2016 HOCL Christmas gathering 2016 主爱之家圣诞晚会
Location : Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie, 70 Hooker Ave, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (where the new location of "Hudson Chinese Hub" is.)
Time : Saturday Evening 6:30pm, 12/17/2016 (dinner starts at 6:30pm, program follows)
All are welcome.
地点: Reformed Church of Poughkeepsie, 70 Hooker Ave, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (新的华人乒乓球俱乐部)
时间: 12/17 星期六晚上六点半聚餐开始,餐后晚会
2016 年感恩見證聚會 2016 Thanksgiving Gathering
2016 Summer Picnic 暑期野餐
Let us end the summer 2016 with a memorable picnic. Come join us with great food and fellowship at Bowdoin Park this Saturday. Welcome all to bring friends and picnic food to make the feast plentiful for both body and soul.
Time: 11am-late afternoon, Saturday, 8/20/2016
Location: Pavilion 1, Dutchess County Bowdoin Park
Address: 85 Sheafe Rd, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Announcement 请注意
2016年7月24日主日崇拜将在教育楼举行. 时间照常(中午12:00点).
Sunday worship on July 24, 2016 will be held in Education Building at the same time as before (12:00pm).
2016 阵亡将士纪念日野餐 2016 Memorial Day Picnic
5月30日礼拜一上午11点. Bowdoin Park
11:00AM, Monday May 30, Bowdoin Park
欢迎大家扶老携幼来参加. All are welcome!
公告 Announcement
- 3/24/2016 周四晚上7点 - FCON教会濯足节礼拜.
- 3/25/2016 周五晚上7点 - 我们与美国FCON教会一同举行受难日礼拜,一起思念耶稣为我们受难。全程以英文进行。
- 3/27/2016 周日早上10点- 我们与美国FCON教会一同欢渡复活节礼拜,有中英翻译。礼拜后有儿童捡蛋游戏,欢迎邀请有孩子的家庭一同参与。当日主日学和午餐暂停。
Please note the following Easter-related changes on worship schedule:
- March 24th 7pm - FCON Maundy Thursday service at the church.
- March 25th 7pm - Joint Good Friday service with FCON.
- March 27th 10am - Joint Easter Worship with FCON. Children egg-hunt follows the service. There will be no Sunday School and lunch service on that day.
Hot-Pot Gathering night 元宵火锅
6:00pm, Saturday, 3/5/2016, at Church fellowship hall
元宵剛過,我們期盼此時有一個輕鬆溫暖的團圓聚會。3月5日星期六晚上六點敬邀大家一起來享受傳統圍爐火鍋。不但藉此敘舊分享情誼,也認識新朋友。歡迎您 邀請親友一同前來。教會將會預備豐盛的火鍋食料。也歡迎諸位帶熟食或點心及飲料齊來分享。期待您的到來,彼此分享神在我們身上的恩典。
Chinese New Year just passed. We hope we can gather together as a family to prepare the new year to come. You are cordially invited to join us for a relaxed and joyful Chinese traditional hot-pot dinner gathering next Saturday, 3/5/16. People's fellowship and friendship will surely warm each other's heart. Please invite your family and friends to come. You are welcome to bring dessert and/or soft drink to share too.
Announcement 請注意
2015年11月22日主日崇拜將在教育樓舉行. 請每家自行攜帶折椅.
Sunday worship of November 22, 2015 will be held in Education Building. Please bring folding chairs if you could.
2015 感恩節聚會 2015 Thanksgiving gathering
禮拜六 11月21日. Saturday, November 21
請注意特別聚會地點 Please note location of the Thanksgiving gathering:
2 St Nicholas Road, Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Exit to New Hackensack Road (Route 104) at the intersection of Wendy's, Home Depot and Rite Aid. Proceed 2 miles on New Hackensack Road to pass the first light. Continue 300 yards after the light to the first right to St Nicholas Road. The club building is the first house on the right.
2015 End-of-Summer Picnic 2015 夏季結束野餐
Pavilion B, Wilcox Park, 11:00am, August 15
Pavilion B, Wilcox Park, 8月15日早上11點
2015 2nd Summer Picnic 2015 暑期野餐(2)
Wilcox Park, 11:00am, July 25
Wilcox Park, 7月25日早上11點
2015 Summer Picnic 夏季野餐
2015 元宵火鍋聚餐 Lantern festival hot pot dinner
三月七日下午6點在教會. 6PM, March 7th at Church
Announcement 公告
Please note that there will be a one-time schedule change for the month of December:
December 7th: HoCL worship starts at 2:00pm in Education Building. There will be no Sunday school on that day.
12月7日: 下午2點在教育樓開始崇拜,主日學暫停一周.
Announcement 公告
Please note that there will be two one-time schedule changes for the month of November and December:
November 23rd: HoCL congregation will attend FCON's worship at 10am to celebrate the installment of Pastor Ron Pankey. No separate Sunday worship or Sunday school will be held.
