the past God spoke to Hebrew ancestors through 40 prophets (not just one) at many times (not at one instance) and in various ways (not merely one way). This long string of Progressive Revelations ended at the crescendo when God in the New Testament times spoke to mankind through his Son Jesus Christ whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe (Hebrews 1:1-2). The centrality of the revealed message was that Jesus Christ was God, same in essence as the Father. The process of the biblical Progressive Revelation spanned a period of 1600 year, not one moment, not one day. The prophets recorded what they had received in 66 distinct books. These 66 books are not a collection of individual unrelated writings, they altogether form the Bible with remarkable coherency and consistency. The Greek word for Bible is biblos which means the Book with continuity.

What was the significance of having more than 40 authors of different generations spanning over 1600 years? Let’s look at Hebrews 1:1-2 which reads: “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.” This verse says:

  • God spoke to His people through the prophets and apostles—Bible was meant to be written for all peoples. Hence, it was necessary that God’s truth be revealed not just to one person but many agencies of different backgrounds so that different peoples throughout history might perceive God’s time-tested messages in the ways understandable by them. For the Bible, God had spoken to the prophets in the Old Testament times and to the Apostles in the New Testament times.
  • God spoke to His people at many times—Had God revealed His Word just to Abraham at one instance, people might have said, “Ah! The Bible is only good for Abraham’s generation! It is nothing to do with me.” But God did reveal His word over a span of 1600 year traversing so many generations, so no one could argue that the Bible is only good for the people of old in one or at most two or three generations. The barriers between successive generations known today as “Generation Gaps” have been repeatedly leveled off by Progressive Revelations in successive manner.
  • God spoke to His people in various ways—Men are created by God with great diversities—cultures, races, places, languages. Each one of us has different degrees of spiritual perception. None of us are capable of grasping the whole truth due to our finitude. This was why God needed to disclose His message bit by bit at different times through many generations with very different methods and fashions of communications suitable for peoples of different places and times in history. God spoke to prophets of the Old Testament in riddles, visions, dreams, and through His intervention of ordinary history as shown in the stories of Joseph, Moses, and Esther, etc. This process of Progressive Revelation makes the preponderance of the divine message bearable by spreading over many message-bearers according to their spiritual capacities.
  • God completes His revelation by sending His Son Jesus Christ into the world—Throughout history God’s Progressive Revelations were coherent and consistent and with an amazingly unified flow of thought. All these piecemeal revelations were ultimately converged to a Person—Jesus Christ. The product of Progressive Revelation was the Bible which was viewed as the Written Word of God and the introduction of Jesus Christ which was recognized as the Living Word of God—the Incarnation is God. The God-man Jesus was the only one in human history who could fully live out the Written Word. Apostle John says. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind” (John 1: 1-4). The Word mentioned by John is the Living Word, Jesus Christ.

We can conclude that the Progressive Revelation claimed by Christians is far more reasonable than the Abrupt Revelation claimed by Mohammad and Joseph Smith and the rest of them in their Abrupt Revelation category of religions. Now, if the product of the Progressive Revelation was the Bible and the Bible was claimed to be more trustworthy then all other religious tomes, then the Bible must possess certain unique characteristics. What are they? Few uniqueness can be enumerated:

  • As it has been said: The internal consistency and coherency of the Bible found in 66 books written by more than 40 authors over the period of 1600 years have been demonstrated.
  • The fulfillment of the prophecies—One quarter of the Bible were written in form of prophecy at the time of writing. All prophecies had been fulfilled apart from those concerning the Second Coming of Christ and the End-time events awaiting to be seen in the future.
  • No other books have been ever written in as many languages and for as many peoples and cultures as the Bible itself.
  • The entire Bible, directly and indirectly, points to one Person who is noble, blameless, and perfect. This Person is Jesus Christ.
  • Countless external evidences outside the Bible, including the archaeological evidences, are unmatched by any other books and therefore they sustain the reliability and the historicity of the Bible.

If Jesus is the centerpiece and the consummation of God’s revelation as mentioned earlier, He is expected to exhibit some uniqueness over all other religious leaders. Here are just some examples:

  • Jesus is sinless. His purity was testified by His family, His disciples, His enemies–the Jews and the Gentiles alike. No other religious founders could be said of blameless. Jesus’ sinlessness is necessary if He claims to be our Savior.
  • If Jesus had to be sinless, He must not possess the sinful human being’s DNA. This means that His birth must be supernatural. Virgin birth is the most reasonable thing to believe. Even Muslims—the enemy of Christianity—agrees with the biblical claim of Virgin Birth in their Koran.
  • Jesus had the ability to perform miracles as claimed by the Gospels and sustained by extra biblical records of ordinary history.
  • The undeniable resurrection of Christ—Jesus was the origin of Easter. Serious skeptics wanting to disprove Christ’s resurrection ended up believing it after exhaustive investigations.
  • Jesus’s self-understanding of His divinity was unprecedented. Mohammad had to be told by his companion that he was the prophet chosen by Allah, but Jesus never doubted His identity.
  • Christ was the only one in human history who could described the human depravity that corresponded to reality as we know it. Human sins have either been denied or marginalized by men throughout history, but Jesus pointed out without equivocation the depth of human lostness.
  • Not just knowing our malady, Christ provides a unique solution to our malady. Jesus Christ voluntarily and willingly entered into human history to reveal Himself to us and provide salvation to humankind by way of the cross.

Each of the above points of uniqueness (Ref. 4) is a thesis by and in itself. They are listed here to provoke thinking for the readers, so they may pursue further studies.

After we have had the based understanding of the “uniqueness of the Bible” and the “uniqueness of Jesus Christ,” we can now summarize a few key points that we should remember in our hearts:

  • The God of the Bible, in His mercy and just, sent His only begotten Son to die for the sins of mankind. No religion in the world has such astonishing claims where love and justice converge at point of the cross.
  • Christianity is based on historical facts. As such, it can be studied. For example, we can not only find internal evidences in the Bible for the resurrection of Jesus Christ, but also can use external evidences of history and science to confirm its validity.
  • The reliability of the Bible as a historical document sets Christianity apart from other belief systems. The numbers of manuscripts for both OT and NT are enormous.
  • The deepest questions about life that define a worldview are:
    • Origin: Where did we come from?
    • Meaning: What is our ultimate purpose of life?
    • Ethics: How should we live?
    • Destinate: Where shall we go after death?

Only the Christian worldview can provide coherent and satisfactory answers to these critical questions. Knowing how to test the truthfulness of religions (as we did in this article) is one thing, making personal commitment to a religion is quite another. Finally, I must point out that committing to a wrong belief could have perilous consequences. Men and women who lack a biblical worldview tend to think of religion as the noblest expression of the human character. Popular opinion in the world at large has generally regarded religion as something inherently admirable, honorable, and beneficial. In reality, no other field of the humanities—philosophy, literature, the arts, or whatever—holds quite as much potential for mischief as religion. Nothing is more thoroughly evil than false religions, and the more false-teachers try to cloak themselves in the robes of biblical truth, the more truly Satanic they are (Ref. 5). This was why Jesus oftentimes scathingly condemn the false teachers and cult leaders. Like Jesus, Apostle Paul held the same view toward false religions. Strictly speaking, I personally do not like to call Christianity a “religion”. I like to call it Gospel because all religions are Merit based but the Gospel is Grace based. Jesus did not come to the world to make bad people good; He came to the world to make dead people live. Christianity is NOT one of the religions but all about “relationship”. To be a Christian means to have a personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

How am I to be a Christian? Simply put, there are four steps: (1) Recognize that I am a sinner. (2) Acknowledge that I cannot save myself. (3) Believe that Jesus is willing to be my personal Savior. (4) Repent from my heart and commit my soul to Jesus Christ.

Once you confess that Christ is your personal Savior, you will immediately discover that the Holy Spirit who indwells your heart is the ultimate guarantee of Christian faith and truth.  We do well to remember this.


  1. The Grand Weaver” by Ravi Zacharias; p.95
  2. “The Case for Faith” by Lee Strobel; p.69
  3. “The Teachings of Mormonism” by John H. Gerstner.
  4. “歷史的軌跡 The Church in History” by 祁伯爾 (B. K. Kuiper) (李林靜芝譯); p.453.
  5. “新鐵證待判” by 更新製作小組.

Other related readings:

  • https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=779
  • https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=469
  • https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=284
  • https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=59
Posted in Bible/Christianity, Philosophy/Religion, Reasons to believe/Science | Leave a comment


By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); August 4, 2014

耶穌在祂過最後一個逾越節時被解交到巡府彼拉多面前與他有一段密切並個人性的對話。此段話雖簡短但卻意義深長。内容牽涉到耶穌的身份,使命,及祂對真理的看法。当時的情景 (參看約翰福音十八章廿八至四十節) 是這樣:

敵对耶稣的猶太人將耶穌從大祭司該亞法那裡解交到巡府彼多的衙門去, 那時天還早 。這些猶太人卻不肯進衙門 、 恐怕染了污 穢 、 不能喫逾越節的筵席 。彼拉多就只有出來 、 到他們那裡 、 說 、你們控告這人是為甚麼事呢? 他們回答說 、 這人若不是作惡的 、我們就不把他交給你 。彼拉多不願被牽連在此案件中便說 、你們自己帶他去 、 按著你們的律法審問他罷 。 猶 太 人說 、我們要把他處死但我們沒有殺人的權柄 。雖然群衆當時不知道,但他们的計劃却無意中正在應驗耶穌以前所說他自己將要怎樣死的話 。

彼拉多所担心的不是耶稣的结局乃是自己的政治前途,所以他就進了衙門 、叫耶穌進前來 、對他說 、你是猶太人的王麼 ? 耶穌的智慧是常用問题來回答别人的問題,好讓發問者能省察他問問題的動機。於是耶穌回答彼拉多說 、”這話是你自己說的 、還是別人論我對你說的呢 ? ”

彼拉多說 、我豈是猶太人呢 ? 我既不是猶太人怎知道你們自己的事? 你猶太國的人和猶太的祭司長 、 把你交給我 . 究竟你作了甚麼事 呢 ? 耶穌回答說 、我的國不屬這世界 .我的國若屬這世界 、我的臣僕必要爭戰 、使我不至於被交給猶太人 .只是我的國不屬這世界 。帶着冷笑的彼拉多就對耶稣說 、這樣 、你承認你是王了。 耶穌毫不猶疑地回答說 、你說得对,你 說我是王 .事實上我是為此而生 、也為此來到世間 、特為給真理作見證 .凡屬真理的人 、 就聽 我的話 。耶稣這個答案確定了自己的身份,他是一国之王,他雍有一個國度。然而耶稣所指的国乃是指他要在人的心中建立祂的主權。聽了耶稣所說 “特為給真理作見證” 後,彼拉多便坐立不安,因他恐怕百姓生亂,影響到他的政治前途。便反問道, “真 理 是 甚 麼?” 彼拉多的反問不是誠意的學習, 因為他並沒有等待耶穌的回答就轉身離去。其实彼拉多心中的意思是: “真理是甚麽?只要你認為是對的, 就是你的真理;只要我認為是對的, 就是我的真理。我無需要聽你的回答。” 這豈不是我们現今所聽到的相對主義者所認同的麼? 今天有多少人也像彼拉多一樣否定真理的绝对性。

根據George Barna 的民意測驗,美國1991年有67% 的大衆不相信绝對的真理的存在,到1994年此百分數增至75%。美國1991年有52% 的牧師不相信有绝對的真理這回事,到1994年此百分數增至62%。当人们說 “絶对真理不存在” 或說“我们可以視絶对真理不存在而生活下去”,一般人聽起来似乎是一件小事但其後果却不堪切想。(Ref. 1)

當彼拉多發出這反問後 、便出來到猶太人那裡 、對他們說 、“我查不出他有甚麼罪來 。” 這是一個非同小可的宣告。試想想一個外邦人居然能説出一句重要的基督教教義,就是論到基督的無罪性 (Christ’s sinlessness)。當時社會上有個猶太殖民地的規矩 、就是在逾越節時政府施行大赦, 釋放一個犯人。彼拉多便問群衆, “你們要我給你們釋放猶太人的王麼嗎?”
他們又喊著說 、 “不要釋放這 人 、要釋放巴拉巴 。” 其实這巴拉巴本是個強盜,群衆怎會要求釋放他呢? 說來 “巴拉巴” 這個名字也很有意思; “巴” 是兒子之意, 而 “拉巴” 是 “人”之意。世上所有人都是人的兒子, 且罪恶深重如同強 盜一般。耶稣降世的目的就是要我们這些 “人的兒子” 獲得釋放。群众的决定就在他们不知不覺中成就了是神的救贖旨意。


  • 祂擁有一個王國(是屬天的)。
  • 祂承認自己是王 (祂並没有說 “大概是” 或 “可能是” 或 “我想是” 他却直言不諱地承認) 。
  • 甚至一個外邦人指證祂是無罪。
  • 祂為見證真理而生 (祂是真理的化身)。


地心吸力就是說當東西被帶到高處, 只要一鬆手它就一定會墜落。這是萬有引力定律存在的證明。 你或許宣告,「哎呀!這定律或許對你是對的,但對我不一定是對。」好擺 !那麽你嘗試爬到纽约市的帝國大廈的頂樓然後跳下來, 測驗一下你的宣告是否可信嗎?你看,相對真理是何等地不切生活實際的。

傳說古時有個印度土王帝,有一天他帶着五個盲人來到一頭大象面前,叫他們摸象,然後向王佈告究竟象是甚麼東西。第一個瞎子摸到這巨大哺乳動物的身子,便肯定地說,象是一牆壁。第二瞎子摸到象的牙,便說,象是一枝矛。第三個瞎子摸到象的鼻,嚇了一跳,便斷言象是蛇。第四個瞎子摸到象那撲動着的耳朵,便喊道, 呀!象是扇。最後那個瞎子,站在象的後方,摸到它的尾巴,毫不猶疑地說,象是繩子。從這個故事我们可歸纳成數點, 作為对相对真理的了解:


  • 沒有一個瞎子能掌握全盤真理。
  • 有些說,「所有宗教都是一様,人們只不過是用不同的方法去描述神和用不同的方法去經歷祂。」此等人豈非是屬靈的瞎子嗎?
  • 象仍是一頭象,不論你怎樣稱呼它, 都不能改變它的本相。
  • 在這故事中,如果那王帝也是個瞎子,那麽就沒有故事可說了。
  • 象的真理是在王的手中, 因他是明眼所以擁有全盤象真理。據此,我們可定義「真理就是上帝啓示給我們的知識。」派克說:「柏拉圖,蘇格拉㡳與亞里斯多德的教導與耶穌的教導有極大的不同—前者是在尋求真理,後者是啓示真理。」(Ref. 3; p.280)

如果相對真理是謬誤,那麼耶穌對真理的定義又如何呢?因為彼拉多不願聽耶稣的答案,我们就没有机會知道耶穌當時的回答是甚麽。但這不代表我们無法知道耶穌对真理的看法。 其实耶稣早已把真理的定義隱藏在他的一句話「我来是要為真理作見證」中。所以「真理是甚麽?」的問题便可轉換為「耶稣為那些東西作了見證?」或「门徒見證耶稣是誰」的問题。首先我们看看約翰見證耶穌是誰:「道成了肉身住在我们中间 , 充充满满的有恩典有真理 。 我们也见过他的荣光 , 正是父独生 子的荣光 。」(約翰福音1:14)讓我们看看四個鑰字:

  • 「道」是指成了肉身的基督。耶穌就是道。
  • 「恩典」的希臘文是charis, 希伯來文是 hesed, 其意是「神的慈爱」, 如舊约中的「我要向爱我的人發慈爱 (lovingkindness) 直到千代。」
  • 「真理」的希臘文是aletheia, 希伯來文是 emet, 其意是「神在不变的约中的信实」, 如舊约中所指: 神对亚伯拉罕,以撒,雅各所立那永恒的约。
  • 「光」: 聖經常以光作為真理的隱喻或象徵。

「愛」,「约」,「信实」都是指向一種人與神或人與人間的関系。由此可知真理不单单是一種信念 (Proposition),乃是终極地指向一位我们要與祂—祂更願意與我们—建立関系的那有位格的实体 (being)。

真理的人格化的表達设有比下面一句聖經更明顯了:耶穌說:「我就是道路、真理、生命。若不藉著我,沒有人能到父那裡去 (約翰福音14:6) 。」這是「耶稣為那些東西而作了見證?」的答案之一。


  • 印度教和波斯泛神教不斷地攻擊基督教所相信的「唯一道道」。
  • 「耶穌是生命的主」的宣告受到佛教的挑戰,因為佛教根本不相信神的存在
  • 不可知論者認為神是不可能被凡人認識的,但耶穌断言,凡認識我便認識父。
  • 「耶穌是神的兒子」的宣告被回教認為是褻瀆聖主的可憎的逆天行為。

其實耶穌說「祂是唯一的道路」是最合理的說法;因為真理是具排它性的。 例如我手中正在拿著一張紙,經過客觀的考驗,我說這張紙是白色的。但很多人不服氣,說,「只是你認為是白色,我們卻不以為然。」於是有人説它是紅色,有人說它是藍色,有人甚至説它是黑色。他們同声說,「我們應該接受所有的答案,這樣才可以推動社会的寬容與和諧。」但根據我們的直覺與邏輯,我們知道「所有答案都全錯」是可能的,但「所有答案都全對」是不可能的。如果白色是唯一對的答案,它就必需排斥了所有其它的答案。 反對真理的排它性就是贊同真理的相對性。其实相对主義在邏輯上是站不住脚的:當我宣告「白色是對,其它都錯」,相对主義者便指責我不夠寬容,太驕傲。但他们有沒有想過,同樣地當他们宣告「所有都對」時,他们巳經排斥了我所宣告的「只有一個是對」的命題呢?這豈非是另外一種的「不寬容」嗎?其實宗教的寛容乃是指「給別人自由去相信他们要相信的,而非叱責,別人的信仰内容。」伊斯蘭教是不會给人這種自由的。

有一次,一位年輕人來到一位東方宗教的大師面前,問道:「師傅,生命是甚麼一回事?」大師回答説,「你先到附近一棵樹採下一個果子。」年輕人便遵命把果子呈到大師面前。大師又問道:「把它切開, 然後告訴我你看到甚麽。」年輕人毫不猶疑地回答:「我看到種子。」大師再吩咐年輕人,「切開種子, 看到裏面有什麽?」年輕人回答道:「沒有東西!」大師便說了一句颇能代表他的世界觀的話:「呀! 正如樹是由虚無 (nothingness) 而来,你所說的 “生命” 也是如此。」

或許大師所說的虛無, 並非真正的 “四大皆空 (nothingness)”, 乃是指一種無位格, 摸不著的生命力量。基督教與東方宗教不同之處就在此分道揚鑣。聖經說 “太初有道, 道與神同在, 道就是神” (約1:1) 。這「道」 是指一位有位格 (personhood) 的創造者而非一種無位格的生命能力。 位格不但有形体更是有思想, 意志, 感情, 和渴慕建立関係的本能。「道」是宇宙的第一因 (first cause), 其背後是有人格的。我们可以看到道的面孔, 我们也可以看到面孔後面的道。與此節經文对應的是創世記一章一節所説: 「起初上帝創造天地。」祂創造沒有思想的物質世界, 是以「數量 (quantity)」来表達的。他更創造人類, 重要的是, 祂是是照着祂的形像造人的, 是有位格的, 是以價值 (value) 来表達的。此時我们不能不問: 「在衆真理中有没有一個最基本,最终極性的的真理呢?」答案是: 「有, 就是 “起初神” 三個字; 希伯来文是 “Bereshith bara Elohim。” 宇宙一切的一切, 都是以這三個字為起步㸃 (starting point) 。這是终極的真理。 基督教的世界觀便在此與其它的世界觀分别出来了。

耶稣說:「我是道路, 真理, 生命。」為甚麽只有耶稣才能作此绝对的宣告? 孔夫子不可以作如此的宣告嗎? 佛祖不可以宣告嗎? 甘地不可以宣告嗎? 穆罕默德不可以宣告嗎? 這就涉及到真理的檢驗了。未被檢查過的真理是不能接受的。甚至無神論者鄧小平也認為真理是需要檢驗的; 他說: 「不管是黒貓, 是白猫, 抓到老鼠的才是好貓。」那麽我们对真理的檢驗是以甚麼為標準呢? 無神論者說「沒有上帝」; 基督教和猶太教說「有上帝」; 不可知論者 (agnostics) 說「我们不可能知道有無上帝。」究竟誰是誰非? 護教學家Ravi Zacharias 設計了一套他称為3-4-5的世界觀檢驗系统 (Ref. 2):

三項測驗 (Three Tests):

  • 邏輯上的一致性 (logical consistency) —附合邏輯律
  • 證據上的足夠性 (empirical adequacy) —有足夠的證據
  • 經历上的關聯性 (experiential relevance) —附合現实,就是要誠实地和一貫地回答下面四問題。

四個問題 (Four Questions):

  • 源頭 (Origin) –宇宙從何而來,生命從何而来。
  • 意義 (Meaning) —人生的意義與目的何在。
  • 道德 (Morality) —人如何生活;人與人如何共處。
  • 歸宿 (Destiny) —人死後往那理去。


  • 神學(theology):神是誰?(Essence of God) 。
  • 形而上學 (metaphysics):甚麽是終極的實体 (reality) 。
  • 認識論 (epistemology):知識 (knowledge) 。
  • 倫理學 (ethics):道德觀 (morality) 。
  • 人類學 (anthropology): 人論 (humankind)。

每一個世界觀都必須回應上面四個問题。不錯, 他们对每一問题都有答案, 但唯獨基督教的世界觀能提供一套前後一致,互不矛盾,且附合現实的答案;因為它们是植根於聖經和基督的獨特性, 而這些獨特性是有下列各點支持的:

  • 内在與外在的聖經根據
  • 历史性, 特别是教会历史的支持
  • 聖經預言的應驗
  • 聖經的影响力
  • 考古學对聖經人物地點事情的支持

這些獨特性在一本参考書 (Ref.3) 内有詳盡的說明。

我們如何去認識真理? 這是一個很實際的問題, 但耶穌巳給了我們提示,他說:「凡是屬於真理的人,都聽我的聲音」(約18:37)。在這節經文之前, 耶穌又對眾人說:「我是世界的光。跟從我的,就不在黑暗裡走,必要得著生 命的光」(約8:12)。要聽耶稣的声音就必須站在耶稣的那一邊,不断地站在祂那边,也就是跟隨耶稣之意。聖經常把真理比喻為光。首先你把你巳經明白的真理實踐出來,你不但對真理有更深一層的認識,而且對本來不明白的真理也開始有初步的了解。實踐是明白真理的途徑。正如你要學騎腳踏車,你可以看動力學的書或看看如何騎踏車的DVD 或YouTube但除非你實實在在地騎上去不怕失敗不怕跌倒騎了幾天就會了。又如你要去一個從未去過的地方, 你可以花很多時間去研究地圖或旅游須知, 但除非你實實在在地親自開車走一趟, 你是無法完全明白的。論到真理,聖經強調「進入真理」。所以我們與真理的關係不是「明白」乃是要「親自進入其内」。奧古斯丁說得好,「我相信乃是為著要明白。」然而相信是從實踐而來的因為信心如果沒有行動是死的信心。還有一件很重要的思想是, 如果你要明白真理必須首先愛真理。蘇格蘭作家 George MacDonald寫道:「把真理給一個不愛真理的人就等於提供他更多誤解的藉口。」但我們這些有限有罪的人怎能完全明白那無限且超越的上帝呢?答案是, 我们不可能 “完全exhaustively” 明白的, 這就是需要信心介入的時候了。有位聖經學者說得好:「神把足夠的證據放在我們面前,好讓我們知道信祂是最合理性的舉動;然而神也把一些東西隱藏起來,好讓我們知道完全靠理性是不能活的。(God has put enough into the world to make faith in him a most reasonable thing, and he has left enough to make it impossible to live by sheer reason or observation alone.)」(Ref. 4)

有一個人似乎心神不正常,每天喊著「我死了,我死了!」太太問他,「你怎麼一回事?去上班賺錢養家吧,不要再胡鬧。」但他仍然每天大喊大叫「我死了!」太太實在忍受不住,便說,「如果你這樣下去,我們一家都給你弄死了,我要帶你去看心理專家。」心理醫生查不出甚麼原因,於是太太只好把他帶去看內科醫生。醫生說,「很簡單,因為死人是不會流血的。」話未說完, 便很快手地用一枝長針刺入此人的手臂,血液就湧出來了。誰知此人卻這樣回應,説,「嘩!原來死人也會流血呀。」我們看到一個人的動機比明白真理的內容更重要。羅馬書1:18說, 「原來 ,神的忿怒從天上顯明在一切不虔不義的人身上 ,就是那些行不義阻擋真理的人 。」所以一個扺擋真理的人不但不能明白真理更會招來神的忿怒。所以一個人不願明白真理不單单是一個不願意學習的問題,更是一個道德上的問題 (moral issue)。


  • 真理是真實的,附合事實的,客觀的,和絶對的。
  • 神是真實,祂是真理的啓示者。好像那印度王把象的實體啓示給五位盲人一般。
  • 神本身就是真理。所以祂所說的就是真理。
  • 真理是可知的。因為耶穌說,「你們若認識我,便認識父。」
  • 耶穌和祂的話語(聖經)是絶對的,是一個不變的參照點。
  • 基督徒必須拒絕接受現今社會的「相對道德觀。」
  • 最終極的真理是「起初神」。這真理說明了神是創造者,宇宙和生命都有由祂而來的「起源。」所有其它真理都以此起步點而衍生出來的。
  • 我們一生要不斷地追求真理,教導真理,為真理辯證,並活出真理。



  1. “Deliver Us From Evil” by Ravi Zacharias (forwarded by Frank Peretti); pp. 212-213.
  2. “Can Man Live Without God” by Ravi Zacharias; p.123.
  3. “新鐵證待判” by 更新製作小組.
  4. “The Real Face of Atheism” by Ravi Zacharias; p.113.
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Can Good Defeat Evil?

By Tin-chee (TC) Lo; June 16, 2014

Last Saturday (June 14, 2014), my wife and I went to the Danbury Mall in Connecticut for a pastime. After we had lunch, she went her way to get her bargain and I walked to the neighboring Barnes and Noble to browse among some art books. As I entered into the book store, I saw a desk set up near the entrance and few chairs in front of it. It was obvious to me that this was the “Meet the Author” event. Behind the desk was a middle age man in suit with fullness of salt and pepper hair, gentle and scholarly. He was the author of a book he tried to promote and he made himself available to autograph the customers’ copies. I saw few people came to converse with him and I found him articulate and knowledgeable as I stealthily listened to their conversations. From what I overheard, these people who talked with him were writers or book lovers trying to learn some writing technique from him or simply exchange knowledge. While they were still talking, I approached the desk and picked up one copy from the stack and started to flip over the pages. I found the title of the book, Zodiac Deception, was quite outlandish, and I found the author’s name was Garry Kress (GK). After all people had left the desk, I initiated a friendly conversation with the man behind the desk.

TC: Hi, Gary! By the title of your book, may I guess this is another Da Vinci Code type book?
GK: Not quite.

TC: Is it a novel?
GK: Yes.

TC: What is your philosophy?
GK: What do you mean?

TC: Do you agree that the work of an author or of an artist reflects his or her worldview in some way?
GK: Umm…

TC: OK, what about just the philosophy behind this particular novel?
GK: Well, the main idea of this book is “A little good is able to destroy the biggest evil.”

TC: Interesting. But my problem is “What is good?” (I borrow Jesus’ question put to the rich young ruler.)
GK: Any act of altruism is good.

TC: Yes, altruism is good but it is a bad-good because human good is inevitably contaminated with bad elements. For example, if I gave 1 million dollar for a noble cause to a not-for-profit organization, it is hard for me not to nurture a secret spirit of wish hoping to be well known—if I am absolutely honest to myself.
GK: Where this bad element comes from?

I sensed Mr. Kress knew the classic argument against Christianity: “If evil exists, the good God cannot.” So I attempted to answer an unasked question.

TC: Do you agree that love is the highest level of virtue?
GK: The greatest (of these) is love. (GK might be quoting 1 Corinthians 13:13)

TC: But we all agree that free-will precedes love because a forced love is not real love. So, free-will is the noblest gift ever endowed to mankind.
GK: I agree.

TC: Freedom of choice opens the possibility of choosing bad as well as good. If we are programmed to choose only good then we are not free.
GK: Pretty standard answer! Now you are talking about Supreme Being.

TC: We have converged to a common point. I also agree with you when you said earlier that small good prevails big evil—but I must qualify my agreement: This small good must be the good good (divine) and not the bad good (humanistic).
GK: OK. My book is on-line. Read it.

As I left the bookstore and walked back to the Mall to meet my wife, the phrase “small good overcomes big evil” hovered over my mind. Turn it into a question: Can small good prevail over big evil? I think the answer is “Yes” and “No”.

  • If the small good is the bad good, the answer is “NO”. Bad good (humanistic good) can never prevail over evil even it is big. It has been tried throughout the entire human history and proven true.
  • If the small good is the good good, the answer is “YES”. Good good (God’s good) can triumphant over evil.

God’s good which has been demonstrated by His forgiveness can never be small. If your sin and my sin multiply by a limitless number, then we begin to get a glimpse of the cost Christ paid on the cross. The human heart is the greatest evil and Christ’s love is the ultimate good.

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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); May 8, 2014

馬來西亞航空公司班機 MF 370 於2014年3月8日失蹤。大量的人力,物力,財力,智力從數個國家展開搜索,目的是要確定真相。

追求真理,特別是追求與生命和上帝有関的真理,應是人生最高的目標。但真理的真實性必須透過真理的檢驗。檢驗的準則至少有三 (Ref.1, p.177; Ref.2, p.123) :
• 邏輯上的一致性—符合邏輯律 (Logical consistency)
• 具有足夠的實驗數據—足夠的見證 (Empirical adequacy)
• 來自經驗的相關性—與現實相符 (Experiential relevance)

佛教在「符合現實」上的檢驗失敗到極㸃—輪迴是你的前生決定你的今生; 但你對你的前生卻一無所知,你又如何斷言輪迴的真實性?在證明耶穌復活的事上我們還可以再加上一個檢驗,就是歷史上的可靠性。


論到復活我們必需指出耶穌的復活不是「精神」復活 (Ref.2, p.136; Ref.3, p.60)。我們大可以說毛凙東已經精神復活了,或説林肯巳經精神復活了,而無人會向你挑戰。但耶穌的復活是獨特的「身體復活」。耶穌的復活也不是像拉撒路那種「回復原狀」的復甦,因為他復活後過一段時候還是死了。史學家認為拉撒路日後往賽浦魯斯傳主復活的道並死在那裏,後人發現他的墓,墓碑上寫著「拉撒路,耶穌的朋友,死了兩次Lazarus, Friend of Jesus, Twice dead」(Ref.4, p.166)。耶穌的身體復活有兩特色:1. 祂向死亡誇勝。2. 祂提升至永無止息的榮耀。有一件事必須在此一提;就是身體復活對當時第一世紀的猶太人而言,並非新觀念,當時的猶太人都相信在末日–即人類歷史之外,人人都會身體復活; 但像耶穌一般,在人類歷史當中的個人復活是不為人期待的。相信耶穌身體復活是我們重要的信仰內容。因為保羅在新約聖經中明說 「若基督沒有復活,我們所傳的便是枉然,你們所信的也是枉然!」(林前15:14)。今天我們看到有人受洗,有人生命獲改變,可見我們所傳的和所信的絕非枉然。

• 耶穌的自我啓示 Jesus’ self-understanding or self-revelation
• 目擊者的見證明 Testimonies of the eye-witnesses
• 歷史的考證 Historical reliability of the Scripture

耶穌的自我啓示 (1)
有一天,有幾個文士和法利賽人和撒都該人來試探耶穌說:「夫子,我們願意你顯個神蹟給我們看。」 耶穌回答說:「晚上天發紅,你們就說,‘天必要晴’;早晨天發紅,又發黑,你們就說,‘今日必有風雨’。你們知道分辨天上的氣色,倒不能分辨這時候的神蹟。一個邪惡、淫亂的世代求看神蹟,除了先知約拿的神蹟以外,再沒有神蹟給他們看。約拿三日三夜在大魚肚腹中,人子也要這樣三日三夜在地裡頭。」耶穌是指彷彿巳死的約拿被大魚吐出來卻仍存活,照樣人子也必從地獄復活過來,勝過死亡的權勢。然而耶穌為了表明祂比約拿更超越便說了這段話,「當審判的時候,尼尼微人要起來定這世代的罪,因為尼尼微人聽了約拿所傳的,就悔改了;看哪,在這裡有一人比約拿更大。當審判的時候,南方的女王要起來定這世代的罪,因為她從地極而來,要聽所羅門的智慧話;看哪,在這裡有一人比所羅門更大。約拿怎樣為尼尼微人成了神蹟,人子也要照樣為這世代的人成了神蹟。」(參考: 馬太 12:38-42; 16:1-4; 路加 11:29-30) 耶穌的意思是祂在兩方面比約拿大:
• 在傳道上:約拿傳道給尼尼微城全城得救;耶穌自己並且透過教會向全世界人類傳道,萬國萬民得救。歷史就是最大的考證。
• 在智慧上:耶穌既比所羅門更有智慧,,那麼約拿就不用比較了。

• 1949年:新中國政府開始, 也是迫害基督教的開始。
• 1950年:在浙江省的溫州市有40名牧師被放逐到蘇聯邊界被勞攺,只有一人回家,其餘被關禁20年之久。
• 1958年:所有教堂被關閉。毛妻江青吿訴外國人,說:「基督教在中國已經被困在博物館中的”歷史部門”了。」
• 1970年:從美國來訪的基督教考察團感歎道,「一個基督徒都找不到呀! 」
• 1979年:尼克森總統訪華,鉄幕出現裂縫,這是中國教會萌芽的開始。
• 1989年:民主運動爆發,史稱「六四民運」。從此入教人仕比入黨人仕為多。
• 2009年:香港某報紙在首頁出現這樣一幅圖片,在北京禁宮前門上,掛著的不是毛澤東的像,而是一張大橫標,上面寫著,「基督復活了(Christ is risen) 」。

今天,據網路報導,國內巳有1億3千萬(130 million)重生的基督徒。中國教會真可說是基督身體復活的一個比喻(metaphor)。

耶穌的自我啓示 (2)
耶稣潔淨聖殿以後, 有些猶太人前來質問他說:“你做這些事的權柄從何而來? 你有甚麼神蹟可以顯給我們看以證明你的權柄呢?”耶穌既站在殿内, 便指著殿回答,他們說:“你們拆毀這殿,我三日內要再建立起來。”猶太人便說:“這殿是四十六年才造成的,你三日內就再建立起來嗎?”但耶穌這話,是以他的身體為殿。 (參考: 約翰 2:18-21)

一些日子之後,耶穌被解交到祭司長們和全公會。因著祂上述的宣告,耶穌被控犯了褻瀆神的罪,因為只有神才能在三日內重䢖聖殿。門徒聽了耶穌的解釋後仍然不完全明白直至主身體復活之後才想起衪所說的,便相信聖經並明白主所說的話。門徒從懷疑到堅信耶穌的身體復活是一個很大的改變. 這改變成為門徒日後勇敢傳福音的動力; 並且基督的身體復活也成為基督教的重要信仰宣言。

過了耶穌被處死後的那個安息日,七日的頭一日巳來臨,天快亮的時候,抹大拉的馬利亞和雅各的母親馬利並撒羅米和約亞拿來看墳墓。她们拿著香膏為要去膏耶穌的身體。忽然,地大震動,因為有主的使者從天上下來,把封墓的石頭滾開,坐在上面。他的像貌如同閃電,衣服潔白如雪。看守的人就因他嚇得渾身亂戰,甚至和死人一樣。婦女們進了墳墓,看見另一個天使坐在右邊,穿著放光的白袍, 就甚驚恐。馬利亞以為他是個園丁,就對他說:“先生,墳墓為甚麼是空呢? 若是你把他移了去,請告訴我你把他放在哪裡,我便去取他。” 那天使對她們說:“你們為甚麼在死人中找活人呢?不要驚恐,你們尋找那被釘十字架的拿撒勒人耶穌,他已經復活了,不在這裡。請來看看安放屍首的地方。” 又說, “你們可以去告訴他的門徒和彼得,說:‘他在你們以先往加利利去。在那裡你們要見他,正如他從前所告訴你們的, 說人子必須被交在罪人手裡,釘在十字架上,第三日復活。’”

據古代的近東和中東的文化,女人被視為無資格作重要案件的證人。這類如此重大的事件都是指派男人去履行的。但聖經卻記載了女人作耶穌復活的主要證人,這就更顯聖經的真實性並且消除了「假見證」的可能性, 因為設計假見證的人, 是不會派女人去當此差事。這是非常重要的 (Ref.5, p.123)。還有,耶穌的墓是可認明的,因為是亞利馬太的約瑟 (Joseph of Arimathea) 所提供的墓 (馬可15:43-47),婦女們不可能會找錯, 這就消除了婦女找錯地方的可能性。天使在塲向婦女說話又是另一個確據。

婦女們就從墳墓那裡逃跑出來,又發抖又驚奇,甚麼也不敢告訴人,因為她們害怕。忽然,復活的主耶穌在途中遇見了她們,說:“願你們平安!” 她們就上前抱住他的腳拜他。耶穌對她們說:“不要害怕!你們去告訴我的弟兄,叫他們往加利利去,在那裡必見我。” 婦女到了門徒聚集的地方, 抹大拉的馬利亞就去告訴十一個使徒和其餘的人, 說:“我已經看見了主!” 她又將主對她說的這話告訴他們, 他们都不相信且認為是胡言。但彼得和馬可聽了就出來,往墳墓那裡去。這是一個為追求真理而付出的行動。在此, 我们學習到: 信心不是在真空中的跳躍,乃是經過苦心研究後的委身。

兩個人同跑,較年輕的馬可比彼得跑得更快,先到了墳墓,低頭往裡看,就見細麻布還放在那裡,只是沒有進去。西門彼得隨後也到了,進墳墓裡去,就看見細麻布還放在那裡,又看見耶穌的裹頭巾沒有和細麻布放在一處,是另在一處捲著。裹頭巾和裹屍布齊齊整整地放在原位, 偏偏地塌下去。先到墳墓的馬可也進去,看見後, 證據確鑿,他們俩人就相信了。

基督徒暢銷作者Lee Strobel 説,「信心是按著證據所指的方向,踏上相信的一步。Faith is taking a step in the same direction that evidences point.」(Ref.6, p.31)

論到信心與理性的互動,護道學家 Ravi Zacharias 說得好,「神已經給予我們足夠的證據讓我們可以靠信心而活;但我們不能全然靠理性而無信心而活。God has given us enough reasons so we can live by faith. But we cannot live by reason alone without faith.」(Ref.1, p.113)
信心必需建立在愛真理的前提下,正如作家George MacDonald 所説,「把真理提供給一個不愛真理的人,他就有更多的理由去誤解真理。To give truth to a person who does not love the truth is to only give more reasons for misinterpretation.」所以相信真理不單單是理性上的問題而是一個道德上的問題。


• 猶太人認為空是因為門徒偷了耶穌的屍體。
• 無神論者的解釋更多:
o 耶穌只是暈過去,根本沒有死。
o 復活只是人的幻覺。
o 婦女找錯墳墓。
o 賄絡羅馬兵丁作假見證。
o 屍体被人偷去。
稍作分析便知這些解釋都不攻自破, 現在巳經很少人再提出了, 因為它們不能說明為何門徒們的生命會有如此大的改變:從軟弱變成剛強,從膽怯變成勇敢,從萎缩變成放膽傳福音, 甚至為復活的見證付出生命的代價。多馬是最懷疑耶穌復活的一個門徒。當他遇見復活的主後,生命大大改變,歷史告訴我們他日後往印度的欽奈(Chennai) 傳揚福音,建立教會。「主。多馬堂Mar Thomas Church」是印度最早的宗派仍存在到今天。(Ref.7, p.47)
• 所以唯一對空墳墓的合理解釋就是基督徒所相信的: 耶穌已經復活了。

保羅的見證 (1 Corinthians 15:1-11)

哥林多前書15:3-8 是一段有關基督復活的重要經文; 特別是第三至第八節是初期教會每主日聚會時會眾必頌讀的一段。由此可見其重要性。保羅從彼得和耶穌的弟弟雅各獲得復活的資料後用口傳方法傳給哥林多教會的信徒,那些有「得救的信心」的人都信了而且得救了。見經文:

1Co 15:1 弟兄們,我如今把先前所傳給你們的福音,告訴你們知道。這福音你們也領受了,又靠著站立得住;
1Co 15:2 並且你們若不是徒然相信,能以持守我所傳給你們的,就必因這福音得救。

1Co 15:3 我當日所領受又傳給你們的,第一,就是基督照聖經所說,為我們的罪死了,
1Co 15:4 而且埋葬了,又照聖經所說,第三天復活了。

1Co 15:5 並且顯給磯法看,然後顯給十二使徒看,
1Co 15:6 後來一時顯給五百多弟兄看,其中一大半到如今還在,卻也有已經睡了的。
1Co 15:7 以後顯給雅各看,再顯給眾使徒看。

所有使徒認識主的次序是從祂的生,祂的生活,祂的死,到祂的復活。而保羅認識主的方向是剛剛倒過來,他先從主的復活然後往後看來認識基督的死, 生平, 和出生。所以保羅認為自己是「如同未到產期而生的人abnormally born」。意即, 與使徒們相比, 他是「不正常的」。就是因保羅是透過復活的透鏡來看事物,所以他有超人的洞察力。難怪他寫下大部份的新約聖經。另一㸃使他與使徒們不同的地方是:使徒提供復活的資料,而保羅所提供的是對復活的解釋和神學,這是透過復活反過來看事物的結果。經文:
1Co 15:8末了,也顯給我看;我如同未到產期而生的人一般 (abnormally born) 。

保羅在未信主前是一位逼迫基督徒和教會的恐怖分子, 在大馬色路上遇見復活主後, 人生大大改變成為外邦人的使徒. 基督教神學的教義都是由他啟發给他们的。經文:
1Co 15:9 我原是使徒中最小的,不配稱為使徒,因為我從前逼迫 神的教會。
1Co 15:10 然而我今日成了何等人,是蒙 神的恩才成的;並且他所賜我的恩不是徒然的。我比眾使徒格外勞苦,這原不是我,乃是 神的恩與我同在。
1Co 15:11 不拘是我,是眾使徒,我們如此傳,你們也如此信了。

以上的說明, 大部份是根據聖經。我們會問: ,我們怎知道聖經是可信? 答案可以寫成一篇論文, 在此只極其簡單地說明如下, 讓讀者獲得一點點提示而对聖經產生信心:

保羅於AD 61年殉道,在羅馬被斬頭為主損軀。所以保羅書信(包括上文的哥林多前書)一定是在A.D. 61年前寫的。而保羅書信的內容是來自使徒們的口傳。而使徒的第一手資料乃源於主復活後5年內獲得。歷史家確定保羅所寫的哥林多書信是於AD 55年成書; 即距耶穌釘十字架事件 (發生在AD 30-33年間)約25年。這是具有非常重要的意義:歷史家都一至承認,寫作的日期與事件發生的時距愈短,神話傳奇就不易介入,所報道的便愈凖確。(Ref.7, p.124)

當你了解到亞歷山大大帝的出生(320 BC)與他的生平傳記問世的時距是400年,你便知道四福音書的可靠性,四福音成書的年日距耶穌的出生日期不過100年。另一個例子是:佛祖是主前600年的人物,而佛經到主後100年才問世 (Ref.9, 87)。 相比之下,聖經的可靠性便不容置疑了。還有,穆罕默德生於AD 570,而可蘭經於他出生後100年才問世,而耶穌的生平早在舊約時代由先知們巳記錄下來;學者指出:如果你把所有舊約中有關耶穌的預言抽出來整理成書,此書將會與四福音書無多大出入。有人用兩句話描述耶穌以顯出祂與其他教主大大不同, 論到耶穌, 有人寫道: 「尙未出生,傳記巳寫。出生不久經典巳成。」耶穌的獨特性由此可見。


基督的復活產生了一個「新的創造」。這新創造是持續到永恆的。「舊的創造」有一天會結束。今天,新與舊兩個世界是同時存在的 (Ref.5, p.107)。基督的復活可視為新世界與舊世界的暫時相交㸃,也是基督徒可以從舊世界通到新世界的橋樑。人的生命很短暫,其中所能矜誇的,只不過是勞苦愁煩,轉眼成空。人生有苦難,很多是今生無法解釋的。但最終我們都要面對兩個問題:心中的罪惡和死亡。

如果自然主義或無神論是對,我們便是活在一個封閉的系統中,沒有越自然的介入,人死如燈㓕,死後無生命,死後無審判。生前未了結的罪惡, 正義,公正,無法伸張,那麼今生所談的道德,公義,又有何意義呢?這就正如所羅門所說的話「在日光之下」,一切都是空虛的空虛。難怪所有無神論哲學家都建立他們的世界觀在絕望的根基上。

但如果上帝是存在的,基督的復活也是事實,我們死亡後也必復活,正如聖經所說「在亞當裡眾人都死了;照樣,在基督裡眾人也都要復活 (林前15:22)。」。今生的痛䓀與死亡,在復活的盼望中,顕得輕省並且我們有力量去承擔。死亡就好似我們到機塲送機一般,雖然我們捨不得所愛的人的離別,但有一天我們可以在接機室再次見面。如果我們能用這個比喻 (paradigm) 來看死亡和苦難,那不能解釋的苦難便獲得部分的解釋了。生命的主要向拒絕衪的人追討公義,他們死後無翻身之地,絕望是他們的結局。但向接受基督的人,廣施赦免。死後有那榮耀復活的盼望。面對苦難,邪惡,和死亡等問題,我們不再問「甚麼是我們的答案 What is the answer?」,而是問「誰是我們的答案 Who is the answer?」。


  1. “The Real Face of Atheism” by Ravi Zacharias
  2. “Can Man Live without God” by Ravi Zacharias
  3. “Jesus Among Other Gods—Youth Edition” by Ravi Zacharias and Kevin Johnson
  4. “Grand Weaver” by Ravi Zacharias
  5. “Science and Religion in Quest of Truth” by John Polkinghorne
  6. “A conversation with Lee Strobel” in Decision; November 2007
  7. “Walking from East to West” by Ravi Zacharias with R.S.B. Sawyer
  8. “Who Made God?” by Ravi Zacharias and Norman Geisler
  9. “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel”


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苦難的奧秘 (The Mystery of Suffering)

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); April 4, 2014

如果全善,全知,全能的上帝存在,為何苦難會落在無辜者的身上?這是一個千古難題。因為基督教無法給人們一個令他們「完全滿意」的答案,所以很多人— 從 Bertrand Russell 到 Richard Dawkins  到我们的朋友同事 — 便藉此不接受並反對基督教的信仰。這是一個自古以來的現象,並非是一個新的論調。但在探索此難題之前,我們可以先思考下列數㸃:

  • 基督教對此難道並非全無答案,這是此文的目標。
  • 你有沒有別的世界觀(宗教,哲學,文化)比基督教對苦難的解釋更能合理地促使你拒絕基督教而持守你現在所相信的世界觀(如無神論)?
  • 從極力反對基督教到非常有信心地信服基督教是一條很長的尺度。奇妙的現象是:提出這個難題的人,大都是苦難的局外人;至於那些親身經歷苦難而又有信心的人,他們卻不被此難題所困擾。相反地,那些信心越大的人,對上帝的信靠並尊崇更大更深。基督教的殉道者(為信仰受苦的無辜者)都是有信心的人,而且他们的信心在受苦之後更加堅定。
  • 歷史上的偉大人物大都是在患難中磨鍊出來的。
  • 無罪的耶穌自己就是一位無辜者,祂為人類受苦並被釘十字架而死。祂親身經歷無辜受害的事實。

在上述思考心得的亮光下,我們可以漸漸進入探討的核心。首先,我们要知道聖經絕無遮掩和迴避「義人受苦」的事實, 而卻正視其真相。


有一天耶穌對眾人說:“你們看見西邊起了雲彩,就說:‘要下一陣雨’ 果然就有。起了南風,就說:‘將要燥熱’ 也就有了。假冒為善的人哪,你們知道分辨天地的氣色,怎麼不知道分辨這是一個救恩的門還是敞開的時候呢?你們又為何不自己審量這種與别人相比較是合理的呢? (Cf. Luke 12:54-57)

正當說話的時候,有人將彼拉多使加利利人的血攙雜在他們祭物中的事告訴耶穌。耶穌說:“你們以為這些加利利人比眾加利利人更有罪,所以受這害嗎?我告訴你們,不是的!你們若不悔改,都要如此滅亡!從前西羅亞樓倒塌了,壓死十八個人,你們以為那些人比一切住在耶路撒冷的人更有罪嗎?我告訴你們:不是的!你們若不悔改,都要如此滅亡!” (Cf. Luke 13:1-5)


首先,最容易了解的是苦難與罪或不良的行為有関:嫖妓,賭博,酗酒,吸煙,吸毒等都會導致身心不適之苦。但是有些無名的苦難或天災難道是毫無意義嗎?多年前在紐約市北部的87 州際公路上有一孕婦開車往紐約市到一個左邊是懸崖的地方,突然從山頂滾下一塊大石頭,把婦人和她腹中的嬰兒都當塲壓死了,這實在是不該發生且不值得發生的事。後來市政府設下鋼絲網來防止這類事件的再發生。由此, 我們可畧畧看到苦難的一點點意義,就是一次的苦難可以防止將來更多更大的苦難。但為何是她呢?仍是一個䛧。


• 佛教—用Karma羯磨,業,來解釋。即因果報應: 前生做壞事,今生受折磨。前生積隂德, 今生享福。但我究竟前生作了甚麽惡,積了甚麽隂德, 不得而知。

• 回教—苦難源於不遵守「真主」的律法。其補救方法是盡己力去行善。但是做到甚麽程度為止才夠,也是不得而知。

• 進化論者—進化論的機制是「物競天擇,適者生存」,所以弱肉強食是正常的,亦即苦難是理所當然,無需究其因。苦難是完全的自然現象。無需解釋。

• 宿命論 (stoicism) 者—不必問。你的命運就是如此。逆來則順受。硬着頭皮不灰心。

• 幻覺論—苦難與邪惡非真實, 只是一種心理的幻覺。是嗎?當你深愛的人被人謀殺了,你能說是幻覺嗎。法官會同意這想法而不追究兇手嗎?

