What does it mean by taking “a leap of faith”? 如何理解 “信仰的飛躍” 一詞?

By Tin-chee (TC) Lo (盧天赐)

“A Leap of Faith” is a phrase oftentimes used by secularists to sneer at Christians of their having blind faith. Therefore, “A Leap of Faith” is a phrase typically means to believe something with little or no evidence. In that sense, it has a negative connotation for Christianity because the Christian faith is not without evidences. 

For example, when we believe in the resurrection of Christ, we never take a leap of faith, we took pain to examine all evidences.

I like Lee Strobel’s definition: “Faith means to go in the direction where the evidences point.” 

Also, Ravi Zacharias, in order to give a proper balance between faith and reason, said: “God has put enough into the world to make faith in Him a most reasonable thing, and He has left enough to make it impossible to live by sheer reason.”

Jesus never asks us to “take a leap of faith”. On the contrary, He asked us to “look before you leap.” (Luke 14:28). Therefore, “A Leap of Faith” is not faith. That’s credulity. That’s superstition.

You may also find this resource helpful: https://www.ligonier.org/ and search for “a leap of faith”.

如何理解 “信仰的飛躍” 一詞?

“信仰的飛躍 (a leap of faith)” 是世俗主義者經常用來嘲笑基督徒盲目信仰的短語。因此, 這個短語通常意味著在很少或沒有證據的情況下相信某事。從這個意義上說,它對基督教具有負面含義,因為基督教信仰並非沒有證據。


我喜歡Lee Strobe 的定義:“信仰意味著朝著證據指向的方向前進。”


耶穌從來沒有要求我們作出 “信仰的飛躍”。相反,他要求我們 “三思而後行 (Look before you leap” (路加福音 14:28). 因此, “信仰的飛躍” 不是信心, 乃是輕信。乃是迷信。

About Tin-chee Lo

Graduated from: National Taiwan University and Carnegie Mellon University. • Retired from IBM as engineer, scientist, and inventor since 2006. • Training: Computer Engineering (Semiconductor Devices, Circuit design, Memory design, Logic design, system-on-a-chip). • Interests after retirement: Christian apologetics, writing and teaching, and the art of painting.
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