“Calling to the one who is victorious” —– Journal of Reflection 7/8/2014

Last weekend, my family had an opportunity to attend a Christian retreat. It gives me time to relax and enjoy the spiritual feast that I have not been able to for the past few years. The main themes of the retreat are “Calling to the one who is victorious 得勝者的呼召” and “How to practice the Beatitudes 如何實行登山寶訓”. They serve good reminders to me – am I victorious in the eye of my Lord and have I practiced the Beatitudes diligently? For the theme of “calling”, let me elaborate it here while leave the second theme till the next week.

“Calling” carries a special meaning to the Christian – it is initiated from God, wanting the one who is called to leave the current state / condition and to enter a higher / improved state or condition. A few examples, according to the speaker brother Bellman Lin, are Abraham, Moses and David in Old Testament. In New Testament, Jesus’ disciples Peter, John and Paul and today’s churches are examples. The callings to those who are named are also entrusted missions. For example, apostle Peter was entrusted to open the gate of Gospel for Jews (Matthew 16:18-19) and to encourage and strengthen exiles scattered believers (1 Peter 4:1); apostle Paul was enlightened to preach God’s eternal will (Colossians 1:9, 15-18) and mystery of Christ (Ephesians 3:4, 6, 9-11); apostle John was entrusted to preach “The way of Life” (John 1:1, 2, 4; 1 John 1:1, 2).

The calling to today’s churches was illustrated by the seven churches from the book of Revelation, according to the speaker. The seven churches represented seven styles.
• The first style was represented by the Church in Ephesus (以弗所教會). It is a church knows the truth and hates the practices of the Nicolaitans, which God also hates. But, the issue is they have forsaken the love they had at first (把起初的愛心離棄了). Therefore, the calling to be victorious is to regain the love (Romans 5:1, 5) and to rededicate themselves to God without reservation (2 Corinthians 5:14, 15).
• The Church in Smyrna (士每拿教會) is the 2nd style. Smyrna has a meaning of “bitterness” or “myrrh”. It means their suffering is precious. It is a church under great persecution by three different forms – poverty, sufferings and slanders. It has a mountain in the city called “The crown of Smyrna”. God called them to be faithful, even to the point of death and promised to those who are victorious the “Crown of Life” and will not be hurt at all by the second death (Revelation 2:10-11).
• The third style was represented by the Church in Pergamum (別迦摩教會). Pergamum has the meaning of “height or elevation” and “union”. It indicates, implicitly, whenever one attempts to elevate his ministries may have the tendency to join the world, using worldly practices. The Church in Pergamum has two incorrect teachings, one is to follow the teaching of Balaam and the other is the teaching of the Nicolaitans (Revelation 2:14-15). Nicolaitans teach worldly system such as holy ranking (聖品階級) which destroys the relationship in church. God’s calling is to discard worldly practices and to give up the concept of compensation in serving (Matthew 6:24). And, to hold an equal status in front of God (Matthew 23:8).
• The Church in Thyatira (推雅推喇教會) is the fourth style. Thyatira is meant for “odor of affliction”. It is a military and commercial city with good production of pottery. God praised them of their love and faith, their service and perseverance, and that they are now doing more than they did at first. However, their love tolerates that Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. She misleads God’s servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. The calling that God initiated is to discard false teachings and to maintain simple faith and pure love, and be patient.
• The Church in Sardis (撒狄教會) represents the fifth style. Sardis means “Recovery”. It signifies God’s hope that church can recover from the mistakes made by the Church in Thyatira. The Church in Sardis is established in a wealthy city with gold mines and is located in the mountain peak. She is proud and indulges in sexual immorality. Because of the wealthy condition, she always embarks many new programs and new activities, like today’s church in North America, but are given up halfway. Her issue is: God knows her works, that she has a name that she is alive, but she is dead. And, her deeds are unfinished in the sight of God. God called the church to wake up and strengthen what remains and is about to die, to remember what she has received and heard; hold it fast, and repent.
• The sixth style is from the Church in Philadelphia (非拉鐵非教會). Philadelphia has the meaning of “brotherly love”. It has eliminated the holy ranking practices started from the Church in Pergamum. It recovers better than the Church in Sardis. The Church in Smyrna and the Church in Philadelphia are the only two churches out of the seven that God didn’t rebuke. To the Church in Philadelphia, however, He added more compliments – I know your deeds. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. The calling from God to the Church in Philadelphia is to hold on to what they have, so that no one will take their crown.
• The final one is from the Church in Laodicea (老底嘉教會). Laodicea means “justice of the people”, or, “People’s opinion 眾人的意見”. This reveals that “brother” in the Church in Philadelphia has turned into “people”, “love” has evolved into “opinion”. Implicitly, it is people’s opinion more important than God’s will. Laodicea is a prosperous city and therefore, people are prideful. The city abounds in eye medicine and fur coat. It has a spring flows through the city but its temperature is lukewarm. Therefore, God rebukes them: “you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” The calling God has is to buy from Him gold refined in the fire, and white clothes to wear, so they can cover their shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so they can see.

The seven churches illustrated here remind us that we need to repent if we have forsaken the love we had at first in order to rekindle our spiritual fire. May the information serve as a good reminder to you!


Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.