(English edition at the end)
By T.C. Lo (盧天賜); April 10, 2020 (Good Friday)
在這受難節和復活節期間,我們必需問:「耶穌究竟是誰?」這個問題是每個基督徒都要正視的。反對基督教的人仕或無神論者也盡其攻擊的能事去回應這個問題, 他們經過「研究」後説,耶穌只是一個道德家,是猶太拉比 (老師), 是聖賢, 是偶像破壞者, 是烏合之眾的煽動人, 或是甚麼都可以只要祂不是神。不管我們的答案如何,如果我們的答案與耶穌的自我意識 (self-consciousness) 不同,都是不正確的答案。耶穌一早就知道這個問題的關鍵性,所以他問十二門個徒説:「人說我人子是誰。他們說、有人說是施洗的約翰.有人說是以利亞.又有人說是耶利米、或是先知裡的一位。耶穌說、你們說我是誰。西門彼得回答說、你是基督、是永生 神的兒子。耶穌對他說、西門巴約拿、你是有福的.因為這不是屬血肉的指示你的、乃是我在天上的父指示的。(約翰福音16:13-17)」
耶穌與穆罕默德 (Mohammed) 之不同不僅在生活行為上, 更重要的是他們對自己被呼召的意義是否明白。當穆罕默德宣稱他獲得屬靈啟示後, 他甚感困惑, 不知意義何在。他需要別人告訴他這是神的聲音。但耶穌明確知道衪是誰並知道衪從那裏來。以下是, 根据聖經, 耶穌對自已的地位有明確認識 (self-understanding) 的證據 (Ref. 1):
(1) 耶穌以 “人子” 自稱
- 這名稱衪應用在自己身上在四福音中出現 82 次之多, 包括被認為是最早成書的馬可福音 (14 次) 在內.
- 批評家認為這是衪承認人性的宣稱, 但學者一致認為耶穌是參照 (約主前600年) 但以理 (7:13-14) 的用法: 人子被迎接到全能者的面前, 帶着權柄, 榮耀, 與能力, 並接受萬民的敬拜, 衪有審判的權柄, 衪的國永存不衰。 所以宣告自己是人子就等於宣告自己的神性。
- (v. 13) 我在夜間的異象中觀看,見有一位像人子的,駕著天雲而來,被領到亙古常在者面前 ;
- (v. 14) 得了權柄、榮耀、國度,使各方、各國、各族的人都事奉他。他的權柄是永遠的,不能廢去,他的國必不敗壞。”
- 更奇妙的是, 耶穌自稱人子的頭銜都與將來的榮耀與即將來臨的受苦與死亡有關。 主是教導門徒對盼望以久的彌賽亞的新認識: 受苦在榮耀之先。
- 正如人子來,不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人,並且要捨命,作多人的贖價。”(太20:28).
- 耶穌說完了這一切的話,就對門徒說:“你們知道,過兩天是逾越節,人子將要被交給人,釘在十字架上。” (太26:1-2)
- 耶穌說:“我是。你們必看見人子坐在那權能者的右邊,駕著天上的雲降臨。” (可14:62)
- 我又告訴你們,凡在人面前認我的,人子在 神的使者面前也必認他;在人面前不認我的,人子在 神的使者面前也必不認他。(路12:8-9)
- 並且因為他是人子,就賜給他行審判的權柄。(約5:27)
(2) 耶穌用 “我是” 的說法來宣稱自己的神性
- 你們的祖宗亞伯拉罕歡歡喜喜地仰望我的日子,既看見了,就快樂。”猶太人說:“你還沒有五十歲,豈見過亞伯拉罕呢?”耶穌說:“我實實在在地告訴你們:還沒有亞伯拉罕就有了我。”於是他們拿石頭要打他,耶穌卻躲藏,從殿裡出去了。(約8:58)。 英: “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
