“I used to ….” ———- Journal of reflection 2/10/2014

Some of you may realize that we are creatures of habit. We tend to sit on the same seat in a meeting room or the same spot in our house, we put our keys at the same pocket, wear the same jacket day by day, and in favor of the same food, etc. As far as habit goes, this is where we always said, “I used to do so and so…”  Interesting thing is the phrase “I used to do so and so” could mean that I have either a good or a bad habit and now is gone. Or, I have some good old days and now they are gone.

Last weekend, we went to a Chinese New Year celebration party, locally. Apart from enjoying the food and programs, we had a chance to meet and talk to some of our old acquaintances. It is great to see them, but the bad is for a moment I couldn’t even remember some of their names. “Bad, this is really embarrassing!” I told myself.

I thought I used to be good at memorizing people’s names but now is not the case anymore. Then, in the middle of my conversation with one of my old friends at the party, my friend asked, “Do you still practice Tai-chi exercise?  I remember that you used to do it.” I told him that yes, I used to be but now is kind of “off and on” due to my back problem.  “Isn’t Tai-chi exercise supposed to be good for your back?” my friend pressed. “Yes, if you practice it diligently.” I smiled.

Oftentimes, we may give up a good habit in exchange of a bad one and it causes impact to our life subsequently. Therefore, “I used to do something” may hint a warning implicitly. This reminds me of what Apostle Paul indicated to us. He told us that we used to live in the ways of this world and we were dead in our transgressions and sins, because of our cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts (Ephesians 2:1-3). Paul revealed to us our “used-to-be” status which we used to have bad habits in following our desires and thoughts in flesh. He also told us that because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved (Ephesians 2:4-5). What a gracious deliverance!

Because of Christ’s gracious deliverance, we can proudly say that we used to be dead in sins and transgressions and now we were made alive with Him. This lets me remember John Newton’s “Amazing Grace” – I once was lost but now am found, was blind, but now I see.

My dear friends, if you recognize the used-to-be status, which is not so good, and you want to have a change, then, here is a promise from God — if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17, NKJV) 若有人在基督裡,他就是新造的人,舊事已過,都變成新的了.  May you become a new creation!

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.

“Are you invincible?” ———— Journal of reflection 2/3/2014

Last weekend was the Chinese New Year, my family went to a celebration gathering with many families and we had a great time. According to Chinese zodiac tradition, this is a year of “horse” and therefore, the phrase “to win an instant success 馬到成功” was mentioned frequently among the Chinese community. This is a common phrase that is used for congratulating or wishing luck to others. Apart from good luck, it has a connotation of invincibleness too – it implies that when he or she comes, it will be an instant success.

Isn’t that great to be invincible? I am not sure about you, this was my attitude in my younger days. I thought I was invincible and I can do everything. I felt that there is always opportunity waiting for me. As I grew older, the reality kicks in – I find that there are a lot of things I couldn’t do. May be this is so-called “maturing” 🙂

How about those who are rich and famous? Are they invincible? It may appear to be so from surface but in reality, they are not. In fact, we saw numerous examples of the rich and famous become penniless and infamous in a brink of eyes. All in all, it is like the author of the book of Ecclesiastes said, “vanity of vanities; all is vanity! 虛空的虛空,凡事都是虛空 (Ecclesiastes 1:2)”

If we realize that all is vanity and we are NOT invincible, then we can learn to be humble before the one who is invincible – our God, as He is the God Almighty and He is our Creator. But, is there any possibility that we can be invincible, in any shape or form? Yes, only through His son, Jesus Christ because Apostle Paul told us that “flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. 血肉之體,不能承受神的國‧必朽壞的,不能承受不朽壞的 (1 Corinthians 15:50)”. Only when we receive Jesus as our personal savior, then our corruptible flesh can be transformed into incorruptible and in Jesus Christ, as apostle Paul declared, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). That is what I called the true “invincibleness”.

My dear friends, do you want to be invincible? There is no other way but through Jesus Christ because He is “the Way, the Truth and the Life”!

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.