論到苦難與邪惡,基督教面對歷世歷代都提出的難題,這是因為基督教所信的神是全善,全能,全知的神。祂既是全知,祂就不能說祂不知道我正在受苦而無法施助。祂既是全善,祂就不應見我受苦不救。祂既是全能,就不 能說祂雖愛我但祂是愛莫能助。這就是困惑的核心。無神論者如 David Hume, Bertrand Russell, Charles Templeton, Richard Dawkins 因此聲言,「苦難的存在就證明聖經中的神不可能存在Since evil and suffering exists, a loving God cannot」。


1. 苦難是無意義的,它不可能會帶來甚麽好處。這個假設的問題是:你怎能斷言苦難是一定沒有好處呢?這是一種盲目的信心。

2. 苦難是不公平的事件。然而不公平的事的確程現, 公平的神是不會讓不公平的事發生的,所以神不可能存在。但我們有沒有想過「不公平」是由「公平」衍生出來?這就好像一個學生考試得80分,其好壞是因為有「100分」的存在。沒有100分作為最高的標準,80分就毫無意義。不完美的分數證明了完美分數的存在。這個完美豈非指向那聖潔的神麽?所以苦難的存在反而證明了上帝的存在。苦難可以從良善來獲得了解。

神學中有一門稱為「神義論 Theodicy」。就是人用人的理性去為神辯護,力求達到引出聖潔的神與苦難無関,人不能以苦難的存在而怪罪於神。其中一個神義論主張苦難與邪惡不是實體,它只是一種幻影或錯覺(illusion)。這個說法使苦難的問題不是獲得解答而是被消除,使神的屬性–全善,全知,全能–三者同時獲得維謢。但有一個問題—它不附合現實。這種苦難的幻影説(Dorcetic view of suffering) 不但是不好的神義論,更是不好的神學,然而西方的「基督徒科學派 Christian Science」和一些東方的宗教都相信此說法。護道學家Ravi Zacharias 提出一個頗有說服力的五㸃論:

1. 是的,世上的確有苦難和邪惡。

2. 如果苦難和邪惡是一種「不完美」,那就説明必有一個「完美」的存在來說明一些東西為甚麽「不完美」。「完美」和「不完美」的分辨需要道德律。

3. 道德律的存在說明必有一位道德律的賜予者。

4. 苦難和邪惡是與人有關的, 所以道德律的賜予者必需是有位格 (personhood) 的, 這就指向有位格的神。

5. 因此,邪惡與苦難不但沒有否定神的存在,反而證明聖經中的神是存在的。

創世記用了四分之一的篇幅述說一個人物,就是約瑟。他是雅各的第十一個兒子,也是利百加所頭生的兒子。因父母對他的偏愛,被他同父異母的弟兄弟所恨。這些憤怒的兄弟把他掉進坑裏,最後被米甸的以實瑪利人商隊救活,然後被賣到埈及。他向神求救,反卻成了奴僕,日後因被惡人誣告,被放在監獄裏去。但經過長期且當時無法解釋的奴役,誣陷,被遺忘,神終於用祂那看不見的手透過監獄的同伴,想像不到的環境,和他解夢的恩賜,溫柔的態度,做事的忠心,超人的洞察力,和毅力,約瑟不但得拯救,且成為埈及的宰相,獲得至高的榮耀。在迦南地大饑荒時拯救了成千上萬的埈及人和他的父家。這個苦難之謎終於在約瑟與兄弟們在闊別多年後相認時水落石出了: 約瑟又對他弟兄們說:“請你們近前來。” 他們就近前來,他說:“我是你們的兄弟約瑟,就是你們所賣到埃及的。現在,不要因為把我賣到這裡自憂自恨,這是 神差我在你們以先來,為要保全生命。 (創45:4-5)”  約瑟在救贖史中成為基督的預表, 也表明了,如基督一般,「苦難在先,榮耀在後」和「苦難能帶來好處」的屬靈原則。

有一篇2008年的網路文章論及一位三歲大的女孩子, 她住在Elk River, Minnesota. 她患了一種罕見的病症是涉及對痛苦無知覺的病—-天生的無痛不冒汗症 (Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis, CIPA). 患者感覺不到痛楚, 不流汗, 不流淚. 全世界只有約一百個病例. 這幼小的 Gabby Gingras 需要別人不斷的看顧. 當她長牙時, 她的父母發現她常咬手指直至流血而毫無不適之感. 當她两歲時, 她必需讓牙齒被拔掉以避免咬自己導致嚴重傷害. 她會把手放在熱爐上而被燒爛, 毫無痛感. 她必需常戴上安全眼鏡因為有一次她把角膜抓破得很勵害. 她在運動場上絕無害怕, 從不遲疑地碰撞到任何東西. 她說有時想哭, 但她不能流淚. 這小孩的生命處於永不終止的危險中. 患此病的人平均年齡是25歲. 患 CIPA 者的父母只有一個禱告: 「神呀! 讓我的孩子能感受痛苦吧!」. 如果在我們這有限的世界用我們有限的知識尚且可以賞識到痛苦其中的一種好處, 難道神不可能在我們裡面設計一種體認來題醒我們甚麼東西對我們有益, 甚麼東西對我們有害嗎? 正如實例有時是那麼可怕, 我們難道不能看出那能察覺殘暴和抗拒悲劇的道德架構嗎? 我們應問是否會有一個更大更深的答案, 而非簡單地說「神不存在」嗎? 痛苦其實是一份禮物因為苦難並非毫無益處。

我們都同意尋找有關苦難的答案是一個真正的挑戰, 因為苦難的問題不單單觸摸到理性的概念 (intellectual ideas), 而且更被情緒的現實所加強. 一位卓越的英國牧師 John R. W. Stott (“The Cross of Christ” 的作者) 承認苦難是, “對基督教信仰的獨一最大的挑戰.” 但他巳得到自己的結論: “如果不是因為十字架, 我自己絕不會信上帝. 在這個有痛苦的真實世界裏, 誰會敬拜一位他自已能免於痛苦的神? 我曾進過許多不同東方國家的佛教廟宇, 我在佛像面前恭敬地站着. 看見他雙脚交叉盤坐, 雙手摺疊合攏, 雙眼閉合, 两唇帶着幽靈似的輕鬆微笑, 面上帶着冷淡孤高的神采, 似乎與世界的苦惱完全脫節. 每次當我觀看他片刻後, 我總是轉移眼目. 同時在我想像中, 我轉向一位孤獨的, 扭歪的, 被酷刑折磨的體形; 他被掛在十字架上, 釘子剌入手脚, 背部皮肉被撕裂, 四肢被扭傷, 額頭被荊棘刺到流血, 口腔乾渴到不可容忍的地步, 整個人被投入於一片被神離棄的黑暗之中. 這就是為了我的神! 他放棄他能對苦難的免疫. 他以血肉之體來到人閒, 經歷眼淚與死亡. 他為我們受苦. 鑑此, 我們的苦難變成較易操縱. 雖然人類的苦難仍是一個問號, 但在其上我們可蓋上一個印記, 就是象徵神性受苦的十架. 基督的十架就是神自己在我們這罪惡世界中的唯一的自我證明.” 當嬰兒生病時,有時母親愛莫能助, 母親只能親密地擁抱她,雖然痛苦並沒有消除,但母親的「同在」大大減輕了嬰兒的痛苦。當我們受苦時,神並非愛莫能助,乃是有時「愛而暫時不助」,為著我們那當時看不見的好處。但神給我們一個不變的應許,就是祂與我們同在,讓我們有能力去承擔苦難, 渡過死䕃的幽谷。耶穌在肉身受難的時刻也需要門徒與祂同在,但祂卻獨自受苦。我們對主的受苦夠境有多深的認識?

耶穌在上十字架受刑的前夕來到一個地方,名叫客西馬尼,就對門徒說:“你們坐在這裡,等我到那邊去禱告。” 於是帶著彼得和西庇太的兩個兒子同去,就憂愁起來,極其難過,便對他們說:“我心裡甚是憂傷,幾乎要死;你們在這裡等候,和我一同警醒。”他就稍往前走,俯伏在地禱告說:“我父啊,倘若可行,求你叫這杯離開我;然而,不要照我的意思,只要照你的意思。” 來到門徒那裡,見他們睡著了,就對彼得說:“怎麼樣,你們不能同我警醒片時嗎?總要警醒禱告,免得入了迷惑。你們心靈固然願意,肉體卻軟弱了。” 第二次又去禱告說:“我父啊,這杯若不能離開我,必要我喝,就願你的意旨成全。” ( Cf. 太26:42)

在1555年,有兩位殉道士,一位名叫 Nicholas Ridley, 另一位名叫Hugh Latimer, 他們被稱為牛津殉道者(Oxford Martyrs)。當 Ridley 慢慢地在柱子上被火燔燒,Latimer 在旁邊喊著,「Ridley 弟兄,鼓舞勇氣,作個大丈夫,我們會藉上帝的恩典㸃燃蠟燭,使它在全英國永不熄滅。」我們不禁會問,這位凡人中的殉道者如此有勇氣地視死如歸,為何耶穌會如此軟弱,意志如此低沈?耶穌看來好似比衪的跟隨者更易被苦難和死亡打垮。這是因為我們對耶穌受苦的認識太膚淺了。但當我們想到祂是天父懷中的獨生子,祂與天父原為一。當耶穌想到祂要為世人背負罪債時,父神掩面不看祂。我們愈發沈思, 便愈發想起衪在十架上所說的一句話 “我的神!我的神!為甚麼離棄我?(太27:46; 可15:34)” 這種被離棄的痛苦是人無法想像的,比被釘在十架上那皮肉的痛苦,不知大多少倍。更令人驚歎的是,聖子耶穌被離棄的時刻就是祂履行父神旨意最高峯的時刻。我們常常會問,「父阿!我愛祢, 我愛教會,我服事祢,為什麼這災難會臨到我呢?」鑑於耶穌的被離棄的時刻,我想我們現在便稍有些領會了。

耶穌最終極的苦難竟能轉變成最終極的好處, 就是賜給人類的救贖。救恩對我們而言是白白的恩典,但對神而言,這不是廉價的,父神付上祂兒子生命的代價。難道我們在世上這至暫至輕的苦楚, 在神不可思議的智慧中, 不能成就一些屬靈的好處嗎?鑑於耶穌的受苦,我們的苦難便可顕得容易控制且減輕多了,因為我們知道在患難中基督了解我們的實況且在我傷心中與我同在。因此,基督的十字架帶來無限的安慰。聖經能安慰在患難中的人. 神在詩篇 (46 & 23) 應許我们:

詩 46:1 神是我們的避難所,是我們的力量,是我們在患難中隨時的幫助!
詩 46:2 所以地雖改變,山雖搖動到海心,
詩 46:3 其中的水雖匉訇翻騰,山雖因海漲而戰抖,我們也不害怕。
詩 46:11(因為) 萬軍之耶和華與我們同在;雅各的神是我們的避難所。
詩 23:4 我雖然行過死蔭的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因為你與我同在;你的杖,你的 竿,都安慰我。

終極的苦難與邪惡莫大過死亡。而基督的復活戰勝了衪的死亡。基督的復活成為我們復活的盼望, 衪說, “復活在我,生命也在我!信我的人,雖然死了,也必復活。” (John 11:25). 我們復活就是今生苦難的答案. 也是我們莫大的盼望。 這個盼望就是使徒約翰所看見和聽見的:

“我又看見一個新天新地。因為先前的天地已經過去了,海也不再有了。我又看見聖城新耶路撒冷由 神那裡從天而降,預備好了,就如新婦妝飾整齊,等候丈夫。我聽見有大聲音從寶座出來說:“看哪! 神的帳幕在人間。他要與人同住,他們要作他的子民; 神要親自與他們同在,作他們的 神。神要擦去他們一切的眼淚。不再有死亡,也不再有悲哀、哭號、疼痛,因為以前的事都過去了。”坐寶座的說:“看哪!我將一切都更新了。” 又說:“你要寫上,因這些話是可信的,是真實的。”他又對我說:“都成了!我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛;我是初,我是終。我要將生命泉的水白白賜給那口渴的人喝。得勝的,必承受這些為業。我要作他的 神,他要作我的兒子。”(啓示錄 21:1-7)

所有基督教最基要的神學理念或最基要的信仰宣告都與受難週 (Passion Week) 有關的。若是以基督的十架為中心點,我们看到耶穌的死在十字架上是為了代替我們受刑罸,使我們的罪得赦免。若我們從這點往後看,便看到道成肉身的教義就是耶穌的降世為人。因為除非神以肉身顯現,祂是無法死的。但是耶稣如何成為人呢?這就指向童女生子的教義。馬利亞的身體只是作為養育聖靈所懷的孕,耶稣沒有罪人的基因,所以耶穌是沒有原罪, 童女生子便順理指向耶稣的無罪性了。現在我們從耶穌的死往前看,我们看到復活的必要性。耶稣既從天以肉身降世, 当衪的任務完畢後, 衪就必定從世歸天, 這就是有形有体的身體復活 (bodily resurrection), 這是與其它宗教的 “精神復活” 不同的. 這樣, 基督教信仰的獨特性:

• 基督的「道成肉身」
• 基督的「無罪性」
• 基督的受苦
• 基督的死
• 基督的復活

都連接成一條線了。基督徒的苦難觀和基督徒永生的盼望就是建立在這條線上。在面對苦難時,我們想到基督的道成肉身與十字架能帶給我們安慰,而耶穌的復活帯給我們榮耀的盼望。回到耶穌所說的話,”「你們若不悔改,也要如此滅亡。」反過來説「你們若悔改,便可以得到受安慰的恩典和永生的福份。」基督徒承認,我們對苦難的奧秘仍然是不能完完全全的了解,但透過聖潔的神的啓示,我們是却可以了解甚麽叫做良善。基督徒在患難中可獲得安慰並能力來渡過死䕃的幽谷, 但對無神論者而言,他們不但無法了解苦難又不能明白何為良善,更嚴重的是他們巳踏上一條死胡同,再無掉頭的機會。你正在受苦嗎?相信耶穌,祂會安慰你,給你力量去承擔,給你盼望,並把你的苦難轉變成榮耀神的機會, 這樣我們就不會白白受苦了。

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“精密的設計” 還是 “隨機的選擇”?

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); March 17, 2014

在過去四五十年, 隨着DNA的發現和太空工程的突飛掹進, 科學家對大自然的複雜性感到驚歎. 他們發現大爆炸不是一些雜亂無章的原始事件, 而是由龐大的資訊所引導的高度有條理的事件. 否則大爆炸便與中東地帶的人體炸彈 suicide bomber 的爆炸事件無異。 事實上,  由開始的那一瞬間, 宇宙必需精確地調整到不可思議的程度才使生命的存在有可能性. 這是令人不能不信服地指向有一位有智慧的設計者。 如單單從科學的立場而言, 宇宙應是阻止生命的發生而非維持生命的存在. 所以生命是平衡在剃刀邊緣上. 著名的科學家 Stephen Hawking 寫道, “跟據他的計算, 大爆炸發生後一秒鍾, 如果宇宙膨脹度降低一點點 (one part in a hundred thousand million million 一字後面有17 個零) , 宇宙馬上倒塌成一個大火球.”

再用一些令人極為驚訝的统計數字來支持宇宙高度覆雜的結論 (Ref. 5) 77-78: 英國物理學家 (P.C.W. Davies) 巳斷定大爆炸時的初始条件 (initial conditions) 是剛好適合星球的形成—-行星和生命形成的必要性. 達到這樣精確的開始狀態的可能性是 1 與天文數字之比. 這個天文數字是: 1後面至少有21個零. Davies 估計如果萬有引力 (或 weak force) 的強度改變一點點, 就是1與10100之比. 生命不能發展下去. 有50個宇宙常數和衡量必需在數學上達到無限小的誤差才可能會有生命. 杜奴依 (DuNouy) 說, “一個普通由三千個原子組成的疍白質分子, 其自然形成之或然率是1對10231之比. 甚至把諸元素用光的速度震憾, 也要花 10234億年的時間才能得到生命所需要之疍白質分子. 可是地球上之生命歷史只有二十億年而己.

量子物理學家John Polkinghorne指出: 要維持宇宙平衡所允許的誤差甚小,好似把一箭由宇宙的一邊射至宇宙的另一邊, 即 300億 (30 billions) 光年, 而無誤地射中其靶心。

我們需要基因製造細胞,人的眼睛有6至7百萬錐狀細胞 (cone cells)。如果進化論是對,則需1/1040000的機會率才可形成一個酵素。你知道1040000是多少嗎?就是宇宙所有原子的數量。

法航447航班的墜落 (May 31, 2009) 的原因是由於一個小小的空速测量仪,因被薄冰蓋上而失去功能導致所有儀器所提供的數據失效。如果一個小小的東西能導致不能維持飛機只需在數小時內平安地能逹到目的地,你可以想像這浩瀚的宇宙如何能被保持平衡且不斷地被維持所有生命的生生不息?保持宇宙的穩定的要求遠比維持飛機平安飛行的要求更嚴格不知多少倍, 這就明顯地指向超自然的必要性了。所有這些都大力支持在創造的後面有一位聰明設計者的結論. 沒在其它理論較此合理. 這樣驚人的精密的要求,排除了進化論的隨機選擇的可能性。


  1.  宇宙大爆炸–参看:  https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=301
  2. “你為何要信” by 李德爾 (Pail Little); pp.16-17.
  3. “Who Made God?” by Ravi Zacharias and Norman Geisler; p.58-60.
  4. “The Case For The A Creator” by Lee Strobel; many chapters.
  5. “The Case For Faith” by Lee Strobel; pp.77-78.






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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); March 3, 2014




第二次是耶稣的登山變相:一天耶穌帶着三個門徒— 彼得,雅各,約翰– 來到山頂上,耶穌在他們面前變象,面耀如日頭,衣服潔白如光,突然摩西,以利亞顯現與耶穌對話,三門徒俯伏在地上,有彩雲覆蓋他們,然後有聲音從天上説「這是我的愛子,我所喜悅的, 你們要聽他。」(太17:5)




未得救的人是不㑹追求神的。因為人的墮落天性是抵擋神,遠離神,逃避神,經上說「世上無義人,連一個也沒有,世人不會明白神,也不會追求衪(羅3:10-11)」。但他們的確在追求,究竟他們在追求甚麼?他們所追求的不是神自己, 乃是神的好處:今生的快樂,心裡的平安,罪惡感的解除。人不㑹追求神,只有耶穌來尋找我們,祂說,「我來是要尋找拯救失喪的人」(路19:10)。當我們被耶穌尋到後,那就是我們尋求神的開始,而且我們的尋求是不會落空的,因為「尋找的必定尋見,叩門的就必為他開門。」(太7:7)。


從主禱文我們可以在實行的層面上对神的國畧有了解。耶穌教導門徒禱告時說「你們在天上的父,願人都尊祢的名為聖」,然後繼續說,「願祢的國降臨,願祢的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。」可見「神的國」與「行神的旨意」是一體的兩面。在地上遵行神的旨意就是為神國作見證。遵行神的旨意的地方, 就是神的國。



  • 彌迦先知 (Micah):

世人哪,耶和華已指示你何為善,他向你所要的是甚麼呢?只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心,與你的 神同行。(彌迦6:8)

  • 義人雅各 (James, the Just):

在 神我們的父面前,那清潔沒有玷污的虔誠,就是看顧在患難中的孤兒寡婦,並且保守自己不沾染世俗。(雅各1:27)

  • 主耶穌 (Lord Jesus):


  • 華倫牧師(Rick Warren):

在他經典之作「標竿導向的敎會 Purpose Driven Church」問世後五年,  他寫下一本書名叫「標竿導向的人生Purpose Driven Life」在書中他指出五項在神面前是對的而且是必須做的事:

    • 愛神
    • 成為神家中一分子
    • 像基督
    • 服事基督
    • 傳揚基督

所以如果我們能行公義,愛鄰舍,照顧有需要的人,不與世俗為伍,遵循主耶穌的「金律」, 並以神國的事為念,我們便榮耀神並蒙祂的喜悅了。然而我們如何能做到這些呢?讓我們看看兩位門徒遇見復活主的經歷,記在路加福音(24:13-35)上。


耶穌復活後的那日,門徒中有兩個人往一個村子去;這村子名叫以馬忤斯 (Emmaus) ,離耶路撒冷約有二十五里。他們彼此談論过去三天內在耶京所發生的這一切事。正談論相問的時候,耶穌親自就近他們,和他們同行;只是他們的屬灵眼睛迷糊了,不認識他。耶穌先問他們說:“你們走路彼此談論的是甚麼事呢?”他們就站住,臉上帶著愁容和失望, 因為他們還未相信復活的事。二人中有一個名叫革流巴的回答說:“你在耶路撒冷作客,還不知道這幾天在那裡所出的事嗎?” (c.f. 路 24:13-18) 諷刺的是,耶穌才是真正知道事實的真相的人。

耶穌說:“甚麼事呢?”他們說:“就是拿撒勒人耶穌的事。他是個先知,在神和眾百姓面前說話行事都有大能。祭司長和我們的官府竟把他解去,定了死罪,且釘在十字架上。我們素來所盼望的彌赛亞, 竟然死在惡人的手中, 我們只聽到謡傳説他巳復活了, 但真假不得而知” (c.f. 路 24:19-20) 。從 這裏我們可看到兩原則:

  • 主與我們相遇是我們想不到的。祂有祂的時間, 地點和環境。
  • 人是不能理解神的事的,除非祂向我們啓示祂自己。

耶稣的啓示使兩個門徒的心火熱起來。同樣地, 當我們透過讀經,靈修,事奉,而與主同行,我們便能夠明白神啓示給我們的旨意。我們若不明白神的旨意,又如何去遵守行衪的旨意呢?所以與神同行是增加我們對神的認知(change of consciousness)。

耶穌對他們說:“無知的人哪,先知所說的一切話,你們的心信得太遲鈍了。基督這樣受害,又進入他的榮耀,豈不是應當的嗎?”於是從摩西和眾先知起,凡經上所指著自己的話都給他們講解明白了 (路 24:25-27) 。門徒經歷到認知上的更新。

三人日行, 將近他們所去的村子,耶穌好像還要往前行,他們卻強留他,說:“時候晚了,日頭已經平西了,請你同我們住下吧!”耶穌就進去,要同他們住下  。耶穌非常願意與人同住, 因祂的名字是“以馬內利” (c.f. 路 24:28-29) 。

到了坐席的時候,耶穌拿起餅來,祝謝了,擘開,遞給他們。他們的眼睛明亮了,這才認出他來。忽然耶穌不見了。(c.f. Luke 24:30-31)

眼睛明亮是信心增長 (change of conviction) 的記号, 使他們回想到與主同行的經歷。信心的確定,必帶來良心的更新(change of conscience) 。倆門徒彼此說:“在路上,他和我們說話,給我們講解聖經的時候,我們的心豈不是火熱的嗎”( 路 24:32)?



福音與宗教不同的地方是恩典與人本主義的區別。宗教重功德(do, do, do and don’t, don’t, don’t)而福音是基督在十架上的「成了(It is done!)」。宗教注重我能為神明做些甚麼事,而福音的重㸃是神巳經為我們做了甚麽事。宗教是以人的行為為本,而福音是論到生命的改變和更新(transformation or renewal of life)。基督徒的成聖是建立在這基礎上。我們從與主同行而認識祂(renewal of consciousness)為始點,進而接待祂到我們的家(Ref. 1)中(renewal of conviction),當屬靈的眼睛被開啓後,良心就被更新了(renewal of conscience)。更新的良心是㑹產生好行為的果子。這就是恩典的行為與功德的行為之別了. 這 3C (Ref. 2) 不斷的循環和更新, 豈不是一個成聖的過程嗎 (process of sanctification) ?

(1)   “My Heart Christ’s Home” by Robert Boyd Munger.
(2)  “Pleasing God” by R.C. Sproul; pp.186-190.

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对一位大陸學者的宗教心理觀的回應 (Reflection)

By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜, TC); 12.29.13

<里程碑: 這是筆者在此 blog 內所發表的第一百篇短文>


我與一位大陸學者以前曾在網上討論過與基督教信仰有関的問题, 讓我稱此君為 JF 吧. JF 最近發表一篇文章, 他命題為 “浅谈信仰宗教的心理学原因” . 我一看题目便感到興奮. 因為我不久以前在此 Blog 上也發表過類似的文章:

宗教的心理學 The Psychological Elements in Religions




現在我 (TC) 把他 (JF) 寫的每一段作分析並表達我的見解. 我的回應是用英文寫 (因我的中文打字太慢), 而由高玲把它譯為中文, 在此特向她致謝。

JF: 正值圣诞节期间,在这个以基督教文化为背景的节日中,写这篇文章恰当其时。涉及宗教的题目太多太大,我打算只讨论一个很小的题目,这样自己写起来在精力上不成负担,别人读起来也不至于望而生畏。这个题目是:为什么一个人会去信一种宗教?显然,这里不用讨论为什么会形成某种宗教,该宗教已是一个客观存在。我也不去讨论其中的教义或社会影响,重点关注的是一个信徒的初始阶段——他(她)从不信教到信教的心理过程。从心理定律论的观点来看,貌似纷繁复杂的信教过程只不过由三种基本的心理机制作用而成,这三种机制是:
• 学习记忆
• 过程动机
• 目标动机

TC: I agree that these three are common approaches by which people come to believe in certain ideas. But they by no means are exclusive. The phrase “只不过 merely just” is too strong an expression. There are legitimate ways to arrive at one’s conviction. To my mind, people come to believe in a worldview through one to three channels in any order depending on individuals. These three channels are:

• Philosophical (or theoretical) level—rigorous study and analyses through reasoning and laws of logic.
• Art or cultural level—such as music or paintings or social media and like most people the way they believe in evolution. Most of them have never read <The Origin of Species> but they are loud and clear in buying in the concept because the whole society think it is right.
• Kitchen table level—At the dinner table, the father tells story or makes casual talk with the children and they gradually buy in their father’s worldview until they grow up and begin to investigate at the philosophical level.
The writer of the article, JF,  seems to ignore at least the theoretical level.

Professor Stephen C.Y. Liu even points out on page 127-130 of his book <Science and Christian Faith> six approaches to ways to knowledge and Truth: Inspiration, Intuition, Rational Search, Meditation, Revelation, and contemplation.

We can now see that JF’s three mechanisms illustration is an oversimplification.

我赞同这三种机制是人们在达到某种信念的过程中,通常采用的渠道,但是它们并不囊括全部,原文中的 “只不过” 过于局限。人们可以借着不同的合理方法达到某种信念,我認為一个人世界观的形成可以籍由以下几种途径,因人而异,顺序可变。

• 哲学(理论)的层面— 慎密的研究, 推理及应用逻輯定律.
• 艺术或文化的层面— 特别是音樂, 油畫, 和大众傳播. 大多数人就是用这种方式相信进化论的。他们中的大多数从未讀过《物种的起源》,但是,他们陣陣有詞地对它却深信不疑,因为整个社会都以其为真理。
• 厨房饭桌的层面— 在饭桌上,父亲给孩子们讲述故事或随便聊聊,父亲的世界观逐步渗入。孩子们长大后,他们可以在理论层面进行再檢驗。

原文作者 JF 似乎忽略了理论的层面或机制。

刘杰垣教授甚致指出認定知识与真理的途径有六種机制: 灵感, 直觉, 理性追求, 沉思-冥想-默祷-宗教-静生, 启示, 和期望. (參考: 科學與基督徒信仰; pp.127-130). 可見 JF 君的見解是太过份简化的。

JF: 典型的依靠学习记忆而信教的情况是从小成长于一个教徒之家,这个人从小就被该宗教的各种信息所包围,像接受语言那样接受了这些信息。在他(她)还没有形成独立思考能力之前,由于这些宗教信息的不断重复而强化在了隐性记忆当中。我们知道,一旦形成隐性记忆,使用时就不会再思考而直接调出。
TC: The writer of the above paragraph implies the effect of “Brainwash”. So we must first distinguish what is brainwash and what is discipline:

• Brainwash: To repeatedly impose a false idea into one’s mind until he/she loses discernment and thus accepts the falsehood as truth.
• Disciple: To reinforce what is true until the learner becomes internalized the concept and thus making the truth as part of his/her DNA. Example: When I was young, my teachers and parents kept reminding me to memorize the “Multiplication Table.” I reluctantly complied until I could recite it by heart and use it naturally in my daily life. This has been the most valuable thing I have ever done. Quite clear, This is not brainwash; in fact, this is a good thing to do. Is urging your children to study hard a good thing, or a brainwash? We parents know the answer.

Secondly, we must distinguish what is superstition and what is true faith.
• Superstition: To blindly take in something that you do not understand without questioning why or inquiring evidences. Do those who worship the Earth Deity (土地公) in order to get rich know why they are doing? Numerous Chinese folk religions (民間宗教) belong to this category. It is very bad that people believe something without going through independent thinking (独立思考能力). To avoid superstitious practices, discernment is the key.
• Faith: To believe something that though you do not fully understand, you spend time to investigate to see if there are evidences. Faith means to believe where the evidences point. True faith must pass the faith-tests. For any worldview, the faith-testing questions are related to:  Origin, Morality, Meaning, and Destiny. If you carefully examine, you will find out that Christianity makes sense. You also realize that God has put enough into the world to make faith in Him a most reasonable thing, and He has left enough to make it impossible for us to live by sheer reason or observation alone. Faith is a bridge between the natural world and the transcendent world. To deny the necessity of faith is to deny that human rationality has limitation. If the atheists think that men can exhaustively understand all things before he can believe, he must have already thought that he is all-knowing, an attribute only God can possess. In other words, he is in effect proclaiming that he is God—the very idea he deny regarding the existence of God. You see, right here, atheism is self-defeating.
上文中原文作者似乎在隐喻 “洗脑”,因此我们必须要区分洗脑和训练两个概念。

• 洗脑:不断地把错误的思想强加于别人,直到对方失去洞察力,从而接受并把它当成真理。
• 训练:强化正确的概念,直到学习者从内心接受,把它作为他/她DNA的一部分。例如:当我年幼的时候,我的老师和父母不断地提醒我要记住“乘法表”,我开始很不情愿地服从,但是后来我能背诵它,并自然地在日常生活中使用它,这是我曾经做过的最有价值的事情。这不是洗脑,事实上,这就是所谓的训练。敦促你的孩子努力学习是洗脑吗?我想我们巳作父母的都知道答案。
• 我们知道有些人在家人强烈反对下仍能信教。据说有一位穆斯林女孩冒着生命危险和家人的反对成为基督徒並受到迫害。此與原文作者所述的机制恰恰相反.


• 迷信:盲目地相信自己不明白的东西,不质疑为什么,也不追问证据。那些拜土地公以求发财的人们知道他们在拜什么吗?众多的中国民间宗教都属于这一类。人们没有经过独立思考去信仰一些东西,这确实非常糟糕。为了避免迷信,鉴别力是关键。

  • 信仰:自己对要相信的东西并非完全理解,但是他会去研究,会去看证据有否存在。信仰就是相信证据所指,真正的信仰必须通过诚信测试。比如说对宗教的選擇,你必须要对生命的起源,道德,意义和歸宿的问题仔细考察,看看各宗教对这些问题的答案是否一致,符合现实。在这个过程中你会发现基督教是合理的,其实上帝已经把足够的东西放进这个世界,使得我们能作出 ‘信仰祂是最合理’ 的结论,同時上帝也保留了足够的东西没有给这个世界,讓得我们无法只單靠通过纯粹的推理或单独观察而存活。信仰是联系自然界与超自然界之间的桥梁,否认信仰的必要性就是否认人类理性的局限性。如果无神论者认为人类可以详尽地认识所有,那么他一定是全知的,但只有神才能拥有 ‘全知’ 这个属性。换句话说,他巳经在無形中宣称自己是神 — 而神的存在本身正是无神论试图极力否定的理念。你看,在这方面,无神论就巳不攻自破了。

JF: 我曾问两个信基督教的美国朋友:“你们为什么认为《圣经》所写的全都是正确的?”他们说:“基督徒是不能质疑《圣经》有任何错误的。”我又问:“既然《圣经》不是上帝写的,为什么今天的人必须相信过去的人比自己还要正确?”他们回答说:“我们从来都没有这样考虑过,因为从小就认为这是理所当然的。” 可见,从幼年起形成的记忆一旦被隐性固化,当事人后来很难自察。
TC: The writer of the above paragraph violates the logic law of over-extrapolation. For one thing, he needs to understand the uniqueness of the Bible (see Appendix). It is interesting to note that Muslims are prohibited to criticize their Qur’an but the Bible is opened to all kinds of challengers and criticisms including skepticism from Christians. Throughout the centuries, numerous thinking people came to believe that the Bible is the Word of God through their rigorous research and investigations. Many skeptics who started out to prove the Bible was wrong but ended up becoming Christians. Examples:

• Sir Lionel Alfred Luckhoo (1914-1997) is considered one of the greatest lawyers in British history. He’s recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the “World’s Most Successful Advocate,” with 245 consecutive murder acquittals. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II – twice (’66 and ’69). Luckhoo declared in his book <The Question Answered: Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?> with this paragraph: “I humbly add I have spent more than 42 years as a defense trial lawyer appearing in many parts of the world and am still in active practice. I have been fortunate to secure a number of successes in jury trials and I say unequivocally the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt.” He then became a Christain!

• Dr. Frank Morison, a skeptical and rationalistic lawyer thought the resurrection (one of the key ideas of the Bible) was a fairy story until he looked at the evidence and became convinced that Christ was raised from the dead. He had originally set out to write a book debunking the whole thing, but ended up publishing a brilliant defense called <Who Moved the Stone?> It talks about an un-explainable fact: “This fact is that, sometime between the close of the thirty-six hour gap (after Christ’s death) and a period we cannot reasonably place more than six or seven weeks later, a profound conviction came to the little group of people…that Jesus had risen from the grave.”

  • Historical evidence: Just few years after these events, the Christian church stretched from Jerusalem through Asia Minor to Rome itself.
  • In 1949 persecution of God’s people commenced and the churches have suffered from all kinds of attacks since. Within a few years all missionaries were expelled. In just one city in China, Wenzhou in Zhejiang Province, 49 pastors were sent to prison labor camps near Russian border in 1950. Many were given sentences of up to twenty years for their “crimes” of preaching the gospel. Of those 49 pastors, just one returned home. 48 died in prison. By 1958 the government had closed all visible churches. Mao’s wife, Jiang Qing, told foreign visitors, “Christianity in China had been confined to the history section of the museum. It is dead and buried.” In the 1970’s a visiting Christian delegation from the United States reported, “There is not a single Christian left in China.” The simple fact that the Chinese church has grown into a force tens of millions strong today is a sign not only of God’s existence but also of his matchless power. In the 1970’s the Chinese church, like a rosebud that has been closed for a long time, started to open up and reveal its beauty and life to the world again.
  • Many Christian thinkers such as, Saint Augustine, C.S. Lewis, Lee Strobel and many more came to their believe in Christ through endless hours of investigation throughout their lifetimes. One can Google them to learn more about their journeys of pilgrimage. You then can conclude that they are not the people who accept something without convictions (i.e., blindly believe). In fact, these people’s self-understandings were more perceptive than ordinary people like you and me.


• 莱昂内尔•阿尔弗雷德 Luckhoo 爵士(1914-1997)被认为是英国历史上最伟大的律师之一。他是世界吉尼斯纪录中“世界上最成功的代言人”,他为245个连环杀手辩护,使他们无罪释放,他两次被女王伊丽莎白二世授以爵位(1966年和1969年)。 Luckhoo 在他的书中(注)宣称:“我谦卑地说,我花了超过42年的时间在世界许多地方做辩护律师,而且我至今仍然从事律师职业。我有幸成功地辩护了很多案件。我毫不含糊地说耶稣基督复活的证据是如此充足,没有怀疑的余地,让人无法不接受。”
注:选自莱昂内尔Luckhoo 的《難题找到答案:耶稣真从死里复活了吗?》

• 弗兰克 莫里森博士是个凡事持怀疑态度和唯理主义律师,他认为复活是一个童话故事。他花了很多年精心研究,仔细取证,最后相信了基督的確从死里复活。他原本打算写一本书,推翻复活之事,但最终出版了一本为复活辩护的书,叫做《谁移动了石头?》。它讲述一个无法解释的事实:“这一事实是,在基督死后三十六小时,到随后不超过六、七个星期的时间段里,一组人已经深信…耶稣已从死里复活了。”

• 历史就是见证:这些事件(特指耶穌的受难和复活)仅仅几年后,基督教会从耶路撒冷通过小亚细亚蔓延到罗马全地。

• 中国信徒的见证:中国对信徒的逼迫始于1949年,教会也随后遭到各种攻击。几年之内,所有传教士被驱逐出境。1950年,仅仅浙江省温州市,就有49个牧师被送往中俄边境附近的监狱劳改,许多人被判高达二十年的刑期,“罪行” 是由于传福音。这49人中,最后只有一人得以回家,其余的48人全部死于劳改监狱。到1958年,政府已经关闭了所有可见的教堂。毛的妻子江青告诉外国游客,“中国基督教只有在历史博物馆才可以找到,它已经死了,被埋葬了。”上世纪70年代,美国某基督教代表团来中国访问后报道说,“中国国土上連一个基督徒都没有了”。然而,一个简单的事实是,今天中国教会已经增长为几千万人,它不仅标志着神的存在,而且证明祂的大能。上世纪70年代的中国教会,像已一个关闭很长时间玫瑰花蕾,开始绽放,再次向世界显示出它的美丽和生命。

  • 基督教思想家如圣奥古斯丁,魯益斯,李斯特罗贝尔,还有许许多多,他们信仰的坚固是基于在有生之年花大量时间不断研究的结果。 若Google一下,你会更多地了解他们的心路历程,可以确定他们不是那种盲目地接受某种信念(如 JF 君所說的 “当事人后来很难自察”)的人。事实上,他们的洞察能力比起像你和我这样普通人更加敏锐。

JF: 依靠过程动机而信教,就是在情绪的激发下由直觉引导而最终信教的情况。比较典型的是在事业失败之际,或感情受挫之时,或亲人离故之初,甚至连出国手续不顺之类等等境遇之时,让当事人气馁失望,产生逃离这类负性情绪的困扰的动机。这时,如果他(她)受到了一种宗教的关怀,那种动人的场景(包括音乐),那些教徒发自心底的善意,那种庄严的仪式,能够极大地带来安慰,他(她)就会充满感激地接受这种关怀,并常常导致对这种宗教的接受。
TC: I agree with the possibilities. Adversities can drive people to believe in God. Our inner longing can lead us to believe in God. In fact, there are at least six longings built into our souls. Christian thinker and apologist, Ravi Zacharias, in his book “Cries of the Heart” explores the inner feeling of futility that can overwhelm a human heart:
• The cry to know God
• The cry to feel my faith
• The cry for a reason in suffering
• The cry of a guilty conscience
• The cry for freedom in pleasure
• The cry of a lonely heart

Only human beings have these longings. Men are born disobedient toward God, but the God of love put these longings in our hearts so we may search Him. The best promise that our God has given to us is this: “Those who seek will find, and those who knock and the door will be opened for them.” So our searches are not futile.

Scottish author George MacDonald stated it succinctly long ago that to give truth to a person who does not love the truth is to only give more reasons for misinterpretation. Hence, disbelieving in God is not an intellectual problem but rather a moral problem.
• 渴望认识神
• 渴望触摸到我的信仰
• 渴望知道苦难的原因
• 渴望自责的良心被听到
• 渴望有快乐的自由
• 渴望孤独的心被听到

人天生是悖逆神的,但爱我们的神把这些渴望放在我们的心里,使我们来寻找祂。但聖經给我们應許: “尋找的必定尋見, 叩门的必為他間開门.” 所以我门的渴望是不会徒然.” 苏格兰作家乔治•麦克唐纳很久以前曾经言简意赅地说过:把真理传给不爱真理的人,只能使他有更多的理由去曲解真理。因此,不相信神不是一个智力问题,乃是一个道德问题。

JF: 我有一个非常知心的朋友,在九十年代早期刚来美国时,本来不相信任何宗教。后来妻子才来美国团聚不久,就发现他自己患有恶性肿瘤,顿时陷入了绝望的境地。当时伸出援助之手的人很多,但是只有当地的华人教会帮助得最有成效,因为那个团体组织得很好,在人力物力和精神慰籍上都更加到位。后来手术成功,我的朋友度过了五年危险期,他们夫妇俩认定这是上帝挽救了他们,从此就成了基督徒。
TC: Yes, indeed, there are many cases where people came to know Jesus because of their spouses or their children had first believed in Jesus, or because of their hopelessness in times of trouble.

• After years of investigation, well known literary author Lin Yutang (林語堂) decided to be baptized after following his wife to church many years and witnessing the love and caring of  the Christians.

• Philosopher, historian, and one of the “June sixth pro-democracy Movement” leader, Yuan Zhiming (远志明), having sought political asylum, moved to the United States. When he was studying in Princeton University, the Christian fellowship cared for him and showed love and kindness to him, he was moved by the Christian charity and opened his ears to the gospel, he was finally converted to believe in the Gospel. Today he is a pastor of a Chinese church in California.

  • Russian literary giant, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, had a similar experience. He spent his entire life seeking after truth, yet when he was sick in old ages he was cared for by a compassionate physician and felt moved to become a Christian. Though Christianity indeed stands firm in the face of rationality, most importantly, it has the inner power of life.

Human beings are relational beings. Good relationship can win people’s trust and cause people to open their ears to the Gospel, but it is the Gospel that converts people, not the friendship. Friendship is just a means to earn people’s hearing.


• 经过多年的学习研究,知名作家林语堂在陪他的妻子去教会多年后,看到基督徒的愛心, 受感决志受洗成为基督徒。

• 哲学家、历史学家、《河殇》的作者人之一,远志明,陆肆后来美国寻求政治庇护。他在普林斯顿大学就读时,基督徒校园团契关心他,向他展现了基督徒的爱心,他深受感动,于是愿意打开耳朵听福音,最终相信了神。如今,他已成为一名牧师,他写了一本非常有见解的书:《神州忏悔录》http://www.cclw.net/famous/szchl/index.htm

  • 俄國文豪 亚历山大·索忍尼辛 (Alexander Solzhenitsyn) 有類似經歷. 他終生追求真理, 結果在晚年病危中被一位有愛心的醫生照顧, 心受感動成為基督徒. 基督教誠然在理性面前堅立不動, 但最重要的是它有內在的生命力.


