January 23, 2011

Sermon: A Dangerous Church (Acts 2:42-47) 大有能力的教會(使徒行傳 2章:42-47)
Speaker: Pastor Rob Smith 史密斯牧師

Big Idea – Our one area of focus is on worshipping God.
重點 :敬拜神

How can we stay focused and worship God?

1. Growing Spiritually.在靈裏成長.(2:42)
    They took personal responsibility for their own spiritual growth (2:42)
    They met together in large groups (2:46a)
    They met together in large groups (2:46a)

2. Praying.禱告.(2:42)
    Philippians 腓立比書 4:6-7
    Matthew 馬太福音 6:9-13

3. Doing life together.一同生活.(2:42,44,46)
    Fellowship 團契 (2:42)
    They were together and had everything in common 信的人都在一處、凡物公用.(2:44)
    They met together and they broke bread in their homes 他們一起聚會、在家中擘餅.(2:46)

4. Giving to others.供應他人需要.(2:45)
    They sold their possessions and goods 他們賣了田產家業.(2:45a)
    They gave to everyone as they had need 他們照各人所需用的分給各人.(2:45b)

5. Praising God.讚美神,(2:47)
    Through Prayer 藉著禱告
    Through testimony 藉著見證
    Through Singing 藉著詩歌

6. Sharing our faith.分享我們的信仰 (2:47)
    Here’s a little formula that can help us share our faith: 分享我們信仰的方法

  • invest in relationships 培養與人的關係
  • initiate spiritual conversations 與人談你的信仰
  • inspire others by telling your story 分享你的故事
  • invite them to community 邀請人來教會
  • include them in the life of the church 領人認識教會生活