- 這個 “我是” 乃由神在荊棘叢中對摩西所說衪的名字: 神對摩西說:“我是自有永有的 (I AM WHO I AM).” 又說:“你要對以色列人這樣說:‘那自有的打發我到你們這裡來。’ (出3:14) 耶穌自稱是 “自有永有” 後群眾拿石頭要打死衪, 視衪褻瀆神。
(3) 耶穌以赦罪的權柄表明衪是神
- 可 (2:5): 耶穌對癱子說:“小子,你的罪赦了.” 只有神才有資格和有意義地說這種話。
- 因為罪, 就算是得罪人, 是首要地得罪了神和衪的律法。所以我们都需要赦免。
- 耶穌先行後教, 但衪從未向父求赦免, 因祂是無罪。
(4) 耶穌認識衪在神國的地位
- 甚至由衪的揀選十二位門徒, 我們可看到耶穌也作超越性的宣告。
- 根据 Ben Witherington III (Ref. 2), “如果十二門徒代表更新的以色列 (renewed Israel), 那麽耶穌的位置何在” 他問道: “他不會只是以色列的一部份? 他不會只是被救贖群體的一部份? 他是塑造這群體的—-正如上帝在舊約中塑造衪的百姓並設立以色列的十二支派。這是耶穌如何想到自己的地位的一些線索。”
(5) 耶穌的教導方法
- 關於耶穌的自我認識的另一線索是與衪的教導方法有關.耶穌教訓人時常用以下一句話作起點, “我實實在在的告訴你 Amen I say to you,” (John 出現25次)。 這是非常有革命性的. 作家 Witherington 繼續解釋下去: 在猶太教, 你需要两個見證人作證詞, 但耶穌對真理作見證只單憑衪自己的話。
- 耶穌回答說:“我實實在在地告訴你:人若不重生,就不能見 神的國。”(約3:3)。
- 我實實在在地告訴你們:一粒麥子不落在地裡死了,仍舊是一粒;若是死了,就結出許多子粒來。愛惜自己生命的,就失喪生命;在這世上恨惡自己生命的,就要保守生命到永生。(約12:24)
- 到那日,你們甚麼也就不問我了。我實實在在地告訴你們:你們若向父求甚麼,他必因我的名賜給你們。(約16:23)
- 他的教導不基於其他權威, 而只憑自已的權柄說話。這裡我們看到有一個人物, 他把自已視為具有比舊約先知更高的權柄. 衪相信自己具有不只是屬神的啟示, 正如大衛一樣, 更具有從神而來的指揮聖言的能力和權柄。
(6) 耶穌稱上帝為父
- 耶穌常用亞蘭文術語 “阿爸, 父” 來稱呼上帝。 這正反照衪與父神最親密的關係: 他說:“阿爸,父啊!在你凡事都能,求你將這杯撤去;然而,不要從我的意思,只要從你的意思。”(可14:36)
- 這種稱呼是與古猶太教格格不入的. 虔誠的猶太人避免稱神的名, 唯恐他們會稱錯衪的名字。
- Witherington 博士作下觀察: “阿爸, 父 Abba, Father (Rom.8:15)” 的意義, 就是耶穌是這以前達不到的密切關係的創始者. 問題是甚麽人才能與神開創這新的與約有關的關係?
- 因為凡被 神的靈引導的,都是 神的兒子。你們所受的不是奴僕的心,仍舊害怕;所受的乃是兒子的心,因此我們呼叫:“阿爸,父!”(羅8:14-15)。
- 你們既為兒子, 神就差他兒子的靈進入我們的心,呼叫:“阿爸,父。(加4:6)
- 耶穌說只有透過與衪的關係才有可能作稱神為 “阿爸, 父” 的禱告. 這就明確地說明衪是如何看待自已了。
(7) 耶穌接受敬拜
- 耶穌另一個自我認識的指標是復活以後與多馬的相遇 (約 20)。 耶穌邀請多馬親自檢查衪實在是從死裡復活的證據. 多馬在 28 節宣告, “我的主,我的神!” 廿九節: 耶穌對他說: “你因看見了我才信,那沒有看見就信的有福了!”