JF: 在目标动机下的信教过程相对理性些,通常起因于当事人的思维困惑。比如:红楼梦里的《好了歌》,唱出了人间的虚无,什么功名、金银、娇妻和子孙,是好便是了,是了便是好。既然这样,为什么还要追求这追求那呢?如果都不值得追求,那么人活着是为了什么?当进入“看破红尘”的境界时,在宗教中寻找答案就成了他(她)的目标动机。在各色各样的思维困惑中,最吸引信教者的有三大问题——生死观、名利观和情感调节。没有一个正常的人天生就能坦然地面对死亡的命运,这是最本能的一种恐惧。所有的宗教里都必须回答死后会怎么样的问题,并许诺凡信此教的教徒都会在死后有一个圆满的安排,使信教者放下对死的恐惧。
TC: Death is a mystery that motivates people to think: Where will I go after I die? What is the meaning of life? These kinds of questions can never be raised by animals. Just for this, the worldview of evolution is being called into serious question. Poverty may cause suffering, but success and prosperity may cause emptiness—another kind of suffering. All these human struggles point to a Creator who made us. Our biggest sin is not murder nor treason, nor steal, but the violation of purpose — the purpose for which we are made. Objective moral value is another thing that points to God. How can people with different cultures, backgrounds, races have basically the same set of Rights and Wrongs? Can it come from amoral materials? We should think about that.
死亡是一个谜,激励人们去探讨思考:我们死后会到哪里去?生命的意义是什么?动物从来不会思考这些问题的。就凭这一点,进化论就没法自圆其说。疾病和贫穷可能使人受痛苦,但成功和富裕可能使人空虚—这是另一种痛苦。人类所有这些挣扎都把我们引向创造我们的造物主。我们最大的罪不是谋杀、不是叛国, 也不是偷盗,而是违背了宗旨—即我们被造的目的。另外,客观的道德标准是另一个证明有神的证据,为什么不同的文化、背景和种族的人都有基本相同的是非观呢?無道德意識的物貭怎能進化為有道德意識的人類? 我们应该好好思考一下。

JF: 特别对于年事已高而生命力减弱的非教徒,这是一个重要的精神需求。指出人有名和利是人类活动中被追逐的两个主要目标,源于自私的本能。但是,一个人的追逐未必能如愿,即使暂时追逐到手也未必守得住,未必不会产生新的追逐目标。这样的人累得要命,还总是不得满足。于是他(她)需要一种解释,给自己以精神慰籍,而宗教中超自然的解释就很容易满足需要。人生一世,生活在情感之中,对情感的调节和控制能力往往成为幸福多寡的重要因素。情绪的产生机制并非意识所能控制,但是情绪产生之后,意识活动能够有所调节。各种宗教里虔诚的祈祷中,祈祷者会说出自己真实的情感,由于动机的过程抑制机制的作用,在说出之后,那些情感活动会受到反馈抑制,这就是一种调节负性情绪的有效方法。
TC: Please read my following link (請看):

宗教的心理學 The Psychological Elements in Religions

JF: 在走向信教的历程中,学习记忆、过程动机和目标动机三种心理机制常常以复合的方式发生作用。比如,一个从小受洗的基督徒,长大之后可能会出现思维困惑,再经历比较理性的探求,从而增进了对教义的理解。一个在理性下还未完全接纳教义的人,突然遇到灾难来临,试着祈祷上帝保佑,后来获得生机,会促使其接纳教义。诸如此类,不胜枚举。
TC: The writer of the above paragraph seemed to focus on some special cases and generalize them to a universal rule. This presents a serious problem of logic. Let me point out: Jesus’ disciples were willing to suffer and even sacrificed their lives to proclaim the Gospel. Right here, we see that the hypothesis of self-preservation as a reason for believing in God is not explainable. Another example is that when a man saw a boy falling into the subway track, he would jump down to rescue him. Was he not violated the evolutionary principle of survival of the fittest and the law of self preservation? How can you explain human conscience arising from natural evolution where everything equal to material plus time plus chance? In the final analysis, the real question is: Which one has stronger explanation power to life and reality—atheistic worldview? Or theistic worldview?
作者似乎集中在一些特殊案例,并将其推广到普遍规律,这在逻辑上出现了严重问题。反例是:耶稣的门徒们愿意承受疾苦,甚至牺牲自己的生命去传扬福音,这些不能用 ‘人们相信神是由于自我保护的属性’ 来解释。有人看见一个孩子掉进地铁轨道时,奋不顾身地跳下去救他,这也违背了优胜劣汰和自我保护的进化论原则。如果我们相信自然演变,即一切等于物质加时间加机遇,那么如何解释人的良心從何而來呢?说到底,真正的问题是哪一种世界观对生命和现实能给出更強有力的解释能力—无神论? 还是有神论?

Appendix (附录)
The Uniqueness of the Bible (圣经的独特性)

No other books has ever been written in as many languages and for as many peoples and cultures as the Bible itself. No other book has ever been attacked and challenged undermined by skeptics and atheists throughout the history than the Bible itself. Yet the Bible stands firm for centuries as an unshakable edifice. These are miracles worthy of our time to investigate. This is why Christians are encouraged to read the Bible. The following points may serve as points of uniqueness to demonstrate that the Bible is intellectually tenable as well as spiritually trustworthy.

The Bible itself claims to be the inspired Word of God.
This is called “Internal Evidences”. The Bible says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17)”.

Jesus and apostles confirmed the authenticity of the Old Testament.
Lord Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished (Matthews 5:18)”. The following points are “External Evidences”.

The historical church has recognized and used the Bible as God’s inspired record of Himself and His will—The Bible has always been the ultimate rule of faith and practice for the true church.

History and archaeology combimed to confirm the accuracy of the Bible.
Hundreds of archaeological sites have yielded ample evidences to substantiate the Christian’s claim that the Bible can be trust.

Fulfilled prophecies witness to the Bible’s accuracy.
The Bible is the only Book in the world that predicts the future. The Bible is more modern than tomorrow morning’s newspaper. The prophecies concerning Christ have already been fulfilled except those concerning the Second Coming of Jesus and the future New Heaven and New Earth.

The Bible’s remarkable unity and coherence confirm its authenticity.
The Bible was written by more 40 authors over the span of nearly 1600 years and yet it is not a collection of writings but a self-consistent and coherent book.

The Bible is God’s book of promises.
Unlike the books of men, the Bible does not change or get out dated. God’s immutability is our basis for trusting the certainty of His promises.

The Bible is confirmed by its power to transform lives.
The unschooled, timid, powerless fishermen were transformed into men of faith who took the Gospel from Jerusalem into the unknown world of their time at the risk of losing their lives. Apostle Paul was turned from a terrorist into the missionary of the Gospel who wrote the majority of the New Testament Books.

世上沒有一本書在語文的種類上和所針對的種族和文化的數量上能與聖經相比. 世上也沒有一本書曾被歴世歴代那麼多懷疑論者和無神論者的攻擊和挑戰而能迄立不移. 這豈非是神跡值得我們去思考嗎?

這是聖經的內證. 經上說, “聖經都是 神所默示的,於教訓、督責、使人歸正、教導人學義,都是有益的,叫屬 神的人得以完全,預備行各樣的善事。” (提摩太後書 3:16-17)

耶稣說, “我實在告訴你們:就是到天地都廢去了,律法 (舊約聖經) 的一點一畫也不能廢去,都要成全。” (馬太福音 5:18). 以下數點是聖經的外證:

聖經一直是正統基督教會的準則. 是正統教會 “信仰宣言” 的核心.


聖經是唯一的書可準確地預測未來. 聖經比明天的報纸更是先知先覺. 有關基督的預言大部份巳應驗. 只有與基督再來有関和將來新天新地的事尚待應驗.

雖然聖經是由四十多位作者 (從摩西到使徒, 從君王到農夫) 寫成, 涵蓋數千年的人類歷史, 但聖經不單單是一套文集, 而是一本有驚人的連貫性的書. 英文稱它為 Bible 乃是由希臘文 biblos 一字而來, 意即 “一本書”.

聖經不像人寫的書, 隨着時間而需更改. 但神是不改變的. 祂的不變性便成了祂的應許的可靠性的基礎. 應許是基督徒盼望的因由.

主的門徒本是不學無術之民, 膽怯無能的漁夫, 居然成為信心偉人, 不顧性命地把福音從耶路撒冷傳到當時的世界, 都是因為被神話語改變之故. 使徒保羅本是恐佈分子却成為福音使者. 大部份的新約聖經都是由保羅受聖灵感動而寫成的.

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Obey Reluctantly

By: T.C. Lo (盧天賜)
Date: October 10, 2013

In my earthly journey as a pilgrim, I always struggle with a thing called “reluctance” wondering whether I please God or not if I do His will only reluctantly. Does reluctance of this kind signifies the lack of faith? Do I have to do God’s will always with great joy or else I become legalistic? Let us look at a story recorded in Acts 9:1-31.

Upon receiving the instruction to visit Saul of Tarsus (Paul’s former name) from the resurrected Christ (v.10-v.12), Ananias answered to the Lord and the Lord’s reply to him in this manner:

  • Ac 9:13 “Lord,” Ananias answered, “I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your saints in Jerusalem.
  • Ac 9:14 And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name.”
  • Ac 9:15 But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel.

Ananias complied. But it is not hard to realize that he complied only reluctantly. When you read carefully into the lines and read between the lines, you could have hardly missed such sentiment. Jesus’ reply further confirms my observation. When Jesus said, “Go!” in effect, what the Lord really meant was, “Alright, Ananias, I know what is in your mind, but for my sake, just go and do it anyway.”

Not long ago, I was reading a Bible story which is not noticeable by the majority of Bible readers. It was recorded in Jeremiah 35:14-16.

God asks the prophet to visit a small group of people called the Recabites (利甲族的人), invite them to the temple, and in a side room offer them some wine to drink. Jeremiah makes the arrangements and brings them to the temple. After he seats them in the side room, he brings out a tray of glasses filled with wine, just as God had instructed him. But strangely, as he enters the room he becomes aware of discomfort among his guests. “I’m sorry,” says the leader of the group. “Didn’t you know that we don’t drink wine and that we haven’t done so for generations? One of our ancestors (約拿達 Jonadab), a very devout man, commanded us never to drink wine or to live in buildings. So to this day, we and our children and our grandchildren will never drink wine, and we live only in tents.

Is it fascinating? If by sheer power of the will even “pagan” is able to comply with a tough set of rules for living, then what does it say of the Christian who supposedly is supernaturally endowed but lives a duplicitous life?

God blessed the Recabites and their descendants because of their willful obedience out of their reluctance as evident in the following two verses:

  • Jer 35:18 Then Jeremiah said to the family of the Recabites, “This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: `You have obeyed the command of your forefather Jonadab and have followed all his instructions and have done everything he ordered.
  • Jer 35:19 ‘Therefore, this is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: `Jonadab son of Recab will never fail to have a man to serve me.’ “

Making a contrast, God punish His own children due to their willful disobedience.

  • Jer 35:16 The descendants of Jonadab son of Recab have carried out the command their forefather gave them, but these people have not obeyed me.
  • Jer 35:17 “‘Therefore, this is what the LORD God Almighty, the God of Israel, says: `Listen! I am going to bring on Judah and on everyone living in Jerusalem every disaster I pronounced against them. I spoke to them, but they did not listen; I called to them, but they did not answer.’ “

In C.S. Lewis’s conversion testimony, he said one night, he knelt and prayed to admit that God is God and is worthy of his worship. He later said, “Perhaps, that night, I was the most dejected and reluctant convert in all England.” He did not then see what is later the most shining and obvious thing: the Divine humility that will accept a convert even on such term.

You may feel reluctant to serve God, or to offer your financial resources to God’s Kingdom, or to love those you dislike or even hate, do it anyway. As you practice obedience, you will amazingly discover that your reluctance gradually goes away and you will become joyful in doing God’s will—I think this is called “Transformation”— and be blessed.

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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); November 22, 2013

物質宇宙由物理定律管理. 但是我們與神的關是由屬靈定律管理. 但這兩種定律是有互相關係的. 物理定律引導我們去到造物主的面前, 而屬靈定律教導我們怎樣親自去認識衪, 在今天以至永恆裏不斷地認識衪.

有人把整本聖經與救贖有關的內容歸納為五大重點, 被人稱之為屬靈五律, 幫助人如何與神和好. 這五律是:

  1. 每一個人的生命都有一個天賦的目的
  2. 人類的根本問題就是與神隔離
  3. 人類欲自救却無能為力
  4. 十字架才是惟一的救法
  5. 接受耶穌基督作我們的救主和生命中的主

每當我再思屬靈五律時, 我似乎都有新的領會和感受. 如果你把第三律和第四律合併為一律, 那就是一般所說的屬靈四律了. 

第一律: 每一個人的生命都有一個天賦的目的
明白神現在對每一個人的生命都有一個目的, 就是盼望我們有永生; 盼望我們能經歷與神和好; 盼望我們有一個豐盛的生命. 甚麼是永生? 永生就是有耶穌那復活的生命.

• “人有了神的兒子就有生命;沒有 神的兒子就沒有生命。我將這些話寫給你們信奉 神兒子之名的人,要叫你們知道自己有永生”  (約翰一書 5:12-13). 耶穌就是神的兒子.
• John 10:10b—-“盜賊來,無非要偷竊、殺害、毀壞;我 (耶穌) 來了,是要叫羊得生命,並且得的更豐盛” (約翰福音 10:10b).  可見豐盛的生命是從耶穌而來.

但在我們與人傳福音 (好消息) 的時候, 往往在第一律上便碰到困難, 無法再談下去, 因為無神論者認為生命是無目的和無意義的. 生命真有目的嗎? 有两個不同的答案出自不同的世界觀:

• 第一個答案是: 神照着自己的形像造男造女, 乃是照祂的智慧, 公義, 聖潔所造, 並賜予人管理萬物的權柄, 衪是全能者. 這是1647年的威斯特敏斯Westminster 信仰告白的第十條問答. 如果我是被神塑造, 而這個塑造是有目的的, 我就必需要藉着認識衪去了解我被造的目的. 在這個目的的裏面, 便產生了對與錯的道德觀念. 在這個有目的的生命中, 我有神所任命的使命和履行這個使命的責任. 我是命定與神在天堂中永遠與衪同在. 這是一個答案.

• 但是有另外一個完全不同的答案, 就是: 人基本上是能動的物質 (所以被稱為動物), 是由原始無生命的液體, 經過很長時間和機緣巧合的連鎖進化, 變成分子和氨基酸, 再由氨基酸變成疍白質, 然後再從疍白質變成單細胞的微生物, 然後再從微生物變成底等動物, 然後侷促不安地從古海中蠕動上來, 再爬上樹上, 然後又從樹上下來, 瞧呀! 我們在這裏, 是黑猩猩的堂兄弟姊妹, 是免子和老鼠的遠親.

如果我們既是物質和機遇率的產品, 並且受着物質決定論的程序 (material determinism) 所支配, 那麼人生的目的何在? 道德又有何意義? 如果沒有神, 沒有來生, 沒有審判, 我幫助一個老太太過馬路, 與我用車子把她撞死又有何區別? 這是無神論領導者, 存在主義哲學家, Albert Camus 和 Jean-Paul Sartre 的看法. 在神以外去搜尋道德和快樂, 實際上是三者皆失: 失去神, 失去道德, 也失去快樂.

這两個答案的選擇, 代表了两個不同的世界, 代表了两個不同的世界觀. 那一個答案比較合理?
當我們—甚至無神論者—相信人是萬物之靈, 這就代表人是特別的, 人有他超越的價值. 這種意識其實是巳經同意生命是有目的的, 我們都知道用毒氣煙燻白蟻是可以的, 但不能如此對待人呀! 其實我們巳經是直覺地承認我們是具有神的形像. (創世記 1:27, “神就照著自己的形像造人.”)

• 我對娛樂世界的新聞不感興趣, 但2008年初, 有一段新聞, 當時只要你一打開TV, 你便逃不了收看這段報導: “來自澳洲的一位電影男明星, Heath Ledger, 於一月廿二日 (2008) 被人發現暴斃於紐約公寓中, 年僅28 歲. 他被影壇認為是下一代的新明星.” 社會人士, 對這前途似錦的年青人, 英年早逝, 感到震驚和悲悼. 認為他的死是浪費了有價值的生命.
• 1997 年, 英國 Diana 公主因車禍身亡, 全世界都深感惋惜.
• 如果你預到一個人, 他想自殺, 你總會去勸勸他吧! 你會问他為甚麽看不開而糟撻生命?
• 當我們看到一位可愛聰明的小孩, 因患癌症去世, 我們都感到可惜.

但我們可以問: 生命如果真的沒有終極的目標, 又為何會被浪費? 被感到惋惜? 覺得是糟撻? 覺得可惜?

護教學或傳福音, 不單單是回答別人的問題, 更重要的是用問題去回答別人的問題, 其實這是耶穌的策畧. 也是近代作家, 哲學家 C.S. Lewis 最能善用的護教方法. 其實, 這種方法的目的是: 當你用問題去回答別人時, 你便幫助了他, 使他對他所發的問題背後的假設重申鑑定和評估. 一旦思想打開了, 福音的內容便容易被人接受了.

人生有目的是基督教世界觀的基本要素. 這信念如可能被人所知? 就是人裏面都有直覺的知識, 儘管口裏說, “人生沒有目的,” 但當他裏面的直覺知識被接觸到的時侯, 他也無法自圓其說了. 所以, 直覺知識的挑起, 便成為福音的橋樑了. 其實, 直覺的知識是不需要學的, 乃是天賦的. 這直覺的知識被稱為 “不證自明” 的真理.

再者, 當我們相信某些東西是真實時, 我們常常會將生命投資在我們所相信的東西上. 即使我們相信生命是無目的及無終極的意義時, 我們巳假設 “生命是無目的及無終極的意義” 是一個有意義的真理宣告. 這時 “有意義的宣告” 與無意義的 “宣告內容” 發生了矛盾. 這豈不是一個不健全的推理嗎?

這個杯子是人手所造的, 它被造的目的就是盛茶盛水. 如果它沒有達到這個目標, 不管它的外表多漂亮, 在人看來, 它就是垃圾. 所以我們可以給 “罪” 下這樣一個定義: 罪就是違反目的 (Sin is the violation of purpose). 我們是受造的, 所以我們必需要找到受造的目的是甚麼, 否則我們在神眼中, 也只不過是廢物 (被隔離, 遺棄). 聖經告訴我們, 神在我們身上定了五個目標, 都是以神為中心的, 因為神是我們的創造者, 而我們是祂的傑作:

• 歸屬基督 (進入神的大家庭, 成為神的兒女)—Member of His family.
• 効法基督 (要像救主基督一般, 有完美的品格)—Model of His character.
• 在生活中榮耀基督—Magnifier of His glory.
• 在教會中事奉基督—Minister of His grace.
• 在社會中傳揚基督—Messenger of His Good News to others.

第二律: 人類的根本問題就是與神隔離
認識我們的根本問題就是與神隔離. 我們是照衪的形像所造. 但衪並沒有造我們像機器人一般, 按着電腦程式的指示去自動愛衪和遵行衪的旨意. 衪給我們自由意志去選擇. 但人類選擇違抗衪, 故意偏行己路, 古代人是如此. 現代人仍是如此. 其結果人類都是與聖潔的神隔絕.

• “因為世人都犯了罪,虧缺了神的榮耀” (羅馬書 3:23).
• “因為罪的工價乃是死;惟有神的恩賜,在我們的主基督耶穌裡,乃是永生” (羅馬書 3:23).
• “但你們的罪孽使你們與神隔絕。你們的罪惡使他掩面不聽你們” (以賽亞 59:2).

觀看世上的數大宗教, 沒有一個像基督教那樣對罪有如此清淅明確的啟示.

• 某一世界觀認為罪只不過是在伊甸園內失足跌倒, 只要爬起來就平安沒事了.
• 另一世界觀認為你可以用道德與行善把你自己提升起來, 在將來的世界裏為自己設計一個更完美的生命.

• 罪不是真實, 只是幻覺. 根本否定罪的存在.
• 罪是好的化装, 為要顯明神的恩典.
• 我不過是被撒但利用, 罪不應歸我.
• 人都是不完全呀! To err is human.

耶穌却進入事情的核心, 直言不諱地說, “從心裡發出來的,有惡念、兇殺、姦淫、苟合、偷盜、妄證、謗讟.” (太15:19). 這豈不是我們在現實世界每天所見到的嗎?

如果神對罪的嚴重性沒有看得那麼重要, 衪為甚麼要勞師動眾, 多方多次警告世人? 衪甚至差派祂的愛子耶穌基督到世上來, 為要對付人類罪的問題? 如果神對罪的看法真的那麼嚴重, 為甚麽人不能感覺到它的嚴重性呢? 我想: 人對罪的領會的深度是與他跟神的距離成反比. 他與神的關係越近, 他對罪的領會便越深.

• 不信的人: 我沒有犯法, 何罪有之?
• 信主的人: 我是蒙恩的罪人.
• 愛主的人: 只要我愛主, 我便是一個 “蒙恩的好罪人”.
• 馬丁路得: 如果 “盡心, 盡意, 盡性, 盡力愛主” 是最大的誡命, 那麼, 我雖然愛主, 但沒有盡心, 盡意, 盡性, 盡力去愛衪, 那麼我便是最大的罪人了. (他從法律觀點, 說出這樣一句了不起的話, 真能發人心醒)
• 忠僕保羅是我們屬靈的模範: 他说, “罪人中我是個罪魁” (提前1:15).

蘇珊娜衛斯理 Susanna Wesley 是一個平凡的女子, 但却有一個非凡的屬靈生命. 她生了19個孩子. 其中两個兒子John和Charles日後成為屬靈的偉人, 你可以想像到她必定有一種內在的屬靈能力. 童年時代的John和Charles常坐在母親的膝蓋上向她學習如何與神同行. 有一天John 問母親說, “媽媽, 甚麼叫做罪?” 她說, “我兒, 凡是能減弱你的理性, 損害你良心的敏感, 使你對神的意識變成暗淡, 或消除你的屬靈胃口; 換句話說, 如果任何東西會增加肉體的權威和能力, 大過聖靈在你身上的主權, 那麼, 這些東西, 不管它們看來有多善或有多美, 對你而言, 都是罪.” 我大胆地猜想, 很可能沒有任何一位神學家會回答John 的問題比蘇珊娜回答得更好. 約翰衛斯理的母親把對罪的敏感性深深銘刻在的她兒子的心裏. 這個定義, 成為約翰衛斯理 (John Wesley) 一生的指路明燈.

第三律: 人類欲自救却無能為力
人類一直想 “通天”, 想 “揚名” (創世記 11:4), 叛逆的人不斷篡奪神的特權, 其结果是與神分離.  歷世歷代, 人類用各樣自己的方法 (humanism) 試圖用自以為正的策畧來彌合神與人之間的裂口峽谷: 善行, 宗教, 哲學, 道德, 教育等, 但一切都是徒勞. 正如聖經所說, “有一條路, 人以為正,至終成為死亡之路” (箴言14:12).

道德 (我們的義) 都不是得救的途徑. 聖經說, “我們都像不潔淨的人,所有的義都像污穢的衣服” (以賽亞 64:6). 真正的道德乃是人得救後, 聖灵使人更新成聖, 在這過程中, 人願意反照神的屬性, 並尊敬我們所事奉的上帝, 的果子. 但道德不是得救的條件. 人的善行永遠達不到神的標準, 但人不論罪有多深, 神總是愛人. 這就是恩典.

聯合國自1942年一月一日創辦以來, 到今天 (2013) 巳有71年的歷史. 世界和平的目標並沒有達到, 而且, 照聖經所預言的, 每况逾下. 神是完美的, 是不變的. 很可能因為一句政治口號 “CHANGE”, 讓Barack Obama 于2009年登上美國總統的寶座, 但 單單是 “改變” 不能解决人的問題, 只有依靠那 “不改變” 的神, 才能.

天主教巳往犯了一個很大的錯誤, 就是把 “稱義” 與 “成聖” 混在一起. 稱義是白白的, 完全是神的恩典, 是一次的經歷. 成聖是得救後的好行為, 是一生的功夫. 善行就好像一大群人, 從加州太平洋岸, 游泳到夏威夷去, 有些人一下水便淹死, 有些人可以游一段距離, 但所有的人都必滅亡於汪洋中. 我們不能靠自己的善行得救, 我們是藉信心靠耶稣的善行得救.

被稱為偉大三重唱 (the great trio) 的德國頭腦極富想像力的三位無神論哲學家, 馬克斯 (Marx), 佛洛伊德 (Freud), 尼采 (Nietzsche), 他們提供對十九世紀人類行為 的解釋.

• 馬克斯: 經濟 (錢) 是人類問題的答案.
• 佛洛伊德: 性慾 (色) 是人類心理問題的根源.
• 尼采: (權) 力的意志是解决人類問題的方法.

事實上, 這些以人為本的哲學, 不但沒有解决人類問題, 反而投下了一個有破壞性的陰影, 波及到今天. 其實這三個哲學思想所提出拯救人類的方法, 正是聖經所指出的罪. 就是說罪 “就像肉體的情慾 (色), 眼目的情慾(錢), 並今生的驕傲 (權).” 而且特别指出 “這都不是從父來的, 乃是從世界來.” (約一2:16).

蘇格拉底 (Socrates) 對人類的墮落和人心的罪性的觀念沒有深刻的體驗, 所以他很天真幼稚地說: “知識就是美德.” 但知識從那裏來? 從教育而來.

加爾文說, “提倡教育的目的乃是使人透過工作與生活去認識神, 並把神當作神來榮耀衪.”
又說, “人的真智慧在於認識神是創造主和救主. 因此, 什麼是教育的內容? 就是始於神的第一本書—-聖經. 然後領悟到全部真理都是由神而來. 然後, 我們應該學習神的第二本書—-大自然—-所啟示的真理.”

所以, 加爾文強調教育必需與基督的屬靈教導, 神恩典的更新能力, 基督十架的救贖連接起來. 如果缺乏這些因素, 教育確實地只能製造更大的破壞.

看看上一世紀你便知道 1941 年納粹主義的德國是文化修養最高的國家. 他們的領袖都看歌劇, 聽Wagner 的交響樂. 其中你可以找到最高標準的教育體制. 但文化的修養, 教育的發達, 却沒有辦法去防止 (Auschwitz 奧許維次 ) 集中營中所發生的悲劇. 估計有一百萬到四百萬的猶太人在其中被毒氣燻死.

全世界偉大的學府—-Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Yale, Princeton—-都是基督徒開辦的, 最初的宗旨乃是以傳揚基督為目標. 但是它們今天却反對基督教. 請不要忘記, 它們的存在都是基督徒血汗和犧牲的結果.

第四律: 十字架才是惟一的救法
人既無法自救, 神就親自下來拯救我們. 耶穌說:“我就是道路、真理、生命;若不藉著我,沒有人能到父那裡去。(約翰福音 14:6). 從耶穌的宣告可獲两個明顯的推論: 第一, 真理是絕對的, 是排它的. 其次, 真理是可知的. 既然道成肉身的耶穌是可以被我們認識, 衪又是真理, 所以真理是可以被我們認識的. 因此我們的信仰不是撲朔迷離的玄學, 而是符合現實, 或說是與現實一致的.

論到基督的十字架, 我們必需明白十字架的三個重要因素:

• 人的罪: 耶穌在十架上的地位應屬我們, 但衪代替你我受苦受死

• 神的公義: 神不以有罪為無罪. 衪的憤怒必從天而降. 問題是降在誰的身上? 降在你我的身上? 還是降在掛在十架上的基督身上? 客西馬尼 (Gethsemane) 園是耶穌上十字架前禱告的地方. 語言學家都知道—-客西馬尼—-此字是榨油機之意. 客西馬尼園內種滿了橄欖樹, 並有榨油機. 正如橄欖被壓出油, 耶穌甘心為你我被壓出血. 衪心被重担所壓. 甘願遵行父神旨意, 為你我壓碎. 當時魔鬼給主的試探是 “繞過” 十架. 但耶穌禱告說, “我父啊,這杯若不能離開我,必要我喝,就願你的意旨成全.”(太26:42).

• 神的愛: 宇宙的創造主竟然為我們死! 這是一件不可思議的事. 這是一個敬虔的奧秘. 十架是不可愛的, 是被人鄙視的. 但今天人把小小的十架鑲上小粒鑽石作裝飾品, 因為它的價值乃是在記念耶穌曾經被掛在其上, 是重價的珍寶, 比鑽石更寶貴, 而且是白白賜給我們的.

除了聖經之外複印數目最多的是那一本書? 就是偉大的著作之一的 <天路歷程Pilgrim’s Progress>. 這本流芳百世的書. 作者是 約翰本仁 (John Bunyan). 他的一生中, 大部份的時間都用在修補壺子鍋子上. 這本 <天路歷程> 是寓言故事. 內中主角名字叫 Christian, 他背着重擔啓程. 目的是要到達一個完美的天國城 (Celestial City). 整個故事是描述他在漫長的途中所遇到生命中各種不同的盛衰興敗, 痛苦與試探, 和一生中不斷对世界, 对肉体, 对罪的奮鬥和爭戰, 最終到達那榮耀的目的地. 我相信書中的描述是他親身經歷過的, 否則他很難會寫出這樣一本書.

他以很深的洞察力告訴我們, 這位朝聖者 Christian, 穿着破爛的衣衫, 背負難以忍受的重担, 來到一個小山, 他在那裏遇見十字架. 但他正在尋找往天國城的路的時候, 他竟然發現除非經過十字架的道路, 否則沒有辨法進入天國城. 當他舉目仰望十字架, 他就不由自主地跪下來, 轉眼之間, 重担也從他的背上滑下來. 他發現他與神的交通變得非常個別和很親近. 但這不是故事的結束! 當朝聖者Christian 除去他內疚與罪的重担後, 他發現有新的重担加在他身上. 這個重担雖然重, 但却輕省, 好像有人幫他背負一般. 原來這是他蒙召的開瑞. 他看見有三位光明的天使迎接他.

• 第一位是黎明的天使, 他對朝聖者 Christian說, “你的罪巳獲赦免了.”
• 第二位是白天的天使, 他把朝聖者的破爛的衣服剝去, 給他一套新衣服.
• 第三位是黃昏的天使, 他在 Christian 之額上蓋上印, 再給他一幅卷軸—-就是指引他旅程的地圖, 使朝聖者知道進天國城的門當行的路.


• 第一位天使滿足他屬靈的需要.
• 第二位天使提供他物質上的需要.
• 第三位天使參予他理性上的需要, 並給他工具來指示他的行程.

基督徒的生活包括三個領域—屬靈的領域, 現實的領域, 或邏輯的領域. 這三樣東西都不是互相排斥的. 我們的神是非常現實的神. 衪供應我們屬靈的需要, 賜給我們日用的飲食, 衪用理性和智慧引導我們. 讓我們蒙愛的人今生有豐盛的生命, 將來有榮耀的歸宿. 這就是十字架的道路, 這是神賜我們的恩典的道路. 總括言之:

  • 我們不是說這條路是世界上有很多通天的宗教道路, 而基督教只是其中的一條.
  • 也不是說這條路是上帝有很多通天的道路, 而衪只不过是選了這一條道路.
  • 這條路是十字架的道路. 神的公義, 聖潔, 慈愛, 和人的罪性, 還有邪惡與苦難是不能完全和諧的, 只能单单在十字架上能夠同時聚集會合 (converge) 而獲得協調. 所以十字架的道路是惟一通天的道路. 這是神的智慧.
  • 這條路是一條又新又活的道路 (希伯來書 10:19-20), 因為它能夠更新人的生命並给人永生的盼望.
  • 這條路是人與神和好的惟一出路.
  • 這條路是以耶稣命名的道路. 所以使徒保羅說, “除祂 (耶穌) 以外,別無拯救;因為在天下人間,沒有賜下別的名,我們可以靠著得救”( 使徒行傳 4:12).
  • 這條路是基督教 (福音) 的核心信仰. 初期 (第一世紀) 教會稱基督教為 “這道 (使徒行傳 4:12)”. 因此保羅說, “弟兄們,從前我到你們,並沒有用高言大智對你們宣傳 神的奧秘。因為我曾定了主意,在你們中間不知道別的,只知道耶穌基督並他釘十字架” (哥林多前書 2:1-2).

第五律: 接受耶穌基督作我們的救主和生命中的主

論到基督教的信仰, 魯益師寫 (C.S. Lewis) 道: “虛假是毫無價值的, 真理是具無限的重要性. 沒有一樣東西是近乎重要的 (moderately important).” 他是在強調基督的信息是獨特的, 這獨特的信息驅使我們要面對一個信仰上的決擇, 因為如果這信息是真實, 我們就必需以行動來嚴肅地回應此真理. 我們應有的回應是:

  • 承認自己是罪人.
  • 自已願意悔改歸神.
  • 相信耶穌基督之死及復活是為了我.
  • 透過禱告來親自接納衪作我個人生命的救主和生活中的主 (嚴格地說, 不是我們接納祂, 乃是祂先接納了我們).


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主愛之家 。愛主之家 。我心是主家

By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); September 30, 2013

聖經中的救贖史 (redemptive history) 是發生在人類一般歷史的背景 (in the context of ordinary history) 當中;它有可考證的真實的人物,真實的地㸃,和真實的時間。但它卻有垂直的超自然的維度 (Transcendent and vertical dimension),就是:今世與來世的相交,暫時與永恆的相遇,有限與無限的交义 (Ref.1 ) 。下面是一段有關神插手在人類歷史當中救贖史實:

從耶穌的降生, 我們得知耶穌是願意與人同住

耶穌基督降生的事記在下面:他母親馬利亞已經許配了約瑟,還沒有迎娶,馬利亞就從聖靈懷了孕。她丈夫約瑟是個義人,不願意明明地羞辱她,想要暗暗地把她休了。正思念這事的時候,有主的使者向他夢中顯現,說:“大衛的子孫約瑟,不要怕,只管娶過你的妻子馬利亞來,因她所懷的孕是從聖靈來的。她將要生一個兒子,你要給他起名叫耶穌,因他要將自己的百姓從罪惡裡救出來。”這一切的事成就,是要應驗主藉先知所說的話,說:“必有童女懷孕生子,人要稱他的名為以馬內利 (Immanuel)。”(以馬內利翻出來就是“ 神與我們同在”。)約瑟醒了,起來,就遵著主使者的吩咐,把妻子娶過來,只是沒有和她同房,等她生了頭胎的兒子就給他起名叫耶穌。(太1:18-25)


  • 預言(Prophecy)–耶穌的降生是舊約預言中的重要部分: “這一切的事成就,是要應驗主藉先知所說的話,說:’必有童女懷孕生子,人要稱他的名為以馬內利。’”
  • 人性(Personhood)—基督的神人二性是我們的信仰的不可妥協的內容。天使对大衛的子孫約瑟說, “不要怕,只管娶過你的妻子馬利亞來,因她所懷的孕是從聖靈來的。她將要生一個兒子,你要給他起名叫耶穌,因他要將自己的百姓從罪惡裡救出來。” 基督的人性是神與我们認同的記號, 是担當我們罪孽的唯一方法。基督的神性說明衪是一切恩典的源頭。
  • 同在(Presence)— 神願意與我們同在,並願意住在我們心中: 耶穌的名字 “以馬內利 (Immanuel)” 翻出來就是 “神與我們同在” 之意。

這三個神學的要素同時也把聖經的三大主題襯托或鈎劃出來 (Ref.2)。三大主題:

  • 神的應許—強調神的信实和祂話語的重要, 著重神對人類的應許.
  • 神的國度—指神是宇宙的創造主, 也是一切的統治者, 強調神的超越性和榮耀, 神的國所建立的一切, 至終要在彌賽亞身上完全成就.
  • 神的同在—神的同在是強調神對人的愛和對人的帶領, “以馬內利 (賽7:14)” 是這主題的鑰句.


“恩典的神的同在” 對愛衪的人, 特别是在苦難當中, 是可等的安慰; 但對抵擋衪的人, “公義的神的同在” 是一件何等可怕的事實。


  • 當始祖亞當與夏娃在伊甸園犯罪後, 神沒有離棄他們, “耶和華神在園中行走 (創3:8)” 為要與他們對話, 挽回他們。
  • 耶和華神要作衪的子民的牧者。從詩篇廿三篇我們可以看到神同在的豐富:祂與我們建立密切的關係;衪供應我們的需要;衪賜我們安息;祂使我們在軟弱中重新得力;祂醫治我們和帶領我們;祂喚醒我們過一個有標杆的人生;祂試練我們並在試練中保護我們;祂是信實可靠;祂給予我們恩典的訓練;祂給我們榮耀的盼望。因此,我䝉呼召,我享豐盛的生命,我獲保障的確據,我將與主永遠同偕。詩篇 23 中間句是: “因為祢與我同在”. 和合本: 在此句前共67個字, 在此句後共67個字. 原文: 在此句前共26個字, 在此句後共26個字. 詩人似乎暗示神的同在是這詩篇的中心思想. 歷代信徒對 Psalms 23 的愛慕, 多少跟這中心句有關.
  • 道 (耶穌) 成了肉身,住在我們中間,充充滿滿地有恩典,有真理。這是衪的門徒所親眼見過的榮光,正是父獨生子的榮光。(約1:14) 。
  • 使徒约翰又看見聖城新耶路撒冷由神那裡從天而降,預備好了,就如新婦妝飾整齊,等候丈夫。他聽見有大聲音從寶座出來說:“看哪! 神的帳幕在人間。神要與人同住,他們要作他的子民; 神要親自與他們同在,作他們的 神。神要擦去他們一切的眼淚。不再有死亡,也不再有悲哀、哭號、疼痛,因為以前的事都過去了(啓21:3-4)。神不但今生願意與我們同在, 在永世也願意與我们同在; 他既愛我们便愛到底。

神願意與我們同在, 我們的回應是與祂同行. 當我們與祂同行, 我們便會了解祂的心意. 當我們了解祂的心意, 我們便會照祂的心意去事奉祂, 敬拜祂.


有一個人名叫撒該 (Zacchaeus),作稅吏長,是個財主。他要看看耶穌是怎樣的人;只因人多,他的身量又矮,所以不得看見,就跑到前頭,爬上桑樹,要看耶穌,因為耶穌必從那裡經過。耶穌到了那裡,抬頭一看,對他說:“撒該,快下來!今天我必住在你家裡。”他就急忙下來,歡歡喜喜地接待耶穌。眾人看見,都私下議論說:“他竟到罪人家裡去住宿。”(Luke 19:2-7)


有一個管會堂的,名叫睚魯,來俯伏在耶穌腳前,求耶穌到他家裡去。因他有一個獨生女兒,約有十二歲,快要死了。耶穌去的時候,眾人擁擠他  (Luke 8:41-42) 。…….. 還說話的時候,有人從管會堂的家裡來,說:“你的女兒死了,不要勞動夫子。”耶穌聽見就對他說:“不要怕,只要信!你的女兒就必得救。”耶穌到了他的家,除了彼得、約翰、雅各和女兒的父母,不許別人同他進去。眾人都為這女兒哀哭捶胸。耶穌說:“不要哭!她不是死了,是睡著了。”他們曉得女兒已經死了,就嗤笑耶穌。耶穌拉著她的手,呼叫說:“女兒,起來吧!”她的靈魂便回來,她就立刻起來了。耶穌吩咐給她東西吃。(Luke 8:49-55) 。


這是耶穌從死裡復活後所發生的事: 正當那日,門徒中有兩個人往一個村子去;這村子名叫以馬忤斯,離耶路撒冷約有二十五里。他們彼此談論所遇見的這一切事。正談論相問的時候,耶穌親自就近他們,和他們同行;只是他們的眼睛迷糊了,不認識他。(Luke 24:13-16)
耶穌對他們說:“無知的人哪,先知所說的一切話,你們的心信得太遲鈍了。基督這樣受害,又進入他的榮耀,豈不是應當的嗎?”於是從摩西和眾先知起,凡經上所指著自己的話都給他們講解明白了。將近他們所去的村子,耶穌好像還要往前行,他們卻強留他,說:“時候晚了,日頭已經平西了,請你同我們住下吧!”耶穌就進去,要同他們住下。到了坐席的時候,耶穌拿起餅來,祝謝了,擘開,遞給他們。他們的眼睛明亮了,這才認出他來。忽然耶穌不見了。(Luke 24:25-31)


再次日,約翰同兩個門徒站在那裡。他見耶穌行走,就說:“看哪,這是 神的羔羊!”兩個門徒聽見他的話,就跟從了耶穌。耶穌轉過身來,看見他們跟著,就問他們說:“你們要甚麼?”他們說:“拉比,在哪裡住?”(“拉比”翻出來就是“夫子”。)耶穌說:“你們來看。”他們就去看他在哪裡住,這一天便與他同住。那時約有申正了。(John 1:35-39)


巳故長老會牧師 Robert Boyd Munger (1911-2001) 寫了一個動人的小册子 (Ref. 3), 內容是一個寓言隱喻. 其故事的主角是用第一人稱的 “我”, 頗能反照基督徒的天路歷情。故事的情節是這樣:

在一個平常的晚上—沒有激動的情绪, 也沒有異常的神蹟, 但的的確確是真實發生的情境—我邀請主耶穌進入我的家中, 這個家就是我的內心, 我的靈魂.

衪一進來首先便把燈打開, 本來黑暗的房子現在變得光明, 然後祂燃起壁爐, 使本來是冷冰冰的地方現在變得温暖, 最後祂打開音樂盒子, 本來是死寂無生氣的屋子, 現在變得興奮活潑. 我和主耶稣坐不聊天, 從來沒有享受到如此溫馨甜美的交談, 我的心成了主愛之家. 我对耶稣說, “祢是我的貴賓, 我帶祢參觀我的房子.” 耶穌說, “很好, 我的名字本來就是以馬內利, 即願意與人同住之意.” 首先, 我領祂進入我的:

  • 書房—這是我這家的控制室 (control room), 不是每一個人都可以進來的. 耶稣看看在桌子上的雜誌, 再看看書架上的書籍, 然後看看懸掛在牆壁上的圖畫, 祂一言不語, 也沒有定罪, 祂把視線往窗外看, 好像祂聖潔的眼無法停留在書房的物件上一般. 我甚感尷尬, 但我知道祂在想甚麼. 我說, “主耶稣, 祢可不可以帮助我清理這個辦工室?” 祂说, “我當然願意.” 於是祂把一些雜誌和書籍棄在廢紙簍內, 然後換上聖經和一些屬灵書報. 祂又把牆壁上的一些圖畫取下, 以自已那榮耀的形像取而代之. 然後我們從書房轉到:
  • 飯廳—餐桌上放滿了各式各樣我喜愛的食物和開胃品, 就是 “金錢, 學位, 名声, 自己發表过的論文, 別人的稱許” 等. 我以為耶稣會讚揚我, 但祂沒有說甚麼, 只說祂沒有胃口. 我問祂為甚麼不吃, 祂說, 我的食物是你不知道的, 這食物能滿足人的心灵飢餓使人娛快, 那就是 “遵行上帝的旨意, 作那差我來者的工.” 我收拾桌子对主說, “我願意得到祢的食物.” 我們又進到:
  • 客廳—廳內有巳經燃燒着的壁爐, 柔軟的沙發. 耶稣說, “這是一個舒適的地方, 讓我們每天早晨在這裡會面.” 從那天起, 我每早從房間下來, 便與主一起灵修, 這是我感到最甜美的時刻. 日復一日, 我習慣了, 新鲜感也慢慢降低, 再加上工作壓力愈來愈重, 我便常常借口向耶稣請假. 有一天我乾脆自己溜出去, 也沒有告訴耶稣. 當我急急忙忙出門時却察覺到客廳的燈是亮着的. 我好奇, 停下來往裡看, 看到耶稣獨坐, 我感到不好意思, 因為衪是我的貴賓, 更是我的救主. 我問衪道, “袮在這裡多久?” 祂說, “約一小時.” 原來祂每天都在等著我. 我感尷尬, 求耶穌原諒. 從那天起, 我的灵修生活更生了. 然後我們一起進到我的:
  • 工作室—室內有一張長長的板凳, 是我不時用來製作和修理東西用的. 主耶稣問我, “你為神的國作了甚麼?” 我回答道, “我常為教會弟兄姊妹服務, 但我手技不精, 心情緊張, 常常笨手笨腳. 耶稣說, “我願與你同工, 請把你的手放在我的手背上.” 突然間我覺得興鬆灵巧, 當我愈發信靠衪, 我的工作效率愈好, 事奉成為我的喜樂, 不再是重担. 下一站是我的:
  • 娛樂室—這是我和朋友玩耍的地方. 我常參加派对, 有時在我家, 有時在朋友家. 有一天晚上, 我对耶稣說, “今天我不陪你了, 我要去看看朋友.” 耶稣說, “我陪你一起去.” 我感到難為情, 說, “今天還是我自己去, 反正明天晚上我們可以一起查經.” 我拒绝了我的貴賓, 跑出去了直至深夜才垂頭喪氣地回家. 帶着空虛感到家後發覺耶稣還未睡覺. 祂领我到娛樂室, 我看見一班新的朋友, 感到新的興奮, 室內充滿新的音樂和笑声. 從那天晚上起, 我体会到基督帶來那新的喜樂是與世上罪中之樂是大不同的. 我們最後爬上到房子頂上的一個隱密處:
  • 閣樓—這是屋子裡最小的一個房間. 耶稣甚不願進去, 因為祂聞到死亡的氣味. 我完全明白祂在想甚麽. 我免強地打開閣樓的房門, 內有兩個鎖起來的小箱子. 我不甘心地把鑰匙交給祂, 耶稣幫我把盒子打開, 不料祂轉身離去, 要往外面吸新鮮空氣, 因為衪不能忍受那惡臭, 原來那些是我信耶穌前的壞習慣, 嗜好, 甚至包括毒品. 我與耶稣雖在身边但突然間感到相隔如千哩. 我双手發抖, 手拿着两個盒子, 对耶稣说, “祢可否幫我處理這些爛東西?” 主沒有定罪, 却說, “可以, 我願意.” 於是祂把盒子掉在外面的垃圾箱. 我如釋重負, 感到得勝, 與耶稣的関係回復到和好如初的光景.


