“God’s family” ————- Journal of reflection 2/28/2015

Last week was a very special week for me because my younger sister came from Far East to visit us. This is the first time she came to the States since we have been here many years ago. As last week was also the week of Chinese Lunar New Year, it is really precious that she could come even though the weather was frigid and snowy. I thank God for His blessing and protection that we can have a joyful family reunion and most importantly, she could have the opportunity to see and to experience what a loving God’s family is. For years, she thought that I was a lone ranger in this foreign country. I have to admit that “yes”, sometimes, if from an earthly family point of view. On the other hand, however, I have to say “No, I am not lonely”, because I have both a great earthly family and a tender and caring God’s family here.

Undoubtedly, “family” is a community that helps us to bond, to fellowship, to learn, to support and to enjoy with others. It is truly a blessing from God. Without the community of family, we would feel lost and lonely in our life journey – it is especially true during quiet nights. In today’s environment, many problems presented before our eyes – crimes, terrorisms, homosexual issues and moral decay problems, etc. If we look at those problems deeper, we would discover that dysfunctional families is a common cause.

When family structure and foundation are eroded by moral degeneration, many problems surfaced, because there is no safe harbor can be provided, from our society, for those distressed, pressurized and frustrated souls, anymore! So, the question is “Can we find a tender and caring place that we can rest, enjoy and fellowship? Yes, it is God’s family – His church. Then, the next logical question would follow is, “How can I enter God’s family?” It is through God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, because apostle Paul indicated, “through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. 我們又藉著他,因信得進入現在所站的這恩典中 (Romans 5:2a)” By faith in Christ’s substitution of our sins, we are justified before God. Therefore, we become God’s family members when we receive Jesus Christ as our personal savior. This is a family with love and joy and I sincerely hope that you can join us.