11月23日: 主愛之家會眾將參加Fishkill 拿撒勒教會上午10點的崇拜. 慶祝 Ron Pankey 牧師就任. 主愛之家當天的崇拜及主日學均暫停一周.
December 7th: HoCL worship starts at 4:30pm. Sunday school starts at 3:30pm.
12月7日: 下午3點半開始主日學, 4點半開始崇拜,
2014 Spring Picnic 春季野餐
House of Christ's Love will hold a Spring picnic at 11:00AM, Saturday, 06/07/2014 in Wilcox Park. All are welcome.
主愛之家2014年春季野餐在6月7日禮拜六上午11點在 Wilcox Park 舉行, 歡迎大家參加.
Announcement 公告
Please note: Effective February 2, 2014, the Sunday worship time is changed to 11:45AM, Sunday school starts at 10:30 AM .
請注意: 自2014年2月2日起主日崇拜時間改為上午11點45分,主日學時間為早上10點30分
New Year hot-pot gathering 新年火锅聚餐
House of Christ’s Love (HOCL) will host a Chinese New Year hot-pot gathering on Friday, 6:30pm, 2/14/2014, at the church. All are welcome. Everyone is invited.
主爱之家将在2014年2月14日(星期五)下午6点30分在教会举办春节火锅晚会. 欢迎大家参加.
感恩节聚会 2013年11月23日
Thanksgiving Gathering November 23, 2013.
October 11-12, 2013. 2013年10月11-12日
HOCL encourages everyone to attend the New York Missions Conference held on October 11-12. For details, please see http://www.nymissionconference.net/ 以下是特會宣傳海報 (點圖放大)
主愛之家鼓勵大家參加10月11-12日舉行的紐約宣教特會. 詳情請看特會網頁: http://www.nymissionconference.net/ Below is a flyer of the conference (Click on image to enlarge)
Location Change For Church Picnic 教會野餐地点改变,
Due to expected poor weather, we will change our church picnic location to the Fellowship Hall of the church at the same time (11:00am)
因为天气的原因, 5月25日星期六的野餐地点将改到教会的交谊厅. 时间不变
Upcoming Event 活動預報
A church picnic will be held on Saturday 5/25 during Memorial Day weekend at Fellowship Hall of FCON. All are welcome.
請注意 Announcement
因為大雪, 教會決定將2月8日晚上的春節圍爐聚餐移到禮拜五2月15日舉行. 時間地點仍是6點半在教會. 歡迎大家參加.
Due to inclement weather, Church decides to move the February 8 hot pot dinner to Friday, February 15. It will still be held 6:30PM at Church. All are welcome.
January 27, 2012, 2012年1月27日
January 28, 2012, 2012年1月28日
敬拜工作坊 (粵語/國語)(詳情)
Topics: Spiritual training of a worship personnel, worship leader, piano accompaniment, voice, guitar, drums
中華海外宣道會Overseas Chinese Mission
154 Hester St., New York, NY 10013
January 28, 2012, 2012年1月28日
2012主題: 以生命影響生命。 ("將生命的道表明出來、叫我在基督的日子、好誇我沒有空跑、也沒有徒勞。" 腓立比書 2:16)
Theme of 2012: Lives Affecting Lives ("As you hold out the word of life--in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing." Philippians 2:16)
Announcement 請注意
The prayer meeting on the evening of Wednesday, December 26th, is cancelled due to inclement weather. We will instead hold the year-end prayer meeting at church on Sunday, December 30th around 7:30PM, after the worship service,
12月26日禮拜三晚間的禱告會因天候不良取消. 我們將在12月30日主日崇拜後舉行年終禱告會.
Announcement 請注意
The prayer meeting on the evening of Wednesday, November 7th, is cancelled due to inclement weather.
纽约宣教特会 2012 年10月5-7日
New York Missions Conference October 5-7, 2012
纽约宣教特会为十多个在纽约州的华人教会,为同心扩展神的国度而计画在2012 年10月5-7日举行的联合宣教特会。会中将邀请戴继宗牧师 (左图) 为2012 年的主要讲员。主爱之家是参与教会之一。详情请看特会网站 http://www.nymissionconference.net.
The vision of New York Missions Conference is to join force and share resources among Chinese churches to promote the ministry of the Great Commission. It is sponsored by more than 10 Chinese churches and missions organizations in the greater New York area. The 1st joint-mission conference will be held on October 5-7, 2012. Rev. James Taylor (Picture above) will be the conference keynote speaker. House of Christ’s Love is one of the sponsoring churches. Please see http://www.nymissionconference.net for details.
活動預報 Upcoming Event
2012年2月15日 February 15, 2012
在今年二月十五日禮拜三下午七點半, 教會將在教育屋舉辦一個關於禱告會的訓練課程, 周逸方牧師將在課程中分享如何全教會一起禱告. 歡迎大家參加.
