“He Knows Everything” Journal of Reflection 3/18/2012

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.


A mother has a son called Kevin. During Kevin’s college years, he met a girl called Susie and started to move in with her. As a Christian, the mother does not in favor of her son’s behavior. Her son, however, does not feel there is anything wrong – he explains to his mother, “I didn’t sleep with Susie. We are sleeping on different beds while sharing the same apartment”

On one of the college trips, the mother went to visit her son. In order to show her hospitality, Susie invited Kevin’s mother for a dinner. Susie prepared the dinner using her family silverware on the night of gathering. Kevin then showed his mother around the apartment afterwards. Later in the night, after Kevin’s mother left, Susie found that one of her favorite silver forks was missing. She was upset and complained to Kevin about the situation. Kevin agreed to write an email to his mom asking if she took the fork inadvertently.

 In the email, Kevin wrote, “Mom, I may be right or I may be wrong to ask you this. The fact is that Susie couldn’t find her silver fork after you left – the fork was there at the dinner time but vanished afterwards.” A week later, Kevin received a mail response from his mother saying, “I may be right or I may be wrong to say that you are sleeping with Susie. The fact is that I put her fork in her bed before I left and she has never found it since.”

This was an illustration story from a radio broadcast that I remembered, partially, according to my aged memory. It is very enlightening and I think it is worthwhile to share with you. Especially for those of us who are having kids in college, we may be able to share the same worry and concern as the mother did under today’s crooked environment.

One thing for sure, the mother’s wisdom is certainly deserved to be applauded. She has the wisdom to enlighten her son without telling him directly. We should ask our Lord for this kind of wisdom. Another thing is it serves as a very good reminder to me – there is nothing can be hidden without being known. My every little secret will be made known by God later. In fact, from our Lord’s teaching to His disciples about Pharisees’ yeast, which is hypocrisy, He said, “There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. 掩蓋的事、沒有不露出來的.隱藏的事、沒有不被人知道的。(Luke 12:2)” And the author of the book of Ecclesiastes also indicated to us:

“For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. 因為人所作的事、連一切隱藏的事、無論是善是惡、 神都必審問。Ecclesiastes 12:14”

My dear brothers and sisters, I think you would agree with me that no one is infallible except God. In addition, He knows our every deed – there is nothing can be concealed from Him. Can we follow the guidance and control of His Holy Spirit in our daily life? Let us be reminded that we are His children and He knows what is the best for us.