Edited by T.C. Lo

With the “Every Four-Year” election right around the corner, how do we make difficult choices when living in a country with a Two-Party System?

As a starting point, I wish to draw out some principles through Christian politicians. I turned to ChatGPT for help. Although it provides me many names informationally, it cannot give me satisfactory spiritual guidance in terms of making sound judgments.

So, I had no choice but to go back to my private library of more than 200 books to explore the answer. Fortunately, I found an article written by Chuck Colson which I deem very biblical.  Colson was a politician and a Christian who had great influence on the kingdom of God. His article is copied verbatim below. I hope you enjoy reading it:

How Should a Christian Understand the Role of Government?

by Charles Colson

Christianity is about much more than salvation it speaks to all of life. “Jesus is Lord’ was the earliest baptismal confession. Scripture mandates taking dominion and cultivating the soil (Gen 1) and being salt and light (Mt 5:13-16). Abraham Kuyper, former Dutch prime minister and theologian, famously said, “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of human existence over which Christ, who is sovereign over all, does not cry out ‘Mine!’  

No area of cultural engagement is more important than government and politics: We are commanded to submit to governing authorities (Rm 13); Jesus Himself said, “Give back to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s” (Mt 22:21). This means Christians must be good citizens, pay taxes, obey laws, and serve (as called) in government, Augustine argued that Christians are to be the best citizens: what others do only because the law demands, we do out of love for God.

Because government is ordained by God to preserve order and do justice, we’re instructed to honor the king (1 Pt 2:13-17) and pray for those in authority that we might live peaceful lives (1 Tm 2:1-22). The only thing worse than bad government is anarchy.

The authorities are established by God, Paul said. Hence, John Calvin accorded the magistrate’s office as having one of the most important roles in any society-working as a servant for good (Rm 13:4). It’s a noble calling for Christians to enter public service. Contrary to common caricatures of politicians, some of the finest public servants I’ve known are serious believers who live out their faith in office without compromising their convictions.

The cultural mandate means the church has an important role to play with respect to political structures-working for justice, speaking prophetically, and often being the conscience of society, even when this means persecution, prison, or death, as it did for many in the confessing church in Nazi Germany. Though there have been times when the church has failed in this responsibility, thankfully today it’s at its post, the strongest voice in American society in defense of life and human rights. The church is also the agency that, in this age of terrorism, prophetically holds government to the moral boundaries of the just war tradition. Though in America we observe a strict separation of church and state (the state shouldn’t establish a state church or restrict the free exercise of religion), there should never be a separation of religion and public life. The public square needs religious influence; indeed, the Christian faith has played a critical role in shaping our institutions. Reformation doctrines such as sphere sovereignty (government doesn’t rule alone; all structures—the family, the church, private associations-have ordained responsibilities) and the rule of law made Western liberal democracy possible. Our Founding Fathers respected the “laws of nature and nature’s God,” recognizing that without a moral consensus resting upon Judeo-Christian tradition, virtue could not be maintained and self-government would fail. Noted historian Will Durant wrote that he could find no case in history where a nation survived without a moral code and no case where that moral code was not informed by religious truth.

But the church must approach its public role with caution and sensitivity. Pastors and other church leaders, for example, should never make partisan endorsements of candidates (which can divide our ranks and politicize the faith) or allow themselves to be in the hip pocket of any political party. That said, the pastor should never hesitate to speak boldly from the pulpit about pressing moral concerns.

There are clear dangers in dealing with politics. Among my duties as special counsel to President Nixon was winning the support of special interest groups. I found religious leaders easily impressed with the trappings of office. And later, watching from the outside, I saw Christian leaders succumb to these allures. There’s a fine line here. It was wrong when, for most of the twentieth century, evangelicals stood apart from politics; so too it’s wrong to allow ourselves to be married to a political party.

Christians individually and through organizations must engage in the political process, always preserving their independence and fulfilling the prophetic office (which may mean calling friends to account). Though Christians are to be the best of citizens, our first loyalty is not to the kingdom of man but to the kingdom of God.

Ref. 《The Apologetics Study Bible》,pp. 1802-1803

Appendix: 2024 Political platform Comparison

Source: Chinese Christian Crusade Monthly.




Supports a federal minimum wage of $15 an hour and public sector bargaining rights. Supports investment in AI Security Institute, a platform that opposes right-to-work laws.


呼籲增加美國入境口岸可檢測芬太尼 (Fentanyl) 的檢查機器數量。

Calls for increasing the number of screening machines that can detect fentanyl at U.S. ports of entry.



Support background checks for gun purchases, a federal ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and red flag laws that allow for the temporary confiscation of guns that may pose a danger to others. End gun manufacturers’ immunity from civil liability for gun-related crimes committed by their products.


呼籲免費普及幼兒園教育,加強特許學校的問責制,貿易學校和社區學院免費學費,增加佩爾助學金 (Pell Grants) 的數量。反對私立學校學券計劃。

Calls for free universal kindergarten education, strengthened charter school accountability, free tuition at trade schools and community colleges, and increased Pell Grants. Oppose private school voucher programs.



