Month: October 2014

“Which Way? Your way or my way?” —— Journal of reflection 10/29/2014

Last weekend, we had a farewell gathering for our host church’s pastor family – they are moving away from us to oversee a new ministry.  After the dinner, the pastor shared with us their journey which he believes is under God’s leading and providence. We were encouraged by his sharing and witnessing. It is with mixed feeling that we have to farewell his family as we have been co-working together very well in God’s ministries for the past 3+ years.
This reminds me of an old adage, “All good things must come to an end in this world 天下沒有不散的筵席”. It seems to be in line with this experience. Certainly, we are not sad because we are sure to meet each other, one way or another – either in this world at a distant future or when we see our Lord face to face in heaven. After the gathering, a question comes to my mind is: At each step of our life journey, are we always clear that who is leading us? Oftentimes, we are called by our own duties and responsibilities – family, children, work, our personal ambitions or aspirations, etc. – to march forward. However, how many times we are clear that our direction is led by God?
A week ago in early Monday morning, I received a news from my working company regarding a decision of relinquishing her chip fabrication plant. This news basically confirms a long standing rumor that has been swiveling around for quite some time. In light of this news, fears of job loss and financial stress overshadow many families and local businesses. I am sure an immediate question would be asked is “Should we stay or should we leave?” In other words, “What is God’s will for our direction?”
In chapter 42 of the book of Jeremiah, when the remnant of Judah were afraid of the coming attack from king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, they asked prophet Jeremiah to pray to “the LORD your God” for an instruction – pray that the LORD your God will tell them where they should go and what they should do. They agreed that whether it is favorable or unfavorable, they will obey “the LORD our God”. However, as we continue to read the following chapters, we could find that the truth about Israelites’ seeking of God’s instruction is, in fact, to seek God’s rubberstamping of their plan in heading down Egypt. That means instead of obeying God’s instruction, they picked their own way. The end result is God took away them through the use of Nebuchadnezzar’s attack against Egypt. What a tragic end of rebellion!
In view of this incident, I am sure there exist lessons that we can learn. The first one is: we should differentiate real fear from imagined fear. The second is: God knows the best for us – His way is always higher than our own way. Lastly, rebellious attitude can result in destruction. Israelites’ fear of Nebuchadnezzar’s attack is rooted from their little faith in God, even after God told them that He will deliver them from the attack. That means their fear is exaggerated because of their distrust in God. They turned to their own way by fleeing from Jerusalem to Egypt. This eventually leads them into destruction and captivity. So, sometimes the fear we imagined could lead us astray. Therefore, faith in God is the number one priority in our seeking of God’s will – we have to believe that He is all powerful and He is merciful and gracious. Trust in Him “completely” can lead us to understand His direction that is preparing for us.
My dear brothers and sisters, are you still wondering which way you should be taking? It is God’s way because He promised us: “in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.

“They have no more wine” —– Journal of Reflection 10/23/2014

Last weekend, we went to a state park with several families to hike around and to enjoy autumn foliage. Weather is fair but we were surprised by a traffic jam with a long waiting line when we were near the park. At the entrance, we could see a huge crowd of people already in the park. As a result, we had a hard time to find a parking space. Finally after park servicemen’s directing, we were able to get to a spot which is quite far away from designated picnic area that we were supposed to be. After a long walk, we arrived at the picnic area only to find out that none of the picnic tables is available. What a day!

In the process of scouting an available table, I learned that the main reason for this crowdedness is because of a late celebration of “Oktoberfest”. It is a German’s autumn festival, from late September to the first weekend in October that features beer-drinking and merrymaking. We are so “lucky” to run into such a grand occasion 🙁 In the park, I saw several big trucks stationed there. Apparently, they are food and beer carriers for the festival. Many people waiting in a long line to buy pitcher size mug of beer. And, many people hold their beer mugs walking along the park’s lake shore after purchasing. It is kind of strange to see so many beer drinking faces around a state park.

Then I have this strange thought: If the beer runs out, what would happen? I think it would be a party pooper if the beer runs out for such a beer-drinking and merrymaking occasion. This lets me think of the wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Bible told us that Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and His disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to Him, “They have no more wine.” (John 2:1-3). What a disappointment if you were in that occasion.

