Have you ever had experiences in waiting, especially waiting for doctors? Last Monday, I had a doctor’s appointment. I thought it was an easy and quick one because it was a follow up visit. However, as soon as I entered the doctor’s office, I discovered that I was wrong – the room was packed with waiting persons. Immediately I said to myself, “Uh, uh, this is going to be a long day”. An hour later, a young lady with a young man who came in much later than me started to grumble about wasting time in waiting. She wanted her accompanying young man to check with the front desk inquiring the reason of delay. The young man reluctantly walked toward the front desk. An answer was given by the front desk, “doctors were running late in their schedules”. This is a useless answer that I kind of would expect, without asking. 🙂 Disappointingly, the young man has to come back and wait.
After waiting for an hour and half, I finally was called to see the doctor. The nurse explained to me the reason why there is such a delay. According to her, there are only 5 patient rooms. With 6 doctors are on schedule to see patients, nurses would have to scramble around stealing room for each attending doctor. She thought this is plainly a scheduling problem from the front desk. I am kind of agreeing with her. But, whatever the reason is, it is not an enjoyable situation to be in.
In 2000 years ago, there is another “No room” situation. When God sent His beloved son Jesus Christ to this world to save us from the penalty of sin, this world, however, has NO room but a stable for Him to be born. The situation signifies rejections against Him and His followers from this world. In fact, throughout Jesus’ ministry in this world, we saw incessant rejections from Jews and Pharisees and eventually, He was crucified on the cross. Before Jesus’ departure from this world, He told His disciples that “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 你們心裡不要憂愁,你們信神,也當信我。 在我父的家裡有許多住處,若是沒有,我就早已告訴你們了,我去原是為你們預備地方去。我若去為你們預備了地方,就必再來接你們到我那裡去,我在哪裡,叫你們也在哪裡。(John 14:1-3)” Jesus told us that we don’t have to worry, because, in God’s house there is a plenty of rooms available for whoever receives Him as personal savior, even when this world can’t accommodate him / her. What a great love and promise that we have received!
Therefore, my dear friends, in this world, we may have to wait for someone’ availability and we may run into situations like “there is no room available”. But, it is totally different if you are God’s children. There is NO “waiting”, whatsoever, when you want to communicate with Him because there exits a “direct link” between Him and you. And, in His house, there is always room available for you. Isn’t this wonderful? May you have such a privilege!
Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.