“Do you trust Him?” ——- Journal of reflection 1/26/2014

Last Wednesday, I saw my colleague with a downcast during a meeting. After the meeting, we had a chat and I found out that he was upset about his performance grading. To be honest, I was surprised too in learning his result as I know he led and drove many good achievements for the company. Oftentimes this kind of news is very demoralizing. The next day, I had a chance to talk to another colleague. I was also surprised to find out that he is in the same boat as the other one. This tells me that there is something unusual about to happen. In light of last year’s resource action, the rumor of a similar action may soon be repeated in the local area soars. “How do you deal with this kind of situation?” is a question swirls around my mind.

Coincidentally, we discussed a topic called “The Value of Suffering” during our small group meeting on last Friday. Most of us felt this topic familiar and practical as we all have our share in experiencing difficult situations and hardships during our life journey. The discussion was again centered on the same question, “What are our experiences and how do we deal with such situations?” From the past experiences, we learned that difficult situations may drown a person or upscale one’s faith to a different level. The key to deal with difficult situations is what kind of attitude we have towards the situations.

Someone once said, “Times of trouble are times for trust”. If we choose complaining and grumbling, like Israelites did in the wilderness, it will definitely make our situation even harder to bear – we will be drowned. On the other hand, if we choose to trust in God and wait patiently, then we can face the situation with peace and strength, because He promised us that “those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. 但那等候耶和華的,必重新得力。他們必如鷹展翅上騰,他們奔跑卻不困倦,行走卻不疲乏。(Isaiah 40:31)”.  In a similar teaching, Apostle Peter also asked us to cast all our anxiety on our Lord Jesus because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). King David in his psalm 40 also indicated to us his experience of delivery from God. He said, “I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry. (Psalm 40:1) 我曾耐性等候耶和華,他垂聽我的呼求。

Life storms can be detrimental if we don’t know whom to trust. In disciples’ experience of rescue, by Jesus, during troubled storm in the Sea of Galilee, they realize that He is the Lord of Storms (Luke 8:22-25). Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, we have to learn that God may lead us into troubled waters in order to deepen our trust in Him — it is crucial for us to learn to trust our Lord Jesus as the “Lord of All”.  This is the reason why I ask the question, “Do you trust Him?”

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.

“The back pain problem” Journal of Reflection 1/19/2014

Last Sunday when I was in a rush to vacuum my car, I suddenly felt “funny” on my back – I can’t move, because a sharp pain traveled from my lower back up to my right hand. “Uh-oh” I told myself. As painful as it is, I realize that I messed up my back inadvertently. As a result, I have to ask my kids’ help to finish my work.

In the following few days, I have had a hard time to walk and to move around freely. Even the simplest daily task of brushing my teeth and washing my face is too difficult for me to perform because I can’t bend my back without pain. I have to rely on my wife’s help in a lot of things.

Back to my working place days later, my colleagues share with me their similar experiences – “It is always in the middle of careless acts or simple tasks that your back went out”, they said. Apparently, it is a common problem for those who like to be a handyman. 🙂

As we all know, our back is really where our spine is. It supports our body in standing and bending and, to move around freely. Problem in your spine, due to various reasons such as injury, would almost guarantee you to have a miserable life experience. Spine problem, a.k.a. back problem, is commonly seen either around the neck or around the lower back. In fact, the lower back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide, according to the Global Burden of Disease 2010. And, one-half of all working Americans admit to having back pain symptoms each year. So, back pain problem is very prevalent.

The seriousness of the back pain problem lets me think of a current problem in the States – expelling Christianity from all aspects of the country. If we consider spine is the support of our human body, Christianity is like the spine of this country because it was established by our founding fathers to serve as a foundation for the country.  When we don’t want the “back support” of the country, the country suffers from the similar “back pain problem” as our body.  It causes a lot of pains to the country – disintegrating marriage and family and shattering economical stability. The cure to this problem is to have a healthy back, i.e., Christian value system.

In this unsettling world, following the crowd is not always a wise and correct decision. When we follow the majority to forsake the Christian value system, we are bounded to have a back pain problem all over our life. To cure the problem, we have to come back to our God. This is the reason Prophet Jeremiah told the Israelites to repent because God promised that, “Return, faithless people; I will cure you of backsliding. 你們這背道的兒女阿、回來罷.我要醫治你們背道的病。(Jeremiah 3:22a)”.  It is my prayer that this country can free from the back pain problem – return to the bosom of the loving God again.