Apostle John told us that Jesus performed His first miracle at the wedding – changing six stone jars of water into six jars of best wine that the master of the banquet could have ever tasted. That saves the bridegroom and bride’s families from possible embarrassment and saves the guests from disappointments. I think you would agree with me that we all have our fair share in troubles and disappointments during the journey of life. We would run into “They have no more wine” situations, unavoidably. In fact, in the prayer of Moses the man of God, Moses sighed that the best of our life are but trouble and sorrow. They quickly pass, and we fly away. (Psalm 90:10). That is the reality of our life.

However, we can be sure that Jesus has the power to turn our life’s “disappointments” into “excitements”. His resurrection power would transform our “life of wrath” into “life of glory”, if we are willing to receive Him as our personal Savior. And, He has promised that He will accompany us throughout our trouble and disappointment moments. Therefore, in the moment of “They have no more wine” disappointment, we are certain that we can still have peace and joy because He is the source of peace and joy!

My dear friends, are you having the “They have no more wine” moments constantly? Don’t forget to come to the source of peace and joy – Jesus Christ!

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.

“Are you functioning?” ———— Journal of reflection 10/17/2014

Two weeks ago, my wife’s friend called and told us that she would like to drop off her washing machine that has been left in her garage for quite a while – she got an idea from my wife that I may be able to “do something” about it 🙂 Her washing machine is not functioning now because it would stop in the middle of a washing cycle and soapy water would then remain inside. So, instead of taking it to the local recycling center, she took a detour to my house. I told her that I can look into it but there is no guarantee, as I am not familiar with front load type of washing machine. Later on, I was tied up with other things and couldn’t do much on the machine. Finally during this week, I have an opportunity to do some research and I found some useful hints from the internet on how to diagnose possible culprits to its water problem of the washing machine. I was able to fix the problem after I put in a new replacement part. Whew….

As I was working on the washing machine, I find that its water problem is mainly due to improper usage and maintenance of the machine – water drainage hoses and pump were all clogged up with foreign things such as coins, keys and linens. I also find that some of the components inside the machine are of low quality cheesy stuffs. Combined these two factors together, no wonder the owner was having problem in her washing machine. Naturally, a washing machine that won’t wash is no good to many of us. It is especially aggravating, I believe, when it stops in the middle of washing cycle and leave you a drum full of wet clothes.

This kind of situation let me think of the incident of “Jesus curses a fig tree” recorded in Matthew 21:18-19. It was occurred after Jesus’ triumphant entry to the city of Jerusalem. He was hungry and was looking for fruit from the fig tree but, He was disappointed. The end result is the fig tree withered immediately under Jesus’ command. This is a sober reminder to us because we may also be susceptible to character malfunction sometimes – others can’t find characteristics of light and salt through our daily living. Jesus taught us that “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. 你們是世上的鹽.鹽若失了味、怎能叫他再鹹呢.以後無用、不過丟在外面、被人踐踏了。(Matthew 5:13)”. Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, are you still functioning as a Christian? From Jesus’ teaching, we know that is imperative for us to be functioning like salt and light to this world. May the Holy Spirit speaks to you and guide you everyday.

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.

“Flu Shot” ——————— Journal of reflection 10/8/2014

Fall is a season fills with amazing scenery. Each day in our local area, more and more tree leaves change to beautiful colors. It is time of the year that we can appreciate God’s creation of nature and experience cool and nice weather because before long, without our notice, winter is going to visit our doorsteps. Unfortunately, Fall is also a season of influenza when chills start to set in. Yesterday, my colleagues asked me if I want to go with them to take advantage of a free “flu shot” provided by my working company. Thinking of “why not”, I went with them. The moment when we entered the place of giving flu shots, we ran into a crowd of people. Apparently, many people have the same thinking as we were.

