從反對到信服 (From an Antagonist to an Advocate)

By T.C. Lo (盧天賜) – July 15, 2011

Christianity stands and falls on one person—Jesus Christ
Without Siddhartha Gautama there could still have Buddhism. Without Mohammed there could still have Islam. But without Jesus, there could never have Christianity. For those who tried to debunk Christianity by aiming their guns at Christians, they should know that there is a more effective way—they should aim their guns at Jesus directly. If they find Jesus is indeed falling short of being God or morally questionable, the entire system of Christianity will collapse. I challenge all skeptic friends to do thorough investigations. In history, there were such persons:

Sir Lionel Alfred Luckhoo (1914-1997) is considered one of the greatest lawyers in British history. He’s recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records as the “World’s Most Successful Advocate,” with 245 consecutive murder acquittals. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II – twice (’66 and ’69). After years of debunking the resurrection, Luckhoo declared in his book (Ref.1):

“I humbly add I have spent more than 42 years as a defense trial lawyer appearing in many parts of the world and am still in active practice. I have been fortunate to secure a number of successes in jury trials and I say unequivocally the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is so overwhelming that it compels acceptance by proof which leaves absolutely no room for doubt.”

Ref.1: Sir Lionel Luckhoo, The Question Answered: Did Jesus Rise from the Dead? Luckhoo Booklets, back page.

Dr. Frank Morison, a skeptical and rationalistic lawyer, thought the resurrection was a fairy story until he spent years of careful studies looked at the evidence and became convinced that Christ was raised from the dead. He had originally set out to write a book debunking the whole thing, but ended up publishing a brilliant defense called “Who Moved the Stone?” It talks about an unexplainable fact:

“This fact is that, sometime between the close of the thirty-six hour gap (after Christ’s death) and a period we cannot reasonably place more than six or seven weeks later, a profound conviction came to the little group of people…that Jesus had risen from the grave.”

History has borne witnesses to the validity of Christianity
• Just few years after these events (crucifixion and resurrection), the Christian church stretched from Jerusalem through Asia Minor to Rome itself—a phenomenal growth in face of tremendous persecutions.

• In 1949 persecution of God’s people in China commenced and the churches have suffered from all kinds of attacks since. By 1958 the government had closed all visible churches. Mao’s wife Jiang Qing, told foreign visitors, “Christianity in China had been confined to the history section of the museum. It is dead and buried.” In the 1970s a visiting Christian delegation from the United States reported, “There is not a single Christian left in China.” The simple fact that the Chinese church has grown into a force tens of millions strong today is a sign not only of God’s existence but also of his matchless power. In the 1970s the Chinese church, like a rosebud that has been closed for a long time, started to open up and reveal its beauty and life to the world again.


耶穌是基督教的核心. 那些试图推翻基督教的人常常把矛头指向信徒们。其实有一个更有效的办法:他们应该把矛头直接指向耶稣。如果他们发现耶稣不配为神,或道德上有缺陷,那么的整个基督教系统将崩溃。我挑战你的朋友做这种的调查。历史上的確有这样的人:

他被认为是英国历史上最伟大的律师之一。他连续245次成功地为谋杀案做无罪辩护,被吉尼斯世界纪录记为“世界上最成功的辩护律师”。 他被英国女王伊丽莎白二世两次封为爵士 (66年和69年)。他多年从事推翻耶稣复活之事的研究,卢克胡在他的书中这样宣称(注):

注:选自《问答:耶稣确实从死里复活吗?》的封底,作者:莱昂内尔 卢克胡公爵。

弗兰克 莫里森博士是个凡是持怀疑态度和唯理主义律师,他认为复活是一个童话故事。他花了很多年精心研究,仔细取证,最后相信了基督既从死里复活。他原本打算写一本书推翻复活之事,但最终出版了一本为它辩护的书,叫做《谁移动了石头?》。它讲述一个无法解释的事实


• 这些事件(指受难和复活)仅仅几年后,基督教会从耶路撒冷通过小亚细亚蔓延到罗马全地。

• 中国近代史见证神的存在:逼迫基督徒始于1949年, 教会在中国大受各样的攻击。及至1958年,政府関闭所有有形的教会。 毛泽东夫人江青告诉外国訪問者, “基督教在中国已经局限在博物馆的历史部门内。它已经死了并且埋葬了.” 在七零年代,从美国来的基督教代表團报道, “在中国已找不到一个基督徒了。” 今天教会在中国已经增长到几十憶的力量,这个简单的事实说明神的存在和祂无与伦比的大能。七零年代后,中国教会如玫瑰花的花蕾合闭了很长的时间,现在开花了, 再次向世界展現她的美丽和生命。

About Tin-chee Lo

Graduated from: National Taiwan University and Carnegie Mellon University. • Retired from IBM as engineer, scientist, and inventor since 2006. • Training: Computer Engineering (Semiconductor Devices, Circuit design, Memory design, Logic design, system-on-a-chip). • Interests after retirement: Christian apologetics, writing and teaching, and the art of painting.
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