- 耶穌的回答透露了他的真相. 除非耶穌是神, 否則這就是達到褻瀆神的頂點, 因為衪不但沒有指責多馬, 且明知故意地接受多馬的敬拜。
- 耶穌選擇接授多馬的敬拜明顯地指出衪自己相信衪就是神, 所以值得如此被崇敬。同樣地, 對耶穌的問題, “你們說我是誰?” 西門彼得回答道, “你是基督,是永生神的兒子。” (太16:15-17)。 耶穌不但沒有改正西門彼得的回答, 反而證實他的回答是從神而來的啟示。
(8) 耶穌明確地指出永生之道
- 耶穌清楚地知道人們永恒的歸宿決定於他們是否相信衪。 約翰福音: “你們若不信我是基督,必要死在罪中 (8:24 b)。”
- 路加福音 12:8-9 說, “我又告訴你們,凡在人面前認我的,人子在神的使者面前也必認他; 在人面前不認我的,人子在神的使者面前也必不認他。”
- 這些經文的含意是: 無疑地, 如果耶穌是神的兒子, 這種宣告只能被認為是最狹窄和討厭的教條主義的武斷。
(9) 耶穌與父神原為一
- 另一處公然的斷言記在約翰福音 (10:30)。 耶穌無保留地公開宣佈說, “衪與父原為一。”
- 毫無疑問地聽眾必明白耶穌正在說衪與父是同一本質的。
- 立即地, 他們拿石頭打衪, 因他們以為衪 “說僭妄的話” 並說, “你是個人, 反將自己當作神。” (v.33)
(10) 耶穌知道自已能行神蹟
- 另一個與耶穌身分有關的因素應被權衡, 就是衪自己知道衪能行神蹟. 這是耶穌自已相信衪的身分的一個重要評估。
- 耶穌強調衪的技藝是神國來臨的預示. 路加 (11:20) 說, “我若靠著神的能力趕鬼, 這就是神的國臨到你們了。” 作家 Ben Witherington 觀察: “雖然聖經多處記載有許多人也能行神蹟, 但他們不確定能力從何而來。
- 但耶穌知道患痲瘋病者得醫治, 死人復活是因為自己有神的能力, 所以衪並沒有把自己單視為一位 “行異能的大師” 之一, 因耶穌確知, “衪是裡面有神的應許, 並透過衪才能把那應許實現出來的那一位。” 可見這就不是一個對衪自己的超越性的模糊宣告了. 先知以賽亞 (35章) 指出, 神蹟是彌賽亞鑑定衪自己身分的方法之一。
- 那時,瞎子的眼必睜開,聾子的耳必開通;(V.5)
- 那時,瘸子必跳躍像鹿,啞巴的舌頭必能歌唱;在曠野必有水發出,在沙漠必有河湧流。(V.6)
(11) 耶穌知道自已有神性 (三個 “無所不”)
- 門徒約翰在 (約 16:30) 寫道, “現在我們曉得你凡事都知道 (無所不知 omniscience),也不用人問你,因此我們信你是從神出來的。”
- 耶穌承認約翰的話並自己說: “天上地下所有的權柄 (無所不能 omnipotence) 都賜給我了。”
- 所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗。凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在 (無所不在 omnipresence),直到世界的末了 (太 28:18-20)。”
耶穌的申明是非常清楚了. 但這裏有一個關鍵性的問題: 我們如何知道耶穌的申明是真確? 答案至少可聚焦在下列數方面的真實性: 衪由童女所生, 衪從死裡復活, 衪能行神蹟, 古代彌賽亞預言之應驗, 衪的無罪性, 和衪奇妙地插入人類的歷史當中等獨特性。
- “Who Made God?” by Ravi Zacharias and Norman Geisler; pp. 81-86.
- Ben Witherington is the author of “The Christology of Jesus”。
Christological self-understanding
(T.C. Lo April 10, 2020)
During this Good Friday and Easter week, we must ask: “Who is Jesus?” Every Christian must face this question squarely. Those who are against Christianity or atheists also put out their all-out effort to deny the divinity of Christ. After their “research”, they have found Jesus merely a moralist, a Jewish rabbi (teacher), a sage, an idol destroyer, or an instigator of the mob, or anything but God. If our answers are different from Jesus’ self-consciousness (self-understanding), they would be all incorrect answers.
Jesus knew the seriousness of this question early in His ministry, so he asked the Twelve: Who do people say the Son of Man is? They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Jesus turned to His followers, “But what about you?” he asked: “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. (Matthew 16:13-17). Jesus’ reply reflected He knew who He was. Christological self-understanding is a very crucial doctrine in Christianity.