在這個甜美得勝的經历中, 我頓時在一念之間, 有這樣的想法, “我不如乾脆把整個房子都完全交給耶稣, 讓祂全權管理, 這非更好嗎?” 我問耶稣, 要得衪的同意. 耶稣很高與地馬上回答, “但我只不过是客人呀! 除非你甘心樂意.” 我馬上把保險箱拿來, 按了密碼後把內中的屋契拿出來簽上名後便交給耶稣, 說 “主呀, 從今以後, 你是這房子的主人, 我是你的僕人.” 這個房子頓時變成主愛之家, 因我愛祂更深, 這個房子也成為愛主之家, 我的心現在巳變成主之家了.


  1. “The Invisible Hand—Do all things really work for good?” by R.C. Sproul; p.117.
  2. “解經有路”, 作者: 陸蘇河 (Alex Luc); pp.336-378.
  3. “My Heart Christ’s Home” by Robert Boyd Munger.
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On Morality—the ship metaphor

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); September 8, 2013

I grew up in Hong Kong and my family lived near the Victoria Harbor. As a little boy, I spent my leisure time watching big ships—U.S. carriers, British war ships, cargo ships, ocean-liners and Cruise ships—visiting and leaving the “The Peal of the Orient (東方之珠).” I found them fascinating (anther thing that fascinated me during my childhood was steam engine locomotive). Throughout the years, I realized that many philosophers and literati were using ships as metaphors to express profound ideas and life. Example:

The metaphor told by C.S. Lewis to describe ancient ethics consists of three questions concerning voyage (Ref. 1). These three considerations are like the three things a fleet of ships is told by its sailing orders:

1) The ships must know how to avoid bumping into each other.
2) They must know how to stay shipshape and avoid sinking.
3) And most important of all, they must know why the fleet is at sea in the first place.

How do these three questions relate to ethics? As I reflect on Lewis’ metaphor of the ships, my mind goes to the Ten Commandments based on which the Christian ethics is built. According to history, for 430 years—10 generations—the Israelite had languished in slavery, they were oppressed by their harsh Egyptian taskmasters and driven to the brink of despair. God heard their prayers and brought them out of Egypt—the land of slavery. God then spoke to Moses 3,500 years ago all these words known as the Ten Commandments. It is important to note that God saved them first before requesting them to do good. The world religions demand people to be good first before they may be saved. But Christianity says that God accepts us as we are before we’ve become good. Good deed is not a prerequisite for salvation. We are saved not by our good work but by the grace of Christ. The Ten Commandments are recorded in Exodus 20:1-17 as listed below in order.

1) You shall have no other gods before me (verses 2-3).

2) You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; (verses 4-6).

3) You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God (verse 7).

4) Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy (verses 8-11).

5) Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you (verse 12).

6) You shall not murder (verse 13).

7) You shall not commit adultery (verse 14).

8) You shall not steal (verse 15).

9) You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor (verse 16).

10) You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his manservant or maidservant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor (verse 17).

In the Bible, the Ten Commandments are called the “law,” and almost every law today is based in some way on the Ten Commandments. In United States, an image of the Ten Commandments is engraved in bronze on the floor of the National Archives, where the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution are displayed. A sculpture of Moses with Ten Commandments appears over the east portico of Supreme Court. The Ten Commandments are hung on the walls of England’s courts. The basic principles of our legal system (British New World and North American) come directly from the teaching of the Bible. Lord Denning, a leading civil lawyer in the 1960’s and 1970’s, claimed that the U.S. civil law had been molded by judges brought up believing the Bible. He concluded, “If religion perishes in the land, truth and justice will also.” (Ref.2)

Let us revisit the metaphor of the ships and consider the three points Lewis had made:

The first point “The ships must know how to avoid bumping into each other” is social ethics. This category is self-evident as “Objective Moral value” (Ref. 3). Regardless of cultural and ethnic differences, no one will think stealing is a good thing or torturing babies is right. Commandments #5 to #10 belong to this category. Both modern as well as ancient ethicists deal with it. Jesus of Nazareth summed them up in the most positive way known as the Golden Rule—“Do to others as you would have them do to you (Luke 6:31)”. Confucius could not have said that, neither could Buddha, Gandhi, Mohammad come up with such idea. Only Jesus—who is God—could give such unconditional initiation. Jesus himself had demonstrated this moral principle to us as example in that He loved us first while we were yet sinners.

The second point “They must know how to stay shipshape and avoid sinking” is individual ethics, virtues and vices, character-building. Commandments #3 and #4 belong to this category. These two commandments say that we cannot be moral unless we are God-centered. We hear very little about this from our modern ethical philosophies. When a national leader and elected officials commit the sin of sexual immorality, people would say, “Well, it is OK. It doesn’t matter what they do in private as long as they do their jobs well.” But the Bible teaches that leaders must be both virtue and capable because authority is instituted by the holy and righteous God. The essence of keeping the Sabbath is to be at peace with God. The Trappist (天主教西多會中的一派: 特拉普會) monk Thomas Merton was right when he once said, “We cannot be at peace with others because we are not at peace with ourselves, and we cannot be at peace with ourselves because we are not at peace with God.” In short, the break of communion with God caused our break with one another, even within the same family. Brokenness well describes the human condition. We see here that there is a connection between individual ethics and social ethics. Common sense tells us that “Bad people” cannot go to heaven; religions tell us “Only Good people go to heaven”; but Christianity teaches that “Only forgiven people go to heaven”. And we can only find forgiveness in Jesus Christ, our Savior (Ref. 4).

The third questionWhy the fleet is at sea in the first place?is the most important question of all. Commandments #1 and #2 are the answers to this life defining question. Most modern philosophers sadly dare not raise this greatest of questions because they have no answer to it. As a result, we find ourselves adrift in uncharted seas and have decided to toss away the compass. If we do not believe that God is in control and have formed us for a purpose, then we will flounder on the high sea of purposelessness and drown in its rushing currents. If you observe all commandments except the first two, you are worst off than the people without the Law because you end up being enslaved by the entanglement of legalism and you are no better than the Pharisees of Jesus’ time. If the Pharisees whose fully time job is to do good could not go to heaven, do you think you and I have any chance? Not a chance! But the good news is that in Christ we have mercy and grace from our Lord Jesus who had forgiven our sins by dying on the cross. No world religions offer forgiveness except the Gospel of Christianity. We can enjoy this gift of forgiveness by putting our faith in Jesus Christ who is God. The first commandment, “You shall have no other gods before me” not only is first in location but first in importance, for from it all the other Commandments flow, and without it they lose their authority. Jesus claims, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6).”


(1) “Real Face of Atheism” by Ravi Zacharias; pp.134-135.

(2) “Searching for Truth” by Joe Boot; pp.115-116.

(3) https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?320

(4) https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=996

(5) General reading on the Ten Commandments: “Foundations for Life,” a collection of articles edited by Decision magazine.

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基督教的獨特性 (Uniqueness of Christianity)

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); August 4, 2013

(English version at the end)

前言 (Prolog)
拜偶像的人我不懷疑他們的誠心, 但如果你問他們為何要拜這些金, 木, 石的東西, 他們自己也難以自圓其說. 大部分自稱為佛教徒的人也是如此. 很多人想相信耶穌, 但很多疑難在他們的頭腦中, 使他們難以踏出信心的一步. 信心與理性常有段距離. 當這個距離縮短時, 我們的迷信成分便減低了. 基督教的合理性可由其對它的信仰的內涵的一貫性而獲得肯定. 本文只選四項基督教的獨特理念 (ideas) 來說明它們不但单獨地合理性而且它們總体地有連貫一致的思路. 這四個基本理念是:
• 神是宇宙和生命的創造者 (Creation)
• 道成肉身的奧秘 (Incarnation)
• 重生及信徒生命的更生變化 (Transformation)
• 天人合一的榮耀盼望 (Consummation)

這四個理念, 直接地或间接地或透過推論, 可用來回答下列四個主要的人生問题:
• 宇宙和生命從何而來? (源頭 Origin)
• 人的生命是否有目的? (意義Meaning)
• 人如何生活? (道德 Morality)
• 人死後往那哩去? (歸宿 Destiny)

人與動物最大的不同是人是會發問問题的. 兩三歲小孩所問的問題甚至成年人也難以回答. 我的兒子 (Tim) 三歲時問, “誰造神?” 這個問题成為我一生的挑戰. 我們每天一起床就自问, “今天我穿甚麼衣服? 吃甚麼早餐?” 這些問題我们都有答案, 但对上述人生四大關鍵性的問題我们豈能不花時間去思考嗎?

神是宇宙和生命的創造者 (Creation)
聖經沒有證明 (也不用證明), 只是帶着權威地宣告: “起初神創造天地 (創世記1:1).” 這句話的合理性可因其附合現實 (correspond to reality) 而肯定之:
o 每當我们看到可被理解的東西 (intelligibility), 我們都會假設其背後有智慧在其中.
o 每當我们看到有智慧在其中的東西 (intelligence), 我們都會假設其背後必有設計在其中.
o 每當我们看到有設計在其中的東西 (design), 我們都會假設其背後必有一位設計師.
o 每當我们看到設計師的存在, 我們都會假設他是有頭腦的 (mind).
o 每當我们看到頭腦和思想時, 我們都會假設他是有位格 (具有: 思想, 情感, 意志, 道德意識) 的 (personhood).

創造主 (Creator) 的觀念對基督徙而言是不證自明的 (self-evident). 如果無神論者硬說沒有創造主, 我就請他们考慮巳故量子物理學家 (quantum physicist, John Polkinghorne) 所用的隱喻 (metaphor) 來形容宇宙及生命的隱定性 (stability) 是平衡在一個極其精密的狀態 (fine-tuned condition) 之中, 其誤差 (margin of error) 必需小到一個程度好像你射一支箭從宇宙的一端射到宇宙的另一端—三千萬光年 (30 billion light-year)之距—而射中只有一吋直徑的圓圈 (bull eye). 這位本是無神論的科學家年到年老時信了耶穌. 無神論者說宇宙是 (物質 + 時間 + 機遇) 的產品, 但他們对物質和時間的源頭 (origin) 沒有交代. 達爾文在他的名著 “物種起源 The Origin of Species” 中說, “我不考慮第一因 (First Cause), 我單考慮第二因 (Second Cause).” 他怎能忽畧最重要的基本問题而建立一個無神的世界觀 (worldview)?

聖經記載, “上帝說, 我們要照着我們的形像, 按着我們的樣式造人….乃是照着自己的形像造男造女. (創世記 1:26-27).”
• 造—當製造者製造一件東西時必有其目的. 製造杯的人期望杯能盛水, 如果杯漏水, 不能達到它被造的目的, 此杯就變成廢物了.
• 形像—代表一種関係 (relation); 孩子像爸爸意味着一種父子關係.

這裡, 我們看到人生是有目標的 (purpose and meaning) 和上帝與人是同有位格上的関係的. 再次, 我們看到這是附合現實的而非不設實際的. 所以聖經中的上帝是有位格的, 不像泛神論 (Pantheism) 所信的一股無位格的能力, 散佈在宇宙每一件東西中, 也包括人類. 泛神論者的口號是: God in all; all in God; and you are God. 在此信仰中, 人和神都無格, 一切身分 (identities) 都失落了, 生命的神聖 (sanctity) 與尊嚴 (dignity) 更不用提了.

道成肉身的奧秘 (Incarnation)
如果這位創造萬有者是願與我們建立関係的神, 而我們是照祂的形像而被造, 那麼祂一定希望我們能知道祂:
o 上帝是誰?
o 祂的旨意是甚麼?
o 祂要我們如何活?
o 我們存在的意義何在?

我們無法知道答案, 除非祂啟示给我們. 如何啟示? 上帝的方法是透過 “道成肉身” 就是 “神成為人” 之意. 此神人有 100% 的人性 (humility), 與我們一樣, 只是在祂裡面沒有罪. 此神人也同時具 100% 的神性 (deity), 是從永恆到永恆都不間断地存在的.

與舊約創世記 1:1 (起初神…) 遥遥相对的新約中的約翰福音1:1-2 寫道, “太 初 有 道 , 道 與 神 同 在 , 道 就 是 神 。 這 道 太 初 與 神 同 在 。
怎能 “神又與神同在”? 這裡就揭示了 “三位一体”的奥祕了. 道 就 是 神, 而神是與我們發生関係的 (personal God), 那麼道是怎樣與我們發生関係呢? 答案在約翰福音 1:14, “道成了肉身,居住在我們中間。我們看到了他的榮耀,正是從父而來的獨生子的榮耀,充滿了恩典和真理。
o 看到了他的榮耀—指約翰在登山變相中所看到的情景.
o 從父而來—這是耶稣在世上時常說的一句話.
o 獨生子—再次看到三位一体的揭示.
o 道—話語, 是人能了解的.

由上分折, 這道就是耶稣, 祂是上帝的獨生子, 具有神性的榮耀. 道是可知的, 即耶穌是可以被我們了解的, 亦即上帝是可以被我們了解的. 這是一句非同小可的宣告, 因為不可知論者 (agnosticism) 認為神是不能被人認識的 (Cannot be known), 而基督教的上帝不但讓我们可認識神, 並给我們一條認識祂的途徑 (約翰 1:18):
神為了使我們更新變化, 祂參予在人類历史當中並涉及我們生活的细節. 這又使基督教與自然神論 (Deism) 分別出來了. 自然神論是有神論 (theism), 無神論 (atheism), 及自然主義 (naturalism) 的妥協產品, 他們相信上帝是鍾匠式的創造主 (clockmaker), 創造大自然後, 把它上了發條, 就任它自己運作, 然後去渡假了. 但耶稣的神性與人性及插入在人類當中:
• 耶稣是完全人, 祂在神面前代表我們. 既是人, 祂能代替我們死, 使罪得赦.
• 耶稣是完全神, 祂在人面前代表神. 既是神, 祂能從死裡復活, 使我們稱義並得永生.

所以耶稣是我們的中保和救主. 此神人二性亦反影於受造界中. 電子是光波也是粒子. 科學家不明白, 只好接受. 甚至賦予新名稱 “wavicle.” 我們能說神人二性是不合邏輯嗎?

重生及信徒的更新變化 (Transformation)
人類的罪性是最容易在經驗上被證明的事實, 但也是在哲學上最被拒绝的建議. 聖經对罪的指責是毫無保留, 罪就是罪, 絕不把它淡化. 而神对罪的處理方法就是從人心中作心意更生的工作. 此工作出於神, 绝非出於人.

世上宗教林立, 五光十色, 公有公理, 婆有婆理. 每一宗教都有其奇特古怪的東西. 但它们都有一個共同點 (common denominator), 就是認為 “好人上天堂.” 表面看來這說法是合理的, 而且是公平的. 試想想: 良善的神住在一個極好的地方, 怎能讓不良善的人進去呢? 但這種说法大有困難:
o 我要好到甚麽程度才算好?
o 甚麼是 “好” 的標準?
o 我現在是站在好壞的尺度上的那一點?
o 我要貯藏多少善事才能抵消我过去的惡行?
o 我是跟誰比呢? 希特勒? 或孔夫子?
o 我欠多少罪債? 向誰還?

這些問題沒有答案, 宗教經典沒有記載, 聖經也沒有說明, 聖經只提到人心比萬物都詭詐, 壞到極點, 並無把它數量化. 誰能决定誰上天堂呢?

在耶穌時代有两種人—法利賽人和文士—他們的職業就是行善, 他们是社會中的好人. 但耶稣却斥責他們為有禍之子. 然而耶稣轉身對門徒及群众說. “我告訴你們:你們的義若不勝於文士和法利賽人的義,斷不能進天國 (馬太5:20).” 試想想: 如果連行善高手都不能進天國, 你和我更不用想了.

然而在聖經記載中, 我們看到很多壞人—妓女, 強盗, 稅吏—却能上天堂. 同耶稣一起被釘十架的強盗, 他再沒有行善抵過的机會了, 但耶稣應許他說, “我實在告訴你:今日你要同我在樂園裡了。”

基督教不是 “好人上天堂”, 也不是 “壞人上天堂”, 而是 “被赦免的人 (forgiven people) 上天堂.” 耶稣代罪之死使赦免成為可能. 重生 (born again) 是罪人一次的更新变化, 重生後不断地被磨成基督的形像, 這是一生不斷的成聖更新. 兩者都是聖灵的工作. 生命更新是以道為仲介者 (agent). 詩篇 19:7-11 寫道:
Ps 19:7 耶和華的律法全備,能甦醒人心;耶和華的法度確定,能使愚人有智慧;
Ps 19:8 耶和華的訓詞正直,能快活人的心;耶和華的命令清潔,能明亮人的眼目;
Ps 19:9 耶和華的道理潔淨,存到永遠;耶和華的典章真實,全然公義。
Ps 19:10 都比金子可羨慕,且比極多的精金可羨慕;比蜜甘甜,且比蜂房下滴的蜜甘甜。
Ps 19:11 況且你的僕人因此受警戒,守著這些便有大賞。

這幾節經文中, 論到 “甦醒人心” 和 “ 使愚人有智慧” 這都是心意更新的果效. 這些形容詞, “潔淨”, “存到永遠”, “公義”, “可羨慕”, 和 “甘甜” 都是形容道化的人生. 更新變化不是改造, 不是修補, 乃是超自然的本質上的改变, 正如耶稣在祂所行的第一個神蹟, 就是在婚宴中, 把水变成美酒一般. 我想這個神蹟的目的是遠超過延長人間的歡樂, 耶稣把水变酒是有 “重生” 意義在內, 特别是這個故事緊接下來的一章便說到尼哥底母夜間見耶稣的故事, 耶稣对他及所有人說, “你們必需重生.”

天人合一的榮耀盼望 (Consummation)
生命的更新變化最終目标是 “與神完全完美的合一” 而 “合一” 亦是婚姻用語 (nuptial language). 當新郎和新娘互道婚誓之後, 牧師便宣告他們是丈夫和妻子. 但他們尚未 “完婚 consummation” 直至他們在洞房內行了 “周公之禮.” 首先, 讓我们看看人類第一次婚禮的情景, 記載在創世記2:21-25.
Ge 2:21 耶和華 神使他沉睡,他就睡了;於是取下他的一條肋骨,又把肉合起來。
Ge 2:22 耶和華 神就用那人身上所取的肋骨造成一個女人,領她到那人跟前。
Ge 2:23 那人說:“這是我骨中的骨,肉中的肉,可以稱她為‘女人’,因為她是從男人身上取出來的。”
Ge 2:24 因此,人要離開父母與妻子連合,二人成為一體。
Ge 2:25 當時夫妻二人赤身露體,並不羞恥。

這裡的 “並不羞恥” 和 “二人成為一體” 说明在婚姻內的性生活是神聖的, 純潔的, 和終生唯一的(exclusive). 性是神給人的礼物, 為了使人享受其樂及延綿後代使人類生生不息, 成全了神要人遍滿全地的旨意. 但聖經中对婚姻有更深的屬灵意義:
o 在舊約, 神以婚姻表達耶和華與以色列民的關係. 以色列是妻子 (雖不忠), 耶和華是丈夫 (永遠信實). 当神的子民離棄神去拜偶像時, 聖經便稱他們為淫婦 (耶利米3:9; 以西结23:37).
o 在新约, 使徒保羅致信给以弗所教會, 說到丈夫要愛妻子, 如同基督愛教會一般 (以弗所5:29-33).

今天教會可比作未婚妻, 而婚禮要待將來在天上才完婚:
Rev 19:6 我聽見好像群眾的聲音,眾水的聲音,大雷的聲音,說:“哈利路亞!因為主我們的 神,全能者作王了。
Rev 19:7 我們要歡喜快樂,將榮耀歸給他!因為羔羊婚娶的時候到了,新婦也自己預備好了,
Rev 19:8 就蒙恩得穿光明潔白的細麻衣。”這細麻衣就是聖徒所行的義。
Rev 19:9 天使吩咐我說:“你要寫上,凡被請赴羔羊之婚筵的有福了!”又對我說:“這是 神真實的話。”
為甚麼新婦会歡喜快樂? 因為地上的苦難巳过去, 再沒有苦難, 痛苦, 死亡, 舊事巳過, 萬象更新了. 所以天使宣告我們是有福的. 這就是信徒的歸宿 (destiny).

結語 (Epilog)
基督教並沒有說甚麼問題都有令人完全滿意的答案. 但它可能給予的答案都是前後一致, 互不矛盾, 雖然有些似非而是 (paradoxes) 的東西, 但它們終必被和解 (reconcilable). 所有其它的宗教, 思想系統, 和世界觀, 如果透过下面的真理考驗 (Truth Test), 必發現其不連貫一致 (consistency, coherent) 的地方. 這個考驗就是要回答四個最基本問題:
o 源頭 (Origin)
o 意義 (Meaning)
o 道德 (Morality)
o 歸宿 (Destiny)

在本文中源頭問題從 “創造” 中獲解釋. 意義和道德問题從 “道成肉身” 和 “更新變化” 得到答案, 人死後的歸宿問题, 可從 “天人合一” 的理念得到了解. 讀者如願意接受挑戰, 可看看別的宗教或哲學在真理考驗的放大鏡下, 有無如此驚人的和詣一致和連貫的思路嗎?

使徒保羅在受苦中说, “然而我不以 (福音) 為恥, 因為知道我所信的是誰, 也深信他能保全我所交付他的, 直到那日” (提後1:12). 你我對福音有沒有如保羅那般堅定的把握嗎!

The Uniqueness of Christian Faith


Evangelism is not about winning arguments but all about winning hearts and, ultimately, souls. But the heart cannot rest upon what the mind disagrees. Teaching people to understand the uniqueness of Christianity is one of the many tools the Holy Spirit employs to lead people to Christ. Here we consider four major ideas that set Christianity apart and above all other world religions.

1.    Creation

The Bible declares that there is a Creator, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth (Ge.1:1).”

  • Whenever we see intelligibility we assume intelligence;
  • whenever we see intelligence we assume design;
  • whenever we see design we assume a mind;
  • whenever we see the mind we assume personhood.

God is not just a cosmic force as pantheists claim. God is a Person with thought, will, emotion and intellect.

The Bible says we are created after His image. Inescapably, the implications are:

  • God is a relational Being
  • Our lives have purposes ordained by God.
  • Sanctity and dignity of life are to be respected in the Christian worldview.

Among all subjects studied and investigated over centuries that shape the minds and destinies of people, the subject of God is most argued. Why? Because more consequences for life and action follow from the affirmation or denial of God than any other questions.

If we humbly study the evidences given to us through God’s General revelation and are willing to move to where the evidences point, we shall find faith in God for He promises us that those who seek shall find and those who knock then the door will be opened for them.

2.    Incarnation

If our God is our Creator, our personal God, it follows naturally that He must desire us to know Him:

  • What are God’s attributes?
  • What is His will?
  • As His creatures, how should we live?
  • What is the meaning of our lives?

We don’t have answers to these questions apart from divine revelation. These lead to the second topic: “Incarnation” which means “God became man”. The Incarnate-God is Jesus who was 100% man like all of us except He is sinless and He is forever 100% God.

An interesting juxtaposition alongside Genesis 1:1 is John 1:1 which declares, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” As we read carefully, we would ask, “How can it be ‘God was with God’?” This gives us a glimpse of the concept of the Triune God—the Trinity.

If God has personhood, then we would ask, “Who is this Person?” The answer is in the Bible: “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only who came from the Father” (John 1:14).

Our God participates in human history and intervenes in our personal lives. Standing before God, Jesus represents humanity; standing before human beings, Jesus represents God. His sinlessness and deity make Him qualified to be our Mediator and Savior.

3.    Transformation 

Human depravity is at once the most empirically verifiable fact but also the most philosophically resistant. Transformation is God’s supernatural way to deal with our sins. All religions have differences and peculiarities but they share a common denominator; they believe: “Good men go to heaven”. On the surface, it sounds logical and fair. Will a good God who lives in a good place called heaven allows bad people to enter into His good place? But this “Good-men-go” view has many problems:

  • How good is good enough?
  • Where’s the line?
  • Where do I currently stand?
  • Do I have enough time to stash away enough good deeds to counterbalance my bad ones?
  • I am good but compare to whom? Hitler? Or Mother Teresa?

But Jesus said, “As good as you are, you aren’t good enough.” In the Bible, instead of seeing “good people go to heaven” we see many bad people—prostitutes, robbers, and tax collectors—go to heaven! In Christianity, we say, “Forgiven people go to heaven” and forgiveness is made possible by the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. Forgiven people are the born-again people. Two of my most liked phrases are:

  • Jesus didn’t come to make bad people good; He came to make dead people alive.
  • God accepts us just as we are, but He loves us that He doesn’t want us to stay where we are but transforms us into His image.”

This life giving process is called “Transformation.”

4.    Consummation

The ultimate purpose of transformation is Consummation which means the “Perfect union with God.” The word “Consummation” is also a nuptial expression. After the groom and bride exchanged their marriage vow, the pastor had pronounced them husband and wife, the marriage is said to be consummated only after the young couples engage in the holy, pure, and God-ordained sexual union. Paul said marriage is a mystery because it goes beyond sexual enjoyment and procreation, it has profound spiritual significance:

  • In the O.T., marriage was used as an image of relationship with God. Israel is the wife though unfaithful and Yahweh is the forever faithful husband. When God’s children turned away from God, they were said to have committed adultery.
  • In the N.T., we are taught that husbands are to love their wives as Christ loves His church. Today, the church is the fiancée and the consummation will take place at the wedding feast of the Lamb (Rev. 19:7).
  • In the Bible, every time when illegitimate sex is mentioned as lust, it always relates to idolatry. Can I then relate legitimate sex—in its holiness, purity, and within the parameter of marriage—to true the worship of our living God by means of this parallelism? The Samaritan woman, having confessed to Jesus her past debauched sex-life, all of the sudden and out of nowhere, she changed the subject to Worship. Was there a reason? Jesus told her that the true worshiper must worship God in Truth and in Spirit.

Perfect union with God is God’s ultimate purpose for our salvation. In this bliss state of consummation, there will be no tears, no death, no suffering, but perfect joy. In this world, we have trouble, but in heaven we have eternal joy. Does this offer hope and comfort to those who are enduring pain and suffering now? The knowledge of consummation will give us strength in the midst of pain and suffering.


Christianity does not claim that it has answers to all questions in life. But there is an immense difference between a worldview that is not able to answer every question to complete satisfaction and one whose answers are consistently contradictory. There is an even greater difference between answers that contain paradoxes and those that are systematically irreconcilable. Once again, we see remarkable coherence among the issues of Origin, Morality, Meaningfulness, and Destiny, and thus the Christian faith stands out as unique in this truth-test, both as a system of thought and in the answers it gives. In my pursuit of the reasonableness of the Christian faith, my spiritual life grew and my faith became strengthened. I am inviting you to embark on the same journey to discover the awe and wonder of Jesus Christ.

References: Other related blog articles:


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聖經的歷史性和可靠性 (The Historicity and Reliability of the Bible)

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); July 26, 2013

耶穌在福音書內準確地預言耶路撒冷京城的陷落 (馬太24, 馬可13, 路加21). 那些持反對超自然的偏見人士認為福音書必寫於A.D.70史實之後, 即耶京陷落之後. 這樣的說法就可以排除預言的成份了.

Craig Blomberg 及其他新約專家們都有充實理由相信福音書的寫作年代甚至比標準自由派人士所鑑定 (dating) 的更早 (自由派認為寫作年代是: 馬可—-A.D.70’s; 馬太和路加—-A.D.80’s; 約翰—-A.D.90’s. 就算如此, 這些年代也在不同目擊者的有生年日之內, 包括一些持敵意的見證人, 如福音書真的報導不實, 他們當時大有反駁的機會).

卓越的護教者 J.P. Moreland (加州Talbot School神學院教授) 明確有力地表達幾個理由作為強烈支持使徒行傳是寫於 A.D.62 至A.D.64 年間的個案. 例如, 使徒行傳記載教會誕生, 彼得與保羅的職事, 司提反殉道 (Acts 7:54-60), 及約翰弟兄雅各殉道 (Acts 12:1-2) 等. 但並沒有提及數件 “如巳發生, 定必寫上” 的歷史大事. 這些大事包括:

• 發生於A.D.70的耶京陷落;
• 古羅馬暴君尼祿(Nero) 於A.D. 60 年代對基督徒的迫害;
• 雅各 (A.D. 62), 保羅 (A.D. 64), 及彼得 (A.D. 65) 的殉道;
• 猶太人與羅馬從A.D. 66年起不停的衝突;
• 因保羅在羅馬被捕, 使徒行傳突然地終結而無下文交代的事实.

這些意義深長的事件徹底地改變羅馬人和猶太人的關係, 如不被記載, 就等於寫美國歷史而不記載 911事件一般. 沒有911的寫作, 一定是寫於 9/11/2002 之前. 由此可知路加是在 A.D.62 或更早寫成使徒行傳的.

還有, 很多使徒行傳的用語都是早期和純樸的, 而且此書所處理的諸問題都是在耶京淪陷前非常重要的. 因為使徒行傳是路加医生两部著作 (先寫路加, 後寫行傳) 的第二部份, 這就意味著路加福音必定是在A.D.60’s 年代, 或在耶穌在世三十年內寫成的. 馬太福音與馬可福音均比路加福音還早. 馬可福音 (內含彼得代表性的教導) 早在 A.D. 44 年巳存在.

新約文献寫於事件發生後之30年內, 絕不可能是傳奇故事 (legend). 因為如有錯誤, 誇張或不實的記載, 必被當時目擊者指正和修改. 一旦福音書 (證實耶穌的權威和神聖) 的準確性被肯定, 舊約便不證自明了. 因為耶稣親自見證舊約的可靠性. 祂說:

• 若是這樣,經 (指舊約聖經) 上所說事情必須如此的話,怎麼應驗呢?(太26:54)
• 天地廢去較比律法 (指舊約聖經) 的一點一畫落空還容易. (路16:17)
• 經上的話是不能廢的. (約10:35)

相影之下, 亞歷山大大帝之死與關於他的第一本傳記相隔 400 年之久. 佛祖 (Buddha) 是主前第六世紀的人物, 但佛經直至耶穌時代才被寫成. 佛的第一本傳記是寫於主後第一世紀. 穆罕默德一生年日是從 A.D. 570 至 A.D.632. 雖然他的言論記在可蘭經內, 但他的傳記却寫成於A.D.767—-即死後超過一世紀之久.

史學家都同意: 寫作年代與事件發生的時距越短, 記錄的準確性越大. 聖經的历史性 (historicity) 和準確性便因年代的鑑定而獲肯定了.

再者, 史學家裁決歷史資料的準確性的標準是看作者有無包括輕蔑的和使人尷尬的材料. 人的天性是省去這些資科, 不讓這本書看得不起眼, 但這些輕蔑的或使人尷尬的材料往往是真的且明明地詳细記錄下來. 例:

• 耶穌稱最受尊敬的彼得為 “撒但”. (可8:33).
• 應比眾人都屬灵的門徒却不明白耶穌所講撒種的比喻. (可4:10).
• 愛主的門徒却在客西馬尼園–耶穌受難前最痛苦的時刻–睡覺. (太26:40).
• 耶穌指責最近身的門徒在暴風中不靠主的小信心. (太8:25-26).

還有, 史學家 Colin Hemer 在使徒行傳最後的16章內鑑定了84項事實是巳被最近的考古學和史學的研究所證實的. 這些都是聖經以外的客觀證據.

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宗教的心理學 The Psychological Elements in Religions

By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); June 19, 2013

Winston Churchill once said to his research assistant, “Give me the facts, Ashley, and I will twist them the way I want to suit my argument (Ref. 1).” The veracity of these words of the English statesman could be seen clearly by the ideologies of the two great philosophers of the modern times (Ref. 2).

Karl Marx: One of the most frequently quoted maxims in Karl Marx’s Das Kapital avows “Religion is the opium of the masses”. Marx attempted to explain religions in terms of political motivation of the rulers and people’s economic struggles. This claim had misled people to think that religions are for the weak, the discouraged, the disheartened, and the disenchanted people as they face the reality of life and that religions act as the most welcomed narcotic drug that provides consolation and emotional stability. In Marx’s terms, religions offer as the “balm in Gilead” (originated from Jeremiah 8:22) for the healing of people’s psychological illness. For to the masses, religions offer consolations and “spiritual” support and give people dignity and self-worthiness. Religions offer promises of milk and honey and golden streets in heaven for life-after-death in the future. With this thought, the desire for revolutionary revolt against the ruling class in Marx’s “classless” society would be suppressed and the rulers could now enjoy on earth the milk and honey and the wealth of golden. With this ethically framed false hope, the masses would be submerged in the intoxicating mist of this opium-like hallucination and remain contented to be exploited by the politicians.

Sigmund Freud: He was recognized as the father of psychoanalysis. Referring to the origin of religions, he embraced the idea that since men would be so helpless to deal with the inescapable natural disasters, they would personify the Mother Nature by means of inventing spiritual beings with personhoods. During the hurricane and flood, people would lay their burdens to these “beings” and obtain a crutch in a fatalistic way. With this as a starting point, human beings had gradually developed a rather complex believing system that ultimately evolved into monotheism. In this worldview, Freud insisted that people could ascribe their prayer, adoration, and services to these spiritual beings thought to be able to control Mother Nature. This ultimate “crutch” was viewed as God, the cosmic Father, and the Ruler of the universe. Nature has now been deified and all the threatening forces of the Nature are in the hands of this man-made God. (Ref.3)

We are not denying that Christian faith has no element of psychological make-up. People are indeed in need of the “balm in Gilead” too. As Christians, we ask for God’s help in times of danger, we pray for God’s healing in our sicknesses, we beg God’s provision in times of destitution; we need God’s direction in our lostness; we long for God’s consolation in our sad moment of bereavement. These kinds of cries and hunger are the reflection of the fact that the Christian God is a personal God and not a remote God.

Acknowledging that we need God is one thing; to say that such needs occasion us to create a God is a totally nonsensical thing.  A baby craves his mother’s milk but we can’t say his mother is the product of her baby’s craving. If we say that theism is a product of human psychology then let me ask a simple question: Why there are so many atheists psychologically wish there is no God? The answer is that by denying the existence of God, they could do what they want to do without constraints (Ref. 6). These groups of atheists imagine that if God does not exist, there would be no judgment after death and they now can feel comfort in doing anything they want. Is this not another kind of the “balm in Gilead” for them?

The story is told of a man who was fishing. Every time he caught a big fish, he threw it back into the water. Every small fish he caught went into his bag. Another big one, back into the water; a tiny little one, into his bag. Finally, a man who had been watching him and was very perplexed by his unorthodox manner of fishing asked, “Can you please explain to me why you are throwing the big ones away? The fisherman did not hesitate: “Because I only have an eight-inch frying pan and anything bigger than eight inches does not fit my pain!”

We tend to explain away anything that doesn’t fit our prejudiced opinions and keep only those we like. (Story told by Ravi Zacharias in “Just Thinking” Volume 21.3). Many times, we extricate the things that which do not fit our tastes and preserve that which are of our delight (Ref. 6).

It was said that one phrase can summarize Jean Paul Sartre’s philosophy of Existentialism: “Existence precedes Essence (Ref. 5).” What Sartre meant was that what you do determine who you are. Christians, however, would disagree. We believe “Our essence determines our existence.” We are sinners not because we have committed sins; we commit sins because we are sinners. Jesus did not come to make bad men good but dead men alive. The gods of Marx and Freud are man-made gods—idols. The worshipers of these gods are motivated by self-interests. The folk-religions deeply ingrained in the Chinese culture are clear examples of these kinds of false worship. It was said that Jean Paul Sartre forsook atheism at his old age (Ref. 4).

At this point, I must point out some misconceptions that Christians might have. In the process of our spiritual pursuit, we are taught by the Bible to depend on God wholeheartedly and do not rely on our instincts. Undeniably, it is natural that when we are sick, we sought God’s healing; when we need a job, we asked God to open a way for us; when we boarded an airplane, we prayed that God may grant us safety. There is nothing wrong with these requests and God delights our prayers to Him. But on the other hand, we may subconsciously question ourselves, “Am I using God?” This thought causes us to consternate and become restless. But let me assure you: You don’t need to have such apprehension about whether you are using God or not; the fact that you ask yourself such question is a proof that you are not using God. As a matter of fact, when God allows sufferings to befall our lives, the circumstances become a touchstone to purify our motive. If we continue to trust Him, glorify Him, He will hold our hands to walk through the valley of the shadow of death. In this way, we shall know that we truly love our God and not merely use Him. Sufferings can engender many spiritual benefits and purify our motive of loving and serving God.

邱吉爾 (Winston Churchill) 曾對他的助手說, “給我一些事實, 我可以把它扭歪成乎合我心意的論證 [“Give me the facts. Ashley (his research assistant), and I will twist them the way I want to suit my argument”] (Ref. 1). 這一位英國政治家的話, 可以由影響近代思想最深 (特别是对宗教之源的看法) 的两位哲學大師的意識形態表達出來 (Ref. 2).

馬克斯 (Karl Marx) 在他的名著 “資本論 (Das Kapital)” 中有這樣一句最常不斷被人引用的名言, “宗教是人民的鴉片”—-就是以政治目標和經濟學的觀點為依據來解釋宗教. 這句話誤導了一般人對宗教的看法, 使人認為宗教對那些沮喪的, 灰心喪胆的, 和軟弱的人而言似乎是受歡迎的麻醉品. 當人被現實困苦所壓倒, 便轉向宗教來獲得安慰和情緒上的支持. 宗教對這些人便提供了 “基列山的藥膏.” [註: 引用聖經耶利米書八章廿二節所提到的基列的乳香 (balm in Gilead), 它可作醫治用.] 馬克斯主張宗教對弱者和有需要的人, 不但可提供安慰, 同時亦給那些受欺壓的人們一種 “精神上” 的尊嚴和支持. 宗教供給工人最大的賞賜是 “今世雖苦, 但來世享樂” 的應許. 當勞工消除了激烈的革命和愛財的念頭, 上帝就會獎賞他們牛奶與蜜及黃金街的天堂. 於此際, 富人今生就可享受奶與蜜及黃金了. 這倫理標準和應許便使大群廣眾好像被鴉片陶醉了一般. 當勞工們被宗教的药物麻醉並保持在心滿意足的麻木中, 富人便可以持續地剝削他們.

佛洛伊德 (Sigmund Freud) 是神經病學家和心理分析學 (psychoanalysis) 之父. 論到宗教之源的問題, 他認為: 人對不具人格的自然力量 (impersonal) 的處理方法是透過宗教來把它人格化: 人們發明了一個神靈, 它是住在暴風和洪水當中. 如果這些神靈是有人格 (person-hood) 的, 那麼所有個人的困苦就可以讓它們去承擔了. 從這簡單的思想, 人們便發展出更複雜精密的一套 “一神信仰” 的宗教 (monotheism). 在這一神信仰的系統中, 所有的祈求, 禱告, 讚美, 和事奉都聚焦在一位能控制所有自然界的個人神明身上. 那終極的拐掌就變成了個人的上帝了, 上帝被認為是慈愛的祖父, 宇宙的侍者, 和天體的護衛者. 透過宗教, 大自然變成神聖和有人性, 而大自然的威脅力也受到住在其中的神靈所約束了. (Ref. 3)

我們不能否認基督徒的信仰也有心理的成份, 我们是需要基列山的藥膏的: 在危難中我們求救於神, 在病痛中我們求医治, 在缺乏中我们求供應, 在失落中我们求方向, 在 喪親時, 我们求安慰. 這都是自然的事, 這些都說明了人的有限和人灵魂深處的渴望, 也反映出基督教的神是看顧人的神, 而非遥不可及的神. 但說這種心理需求是人渴想 “創造” 一位神來自我安撫, 那就本未倒置了. 嬰孩不是想渴奶而 “自我創造” 一位媽媽的. 如果相信有神論是出於心理作用, 那麼為何很多無神論者在心理上希望沒有神的存在 (Ref. 6) 因而使他们可以為所慾為, 並且在心理上不用再担心死後有審判的自我安慰; 這豈不是無神論者的 “另一種基列山的藥膏” 嗎?

有一位漁夫, 每當他釣到長過八吋的大魚時, 他便把它掉回水裡, 但每當他釣到短過八吋的小魚時, 他便把它放在桶中拿回家. 另外一位漁夫觀看了很久, 最後忍不住便问他, 才知道原來是因為他家中的煎鍋只有八吋寬, 無法容纳大魚. 多少時後我們豈不是把不合我們心意的東西排在外面, 只保留我们所喜歡的東西嗎? 無神論者薩特 (Jean Paul Sartre—Ref. 4) 的存在主義 (Existentialism) 可用一句話來描述: 存在决定其本質 (Existence precedes Essence—Ref. 5), 或作 “行動决定本質” 即你作甚麼事便决定你是誰. 基督徒不能苟同, 我们相信的是: 本質决定存在上的行動. 我們不是因犯罪而成了罪人, 我们是因巳有了罪人的本質而犯罪. 所以耶稣來到世上, 不是要把壞人改造成好人, 乃是把死人變成活人—這是本質上的改變, 也就是 “重生”.

馬克斯或佛洛伊德所描述的神是人造出來的神, 其實不是神. 敬拜這種神的人, 是出於功利主義的敬拜, 中國人的民間宗教是例也. 而基督徒所敬拜的神, 是啓示的神, 敬拜衪必需用心靈和真理去拜衪.

然而, 基督徒在追求靈命長進的過程中, 難免在信靠依賴神上有掙扎. 一方面聖經教訓我們要專心仰賴耶和華,不可倚靠自己的聰明; 但在另一方面, 當我們凡事仰賴耶和華 (有病時求神醫治, 沒有工作時求神開路, 坐飛機時求神保守等), 我們便下意識地開始懷疑自已是否正在 “利用” 神, 於是產坐懼怕, 甚至失去平安. 其實如果你有這類的懷疑或恐懼, 就證明你一定不是利用神了. 當神容許苦難臨到我們身上, 那就是最有效的試金石. 如果我們能在患難中仍然認定他, 榮耀衪, 相信衪必指引我們的道路, 那麼我們便知道我們是真的愛神而不是只愛衪的恩典了. 患難使我們看到屬靈的好處, 就是它能淨化我們愛主的動機.

References and Notes:

(1) “Has Christistian Failed You?” by Ravi Zacharias; p.122.
(2) 其實不只两位, 此文只以二人為例; 類似有關宗教之源的理論也被下列人物所提出, 如: 尼采 (Nietzsche), 費爾巴哈 (Feuerbach), 羅素 (Russell), 和薩特 (Sartre) 等無神論哲學家. 他們的理論雖然細節不同, 但都具有共同的基本論點.
(3) 以上資料出處可參考: “Reason to Believe” by R.C. Sproul; pp.61-64.
(4) 薩特 (Sartre) 死前似乎放棄無神論, 因他說, “Atheism is no longer tenable (無神論是站不住腳的).” 他的忠心跟隨者非常惱怒, 說, “他是因年老疵呆了.”
(5) “The Consequence of Ideas” by R.C. Sproul; p.174.
(6) Quotation from atheist Aldous Huxley, “I had motive for not wanting the world to have a meaning….For myself, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation, sexual and political. ” Source: “Searching for Truth” by Joe Boot; p.16.


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By: Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); June 5, 2013

神的屬性有多方面, 但在祂的存在上, 神有三大屬性, 衪是: (1) 無所不在, (2) 無所不知, (3) 無所不能. 其中 “無所不能” 是較難了解的, 一般的領會是, 神是不受約束的, 祂要怎樣便能怎樣. 其实神自己是在真理, 邏輯, 和道德上是受其限制的. 神那 “無所不能” 的屬性並不是說神能作 “任何” 事. 明顯地, 衪不能作一些與衪屬性相反的事, 就如: 衪不能說謊, 衪不能死, 衪不能犯罪, 衪不能同時是自有永有又是被造, 衪不能不是神. 要明白 “無所不能” 首先要明白甚麼是 “不能”. 我們可思想四類的 “不能”:

1. 無能為力的 “不能”—-我不能飛; 我不能每小時跑40哩; 我不能不呼吸. 神却不受這一類的限制.

2. 道德規範上的 “不能”—-我不能作假帳; 我不能報假稅. 這不是說我在技述上不能做這些事, 乃是指道德規範上我有所不能. 神是絕对受這一類的限制的, 他不能做些不道德的事, 祂不能違反祂聖潔的屬性.

3. 邏輯上的 “不能”—-神能不能造一塊巨石大到衪自己也搬不動? 答案是 “不能”. 因為问题本身是不合邏輯的. 神也不能造一個三角形的圓圈. 神也不能造一張白色的黑紙. 神不能. 我們也不能.

4. 神旨上的 “不能”—-耶穌不能做一些違背父神旨意的事. 所以衪常說 “我的時候還沒有到”. 凡是神的旨意和計劃, 無人能阻撓, 魔鬼也不能.

神那 “無所不能” 的屬性是指甚麼呢? 它乃是指神有主杈, 職杈, 和控制受造界的規律. 受造界 (物質世界—宇宙, 和灵界—天使) 沒有任何部份不受衪的管理和支配的. 人類歷史是受造界的一部份. 陸蘇河論到舊約的歷史觀時, 他指出两個要素: (a) 歷史在獨一神的手中, 人應當超越人為的因素去看神對歷史绝对统治的主權, (b) 神对歷史的統治是有方向的, 並非隨性而發的, 乃是有目的的, 就是要保全屬祂的人, 並要藉他們使萬國得福. 所以當屬神的人遇到苦難時, 就當超越人的領會, 而相信祂在我們處境中是掌權的, 為要成就祂的美意.

神那 “無所不能” 的屬性, 對信徒而言是安慰之源: 當我們在患難中求解救, 我們深信若是衪的旨意, 衪必能. 現在讓我們看一節表面上似乎易明白的經文, 背景是: 耶穌來到自己的家鄉, 鄉民却厭棄衪和衪的教訓.

耶穌便對他們說:“大凡先知,除了本地親屬、本家之外,沒有不被人尊敬的。” 耶穌就在那裡不得行甚麼異能,不過按手在幾個病人身上,治好他們 (可6:4-5).” 請注意, 英文聖經把 “不得行” 三個字譯作 “could not do” 意即 “衪不能”. 耶穌是神, 衪是無所不能, 為何現在衪不能? 我想這裡的 “衪不能” 是屬於第四類的 “不能”. 我們不能完全肯定到底神在這件事上的旨意是甚麼, 但我們可以根据聖經作出合理的 “可能性推測 (feasibility study)”.