Democrats support federal legislation to legalize abortion in all 50 states. Additionally, taxpayers are called upon to fund abortion. Expresses support for medical abortion, expanded access to birth control, and in vitro fertilization.

TAXES (稅務)

呼籲為低收入和中等收入美國人減稅,為億萬富翁設定25%的最低稅率• 提高富人的醫療保險工資稅,將企業稅率從21%提高到28%.擴大兒童稅收抵免,為首次購房者提供一萬美元免稅額。

Calls for tax cuts for low- and middle-income Americans and a 25% minimum tax rate for billionaires • Increases the Medicare payroll tax for the wealthy and increases the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. Expand the child tax credit to provide a $10,000 tax exemption for first-time homebuyers.



The Democratic Party platform expresses support for Ukraine, calls for effective diplomacy to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons state, calls for peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, and calls for restrictions on China’s access to certain technologies. The Israeli platform calls for the defeat of Hamas, a ceasefire in the Israel/Hamas war, and a two-state solution that would create a Palestinian state.



The Democratic platform calls for the passage of the Equality Act, which would ban discrimination based on gender identity nationwide. It also called for the expansion of lesbian (LGBT) mental health and suicide prevention efforts and the elimination of “gender dysphoria mental health services.”



Democrats have expressed support for providing a path to citizenship for long-term illegal immigrants. The platform also calls for a secure southern border; expansion of legal immigration, including increased family and employment visas, legal counsel for asylum seekers; emergency authorization to deport immigrants; and continuation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.



Democrats expressed support for the Respect Marriage Act, a 2022 federal law requiring the U.S. government and all state governments to recognize same-sex marriage.


反對削減醫療保險,呼籲增加預防性護理的資金。呼籲將健康保險保費稅收抵免永久化,並呼籲將醫療補助擴大到全國。此外,還要求處方藥費用每年上限為 2,000美元,胰島素價格每月上限為35美元。

Oppose cuts to Medicare and call for increased funding for preventive care. Calls to make the health insurance premium tax credit permanent and to expand Medicaid nationwide. It also requires capping prescription drug costs at $2,000 per year and capping insulin prices at $35 per month.




Calls for reducing federal regulations and federal spending, removing restrictions on energy production, imposing tariffs on foreign-made products, and encouraging the growth of cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence.



Call on the U.S. Navy to inspect ships for fentanyl and fentanyl raw materials.



Express support for the right to bear arms. Note: At the beginning of the founding of the country, the United States legislated for citizens to own guns because “if a dictator appears, the people can resist with force.”



Call for universal school choice (i.e., support the voucher program to allow parents to freely choose private schools for their children); renew teachers’ salaries and end teachers’ tenure; promote parental rights, religious freedom, and civic education; and eliminate the indoctrination of students into gender ideologies, sexual orientation, Funding for schools of behavioral or critical race theory.



The Republican platform endorses the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which protects against deprivation of life or liberty without due process of law. The platform states that states are free to pass laws protecting life and liberty. Opposes late-term abortion and supports birth control and in vitro fertilization.

TAXES (稅務)

呼籲將 2017年減稅和就業法案各部分永久化,包括標準扣除額加倍和擴大兒童稅收抵免。還呼籲對工人減稅,對擁有住房實行稅收激勵措施,並取消餐廳和酒店工作人員的小費稅。    

Calls to make parts of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 permanent, including doubling the standard deduction and expanding the child tax credit. There are also calls for tax cuts for workers, tax incentives for homeownership and the elimination of tip taxes for restaurant and hotel workers.



The Republican platform calls for the creation of the Iron Dome air defense system for the United States. It also called on U.S. allies to pay their fair share for their own defense. Supports Israel and says China should be banned from buying U.S. property and industry.



The Republican Party said it would prevent men from engaging in behavior that violates women’s privacy (such as entering women’s restrooms and locker rooms). Eliminate taxpayer funding for gender reassignment surgeries, prevent schools from promoting gender transition, and overturn the Biden administration’s Title IX regulations.



Republicans call for building a wall on the U.S. southern border; restoring the Trump administration’s border policies, including the Remain in Mexico policy and the Trump travel ban; using military personnel to support border enforcement; increasing penalties for immigration crimes; sending trafficked undocumented children to Returning to parents in their country of origin; merit-based immigration; and defunding sanctuary cities.



Republicans have not taken a position on the issue.



Oppose cuts to health insurance and support preserving and strengthening health insurance. Calls for expanded primary care services and health care options for veterans.

About Tin-chee Lo

Graduated from: National Taiwan University and Carnegie Mellon University. • Retired from IBM as engineer, scientist, and inventor since 2006. • Training: Computer Engineering (Semiconductor Devices, Circuit design, Memory design, Logic design, system-on-a-chip). • Interests after retirement: Christian apologetics, writing and teaching, and the art of painting.
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