Jesus and Mohammed were markedly different not just in the way they lived, what was more important was whether they understood the meaning of being called. When Muhammad claimed that he received spiritual revelation from Allah, he was very confused and did not know what it meant. He needed someone to tell him that this was the voice of God. But Jesus did clearly know who He was and from where He came. The following are evidence that Jesus has always a clear understanding of his own identity.
Jesus Himself claimed to be “the Son of Man”
- This title has been used by Jesus over 82 times in the Gospels, in particular, 14 times in Mark which are considered to be the earliest book among the four books.
- Critics consider that the use of this title was Jesus’ recognition of His humanity. But most scholars agree that Jesus was referencing to the vision of Daniel (7: 13-14) reported 600 years before His earthly ministry:
- “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. ” (Daniel 7:13)
- He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.” (Daniel 7:14)
- Jesus is 100% man and 100% God. Quite clear, the title “Son of Man” touches His divine nature rather than human nature according to Daniel.
- Even more amazing is the fact that Jesus’ self-proclaimed title “Son of Man” is mostly messianic, relating to His upcoming suffering and death and the ensuing glory. The Lord is teaching the disciples a new understanding of the long-awaited Messiah: suffering precedes glory.
- just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. (Mt. 20:28)
- When Jesus had finished saying all these things, he said to his disciples,“As you know, the Passover is two days away—and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified.” (Mt. 26:1-2)
- “I am,”said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” (Mark 14:62)
- “I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God.But whoever disowns me before others will be disowned before the angels of God. (Luke 12:8-9)
- And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man. (John 5:27)
Jesus uses “I Am” to declare His divinity
John 8:56-59 says,
(v. 56) Your father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad.”
(v. 57) “You are not yet fifty years old,” the Jews said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!”
(v. 58) “I tell you the truth,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!”
(v. 59) At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.
- This “I am” is what God said to Moses in the bush.「God said to Moses, “I am who I am . This is what you are to say to the Israelite: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ” ( 3:14)」
- After Jesus claimed to be that “I am,” the masses took stones to kill him, and regarded him as blasphemous because the Jewish people knew what “I am” meant.
Jesus’ authority to forgive sins shows that He is God
When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” (Mk. 2:5)
- Only God is qualified to meaningfully speak such words.
- If you have sinned against people, you have not just offended people, you have also offended God. So you ought to ask for forgiveness not just from the offended party, you must also ask God to forgive you.
- Jesus always taught his disciples by example. He commands believer to love one another, so He loves us first. Only when he taught his disciples to repent, he would never ask His father for forgiveness because he was sinless.
Jesus knew His standing in the kingdom of God
- Even by His selection of twelve disciples, we can see that Jesus also made transcendent announcements.
- According to Ben Witherington III (note) who asked, “If the twelve disciples represent the renewed Israel, then what is Jesus’ position?” He was in effect asking: “Will he not just be part of Israel? Will He not just be redeemed Part of the group? Witherington answered his own question by saying, “He shaped this group—just as God shaped His people in the Old Testament and established twelve tribes of Israel.” These are some clues about how Jesus thought of his status with respect to the Kingdom of God. ” (Note: Ben Witherington III is the author of “The Christology of Jesus”.)
Jesus’ teaching method
Another clue to Jesus’ self-understanding is related to His teaching method. When Jesus taught, he often used the following phrase as a starting point, “Truly, truly, I tell you,” (John appears 25 times). This is very revolutionary. Writer Witherington continues to explain: In Judaism, you need two witnesses to give testimony, but Jesus only witnesses the truth based on his own words.
- Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”(John 3:3)
- Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. (John 12:24)
- In that day you will ask nothing of me. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you. (John 16:23)
His teachings are not based on other authorities, but only on his own when He speaks. Here we see a Person who considers himself to have the authority higher than of all the Old Testament prophets. He believes that he has revelation not only belongs to God, like David had, he has the power and authority of the Word from God more than David had.
Jesus calls God the Father
- Jesus used the Aramaic term “Abba, Father” to refer to God. This reflects his closest relationship with God the Father: He said: “Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” (Mark 14:36)
- This name is incompatible with ancient Judaism. The devout Jews would avoid calling God ’s name, lest they might call him wrong.