• 門徒看到那終極的榮耀—-指登山變相 (太17:1-5)—-之後, 馬上跟着聽到神的話語: “你們要聽他!” 神蹟雖然過去, 但 “要聽衪” 的教訓永遠長存.

• 耶穌醫好那病了三十八年的人 (約5:13-14) 後, 衪對那人說, “不要再犯罪”. 醫病的神蹟雖然過去, 但衪所吩咐的 “不要再犯罪” 的教訓至今仍在.

• 門徒看到最大的神蹟—-主從死裡復活—-之後, 不久便聽到大使命的吩咐 (太28:18-20). 復活的神蹟雖然過去, 但傳福音的使命是基督徒不可忘的.

可見教訓和使命比神蹟更重要. 試想想, 如果神真的每天在我們面前行一件超自然的神蹟, 你認為我們的靈命會長進嗎? 絕對不會的. 因為當我們看了一個神蹟後, 我們的胃口增大了, 就會要求另一個更大的神蹟, 這樣一個接一個下去, 永無止境. 但如果我們每天讀聖經, 並照所明白的去行, 靈命就一定會長進. 可見學習神的話語比看神蹟更重要. 我們現在明白: 原來神蹟不是用來吸引人相信, 神蹟乃是施教訓的前奏曲. 對那些不願意接受教訓的人, 行神蹟給他們看, 也是徒勞. 所以, 耶穌的旨意就是在那裡 “不能” 行甚麼異能了. 所以, 神在旨意上的 ‘不能’ 也可視為: 衪的 ‘不能’ 其實是祂的旨意中的一部份.”

(1) “Essential Truth of the Christian Faith” by RC Sproul; pages 39-41.
(2) “解經有路” by陸蘇河; pages 152-159.

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蝌蚪變青蛙—談進化論 (more on evolution)

By: TC Lo (盧天賜); April 23, 2013

甚至小學生都知道蝌蚪變青蛙的事實. 首先讓我們看看蝌蚪和青蛙表面上的區别 (Ref. 1):

蝌蚪 (tadpole) 青蛙 (frog)
魚類生物, 在水裡游 两棲類生物 (amphibian)
用鰓 (gills) 呼吸 用肺呼吸
嘴小 嘴大而寬
有一條尾巴 尾巴掉了
無舌 (?) 長了長長的舌頭以便捉小蟲吃
臉不明顯 臉變大, 長了两個大大的眼睛
無脚 長了四條脚 (limbs)

進化論者大聲說, 呀! 我們找到進化的證據了: 蝌蚪 “進化” 成青蛙了. 一直被認為是千萬年的 “自然選擇” 過程, 突然會在短短的幾天內完成嗎?

我不是说進化論者所說的每一句話都是錯, 若是這樣, 我们今天便沒有生物學了. 但我堅持宏觀進化論的系統或世界觀 (macroevolution as a system/worldview) 是錯的. 他們錯在把對的科學數據或資料 (scientific data) 錯誤地過份延伸 (wrongly extrapolate) 成 “理論”. 其结果是把本來的科學而哲學化了.

物理學家 Richard P. Feynman 說了這樣一個故事: 在南中國海 (South China Sea) 有 “貨物迷信 (Cargo Cult)” 的島民. 在二次大戰期間, 他們看見飛機降落, 並運來好多有用的物品, 他們希望同樣的事能再發生, 於是他們安排一些東西, 使它們看起來像一條跑道, 並在 “跑道” 两旁點起火來, 又建造簡陋的小木屋讓人可坐在裏面, 此人的頭上載上木製的東西, 看起來像頭戴式耳機 (headphones), 上有两條竹製的東西, 豎起來很像 “天線”—-他是 “飛航管制員 (controller)”—-等着飛機降落. 他們作每一件事都相樣, 有完美的形式. 表面上看來與以前大戰時無異, 但不會成就甚麼的, 無飛機降落. 我 (Feynman) 叫這些東西做 “貨物迷信的科學Cargo Cult Science,” 因為它只依從科學的表面規則和形式上的研究, 而沒有一些實質上的東西. (Ref. 2)

其實上面蝌蚪變青蛙的描述, 只是外貌而巳. 把它看為進化的科學證据據, 豈非是 “貨物迷信 (Cargo Cult)” 之另一例嗎? 怎能把它看為科學理論呢?

蝌蚪變青蛙的奇妙乃是那看不見裡面的奇妙改變. 整個身體的生物化學—-嘴巴, 鼻子, 眼睛的感光細胞, 舌頭, 皮膚, 肌肉—-都要 “改造” 才能夠生存. 青蛙的腿要能夠動的話, 也需要腿的神經系統有所改變, 變成連繫脚的肌肉與中央神經系統有關連, 這是多大的改變. 整個生物體內的化學行程和作用都配合得天衣無縫, 而且只在短短的幾天中發生, 不是千萬年的 “自然選擇” 過程. 這明明是設計的產品, 而非機遇的結果.

其實青蛙的第一個細胞裏巳經有了一個奇妙無比的程式和計劃 (encoded DNA), 這程式 “告訴” 細胞如何複製自己. 蝌蚪要掉尾巴也不是那麼簡單的事情. 先是, 要停止製造尾巴肌肉的細胞, 然後蝌蚪要製造多種 “溶化” 不同尾巴細胞的特別酵素 (enzymes), 這些特別酵素各有針對的細胞, 它們要 “彼此溝通”, 同時 “注射” 進各自負責的細胞, 把它溶化. 這些溶化的細胞怎麽辨? 它們要被 “回收 recycle”. 於是, 有按程序被安排好的 “垃圾車 macrophages” 回收這些不再被需要的物資, 用來作其他的用處. 本來屬於尾巴的資料並沒有浪費, 而是回收做其他的用處. 多麼的聰明奇妙的程序呀! (取材于 Ref. 1)

蓋特 (Bill Gates) 在他書 (“The Road Ahead”, 1995) 上說: “了解生命是個大題目, 生物資訊 (Biological information) 是非常重要的. 以後幾十年將會帶來醫學上的革命. 人類 DNA好像電腦程序 (computer program), 但比我们現在所寫的電腦程序更複雜多了.” 然而, 達爾文對 DNA 是一無所知的 (Ref.3). 更重要的是程序的後面, 是有一位聰明的程序設計師—上帝.


  1. 真理報TRUTH MONTHLY; 科學篇 Nov.2008.
  2. “The Pleasure of Finding Things Out” by Richard P. Feynman; pp. 208-209.
  3. 參看本blog另一文: https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=699
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Is the Bible Discriminatory Against Women? 聖經歧視婦女嗎?

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); April 1, 2013


During a fortuitous encounter with a young student in the campus cafeteria I had the opportunity to discuss with her the subjects ranging from the existence of God to why Christianity makes more sense than other religions. Somehow, our conversation veered into another subject which reflected her belief claiming the Bible is sexist, i.e., discriminatory against women. I told her her understanding of the Bible was wrong and gave evidences to support my counter-perspective. Afterwards, I felt my talking points were not adequate enough to persuade and determined to do more research on this subject in order to reveal the truth in a clearer and stronger way. This article was written to this particular end.


Today there is a widespread belief that the Bible is some kind of powerful patriarchal conspiracy which has been used to oppress women. The Bible is even labeled as a “sexist book.” Many feminists claim “the church has tried to keep woman down!” While it may indeed seem to be the case that women have been discriminated against by many non-Christian religions, the Bible itself deserves closer examination on the subject.

It should be pointed out that many of greatest Christian pioneers and contemporary writers have been women, to name just a few:
• Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845) — the suffragettes,
• Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) — modern nursing pioneer,
• Catherine Booth (1829-1890) —mother of The Salvation Army,
• Amy Orr-Ewing — a contemporary female writer whose book (Reference 1) is the primary source and basic framework of this article.

Throughout the Bible there are numerous positive images of women and stories which involve women. The Old Testament women shared the image of God at creation: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27)

Some Jewish men prayed: “I thank God that Thou hast not made me a gentile, a slave, or a woman.” But Paul cut across these distinctions when he states:
“You (men and women) are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Galatians 3:26-29) — Reference 3, pages 50-51.

At the end of time at the second coming of Jesus, the church is represented as the bride of Christ: “Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb (Christ) has come, and his bride (female image of the Church) has made herself ready.” (Revelation 19:7)

From beginning to end, the Bible includes the feminine as an integral part of the Judeo-Christian tradition. While it is true that the Bible was written over a long period of time (lengthy span of 1600 years) in specific cultures (Middle- and Near-East, Roman and Greek), and some of these cultural contexts did not give equal social advantages to women, it would not be true to say that the message of the Bible is sexist or discriminatory against women.

Women in the Old Testament (O.T.)

Eve: the mother of mankind
It is interesting to know that the Bible says Eve is meant to be the helper of Adam. The word “helper” gives us the impression that Eve is inferior than her husband. Not so. Helper comes from the Hebrew word ezer, an interesting word choice loaded with significance. Ezer appears 21 times in O.T. Twice, in Genesis, it describes the woman (Genesis 2:18, 20). But the majority of references (16 to be exact) refer to God, or Yahweh, as the helper of his people. Is God, the helper, inferior to his people? Of course not. The remaining 3 references appear in the books of the prophets, who use it to refer to military aid. If language means anything, the ezer, in every case, is not a flunky or a junior assistant but a very strong role. (Reference 4, page 181)

Proverb 31 describes the “wife of noble character.” She is a woman who
• has confidence of her husband;
• works hard running an international business;
• gets up early and provides for her family and employees;
• owns property and cares for the poor;
• clothes her household well and dresses beautifully herself;
• is in charge of the home and her children honor her;
• fears God and is respected by people in her community.
Does she sound like a modern day super-woman? She is no doubt capable and yet feminine. She is no weakling.

Women in the O.T. are often spoken of with dignity and value. After Sarai had over-reacted to the arrogance of her maidservant, Hagar, and had driven her out of the house, the angel of the Lord found the runaway at the well (Genesis 16:7). He said, “Hagar, servant of Sarai.” It would be easy for us to miss the significance of that address. This is the only instance in many thousands of Ancient Near Eastern texts where a deity, or his messenger, calls a woman by name and thereby invests her with exalted dignity. It was interest to know that Hagar was not of Abraham’s family and was a sinner, yet God treated her with compassion, gave her special revelations [God promised to make her son into a great nation (Genesis 21:18)] and bestowed on her unconventional dignity.

In the O.T. women were sometimes called to be “prophetesses,” God’s mouth in the world.
• Miriam (Exodus 15:20-21)
• Deborah (Judges 4:4-7)
• Isaiah’s wife (Isaiah 8:3)
• Huldah (2 Kings 22:13-20) —she plays an important role in worship and ministry in the O.T. During the rule of Josiah, those who were repairing the temple found Book of the Law, which had been neglected during the previous generation. Josiah directed five leaders to seek guidance from God about this book. These leaders went to the married prophetess Hudah to verify the book—a very sacred business, rather than going to her famous contemporary, the prophet Jeremiah.
• Joel 2:28 predicts that, in the last days, the Lord will answer Moses’ prayer that all the Lord’s people, men and women alike, should become prophets (Numbers 11:29). At the Pentecost this prediction is fulfilled.

Women and men were also equal in prayer.
• Rachel petitioned God directly, and God listened to her and opened her womb (Genesis 30:22-24).
• Hannah also sought dignity and worth through child-bearing. She too went directly to God in prayer, independently from her husband, Elkanah, and the high priest, Eli, both of whom were insensitive to her need.

God is kind to women:
Hannah, Sarah and Rebecca were childless and longing for children. They were written of tenderly and their sufferings were empathized with in the Bible.

While many of the stories of the O.T. have central male heroic characters, this is not exclusively the case:
• Deborah in Judges who was the military leader fighting for the Israelites.
• Queen Esther who saved her people from holocaust.
• Ruth, a gentile, who becomes an ancestor of David and hence of Jesus.

O.T. sometimes even uses feminine imagery to describe God:
• In Isaiah 42:13-14 God draws an analogy between himself and a warrior, and then between himself and a woman giving birth.
• In Isaiah 66:13, God said, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.”
These are interesting and graphic portrait of God using earth language from the realm of female characteristics to relate to himself.

Women in the New Testament (N.T.)

In contrast to the cultural norms of the time, Jesus made a habit of revealing great theological truths to women:

• Samaritan woman
The first person who discovers Christ’s true identity in John’s Gospel is the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:25-26). Listen to their conversation:

Samaritan woman: “I know that Messiah (called Christ) is coming. When he comes, he will explain everything to us.”
Jesus: “I who speak to you am he.”

The disciples come across Jesus during his conversation with the woman and we are told they “were surprised to find him talking to a woman.” This is the context of Jesus’ ministry, and yet he goes against these cultural trends time and time again. Jesus ignores the cultural taboo by teaching women and allowing them to be his disciples.
Samaritan woman is an N.T. is equivalent of Hagar. Both are not of Abraham’s family and were sinners, yet God treated both with compassion, gave them special revelations and bestowed on them  unconventional dignity.

• Mary
Jesus teaches her while she sits at the feet of Jesus and engages in theological study. This phrase, “to sit at the feet of,” is the same formulation as in Acts 22:3, where Paul describes his training under Gamaliel. The clear implication here is that Mary is affirmed as worthy of a rabbi’s theological instruction.

• Martha, Mary’s sister
She is the first person to be taught one of the most astounding theological statements of the N.T. Jesus says to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies (John 11:25).”

The Mishnah, a collection of Jewish writings, says: “If any man gives his daughter the knowledge of the Law it is as though he taught her lechery.” Now you see the severe prohibition of teaching women religious matter in the Jewish culture during Jesus’ time and yet Jesus teaches women on spiritual matters.

Women are included in Jesus’ traveling circle
The idea of women traveling around with a group of men or having the status of disciple was seriously countercultural. Yet Jesus includes some of them and even receives financial support from them out of their means (Luke 8:1-3):
• Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out;
• Joanna the wife of Chuza, the manager of Herod’s household;
• Susanna; and
• Many others.

Women are included in church activities
Along with men, women are baptized and receive the Spirit (Acts 2:17; 5:14; 8:12; 16:15) and some of them suffer imprisonment for their faith (Acts 8:3; 9:1-2). Women play critical role in the establishment of several N.T. congregations (Acts 16:13-15, 40; 17:4,12). — Reference 3, page 53.

Jesus’ act in a countercultural manner
In Matthew 12:46-50, when Jesus is told that his mother and brothers are waiting outside to see him, he points to his disciples and says, “Here are my mother and my brother.” This statement is unthinkable especially there were women among his male disciples. In the Middle Eastern culture of the first century it would be unspeakably offensive to point to male disciples and use female imagery to describe them.

Jesus’ parables
Jesus teaches and speaks about women in a new and fresh way. His parables are drawn from the life experience of both men and women.

• Mending garment is a female image and making wine is a male image yet Jesus uses them side by side to teach the meaning of “born again”:
“No one tears a patch from a new garment and sews it on an old one. If he does, he will have torn the new garment, and the patch from the new will not match the old. And no one pours new wine into old wine-skins  If he does, the new wine will burst the skins, the wine will run out and the wine-skins will be ruined (Luke 5:36-39).

• Building a city is a masculine image and lighting up a house is a female household job yet Jesus uses them side by side to teach witnessing:
You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house (Matthew 5:14-15).

• In Luke 15 God is depicted as a woman down on her hands and knees, searching through her house for a coin in order to teach that God seeks out sinners in order to bring them to repentance.

• Jesus likens himself to a mother hen: “O Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings” (Luke 13:34).

Women as teachers of theology
• Priscilla
One example is recorded in Acts 18:24-26 where Apollos is taught by a couple Priscilla and Aquila. Apollos is a famous and eloquent preacher, and Priscilla team-teaches with her husband. It is unusual to see a woman’s name appearing first—as if to emphasize that she had a very real teaching role in this circumstance.

• Mary—Jesus’ mother
Luke’s Gospel presents Mary as a teacher of theology, ethics and social justice for the whole church when he records the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-56) for us. We are taught that Jesus is Lord and Savior, he is compassion, he provides when we are in need, he is worthy to be exalted. We learn these from Mary.

Women were key witnesses to historic events
• It was a group of women who stood at the foot of the cross, watching Jesus die and hearing his last words. (Luke 23:55)
• It was a group of women who first witnessed the resurrection of Christ. (Luke 24:4-5)

Again, it is striking for us to remember that the word of women was perceived as having less value in a court of law than that of men. It is therefore enormously important that the most significant events of Jesus’ death and resurrection were witnessed at first hand primarily by women.

Women as church leaders
• Phoebe—was introduced in Romans 16:1-2 as a deacon. The Greek has the masculine form diakonon. So Phoebe is a deacon, not a deaconess.
• Philip the evangelist “had four unmarried daughters who had the gift of prophecy (Acts 21:8-9)”.
• We also see Paul giving advice as to the manner in which women are to prophesy in church (1 Corinthians 11:4-5). Whatever we may make of his comments on head covering, it does seem that Paul expected women to prophesy. Prophesy was an important part of the early church and women are part of this ministry.
• There is also some evidence that a woman may have been referred to as an apostle by Paul. Roman 16:7 says, “Greet Andronicus and Junias, my relatives who have been in prison with me. They are outstanding among the apostles, and they were in Christ before I was.” Scholars generally claim that Junias is a woman name. (To prove this claim is beyond the scope of this article).
• Even Christians suspect the Bible may contain element of discrimination against women based on one verse written by Paul that seems to suggest prohibition of women as preachers. Careful studies identify it is an issue of Bible interpretation when all of Paul’s writings and cultural setting are all in view. This too is beyond the scope of this article. I point it out so readers may know that the writer of this blog is well aware of this issue.

The Influences of Christianity 

This section finds its source from Reference 2: Prior to Christianity influence, a woman’s life was very cheap. In ancient cultures, the wife was the property of her husband. But the Bible teaches that wife is the bone of her husband’s bones and the flesh of her husbands flesh (Genesis 2:23). Wife is the intimate ally of her husband.

In India, China, Rome, and Greece, people felt and declared that women were not able or competent to be independent. In ancient Rome, little girls were abandoned in far greater numbers than boys.

The killing of baby girls simply because of their sex was not just a practice of the ancient world. Two Norwegian women missionaries in the late 19th century—Sofie Reuter and Anna Jakobsen—found infanticide of little girls a common practice in China. These two women would daily comb the abandonment places to save Chinese girls from sure death. They would then rear these girls and disciple them into Christian faith. It is important to note that in the last two centuries, because of the modern missionary movement, the lives of women have been greatly improved in scores of countries and hundreds of tribes as the gospel has taken root in those cultures.

Take India as an example. Prior to Christian influences in India, widows were voluntarily or involuntarily burned on their husbands’ funeral pyres—a grisly practice known as suttee. The word itself literally translates “good woman,” implying that Hindus believed it was a good woman who followed her husband into death. As can be imagined, this practice shocked the Christian missionaries coming from the West.

Furthermore, infanticide—particularly for girls—was common in India, prior to the great missionary William Carey. Carey and other Christians detested seeing these little ones being tossed into the sea. These centuries-old practices, suttee and infanticide, were finally stopped only in the early 19th century and only through missionary agitation to British authorities. Tragically, as Christian influence is often felt less and less in modern India, we have seen the rise of sex-selection abortions—killing unborn girls—practiced widely there, a practice that vexes even the most ardent feminist. This is practiced all over the Far East.

India also had “child widows,” young girls who grew up to be temple prostitutes. In the 20th century, Amy Carmichael, a missionary of Dohnavur Fellowship, fought this practice by weaning many girls out of this situation and into a Christian community. In the 19th century, Charles Spurgeon told of a Hundu woman who said to a missionary: “Surely your Bible was written by a woman.” “Why?” he asked. “Because it says so many kind things for women. Our pundits never refer to us but in reproach.”

Prior to Christianity influences, Africa had a practice similar to suttee. The wives and concubines of the chieftain were killed at his death. Such tribal customs were stopped after Christianity began to penetrate the continent. In other areas of the globe where the gospel of Christ has not penetrated, the value of women’s lives is cheap.

Furthermore, polygamy (it was commonplace even in Hong Kong when I was a child) has disappeared in numerous places around the world because of the impact of Christianity. This is significant because polygamy is inherently unfair to women. How ironic that those feminists today do not give any credit to Christ or Christianity; in fact, they say it has oppressed woman. In reality, Christianity has elevated women enormously. Had Gloria Steinem (leader of the women’s liberation movement in the late 60’s and 70’s) been born in the anti-Christian regions of the world, she would have been sure to wear a veil today!

Final Remarks

• It is true to say that the O.T. does also contain stories in which terrible things such as rape or violence occur against women, but these are not condoned. Much of the text of the O.T. is narrative and not didactic in style. Nowhere in the Bible teaches the legitimacy of such violent acts against women. Bible is honest; even sins of the godly man (e.g. King David) are honestly recorded in the Bible in order to show that mankind, without exception, needs a Savior. See Note 1  below for more on this subject.

• In a culture that was far slower to recognize the worth of women, we can see that the Bible is highly countercultural on this issue. Although Paul asks woman to submit to her husband, Bible readers should not overlook another verse which says “husband and wife should submit to one another“. This is another subject concerning Bible interpretation which is beyond the scope of this article. Phebe Shen, a Chinese woman pastor, says in her book (Reference 3, page 56), “If the example of Christ is followed, a Christian woman should not find it difficult to subject herself to her husband in love even as the church subjects herself to Christ, and Christ to God, the Father. For her to refuse to do is to disregard God’s design for order. To accept her appointed place in God’s design without aspiring to headship over man is to find the greatest fulfillment possible in life, for it is to live in harmony with God’s plan.”

• When we come to the text of the Bible with the issues of sexism in mind, we must be clear that while God is predominantly spoken of with male imagery and ultimately incarnates himself as the man Jesus, this is not to say that women are undermined or undervalued. Jesus constantly affirms the value of women, teaching them and interacting with them as human beings. Both male and female are created in the image of God, and both are so precious that Christ came to the earth to redeem them (men and women) with his blood shed on the cross.


1. “Is the Bible Intolerant? Sexist? Oppressive? Homophobic? Outdated? Irrelevant?” by Amy Orr-Ewing; pp.85-97.
2. “What If Jesus Had Never Been Born” by D. James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe”; pp.14-17.
3. “Women in Ministry” by Phebe Shen (沈碧蘭)
4. “When Life and Beliefs Collide” by Carolyn Custis James.

Note 1:

Refer to Genesis 29:13-30. If modern reader finds offensive the whole account of women being bought and sold by men (most marriages were arranged in this way in ancient times), it would be important to keep in mind that the overall thrust of Genesis narrative is to undermine the practice by describing it so negatively. Robert Alter, in The Art of Biblical Narrative, says that if you read the book of Genesis and think it is condoning primogeniture, polygamy, and bride purchase, you are misunderstanding it. Throughout the book polygamy always wreaks devastation. It never works out. All you ever see is the misery the patriarchal institutions cause in families. Alter concludes that all the stories in Genesis are subversive to those ancient patriarchal practices. [Quoted from “Counterfeit Gods” by Timothy Keller; p.185. ]

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The Bible Considers Homosexuality As Hideous Sin

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); March 21, 2013

Christians must stand up and take position as light and salt of the world

If it is not a moral issue, if it is not a spiritual issue, if the Bible never say anything about it, I agree, we should stay out of this debate. But if it is a moral issue, if it is a spiritual matter, and if God has much to say about this issue, then Christians must stand up and take position. I believe church must become cultural relevant to every areas of the society in order to be the Light and Salt of the world.

Acts 20:28 talks about church leaders’ responsibility: “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.”

What an awesome responsibility of church leaders who are held accountable for the flock’s spiritual well being!

Acceptance is today’s social mood

Political Arena
o Vermont has legalized same sex civil union in 2000.
o Only months before the 2012 re-election, President (candidate) Obama formally announced his support for homosexual marriage as acceptable and legal
o At this very moment, the U.S. Supreme Court is in the process of deciding on the legitimacy of same-sex marriages.

Social, Art, and Spiritual Arenas
o And Bride’s magazine few years ago featured its first ever article on how to plan a same sex wedding
o Music, arts, movies permeated with homosexual themes
o Episcopal Church in November, 2003 consecrated the first openly guy Bishop in the church history the Rev. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire
o Sculptures of same sex couples are beautifully displayed in the middle of Stanford University’s campus to insidiously suggest the acceptability of homosexual lifestyle.

Education Arena
o Powerfully eloquent speakers are invited to give pervasive speeches on acceptance and tolerance to students and ask them to demand hearing from their parents on sexual orientation. There are two wrong attitudes toward the devil (C.S. Lewis ):
 Ignore him—we dare not ignore devil’s trickery.
 Develop an unhealthy interest on him—How could that be? An eloquent speech may earn young people’s ear.
But eloquence and Truth may not go hand-in-hand. We ought to have this discernment.

Prohibition is viewed as “intolerant”

Two friends planned to go out for lunch. John said I like Chinese food. Mary said I love Italian food. They talked for few minutes, and then John said, “OK. Let’s go for Italian food.” In this case, we say, “John is tolerant.

If you had deposited $5,000 into your saving account but later when you received your bank statement which recorded that you only put in $500. You fiercely argued with the bank manager insisting that you are right. Can I accuse you for being intolerant? Of course I can’t. Why? Because truth matters. Truth, by definition, is exclusive. If I say 2+2=4, but you say 2+2=5. I cannot agree with you. But then can you say my disagreement with you is an attitude of intolerance?

If I say “Homosexuals are wrong” and you immediately accuse me for not being tolerant to people with homosexual orientation. I have good reason to say to you that you too are intolerant because you could not tolerate me for making such statement as “Homosexuals are wrong”?

Those who think they are tolerant are of the worse kind of intolerance. See, young men, don’t be fooled!

Bible’s view on homosexual behavior is clear

Is Bible’s position not clear? Without equivocation, there is a single monolithic position in the Bible on the issue of the homosexual behavior. Examine: Gn.19; Lev.20:13; 18:21-23; Judges 19:22-25; and 1 Cor. 6:9-10 and Rm.1.

Geneses 19:1-8
God said that the sin of Sodom was so grievous that He will go down and do something about it. And we all know what sin of the city of Sodom was. It was rampant homosexual behavior and that was so offensive to God.
• God DID come down and he wiped the whole city out of its existence.

Leviticus 20:13
If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
Do you see any ambiguity? It is very clear!

Leviticus 18:21-23
21. Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD.
22. Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.
23. Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.
Interesting observation:
• V.22 is a clear prohibition of homosexual behavior.
• Right in front of it, v.21, God puts a prohibition against child sacrifice.
• Right behind it, v.23, God put a prohibition against having sex with animal.
The way God placed this particular prohibition tells about what level God considers this behavior to be.

One may argue that this was an OT prohibition, what about NT? Jesus brought love and grace to the world, maybe the NT is different? OK, well, let’s look at the following clear statements:

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
The New Testament equivalent to the Old Testament verse, Leviticus 20:13, is First Corinthians 6:9 in terms of their directness and clarity on the prohibition of homosexual behavior.
1Co 6:9 Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders
1Co 6:10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
Homosexuals cannot “inherit the kingdom of God.”You see, homosexuality is not just a moral issue, it is also a spiritual issue!

Roman 1:20-28
If there is any doubt whether God’s position has changed on homosexual behavior,
Look at the adjectives that are used here, shameful, unnatural (v.26). God’s position has not changed from OT to NT.

Biblical Conclusion:
We can go on with more verses but I think the point is clear that the Bible has a consistent position about homosexual behavior, a position that is not changed from OT to NT. That is homosexual behavior, lesbian behavior, is detestable and abominable in the sight of God.

Homosexuality is more than a personal or private business. It is an issue concerning the survival of a nation or civilization

Refer to Roman 1:20-28. This passage describes for us how human societies, the three stages by which human societies deteriorate morally and spiritually, i.e., moving away from God and moving toward the judgment of God. Each stage is notated by a phrase “任憑他們 God Gave Them Over” (Rm.1:24, 26, 28.) which God uses to mark another decline, a lower decline, in a society away from God and toward self destruction.

The first stage is humanism.
What does it mean?
• Our society replaces his God with man; and things of God with things of man.
• Our society decides they are going to displace God as the head of the society and they are going to enthrone man instead.
• Our society decides that they are going to displace the wisdom of the Bible as the guiding principle for the society and they are going to put their own wisdom in place of that.
You go to any public school in America today, you go to any public college in America today, and even though there may be wonderful followers of Christ on the staff and teaching in the classrooms in these institutions, they are forbidden by law to teach Bible in these classrooms, they are forbidden by law to mention God or biblical worldview. You go to these classrooms you hear all about man’s wisdom, man’s achievement, man’s capacity, man’s capability. For all practical purposes, American society is already well through stage one. You call this “tolerance”?

The second stage is spiritual hardness.
Secularism leads to spiritual hardness where people do not even recognize anything wrong any more—that is, Moral Relativism.
“When a man stops believing in God he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes in anything.”—-G. K. Chesterton (1874-1936, English writer)

The third stage is homosexuality.
We are not talking about closet behavior of homosexuality that goes on secretly in the society. We are talking about in this stage-3 that homosexuality is being recognized and approved and normalized by a society as completely acceptable behavior.

First group mentioned (Romans 1:.27) under this stage is the women. They are the chestiest and the most virtuous element of any society. Now even the women are brazenly involved in this kind of behavior. It is worthwhile to note that right before the Fall of the Roman Empire; homosexual behaviors were rampant in their society.

Read Romans 1:29 below:
Ro 1:29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips,
Ro 1:30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;
Ro 1:31 they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.

When homosexuality breaks out, hell breaks out. Every kind of wickedness breaks loose in an inextricable spiral downward. God is merciful; but His judgment can be merciless. You see, homosexuality is just a sign of what the worst to come. It points to the bigger problems of sexual promiscuity, pre-marital lust, and sex outside the parameter of marriage and many more. So we are not just talking about one issue only.

Now what about this genetic thing?

It is in my gene. I can’t really help it that God made me gay.

OK. Giving the benefit of the doubt, I agree absolutely but so is lying, cheating, stealing, murder, adultery; it is all in our genes, folks, and every bit of it. We were born with a sinful human nature that we are inherited in the genes of our parents and every one of those behavior is genetic in our genes.

But where I don’t agree with them is that we have no choice about this. Ah-ah! God says, for every sinful behavior man has ever engaged, man has a choice. The fact that they have choice brings hope. Because you have the choice not to do it by the power of the Holy Spirit, that brings hope that we proclaim.

Homosexual behavior leads to self-destruction

A newspaper reporter in California, who did several exposé of the gay community out there, wrote an article entitled “That is nothing gay about homosexuality. Here is what he said,

“One of the biggest problems with homosexuals is their own loneliness. In homosexual’s own publications, in the writings of the psychiatrists to treat them, in the works of the ministers to try to help them, there is this constant repetition of the loneliness of the homosexual life style. This loneliness leads
• many homosexuals into drugs and alcoholism
• them to head to sadistic machismo
• them to become unkind; they are frequently vicious with their own partners and others.
Whoever decided to call homosexual gay must have a terrible sense of humor.”
• But not only there is a personal tragedy, the personal sadness of this life style is self-destructive in an incredible way. Dr. Paul Cameron did a study and published a book called “Homosexual Lifespan” and in this book, what he did is he went to look at the obituary in homosexual journals, 10 of them across the nations, A 4109 homosexuals he studied their obituaries and here is what he found:
• Homosexuals had 20 times more suicide rate of the average American.
• Homosexuals are victims of murder 83 times more often than the average American and that is not from gay bashing. In almost every case, the perpetrators of these murders are other members of the homosexual community.
• The average age of male homosexuals with Aids is 36 years old. The average age of male homosexuals without Aids is 43 years old. Folks, the average age of American is 75 years old.

And he concluded by saying, “Homosexuality plays out as THE MOST DEADLY life style. It’s far worse than smoking, or alcohol abuse, or working in an uranium mine.”

Biblical truth should be taught — starting at the family level

What are we as Christians going to do? Let me narrowly focus on just what is immediately relevant to our church members first—especially to protect our children from being influenced by non-biblical worldviews. First, we ought to understand how we (all of us) come to embrace certain ideas. I believe there are three levels through which we are persuaded to buy-in certain ideas.

Theoretical Level—we ought to teach our church members and their children about the biblical truth through pulpit, Sunday school, and Bible Studies. This will include the teaching of the authority of the Scripture, and why God’s Word is the absolute truth. We shall start Sunday School on January 2013, and we should design good curriculums and encourage attendance.

Art Level-–Art, such as music, performance art, are very effective in educating God’s people. Increasingly, I come to understand why so many philosophers were also playwrights. For example, when I read about Jean Paul Sartre’s Existentialism, I had very difficult time to understand the essence of his thought, until one day I came across one of his play, No Exit, I began to get the hang of it. Playing games is a very effective way so I agree with George. But selecting good games is itself an art.

Kitchen Table Level—this, perhaps, is the most important level. Christian parents should talk about subjects of this kind during the dinner time, camping event, inside the car on a long trip. When my son was very young, we both agreed to read one passage of the Bible every day before his bed time. I set the rule that we just read without discuss in order to simplify the process so the Bible reading project could sustain for long time. As we read the Bible every day, the Truth slowly instill into the young mind. So during the dinner times or vacation times, he could have something to ask about which gave me the chance to answer his question and study if I did know the answer, so the process, we both grew in the knowledge of the Word together.

People come to Jesus through one, or two, or all three levels in sequence of any permutation. As for me, I started with the Theoretical Level, and moved to the Kitchen Table Level, which was my attending of church’s fellowship groups and potluck dinners. After I was intellectually persuaded that Christianity was reasonable, it still took me a long time to come to Jesus until I was moved by the Sunday singing of hymns. I vividly remember that the hymn “The Old Rugged Cross” and “How Great Thou Art” were so moved my heart and my soul.

Church is the hospital for sinners. Jesus is our great physician and we are the nurses. Jesus befriended with prostitutes and tax collectors, so we must love sinners but hate sins.

Ref. 1: Good portion of materials in this article was from Lon Solomon’s sermon which I heard years ago when I visited McLean Bible Church in McLean, Virginia.

Ref. 2: The three-level epistemology is extracted from many of Ravi Zacharias’ publications. Example: “Is Your Church Ready? Motivating Leaders To Live An Apologetic Life” by Ravi Zacharias and Norman Geisler; p.33.

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You Are A Letter From Christ

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); February 25, 2013

The Irish evangelist Gypsy Smith once said, “There are five Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and the Christian, and some people will never read the first four.” In other words, Christians most likely are the only Gospel to be “read” by the unbelievers, at least initially. Smith echoed well what Apostle Paul had said to the church of Corinthians:

You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts” (2 Corinthians. 3:3).

During the Crimean war (1853-1856), the wounded soldiers gazed at Florence Nightingale as she tenderly bound up their wounds and said to her, “I see Christ in you.” I think Nightingale delivered the Letter from Christ very well.

The Church of Christ is the hospital for sinners—the spiritual sick. A balanced church should have a two pronged effort to deliver the life-saving good news to the lost world: Personal evangelism and Mission teamwork. On the personal front, we ought to personally live out the message to individuals, especially to those who are lonely and blue, destitute, and devoid of purposefulness in their lives. On the mission front, we ought to learn to yoke with fellow Christians. This was why Jesus commanded His disciples to go out two-by-two to learn about teamwork as a way to demonstrate to the world that we should and can love one another because Christ loves us first. Good teamwork can accomplish the letter-sending process more effectively.

The Gospels, including the fifth one, are not just giving comfort to people who are living in this mundane and suffering world; the Gospels offer mankind an eternal hope. An evangelist must not only have the urgency to rescue people from the fierce fire of hell but also present the hope that lies ahead to the hopeless. For those who read the letters and receive the message therein will be quenched with the living water flowing from the throne of God through His church set upon the rock and atop the holy mountain of the Most High. The lost paradise is found and the tree of life comes back for the nourishment of the redeemed.

Engaging in this soul-rescue mission (SOS: save-our-soul) letter is a spiritual warfare. The Evil One depicted as ravens would attempt by all means to frustrate God’s redemptive plan. These carnivorous angry ravens are powerful but not all-powerful. Christ encourages us, “fear not, for I have put the dark force in chain,” so even though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, it is nonetheless a mere shadow, and we shall come through safely and cross over from death to life.

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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); February 14, 2013

聖經的作者雖有有四十多位之多, 含蓋1600年長的時段, 然而有一個連貫且一致的信息, 就是述及一位高尚聖潔完美的中心人物, 就是基督. 請看聖經的结構:

  • 預表基督—創世記至約伯記 (共18章)
  • 囋美基督—詩篇至雅歌 (4)
  • 預言基督—以賽亞書至瑪拉基書 (17)
  • 表明基督—四福音書 (4)
  • 傳揚基督—使徒行傳 (1)
  • 解釋基督—羅馬書至猶大書 (21)
  • 榮耀基督—啟示錄 (1)

可見 “预表” 的章數是相當多的. 記於摩西五經 (創, 出, 利, 民, 申) 中禮儀法 (Ceremonial Laws; 申命記.1-7; 23), 就是各樣不同的祭祠的條例, 都是預表基督. 自基督死而復活後, 動物的犧牲祭祠便巳停止, 因為祭祠所预表的实体巳經來臨了. 在预表的过程中, 教義是漸進地呈現, 由最初的基本簡介到複習的發展. 在聖經中我們看到預表 (type) 之後有相對的預表 (antitype), 預言之後有預言應驗的記載.

陳終道指出 (Ref. 1) 舊約的預表在聖經中正是神啓示的重要步驟, 因為:

  1. 预表 (如以色列人出埈及記的歷史) 說明神救贖計劃的進展.
  2. 预表說明舊約和新約記載的一貫性. 新, 舊約都是以基督為中心的. (如民數記中的銅蛇與新約中的十字架.)
  3. 舊約的預表是新約的影兒, 所以解釋舊約預表, 就必須注意它與新約聖經的關係.

馮秉誠給预表一個嚴格的限制 (Ref. 2), 他認為預表必須同時具備的六個特徵:

  1. 相似—與本体有真實自然的對應.
  2. 歷史事實.
  3. 預示—有預言的成份.
  4. 提升—被預表的事物比預表本身更超越.
  5. 神的設計.
  6. 新約指明—這是一個非常限制性的條件, 甚至把 “約瑟預表基督” 排除在預表之外. (筆者对 “約瑟不能預表基督” 稍取保留態度.)

但大衛預表基督為王是無可置疑的, 他是國度的奧祕的中心人物. 現在讓我們看看大衛如何預表基督:



大衛是合神心意的王. (撒上13:14) 耶穌在世時, 神數次親自印證說, “這是我的愛子, 我所喜悅的.” (太3:17, 12:18, 17:5; 彼後1:17)
大衛向神呼喊, “我的神,我的神!為甚麼離棄我?” (詩22:1) 耶穌在十字架上呼喊, “我的神,我的神! 為甚麼離棄我?” (太27:46; 可15:34)
大衛寫道, “我的精力枯乾,如同瓦片;我的舌頭貼在我牙床上。你將我安置在死地的塵土中。” (詩22:15) 耶穌在十字架上那種乾渴的情形.
大衛寫道, “犬類圍著我,惡黨環繞我;他們扎了我的手、我的腳。” (詩22:16) 耶穌復活後向門徒顯現, 但多馬不在場. 後來, 多馬卻說:“我非看見他手上的釘痕,用指頭探入那釘痕,又用手探入他的肋旁,我總不信。”(約20:25)
大衛寫道, “他們分我的外衣,為我的裡衣拈鬮。” (詩22:18) 耶穌被釘十字架上的情形. (太27:35; 可15:24; 路23:34)
大衛來到以拉谷 (Elah) 之前被先見撒母耳膏立為王. (撒上17:2) 耶穌履行職事之先, 被聖靈膏立為永遠的王.
大衛是牧人. 耶穌是我們的好牧人.
大衛被他父親差遣到他弟兄中間去服事他們. 耶穌被天父差遣到我們中間去服事我們.
大衛來到弟兄中間, 遭弟兄們輕蔑地對待. 耶穌來到同胞中間, 被人們嘲弄, 並以唾沫濺在他的面上.
大衛戰勝歌利亞後, 王把自己的女兒償給大衛為妻. 耶穌也贏得宇宙的王的女兒為妻—-就是衪的教會. 衪為我們的緣故, 面對惡者, 歌利亞只不過是那惡者魔鬼的影兒而矣.
大衛用甩石的機弦 (撒上17:40) 和小圓石殺死歌利亞.[歷史背景: 歌利亞,是迦特人,身高六肘零一虎口 (I Sam 17:4) —- 超過九呎; 比 Wilt Chamberlain (巳故NBA 籃球高手) 高两呎半. 全身是肌肉, 體重估計有400 磅. 盔甲重150 lb, 所以共重550磅. 銅戟重18磅, 像保齡球那麽重. 他居然被幼嫩的牧童大衛擊敗.] 耶穌用被人看來無用的武噐—-柔和謙卑如水的十字架—-擊敗撒但.
大衛是以色列的中間人. 耶穌是我們的中保.
大衛拯救了古代的以色列人. 耶穌拯救今天的真以色列人, 就是信靠衪的人.

Ref. 1: “以經解經” by 陳終道; pp.226-227 &241.

Ref. 2: “聖經的詮釋” by里程; pp.274-275.

Ref. 3: “How Would Jesus Vote?” by James Kennedy and Jerry Newcombe”;        pp.197 and 202.

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原罪 (Original Sin) 的奧祕 (Chinese and English)

By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); January 7, 2013;


  • 神不是邪惡的創始人 (author of evil).
  • 聖經清楚地把過犯和罪的責任放置在人的身上。

隨着這兩個聲明 (Note),  產生了一個古今難題:
Q: 罪從那裡來?

歷世歷代對此問題的答案至少可分為五類 (A1 to A5), 如下:

A1: 人之可能犯罪是因他們赋予選擇的自由。 亞當與夏娃選擇罪, 這就是罪之源了。這是基督徒所獲得的一般 “標準答案”。大部份基督徒停留於此,  並以此答案為滿足。 可是這個答案並非沒有困難。

  • 神造亞當與夏娃時他們是完美的; 為何完美的受造者會選擇邪惡?

A2: 亞當與夏娃是受騙的。 這答案的困難是:

  • 聖經明說亞當與夏是明知故犯。
  • 如真被騙或對他們的行為是無知, 為何耶和華神要求他們對自己的罪行負責並加予審判?

A3: 亞當與夏娃是被迫犯罪。

  • 聖經記載並非如此。 如他們是被迫, 罪就不在他們身上, 應只在強制者的身上。

A4: 亞當與夏娃犯罪是因為他們有犯罪的傾向。 這說法產生下列問題:

  • 他們犯罪的傾向從何而來?
  • 如果是從上帝而來, 上帝豈非是不聖潔嗎?
  • 如果是從魔鬼而來, 我們只是把問題往上推一級而沒有真正解決問題的困境。

A5: 亞當與夏娃並無犯罪的傾向, 他們的選擇並非出於理性, 他們的行動只是一個意外。新紀元運動者 (Winfrey Oprah and Eckhart Tolle) 用此說法來淡化罪的嚴重性。

  • 意外不涉及道德責任。 但聖經明說他們的選擇是有責任的。
  • 如果沒有渴望或傾向, 就沒有選擇的能力。我打開冰箱是因為我想吃東西 (desire)。 我今天想繪畫, 是因為我有喜歡繪畫的傾向 (disposition)。

A6: 你還能想出別的答案嗎?

  • 請填上。

雖然好似我們還沒有真正回答此問題, 但要牢記的重點是:
邪惡從那裡來? 邪惡之源並沒有另人完全滿意的答案。 我們可窮盡一切的想像力去給別人留下一些印象深刻的 “聰明” 答案, 但人的理性是有殘缺和極限的。 基督教的真理不是可藉詭辯術來提供答案的。 無神論者常說, “邪惡的存在證明全善, 全知, 全能的神不存在。”

雖然基督徒不能完全明白邪惡的来源, 但我們沒有理由去忽視對神存在的大量正面的證據。 根據我們不知道的來否定我們所知道的, 這不但是拙劣的神學, 也是拙劣的科學。 基督徒雖不能完全解釋邪惡, 但聖經不斷地警誡我們要提防邪惡的影響力。 (1 Peter 5:8-9)

邪惡是個奥秘。 有些事是上帝 (用他無限的智慧) 不讓我們在世上知道的, 我相信這是為我們的好處, 比如, 他不告訴我們那一天死, 豈非恩典嗎? 經上說, “隱秘的事是屬耶和華我們 神的;惟有明顯的事是永遠屬我們和我們子孫的,好叫我們遵行這律法上的一切話” ( 申命記29:29)。 這就是奥祕。

但我們不要濫用這個名詞, 只要一碰到難題便不假思索地說, 這是個奧祕我們不用討論了, 這樣我們便不會長進了。 要達到 “這是個奧秘” 的結論是需要一個過程的, 就是要的確達到了人有限理性的窮巷時, 才可以用這句話, 有時這個過程可長達數世紀之久。 我認為過程比答案更重要,  因為我們反正將來在天上與主面對面時, 一定會從主裡得到正確的答案, 但在世上所經歷的過程就成為我們長進成聖的机会了。 有位神學家說得好, “神給我們知道的是足夠讓我們踏出信心的一步, 但祂也為我們保留一些東西好讓我們認識祂的偉大而去敬拜衪, 讚歎衪, 並遵行衪的旨意。”

Note: 神學上稱此為 “神義論 (theodicies)”。 即人們嘗試用人的理性去 “維謢” 神的公義。 就是: 神是公義但仍能允許邪惡存在於世而自己却不被罪污染。 神義論有好多類, 本文只論 “原罪的神義論”。 詳情請參看: “Reason to Believe” by R.C. Sproul; pp.117-129.

The Mystery of Original Sin

There are two important assertions in the Bible:

  • God is not the author of evil.
  • The Bible clearly places the responsibility of transgression and sin on human beings.

With these two assertions, there has been an ancient-to-modern unresolved problem:

Q: Where does sin come from?

The answers to this question over the ages can be divided into at least five categories (A1 to A5), as follows:

A1: People may sin because they are given the freedom of choice.  Adam and Eve choose sin, which became the source of sin.

This is the general “standard answer” that Christians receive. Most Christians stop at this point with satisfaction. But this answer is not without difficulties.

  • Adam and Eve were perfect when God created them; why the perfect creatures chose evil?

A2: Adam and Eve were deceived.