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.

“To choose a high quality of life” —– Journal of reflection 1/12/2014

Recently I had a chance to chat with my colleague, in the hallway, about his purchasing experience of a new automobile. He told me that he is tired of his car problems – not only there are so many recalls issued from the automobile manufacturer but also quirks and malfunctions are frequently encountered. “This is used to be a reliable and well recognized automobile that people love to own. But in recently years, its build quality was not there anymore”, sighed by my colleague. For this reason, he decided to retire his old automobile and try his luck on a different automobile manufacturer for his new car purchase.

As we are so depending upon automobiles as our daily transportation, a car problem is oftentimes deemed to be costly, inconvenient and even unacceptable. Without a good quality and reliable automobile, we are bounded to run into frustrations and inconveniences. Besides, they create many unwelcome interruptions and pressures to our life. Ironically, automobile manufacturers frequently risk their reputation in exchange of low manufacturing cost due to the ferocious market competition. This trend, however, is not unique to the automobile industry. It has been in every aspect of our daily life – cheaper technology and industrial bargains in the name of affordability. We may find that we could spend less in owning “similar looking” but “lower quality” products. The question here is this the kind of quality of life that you want? You may say, “So (just like my youngsters always answer us)…., I don’t but I have no choice!”

In one hand, yes, we may have no choice because we are living in this imperfect world. On the other hand, however, there is a choice being given to each one of us. In the letter of Apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Philippi, he said, “I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far 我正在兩難之間,情願離世與基督同在,因為這是好得無比的 (Philippians 1:23)”. Apparently, the way to have a high quality of life is to be with Jesus. The question is how to make this choice? Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6)”.  The choice we can make is to receive Jesus as our personal savior. Apostle John taught us that when we make this choice, we are immediately entering God’s kingdom as His children (John 1:12).

But, we are still in this world, as a matter of fact. The choice of receiving Christ into our heart, however, would change our status from “IN this world but NOT of this world”.  The Holy Spirit who is dwelling in us would gradually transform our character into more Christlike – our mindset would be changed from focusing less on this world to more on God’s kingdom. Essentially, we will experience a higher quality of life than previous one because we are no longer thinking that we belong to this world.

This choice is yours, my friends. Are you satisfying with this degenerated quality of life or you would like to have a higher quality of life? I think the answer is obvious! May you make this wise choice!

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.

“Keep your promise – New Year Resolution” —– Journal of Reflection 1/6/2014

In the beginning of the year, many of us would make a pledge, which is usually called New Year Resolution, for the sake of improving ourselves from previous year. We may pledge to live a healthier life style than last year, to surf less in the Internet, or to study the whole Bible in a year, etc. All in all, we have the good intention to finish it but before long, we find ourselves slip occasionally, and then become frequently, and finally all the time.  How can we keep our promise, sticking to our New Year resolution, is a good question to ponder.

I once heard an interesting comment from a pastor in a radio broadcast, he commented, “I have never set physical exercise as my New Year resolution. Because, what is the point to have such a resolution that I know I can’t keep it? I think the pastor has a good point – don’t make a promise to yourself that you know you will break it down the road. Implicitly, he points out that we all have our own weakness in flesh. Personally, I think there are two aspects in order to carry out a resolution successfully. One is to know who you truly are and the other is to learn how to persevere on what you have set for. To know who we truly are would give us a right perspective to set our goal correctly. And to achieve our goal successfully, it is imperative to persevere through all the temptations and difficulties that we face without giving up.

In this world, we may have four different roles – the one who we think we are, the one who others think we are, the one who we think the others think we are, and the one who we truly are. Do you know who we truly are? Apostle Paul told us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). This is the reason Apostle Paul later sighed, “For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out”.  Realize the fact that we are all sinners leads to the need of seeking deliverance. When we choose to accept Jesus Christ, the deliverer, as our savior, we become the followers of Jesus Christ – Christians.

