Month: September 2012

“How can I forget them?” Journal of Reflection 9/30/2012

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.


Just came back from a college visit yesterday. It was a long drive, as we have to drive across three states. However, it is also an excited one because we visited a school with blended disciplines between Engineering and Arts, which my son favors. I myself was thrilled because I had the opportunity to visit my old college, in the middle of our trip, which I had not been able to for the past few years.


With so many NEW buildings added at my old college campus, my wife and I, however, were eager to look for our OLD graduate family housing. In our minds, it is a place where we had distinct memories during our hard and poor days. We were hoping that we can point to our kids and told them the apartment where we used to live in. As we arrived at the location, to our surprise, we couldn’t find it. All the graduate housing buildings had been eradicated and now they become parking lots. We were quite disappointed. It is as if someone rips part of your memory out of your head.


Most of us like new things. The presumption is the new things would have improvements, new features and new functions – at minimum, when it is brand new, we would anticipate it to have a new beginning of its life.  Someone used to say, “東西總是新的好,人還是舊的好” It means  to use the new technology and new gadgets is always favorable, but when it comes to human relationships, we do cherish our old friends and acquaintances. As you can see, there exists an inherent contradiction of the preference between OLD and NEW in our minds.


Is OLD memory always favorable? Not necessarily! For example, “bitter” memories would continue to create ordeals and bitterness in one’s life. It is therefore wise to let them go. Then, you may ask, “How can I forget them?” My experience is you CAN’T, but you could “purify” them by going through steps to release bitterness from the memories.


The first step of purification is “Don’t try to compare what you don’t have now with what you used to have, constantly 放下經常與過去比較的心態”.  This is what apostle Paul mentioned, “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead忘記背後努力面前” (Philippians 3:13b). The second step is to “Lay down your pride 放下你自己的身段”.  This probably is the most difficult part in our life, as there are so many “I-centered” or “My-centered” things exist and are emphasized daily. The pride assumes us at a position above others and therefore, is used to judge others in our own favor. The last step is to “Life up your spirit and let God renew your mind daily提起你的精神,每天讓神更新你的心”.


The experience of Israelites at Marah in the wilderness illustrates the power of God in purifying “bitter” water into “sweet” one (Exodus 15:23-25). It also tells us that only God can do the purification of memories if we ask Him. In fact, He is the one who can give us a complete “NEW” self through His son Jesus Christ. This power of transformation is totally amazing. Therefore, my friends, do you want to experience His power? Then, come before Him and ask Him as He is the one who gives generously to all without finding fault.

“Appeal to the Undecided” Journal of Reflection 9/23/2012

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.


As the presidential and senator election intensifies, telephone survey of voters’ intention is also multiplying. Recently, a call came in to survey my wife about whom she shall be voting in this coming election. My wife told them, “I haven’t decided yet”. I don’t blame her as I myself am in the same boat. If you look at recent newspapers and internet, you will find that instead of addressing ideas of improving current economy, health care and other big problems, schemes of attacking personal character overshadow the purpose of election – to elect persons who have the moral integrity and true hearts to serve the community and the country. When everything is so cloudy and whomever you elect is not going to be ideal, it is really, really, difficult for one to decide. Last Friday night in our small group gathering, the subject of who will you be choosing came up and we talked briefly. My idea was we should be choosing the less evil one of the two (兩害取其輕) since we have no alternatives. May God give us His wisdom in this decision process!


Each day, we need to make many decisions. Because each decision would carry consequence accordingly, how does a person conclude in order for him to make that decision is always intriguing me. I always like to learn from others why they decide on certain things. For example, why one choose that kind of car, or that house, or that store for shopping, etc. Particularly, of interest to me is why he or she choose that religion.  For myself, my decision to be a Christian is a combination of personal “subjective experience (主觀的經歷)” and “objective evidence (客觀的證據)” from the Bible. It was a years-long process before I came to that decision. So, before that decision I was an undecided one too.


When prophet Elijah was on Mount Camel, he appealed to the undecided Israelites, by telling them: “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him.”, But the people said nothing. 你們心持兩意要到幾時呢‧若耶和華是 神,就當順從耶和華‧若巴力是神,就當順從巴力‧眾民一言不答‧(1 Kings 18:21)

The waver of the Israelites is because they couldn’t realize the fact that the LORD is God. They have been worshiping Baal for so many years, as king Ahab instituted. Not until the prophet Elijah called fire from the heaven to burn up the wet logs on the altar, they finally realize that Baal is a false God. This subjective experience from God’s miracle delivered by prophet Elijah, however, couldn’t sustain their faith in God long when Ahab and Jezebel (Ahab’s queen) started to fight back. Even prophet Elijah ran for his life too. Therefore, there is another very important element to become a “decided one” following God. It is the faith in God’s words and I called it “objective evidence”. When our belief is not rooted in God’s words, all our subjective experiences may crumble if tests and trials come.