The difficulty of this answer is:

  • The Bible states that Adam and Eve knowingly committed an act of disobedience.
  • Why was the Jehovah God asking them to be responsible for their own crimes and adjudged them if they were deceived or ignorant of their actions?

A3: Adam and Eve were forced to sin.

  • Biblical records do not agree.
  • If they were compelled, sin will not be on them, but on the enforcer alone.

A4: Adam and Eve sinned because they had the inclination to sin.

This statement has the following problems:

  • Where did their tendency to sin come from?
  • Is God unholy if inclination to sin came from God?
  • If it came from the devil, we just push the problem up one level without really solving the problem.

A5: Adam and Eve had no tendency to sin. Their choice was not from logical reasoning. Their actions were just an mere accident.

  • Winfrey Oprah and Eckhart Tolle, the two prominent New Age Movement proponents, used this argument to downplay the gravity of sin.
  • Accident does not involve moral responsibility. But the Bible states that Adam and Eve’s choices invoked moral responsibility.
  • Without the desire or inclination, there is no ability to choose. I open the refrigerator because I want to eat (desire). I want to paint a picture today because I incline to paint. Adam and Eve did make a choice so they had inclination.

A6: Can you come up with any other answers?

Please fill in.

Although it appears that we have not really answered the very question “Where does the evil come from”, the key point to bear in mind is: We can exhaust all our imagination to leave some impressive “smart” answers to others, but we must realize that human reason is flawed and limited. The truth of Christianity cannot be answered by sophistry. Atheists often say, “The existence of evil proves that there is no God who is good, omniscient, and omnipotent.”

Although Christians do not fully understand the source of evil, we have no reason to ignore the abundant positive evidences of the existence of God. To deny what we have already known based on what we do not yet know is not only a poor theology but also a poor science. Although Christians cannot fully explain evil, the Bible continually warns us to beware of evil’s influences. (1 Peter 5: 8-9)

Evil is indeed a mystery. God, in His infinite wisdom, hides something from us that we will never understand them in this world. And I believe the concealment of God is to our benefit, for example, God does not tell me when is the date I should die. Is this to me not God’s grace? The Bible says, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law” (Deuteronomy 29:29). The Origin of Sin is indeed a mystery.

Having said that, we must be careful not to abuse the term “mystery” whenever we encounter any bible difficulty. If we lightly say without hesitation that something is a mystery, we then stop pursue further understanding and research and as a result, we won’t grow in knowledge. It takes a process to reach the certainty of being able to say, “this is a mystery.” Historically, the process of reaching such conclusion may take several centuries but throughout the process, theologians learned. Therefore, I think the process is more important than the answer, because in the future when we see our Lord face to face in heaven, we will certainly get the correct answer from Him, but the process we have experienced in this world becomes opportunities for us to grow in faith and in holiness. One theologian puts it well, “God has put enough into the world to make faith in Him a most reasonable thing, and he has left enough to make it impossible to live by sheer reason alone.”


In theology this is called “theodicies.” That is, people try to use human reasoning to “defend” God’s righteousness. In this case, we rightly argue that God is righteous but still allows evil to exist in the world without being Himself contaminated by sin. There are many categories of the theodicies of the theology, this article deals with “the theodicy of the Original Sin.” For details see: “Reason to Believe” by RC Sproul; pp. 117-129.

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在聖誕節思想 “童女生子” On Virgin Birth

By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜); December 17, 2012

新約聖經中多次提到 “童女懷孕生子” 的故事. “童女懷孕生子” 的意思是: 雖巳懷孕但仍是處女. 首先請看舊約以賽亞書:

因此,主自己要給你們一個兆頭,必有童女懷孕生子,給他起名叫以馬內利(註:就是 “神與我們同在” 的意思)。(賽 7:14)

這節聖經中所譯作的 “童女” 其希伯來文是 ‘almah, 它有两個意思: (1) 指未結婚的少女, 即 “處女” 之意, 或 (2) 少婦, 她可能是處女, 也可能不是處女.

(A) 不相信 “童女懷孕生子” 的解經家們宣稱門徒馬太濫用這經文於耶穌降生的事上.

這一切的事成就,是要應驗主藉先知所說的話,說:“必有童女懷孕生子,人要稱他的名為以馬內利。” (太1:22-23)

他們相信以賽亞所提到的是在亞哈斯 (Ahaz) 時代的一個婦人, 她可能是亞哈斯王後宮的宮女之一, 或可能是以賽亞自己的第二任 (前妻巳死) 妻子 (賽8:1-4), 絕不是指處女, 因為寫這節經文時亞哈斯王的好兒子希西家 (Hezekiah) 巳經出生了; 而以賽亞巳經有了幾個孩了, 所以他們的妻子當時不可能是處女. 所以與馬太福音所提到的無關. 而這節經文中的 “以馬內利” 是當時的人切望將來 “神將必與我們同在” 的記號.

(B) 另有解經家們也接受這個當前的應用, 但他們同時也接受這段經文是預言基督的降生, 這就是所謂 “雙重應驗 double fulfillment” 的看法. 然而這两處的預言都有一些相似點: 以賽亞的預言是針對當時子民處於水深火熱當中 (北國危在旦歹). 而天使向馬利亞所發的預言是處於神的百姓最需要拯救的時刻, 因神定意要將 “自己的百姓從罪裡救出來.”

(C) 正统的解經家相信這是預言. 而這預言單單只能指向將來彌賽亞的降生. 如這屬實, 則這個彌賽亞的應用觀便可從下述的經文, 透過漸進啟示和以經解經的透鏡, 而被延伸擴大並證實了. (Ref. 1)

因有一嬰孩為我們而生,有一子賜給我們 (For to us a child is born, to us a son is given),政權必擔在他的肩頭上。他名稱為 “奇妙策士”、“全能的 神”、“永在的父”、“和平的君”!他的政權與平安必加增無窮。他必在大衛的寶座上治理他的國,以公平公義使國堅定穩固,從今直到永遠。萬軍之耶和華的熱心必成就這事。(賽 9:6-7)

你看, 聖經用字是非常謹慎的: 嬰孩是 “生” 的, 指衪有人性. 而 “子” 是賜的, 指衪是從天而降, 衪的職事和名份 (政權, 策士, 審判官, 神, 父, 君) 附合基督的屬性, 更說明了衪的源頭是屬天的. 基督有神人二性便在此不證自明了 (Ref. 2). 既是從天而降, 便不是男人所生了.

陳終道牧師指出: 希伯來文 ‘almah 這個字在舊約只用過四處 (創24:43; 歌1:3; 歌6:8, 及賽7:14). 頭三處據上下文都是確指 “童女”, 所以沒有理由當論到第四次時, 是另有所指. 再者, 由以賽亞書七章十四節的本文看, 既明說 “主自己要給你們一個兆頭”, 就表明這事與眾事不同. 若是少婦生子, 怎麽算是特別的 “兆頭” 呢? 豈非世上極大多數的少婦都能生子麽? 但 “童女” 生子那就是特別的兆頭了 (Ref. 3).

[筆者註: 陳終道的論點 (Note 3a) 並非無懈可擊. 首先,如果 ‘almah 在舊約只出現4次而3次是指童女,也不能就此斷定第4次一定是指童女。其次,有原文學者認為  ‘almah不只出現4次,而是7次。其它3處是:出2:8; 詩68:25; 箴30:19. ] (Note)

其實 “童女生子” 的概念源於創世記3章15節中的 “女人的後裔(單數)”. 陸蘇河教授 (Ref. 4) 指出: “主自己要給你們一個兆頭,必有童女懷孕生子” 之前的一節聖經有其重要的意義. 就是 “大衛家” 這三個字.

以賽亞說:“大衛家啊,你們當聽!你們使人厭煩豈算小事,還要使我的 神厭煩嗎?(賽 7:13)

可見 以賽亞書 7:14 的預言是與 “大衛家” 有關的, 亦即與彌賽亞有關係, 且此預言的應驗在馬利亞身上的看法是一致的. 這也給 “女人的後裔” 帶來進一步的解釋. 女人的後裔的信息, 從夏娃, 亞伯拉罕, 以撒, 雅各, 猶大支派, 到大衛的家, 這一連串的啓示顯示 “女人的後裔” 的應許與童女生子的預言, 彼此有直接或间接的關係.

以賽亞 7:14 的預言, 在700 年後應驗了, “必有童女懷孕生子,給他起名叫以馬內利” (馬太1:21-23). 此處希臘文 “童女” 的意義明顯了, 它直接指出, 童女是, “處女, 貞潔的人 (包括守童身者, 待嫁的女子).” 我們又見到聖經 “漸啓明” 的原則. (Note)

保羅在加拉太書4章4-5節所說的話 (特別是 “為女子所生”) 或可作整個啓示過程的結論:

“及至時候滿足, 神就差遣他的兒子,為女子所生,且生在律法以下,要把律法以下的人贖出來,叫我們得著兒子的名分。”

加拉太書的两節把 “童女生子” 與 “救贖” 連起來. 從創世記中的 “女人的後裔” 到 加拉太書中的 “為女子所生” 透過以賽亞書形成了一條漸啟明 (Progressive Revelation) 的救贖線.

童女生子的最有力的證據莫過於馬利亞自己的經歷, 記在路加福音內:

Lk 1:26    到了第六個月,天使加百列奉 神的差遣往加利利的一座城去,這城名叫拿撒勒,

Lk 1:27    到一個童女那裡,是已經許配大衛家的一個人,名叫約瑟,童女的名字叫馬利亞。

Lk 1:28    天使進去,對她說:“蒙大恩的女子,我問你安,主和你同在了!”

Lk 1:29    馬利亞因這話就很驚慌,又反復思想這樣問安是甚麼意思。

Lk 1:30    天使對她說:“馬利亞,不要怕!你在 神面前已經蒙恩了。

Lk 1:31    你要懷孕生子,可以給他起名叫耶穌。

Lk 1:32    他要為大,稱為至高者的兒子,主 神要把他祖大衛的位給他。

Lk 1:33    他要作雅各家的王,直到永遠;他的國也沒有窮盡。”

Lk 1:34    馬利亞對天使說:“我沒有出嫁,怎麼有這事呢?”

Lk 1:35    天使回答說:“聖靈要臨到你身上,至高者的能力要蔭庇你,因此所要生的聖者必稱為 神的兒子(註:或作:“所要生的,必稱為聖,稱為 神的兒子”)。

無神論者或許對這段經文的可靠性產生懷疑. 但我們可考慮在經文以外的下列數點作為進一步的思想 (Ref. 5)

  • 馬利亞宣稱如此古怪的懷孕實在對自己的生命和嬰孩耶穌的生命冒了大險. 未婚而懷孕使她遭受被約瑟拋棄 (putting away 即相當於離婚) 的可能. 從神懷孕使她遭受誹謗神的罪名, 其代價是被處死.
  • 施洗約翰的父母撒迦利亞和以利沙伯慶祝耶穌的生日為救主奇妙的降生 (路1:39-45). 在一個重視權力與地位的文化中, 很自然地不希望自己的孩子活在表弟耶穌的陰影下. 他們大冒帶來恥辱及被社會排斥之險. 甚至會導致自殺來維護真理的選擇.
  • 耶穌的門徒和新約的作者們, 若宣稱童女生子, 會冒他們的信息被拒絕之險. 特別是他們的信息是要證明數百個預言獲應驗. 若不是真實, 童女生子便成為一個不必要的絆腳石. 若童女生子不奇妙地附合舊約的測驗, 反對耶穌的人便很容易地以此來敗壞所有其它信息的可信性.
  • 也許最令人驚奇的支持來自伊斯蘭教. 數個世紀以來, 伊斯蘭教一直反對基督教的福音. 甚至在主後六百年才寫的可蘭經 (回教經典) 也申明童女生子之事 (Surah 19:19-21). 這種聲明對伊斯蘭教毫無好處 (Ref. 6).
  • 今天科學進步, 不能生育的夫婦可把他們在体外受精的卵子, 放在代孕婦 (surrogate mother) 的子宮內, 孩子便在這婦人的腹內成長, 然而這個胎兒與代孕婦的生命無関. 這一點是20世紀之前的神學家無法了解的. 同樣, 耶穌肉生的生命是從聖灵而來的, 他的生命與馬利亞的生命無関, 因此馬利亞的原罪 (original sin) 不會影響胎兒耶穌, 所以耶穌的無罪性 (sinlessness) 便不再是難題了.

馬利亞, 約瑟, 撒迦利亞, 以利沙伯, 約翰, 然後眾門徒們願冒失去一切之險來接受這個真理: 拿撤勒人耶穌的源頭是天, 衪從天而來, 衪與父神一樣, 衪是神.

沒有單一節經文足夠支持童女生子的教義 (三位一体的教義也是如此), 但透過整本聖經的預言, 救贖史, 和新約的應驗和書信的教導, 童女生子的教義便確立無疑了.

Note: 與教會 (www.HoCL.org) 同工, 林春明弟兄, 的私下討論.

Ref. 1: “The Apologetics Study Bible” by Holman Bible Publishers.

Ref. 2: Ravi Zacharias的講道之一.

Ref. 3: 陳終道著, “以經解經”; page 125.

Ref. 4: “解經有路” by 陸蘇河; (pp.171 & 180)

Ref. 5: “Jesus Among Other Gods, Youth Edition” by Ravi Zacharias and Kevin Johnson; pp.30-31.

Ref. 6: “Jesus Among Other Gods” by Ravi Zacharias; p.39.

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Reflection on “The Origin of Species” (英 & 中)

<物種起源> 讀後感

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); November 28, 2012

Charles Darwin’s name has become synonymous with the word evolution, though theories of evolution predated his work and though there is no single, monolithic “theory” of evolution but multiple theories with various nuances. That is, the idea of evolution has itself evolved and undergone various changes, but Darwin’s name remains central to this development. This article narrowly focuses on the Darwinism based on his classic,whose Chinese translation is “物種起源” (Ref. 1). Darwin begun writing this book in 1839 and had basically finished it by 1844 and finally published it in 1859. He withheld it from publication for fifteen years; probably fearful of the outrage it might provoke. In the book he theorizes that all living organisms on earth have descended from a single primordial form. From a single source all varieties of life have evolved and continue to evolve. This is the essence of macroevolution. This differs from microevolution, which restricts evolution to changes and adaptations within a group (Ref.3, pages 189-290). However, in my opinion, all examples given in the book are examples of microevolution. Macroevolution is only an inference from these examples.

This article is not a book report nor is a book summary. This is my personal “reader’s comment”. I have been questioning the reasonableness of Darwinian Evolution a couple of times before (Ref. 2) but not until nearly a year ago I made up my mind to read Charles Darwin’s classic in an effort to “listen” to Darwin himself directly in addition to just reading the second-hand information from many other authors. At first, I began to find out that there were many editions to Darwin’s book. The first edition was published in 1859 entitled “On the Origin of Species”. The work went through six editions during Darwin’s lifetime; starting with the second edition, Darwin removed “On” from the title. The book I read was prepared by Barnes & Noble Classics from one of Darwin’s early editions.

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was an intelligent man. I admire his abilities to collect empirical, measureable, and observable data. Before we can discuss his bold extrapolations made from his collected data, we must first take a glimpse of his worldview. The editor of this book, George Levine, who wrote the Introduction, had these words:

Darwin was not a crusader against religion but a passionate lover of science, wanting to look at large questions and to track down the answers from the perspective of “second causes.” His theory itself was not concerned with ultimate “origins,” despite his book title. Its inception is not an attempt to explain absolute beginnings, but assumes that someone or few species were already in place (Reference 1, page xvii).

To my mind, each worldview (be it Christian worldview or evolution worldview) should have gone through a rigorous “Truth Test” before one should meaningfully embrace it. The Truth Test inevitably should include components such as origin (first cause), meaning, morality, and destiny (Endnote 1). The answers to these components should be coherent. Avoiding the “First Cause” and talking only about “Second Causes” is a very shaky starting point. Levine continues:

<The Origin of Species> never directly engages religious questions but rather repeatedly claims that a scientific explanation of natural processes by second causes is superior to explanations of natural processes by special creation. He is careful, to the end, to allow for a “Creator,” even as he disallows using the Creator as a way to explain natural phenomena (Reference 1, page xviii).

When Darwin said “second causes is superior”, was he making a scientific claim, or merely a philosophical opinion? Darwin never used the word “God” but he used something implying God such as “Authors of higher eminence” as he wrote on page 383 of Reference 1.

Authors of the highest eminence seem to be fully satisfied with the view that each species has been independently created. To my mind it accords better with what we know of the laws impressed on matter by the Creator, that the production and extinction of the past and present inhabitants of the world should have been due to secondary causes, like those determining the birth and death of the individual. When I view all beings not as special creations, but as the lineal descendants of some few beings which lived long before the first bed of the Silurian system (志留利亞紀的地質系統) was deposited, they seem to me to become ennobled.

Darwin seemed to dance around the existence of God but decided to “ennoble” his idea—descent by modification through natural selection— that God is not needed in his evolution framework. Again, he was making a philosophical pre-commitment rather than a scientific deduction when he ennobled his own idea. It seems to me that the idea of “God” had constantly troubled Darwin as I read the comments made by the editor when he referred to the last paragraph of the book on page 384:

The famous last paragraph speaks of the “several powers” that have “been originally breathed into a few forms or into one”. That re-evokes the breathing, animating God of Genesis; but in its passive form it leaves some ambiguity about Who is doing the breathing, or whether this is only a metaphor, after all. In the second edition, after “breathed,” Darwin added the word “by the Creator.” But even in the first edition, the “Creator” is a presence, although often invoked as a figure misguidedly used for other types of explanation of the natural world (Reference 1, page xviii).

Though he never explicitly denied the existence of a Creator, based on his other writings and commentaries made by others throughout his life time and the Darwin worshipers of the modern times, we are persuaded that Darwin was an atheist even before this book was written perhaps due to the influence of his grandfather Dr. Erasmus Darwin. Historians said that Darwin progressively moved away from Christianity as he entered into his advanced ages.

With this understanding of Darwin’s worldview, let me speculate why he embraced the Theory of Evolution: Just imagine if he had already pre-committed to the non- existence of God, the Creator, and yet felt the passion to explain the origin of life in scientific framework, what recourse he could get? He had to postulate that life must start from very simple things (primordial soup) and these simple things would gradually build themselves up to their present complex system against all odds. Because God was pre-supposedly not there in Darwin’s mind, the building up process had to be an outworking of a closed system with no outside intervention. In a closed system, by definition, there would be no injection of information from outside, things within had to happen spontaneously. Darwin realized it. This is why the concept of “information” which is so vital to any system appeared to be a design was nowhere to be explicitly found in his writings. Right here, he was facing a cardinal problem of how randomness could produce orderliness. To say that Darwin totally ignored information was not entirely true because, as interesting as it may seem, he mentioned in his book many laws, such as the laws summarized in the famous last graph of the book. I added the “law of” in the following paragraphs to make it read clearer without distorting Darwin’s points:

These laws, taken in the largest sense, being (law of) Growth with Reproduction; (law of) Inheritance which is almost implied by reproduction; (law of) Variability from the indirect and direct action of the external conditions of life, and from the use and disuse; (law of) Ration of Increase so high as to lead to a (law of) Struggle for life, and as a consequence to (law of) Natural Selection, entailing the (law of) Divergence of Character and the (law of) extinction of less-improved forms (Reference 1, page 384).

Without information and intervention from outside, evolution could not have happened based on the Second Law of Thermal Dynamics (endnote 2) but this fundamental principle was ignored. Furthermore, laws are one form of information. I encountered the “Theory of Information” during the last year of my undergrad study. I have to admit that I forgot most of it. But few axioms stuck in my mind. That is: (1) Information is not material; (2) Information carrier can be material; (3) Behind the information there is a mind. These are self-evident tenets. Another form of information is art. One cannot understand the art by analyzing the chemistry of the pigment, or the atomic structure of the material made up the canvas, one has to go into the mind of the artists or artisans in order to appreciate the beauty of his masterpieces. We also know that for every law there must be a lawgiver, and for every artwork there must be an artist—these too are self-evident. The questions: Who was the lawgiver in Darwin’s world? Who was the artist in the natural world? How could a mindless nature give rise to laws? Nor could the mindless paint produce an oil-painting? As I read this book, I discovered that if I mentally substituted the word “nature” with the word “Designer” or “God”, my mind became less strained and the arguments of the book sounded more tenable than as it is.

Supposing the Darwinian evolution was indeed true, the only mechanism he could conceived, I guessed, in his godless world had to be a spontaneous unguided random walk, namely, the things as we see them today is totally a random product of chance (endnote 3). To achieve the high order living beings (and intricately complex universe in modern evolution) through an unguided spontaneous process, the only agent is “time” —indeed, had to be a very long time– because in random walk, things would sometimes walk up a notch and sometimes would walk down a notch, canceling the previous beneficial action. To ensure the net result was a going upward, it had to have more walking-up than walking-down. So the random walk is not totally random. If so, the question becomes, “Who stacked the deck?” We see right here even the question itself is problematic because the word “who” in the question inevitably implies an outside agent. In order to avoid the question of the personal “who”, Darwin needed to introduce another term called “nature”. The “principle of natural selection” which says once life is promoted to a higher stage it must stay there without dropping down by the sustenance of natural force. A biased random walk is by definition, not natural because the word “biased” and “random” are contradictory terms. But nonetheless, this is the core of the Darwinian evolution: life is the random product of material-plus-chance-plus-time. One thing I should point out is that even the “time” parameter is problematic—Scientists had pointed out that the 4.5 billion years of earth history is way too short for the evolution into a single strip of gene from primordial substances through spontaneous random process, not to mention its encoding!

The book can best be described in my opinion as a “data book” because virtually the entire book are descriptions of life behaviors based on external observations of plant and animal worlds (endnote 4). To come up with a “theory” from these massive data, one must first have a set of premises. Darwin had not explicitly declared them. It was very difficult to deduct from such a data book. Incidentally, I recently came across R.C. Sproul’s book (Ref.3) by accident in which he cited a passage from another bookby Timothy Ferris. Ferris outlined three elements of the Darwinian premise which help me to perceive Darwin’s points in a more perceptive way. These premises are:

1. Each individual member of a given species is different.

2. All living creatures tend to produce more offspring than the environment can support.

3. Differences among individuals, combined with environmental pressures, affect the probability that a given individual will survive long enough to pass along its genetic traits.

From these basic principles, which had the benefit of empirical corroboration, a much more complex and far-reaching implications could develop. Let us examine them one by one with my own adaptations included:

1. The uniqueness of the individual is certainly affirmed today for the species Homo sapiens. Each individual has his or hers unique genetic code. Forensic pathology now prefers DNA over such techniques as fingerprinting. This individual uniqueness has importance implication in evolution. Say, for example, I want to buy five apples from the super market’s produce department, if all apples are exactly the same, I can just close my eyes and blindly pick five. But if they are individually unique, I must put some effort to select. But who is “I” in evolution? If there is no “I” to pick the apples, it ought to be the “nature”. Hence, the concept of “natural selection” is engendered.

2. In the example of human reproduction, though the egg of the female is fertilized by one sperm, a single male ejaculation may contain millions of sperm. What a waste? If 999,999 sperm are “wasted” to assure the fertilization of one egg, this indicates a powerful drive toward species survival and continuity. Hence, the concept of the “survival of the fittest” becomes necessary.

3. The third point is problematic: If a father-mouse saw another mouse caught by a mouse trap and died, the father-mouse (representing lower order animal than human) would teach the baby-mouse not to come closer to the trap in order to survive, but this has never been the case. If the mice could not pass the life-preserving trait to their next generation, it is hard to believe the living beings of much lower order than mice could. Another thing is that the term “genetic traits” is a contradiction in its own right because “gene” is a very complex information-filled substance. This take us back to the question of who was the information-giver mentioned earlier.

After listing all the aforementioned laws used by Darwin to “scientifically” build his case, the last paragraph continued:

Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving, namely, the production of the higher animals, directly follows. There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved.

The entire book ended with the word “evolved” on page 384. One last question: Did Darwin try to leave some room for the existence of God when he wrote “with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one”? I leave this to the readers to decide.

While I think I have finished what I could say, I was keeping the draft to myself. I kept reflecting on the subject for many weeks and felt that something was somehow still missing in expressing my “feeling” toward this laborious book. It came to pass that one day, I was flipping pages of a book I came across in Barnes and Noble and I saw an interesting metaphor (Reference 4, page 79):

Suppose, for example, you ask me how a car works. I responded by telling you how to turn on the ignition, step on the gas, and steer with the wheel. You might object that I am explaining how to drive a car is what you really need to know and that the question of how a car works is largely irrelevant. I could reinforce this view by demonstrating that turning on the ignition, stepping on the gas, and steering with the wheel is precisely how one drives a car. After a little thought (and perhaps some driving experience), you would have every right to complain that this explanation is of no value to you when the car breaks down. You would realize that knowledge of drive a car —“dash board knowledge” —is no substitute for “engine knowledge.”

Behind the visible dashboard and gas pedal and steering wheel and the experienced feeling of the track, there are some invisible principles governing how the Otto cycles of a four-stroke engine works, and behind this Otto cycle principle is an even higher principle of Thermal dynamics and motion theories. Unless we start from these abstract non-physical concepts, we have not yet known how a car runs.

The admirable data-collection process of Darwin was tarnished by his over-simplification in making bold extrapolation to the origin of lives from the “dash board” data. His based assumption that God was not needed was non-scientific enough to make scientific implications. I am not saying that Darwin’s data collection process was totally superficial but the lack of emphases on how the information born by the cells of living beings to guide the development of life was the absence of “engine knowledge” at the very minimum.

Here is a true story. The renowned physicist, Nobel Prize winner, Richard Feynman went out on one Saturday with a group of fathers and their sons for a walk in the wilderness to learn about nature. The next Monday when they were all back to work, all the kids were playing in the field and one boy talked to Dr. Feynman. Here was their conversation (Reference 5, page 4):

Boy: “See that bird, what kind of a bird is that?”
• Feynman: “I haven’t the slightest idea what kind of a bird it is.”
• Boy: “It’s is a brown throated thrush,” or something,
• Feynman: “Your father doesn’t tell you anything.”
• Boy: “But it was the opposite: my father had taught me. Looking at a bird he says, “Do you know what that bird is? It’s a brown throated thrush; but in Portuguese it’s …. In Italian a ….,” he says, “in Chinese it’s a …., in Japanese a ….,” etcetera. Feynman: “Now you know in all the languages you want to know what the name of that bird is.”
• Boy: “At least I know something about the bird.”
• Feynman: “You’ll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird. You only know about humans in different places and what they call the bird.
• Feynman: “Now, let’s look at the bird.” (Reference 5, page 4)

The difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something is very big. Darwin knew all names of insects, reptiles, aquatic and land creatures, plants, flowers, fruits, and many more. He took pain to categorize the organic world into Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Subfamily, Genus, and Species. I definitely cannot say “he knew nothing”. But he knew too little to enable him to theorize the origin of species. Hence, the idea of evolution should be viewed as a hypothesis at best. As Feynman said to the boy, “Now, let us look at the bird”, we can likewise say, “Now, let us look at an alternate idea — Creationism.”

1. “The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin; Barnes & Noble Classics.

2. Blog articles:
a. https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=258
b. https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=234
c. https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=205

3. “The Consequences of Ideas” by R.C. Sproul.

4. “Physics for the Rest of Us” by Roger S. Jones.

5. “The Pleasure of Finding Things Out” by Richard P. Feynman.


1. Ravi Zacharias’ apologetic framework. (Readers may Google it)

2. Second law of thermal dynamics can be traced to French Scientist Sadi Carnot in 1824. It states that randomness cannot produce orderliness unless external information is introduced into the otherwise close-system.

3. We speak of “chance events” not because the events have no cause, but because we either did not intend to cause the actual results that occurred or because we don’t know what the actual causes of the events are. In this sense the word chance functions as a substitute for the word ignorance (R.C. Sproul).

4. This is why I rarely quote from the bulk of this book in this article.



作者:盧天賜  翻译:高玲


 本文不是读书报告,也不是该书的简介,而是我个人的“评论”。我在过去已经对达尔文进化论的合理性进行了多次评论(参2),但是一年前我下定决心,要在读其他作者的二手资料的同时,研读这本经典著作,这样可以直接“听听”达尔文自己怎样说。首先,我发现达尔文的书再版了很多次。第一版于1859年出版,书名叫《论物种起源》。其后在达尔文的一生中改编了六次。从第二版开始达尔文从书名中去掉了“论”字。我所读的是由 Barnes & Noble书店发行的经典系列,是达尔文的早期作品。









虽然达尔文从来没有明确地否认上帝的存在,但是基于他的其它著作、以及他的同时代人和现代崇拜者对他的评论,我们可以肯定地说达尔文受他祖父 Erasmus Darwin博士的影响,在写此书之前就是个无神论者。历史学家说达尔文年老后逐渐远离基督教。




假设达尔文的进化论确实是正确的,那么我猜想,在这个无上帝的世界,他可以构想的唯一的机制必须是自发的无导向的随机漫步(Random Walk),即今天我们所看到的东西完全是随机率的产品(注2)。要从自发的无导向的过程产生高等生物(和现今错综复杂的宇宙),唯一的依赖是“时间”,而且必须是相当长的时间。这是因为在随机漫步中,物质有时会向上发展一步,有时会向下退后一步,抵消了原来的成效。为了确保最终的结果是进化,进步必须比退步多。这样看来随机漫步并不完全是随机了。如果是这样,问题就变成了“谁在其中做了手脚呢?”我们看到,这个问题本身就有问题,因为“谁”这个字本身就不可避免地隐喻着一个外部代理。为了避免这个人性化的“谁”的问题,达尔文引进了“自然”一词。“自然选择定律”指出,一旦生物被提升到某个高级阶段,它必须停留在那里而不被自然力量拖下来。这样一个有偏颇的随机漫步从定义上讲是不自然的,因为“偏颇”和“随机”是相互矛盾的词汇。但无论如何,这就是达尔文进化论的核心:物质+机遇+时间。我要指出的是,就是“时间”也有问题—科学家已经指出地球年龄只有45亿年,这个时间太短了!原始物质都不可能在这么短时间里随机自发地进化成基因中的单一条带,更何况编码!


  1. 同一物种中每个成员是不同的。
  2. 每个生物往往会生产很多后代,多于环境所能承受的。
  3. 个性的差异,加上环境的压力,影响了个体传递其遗传特质的概率,它只有活得足够长才有可能传递遗传特质给下一代。


  1.  “个体的特性今天已经在人类身上得到证实:每个人都有其独特的基因代码。法医现在更喜欢用DNA验证,而不是用指纹验证。这种个体特性在进化中起到至关重要的作用。”比如说,我想在超市的新鲜蔬果部門取五个苹果,如果苹果都长得一模一样的话,我只要闭上眼睛随便拿出五个即可。但事实上,它们每个都不相同,我必须花点儿努力去挑选。然而这个“我”在进化中是谁呢?应该是“自然”。这样“自然选择”这个概念就产生了。
  2.  在人类繁殖的例子中,尽管女人的卵子只受孕于一个精子,但是男人一次射精会包含几百万个精子。太浪费了?如果浪费999999个精子只是为了保证一个卵子受孕,这就说明生物有强大的动力要生存和延续下去。这样“适者生存”的概念变成了必然。
  3.  第三点有些问题:如果鼠爸爸看到另一个老鼠死在鼠夹上了,鼠爸爸(代表比人类低级的动物)应该教鼠宝宝们为了生存不要靠近鼠夹。但是从来没有发生过这样的事。如果老鼠不能把救命的特质传给下一代,那么很难相信比老鼠更低等的生物会这样做。另外,“基因特质”本身就很矛盾,因为“基因”是非常复杂、充满信息的东西,这就把我们又带回到先前问过的谁是信息的给予者这个问题了。




当我写完了所要写的,就把手稿自己留着。在余下的几个礼拜里,不断地推敲。总觉得对这本费时费力的书的“感觉”言犹未尽。有一天我在Barnes & Noble书店翻书,看到一个非常有趣的比喻(参4,79页):
















1. 《物种起源》查尔斯·达尔文;Barnes & Noble 经典系列

2. 博客文章:

a. https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=258

b. https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=234

c. https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=205





1. 热力学第二定律是法国科学家萨迪·卡诺于1824年发现的。它指出在一个封闭系统中,要使物质从无序到有序必须借助外界力量。

2. 我们所讲的“偶然事件”不是因为事件没有原因,而是因为我们不想有这样的结果,或者因为我们不知道事件的实际原因是什么。在这个意义上, “偶然”的替代词是 “无知”。

3. 这就是为什么我在本文中很少大段引用该书。




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論恩典 (On Grace)

By T.C. Lo 盧天賜 (11/17/2012)

In the book, <Grasping God’s Word>, the authors, Duvall and Hays, make an interesting juxtaposition between two Bible characters (Ref. 1): One was a recipient of God’s grace; another was an abuser of God’s grace. Their lives and how they ended up may serve as an important spiritual lesson for us all.

Rabab was best known for her prominent role in the capture of Jericho during the days of Joshua (Josh. 2:1, etc. Matt. 1:5; Heb. 11:31; James 2:25). 

Achan was an Israelite who took a garment, silver and gold, part of the spoil of Jericho. (Josh. 6:17-19)

Rahab喇合 (Joshua 2)

Achan 亞干 (Joshua 7)

woman man
Canaanite Hebrew (tribe of Judah, the best)
prostitute (disrespectable) respectable
should have died, but survived and prospered should have prospered, but died
her family and all she owned survived his family and all he owned perished
nation perishes nation prospers
hides the spies from the king hides the loot from God and Joshua
hides the spies on the roof hides the loot under his tent
fears the God of Israel does not fear the God of Israel
has only heard of God, yet believes has seen the acts of God, but disobeys
her house survives, while the city burned his tent is burned
cattle, sheep, and donkeys of Jericho perish cattle, sheep, and donkeys of Achan perish
she becomes like an Israelite and lives he becomes like a Canaanite and dies

This reminded me another juxtaposition illustrated by Charles R. Swindoll. Through his illustration, Swindle points out that Christians are the chosen ones out of God’s amazing grace (pp.63-64 of Ref.2):

Mephibosheth was the son of Jonathan; grandson of Saul; crippled in accident; honored and provided for by David (II Sam. 4:4; 9:6-13; 16:1-4; 19:24-30; 21:7)

Mephibosheth (2 Samuel 9:1-10)


Once Mephibosheth enjoyed fellowship with his father. And so did the original couple, Adam and Eve, in the lovely Garden of Eden.
When disaster struck, fear came, and Mephibosheth suffered a fall that crippled him for the rest of his life. And so it was when sin came, humanity suffered a fall which has left us permanently disabled the earth.
David, the king, out of unconditional love for his beloved friend Jonathan sought out anyone to whom he might extend his grace. In the like manner, God the father, because of His unconditional acceptance of His one and only Son’s death on the cross, continues to seek anyone to whom He might extend His grace.
The disable man had nothing, did nothing, and deserved nothing. He didn’t even try to win the king’s favor. All he could do was to humbly accept it. So we—sinners without hope and totally undeserving, in no way worthy of our God’s favor—humbly accept it.
The king restored the cripple from his miserable existence—a place of barrenness and desolation—to a place of fellowship and honor. God, our Father, has done the same for us. From our own personal “Lo-debar” (v.4) of brokenness and depravity, He rescued us and brought us into a place of spiritual nourishment and intimate closeness.
David adopted Mephibosheth into his royal family, providing him with uninterrupted provisions, nourishment, and blessings. We, too, have been adopted as sons and daughters into His royal ranks, surrounded by ceaseless delights.
The adopted son’s limp was a constant reminder of the king’s grace. Our imperfect state keeps us from ever forgetting that where sin abounds, grace super abounds.
When Mephibosheth sat at the king’s table, he was treated as one of David’s own sons—no less than Absalom or Solomon. When we feast one day with our Lord, the same will be true.

Contemporary Bible scholars’ perceptions on grace are worthy of noting here:

Grace focuses on who God is and what He has done, and takes focus off ourselves. But people easily think that we need to do something to earn God’s favor, as though grace is too good to be true (Ref.2).

What is “Grace”? Pastor Ed Lin said it right, “Grace is an undeserving gift given by un-obligated giver offered unconditionally.” Muslims have the code of laws, Jews have the covenant, Hindus have the Karma (因果報應), Buddhists have their Noble Eight-fold Path (of right views), but Christianity has grace. In short, GRACE is: God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense (quoted from one of his sermon).

In his classic, <The Holiness of God>, RC Sproul said, “We experience the grace of an infinite God, but grace is not infinite. God sets limits to His patience and forbearance.” So, grace on one hand is the purifying fire to turn everything into beauty, but on the other hand, it burns all that which are in nonconformity with the character of God. (Ref.3)


Ref.1: “Grasping God’s Word” by Duvall and Hays; p. 298. (The author of this article did not quoted directly from the book but through a sermon of Dr. Jeffrey S.Lu (呂紹昌) of the LOGOS Evangelical Seminary (正道福音神學院) at a special church meeting in 2007. The Chinese title of his sermon was <在恩典中被神提拔的喇合” 與 “從恩典中自甘墮落的亞干>.

Ref.2: “The Grace awakening” by Charles R. Swindoll, pp.63-64.

Ref.3: “The Holiness of God” by RC Sproul; p.184.


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今天的聖經符合原文嗎? (附: 死海古卷的發現)

By TC Lo (盧天賜); November 9, 2012

我相信原文聖經是上帝的話語. 但原文早巳失傳, 而我們手頭的聖經是從抄本 (manuscripts) 翻譯過來的. 翻譯的正確與否是很容易考證的. 但問題是: 我們怎知這些抄本與原文符合呢? 我們可用以下數方面來探討.


除聖經以外, 最古老的手抄本 (manuscripts) 不超過十本. 但新約的希臘文 (部份或全部) 手抄本却超過五千本, 如把其他文字的新約手抄本也算在內, 則超過二萬五千本. 把這麼多的抄本作比較, 學者發現它們是一致的.


新約原文與其各抄本的時距甚短: 部份約翰福音: 40年內. 全部新約: 100-150年內. 而最古老的非聖經文献, 如Plato and Aristotle 的作品, 它們的原文與抄本的時距達 700年之久. 時距愈短, 筆誤 (copy errors) 愈少. 初期教父說, 如果把所有新約抄本來重新修復成原文, 差異只不過有11 節之多. 而這 11 節與聖經中心思想–救恩–完全無關 (Note 1). 很多抄本現藏在英国的 John Rylands University Library in Manchester University 內.


如果我們把在同一個抄本內不同書卷中所記載的同一件事件作比較, 或在不同的抄本之間, 同一書卷所記載的事件作比較, 我們會發現它們的差異是很小的. 而且這些小小的差異是可以自動用邏輯去協調的.


馮秉誠甚致認為聖經有本質上的免疫系统, 可以自動清除手抄錯誤. 兹以希伯來文聖經 (Masoretic Text) 及中文和合本的三個例子說明之:

例1: (Note 2)
• 王下24:8 約雅斤登基的時候,年十八歲,在耶路撒冷作王三個月.
• 代下36:9約雅斤登基的時候年八歲,在耶路撒冷作王三個月零十天.

首先, 有两個譯本同意王下24:8 的說法: 七十士譯本 (Septuagint) 和古敘利亞譯本 (Old Syriac versions) 又叫別西大譯本 (Peshitta) 都把代下36:9 記載為約雅斤十八歲 (非八歲) 時登基. 但更重要的證据則來自聖經本身:

• 王下24:15 (巴比倫王) 並將約雅斤和王母、后妃、太監與國中的大官,都從耶路撒冷擄到巴比倫去了.

可見當時約雅斤己經結婚, 不然怎會有后妃 (wives)? 因此不可能是八歲. 所以一定是 十八歲. 再者, 筆誤的原因可能是王下24:8 中的 “十八” 其 “十” 字可能是指代下36:9 中的 “十天”; 因為希伯來文的 “十八” 是 “八和十” 之意.

例2: (Note 2)
• 代下 22:2 亞哈謝登基的時候年四十二歲, 在耶路撒冷作王一年。他母親名叫亞她利雅,是暗利的孫女。
• 王下 8:25-26猶大王約蘭的兒子亞哈謝登基的時候年二十二歲,在耶路撒冷作王一年。他母親名叫亞她利雅,是以色列王暗利的孫女。

究竟亞哈謝登基時是四十二歲還是二十二歲? 答案來自聖經本身:

• 代下21:20 約蘭登基的時候年三十二歲,在耶路撒冷作王八年。

約蘭登基時是三十二歲, 作王八年後便是四十歲, 兒子亞哈謝繼承王位時怎可能是四十二歲, 比父親還老呢? 所以兒子登基時是二十二歲. 還有, 七十士譯本和古敘利亞譯本都記載亞哈謝是二十二歲登基.

例 3: (Note 3)
• 代下 9:25 所羅門有套車的馬四千棚, 有馬兵一萬二千,安置在屯車的城邑和耶路撒冷,就是王那裡。
• 王上 4:26 所羅門有套車的馬四萬 (NIV 譯作四千),還有馬兵一萬二千。

一萬二千騎兵用不着四萬匹馬, 所以 “代下” 的數字是比 “王上” 的數字較為合理的.


文士們抄寫時的態度是非常認真的. 每當抄錯一字, 就把該皮頁毀掉, 用新的皮頁重新再來. 每當他們抄到 “耶和華” 的名字時, 便起身沐浴自潔, 洗筆淨墨, 表示對神的尊崇. 抄寫的準確度可由一件考古事件證明之.  詳情請看附錄中的 “死海古卷的發現”.


我想當文士抄到 <王上四章廿六節> 時, 心想這一定不是 “四萬” 而是 “四千”, 於是便滿有信心地把自己的意思加進抄寫的過程中. 但文士並沒有這樣做, 他認為忠心地抄寫比自我解經更為重要.  不是一位文士如此, 乃是所有抄經的文士們也是如此. 他們那忠於原文的態度便供給了我們更大的信心, 知道我們今天所讀的聖經是與原文無出入的.


筆者必需指出, 抄寫的正確並不代表難題的化解. 聖經中是有不少難題的 (見下例). 但聖靈奇妙地使這些難題, 雖供學者有研究的機會, 但不影響救恩的本質, 好讓一般平凡人都能因讀聖經而得到永生.

例: 學者對舊約巨大數字的困惑是存在的: 據民數記 (1:46) 和 (26:51) 記載的資料, 得知當時凡廿十歲以上能出去打仗的男丁超過六十萬, 從而可推算到以色列人的總人口數目可達二百萬. 然而並非所有廿十歲以上的男丁都可以打仗, 那麼總人口的推算就應更多了, 可達三百萬至五百萬之譜. 以當時的地理環境, 出埈及後的年日, 漂流曠野時的死亡率, 不能不使人認為這推算出來的人口總量是個似平不近情理的巨大數字, 至今學者還是困惑. 對此 “舊約中巨大數字” 的解釋, 學者們提出多式各樣的可能性, 有興趣者可參考:


如果馮秉誠的 “聖經免疫” 特性是普及性的話, 那麼對上經文的解釋, 我們只能說, 我們尚未找到其中的解碼 ECC (Error Correction Code) 鑰匙. 有待日後的更深研討. 聖經真是一生研究不盡的書, 這更指的神的偉大和衪的超自然性.

Note 1: “Is the NT Reliable?” by Sean McDowell; Decision 11/2007, p.21.
Note 2: “聖經權威” by 里程 (馮秉誠); pp.324-325.
Note 3: “Who Made God?” by Ravi Zacharias and Norman Geisler; p.120.


死海古卷 (Dead Sea scroll) 是由四萬塊手抄碎片 (inscribed fragments) 所組成的. 這些碎片被重新按原樣重組合成了超過五百本書. 這些文献是基督前超過一千年的舊約聖經抄本並其註釋也包括昆蘭 (Qumran) 社區的著作. 考古學者 Ralph Earle 生動而簡潔地說明它被發現的經過:

古卷的發現是現世代最迷人的故事之一. 於一九四七年三月, 貝多因人 (Bedouin) 的一位牧童, 名穆罕默德 (Muhammad) 正在找他失落的一隻羊. 他拿一塊石頭往一個洞裡掉, 這洞是在死海西面的峭壁, 是位於耶利哥 (Jericho) 城南部八哩之處. 使他驚訝的是, 他聽到陶器破碎的聲音. 調查 一下, 他發現一個驚人的景象. 洞底有幾個巨大的瓦罐, 內藏着被細麻布包着的皮製卷軸. 由於瓦罐周密地被密封, 以至這些卷軸能被保存其良好狀態達差不多1900年之久.

死海古卷包括全本完整的以賽亞書抄本, 並零碎的以賽亞書38至60章的手抄碎片, 和幾乎舊約每一本書的碎片. 主要的手抄碎片是以賽亞書及摩西五經 (Pentateuch: 創, 出, 利, 民, 申), 破爛的撤母以記 (上, 下), 两章完整的哈巴谷書, 還有很多非聖經的卷軸是與昆蘭社區有關的.

  • 以賽亞書原文寫於701 B.C.
  • 死海古卷是抄本, 於A.D.68被安放在洞裡.
  • 死海古卷於 A.D. 1947 被發現.
  • 所以它在瓦罐內完整無缺地保存了 (1947-68=) 1861年, 即差不多一千九百年.
  • 死海古卷的完整的希伯來文以賽亞書抄本被古文書學家 (paleographers) 鑑定為125 B.C. 的抄本.
  • 在死海古卷被發現前, 最古老的手抄本是瑪所拉經文 (Masoretic text), 它被認為是標準的希伯來文聖經, 瑪所拉經文是被鑑定為A.D.916的抄本.
  • 所以死海古卷的以賽亞書抄本比瑪所拉經文早了 (916+125=) 1041年. Merrill F. Unger 指出: 死海古卷的發現是有其非同凡響的意義. 因為它與瑪所拉經文雖隔千年但它們文本 (text) 中字與字間的相同率達95%之高. 死海古卷的意義就在此: 瑪所拉經文竟與它千年前的抄本幾乎無異. 這說明歷世歷代的抄本的精確性!
  • 賽亞書53章共166個字, 死海古卷與瑪所拉經文的差異只有17處:
    • 10處是與拼字 (spelling) 有關, 不影响其意義.
    • 4處是與文章風格 (stylistic changes) 有關, 如用不同的連接詞 (conjunctions) 等.
    • 死海古卷完整的賽亞書第53章多了3個 “光light” 字, 但不影响全文意義, 且被其它两項文献所支持: 希臘文舊約七十士譯本 (Septuagint或簡稱 LXX)及 IQIsa (在洞號#1 中所發現的以賽亞書的手抄碎片, 稱號為 Isaiah A).

