Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my perspective; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.
Some of you may know that we have two “happy” gold fishes live in a 60-Gallon fish tank. Due to the size of the tank, I was never motivated to undertake the task of changing the tank water, frequently. As a result, the used-to-be-clear water becomes opaque after a period of time. My remedy is to clean / replace its water filters for the filtration system in the tank when I deem is necessary. However, the cleaning can only improve the clarity of the water so much. After a while, the cleaning becomes ineffective. Then, the gold fishes get agitated and jumpy. Finally during last weekend, my wife couldn’t stand that I keep delaying in changing the water. She nagged me. Thus, “changing the tank water” quickly moves to the top of my “Honeydew (Honey to-do) list” 🙂
After spent an hour, with my kids’ help, to drain the water, clean the tank and its water pump and refill the tank with fresh water, the fishes finally could enjoy clean and clear water. They are happy and quiet now. From here I learned a lesson. I don’t know about you, I have this put-off habit thinking “I could do it tomorrow”. Sometimes, I could start a home project one day but finish it several months later (or still sit there). That’s reason my wife nags me all the times to get thing done. This reminds me a Chinese poem that I read before. Let me share it with you here (with not-necessarily-accurate English translation):
如果沒有明天, 曾經追逐的,不再重要;珍惜的,不再擁有;
啊! 如果沒有明天;那麼,該說的沒說,該做的沒做,該愛的沒愛;
If there is no tomorrow, whatever you have pursued is no longer important; whatever you have cherished is no longer belong to you.
Ah! If there is no tomorrow, then, whatever should have been said, whatever should have been done, whatever love should have been expressed are all losing their opportunities. Everything will be just a sigh under the remorse of if there is no tomorrow.
My dear friends, “Are you sure you have tomorrow?” “Do you know who holds the tomorrow?”
It is Jesus Christ, the Lord of all.
Every time I read it, I was reminded that our Lord is the Lord of time. In fact, He is the Lord of All. Without Him, our life would be full of emptiness because all our pursuits are no longer important. My dear brothers and sisters, let’s encourage one other and love one other while we still can….