A special training of prayer meeting will be held at 7:30pm, Wednesday, February 15 in the church education building. Pastor Robert Chou will share with us how to pray as a church. All are welcome.
我們是一群家庭, 蒙神呼召而在2011年1月1日開始了主愛之家這個華人教會. 請看我們的 信仰宣言, 使命與負擔, 及核心價值觀.
We are a group of families, who were called by the Lord to start The House of Christ’s Love Chinese Christian Church on January 1st, 2011. Here are our statement of faith, mission, and core values.
聚會時間 Meeting Time
禮拜日 Sunday |
主日崇拜 Worship (中文, English) |
5:30pm - 6:45pm | |
兒童崇拜 Children Worship | 5:30pm - 6:45pm | ||
晚餐 Dinner |
6:45pm - 7:30pm | ||
禮拜三 Wednesday |
禱告會 Prayer Meeting |
8:00pm - 9:30pm | |
禮拜五 Friday |
青少年團契 Youth Group Fellowship |
7:30pm - 10:30pm | |
小組團契 Small Group Fellowship | 7:45pm - 10:30pm |
Announcement 公告 The worship time of House of Christ's Love has been changed to 5:00 pm starting Sunday, November 6, 2011. |
Upcoming Events 近期活動
Saturday, November 19, 2011. 2011年11月19日禮拜六
Thanksgiving Dinner 感恩節聚餐
Let all have breath give thanks to the Lord. House of Christ's Love Thanksgiving Gathering will be held on Saturday, November 19, 2011 at 6PM in FCON. Share your wonderful dish. But best of all share your wonderful blessing from our God.
Announcement: Due to flooding in the church parking lot, the Sunday service on August 28, 2011 is cancelled.
請注意 由於教會停車場淹水, 教會決定取消.8月28日禮拜日的主日崇拜.
近期活動 Upcoming Events
Sunday, June 12, 2011. 2011年6月12日禮拜日
A special High School Senior send-off service will be held at 5:30pm on Sunday June 12th at HoCL Please come and join us to encourage and give blessings to our High school seniors of class 2011. A special dinner will be served at 7:10pm after the worship service. You may bring a desert to share if you wish.
近期活動 Upcoming Events
Friday, April 22, 2011. 2011年4月22日禮拜五
Good Friday Special Service 耶穌受難日特別聚會
主愛之家教會將在4月22日禮拜五晚上7點30分在教會大堂舉行耶穌受難日特別聚會. 聚會中將有擘餅及訊息. 請大家預備心來參加.
The House of Christ's Love Chinese Christian Church will be holding a Good Friday special service on April 22 at 7:30pm. There will be Holy Communion service and message during the service. Please prepare your hearts for this gathering.
Saturday, April 23, 2011. 2011年4月23日禮拜六
Easter egg hunt 復活節撿蛋
On Saturday, April 23, FCON church will be hosting a community wide EASTER EGG HUNT for kids (Preschool-5th Grade). It will be held at 10am in the morning at the church. Please come and enjoy the event with the children. Please bring candies the night before if you can to support the event.
Sunday, April 24, 2011. 2011年4月24日禮拜日
Easter Sunday Service 復活節主日崇拜
主愛之家教會將在4月24日禮拜日下午5點30分在教會大堂舉行復活節主日崇拜. 主愛之家教會也鼓勵會眾參與Fishkill 拿撒勒教會當天上午的活動..
The House of Christ's Love Chinese Christian Church will be holding Easter Sunday service at regular hours of 5:30pm on April 24. HoCL also encourages congregation to participate in Fishkill Church of Nazarene's Easter activities during the day.
近期活動 Upcoming Events
Sunday, April 10, 2011. 2011年4月10日禮拜日
Workshop 專題研討會
主愛之家教會將在4月10日禮拜日下午4點在教會大堂舉行專題研討會. 題目是"如何帶領小組查經". 由周逸駒弟兄主講. 歡迎大家參加.
The House of Christ's Love Chinese Christian Church will hold a condensed workshop at 4pm, Sunday, April 10, 2011 at church. The topic is "How to lead an effective small group bible study". Brother George Chou will be the main speaker. All are welcome.
February 12, 2011. 2011年2月12日
主愛之家鼓勵會眾參與Fishkill 拿撒勒教會在2月12日的"冬衣交換"活動.如果您有感動,請挑選狀況良好的舊衣物在2月6日帶到教會.
HoCL encourages congregation to participate in Fishkill Church of Nazarene's "Free Clothing Exchange" activities on February 12. If you are interested in, please bring gently used winter clothing that is in good condition to church on Sunday, February 6.
2011年1月2日 下午4時30分
Inaugural Holy Communion Service
4:30PM, January 2, 2011
Sunday worship
5:30PM, Sundays