Day: December 2, 2013

A Perfect House ————– Journal of reflection 12/2/2013

Last Thursday, we had many families come to our house to celebrate Thanksgiving. It was a joyous night with many new faces and old acquaintances crowded around our dinning, living and family room. I always thought that we have enough room for guests after our kids went to college. After seeing the crowd, I realize that my house is still far smaller than I thought for this kind of gathering. J A question then came to my mind: Is there a perfect house exists in this world – that is flexible enough to both fit as many guests as you want and after the party is over, it can fall back to as small as an one-bed room apartment for empty-nesters? I think there is one possibility – a small house with a large tent set up in its backyard. Well, even with this set up, I think it is still limited by weather and space of the backyard. Therefore, it is nearly impossible for us to find a perfect house with great flexibility and unlimited capacity. It is, however, very feasible from “spiritual” sense.

Before Jesus departed from this world, He comforted His disciples by telling them “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 你們心裡不要憂愁,你們信神,也當信我 (John 14:1)” He wanted His disciples to understand that He was commissioned by God the Father to complete the work of salvation. In reality, He and God the Father are ONE and therefore, He is omnipotent and won’t be limited by the space and time. And, He will triumph over the power of death. Yet, He has to leave this world in order for the Holy Spirit to come dwelling in the heart of all believers.  

Jesus fully understands disciples’ separation anxiety and He reassured them by saying, “My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 在我父的家裡有許多住處,若是沒有,我就早已告訴你們了,我去原是為你們預備地方去。 (John 14:2)”.  To me it is intriguing to perceive that God’s house has many rooms. Theologians and scholars think this can be either figurative speaking or literal speaking. If you take it to be literal sense, then this is a perfect house that we are looking for, because it is flexible enough to accommodate guests from zero number to infinite number. On the other hand, if we take it to be figurative, then Jesus is the true representation of God’s house. As apostle Paul indicated that Church is Jesus’ body (Ephesians 1:23), today’s church is considered to be the realization of God’s house – God’s tabernacle in this world. In other words, God’s house can be represented by the collection of all believers. From this sense, it is also flexible with great capacity.

In this Thanksgiving season, we were reminded of God’s love, through His Son Jesus Christ, makes it possible for us to dwell in His house. Let’s not forget that Jesus has paid a great price for us in order for us to enjoy the perfect house with brothers and sisters in His family. May we remember and thank the sacrificial love from our Lord. 

Now the question for you is: are you dwelling in this perfect house?  If not, then please come and receive Jesus as your personal savior. Then you will enter this perfect house with peace and joy in your heart.

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.