在今天所謂 “死海第一洞 (Dead Sea Cave 1)” 內有八卷軸, 其中五卷軸被設在耶路撤冷的敘利亞東正教修道院 (Syrian Orthodox Monastery) 的大主教 (archbishop) 所購買, 其它三卷軸分別在两瓦罐內則由希伯來大學的教授 Sukenik 所購買. 卷軸被發現時, 這事都沒有被宣揚. 及至Sukenik教授購買卷軸後的第二天, 即1947年十一月, 他在日記上寫道, “這發現可能是在巴勒斯坦土地內最大的發現之一, 是我們從未期望過的. 但這些重要話語當時並未被發表.

幸好因為大主教不憧希伯來文, 所以他便在1948年二月, 打電話給設在耶路撤冷的美國東方研究學院 (American School of Oriental Research), 告訴他們有關卷軸的事. 當時的臨時主任是位年青的優秀業餘攝影師, 名John Trever. 用盡其艱鉅專注的努力, Trever 把偉大的以賽亞書卷軸, 每一行都攝影下來, 構成一幅長24呎10吋的圖片 (筆者約 20 年前訪耶路撒冷曾親眼在古卷博物館見過). 他親自沖洗 數張感光板並用空郵寄給廣泛地被人認定是美國聖經考古學院教務長 (dean of American biblical archaeologists) 的Johns Hopkins 大學教授, W.F. Albright 博士. 在Albright 博士的回信中, 他寫道, “這是我極衷心熱誠的祝賀, 是為這項當今最偉大的手寫本 (manuscript) 的發現! 這真的是絕對驚人的發現! 在有關原稿的真實性的領域裏, 這就幸運地不可能有極輕微的懷疑在其中.” 他鑑定死海古卷的抄寫年代約為100 B.C., 甚至更早些.


  • “Is the Bible Intolerant? Sexist? Oppressive? Homophobic? Outdated? Irrelevant?” by Amy Orr-Ewing; pp.44-46.
  • “Searching for Truth” by Joe Boot; p.131.



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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); October 20, 2012

對聖經的世界觀不甚了解的人總認為宗教是人性中最祟高的表達. 一般來說, 人們的意見都視宗教為一種固有地令人欽佩, 高尚且對社會有益處的東西. 但實際上, 在所有人文學科 (哲學, 文學, 藝術等) 中沒有一樣比宗教對人的靈魂更具潛在性的危害力. 沒有一樣東西比錯誤的宗教更邪惡, 且邪惡得更透切. 因此, 耶穌在世時常常毫不保留地嚴嚴斥責那些披着聖經真理外衣的假師傅和猶太宗教的領袖們. 使徒保羅也是如此. 所以傳福音不是傳一種稱為基督教的宗教, 乃是介紹耶穌給罪人, 讓他們認識耶穌是救世主並與祂建立個人的関係. 這不是說我們不能用 “基督教” 這三個字來代表福音, 乃是說當我們用 “基督教” 這三個字時, 我們要了解其內涵乃是與耶穌基督建立個人的関係而非遵守一些宗教禮儀和道德規範. (not religion but relationship). (Ref.1)

耶穌進前來,對他們說:“天上地下所有的權柄都賜給我了。所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗(註:或作“給他們施洗,歸於父、子、聖靈的名)。凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了。” (馬太福音 28:18-20)

安得烈 (Andrew) 的榜樣
安得烈是新約人物. 聖經中記載不多, 但從他身上, 我們可以支取教訓, 使我們成為有効的福音使者.

• 當安得烈認識耶穌後, 他的反應是: 他先找著自己的哥哥西門,對他說, “我們遇見彌賽亞了!” 於是領他去見耶穌 (約1:41-42). 這两節聖經有幾個重要字眼:

 先—-表示傳福音要有迫切感, 要把它看為首要的偽優先次序.

 找—-表示付代價的精神和願意犧牲的精神. 門徒關心食物, 耶穌關心人的靈魂 (約4:31-32). 保羅也是如此 (I Cor.9:23). 彼德遜 (Jim Peterson: 導航會資深宣教士) 在他的 “Evangelism as a life style” 書中道, “宣教行動之所以不成功, 是因為宣教士沒有用生活方式去配合他們的宣講.” 我們應用心靈眼睛去找出人對福音的需要. 最悲莫如視而不見, 聽而不聞!

 哥哥—傳福音從自己家人開始. 這不是說要等到家人都全部信主後才開始向別人傳福音, 乃是說我們要常常想着親人的灵魂. 當你把福音傳給別人時, 別人有一天也可能把福音傳回給你的家人. 福音線是很奇妙地連接在一起的. (See Appendix)

 彌賽亞—-這是信息的內容; 福音的核心. 福音的重點是對象, 不是宗教的儀式, 而信仰的對象是彌賽亞, 即基督. 耶穌就是舊約所預言的那位彌賽亞.

 領—-這是行動. 孫中山的 “行易知難” 或許給我們鼓勵. 撒瑪利亞婦人 (Samaritan woman) 蒙恩後開口向族人傳福音. 腓利開口向埃提 阿伯太監傳福音. 用平凡簡話觸動人, 心裡尊主為大 (I Pt.3:15). 撒瑪利亞婦人信主後立刻放下水罐. 不再害怕別人對她的目光. 她不是靠學問, 學位, 只重於行動, 結果多人信主. (John 4:39)

• 耶穌所行的神蹟吸引了許多群眾. 耶穌舉目見五千人湧前來,見他們餓了, 就對腓力說: “我們從哪裡買餅叫這些人吃呢?” 腓力回答說:“我怎會夠錢買那麼多食物給那麼多人吃飽呢?” 有一個門徒叫安得烈,對耶穌說:“在這裡有一個孩童,帶著五個大麥餅、兩條魚,但是要分給這許多人,還是不夠呀?耶穌對安得烈說, “盡管把五餅二魚遞給我吧.” 於是安得烈便從孩童手中取了五餅二魚交給耶穌, 耶穌用神蹟喂飽了五千人. (c.f. 約6:1-12).

你以為向一個小孩子要東西是一件容易的事嗎? 但安得烈卻有異常的說服力. 可見他是一個可愛的人, 對人富有敏感性的人, 和容易被人親近的人. 這豈不是傳福音者應有的特徵嗎?

• 那時,上來過節禮拜的人中,有幾個希臘人。他們來見加利利伯賽大的腓力,求他說:“先生,我們願意見耶穌。” 腓力去告訴安得烈,安得烈同腓力去告訴耶穌。(約12:20-22)

當我們遇到一些博學的人或有名望的人, 我們常常不敢向他們傳福音. 但安得烈並不因自己的卑微而猶豫, 他却勇敢地和一位同伴去見這些有學問的希臘人, 把他們帶到耶穌的跟前.

從安得烈的為人, 態度, 心態, 信心, 勇氣, 和行動, 我們可以歸納出一套實際可行的傳福音方法, 讓我們稱它為 “安得烈行動 Operation Andrew” 吧. 這是葛培禮佈道團(Billy Graham Evangelistic Association) 所用的方法, 可用五個 “LOOK” 字為首. 參看Ref.2.

• Look Around (向周圍看) —-在家庭, 學校, 及工作單位, 注意福音的對象.

• Look Up (向上看) —-就是為這些未信主的人禱告. 更為自己禱告, 因為如果我們離開神, 我們便不能作甚麽. 馬禮遜 (Robert Morrison 1782-1834) 在二百年前將福音帶入中國, 是因強烈的意志. 他要經過200多天的海航才達中國, 然後學中文, 過中國人生活. 他在中國 (廣州及澳門) 傳教27年, 只回英國一次. 他以文字工作 (literature distribution) 向商人傳福音. 他把聖經翻譯成中文 (Note). 當他到達中國不久, 有人問他, “你對中國人的屬靈生活會發生作用 (spiritual impact) 嗎? 他回答道, “先生, 我不會, 但我知道神會.” 馬禮遜是 “向上看” 的人. 他只領少數人歸主, 但神藉他大大影响了中國的教育, 醫药和文化. 他把西曆介紹給中國人, 主要在說明禮拜日的重要性. 若無意志, 便無動力, 若無動力, 便無行動. 無論如何總要救些人 (I Cor.9:22).

• Look Out (向外看) —-就是找機會的意思. 自己平時的準備和個人的生活見證是可以令人另眼相看而因此製造了想不到的傳福音機會. 德蘭修女 (Mother Teresa) 和賈耐梅 (Amy Carmichael) 在印度定居, 以貧窮, 下等家庭中的婦女和孩子為工作對家. 從1893至1951, 賈耐梅只回過愛爾蘭一次. 她們堪稱 “寧可燒盡, 不願銹死.” 傳福音要有熱情, 德蘭修女是 “向外看” 的人. 但我們的熱情必需受聖靈的管制.

• Look Forward (向前看) —-當教會有特別聚會. 這就是開始請朋友的時候了.

• Look After (照料新嬰孩) —-把剛信主的朋友帶到小組, 鼓勵他們事奉, 帶他們查經, 幫助他們在基督裡成長.

Appendix: 奇妙的福音線; 例: (Ref.3)

  • A Sunday school teacher, Mr. Edward Kimball, led a Boston shoe clerk to give his life to Christ in 1858. The clerk, Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899), became an evangelist.
  • In England in 1879, Dwight L. Moody awakened evangelistic zeal in the heart of Frederick B. Meyer (1847-1929), pastor of a small church.
  • Frederick B. Meyer preaching to an American college campus, brought to Christ a student named J. Wilbur Chapman (1859-1918).
  • John Wilbur Chapman engaged in YMCA work, employed a former baseball player, Billy Sunday (1862-1935), to do evangelistic work.
  • Billy Sunday held a revival in Charlotte, North Carolina. A group of local men were so enthusiastic afterward that they planned another evangelistic campaign, bringing Mordecai Ham (1877-1961)  to preach.
  • During Mordecai Ham’s Charlotte revival (Nov.1934), a young man named Billy Graham heard the gospel and yielded his life to Christ.

Ref.1: “The Jesus You Can’t Ignore” by John MacArthur; p.11.

Ref.2: http://pub.revival.com/andrew/andrew.pdf

Ref.3: “Little by Little” by Jack E. Shaw; pp.11-12.

Ref.4: CWTS 基督工人神學院; Jan. to Mar., 2007 院訊. (其重點畧散佈於全文)


在滕近輝牧師的講道中, 他曾述此故事: 馬禮遜 (Robert Morrison) 原是街童. 一位姊妹開放她的家作教室. 一位製衣商對這位姊妹說, “凡參加主日學的孩童, 我都送他一套新衣.” 年幼的Robert 在其中, 但後來他不再上課了. 衣商說, “我感覺到這孩子與眾不同, 可否把他再找回來, 我再送他一套新衣.” 後來找到了, 他回來. 馬禮遜在英國於1807 年興起主日學運動. 他是到中國第一位宣教士. 製衣商與這位姊妹, 雖然遇到難處, 但他們成功了. 撤種與收割雖不同人, 但他們 “一同快樂,” 正因為他們完全是為主而作, 便無妒忌—-“流淚撒種的,必歡呼收割!那帶種流淚出去的,必要歡歡樂樂地帶禾捆回來!” (詩126:5-6).


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人的責任與神的全權, 人的自由意志與神的揀選

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); October 8, 2012

唐崇榮牧師在他的書 (Ref. 1) 中講了一個故事:

[有一個人在一間房子睡覺, 睡到一半時, 房子失火了, 火勢很猛, 他還在熟睡, 而且正在夢見他在游泳, 外面是大火, 夢中却是冷水, 很舒服, 他的朋友跑來喊, “著火了, 快出來啊!” 他好像聽見, 又好像沒有聽見, 因為睡覺的時候是耳膜關起來, 雖然關了却沒有銷, 還能讓一點點声音溜進來; “失火了, 快出來!” 但沉睡者說, “游泳還沒有游完呀!” 朋友說, “很熱啊, 火要燒死人了.” 但沉睡者仍說, “水很冷啊.” 這個時候不是自由意志的問題, 是什麽呢? 是睡覺的問題. 而你一直喊一直喊, 他終於醒過來了, 他發覺沒有冷水, 只有悶得不得了的二氧化碳, 他就快匆了出來, 這就是自由意志了. 所以在你還沒有自由意志行動之前, 要先有個豫定, 就是主動的恩典臨到, 然後進入時間里面的行動, 使你巳經被罪破壞了的意志回復正常的功能, 只有你的意志被正常化後, 你才能采取正確的行動, 所以恩典是先於你的决定, 而你正確的决定是在被正常化後才能產生出來的. 所以豫定並不是殺死你的决定, 但你不能產生决定是因為你根本就巳經死在罪惡中間, 因此連 “叫你活過來” 也是上帝的恩典.]

現在我們明白豫定論與自由意志並沒有矛盾. 但我們還剩下一個問題, 就是: 為何聖靈在火中豫定喚醒你而不喚醒另一個人呢? 這就是加爾文豫定論 (或揀選論) 的核心. 如果你的得救是神的揀選, 那麼不被揀選的人進地獄豈非對他不公平嗎? 神豈非望萬人得救不願一人沉淪嗎?

每個人信了耶穌後, 遲早到會遇到 “豫定論與自由意志” 的挑戰. 我自己對這難題都巳久思不得其解. 在沉思中有一天我似乎悟到一點線索. 雖然不算是一個完滿的答案, 但至少對我自己而言, 問題的重擔巳大大減輕了. 面對這世紀難題, 容我我借助一些物理現象來嘗試解釋.

近代物理學家認為物質 (如電子, 光子) 同時具有两種形態: 波浪性質和粒子性質. 既是波浪又怎會是粒子呢? 科學家不能解釋. 在某種實驗 (雙縫干擾 double slits experiment of interference) 中, 一直被人認是粒子的電子的確以波動形式出現. 但在另一個實驗中 (光電効應), 一直被人認為是波浪的光線居然以粒子形式 (photon) 出現. 沒有人能解釋, 但科學家却毫無問題地接受两者皆真.

沿著同樣的思路, 我們可以說, 在這世界的實驗室內, 我們的確知道自己是有自由意智去行事的, 我們可以自主地作任何决定, 你能否認嗎? 但在天上的實驗室內, 神的確能施行祂的主權, 祂說, “我要憐憫誰, 就憐憫誰; 我要恩待誰, 就恩待誰.” 我們不盡知天上的實驗室內的事, 只有神知道. 但神知道我們這世界的實驗室內的事. 既然我們在這世界的實驗裏的確經歷到自己自由意志的真實性, 我們就必須對我們的决定負責. 致於在天上實驗室內的事, 我們不能完全知道, 這就是神 “不可捉摸” 的一面. 只要我們在存在上和實際上的確可以為自己作任何的决定, 對神那一邊的事明白與否, 在後果方面, 便不重要了, 因為我們在審判枱前是要對自己在這個地球的實驗室內 (即今生) 的决定向神交代, 不能以 “豫定論” 作藉口推罪歸神.

你有沒有玩過拼圖板 (jigsaw puzzle pieces) 遊戲, 或日本數字遊戲 (Sudoku)? 當我開始排列拼圖板時, 我由角落開始, 一步一步向內發展, 很快我便會構成一片似乎成功的圖案. 突然間, 我發現中間地帶有一些機會, 我便從那裏又發展另一片新的圖案. 很快地, 一片一片不連接在一起的圖案散佈在尚未完成的畫面上. 現在重點就在這兒: 如果這些巳排列好的拼圖板的確在它們應有的位置上, 遲早這幅拼圖是會被連接成功的. 但如果這些巳排列好的拼圖板只要其中有一片不是在它應有的位置上, 這幅拼圖是絕不會成功的, 因為不連貫性遲早會被顯露出來, 所以, 那些看來局部的成功, 不能保證最終全盤的成功. 日本數字遊戲 (Sudoku) 的情形也是如此. 在無神論的哲學 (如進化論, 存在主義, 佛學思想, 等) 及世上其它宗教, 它們在問題的個別方面都有成功之處, 但這只不過是局部性的成功, 唯有基督教的信仰能在宇宙之源, 客觀道德律的存在, 人生的意義, 及人和宇宙的歸宿等各方面都有連貫而不互相矛盾, 能一致地, 附合現實地, 合理性地回答這些基本問題, 亦即有全盤性的成功.

從這個拼圖板的隱喻 (metaphor) 中, 我們同時看到另一重點: 拼圖者用他的自由意志把拼圖板一塊一塊地放進去, 但整個拼圖的樣式早以被設計者豫定了. 所以, 豫定論並沒有否定人的自由意志, 而拼圖玩者的自由意志也不能改變拼圖設計者最終要拼成的圖畫. 所以人的責任與神的全權並無矛盾, 人的自由意志與神的揀選並非互下相容.

Ref. 1: “問題解答” by 唐崇榮; pp.215-216.

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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); September 27, 20

[本文目標之一是鼓勵 GoodTV的讀者觀眾參與徵文比賽]

(詳情見: www.goodtvusa.tv)

每天我們一起床就開始與人面對面. 然而有意義的 “面對面” 是要有情的. 但情是有真有假的. 我們都喜歡真情, 不喜歡假意. 情就是: 喜, 怒, 哀, 樂. 然而假喜比真怒更危險. 但甚麼叫做 “真” 呢? 我們只能從神那裏找答案, 因為祂就是 “真” 的定義.

聖經中的神是一位獨一的而是三位一体的神 (Trinity)— 聖父, 聖子, 聖灵—他們在永恆裡共存, 有同一的神性本質, 但三位是可區別的, 是不可混淆的. 衪們是同榮, 同尊, 全然聖潔, 全然和諧, 換句話說, 祂們之间是有位格関係的 (relational), 或說祂們之間是有情的. 祂們彼此之间的関係, 成為我們今天人際関係的最高典範.

人與人的関係是自私的 (self-centered) ,多多少少都有自私的成分在內. 自私就是以自我為中心, 別人都要圍着我來旋轉, 所以這個 “我” 是靜止的 (static), 只有別人團團轉, 自己動也不動, 坐在那裏享受別人對你的尊敬. 但三位一体的神是無私的, 每一位格 (Person) 都圍着另外两位格來旋轉, 這是一個活潑的動態 (dynamic). 試想想, 這副圖畫豈非像跳舞嗎? 這就是 C.S. Lewis 所說的 “神的舞蹈 The Dance of God.” 初期希臘教會用了一個字 “perichoresis,” 來描術上帝, 這個字後來衍變成英文中的 “choreography,” 就是舞藝或飄動 (flow around)” 之意.

神為甚麼要造人呢? 有人說, 神造人是因為祂孤單, 所以要造人作為祂愛的對象. 這是錯誤的答案. 神就是愛. 難道在造人之前祂就沒有愛嗎? 如果有, 祂愛誰呢? 這裏我們就看到三位一体的必要性了. 只有聖經中之神是三而一又是一而三的. 人無法想象, 這又說明了啟示的必要性了. 三一真神本身的互愛就成了 “神就是愛” 四个字的意義. 我們可以說張三很有愛心, 但無人能接受 “張三就是愛” 的說法. 所以我們可以說, 神本身就是 “愛的定義.” 人的愛是自私的 (selfish), 但三一真神本身的互愛是自我施予的 (self-giving love). 回到原先的問題: 神為什甚麼要造人呢? 我的答案是, “我不知道!”

我們如何能與別人以真情面對面呢? 首先我們必需與神以真情面對面. 那就是參與三一真神的舞蹈, 當我們與神共舞時, 我們便不再要求別人圍着我轉, 而是我圍着神轉, 我們的生命就变得活潑有生氣了. 假的洋娃娃是不會動的, 真的小孩是動來動去的, 動與靜就成了真和假的試金石了. 如果教會每一位弟兄姊妹都一起與神共舞, 個個都圍着神轉, 自然地我們就會圍着每個弟兄姊妹共轉, 沒有人是靜止的, 這樣的教會豈不是一個活躍而興旺又以神為中心的真情教會嗎?

For “The Dance with God,” reader may reference to “The Reason for God” by Timothy Keller; pp. 222-225.

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創世記第一章中的 “日”

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); September 21, 2012

我常常被問, “你對創世記第一章所論到的 “日” 有何看法? 是24小時嗎? 是一段漫長的時段嗎?” 我的答案是, “我個人持開放的態度.” 我以為這樣的回答可以緩和爭論, 保持 “以和為貴” 的原則, 因為這千古難題, 是見仁見智的. 殊不知我所獲得的回應却是增加了爭議 (甚至這篇文章也可能會), 他們說:

• 你的回答就等於两者均對. 難道你不知道邏輯學関鏈性的第一律是 “Law of noncontradition” 嗎? 既是24小時, 又怎可能是億萬年?

• 只要你不完全相信創世記第一章的 “日” 是現今的24 小時, 你就對字面解經原則妥協, 一旦此門一開, 奇奇怪怪的解經就出現了. 甚至到不可收拾的地步.

• 你這樣的答案就等於沒有主見. 你的答案也可以應用在聖經所有難題上, 結果, 答等於不答, 只是一種逃避 (cop-out). 倒不如說 “我下知道” 更令我尊重你.

• 你是科學主義者 —相信科學至上, 或相信科學大過聖經. 你一定是太信任 C14 的年代確定法呀!

隨着人類對神透過大自然 (the created universe) 所顯示的一般啟示 (general revelation) 的了解增加, 我們對創世記第一章所論到的時間問題會應比前人有深一層的看法. 處於21世紀有利的地位, 或許我們會看到一些奧古斯丁, 加爾文, 及James Ussher主教 (他用舊約年代算出地球始於 4004 BC) 等神學大師所不能看見的. 首先舉两例子 (Ref. 1) 說明之:

• 當宇宙射線以高速度從太空碰撞地球的大氣層時會產生一種粒子, 我們稱它為介子 (muon). 這些介子在靜止時它的生存期平均只有一百萬分之二秒 (two-millionth of a second). 問題是它們怎能通過150哩厚的大氣層而大量地抵達地面呢? 原因是當介子以近光速進行時, 它內在的時鐘 (internal clock) 會慢不來, 比地球上靜止的時鐘慢了幾百倍, 所以介子可以射到地面. 這是一個時間擴張 (time dilation) 的強烈證據.

• 相對論的空時效應 (space-time effects) 導至另一個令人難以置信的預言. 例如有一對双胞胎, 他們20 歲那一年, 哥哥決定乘火箭以近光速的速度往另一星球去玩, 然後返回地球, 全程花了地球時間20年之久. 哥哥回家後, 發現弟弟巳是40歲的中年人而哥哥自己只不過是21歲半的年輕人 (實際時差與火箭速度有関). 聽起來似神話, 但這思想上的實驗 (thought-experiment) 巳被證明, 只是不是用双胞胎而是用两個開始時被調準同步的時鐘.

我們會問, 這雙生兄弟年齡多大? 21歲半還是40歲? 答案是兩者均對. 這是20世紀以前的人無法想象的. 近代科學的發現—“時间並非絕對”—就可能解開了創世記第一章中的 “日” 謎. 同時, 一般相對論 (General Relativity) 中的 “空時 Space-time” 觀念—“你所看見的時间, 就是我所看見的空間”— 這種時空互換的理念, 更把時间的奧秘提高到另一難以想象的層次. 所以當我說, “我個人持開放的態度” 時, 我實在是有兩者 (24 小時 vs. 長時段) 皆對的意味在內, 而非相方討好的 “騎牆派.” 我為何不視自己是 “騎牆派” ?

1. 首先, 這不是否定邏輯第一律. 因為這律的正確表達是: 沒有两個互相矛盾的聲明 (statements) 在同一個意識上 (in the same sense) 同時是對亦是錯 (both true and false at the same time) 的. 注意, 這律的有效性在乎 “在同一個意識上” 和 “同時” 這两鑰句上. 創世記第一章簡短的創造史中, 上帝並無指出 “日” 的參照架 (reference frame), 所以每一個 “日” 字都可能在不同的參照架內說的, 那就非 “in the same sense” 了. 為甚麼上帝不詳細說明參照架呢? 因為摩西無法明白. 但到了新約, 彼得透露了一個玄機, “神視千年如一日, 一日如千年.”

2. 其次, 我声明我是相信如果神果真用六個地球日 (日 = 24 小時) 創造天地, 祂是絕對可以的. 我也相信神絕對可以在一瞬间造一座山而使人看起來似是一座千萬年的古老山.

3. 最後, 科學不能勝過聖經. 聖經是真理, 但聖經外 (如科學) 也有真理, 只是如果聖經外的真理與聖經內的真理有矛盾時, 我相信聖經是對, 這就是 “聖經權威” 之意. 神學家 Francis A. Schaeffer 說得好 “All Truth is God’s Truth,” 只要是真理, 不論是聖經內或聖經外, 都是上帝的真理, 所以我認為科學與聖經不是敵對的 (Note). 我們有科學的原因是因為上帝賜下自然律, 蘋果今天在中國的樹上掉下, 明天在美國的樹上也同樣會掉下來, 這樣我們便可以研究萬有引力了. 魯益師 (C.S. Lewis) 說得對, “Men became scientific because they expected law in nature and they expected law in nature because they believed in lawgiver.” 這句話更隱藏一個更基楚性的涵意, 就是科學的存在指向創造主 (lawgiver) 的存在.

以上三點就是我的 “開放態度” 的內涵了.

Ref.1: “Physics For The Rest Of Us” by Roger S. Jones; pp.16-17.

Note: 加爾文 (神學家) 和伽利略 (科學家) 都承認, “神給我們两本書, 一本是大自然, 一本是聖經.” 兩者同源, 所以它們一定是互相和諧的. 羅馬書一章二十節早以肯定這個說法.

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所有宗教都是大同小異嗎? (柏拉圖 與 聖經)

By TC Lo (盧天賜); September 18, 2012

最近我在網上 (http://phiphicake.blogspot.com/2008/05/blog-post_4164.html) 讀到一篇関於柏拉圖的理型論的文章, 兹將它的首段錄在下面:

“理型論(theory of forms, or theory of ideas)是柏拉圖(Plato)最出名的理論之一。它的基本主張是這樣的︰存在有理型(form,中文或譯為「形式」、「共相」,idea,中文譯為「觀念」、「理念」)這種東西。理型是世間萬物的性質最純粹完美的形式,也使得世間萬物具有它們所具有的那些性質的原因。世界上有很多馬,每一匹馬都不大一樣,有的鬃毛比較長,有的腿比較短,但是我們知道牠們都是馬,這是因為存在有一個馬的理型,牠是一隻最完美的馬,世界上的馬之所以會長成那個樣子(擁有作為一匹馬該有的那些性質)是因為牠們分有(或者摹仿)了馬的理型。世界上有很多東西是綠色的,實際上每個綠色的東西看起來可能都不太一樣,有些比較亮,有些比較暗,但是我們知道它們都是綠色的,這是因為存在有一個綠的理型,它是最綠最完美的綠色,世界上那些綠色的東西之所以會是綠色的都是因為它們分有了綠的理型。就像雕刻家臨摹馬的姿態雕刻出作品一樣,世界上的馬也都是理型馬的臨摹。所有的理型都存在於一個神所創造的純粹的世界(pure land),這個世界完全由理型組成,因而一切都是完美的。在呱呱墜地之前,人的靈魂就是居住在這個純粹的世界裡。”

哲學家, 宗教學家, 甚至基督徒都可能受到一種試探, 就是把柏拉圖的 “理型” 比作聖經中的上帝, 因為上帝在宇宙中是純粹的, 是完美的, 一切受造之物 (包括人) 都是那理型的摹仿. 這種思想很容易導致一種流行的說法: “所有宗教或哲學都是大同小異.” 粗略地看, 好似有些道理.

佛教勸人為善, 基督教也是如此, 猶太教也是如此, 摩門教和耶和華見證人會都是如此教導. 但筆者却不以為然, 筆者認為 “所有宗教都是小同大異” 才對. 它們的相同點是在道德的方面, 因為所有人都有一個天賦的 “客觀道德價值觀” (Ref. 1). 但當我們在教義 (doctrine) 的層面上作比較, 那 “大異” 便浮現出來了. 例:

  • 真正的佛教是無神的, 有神或多神教是相信有神的, 這豈非大異嗎?
  • 回教相信有一位真主. 基督教相信有一位真神. 耶穌說, “你認識我就認識父, 你不認識我, 連父你也不認識了.” 回教徒不認識耶穌, 所以祂們的真主一定是與我們的天父是不同的, 我們不能說是名稱上的不同, 其实是本質上的不同.
  • 柏拉圖的理型 (impersonal) 似乎指向完美的上帝, 但聖經中的上帝是與人有感情関係的 (a personal God). 這豈非大異嗎?

此外, 論到柏拉圖的哲學思想與聖經相似之處, 神學家 R.C. Sproul 用 “影子” 作比對. 柏拉圖談及影子, 而聖經也談及影子. 但其意義却是小同大異 (Ref. 3).

希伯來書寫於 A.D.70之前, 就是聖殿尚未被毀, 而以色列人巳停止偶像崇拜的習慣. 舊的体制巳經過去, 新的体制取而代之. 無論在語言文字上和比喻意象上, 聖經提及 “舊約只不過是新約的影兒” 的說法, 不能不使人聯想到柏拉圖的哲學思想. 但我們絕不能把新約的說法視為舊事重提. 遠非如此! 然而两者在某些層面上是顯然地有異曲同工的一面.

R.C. Sproul 用不同的語言去描述柏拉圖的理型論, 他用容噐 (receptacles) 來表達:

  • 容噐內有永恒真体
  • 這永恒真体的領域是以一个理想的領域來表達出來
  • 這个理想的領域孕育出終極的真体

柏拉圖定義容噐為: 永恒真体的幅本, 是不完全的. 對柏拉圖而言, 所有物貭都是真体的影兒, 正如他洞穴比喻中的影子一般. 但柏拉圖沒有構想到的是: 在物質世界中有理想真体的真正存在. 柏拉圖思想是不容許歷史上有上帝道成肉身 (耶穌降世為人) 的事实的. 聖經的範疇是否定柏拉圖的, 然而聖經也談及影兒. 且這影兒在救贖史上佔極其重要的地位. 這些影兒是先驅, 是指標, 指向將來歷史所出現的真体. 這真体就是基督. 柏拉圖是無法逃出他的二元論, 就是天與地是無法溶合在一起的.

在基督裡, 天與地是可以溶合在一起的. 天地间有天梯, 有橋樑, 能把永恒與暫存的連在一起. 基督在地上所履行的祭司之職能把天地间的深淵彌合起來, 讓人能進入天堂的領域. 這就是保羅在以弗所書 (1:3-10) 中所寫的內容.

既然宗教或哲學間有如此大的不同, 那一個世界觀是對的呢? 這是一個很大的問題. 但是真理的可信性是要經過試驗的, 最重要的試驗是在幾個大題目上的一致性 (coherency). 這幾個真理試驗 (truth test) 的大題目是:

• 源頭 Origin—宇宙, 生命, 人, 及人共有的客觀道德價值觀的來源,
• 意義 Meaning—人生的目的和意義, 及
• 歸宿 Destiny—人死後往那裡去.

這三方面上都要有一致的解釋 (Note: 這是 Ravi Zacharias 護教思想的中心架構). 如果你經過研究, 我相信你會同意: 基督教 (聖經) 的信仰是符合一致性的要求的, 其它的宗教和哲學或世界觀對這三大必答的問題都有個別的看法, 但無三者一致的和諧思路. 再者, 基督教所信的上帝是唯一與人類発生関係的上帝, 祂是遠在天边却近在眼前的 Personal God.

還有, 我們有沒有注意到一件有趣的事, 就是每一個錯誤的觀念都可能包括一些真理的成份 (Ref. 2). 從算術上的一個簡單的例子可以幫助說明這論點. 就以2+2 的總和而言, 其正確的答案是4, 讓我們稱它為 T (真理 Truth 之意). 這裏只有一個正確的答案, 但理論上却有無限多個錯誤的答案. 如果你取其中一個錯誤的答案, 例如5, 你會察覺到雖然5是錯, 但在一個有幾分歪曲的意識上, 它是依靠正確的答案而立的—-就是它沒有自己獨立的存在而只是把T 加上1 衍生出來, 即5=(T+1). 同樣地, 讓我們取另一個錯誤的答案, 例如3, 它是(T-1). 因此我們可以這樣說, 雖然正確的答案是絕對的, 但錯誤的答案是相對地從正確的答案加上1 或減去1而造成的. 難怪聖經忠告我們: 切勿把神的啟示加上或減去任何一些東西.

  • 啟 22:18 我向一切聽見這書上預言的作見證,若有人在這預言上加添甚麼,神必將寫在這書上的災禍加在他身上;
  • 啟 22:19 這書上的預言,若有人刪去甚麼,神必從這書上所寫的生命樹和聖城刪去他的分。

此非無聊的算術遊戲, 因為它有两個直接且实用的含義可供基督徒思考:

1. 護教的含義—-錯誤是真理的寄生蟲. 當我們遇見基督教的冒牌貨 (如耶和華證人會) 時, 我們應問, “這冒牌貨的原版是甚麽?” 回答這問題是非常關鍵性的, 因為在那一個特別的爭論上 (如基督的神性), 它會把基督徒的真理立塲投入更清澈的視野, 因此可幫助我們更有把握地回擊偽造物的騙局. 沒有受過挑戰的真理只不過是一些不加鑑別地被持守的教條. 我們必需借用今天淹沒我們的各種不同的錯誤, 用不同的角度來從新學習我們正確的信仰, 因此我們的信仰便會被強化了. 保羅告知他的讀者們說, “他的職事就是要辯明和證實我們所信的福音 (c.f. 腓1:7)”.

2. 傳福音的含義—-我們也發現冒牌貨是從真理重點上的扭轉而製成的. 換句話說, 每一個錯誤都有些真理的成份. 這個共同點可幫助我們與敵對者建立橋樑而肯定他們的觀點正確的那部份. 於是, 我們可以以温柔敬畏的心 (I Peter 3:15) 說明導致他們離開真理而進入錯誤的重要偏航點.

Ref. 1: https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=320

Ref.2: “Who Made God?” by Ravi Zacharias and Norman Geisler; page 154-155.

Ref.3: “The Invisible Hand—Do all things really work for good?” by R.C. Sproul; p.132.


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By TC Lo (盧天賜); September 12, 2012

愚頑人心裡說:“沒有 神!”他們都是邪惡,行了可憎惡的罪孽,沒有一個人行善。(Ps 53:1)

我認識很多朋友和同事, 他們都很精明, 思想敏銳, 辦事能幹, 只是他們不相信有上帝. 我們怎可以稱他們為愚頑人呢? 他們都很友善, 且樂於助人, 愛妻兒及至朋友, 我們怎可以稱他們為邪惡呢? 這節聖經实在是難解.

首先, 不是我們叫他們是愚頑人, 是上帝叫他們是愚頑人. 我們沒有資格叫任何人是愚頑人. 愚頑是甚麼意思呢? 在聖經中, 愚頑人有三個特點:

• 他們每天都思想很多問題而且都有答案, 但他們避免思想人生最重要的関鍵性的問題: 人從何處來? 人生的目標和意義何在? 人為何有道德的意識? 人死後往那裡去? 這些問題的答案可能會導致他們生活方式的改變, 而這些改变是他們不願意去改的. 所以他們索性不去思考. 故愚者, 逃避現實也. 他們認為逃避現實就可以有很多的自由, 但真正的自由是有規範的. 魚活在水中吸取養氣而非空氣, 一旦把它從水中 “釋放” 到草地上, 它就反而沒有自由了, 它活不了是因為我們沒有尊重它的天性的現實.

• 他們心底裡知道有神, 但蓄意去否定祂, 這就是頑梗之意. 為甚麼會這樣呢? 我有一位朋友, 他一輩子相信無神論, 他說, “如果我現在信耶穌, 豈非承認我過去幾十年是糊塗蟲嗎?” 羅馬書1:21寫道, “因為他們雖然知道 神,卻不當作 神榮耀祂,也不感謝祂。他們的思念變為虛妄,無知的心就昏暗了。自稱為聰明,反成了愚拙.” 故頑者, 死不承認也. 歸根究底就是人的驕傲.

• 聖經中所指的愚頑人是常指那些只相信今生這個物貭的世界而不相信有永恒和屬灵的世界. 這就是 secular 一字的意思, 他們活在一個封閉的世界裡, 沒有超越者的介入. 他們認為人生無意義, 死後無審判. 當他們見到某年青人英年早逝便感到惋惜, 如果人生真無意義, 為何要惋惜? 當他們見到某人含冤而終, 他們就希望惡人得報應, 如果死後無審判, 又何來伸冤的念頭? 所以愚頑人是活在一種矛盾的心態中. 嘴說沒有神, 但活着似乎有神的生活.

其次, 為何愚頑人是邪惡呢? 上帝是宇宙的君王, 當我們叛逆祂, 豈非就等於犯了叛国的罪嗎? 社會上有那一項罪比叛国更嚴重? 所以不信上帝, 他就行了宇宙性的叛国大惡 (cosmic treason). 如果你的兒子不認你是爸爸, 無論他有多大的成就, 社會人仕對他有多麼的尊敬, 在父親眼中, 他只不過是個忤逆的兒子, 一無是處, 他就反成了可憎之子了. 更甚的是他不但不認你是爸爸, 反而叫別人作爸爸, 你還要這種兒子嗎? 所以在聖經中拜偶像是極大之罪, 難怪神的憤怒傾倒在他們身上. 如果一個人寧可被神詛咒也不願悔改歸神, 豈非愚頑?

最後, 或許我們會問, 為甚麼神要譴責目中無神的人? 我們之所以有這個問題是因為人的想法與神的想法是不同的: 例如你愛一個人, 而那個人不愛你, 你會感到傷心, 因為你被拒絕. 但如果神愛你, 而你不愛祂, 神也會感到傷心, 但祂的傷心不是因為你拒絕了祂, 而是因為祂看到你失去那從認識神而來那蒙福的机会. 同樣地, 神警告愚頑人, 不是因為神自己感到不被人尊重而生氣, 乃是希望人們不要成為邪惡可憎的人而蒙受審判. 你看, 人的意念是自私的, 而神的意念總是出於慈愛, 憐憫和赦免的.

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By TC Lo (盧天賜); September 2, 2012

上帝可用任何方法行事, 衪有絕對的主權, 衪的行事方法有時另人無法測度. 祂說有就有, 命立就立, 祂的作為不一定是要有科學上的解釋的. 但有時透過現代科學的棱鏡, 我們可以看到衪的合理性 (reasonableness) 和衪創造的偉大性, 因為科學也是源於上帝的 (Note 1). 上帝可以用科學作祂行事的媒介. 兹用兩例子說明神的作為有時也有科學上的可能性的 (feasibility).

例一: 人的創造–創世記二章21至22節可用科學的術語去描術.
(創 2:21) 耶和華 神使他 (亞當) 沉睡 (麻醉 anesthesia), 他就睡了;於是取下 (開刀) 他的一條肋骨 (為何肋骨? 少一根無所謂, 下一代是不會少一根的), 又把肉合起來 (外科手術 surgery) 。
(創 2:22) 耶和華 神就用那人身上所取的肋骨 (骨髓有幹細胞, 且最多, 最活躍) 造成 (轉基因克隆 transgenic cloning; 但没有像克隆羊 Dolly 那種未老先衰的現象) 一個女人,領她到那人跟前。

還有, 為何神先造男, 後造女? 因為男人有 X 和 Y 兩種染色體 (chromosome), 而女人只有X 的染色體而缺乏 Y 染色體的基因材料.

注: 上述是北卡生化藥學教授黄力夫博士 (Dr. Leaf Huang) 的獨特見解.

例二: 耶穌的受難.
(路22:44) 耶穌極其傷痛,禱告更加懇切,汗珠如大血點滴在地上。

怎麼汗會有血? 今天, 這是一個大家知道的醫學狀態被稱為 “hematidrosis”; (hematic: 血的意思). 這不是普片的, 是與高度心理壓力有關連的: 其所以會發生的原因是當人在極度焦慮時, 體內會釋放出一些化學物, 它會把汗腺內的微血管弄破. 其結果是, 輕微的出血注入汗腺內, 把流出來的汗染紅了. 這情况會置皮膚於極其脆弱的狀態, 因此當耶穌次日被羅馬兵鞭打時, 祂的皮膚是非常, 非常敏感的. (Note 2)

例三: 聖經說, “因為出於 神的話,沒有一句不帶能力的 (Lk.1:37).” 論到宇宙的創造, 聖經說, “因為祂說有就有, 命立, 就立 (Ps 33:9).” 宇宙 (物質) 是由上帝的話語 (能量) 而造成的. 這裡我們看到近代物理學上的質能互換 E = mc原理.

科學有時可以解釋上帝的作為. 但上帝的作為不一定是照你的科學解釋而進行的, 因為有限的人不可能雍有全盤的知識, 但對虛心追求真理的自然論者 (naturalists) 而言, 只要有一個科學的解釋便說明了神的作為的可能性了. 他們的信心就至少可以建立在這科學性的根基上. 當他在聖經中遇到一些科學不能解釋的事情時, 他的重担巳被減輕了, 因為他的信心巳經在科學可以解釋的事上建立了. 這樣信心就可以一步一步地增長.

Note1: https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=513
Note 2: “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel; page 195.


對一搬基督徒而言,科學與神學 (信仰) 是不會互相抵觸的。但對那些對主張「強烈的理性主義(Strong Rationalism)」的人,科學與神學是彼此不相容的。強烈理性主義認為那些「不能用科學方法和邏輯推理去證明的東西是不能接受的。」他們所説的「證明」是指有一個強烈的證據,是沒有任何一個人在運用正常邏輯思維的情況下,而能提出不相信它的理由。

這個説法其實是自我毁滅的,因為這句話本身就不能用「科學方法和邏輯推理」去「證明」其有效性。Richard Dawkins 和他那一黨的人都屬此類。但對那些持「批評性的理性主義(Critical Rationalism)」的人, 是有對話的餘地的。批判式的理性 (critical rationality) 是指對事物不要求「二加二等于四」搬的「證明」, 因為對很多事物而言是不可能做到的事。嘗試「證明」上帝的存在是徒勞的。聖經也沒有如此證明,只是作出杈威性的宣告或假設。

「批判式的理性主義」是當對同一組的數據,人們作出不同的解釋時, 批判式的理性只要對每一個解釋作出比較, 看看那一個解釋能力 (explanation power) 比較強, 從而接受強者為真。這樣的理性主義是基督徒可接受的。從上述的幾個例子中,雖然我們無法斷言上帝是否真的照所述的方法行事,但巳足夠說明科學與信仰是可以和諧的,而不是非此則彼地對立的。

有些基督徒對某些經文採取「強烈字句主义(Strong Literalism)」之解經法, 也會導致「科學與神學」對立的情形。這並非史無前例。初期羅馬天主教對迦利略的「日心説」的攻擊,是一例也。

Posted in Bible/Christianity, Reasons to believe/Science | Leave a comment


By TC Lo (盧天賜); August 21, 2012

我最近從電子郵件中讀到一篇文章 (作者是 ZEN, 是4/11/2012寫的), 全文如下:



上帝虽然创造世界且的确可以干预世界,不过,绝大多数时候, 祂尊重祂所创造的自然(律),不会出手干预,鲁益师说,因为神的全能不能违背 祂的公义。神的公义就是,「他降雨给义人也给不义的人」,这是为什麽不信主之人(甚至是恶人)都能有机会获得世俗的成功。也就是! 说,并非神(命定)让某人成功或失败,一个人的成功或失败,很大一部分要自己负责!
如果说「是上帝让林书豪赢球」的逻辑能成立,前火箭队中锋Hakeem Olajuwon,连续两年带领火箭队拿下NBA总冠军,不过很遗憾的,Hakeem Olajuwon不是虔诚的基督徒,而是虔诚的伊斯兰教徒。他有多虔诚?他在斋戒月期间,不顾赛事进行中的体能需要,仍遵守教义,严格控制饮食,阿拉不仅 没有让他倒下,反而因此激励了不少美国的伊斯兰教徒。带领公牛队与湖人队拿过数不清冠军戒指的NBA总教练Phil Jackson,他本人则表示,自己是禅宗信仰的追随者。
拿「成功」来见证上帝,不是不可以,却要非常小心,否则很容易便沦相对主义论述(那信奉别人的神的人成功时,我们的上帝是否「输了」?), 所以如果你仔细留意,你会发现,林书豪的见证里更多的是感谢上帝在他篮球生涯陷入低潮时的「帮助」(低潮时他读圣经、祷告撑过),而不是成功之後对上帝的 肯定!然而,却开始有一些人认为上帝「给」林书豪连胜,有特别的旨意!说真的,魔鬼也可以给林书豪成功的(记得耶稣出道前道旷野受的三个试探吗?)!
一个人的成功,并不是上帝「给」的,而是人自己努力得来的(如此才能解释,为何不信上帝者也能成功),只是差别在於,基督徒会将成功的荣耀 与一切奉献给上帝,而且知道,自己之所以能够成功,是因为神保守自己在还没成功之前的日子能够撑过来,以及更重要的是,成功之後,要将这一切拿来帮助需要 的人。
在世界上成功享盛名的大人物,如果刚好又是基督徒,能在媒体上为主作见证当然很好,只不过,虔信这件事情是不需要比较的(不用觉得自己不如 林书豪而丧气),不同的人在不同的位置上以不同的方式为主做工,有许多基督徒奉献一辈子,深入偏乡,为主作工,也是神所看为美好的。甚至只是在自己的工作 冈位上做好份内工作,无论有没有机会爆红,成功、赚大钱,上电视为主述说自己的见证,都是在服事上帝,为主作见证!


本 blog 作者 盧天賜 (TC Lo) 對上文的回應:

是上帝让林书豪赢球嗎? 是.
為甚麼我肯定上問題的答案是 “是” 呢? 因為如果我反問:
如果上帝不讓林书豪赢球, 他可以赢球嗎? 答案一定是不可以, 這是大家都同意的.
我們之所以有這樣的討論, 是因為我們沒有問另一个問是: 上帝可以让林书豪輸球嗎? 當然可以, 這也是大家都同意的.