Therefore, my friends, if God is true then follow Him. It may take you some time to come to that decision but please don’t wait. The sooner you reach that decision, the better you will enjoy the blessings from the Lord. May you become a decided one soon!

“A simple and happy life” Journal of reflection 9/16/2012

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.


Last week at my working place, my manager contacted me urgently to work on an inquiry from his manager. The elevated voice from my manager alerted me about a piece of datum that I provided previously. The event quickly snowballed and involved some of my colleagues. I was not a happy camper at that time and told my manger that it is my fault and I am the one should be blamed because I didn’t filter out the datum with caution after I received it. My manger told me that the event has been escalated to higher level and they are looking for a scapegoat, even though the datum was not from us originally. Ran into such a situation, I was not planning to defend it further since there is politics being played and besides, I should be partially blamed for my carelessness.


From this incident, I was thinking of the questions, “Why life has so many complications? Can we live a simple life and be happy?” Then another question came up to my mind, “Being under today’s net era is this even possible?” This lets me think of an insightful article from the net that I read before. It is a conversation between God and a man. In this article (partial excerpt):

The man asked God a question, “Tell me, why life has become complicated now?”

God answered, “Stop analyzing life. Just live it. Analysis is what makes it complicated.”

Then the man asked, “Why are we then constantly unhappy?

Your today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday. You are worrying because you are analyzing. Worrying has become your habit. That’s why you are not happy.” God responded.

Interesting thing is that as of today, we still couldn’t overcome the habits of analyzing and worrying about our daily life. That is reason our life has become hectic and complicated and no wonder we couldn’t live a simple and happy life. In order to “live” a happy life without complication, the Bible taught us that:

  1. We need to know who “the Lord of all” is and follow His commands closely.
  2. “.. Do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 不 要 為 生 命 憂 慮 吃 甚 麼 , 喝 甚 麼 ; 為 身 體 憂 慮 穿 甚 麼 。 生 命 不 勝 於 飲 食 麼 ? 身 體 不 勝 於 衣 裳 麼 ?” (Matthew 6:25)
  3. “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 你 們 要 先 求 他 的 國 和 他 的 義 , 這 些 東 西 都 要 加 給 你 們 了 。” (Matthew 6:33)

Ultimately, we have to realize that it is our Lord who provides, protects and propitiates us. Our life would become complicated and unhappy if we couldn’t put our Lord in the right place in our hearts and subsequently, we couldn’t set our priority correctly. My dear brothers and sisters, do you still fell that you life is hectic and complicated? “Why not live a simple and happy life by entrusting your life in God’s hand?” Hope you can ponder upon this with me…..

“Beyond the shore” Journal of Reflection 9/9/2012

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.


Last week my family had a chance to enjoy a good family time just before our kids’ high school starts. We stopped by a local pond to have a maiden voyage for our brand new inflatable canoe. Initially, my wife and kids are skeptical about its stability. After tried it out, they are all very pleased – it is stable and tracks well even with its lightweight. My wife and I thought this would be a good means for us to enjoy the Fall foliage later, in the lakes of course.  In my mind, I think it would be a great aid to my fishing hobby too.


I started the hobby of fishing about three years ago and I am always a shore-bounded fishing guy since then. I feel at ease and “safe” from the shore bank to cast it away, when I am fishing at local rivers and creeks. The drawback is when the fishing season starts; oftentimes it is hard to find a good spot at the shore bank to stand on where there are many people already around. This situation becomes even worse at ponds or lakes where they are more suitable for canoes and kayaks. Even though I still could try to cast out from the bank, I couldn’t move too far because of limited available spots. Eventually, I was tired of it and told myself that some day I should get a boat or something to go out there and fishing. This is a dream that I have: to go “beyond the shore”.


In view of my experience in fishing, I find it is interesting to reflect on my journey of faith too. There are two stages that I could remember: the fist stage is called “truth-seeking” stage and the second stage called “Sanctification” stage. I spent about 3 years in seeking, learning and experiencing the truth of Christianity before I accepted our Lord as my personal savior. In the fist stage, I learned that my sinful nature would under the wrath of God and I need the salvation from Him through our Lord.


