Last weekend, I had a chance to stop by a local creek to do some fishing. Seeing the patchy green grass, peeking-out tree leaves and budding flowers, I felt so “alive”, especially after the past lengthy cold winter. It looks like Spring is finally here.
Have you ever wondered why nature knows when is the time to be “alive” again? It is like there is a secret code being written into them. In a sense, this is somewhat similar to the DNA code scientists found in our body years ago. Looking at that elegant, complex and intricate DNA code, I can’t help but admit that God’s creation is absolutely amazing.
Last Sunday, we were celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus – He came to this world 2000+ years ago to save us from the wage of sin. Because of His resurrection, we have the eternal hope – whoever believes in Him will be resurrected upon His 2nd coming. It means that we will be able to regain our physical body when our Lord returns.
Some of us may be baffled by the fact that we might be passed away and our physical body could be dissolved well before our Lord returns. In fact, this is one of the questions raised by the brothers and sisters in the Church of Thessalonica – when they saw their love ones died and Christ is still not return yet, their hearts are troubled. Apostle Paul comforted them, “Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 論到睡了的人,我們不願意弟兄們不知道,恐怕你們憂傷,像那些沒有指望的人一樣。我們若信耶穌死而復活了,那已經在耶穌裡睡了的人,神也必將他們與耶穌一同帶來。(1 Thessalonians 4:13-14)”
Apparently, God has a secret code written on each one of us. It can be activated on the day of Christ’s return. For those who have believed in Jesus, they will be coming with Him and staying with Him forever; and for those who didn’t believe in Him, they will be judged and sent to the lake of fire. You may also wonder what the secret code is. This secret code is what apostle Paul indicated – The Spirit of God. And he told us that, ‘The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” 你們所受的不是奴僕的心,仍舊害怕;所受的乃是兒子的心,因此我們呼叫:「阿爸!父!」(Romans 8:15)’
Now the question to you is “Do you have the “right” secret code – the Spirit of God – being written in you?” If not, Bible told us that you need to open yourself and ask Jesus to come into your heart, accepting Him as your personal savior. Then, the Spirit of God will enter your heart! May you receive the right secret code as early as possible, because it will enable you to enter into God’s family and enjoy His abundance.
Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.