Talking about flu shot, I realize that it is not meant for a “cure” to all influenza viruses in the upcoming season. Rather, it is a “possible” prevention to protect us against influenza viruses that research indicates will be most common during the season. In fact, depending upon the type of vaccine you are receiving in the season, it may or may not be effective against the viruses that you are about to encounter. My experience was: it could be very effective in one year; on the other year, however, it would be completely off the base. According to the CDC (Center of Disease Control), there are three different flu vaccine production methods. They are egg-based, cell-based and recombinant. Regardless of its production method, the selected vaccine would inject a small dose of certain strains of virus, via flu shot or oral, to the body of whoever elects to receive. The body immune system would then produce anti-body against those invading viruses. The generated anti-body is supposed to protect the vaccine receiver from getting sick when later the same viruses actually attack. Therefore administering“right” strains of viruses is crucial.

This interesting process lets me think of a prevention measure that God provided to His people, the Israelites, during the Old Testament time. As God’s will is to have His people followed His commands and live a holy life, God used prophets to convey His messages and to foretell the danger and judgments would result, if they fall into idol worshiping. The messages carried by the prophets are supposed to let the Israelites to have “spiritual anti-body” generated and as a result, they can run away from sinning against God. It is somewhat similar to a flu shot except God’s messages are no guess work – they are specifically conveyed to “foreknown” sins that Israelites would commit in the future.

Is God’s flu shot process (i.e. prevention measure) effective to the Israelites? Uh… it was not so, during the Old Testament time, I would say. This is due to mankind’s sinful nature – we can’t be free from sinning. The only remedy, according to apostle John, is to receive God’s son, Jesus Christ, as our personal savior. Because John indicated that “anyone born of God does not continue to sin; the One who was born of God keeps them safe, and the evil one cannot harm them. 凡從神生的,必不犯罪,從神生的必保守自己,那惡者也就無法害他 (1 John 5:18)。

Today, God provides a new flu shot process for all believers – they have the Holy Spirit dwells in their hearts. The Holy Spirit would constantly provide advices and warning to them preventing them from continuing to sin. This is certainly more effective than the old process of using prophets, because it is internal and ever-lasting!

Therefore my dear friends, in this crooked and rebellious world, do you have the ever-lasting “flu shot”? If not, you should consider to get it.

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.

“Under Construction” ————- Journal of reflection 10/2/2014

Entering a local funeral home to attend a memorial service held for an OLD brother who was with the Lord last Saturday, I saw a large crowd of people in the room with some familiar faces. Apparently, the OLD brother’s legacy extends deeply within the community. The service was conducted under a sober and saddened atmosphere. A powerful message titled “Jesus is the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Him will live, even though they die (John 11:25)” was delivered to the attendees. It emphasizes the fact that eternal life, which is a gift from God, can only be received through God’s son, Jesus Christ.

Apart from the key message, there were also several reflections shared during the service. They serve the purpose of reflecting the OLD brother’s life in this world – a person of frankness, with love and of principle; and most importantly, a man of faith. The OLD brother’s children indicated repeatedly the strong faith that their father had in Christ during their reflections. It is quite an encouraging story.

This reminds me of what has been written on the tombstone of Ruth Graham, the evangelist Billy Graham’s wife who died in 2007. On the top of her tombstone, it has a Chinese character 義 (Righteousness) and on its bottom it engraves, “End of construction, Thank you for your patience”. What a meaningful concluding remark for a Christian’s life! If we ponder upon the remark a little bit, we would remember that a Christian’s life starts when he / she is justified by faith. It means we become a Christian the day when we clothe the righteousness of Jesus Christ through receiving Him into our hearts. After that, we are always “under construction” throughout our entire life span in this world. So, an immediate question is what kind of materials we have been using in our construction – worldly wealth, fame, etc. or God’s words? Apostle Paul warned us that “If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. 若有人用金、銀、寶石、草木、禾楷、在這根基上建造.各人的工程必然顯露.因為那日子要將他表明出來、有火發現.這火要試驗各人的工程怎樣。(1 Corinthians 3:12-13)” He tells us that what we used to construct our Christian life will certainly have a very different result when we meet our Lord face to face. Question is what does God want us to do?

Apostle Paul taught the brothers and sisters in Rome that we are predestined to be conformed to the image of God’s Son (Romans 8:29). Therefore, my brothers and sisters, it is God’s will that we strive toward become Christ likeness and this can only be done if we set apart our life from this world to live a true witness of Him. I sincerely hope that on our “end of construction” day, we can all receive praise from our Lord saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant! 好、你這又良善又忠心的僕人”

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.