In a similar fashion, in the 1st stage of fishing, I have to learn how to set up a fishing pole and what kind of lures and baits to use for different species of fish. Then, I tried all kinds of fishing gears and baits and lures to see what is working and what is not. Even though I am still learning but I have learned that in different locations and situations I need to use different baits and fishing gears for different species. This is the knowledge in the 1st stage of fishing that I have learned before it becomes one of my hobbies, which is the 2nd stage.


There is, however, a very important distinction between fishing and faith journey. The transition force between stages is quite different even though all of them “may” progress from the 1st stage to the 2nd stage. In the faith journey, it is the work of the Holy Spirit and grace of God that enable us to receive His son, Jesus Christ, as our personal savior and then become His children. However, it is based on personal excitement and enjoyment to keep the hobby of fishing.


Nevertheless, there are many people would decide to stay at the 1st stage without moving into the 2nd stage for both fishing and faith journey. I called them “shore-bounded” (using the terminology of fishing) because he / she don’t want to step out his / her comfort zone to experience a new life. This limits them to go beyond the shore and sees a very different picture of life. I still remember the verse from the very first Bible that I received as a gift. It is from the Gospel of John – Jesus indicates that, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. 我來了,是要叫羊﹝或作人﹞得生命,並且得的更豐盛‧ (John 10:10b)” Years later, I find that the verse is very true and I do hope that many of you could experience its fullness in the Lord.


My friends, are you still “shore-bounded” in your journey of faith? Then you should set up a goal to go beyond the shore quickly. Based on my own experience, I am sure that you will experience a life that is beyond your imagination. May God grant your wish!

“Are you blessed?” Journal of Reflection 9/2/2012

Disclaimer: The sharing is pure from my personal view; therefore, please don’t take it to be absolute. Thanks.


Last Saturday, many families of us got together to have a picnic BBQ at a local country club. It is a blessed day to have – good weather, good food, good fellowship and lots of friends and families together under tree shades. My heart was full of thanksgiving to see the blessings God had bestowed on us.


Oftentimes, a big event like this is likely to have glitches and mishaps. For example, if the weather were not co-operating, then the excitement of outdoor BBQ activity would be greatly reduced. If people we invited were not coming, then we would have too much food left. If not many people wanted to contribute foods, then our stomachs would be greatly disappointed. If any child fell or got hurt, we would be greatly distressed. If, ….if, ….. Therefore, apart from the enthusiasm and preparation of brothers and sisters, most importantly, it is God’s hand was upon this event. We are really blessed to have Him with us.


Talking about blessings, Chinese has a great desire in pursuing “福 – good fortune, happiness or luck”. This probably is because they have been a misfortune people from history :-).  On the surface, the pursuit of good fortune or happiness or luck in this world may not seem to be inappropriate. However, it is worthy to examine your intention. This lets me think of an insightful presentation from “The interview with God” that most of us probably already knew (courtesy: It starts from a dream of the author. I will try to give you an excerpt and you can complete it by yourself.

I dreamed I have an interview with God. “So you would like to interview me?” God asked.

If you have time,” I said.

My time is eternity, what questions do you have in mind for me?” God answered.

What surprises you most about humankind?” I asked

God answered, “That they get bored with childhood, they rush to grow up, and they long to be children again” “That they lose their health to make money, and then lose their money to restore their health.”  “That by thinking anxiously about the future, they forget the present, such that they live in neither the present nor the future.” “That they live as if they will never die, and die as though they had never lived.”

God’s hand took mine and we were silent for a while. And then I asked. As a parent, what are some of life’s lessons you want your children to learn?”

To learn they cannot make anyone love them. All they can do is let themselves be loved.”

To learn that it is not good to compare themselves to others.”

To learn to forgive by practicing forgiveness.”



Thank you for your time,” I said humbly. “Is there anything else you’d like your children to know?” God smiled and said, “Just know that I am here.” “Always.


Do you think you are blessed, my dear brothers and sisters? How do you know? The answer would be: I know it because the “Bible” tell me so.:-) In fact, the assurance of blessings is coming from God’s son, Jesus Christ because He is our propitiation for our sin. Because of Him, we were redeemed. That is why Fanny Crosby, when she authored the lyric of “Blessed assurance”, saying, “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!” May you have the same blessed assurance as Fanny!