Two weeks ago, my wife’s friend called and told us that she would like to drop off her washing machine that has been left in her garage for quite a while – she got an idea from my wife that I may be able to “do something” about it 🙂 Her washing machine is not functioning now because it would stop in the middle of a washing cycle and soapy water would then remain inside. So, instead of taking it to the local recycling center, she took a detour to my house. I told her that I can look into it but there is no guarantee, as I am not familiar with front load type of washing machine. Later on, I was tied up with other things and couldn’t do much on the machine. Finally during this week, I have an opportunity to do some research and I found some useful hints from the internet on how to diagnose possible culprits to its water problem of the washing machine. I was able to fix the problem after I put in a new replacement part. Whew….
As I was working on the washing machine, I find that its water problem is mainly due to improper usage and maintenance of the machine – water drainage hoses and pump were all clogged up with foreign things such as coins, keys and linens. I also find that some of the components inside the machine are of low quality cheesy stuffs. Combined these two factors together, no wonder the owner was having problem in her washing machine. Naturally, a washing machine that won’t wash is no good to many of us. It is especially aggravating, I believe, when it stops in the middle of washing cycle and leave you a drum full of wet clothes.
This kind of situation let me think of the incident of “Jesus curses a fig tree” recorded in Matthew 21:18-19. It was occurred after Jesus’ triumphant entry to the city of Jerusalem. He was hungry and was looking for fruit from the fig tree but, He was disappointed. The end result is the fig tree withered immediately under Jesus’ command. This is a sober reminder to us because we may also be susceptible to character malfunction sometimes – others can’t find characteristics of light and salt through our daily living. Jesus taught us that “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. 你們是世上的鹽.鹽若失了味、怎能叫他再鹹呢.以後無用、不過丟在外面、被人踐踏了。(Matthew 5:13)”. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, are you still functioning as a Christian? From Jesus’ teaching, we know that is imperative for us to be functioning like salt and light to this world. May the Holy Spirit speaks to you and guide you everyday.
Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.