February 15, 2013

春節火鍋大餐  Chinese New Year Hot Pot Dinner

為了慶祝農曆新年,教會在2013年2月15日用中國傳統 的圍爐吃年夜飯方式舉辦愛宴,請大家共進火鍋大餐。當天晚上席開九鍋,六十餘位弟兄姐妹來賓參加。飯後大家一起作讚美操健身,賓主盡歡,共度了在傳統中有創新, 溫暖的一夜。以下是晚宴相簿。
To celebrate Chinese New Year, the House of Christ’s Love hosted a traditional hot pot dinner on February 15, 2013. Nine tables were set up and more than 60 people attended the event. Everyone got to enjoy great do-it-yourself Chinese food, and celebrate the arrival of another Chinese new year. The night ended with a bit of aerobic after dinner. Bleow are photos taken at the dinner.