Someone once said, “A costume is something you put on and pretend that you are what you are wearing. A uniform, on the other hand, reminds you that you are, in fact, what you wear.”  A Christian is, therefore, the one who wears a uniform that is given by Jesus and the uniform should remind us of what we are currently. We are not to pretend to be what we aren’t but to become more and more what we are in Christ. Once we realize this aspect, it should be clear to us that our New Year resolution is to be set for living a life that is pleasing to our Lord.

After the resolution is set correctly, our next step is to carry it out. Charles H. Spurgeon once said, “By perseverance, the snail reached the Ark”.  It tells us that we can achieve our goal as long as we are persistent and persevering through all the difficulties by setting our priority appropriately! If we think God is the most important person in our life, then we should have Him as our first priority over any other things. There may be many obstacles lie in front of our path to our resolution; we just need to have faith and perseverance because our Lord is faithful. As we possess this understanding and keep this view persistently, we can execute our resolution successfully.

My dear brothers and sisters, in this brand new year, may you have a good New Year resolution and may you keep your promise by persevering through it.

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.

“Hold down to our hope” 堅持到底 —- Journal of Reflection 12/30/2013

During the holidays, two of my old time friends came from out of state to visit us. We had a great time together, reflecting our old memories in the past. Noticing the crawled grey hair on each other, we couldn’t help but sigh that time really flies since we haven’t seen each other for quite a few years.

Yes, time really flies! The year of 2013 is in its last two days. During the year, we saw many tragic events, such as natural calamities, random school/college shootings, Boston bombing, NSA snooping program leaked, etc. They result in many turmoil situations to the country and to people who were affected.  Facing with these situations, we could easily get discouraged and may wonder “Is the end of this world near”? Bible told us that these may be signs to the day of Lord’s second coming but the exact date is not known. Therefore, the author of the book of Hebrews encouraged us to hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful 堅守我們所承認的指望,不至搖動‧因為那應許我們的是信實的 (Hebrews 10:23). This reminds me of a short story I heard recently from a radio broadcast. It says like this:

“In 18th century, there was a research to find out how animals can survive from drowning. A group of researchers put a batch of rats into a pool of water to observe their behavior. Researchers discovered that the rats would survive 18 minutes, in average, before being drowned. In order to find its root cause of death, they did autopsy on some of them and find that all their blood was in their intestines.  The 2nd test the researchers did was to put another batch of rats into water. This time the researchers would scoop out the rat which is appeared to be at his last breath, they would then put him back again a minute later. The average survival time for the 2nd batch of rats is 36 hours. Subsequent autopsy of these rats found that all rats’ blood was in their muscle. The researchers conclude that the 2nd batch of rats was exhausted to death instead of being fear to death as the 1st batch. This tells us that the 2nd batch of rats, which have experienced one rescue, held down their hope to be rescued again.”

This story teaches us that hope is a key factor to keep the rats alive and focused – when they have the hope to be rescued, they persevere. In our journey of life, we may encounter various difficult situations. If we are easily being discouraged and loose heart, we would experience the fear syndrome as the 1st batch of rats did – just give up without a fight. Since we have been saved by our Lord once, we should not have forgotten that He is faithful and gracious, because Bible repeatedly told us so. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, let’s encourage one other and hold unswervingly to the hope we profess in the year of 2014.

May our Lord guide you and protect you as always, in 2014!

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.

“A Reflection of Year 2013” ——— Journal of Reflection 12/22/2013

In this joyful season, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect a few things that were happening in my family during the year of 2013. In the year, we experienced heavy load of college tuitions and insecurity of my job due to the uncertainty of economy.  In parallel, we were also joyous to see the formation of a new family and the spiritual growth of our church. All in all, we are thankful for God’s provision and leading of my family.

When we learned my son gained an admission to one of his favorite colleges in last year, my wife and I started to worry about how to shell out two college tuition and fees, at the same time.  In the middle of our worry, our gracious Lord lets us receive partial financial aid from the school to help alleviate our financial burden.  In addition, He lessens our load in picking up and dropping off because my son is joining the same college with my daughter. Later of the year, we also find out that there is a family from the city where my kids’ college is has a daughter who is studying in our local culinary school. This makes our life even easier because we can carpool with the family. From this experience, I was once reminded by the name of God – Jehovah-jireh 耶和華以勒﹝就是耶和華必預備﹞. 