- Witherington made this observation: “Abba, Father (Rom. 8:15)” means that Jesus was the creator of a close relationship that was not possible before. The question is who can establish this new relationship with God in the context of the covenant?
- For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” (Romans 8:14-15).
- Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” (Galatians 4:6).
- Jesus said that it is only through our relationship with Him that makes our relationship with God possible that we may cry to God, “Abba, Father.” This clearly shows how Jesus views himself.
Jesus accepts worship
- Another indicator of Jesus’ self-knowledge was his encounter with Thomas after his resurrection (John 20). Jesus invited Thomas to personally examine the evidence that He was indeed resurrected from the dead. Thomas declared in verse 28, “My Lord and my God!” Verse 29: Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”
- Jesus’ answer reveals His identity. Unless Jesus is God, Thomas’s declaration would have reached the apex of blasphemy. The fact that Jesus did not blame Thomas for calling Him Lord, but accepted His worship deliberately, is an indication that Jesus knows Who He is.
- Jesus’ choice to accept Thomas’s worship clearly indicated that He believed that He was God, so he deserves to be so revered. Similarly, the question to Jesus,” Who do you say I am? “Simon Peter replied,” You are Christ, the Son of the living God. ”(Matthew 16: 15-17). Instead of correcting Simon Peter ’s answer, Jesus confirmed that his answer was a revelation from God through the Holy Spirit.
Jesus clearly pointed out the way to eternal life
- Jesus clearly knows that people’s eternal destination depends on whether they believe in Him. The Gospel of John says: “I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins” (John 8:24).
- Luke says, “I tell you, whoever acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man will also acknowledge him before the angels of God. But he who disowns me before men will be disowned before the angels of God” (Luke 12:8-9).
- The implication of these verses is: Undoubtedly, had Jesus not been the Son of God, such a declaration would have been considered as the narrowest and hateful subjective dogmatism.
Jesus and the Father are One
- Another blatant assertion is recorded in the Gospel of John (10:30). Jesus declared publicly without reservation: “I and the Father are one.”
- There is no doubt that the audience will understand that Jesus is saying that He and the Father are of the same nature.
- Immediately, the Jews threw stones at Him, because they thought that He spoke blasphemy arrogantly. They shouted out loud, “You, a mere man, claim to be God?” (v. 33)
Jesus knew He can perform miracles
- Another factor related to Jesus’ identity should be weighed. He knows that he can perform miracles. This is an important assessment of Jesus’ belief in His identity.
- Jesus emphasized that his skills were a sign of the coming of the kingdom of God. Luke (11:20) said, “But if I drive out demons by the finger (or power) of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you.” Author Ben Witherington observed: “Although there are many places in the Bible where many people could perform miracles, but they were not sure where their power comes from.
- But Jesus knew that people with leprosy would be healed, and the dead were resurrected because he had the power of God, so He did not see Himself as one of the “masters of magic,” because Jesus knew that He is the one who has God’s promises in Him and only through Him, those promises can be fulfilled. It can be seen that this is not a vague declaration of his own transcendence. Prophet Isaiah (Chapter 35) points out that miracles are signs to authenticate Jesus’ Messiahship.
“Then will the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped. Then will the lame leap like a deer, and the mute tongue shout for joy. Water will gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert” (Isaiah 35:5-6)”
Jesus knew that he had the divine nature (three “Omnis”)
Based on the disciples’ knowledge of Him and His own declaration, we are certain that Jesus himself knows that He is God.
- The disciples said, “Now we can see that you know all things (omniscience) and that you do not even need to have anyone ask you questions. This makes us believe that you came from God.” (John 16:30)
- Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority (omnipotence) in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18).
- “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always (omnipresence), to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).
A Crucial Question
Jesus’ statement is very clear. But here is a key question: How do we know that Jesus’ statement is true? The answer can focus on at least the following aspects of facts: He was born of a virgin, He is raised from the dead, He can perform miracles, the fulfillment of the ancient Messiah prophecy, His sinlessness, and His wonderful involvement into the history of mankind—history is ultimately “His Story.”