Power in unity (Acts 2:1-21)
By Pastor Rob Smith
at House of Christ's Love
What is Unity? What does it mean?
1. It means that we recognize the value of diversity within the church.
2. It means that If the church is to accomplish anything for Him, we must stand together.
Why was the Early Church united?
I. They were driven by Mission
Their mission was already given to them in Matthew 28: 16 and Acts 1:8
Our motive and reason leads us to our objective unity. Our objective is given by Jesus. To go into all the
world and make disciples. That is the Great Commission.
The second area of unity for the early church was that
2. They had a great vision
Proverbs 29:18 – “Where there is no vision the people perish;”
We read here in Acts 2:1 it says, “When the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one
accord in one place”
A. They had different PURSUITS and VOCATIONS.
Acts 1:15 tells us that there were about 120 people present. Some were fishermen, like Peter, James
and John. Matthew had been a tax collector. Simon had been a political subversive. Jesus’ brothers were
present, and it is likely that they had been in the carpentry trade. These were people with different
backgrounds and different outlooks on life. There was no reason for them to be together. But…
B. They had a common REASON and MOTIVE to be together.
There was something deep down in each one of these people that kept them together for this extended
period of time. They knew that Jesus had promised them something, and they were waiting and praying
for it.
3. Their strategy was simple
Their strategy was to Change Their World!! And they did this by
1. Growing Spiritually - and we can find three ways in this scripture of how they did that
2. By praying
3. Doing Life together
4. Giving to others
5. Praising God (vs. 47) “they were praising God……”) –
Praise to God is expressed outwardly through our everyday actions, as well as inwardly in our thoughts.
Praise is an act of Christian worship.
6. Sharing their faith (vs. 47) “and they had favor with all the people, And the lord added to their
number daily those who were being saved.)
Here’s a little formula that can help us share our faith….