In last June, my working company held a large scale resource action (RA) to her workforce. I thank God for sparing me from this RA. One day when I was walking around the buildings at my working place during my lunchtime break, I rant into an old acquaintance. We chatted a little bit on the topics of family and work. He told me that he was shocked from this RA occurred in his department. It was hit hard and consequently he has to pick up more workload from his let-go colleagues. The bad is now he has to work on weekends. So, he sighed, “There is no fun in working here anymore, I would retire this time if my kids were not still in college.” “Me too!” I responded. Talking about job in this world, the author of the book of Ecclesiastes indicated that “it is appropriate for a person to eat, to drink and to find satisfaction in their toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given them—for this is their lot.” 我所見為善為美的、就是人在 神賜他一生的日子喫喝、享受日光之下勞碌得來的好處.因為這是他的分。(Ecclesiastes 5:18).  It tells us that it is our lot to enjoy what we have labored, as long as we acknowledge that it is given by God. I realize that I am blessed to have a job under this uncertain environment. 

In last August, my wife’s niece had a wonderful wedding in our church. She came two years ago to study her graduate degree here. We are very happy to see the decision she made to accept Christ as her personal savior. We are also glad to see that she found a loving and trust-worthy person to accompany her throughout her future life. Her family and relatives came from Far East to attend her wedding and celebration. My wife also had a chance to have a reunion with her sisters and in-laws. We thank our brothers and sisters for the time and efforts they spent to pull everything together. Especially we’d like to thank them for their prayers. After the ceremony, my wife’s sisters and in-laws told us that they witnessed a very meaningful ceremony.  I trust that this will become a seed in their heart – to foretaste the concept of “It is a big loving family, when you are in Christ”.

During the year, we saw God’s hand continued to lead our young church. Our serving in various areas of ministry – the ministry of food management, finance, music, and teaching ministry – help my family to grow in Him continuously. We thank God for giving us brothers and sisters to co-work together.  Their dedication and love become our major thrust in serving Him. We feel that our church has a great potential in proclaiming God’s love, especially when we saw the huge crowd in hot-pot gathering for Chinese New Year, Summer BBQ picnic gathering, and Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations. In this warped and crooked generation, our belief has been challenged from every angle. How can we foster a church that is standing firm against all the ferocious attacks is going to be a tremendous task to us. We pray that His name be lifted on high in this country. May this country experience what prophet Isaiah has prophesied: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. (Isaiah 9:2)” 在黑暗中行走的百姓看見了大光;住在死蔭之地的人有光照耀他們。以賽亞書92.

“Dream an impossible dream” —— Journal of reflection 12/15/2013

Shoveling out from last weekend’s snow storm at my driveway reminds me of Christmas is coming soon. My all-time favorite song, sung by Bing Crosby, called “White Christmas” came to my mind.  In its lyrics, there is a stanza like this:

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas

With every Christmas card I write

May your days be merry and bright

And may all your Christmases be white

For those of us who are living in Northeastern region, “white Christmas” seems to be a norm, though sometimes we may not have it right on the Christmas day. For those of you who are living in the West coast or South, your experience of a white Christmas may be quite different. Before I came to the Northeast, I used to live in a tropical area and therefore, snow in winter is an impossible event unless it is in higher mountain. Consequently, to dream a white Christmas in winter is like an impossible dream.

Last Friday night in our small group meeting, we were asked to share our dreams in our youth. Some of us shared that they had dreamed to enter certain professions but later on, changed their mind. My experience is we can have many dreams in our journey of life but they oftentimes do not come true!  They are more like “wishful thinking” or impossible dreams.  

In contrasting to our impossible dreams, Bible gave us an example of how Simeon and Anna realize their dream – witnessing the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:25-38). From reading the Scriptures, we see that Simeon and Anna had dreamed that they can see “the consolation of Israel以色列的安慰者”; “God’s salvation神的救恩”; “the Lord’s Messiah主所立的基督”; “a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and the glory of your people Israel是照亮外邦人的光,又是你民以色列的榮耀.  At the first glance, we may think their dream is an impossible dream since they had been waiting for a long time as it seems to be forever. To them, however, is totally opposite – they have the confidence because it had been revealed to them by the Holy Spirit. This tells us that their dream is truly a “hope” that is assured by God instead of just a human “wishful thinking”.  Their impossible dream becomes possible because it was a God’s promise reveled to them.

