“Meeting Him Face to Face” Journal of Reflection 5/26/2013

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.

Last Friday, my wife and I went to pick up our daughter at college because we missed her. Though the rainy and windy weather was against us, by God’s grace, the trip went well. At my daughter’s summer apartment, I was astonished to see her living condition is not as clean as she was in school’s dormitory. She told me that this is just a temporary solution and is a good rental in terms of staying around the campus in summer. I didn’t say much but thought now she is thinking. 🙂

As I look back my old college days, I went through a similar condition as she did. I have to learn how to manage my very limited support from my family, finding a cheaper and convenient place to stay around the campus. As the tuition and expense are hiking each year, it becomes very challenging for families with limited resource but still have to support their college kids. We always sighed, “Life is getting tougher and tougher in these days”.  Then, a question comes to my mind, “Is our life going to get better and better in this world?” “I am not sure”, when I search for an answer.

You could argue that the advancement of modern technology does make our life easier, faster and convenient. The drawback is we become more like slaves of the technology – spending more time with our gadgets, TV and internet surfing without talking to people face to face. Under the similar trend, I observe that the used to be face-to-face meetings in my working place are also being replaced by conference calls and emails. The result is emotional indifference getting bigger and bigger nowadays.

Last Saturday, a supposed to be “outdoor” Memorial weekend BBQ turned into an “indoor” picnic gathering in our church, due to a persistent rainy weather. The weather, however, didn’t dampen everyone’s excitement who had attended the gathering. It is amazed to see so many new faces that we have never met before, around the area. Though it was busy for many of us, we were all very excited to talk to new friends, face to face. The emotions ran high when games and songs were played. From this experience, I realize that it is always preferable to meet people face to face since human is created in God’s image, having passions and feelings.

To express His love and to communicate His plan to us, God sent His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to meet us “face to face” in this world. Without Jesus’ great act – the Word becomes flesh – we couldn’t realize how deep is God’s love and how holy He is. After Jesus’ resurrection, in one of the occasions, He met His disciples face to face by the Sea of Galilee (John 21:1).  Jesus’ action reinstates Simon Peter’ lost faith. Later in the book of Acts, he was filled with the Spirit and had the courage to preach to the crowd. What a transformation from a “fisherman” to a “fisher of men”!

When a man meets the glorious God face to face, he will immediately realize how incapable and how weak he is. This is the beginning of his transformation! A vivid example is from the book of Acts chapter 9. When Saul met Jesus in the road of Damascus, his life was totally changed – his name changed from Saul to Paul and he became an apostle of the gentiles instead of a Pharisee of persecution. My dear friends, it is an invaluable experience to meet the Lord face to face. May you have the opportunity to meet Him in person.