亚蘭国 (上帝的敵人) 的將軍乃縵攻打神的子民, 居然得勝 (王下5:1-19). 但聖經說, 他的勝利是 “因耶和華藉乃縵使亚蘭人得胜.” 可見人類歷史中的事件 (包括NBA 球賽) 都在神那看不見的手的掌管中. 舉凡: 宇宙的運作, 邦国的盛衰, 戰爭的成敗, 个人的生活, 以色列的命脈, 教會的前途, 头上的頭髮, 天上的麻雀, DNA的排列, sub-atomic particle 的存沒, 全在全能者的手中.

論到上帝是人類歷史的上帝, 某基督教作家寫道:

Christian would explain history through the eternal eye of Christ. We see the finger of God in all of history and Christ as its central figure. H.G. Wells wrote 5 volumes of world history and he found himself devote most space to Jesus Christ.

神可以让林书豪赢球, 也可以让林书豪輸球. 如果林書豪愛神, 輸贏對他 (甚至其他人) 都有屬灵的益處, 因為羅馬書8:28說, “我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫愛 神的人得益處,就是按他旨意被召的人。” 上述思想的統稱, 在神学上被稱為 “The Providence of God.”

成功神學 (Prosperity Theology) 主張, “如果你愛神又愛人, 神一定賜福給你, 使你興旺, 身体健康無疾, 家庭美滿.” 誰不愛聽? 問題是: 這是聖經教導嗎?
成功神學的問題関鍵於 “一定” 兩个字上. 或許成功主義者沒有明文說 “一定, ” 但他們的教導却是隱藏其意義, 使人愛神的福氣多過愛神自己. 再者, 成功神學對人的罪和耶穌在十字架上救贖之功完全淡化. 這是錯誤的教義.

請參看本 blog 另一文:

Jeremy Lin’s Example—林書豪給我們的榜樣

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By TC Lo (盧天賜); August 19, 2012

一般人認為科學是屬自然的 (natural) 領域, 而宗教是屬超自然的 (supernatural) 領域, 彼此互不相容. 但哲學家魯益師 (C.S. Lewis) 不以為然. 他說, “人類之所以能研究科學和發展科技是因為他們相信自然律. 然而自然律的存在是因為有一位自然律的賜予者, 這是科學家必需承認的 (Lewis: Men became scientific because they expected law in nature and they expected law in nature because they believed in lawgiver).” 自然律的賜予者是在自然律之上, 所以他一定是超自然的. 現在讓我們用一件無神論自然主義者 (atheistic naturalists) 都承認的科學現象, 就是 <宇宙大爆炸 Big Bang>, 來作我們討論的出發點.

宇宙大爆炸是發生在150億年前. 史帝芬霍金 (無神論者Stephen Hawking) 說, “如果這不是有史以來, 也一定是本世紀 (指 20 世紀) 以來最重大的科學發現.” 他又坦言, “在大爆炸奇點 (singularity) 面前, 一切自然法則和人類智慧统统失効, 因為整個宇宙, 時間和空間都在那裡消失了.” (Ref. 1)

猶太裔科學家Sandage自幼是無神論者, 研究大爆炸後成為基督徒. 在一個 “科學與宗教的座談會中, 他對全神貫注的聽眾解釋道, “大爆炸是超自然事件, 是不能用我們所知道的物理領域來解釋的. 科學可以把我們帶到宇宙第一次發生的事件 (First Event) 但不能進一步把我們帶到第一因 (First Cause). 物質, 空間, 時間和能量的突然出現指向上帝存在的必要性. (Ref. 2)

以上述两段話為背景, 你認為 “科學” 真的完全符合科學嗎 (How Scientific Is Science)? 請看護教學家 (Ravi Zacharias) 自述的一次有趣經歷. 他寫道:

[有一次我與學者們一同吃晚飯, 他們大部份是科學家. 當我們轉向 “自然” 與 “超自然” 的話題時, 衝突來了, 議論紛紛是在我所預料之內的.
我說, “不如我們從最基本的起步點 (starting point) 談起吧! 科學的起步點是 ‘唯獨自然 nature alone)’—-宇宙是物質, 時間, 機遇律的產品; 而超自然主義 (supernaturalism) 的起步點是 ‘唯獨上帝 God as the only sufficient explanation for our origin’—-只有上帝才能充份解釋宇宙之源.” 大家都同意這個大前題. 我們終於找到了一個共同點了.
我追問下去, “科學家對 (大爆炸前的) 奇點的定義是否都認為在這奇點內所有物理學定律都完全不適用?” 他們的答案是: “一點沒有錯.” 我回答道, “那麽, 嚴密地說, 科學的起步點也不符合科學了 (Then, technically, your starting point is not scientific either.” 學者們鴉雀無聲, 他們的思想匆匆地欲找可逃的答案, 但却找不到. (Ref. 3)]

世界知名的無神論辯護家 Antony Flew 竟然認為: “近代的科學發現指向一個事實, 就是除非把上帝創造之工考慮進去, 我們是無法了解現今的世界.” 這是一件非同小可的事. 因為他傳無神論的年日與Billy Graham 傳基督教福音的年日差不多. (Ref. 4)

基督徒必需相信超自然的存在. 神學及哲學家 R.C. Sprout說, “如果把超自然 (如神蹟等) 的因素拿掉, 基督教就消失了. The Christianity of the Bible is a religion that is uncompromisingly supernatural. If we take away the supernatural, we take away Christianity.” (See Tabletalk, July 2007, page 7.) 科學家可以相信超自然嗎? 既然科學的起步點是屬超自然的, 所以科學家必需承認超自然領域的存在性.

Ref. 1: 神州通訊 May 2007.
Ref. 2: “The Case For a Creator” by Lee Strobel; page 70.
Ref. 3: “Jesus Among Other Gods, Youth Edition” by Ravi K. Zacharias and Kevin Johnson; page 57.
Ref. 4: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antony_Flew
Note: 關於宇宙大爆炸, 可參看本 blog 另一文:

起初上帝創造天地 (創世記一章一節)

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Genesis Chapter One—What God wants us to know?

By Tin-chee Lo (盧天賜), August 2, 2012

During my devotion-time, I came across the following two Bible passages:

  • 2 Chronicles 4:1-22 and 5:1—this passage gives detail descriptions of the specifications of the Temple’s furnishings.
  • Romans 14:19-20—“Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble.”

After some pondering, I got feelings that, we Christians, oftentimes tend to debate something non-essential and, as a result, blunting our thrust of evangelism. These debates may be well-meant, each side tries to be faithful to the Scripture, but the arguments may be resulted from our poor discernment between what is essential and what is non-essential, and what are clearly said by the Bible and what are human speculations.

God used as many as 23 verses in 2 Chronicles to describe the design of the temple’s furnishing— bronze altar, the Sea, basins, lamp stands, tables, doors, pillars, meat forks, bread of the Presence, and other temple utensils. Also, God used sixteen long chapters in Exodus (25 to 40) to specify the construction of the Tabernacle and all things therein. Yet God, in His marvelous wisdom, chose merely 31 scant verses in Genesis 1 to describe the framework of Creation of the entire magnificent Universe. How much we, in our feeble minds, can extract scientific significance from these few verses to understand the details of the Creation Process considering especially the original audience were not scientists? It is like extracting 5 sentences from Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, and ask some one who has never read the book to reconstruct the entire plot of the novel—How much accuracy can one get from such exercise?

I believe the essential messages God wants us to know from the studying the creation part of Genesis 1 are:

  • First and foremost, God wants us to know that there is a Creator. The universe does not come about by “material plus chance plus time”.
  • God created the universe not all at once, but in stages.
    1. God created the invisible part of the material world first—light, space, and time (or space-time). I consider this being the intersecting point between the supernatural and the natural.
    2. The creation process proceeded by stages from simplicity to complexity—inorganic to organic, then plants to fish and birds to the animal world.
    3. God crowned His creation by making human beings after His image.
  • Between each stage, there punctuated with at least one important phrase “And God Said” which signifies the injection of information and hence it suggested that the universe is not a closed system but a system created and sustained by something outside the system—a being who could speak. (See Appendix and Note below)

It is worthwhile to point out that Information Theory states that information is non-material though it may be carried by material mediums and that behind the information, there must be a mind.

The biblical view is starkly different from the world views of the naturalists. Once we grasp these key points, the debates over the certainty of long-day vs. short-day, old-earth vs. young-earth become futile. This does not mean we should not discuss them, it does mean that based on our limited knowledge and comprehension, we should not insist upon certain things beyond what God intends to tell us. We ought to respect God’s privacy.

With this understanding, the verses of Romans (14:19-20) become our life application.  Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of <arguing over speculations>.

— Appendix: Sequence of creation (Genesis 1:1 to 2:3) —

In the beginning God created (BARA) the heavens and the earth (1:1).
Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters (1:2).

  • Beginning—Creation of time from the state of God’s Timelessness.
  • Heaven and Earth—Creation of Space from the state of God’s Spacelessness.
  • Space-time, the basic starting point of the physical world, has been created.

And God said,
“Let there be light,” and there was light (1:3).
God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness (1:4).
God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—
the first day (1:5).

God created the “demarcation of time.” Time is an invisible element of the visible world.
• Verse 1:7 implies also that water had been created on the first day.

And God said,
“Let there be an expanse between the waters to separate water from water.” (1:6)
So God made the expanse and separated the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was so (1:7).
God called the expanse “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—
the second day (1:8).

The atmosphere was made by the work of distinction done at the command of God.

And God said,
“Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.” And it was so (1:9).
God called the dry ground “land,” and the gathered waters he called “seas.” And God saw that it was good (1:10).

God created the inorganic world.

Then God said,
“Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so (1:11).
The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good (1:12).
And there was evening, and there was morning—
the third day (1:13).

God created the organic world.

And God said,
“Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years (1:14),
and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so (1:15).
God made (ASAH) two great lights–the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars (1:16).
God set them in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth (1:17).
to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good (1:18).
And there was evening, and there was morning—
the fourth day (1:19).

God made the sun, the moon, the planets, and the galaxies. Note that the sun was made after the creation of light. The sun is not light, the sun is merely the light-bearer. 

And God said,
“Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky” (1:20).
So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good (1:21)
God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth” (1:22).
And there was evening, and there was morning—
the fifth day (1:23).

God created fish and birds. Fruitfulness was the will of God.

And God said,
“Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so (1:24).
God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good (1:25).

God created the land animals.

Then God said,
“Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” (1:26)
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them (1:27).

The Muslims consider the concept of being “made in the image of God” blasphemous. Men are slave of God and God is inapproachable by men. But Christian God walks and talks with His people. 
• The universe was made to manifest God’s glory. Man is made in the image of God to reflect God’s glory. Thus men has reflected glory of God and intrinsic value imparted by God.

God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” (1:28)

Men were given responsibilities.

Then God said,
“I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food (1:29).
And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground–everything that has the breath of life in it–I give every green plant for food.” And it was so (1:30).
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—
the sixth day (1:31).

God gave natural rules to sustain lives. Men cannot conduct science without natural rules. Hence, science and God should not be in conflict with one another.

Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array (2:1).

By the seventh day
God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work (2:2).

The word “rest” means no more new creation. God still works—the work of redemption.

And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done (2:3).

Ref. Blog article published on January 27, 2012: “https://hocl.org/blogs/tincheelo/?p=301”

— Note —

“And God Said” — God spoke the universe into existence. Whatever God spoke forth was the Word of God. The Word of God signifies information. If the Word of God could cause the universe into existence, the Word of God must have the energy of creation.

  • God spoke the world into being by the power of His words (Hebrews 11:3).
  • For he spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm (Psalm 33:9).

The universe has mass because it is physical. The universe is orderly because it must have been guided by information of exactitude during its formation. Hence, we see the informational connection between energy and mass. Is it not what the famous Einstein’s equation E = mc2  all about?

Thus “And God Said” has a new dimension of scientific significance that the ancient world could not have comprehended.

Posted in Bible/Christianity, Reasons to believe/Science | Leave a comment


By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); July 12, 2012

經文: 歷代志上第十一章.

V. 16 那時大衛在山寨,非利士人的防營在伯利恆。
V. 17 大衛渴想說:“甚願有人將伯利恆城門旁井裡的水打來給我喝!”
V. 18 這三個勇士就闖過非利士人的營盤,從伯利恆城門旁的井裡打水,拿來奉給大     衛。他卻不肯喝,將水奠在耶和華面前,
V. 19 說:“我的 神啊,這三個人冒死去打水,這水好像他們的血一般,我斷不敢喝!”如此,大衛不肯喝。這是三個勇士所做的事。

(撒母耳記下 23:14-17 也有同樣的記載)

記得角聲的勞伯祥牧師在 2010 年用這個故事講了一篇道: 他的重點大既是:
• 今日教會若無法在事奉上表現激情,就很難領人歸主,見証基督.
• 勇士的激情是我們應學的功課:

o 勇士的激情是天賦的,同時也由於他們確實忠於大衛;即如神應許腳掌所踏的要賜給以      色列人,那腳掌所踏就是屬於人的努力這部份。

o 他們完全忠於大衛, 置生死於度外; 只是為滿足大衛王的心意而去到敵人的地方,把水打回來。

o 很少勇士可以在一起爭戰的,但大衛的勇士們卻能夠。他們沒有個別的功勞,而是一個集體的成果。 這就是團隊精神了.

然而, 我想我們也可以在大衛身上學到另一個寶貴的功課 (Ref. 1), 就是:


在有家歸不得時, 能渴一口 “家鄉水” 實在是一件 “賞心悅舌” 之事. 但大衛察覺到他自己的愉樂快意絕不能建立在別人神聖的生命上. 所以他拒絕渴這似帶血味的清水.

你看, 如果大衛把這個原則應用在烏利亞的妻拔示巴身上 (撒下11), 整個猶太歷史和大部份的舊約聖經都要重寫了.

Ref. 1: “Cries of the Heart” by Ravi Zacharias; pp.132-140.


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The Invisible Hand (那上帝看不見的手)

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); July 4, 2012. Edited August 12, 2023

God of the Bible is the God of History

On February 24, 1986, the history of the Filipinos recorded an incident of crying out to God in a desperate situation. A total of 800 revolutionary soldiers became a flagrant target for the Air Force under the despotic President Ferdinand Marco. They stood in fear, Seeing the military planes above their heads, they knew that their dream of a peaceful revolution would soon come to naught, and this small group of soldiers would be killed. But they did not stand alone, they were led to read the Bible and pray for the urgent occasion. Because the time of death was approaching, General Honesto Isleta, the leader of the revolution, led them to read Psalm Chapter 91, selected verses follow:

v2. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

v.3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.

v.4 He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.

v.7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.

v.15 When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him.

v.16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

Although they heard the Word of God, the whirring of airplanes approaching overhead was louder than it. But in their unexpected circumstances, something wonderfully happened:  Though the planes approached, they did not drop bombs on this small group; the pilots, one by one, defected to the revolutionary army, and landed on the ground. This successful bloodless revolution can be found in the history books. This god-fearing general came to the United States and later became a seminary student (Ref. 1)

Ref. 1: “Cries of the Heart” by Ravi Zacharias; pp. 4-5

Reflection: If God can save a nation and her people and map out the history through His Words, how much can His Words become a refuge to an individual?

God of the Bible is a loving personal God

On one particular morning during the Sino-Japanese war, my father (Mr. Lo Chung To) was reading his morning devotion on Psalm chapter 91, he heard the rumbling sound of the Japanese war planes dropping bombs right at the moment when he came to verse 7, “A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.” My father, like everybody else did spontaneously, went outside and crawled on the ground and stayed there motionlessly until the noisy commotion was over. Seeing all devastation of collapsing houses, destruction of structures, and fallen trees, he discovered a wisp of hair not far from where he laid. He instinctively touched his head only to discover a bald spot on his skull. The separation between life and death was merely few millimeters apart. He thanked God profusely for saving his life. From that moment on, thanksgiving had become his life style especially during seasons of hardships which he had many in his life.

Reflection: We all have experienced the wonderful fact that God does answer our prayers. But what about the unanswered prayers? I don’t want to get into the theology of “unanswered prayers” now. But who can say that God does not answer a prayer that we haven’t even prayed? Who can say that God does not meet our need which we don’t even know that we have that particular need?


在1986年二月廿四日, 菲律賓人 的歷史記載了一件在走投無路中的呼喊神的事件. 共計800名革命士兵成為在 Ferdinand Marco 專制總统手下的空軍的公然靶子. 他們提心弔膽地站着, 眼見軍機巳在他們的頭頂上 , 知道他們的和平革命的夢想馬上成為泡影, 而這小群的士兵必被炸死. 但他們並非單單站着, 在燃眉之急之際, 他們被帶領頌讀聖經和禱活. 因為死期巳近, 革命首領Honesto Isleta 將軍領他們讀詩篇九十一篇 (只選錄數節作參考, 如下):
詩 91:2 耶和華是我的避難所,是我的山寨,是我的神,是我所倚靠的。
詩 91:3 祂必救你脫離捕鳥人的網羅和毒害的瘟疫。
詩 91:4 衪必用自己的翎毛遮蔽你,你要投靠在衪的翅膀底下。衪的誠實是大小的盾牌。
詩 91:7 雖有千人仆倒在你旁邊,萬人仆倒在你右邊,這災卻不得臨近你。
詩 91:15 他若求告我,我就應允他;他在急難中,我要與他同在;我要搭救他,使他尊貴。
詩 91:16 我要使他足享長壽,將我的救恩顯明給他。”

雖然他們聽到神的話語, 但是臨近頭頂的飛機的呼呼聲比它更響. 但在他們不預料到的情况下, 有些奇妙事情發生了, 飛機群臨近, 但並沒有徹底摧毀這地上的一小群, 反而飛行員一架一架地變節, 投奔革命軍, 降落在地. 這次成功的不流血革命都在歷史書可以找到的. 這位敬畏神的將軍, 日後來美, 成為一位神學生. 

反思:如果上帝能通過他的話語來拯救一個國家和其人民,並描繪出人類的歷史,那麼祂的話語, 在多大程度上, 能成為我们的避難所呢?


抗戰期間, 先父盧中度先生在南寧小樂園醫院作客, 清晨起床讀聖經, 剛好展開詩篇九十一篇頌讀, 當他念到第七節 “這災卻不得臨近你” 時, 外面隆隆巨響, 聲音由遠而近, 緊急警報大鳴, 發出刺耳的尖嘯聲, 很快便知道日本飛機正在投彈轟炸. 所有人都衝出屋外, 驚惶地俯伏在空曠地上, 直至警報解除為止. 隨後似乎一片寧靜, 父親環目四顧, 房屋傾塌, 樹木折毀, 但知到自己平安無事, 當他準備站起來之刻, 他發現一縷頭髮散在地上離他不遠, 他便用手摩摩頭頂, 發現一片光禿的頭皮, 他才知道炸彈碎片從頭頂飛削而過, 生死只是一公分之差. 大難不死, 他感謝上帝的保守. 上帝也照着第十六節所說, 使他足享長壽, 父親於2001年11月16日安息主懷, 享年87歲, 上帝將衪的救恩顯明在他一生的年日中.

反思:我們都經歷過上帝確實回應我們祈禱的奇妙事實。但那些未得到回應的祈禱又如何呢?我現在不想討論 “未得到回應的祈禱” 的神學。但誰能說神不會回應我們尚未祈求的禱告呢?當我們甚至不知道自己有這些特殊的需要時,誰能說上帝不會滿足我們的需要呢?


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By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); June 22, 2012

今天讀到一段令人沈思的經文, 原來它也是一個典型的聖經難題. 列王記下 2:23-25 寫道:

2Ki 2:23 以利沙從那裡上伯特利去。正上去的時候,有些童子從城裡出來,戲笑他說:“禿頭的上去吧!禿頭的上去吧!”
2Ki 2:24 他回頭看見,就奉耶和華的名咒詛他們。於是有兩個母熊從林中出來,撕裂他們中間四十二個童子。
2Ki 2:25 以利沙從伯特利上迦密山,又從迦密山回到撒馬利亞。

第24節中的 “奉耶和華的名咒詛他們” 表示這事是神所允許的. 乍看起來, 神好似是既任性又善變, 與我們對祂的性情一向的領會大有出入, 慈愛的神怎能用兩雙母熊來撕裂一群天真頑皮的小孩呢? (下面數論點乃取材於 Ref.1 and Ref.2)

• 問題是第23節中的 “童子” 並非你所想像中的一群天真頑皮的小孩—他們其實是年輕人—學者認為 KJV 似乎翻譯得不正確. 希伯來文原意是 “Young men.” NIV譯作“some youths.” 他們是年輕的歹徒凶幫, 如同今天美國大城市中貧民區 (ghetto) 之流浪阿飛黨. 事件發生中的大城市是北国首都伯特利, 也是當時的宗教中心.

• 他們預謀要殺先知—先知以利沙的性命危在旦夕, 但他沒有求神詛咒他們. 這一群並非一两個, 而是四十二個. 我們可以想像到這一群是烏合之眾的暴民. 何等可怕!

• 這些無賴不尊重神及神僕—他們揶揄以利沙自稱為先知, 基本上他們嘲笑道, “如果你真是先知如你的老師以利亞一般, 你就會像他被接到天上去了.” 看深一層, 他們其實是嘲弄神在以利沙的老師以利亞身上的工作. 他們笑以利沙禿頭, 可能是當時社會把痲瘋患者剃光頭, 而用這輕蔑口語詆毁他並嘲笑神的作為.

• 神若不如此做, 以利沙必被打死—神藉熊保護為他出口的先知. 神藉此的警告後人,免人犯更大的罪. 這種先發制人的策畧是神的恩典. 神如果不這樣做, 讓這些流氓開此先例, 後果更危險因為以當時的情况, 神認為子民當時最需要的是先知向子民報導神的話語. 神用两隻熊 (顯然一隻是不夠) 撕裂暴民主要是保護先知, 其次是為民除害.

• 此事以後, 亞哈的兒子, 就是那不敬虔的約蘭王, 也承認以利沙先知的地位並向他致敬 (2 Kings 3:11-13).

• 神有權取人生命—人不能取人生命, 這稱為謀殺. 神是生命的賜予者, 祂有權取人生命, 因為祂有能力使死人復活. 這不是謀殺, 否則, 神讓祂兒子釘在十架上, 豈非犯了祂自己賜給人的誡命嗎?

筆者註: 舊約神與子民在約中相交 (Covenant Relationship) 的情况下, 神常用神蹟來表達祂的旨意, 或自己直接與人對話 (如摩西在何烈山上與神在荊棘火中對話). 在此歷史時段內, 上述那類事件的發生是特殊的, 而非一般性 (universal) 的. 今天, 我們有聖經的教導, 聖灵的指引, 教會的撫養, 特別事件便大致不需要了. 但神的靈訓是新舊約始終一致的. 從這段經文中, 我們有甚麼生活應用?

舊約子民應尊重先知, 聽先知的話, 同樣, 新約信徒應尊重神所呼召的忠僕. 請參看李定武牧師 (Ref.3) 給我們下列的指導方針, 在此只提綱挈領地述三大點, 供讀者思考:

1. 記念牧者的事奉
•     要記念過去牧者在事奉上所奠定的根基和見證
•     感激現有牧者的事奉
2. 順從牧者的引領
•     使教會有体面
•     使會友得益處
•     使羊群免遭危險
3. 関懷牧者的需要
•     関懷牧者生活上的需要, 使他可專心傳道
•     向牧者問安是對他的鼓勵


Ref.1: “The Case For Faith” by Lee Strobel; pp.122-124.
Ref.2: “Bible Difficulties” by Gleason L. Archer
Ref.2: “新千年中的生活革新” by 李定武; pp.201-214.

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三言兩語論宗教 (On World Religions)

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); June 12, 2012 (revised 3/8/2013)

Undoubtedly the greatest religions in the world are Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity. They all have long historical roots and are rather intricate in their doctrines. Can one summarily describe them in few words? Who dare to try? It was said that a person’s being could be understood by the last words he uttered right before he dies. Alright, let’s go to the records to find out what did these religious leader say. From their last words perhaps we might deduct what their worldviews were.

The last words of Mohammad were recorded by Aisha who said, “The Prophet in his fatal illness said, ‘Allah cursed the Jews and the Christians because they took the graves of their Prophets as places for praying.’” (Hadith 2:414) Note: Hadith is Muslim traditions of the words and deeds of Muhammad–a narrative record.

The last words of Buddha: “Behold, O monks, this is my last advice to you. All component things in the world are changeable. They are not lasting. Work hard to gain your own salvation.

The last words of Jesus spoken during his crucifixion: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).

You see, Islam is noted for their hatred toward infidels; Buddhism is a merit based religion, you pay and pay and pay, but you never know whether you have paid enough; only in Christianity will you find grace and forgiveness. Therefore, Jesus is the only one who is qualified to be our Lord and Savior. Strictly speaking, Christianity is not a religion but a matter of making relationship with Christ.

世界上三大宗教—回, 佛, 耶—都是歷史悠久, 錯綜複雜的宗教. 誰能用三言兩語可解釋清楚呢? 嘩! 好大膽呀! 有人說, 一個人是怎樣的人, 可由他的最後遺言 (Last Words) 而得知. 那就試試吧! 讓我們由這三位教主的最後遺言看他們的世界觀:

• 回教穆罕默德 (Mohammad) 的最後遺言: 真主, 願祢詛咒猶太人和基督徒, 因為他們在先知的墓上向祢禱告.

• 佛祖最後遺言: 諸事無常 需精進不怠.

• 耶穌最後遺言: “父啊,赦免他們!因為他們所做的,他們不曉得.”

你看, 回教是仇恨 (curse), 佛教是功德 (work hard for), 唯獨基督教是赦免 (forgive). 所以耶穌不但是教主, 更是救主. 赦免是白白的, 所以這就是恩典了. 這段話真能把這三種宗教的要領表達出來嗎? 讓讀者自行決定吧!

Note: 請參看本 blog 內另一短文, “我為甚麼不信佛教?” on January 21, 2012.

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“路人甲” 是成功者嗎?

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); June 7, 2012

我有時自問, 我是怎樣一个人? 答案很簡單, 我自認是一個普通人. 但如果我再自問, 我在世上是扮演甚麽角色? 那就不易回答了. 最近讀了作家周俊良老先生一本書 (Ref. 1), 內中有個我不熟識的名詞叫 “路人甲”, 寡聞的我前未聽過, 更不懂其真義, 但在書中作者却有交代:

在一齣戲劇中, 所有參加演出的人都列在 “演員表” 中. 但不是所有榜上有名的人都同樣重要. 排在前頭的當然是主角, 其次是配角, 一路排下去, 便排到一些市井小民, 他們只做一些小動作, 或講一两句話, 這些角色在演員表中被列名為 “路人”. 如果有兩個這樣的角色, 則一名被稱為 “路人甲”. 另一名是 “路人乙”. 榜上無名的, 都通稱為 “羣眾”.

英國詩人、劇作家莎士比亞曾說 “整个世界就是一個舞枱 (All the world’s a stage).” 每個人都要上去, 留一陣子, 完成他的角色, 就要下枱, 這樣川流不息, 好像長江後浪推前浪一般. 我的角色絕不會是主角或配角, 若說自己是 “一事無成” 也說得太過份謙卑. 說自己只不過是群眾之一, 似乎有點不合乎中道, 我至少是個大學畢業生呀! 最後我想 “路人甲” 也算受知無塊, 其實用 “甲” 而不用 “乙” 字巳算高枱自己了. 但我相信這小小的驕傲, 上帝是會原諒我的. 如果主角是成功者, 那麽 “路人甲” 算是失敗者嗎?

論到角色的問題, 我們就要退到一個更基礎性的問題: “甚麼叫做成功?” 從我讀到的另一篇文章中, 我似乎找到頗滿意的答案:

在公司上班的確很辛苦; 帶職事奉更辛苦. 但黄力夫博士 (Dr.Leaf Huang) 是雙職事奉; 他全時間當教授, 並全時間在教會中服事. 在雙職事奉的生漄中, 他對專業上的成功, 經歷了七個階段的了解, 對基督徒 “上班族” 頗有靈性上的幫助. 黄博士寫道 (Ref. 2):

1. 在信主之前—-認為成功要靠人的努力. 父母和學校都是這樣教導.
2. 信主以後—-單憑人的努力是不夠的, 還要加上神的祝褔, 才能成功.
3. 第三階段—-發現神的祝褔比人的努力重要! 神不祝褔, 人沒有辦法, 再努力也無用.
4. 第四階段—-發現一切都是神的祝褔. 人的努力也是神的祝褔. 生下來殘疾, 能努力嗎? 生下來白癡, 能努力嗎? (筆者注: 神對生下來殘疾或白癡的, 都有特別的恩典, 因神也愛他們)
5. 第五階段—-領悟到神的旨意 (呼召你作甚麼) 加上人的順服所帶來的才是成功.
6. 第六階段—-既然是神的旨意加上人的順服, 哪來 “人的成功”? 領悟到原來一切都是 “神的成功”!
7. 第七階段—-正如特蕾莎 (Mother Teresa) 修女說, “上帝沒有要我們成功, 只要我們忠心. 哇! 如果只是追求個人事業的成功, 那 (基督徒) 與世人就沒有什麼兩樣. 這個啟發, 可稱之為 “最大的成功”.

所以如果我們愛神, 凡事榮耀祂, 忠心事奉祂, 就算今生只能作 “路人甲”, 在永世中, 可作主耶穌的配角, 這是多麽榮耀的應許.

Ref. 1: “僑窗觀景雜文雜萃” by 周俊良
Ref. 2: “樂在其中—-雙職事奉甘苦談” by Leaf Huang; 使者Nov/Dec 2007; pp.46-52.

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和合本中的 “神” 和 “上帝” 有分別嗎?

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); June 6, 2012

英文聖經中的 “LORD” 和 “Lord” 都是指真神 God, 但這两字是有神學上的大區別的 (Ref.1). 因此, 有人欲舉一反三而問: 中文聖經用 “神” 或 “上帝” 來指God是否也有神學上的區別呢? 答案是: 我個人肯定是沒有的.

或許讓我借用巳故的吳乃恭牧師的解釋. 他寫道:

有關中文聖經分為 “神” 與 “上帝” 譯名觀的問題, 自十九世紀中葉就巳經爭論很大, 那是見仁見智的問題, 可以說不是翻譯上的問題, 而是信仰上的問題. 有關 “神” 與 “上帝” 譯名觀, 連天主教都鬧到教廷去, 結果他們決定不用 “神” 也不用 “上帝”, 而用 “天主” 作為最後的決定.
聖經分為 “神版” 與 “上帝版” 的原因, 是因為浸信會傳教士及差會都認為 “上帝” 是中國人的偶像, “神” 是不能以 “上帝” 來稱呼的, 那是不合乎 “神” 譯名的真義的. 所以, 不操用 “上帝” 而以 “神” 作為譯名. 但是, 其他的中國教會卻認為中國古籍中 “上帝” 是指宇宙中獨一的真神, 所以, 要用 “上帝” 為神的譯名. 據歷史記載, “上帝” 這一稱呼, 遠在堯舜時代就有, 他被用來指一位最大且是唯一的真神. 因此, 可以稱神為 “上帝”.

吳牧師說他在講道或交通時, 是两者並用. 當他指上帝是獨一無二, 及永活與至高的真神時, 他用 “神” 來表達. 但是, 當他以真神與偽神對比時, 他以 “上帝” 來稱呼. 因為, 真神是超乎所有的偽神的. 不過他說, “我是循閩南教會的傳统, 喜歡用 “上帝” 來稱呼的.” 據我所知, 臺灣同胞也喜歡用 “上帝” 的稱號. 我想, 這問題是見仁見智的. 我們可以活用, 不必拘泥. 順其自然就是, 不必勉強. (Ref.2)

但筆者借此機會請讀者注意, 有時在翻譯上看來是小小的差異會導至神學上巨大的分歧. 例:

天主教所用的拉丁文聖經, Vulgate 版本把路加 (1:28) 譯作:
• 萬福馬利亞! 妳是滿有恩典的 (“Hail Mary! You are full of grace.”), 此與 NIV 不同.
• NIV: 天使進去,對她說:“蒙大恩的女子,我問你安,主和你同在了!”The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.

表面看起來差異不大. 但是 “滿有恩典” 有 “是恩典的貯蓄庫 reservoir of grace” 之意, 與 “蒙恩” 不同. 這便把 “馬利亞是中保” 的教義偷偷地走進聖經裡去: 若要得到基督的恩典, 可向馬利亞支取. 這是不合聖經原意的教義.

今天神學生在學校所學到的希伯來文或希臘文, 最大的應用就是回答 “這個原文字在聖經內何處出現過?” 至於這字的意思, 因我們對希臘文化或希伯來文化認識有限, 也只能由各種英文版的翻譯而獲得一個靠近主觀的領會而矣.

Ref.1: 參閱本blog另一文, 登於 October 24, 2011.
Ref. 2: “文宣 196, July/August 2008”, p.6.

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A Message to the graduates

By T.C. Lo (June 1, 2012)

A teenager raised in a strong Christian family would most likely grow into a strong Christian during his years at home. But I have seen young people stop going to church once they leave home, entering a spiritually unprotected open campuses.

Perhaps this student is confronted with thorny questions, such as “Since evil and suffering exists, a loving God cannot” or “Since miracles contradicts science, they cannot be true” and among others.

This kind of struggle, however, is not unique to young adults – sometimes mature pastors and church leaders had to deal with doubt too.

When Billy Graham’s well respected friend and close co-worker in the ministry Charles Templeton fell away from his faith in 1946 after he was enrolled at the liberal Princeton Theological Seminary, Graham was greatly disturbed, saying “My faith was under siege….My respect and affection for Chuck were so great that whatever troubled him trouble me too.

In the midst of his spiritual battle, God had sent a very godly woman, Miss Henrietta Mears who was the director of religious education at First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, to encourage the young Billy. Her enthusiasm for the Lord Jesus Christ was contagious. The following is Billy Graham’s own words as printed in his Biography entitled “JUST AS I AM,” pp.135-138.

I ached as if I were on the rack, with Miss Mears stretching me one way and Chuck Templeton stretching me the other….

If I could not trust the Bible, I could not go on. I would have to leave the pulpit evangelism. I was only 30 years of age. It was not too late to become a dairy farmer….

But that night I believed with all my heart that the God who had saved my soul would never let go of me. I got up and took a walk. The moon was out. The shadows were long in the San Bernardino Mountains surrounding the retreat center. Dropping to my knees there in the woods, I opened the Bible at random on a tree stump in front of me. I could not read it in the shadowy moon light, so I had no idea what text lay before me…

O God! There are many things in this book I do not understand. There are many problems with it for which I have no solution. There are many seeming contradictions. There are some areas in it that do not seem to correlate with modern science. I can’t answer some of the philosophical and psychological questions Chuck and others are raising….

I was trying to be on the level with God, but something remained unspoken…

At last the Holy Spirit freed me to say it. “Father, I am going to accept this as Thy Word—by faith! I am going to allow faith to go beyond my intellectual questions and doubts, and I will believe this to be Your inspired Word.” When I got up from knees at Forest Home that August night, my eyes stung with tears. I sensed the presence and power of God as I had not sensed it in months. Not all my questions were answered, but a major bridge had been crossed. In my heart and mind, I knew a spiritual battle in my soul had been fought and won.

If you, graduates, are in the midst of a spiritual battle, may I suggest the following “ABCD” approach (adapted from a section of Ravi Zacharias’ book, The Grand Weaver, page 123):

• Ask without fear—The atheistic challenges are not new. Thoughtful Christians have given considerable research. You don’t have to bear the burden all by yourself. Ask your home church leaders and they are willing to help you.

• Being before doing—You must know who you are first before pursuing explanations to their difficult questions or before doing God’s will. I am a child of God related to my heavenly Father. Nothing can change that relationship. I am not my own. I belong to Him. Resting in that knowledge, I know what it is to be His. I should pursue doing God’s will, then and by his grace he will enable my will.

• Convictions without compromise— A conviction is not merely an opinion. It is something rooted so deeply in the conscience that to change a conviction would be to change the very essence of who you are. The most important conviction is that the Bible is the Word of God. While we cannot explain everything in the Bible, that is no reason for us to disregard the positive evidence for God and Jesus’ claims.
To deny what we know on the basis of what we don’t know is not only bad theology but bad science as well.” (quoted from R.C. Sproul’s book “Reason to Believe”, page 129)

• Discipline without dreariness — The Lord tells us that he disciplined those he loves. By implication, then, the undisciplined life is an unloved life. Don’t interpret doubt as a loss of faith. My personal experiences are that doubting has been a way to strengthen my faith. An unexamined faith is not worth living for (adapted from Socrates’ famous line).

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詩篇廿三篇 (Psalm 23)

By TC Lo (盧天賜); May 25, 2012

翻譯是一件困難的工作. 名詞翻譯比較容易, 因為它們可以續字相應, 如狗就是dog, 貓就是cat等. 但對抽象的事物, 或哲學的觀念, 就困難多了. 仁的真意 (benevolence? 或mercy? 或humanity? 或manhood?) 義的真意 (justice? 或right? 或righteousness?) 禮的真意 (ritualism? 或courtesy? 或 good form? 或good manner 或social order?) 或甚至它們的真正意義尚未被人了解? 英文有一字 “Providence” 我一直無法找到令我完全滿意的中文翻譯. 字典用 “天意”, “天命”, “天佑”, “神旨” 等來表達, 這些與我所領會的, 總是感到雖接近但不究完滿, 沒有一矢中的, 或拍案叫絕之感. 由於它豐富的內涵, 有人索性把它翻譯為 “上帝”, 用大草P 來表達. 那麽 “God’s Providence” 又怎樣翻? 上帝的上帝? 也不對呀! 最近我看到一本書 (Note 1), 內中引用某人對詩篇23篇分成17 小段, 每段用一英文字 (中文我用四字) 加以註釋. 我覺得這17個評註把我們的神是一位 “個人的神 personal God” 的觀念表達無遺. 我想這17個描述, 總合起來就可能是我所領會的 “God’s providence” 的意義吧!

耶和華是我的牧者                         that’s relationship (親密關係)
我必不至缺乏                                 that’s supply (應時供應)
他使我躺臥在青草地上                 that’s rest (主懷安息)
領我在可安歇的水邊                     that’s refreshment (從新得力)
他使我的靈魂甦醒                         that’s healing (完全醫治)
引導我走義路                                 that’s guidance (親手帶領)
為自己的名                                     that’s purpose (標杆人生)
我雖然行過死蔭的幽谷                 that’s testing (試練恩典)
也不怕遭害                                     that’s protection (神手保護)
因為你與我同在                             that’s faithfulness (信實可靠)
你的杖,你的竿,都安慰我         that’s discipline (訓練成長)
在我敵人面前,你為我擺設筵席 that’s hope (榮耀盼望)
你用油膏了我的頭                         that’s consecration (蒙召人生)
使我的福杯滿溢                             that’s abundance (豐盛生命)
我一生一世必有恩惠慈愛隨著我 that’s blessing (蒙福生活)
我且要住在耶和華的殿中             that’s security (保障確據)
直到永遠                                         that’s eternity (與主永偕)

從另一觀點, 詩篇 23可說是對 “神的同在” 最好的解釋. 聖經中的三大主題 (Note 2) 連貫各書卷, 構成聖經一貫的信息架構:
• 神的應許—強調神的信实和祂話語的重要, 著重神對人類的應許.
• 神的國度—指神是宇宙的創造主, 也是一切的統治者, 強調神的超越性和榮耀, 神的國所建立的一切, 至終要在彌賽亞身上完全成就.
• 神的同在—強調神對人的愛和對人的帶領, “以馬內利 (賽7:14)” 是這主題的鑰句. 詩篇 23 中間句是: “因為祢與我同在”. 和合本: 在此句前共67個字, 在此句後共67個字. 原文: 在此句前共26個字, 在此句後共26個字. 詩人似乎暗示神的同在是這詩篇的中心思想. 歷代信徒對此詩的愛慕, 多少跟這中心句有關. 神的同在豈非也是神的 Providence之一部份嗎?

Note 1: “Grand Weaver” by Ravi Zacharias; pp.50-51.
Note 2: “解經有路” by陸蘇河 (Alex Luc); pp.206-265,364.

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Why Do I Embrace Christianity (我的見證)

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); May 18, 2012

After I moved to the Bay Area, California and started my career in the field of semiconductor in 1970, I met new friends who happened to be PhDs. But few of them had influences on me in a strange way. Not because they said something to me but because of the mere fact that they were Christians. I said to myself, “Christians? These are highly educated people and some of them even held high management positions in the companies, they could not have been that stupid.” At their gentle persuasion, I went to their church; I listened to the sermons. But so many things I didn’t understand, the interesting thing was that the part which I understood did make sense to me. I had tons of questions and I argued angrily with those church people. But they kindly explained to me with patience. I thought I was a trouble maker but they didn’t seem to mind. I began to do some study myself—-not the Bible, because I didn’t understand it no matter how hard I tried—-but other books either defending or accusing the belief of Christianity. I was extremely puzzled by the fact that if Christianity was so right and it was so convincing, how come so many intellectuals denied the existence of God? This question remained for a long time. Another question which bothered me a great deal was: If there is a God, and this loving God is willing to reveal himself to people, why has God made it so difficult to see his presence. Through thinking these questions, I came to the persuasion that one must comes to a conviction (on anything not just religion things) through one or two or all these three levels and in different combinations of sequences.

Level 1 is the theoretical level. That is to look at problems from logical and philosophical perspectives. This level has no short cut but requires tremendous hard work. Some people could bypass it but I couldn’t because I was trained as an engineer-scientist in my whole life. I paid attention at this level all the way before and after I have become a Christian. The effort is intensified after my retirement because I have tremendous interest in studying it. There have been so many difficult problems that bother me. Just to name one: Since evil and suffering exist, a loving God cannot. How do I justify this claim? Problems of this kind have been tackled by philosophers of different worldviews, how do I know that the answer offered by the Christian worldview is right? If you are looking for inexhaustible information, you can never believe in anything. My pursuit leads me to come up with an illustration:
When I played jigsaw puzzles, I start from the corner and build my way in. Soon I was able to construct a fairly successful domain. As I kept on placing pieces to complete the picture, I might suddenly see an opportunity in the middle and I began to build domain there. Pretty soon, I had many unconnected locally successful domains strewn all over an incomplete picture. Now, here is the point. If all jigsaw pieces that I placed were indeed in their rightful positions, eventually all successful local domains could join together. However, if some pieces were not in their supposed places, I could never be able to complete the whole picture because incoherence got in the way. I could have many successful local domains but I couldn’t have a completely successful picture.

This is exactly the case with evolution. Each scientist has his own locally successful (logically explainable) domain built from his special field, but not all domains could cohere with one another. This is why the evolutionists keep arguing among themselves every time when new evidences emerge. Interestingly, they never dare to argue with Darwin himself. But on the other hand, the explanations offered from the biblical worldview are always coherent. Admittedly, Christians too may not be able to complete the entire jigsaw picture, i.e. may not have the answer totally satisfactory to the human mind. Same thing can be said with atheists. But every time when a new jigsaw piece is added (that means new evidence—-scientific, archaeological, or historical—is discovered), the Christian worldview can only make the picture more complete but never reveal incoherence among the already successful domains. This is amazing. The reasonable explanation is that those pieces are in their right positions of the pre-designed picture when their placement is guided by the Scripture. No one can complete the picture, but one has stronger explanation power than all others. This may be the way we look at things.

Level 2 is the art and culture level such as music or paintings or social media. They are the most influential factors in shaping the thoughts of the masses. I had so many intellectual friends who truly believe in Evolution. But when I probed them with critical questions, I discovered that I knew revolution more than they did. But why then they believed? I believe it is the art of the cultural. The mentality is that if the entire society is going this way, how can it be wrong? I confronted few biology PhD friends of mine and asked each one some pivotal questions, their answers often were “This was not my field; I am very sure someone in other areas will have answer for you.” So each one assumes some big guns out there have answer and they are confident of their credentials. Today, the academic arena is so specialized; a PhD is not really a “Broad Scholar” as the Chinese word (博士) suggests but a Specialist. Another thing is that if evolution is so fundamental, I wonder why there is no school in university called “ School of Evolution”? We have school of “Physics”, school of “Music”, school of “Public Policy” and so forth, but not school of “Evolution”. Yet the inference of evolution is everywhere. Most people have never read <The Origin of Species> but they are loud and clear in buying in the concept because the whole society think it is right. Their thoughts have been shaped by the arts and cultures of the social mood. After I have become a Christian, I firmly believe that Christians can and should use arts of all sort as instruments to spread the Gospel. This is the right way to use art, not merely as a pastime.

Level 3 is “Kitchen Table” level. My grand children (when they were 3 and 5) believe in Christ because their parents (my daughter and son-in-law) are Christians. One may ask, is this brain wash? I think not. Brain wash is something you know that is wrong and you repeatedly bombard people so that they become confused and come to go along with you. I am sure you agree that asking your kids to memorize the Multiplication Table is not brain wash. Keep telling them to study hard is not brain wash. We did that because we parents believe that the Multiplication Table is true and education is important. My children’s worldview were shaped through my endless conversations and Q-and-A’s with them during dinner times and driving times.The most alarming thing is that, we adults too, are influenced by the media from everywhere within our society.

As for me, I became a Christian through the process of Level One first and then triggered by Level Two. Other people may come to Christianity through different levels as entry-points and in different sequences.

In Summary,

  • Level one—-supported by logic
  • Level two—-based on feeling inspired by arts and cultures
  • Level three—-instilled basically by parents.

This Three-Level framework of thinking was philosophized by Ravi Zacharias, for example, in his book “The Real Face of Atheism”, pp.170-171. Once pointed out, it looks self-evident! Frankly, during my faith journey, I knew nothing about these three-level concept; what I am writing here is an after-thought.

Having gone to my San Jose church for a while, I had arrived at the stage of intellectual consent. However, my heart was not ready to commit my life to Jesus. The gap between my head and my heart was still unbridgeable. But not until the spring of 1977,  something had happened. For several weeks, the church I went to kept on singing two hymns during worship time: one was titled “The Old Rugged Cross” and the other one, “How Great Thou Art”. When I head these two hymns, for reasons unknown to me, my heart burned within me and my eyes were moisten with tears, I felt a waft of heat wave slowly rained down from my head to toes. I tried to hide my emotion from my wife who stood beside me. This experience lasted for few consecutive Sundays. Was that not the moving of the the Holy Spirit that I had heard many times through many sermons? The chasm between my heart and my soul was closed. Finally, on the Easter of 1977, I decided to be baptized and I felt I had become a changed man. This was my journey of pilgrimage.


Also refer to another article in this blog “我為甚麼不信佛教”, January 21, 2012.

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