From Simeon and Anna’s experience, there are a few things worthy of mention, in particular their attitudes toward God. They have never dreamed of power and violence, instead, they consider life as perseverance in prayer and alert, waiting patiently for the coming of God’s promise – the consolation of Israel. Simeon has been a person of righteous and devout and Anna is a widow for many years. Anna has suffered from many difficulties throughout her life as a widow. However, she has never lost hope and stayed in the slump of despair. She prayed and worshiped God incessantly. Their witness of life teaches us how to realize an impossible dream – based on God’s promise. 

My dear brothers and sisters, we may have many personal aspirations, dreams in our life journey, but do we have a dream of God’s promise?  In this Christmas season, let’s remember that “Jesus is the reason for this season!”  All our dreams have to base on Him in order to come true!

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks

“The Unexpected Guest” ——- Journal of reflection 12/8/2013

“Ding dong…Ding dong” I was surprised to hear someone pressed our doorbell in one of the late nights last week as I was not expecting any visitor.  Opened the door and here came my son’s friend. I then realize that my son who just came back from college for a break was inviting his friends over to have a hang-out.

This experience reminds me of another unexpected guest entered our human world two thousand years ago. It was an angel of the Lord who was “ding dong-ing” the human world to tell us that today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord今天在大衛的城裡,為你們生了救主,就是主基督 (Luke 2:11). The announcement of the birth of God’s son – Jesus Christ – which was carried out by the angel is rather uncommon and peculiar. Because it was announced to the lowly shepherds, who were living out in the fields nearby keeping watch over their flocks at night, instead of high authority at that time. The reaction of the shepherds was, however, terrified initially when the glory of the Lord shone around them. I can imagine myself would be in the same boat when I see the glory of the Lord. In fact, prophet Isaiah had the same reaction – he cried out “Woe to me! I am ruined!” when he saw the glory of God in the temple (Isaiah 6:5). Bible told us clearly that a sinful man can’t approach the holy God without His merciful covering – His son Jesus. Seeing the reaction of the shepherds, we can observe that the announcement of the birth of Jesus is a glorious message from God. And, the announcement of the news is intended for general public instead of special people.

How about the response of the shepherds after they received this unexpected visit from the angel?  Gospel Luke told us that they “hurried off and found” Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.  When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child他們急忙去了,就尋見馬利亞和約瑟,又有那嬰孩臥在馬槽裡。既然看見,就把天使論這孩子的話傳開了。(Luke 2:16-17).  From the shepherds’ reaction we can learn two things.

Firstly, the shepherds decided to react to the message delivered by the angel. They didn’t just sit there shocked and amazed but instead, they hurried off to find the baby Jesus. However, the only sign that the angel gave to them is: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Have you ever wondered how difficult it is to find the baby during the late night especially when the names of his parents and location are unknown? These difficulties, however, didn’t deter the shepherds’ determination and enthusiasm at that time.  They found the baby!  I think God’s Positioning System (GPS) is definitely better than today’s GPS. 🙂

Secondly, the shepherds followed up with an action of spreading the word concerning Jesus to others after seeing Him. That means the shepherds become messengers of the good news. Again, let me post a question here. Have you ever wondered how confident people have in listening to the news told by the shepherds? Probably not very high, right? Luke told us that all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them (Luke 2:18). There may be a doubt exists in people’s mind, but the shepherds were not! Because they have seen God’s glory and they have seen Jesus personally!

From shepherds’ responses to the unexpected visit of the angel of the Lord, there is definitely something that we can ponder. The first one is “Have we taken God’s message seriously?” At this Christmas season, do we really concern about the news of the birth of Jesus – the unexpected guest to us or our own desires? Do we have the attitude of seeking Him first and follow His command to spread the good news?  My dear brothers and sisters, let’s learn from the shepherds to be a good messenger of the Lord and remember that He is Immanuel!

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks